Soft Orientation Interaction with Self
“Soft Orientation Interaction with Self”
“There is a Point to Separation”
“Acknowledge What You Dislike to Dissipate Its Importance”
Saturday, December 16, 2006 (Private)
Participants: Mary (Michael), Ben P (Sumarian)
ELIAS: Good afternoon!
BEN: Well, well, well. Finally, finally! (Elias chuckles) Hard to believe that I get here with all my stubbornness, isn’t it? (Elias laughs)
Wow. I have to relax for a couple seconds. Hope you’re not gonna jump off and bite my head off, huh? (Elias chuckles and Ben laughs) Anyway, I have a lot of stuff here that I wrote down on pages, but I don’t really want to read off papers, I just wanna talk about all kinds of stuff.
ELIAS: Very well.
BEN: And basically everything is related to what’s been obviously noticed in my reality, and this is like a really sudden shift in attention. And I’m pretty much sure it has to do with the shift, obviously, but there’s many issues that I’m not completely clear about what is involved in this change and... that’s what I wanna sort of talk about. And what I wanna do is talk about certain things that I’m noticing and then see how this all ties in with the direction, and maybe I can just understand myself better.
And what I’m actually finding out is, the reason that we discount ourselves so much and devalue ourselves is because basically we have no idea who we are. We have no awareness of our energy. We know ourselves very, very little. And when you don’t know yourself you end up not appreciating, because you can’t appreciate something that you don’t know anything about. And it’s always easier to appreciate something else: another individual, a little creature, nature. And now I’m sitting here and I’m saying, “I don’t know anything”! (Elias chuckles)
And this is what I wanna do, is become more familiar with myself, which I am doing in a way, I guess. And I was getting a lot of forty-three imagery over the past ten years, and I actually associated that with my age, which is forty-six now. Would that be a correct assessment... with that transition that actually has sort of begun to be inserted into my reality around the age forty-three? Or is that forty-three different imagery?
BEN: It is.
ELIAS: One moment. (Twenty-second pause as Mary coughs) Continue.
BEN: Let me start with some really simple stuff in regards to my essence families. My impressions are belonging probably to Sumari and aligning with Zuli, which is the physical family, -
ELIAS: Correct.
BEN: - the purple family. And it’s so obvious, these families in my reality, that it’s really amazing. I mean, once I became familiar with them it’s like I see them being expressed all the time. It’s absolutely fabulous. (Elias laughs) And my colors. I had impressions in regards to colors. I had some essence color, something with around crimson or maroon or some dark red, I’m not sure about that. Would that be correct?
ELIAS: Yes. Crimson.
BEN: Crimson. And focus color, I got orange-red one day.
BEN: I am! All right! (Both laugh) Orientation, obviously soft.
ELIAS: Correct.
BEN: And focus, I would say political.
ELIAS: Correct.
BEN: Wow. That’s a hell of a combination! (Elias laughs) That’s excellent, really. This is really appreciated by me. (Elias chuckles) I couldn’t have chosen any better. All right. (Laughs)
Anyway, I have some stuff regarding orientation, because I actually feel that its influence in my reality is pretty much noticed even more than any other influences like essence family and focus type. Let me give you an example: What happened in the summer between my country and our Lebanese neighbor, there was a little bit of a war which was a little bit intense, and I found myself reacting really, really extremely. And it got to the point where I had to leave the country after four weeks, and I’m trying to figure out why I was affected so much by all this. And this is what I want to find out.
It seems to me that it had a large part to do with my orientation, with the fact that I was actually aware of all this energy of fear and victimhood, and it got to the point where I just couldn’t filter it out and I sort of had to escape. So, could you actually enlighten me about what was going on there?
ELIAS: That would be associated with your orientation. That is not unusual, especially in intensities of energies. That can be quite overwhelming, for the soft orientation connects quite easily to their environment and the energy around them, and even energy that may not necessarily be in physical proximity. It is not unusual for an individual of this orientation to experience energies that can be overwhelming, even if they are not within physical proximity of occurrences. If they are aware of the occurrences, they experience them much more personally than the other orientations do.
BEN: Yeah. Why was that personalization of everything? It’s like I couldn’t distinguish between my energy and what was happening around me. And it was like it actually felt like all this is happening to me, and it was just a little bit too much.
ELIAS: Yes. This is not unusual with the soft orientation, for you generate an automatic and natural awareness in experiencing yourself as not separated from your world.
BEN: Yeah, obviously.
ELIAS: Therefore, many times a soft individual does not distinguish between their own energy and all of the energies around them, for you automatically generate that interconnectedness. You experience that interconnectedness, and therefore you also FEEL the energy that is being projected and mingle that with your own.
This is the reason many times that individuals of this orientation somewhat require time frameworks in which they can generate alone time to filter out all of the other energies and to be interactive with self.
Individuals of the other orientations many times perceive a soft individual as creating isolation, at times, of themselves. In actuality, these time frameworks for a soft individual are almost necessary, for it allows the individual to generate an interaction with self.
Now; interacting with self and generating an awareness of self are different. Paying attention to self is one action. And in that, that action is one that - as you are aware - I strongly suggest that all individuals do continuously. But interacting with self for a soft individual is a different action.
Generally speaking, this is a time framework in which the individual is not interactive with other individuals and generates some action that they can be involved with but not necessarily be thinking, such as reading [a] book and becoming very involved in the story; for in that, you generate associations with yourself. You are not necessarily THINKING of those associations, but you are assimilating. You are interacting with yourself and not with any other individual, and you are filtering out other energies to calm your own energy.
BEN: So that would be the same as playing a musical instrument -
ELIAS: - like the guitar or the drums that I do? It’s really liberating.
ELIAS: Yes. Any action that you can engage that involves only you but you are participating with, that is an action in which you are interactive with self. Some individuals enjoy watching films. Some individuals may engage some action of creativity. Some individuals may be generating a musical action or dancing. But whatever the action is, it is not actually involving what you would classify as another living manifestation.
Therefore, a distinction: gardening would not be an interaction with self, for the individual would be interacting with another living manifestation. Therefore there is an output of energy by the soft individual to the living manifestation.
When soft individuals are interacting with self, they are not interacting with other living manifestations. They are moving their attention in a total interaction of self, and one that is pleasurable and satisfying, one that they can relax and be comfortable with.
Now; I will express that there are many, many, many soft individuals, almost most soft individuals, [that] do incorporate some type of creature, and they generate a comfort in knowing that the creature is PRESENT within these alone time frameworks but do not necessarily want to be continuously interactive with the creature. The creature merely provides a calming energy which reinforces the soft individual in that alone time, for the point is to be generating a calming energy with self.
BEN: Okay. So regarding this constant interaction that soft individuals usually have, I understood that it does not necessarily imply a physical proximity kind of interaction.
ELIAS: Correct. And it does not necessarily imply that it is with another individual.
BEN: Basically with living energy. That’s what I -
BEN: So for example, a walk on the beach would be considered some kind of interaction with living energy.
BEN: And I can regard that as a constant interaction.
ELIAS: Yes. You are correct.
BEN: Now, is the fact that I have a constant awareness of almost all the people I’ve ever met or known…they seem to be present in some way in my awareness, not even necessarily in terms of thinking. But it’s like I can never be actually alone. I mean, I have these things popping up and I actually see ‘em all the time. Would that be anything to do with my orientation as well?
ELIAS: Yes. But you can actually filter that out if you are so choosing.
BEN: Yeah, I haven’t managed to do that yet. I mean -
ELIAS: It is a matter of attention and being more directing of your attention, focusing your attention in different directions. Such as practicing with focusing your attention upon physical senses, or practicing with focusing your attention upon the physical body consciousness, or your energy field. That distracts your attention away from other energies that are not you.
BEN: It should actually be quite easy for me to do that, because being a Zuli aligned I have a really, really strong awareness of my physical body type, and actually it’s a really great communicator. So that would be a good example sort of to be physically more focused?
BEN: And is there any point in actually trying to distinguish between my energy and someone else’s? Because it seems like it would sort of perpetuate separation, and sometimes it seems like it’s not the point.
ELIAS: Let me clarify. There is a point to recognizing that there actually is no separation, but there also is a point TO separation. It is not that separation is bad. It serves an important function and purpose, in that it allows you to hold to your identity, it allows you to create within the blueprint of this reality, it allows you not to be confused or overwhelmed or lost in the vastness of yourself, for you continue to hold the strength of your individuality, and that is influenced by separation.
There also is a benefit to generating some expressions of separation in some situations. Such as, if you are experiencing overwhelm with other energies, it may be beneficial to generate a separation between your own energy and other energies. It may also be beneficial at times to incorporate an awareness of the difference between your own energy and other energies. Not that they do not mingle, but to allow yourself to understand what YOU are actually generating and what may be generated by another individual.
At times, individuals become too absolute in relation to energies, and either becoming TOO separated and not recognizing the reflection that other individuals are projecting to them, or being too separated in themself and viewing every expression that is generated by ANY other individual or circumstance as being only their own, which can cause conflict in either scenario.
Therefore it can be beneficial to examine separation, recognizing that yes, in actuality you are interconnected with all of consciousness, you are interconnected with every essence that manifests within your reality, you are interconnected with all of your universe; it is all a projection of you. But you also are not alone.
BEN: Obviously! (Laughs)
ELIAS: There are other essences and other manifestations that project energy also.
BEN: All right. I have some impressions regarding orientations about... Is there anybody in my immediate family that is soft? I would think not.
ELIAS: (Pause) No.
BEN: I actually have an impression that they are all common. Would that be correct?
BEN: Wow. That’s great! (Both laugh) No wonder!
Now, I had three really good friends a couple of years ago, and one day it hit me that I actually drew each individual from each orientation to sort of figure out and see what these three orientations are like. And - do I have to mention the names? It’s actually like I had one soft individual, one common and one intermediate. And it was quite amazing actually to see the difference in languages, and I think I offered a lot of information in that period.
ELIAS: I would agree.
BEN: I have a question regarding a specific individual - one of those three which I’m really, really, really close with - and that would be the soft individual named [name omitted]. Now, obviously we’ve shared a lot of focuses, and I was wondering: is there anything else except the familiarity of energy that I’m not aware of, in regards to this individual?
ELIAS: Counterpart.
BEN: Counterpart. What, throughout this focus?
BEN: Is it ...?
BEN: It is? Could you express how many focuses do I share with this individual?
ELIAS: (Pause) Seventy-nine.
BEN: Seventy-nine. Wow, wow. That’s really intense. And he is soft?
BEN: So pretty much my impressions regarding orientations are accurate, I would say.
Um, let’s see what I wanna talk about. Let’s change topic a bit, and I wanna talk a little more generally about things I’ve been noticing ever since I was a kid. Obviously I have some elements of myself that I find distasteful, not appealing, unacceptable. And I’ve been aware of that from probably a little boy, from seven or eight years old. And I’ve probably translated that into a distasteful physical appearance or something that I don’t appreciate in a physical manner. And that would probably be my Zuli alignment.
And what I always wondered is, what are these things that I have found always that are unacceptable? Because I really have no idea what they are. I mean, for the most part I appreciate myself tremendously, and when it comes to physical appearance it’s like “No, it’s not enough,” and obviously this is physical imagery. It’s reflecting something that I find unacceptable. And what is that?
ELIAS: What do YOU view in physical appearance that is unacceptable?
BEN: Well, obviously I’ve chosen a male body appearance. And it’s obvious in my perception that I’m not perfectly representing the male, you know, Adonis type of figure. And even energy-wise I think, I’m almost quite sure that I have sort of a mix of female and male energy in my expression, which obviously reflects itself through my body. Am I getting close here?
ELIAS: Yes. And what is wrong with that?
BEN: Well, nothing! (Elias laughs) Nothing in theory, but especially being very appreciative of aesthetic beauty, I say, “Hey, I’m not the best looking guy.” And you know we have all these how you should be, and how you should present yourself, and it creates a lot of conflict. And the funny thing is, this is - I don’t know if I can mention this here, but I have created sort of like a little shrine in regards to a certain part of my body that’s associated with the male body, and it’s sort of been almost like the focal point of my unappealing physical representation.
And that’s obviously a choice. And I was wondering what is behind all this?
ELIAS: Let me express to you, my friend. First of all, remember: you create what you concentrate upon. In that, what is very influencing of perception is attention, and what is very influencing of attention is importance.
BEN: Importance.
ELIAS: Therefore, if some expression becomes important, you continue to pay attention to it and you continue to feed energy. And if you continue to feed energy, you concentrate. And in concentration, you influence perception, and perception creates it.
Importance is not necessarily expressed in “positive” manners. You can dislike some expression intensely or for an extended time framework, and the dislike of the expression becomes important. And therefore you continue to pay attention to the dislike. And the more you pay attention to the dislike -
BEN: It becomes more important.
BEN: Oh, that’s a vicious circle.
ELIAS: And the more important it becomes, the more you concentrate upon it, and the more you concentrate upon it the more you feed perception, and that is precisely what you create.
Therefore, when I express to individuals that it is important to ACKNOWLEDGE what you create - not that you embrace some expression or manifestation that you do not like; that is ludicrous. That denies your genuineness. What you do not like is associated with what is NOT a preference of yours.
It is not a matter of changing your dislike into a like; it is a matter of ACKNOWLEDGING what you dislike and therefore dissipating its importance, for if it becomes less important you do not concentrate upon it.
BEN: And therefore it’s sort of - then there’s a chance to get off the hamster wheel with this issue.
BEN: Because if I actually view my focus, this is the only thing that’s actually, at least in my perception, been limiting me in all kinds of ways. And I’m pretty much aware of the way it limits, and I’ve sort of come to accept that. Would that be correct like in terms of percentage? This is like THE thing in my focus that is annoying?
ELIAS: This would be the strongest expression, yes.
Let me offer you a hypothetical example: An individual may view their physical appearance and may incorporate considerable work to generate a particular appearance. But in that, the individual may actually be exhausting themself, and not genuinely appreciating all of the work that they generate to achieve a particular appearance.
Now; that same individual may eventually, in your terms, “give up” and stop generating all of the work that they have incorporated for an extended time framework. And in that giving up, they stop opposing themself. And in stopping opposing themself, they begin to generate a genuine acceptance, and in that become comfortable with themself. And in that comfort, they actually generate a more attractive appearance. For in the continuous work in the attempt to alter their appearance, they are generating an opposing energy of themself, and they are generating a tremendous importance upon how their appearance in itself is NOT acceptable.
BEN: And that perpetuates the cycle forever.
ELIAS: Correct.
BEN: So -
ELIAS: But when the individual becomes fatigued (Ben laughs) with this work and chooses to stop, they stop opposing themself. They allow themself to appear as the energy that they project - not the camouflage. And in that, the individual becomes attractive in the manner that they were seeking for such a time framework in attempting to alter themself.
BEN: So, let me get this. Actually, I’ve been noticing lately that sometimes when I view my physical appearance, it is becoming more appealing to me although I’m not doing anything. And it hit me that actually I’m partially accomplishing what you’ve just expressed.
ELIAS: It is not that you are not DOING anything. You are. You are changing perception.
BEN: Right. But not forcing my energy to create something that I think is ideal, opposing my actual expression. So that is a true impression when I actually view myself and things seem to be different, with actually no outward intentional act?
ELIAS: Right.
BEN: Oh. Well, so I’m doing good! (Elias laughs heartily) Let me see. About this energy that I mentioned before, I feel like I have a certain draw to ... that is, a mixture of male and female energy that is sometimes confusing to individuals, especially sexually. It’s like I’m projecting a kind of energy that’s not necessarily male and not necessarily female, although I do have a male body. Is that assessment accurate?
BEN: It is? That would explain the confusion sometimes people feel with my energy. (Elias chuckles and Ben laughs) Now why -
ELIAS: But the more comfortable YOU are with your energy, and the more satisfied you are with your energy, the less confused other individuals will be.
BEN: Oh, so that’s a reflection of a little bit of my confusion still. I’m finding out also that I’ve always had a tremendous draw and a preference for young energy. Most of my friends are young, either kids or teenagers. Obviously that’s a preference, but is there anything like a slight influence of like maybe aging beliefs, that I prefer maybe a little bit younger energy because of all kinds of fear of aging, something like that, to keep me young?
My impression is that it’s very slight. My main impression is that actually it’s a preference for young energy that’s less expressive of societal beliefs, that’s more spontaneous, and that’s how I view myself.
BEN: Is that correct?
ELIAS: Yes. You are correct. I would express to you in assessment of your energy presently, there is very little associated with aging.
BEN: Very little? Wow. All right. Okay.
Now, what has happened with interactions is really, really strange. I’m a very interactive person, and I find myself in the last couple of years moving away from many, many, many interactions; they’ve become boring, they’ve become mundane. And I said, “Obviously, okay, I’m turning my attention to myself, and this is probably a temporary situation.” And I’m asking, is it temporary?
ELIAS: Yes. And also recognize that as you are widening your awareness and becoming more aware of self, you are changing, -
BEN: Obviously.
ELIAS: - and your perception is changing. And in that, your preferences change. And as your preferences change, you also may transition into different directions and different types of interactions.
BEN: I’m obviously aware of the fact that I want new types of interactions. Of course it’s a little bit difficult to actually define them, because they’re sort of unfamiliar. I know what they’re not.
ELIAS: Correct.
BEN: That’s very obvious.
ELIAS: Correct. And you are opening the door to move into new areas, new interactions, and experimenting - for you are aware of what you do not want.
BEN: Oh yeah. (Laughs)
ELIAS: And that is helpful in discovering what you do want.
BEN: Yeah. Because actually pinpointing what I want is a little bit difficult because it’s unfamiliar and it actually sometimes looks like a contradiction, identifying an unfamiliar direction using a familiar perception and familiar beliefs, although we are widening.
ELIAS: Correct.
BEN: So it’s sort of like walking in the dark a bit and -
ELIAS: But that does change, for you are widening, you are becoming more aware objectively, and therefore you also present new to yourself. And many expressions are not merely unfamiliar, they are unknown.
BEN: Exactly. (Ben laughs and Elias chuckles) Right. And identifying an unknown expression is basically, logically, it doesn’t make sense. But it’s possible. (Elias chuckles)
ELIAS: An unknown is some expression that you have not experienced yet.
BEN: Right. But I can actually find unknown experiences that exist. For example, bungee jumping. But that’s not what I want. I don’t want to experience things that are familiar and I’ve not experienced. I want to experience things that I can’t even define at the moment.
ELIAS: THAT is what I am speaking of.
BEN: Oh. All right.
ELIAS: Unknowns that are entirely unknown. (Both laugh)
BEN: There’s one thing we didn’t touch yet. I had an impression regarding my intent one day as I was sort of meddling with my life, and the word “exposure” jumped out. And I said, “There has to be something with exposure in my intent and exposure with interactions,” but I couldn’t really get it any more clearer than that. Am I anywhere close to the definition?
ELIAS: (Pause) Somewhat. I would express that your intent is associated with an exploration of exposure in how it is affecting of yourself or individuals in general, and what it does.
BEN: You mean how it affects other people as they expose themselves, as I expose myself to them?
ELIAS: And what occurs.
BEN: Oh, I guess I use my irritable part of my personality to actually trigger that many times. (Elias laughs) Because I’m quite irritating many times, especially with my family and to basically everyone (Elias laughs), and that’s excellent. That would be one of my methods to actually expose people.
BEN: Oh. So I’m really doing a good job here! (Both laugh)
Now; I got communications during the summer, with all this war between Lebanon and Israel, about relocating. I already said that this energy does not resonate with me anymore. Now, is there any accuracy to these translations, or is this just a general want of change?
ELIAS: Both.
BEN: Both. So it’s up to me to sort of figure out where this new area is, because I don’t really actually don’t have any idea.
ELIAS: Ah! Presenting to yourself your treasure hunt!
BEN: Right.
ELIAS: And the treasure hunt is involving energy. Pay attention to your energy, and pay attention to your impressions, and pay attention to the energy that is expressed in different locations. And in that, you can discern what locations you resonate with in relation to the energy.
BEN: That would require actually a physical presence in these areas, for the most part.
ELIAS: Perhaps, but not entirely.
BEN: Let me offer an example: I got a couple of impressions regarding the state of Hawaii that just popped up, and I was sort of joking, “Hey, I’m just not gonna get up and move.” But they came more than once and I was talking…Is that an example of a valid impression?
BEN: So what I’m sensing is that most of my impressions, for the most part, are accurate.
BEN: And I’m just sort of, in a way, maybe dismissing, saying, “Well, maybe it’s not this, maybe it’s not that.”
ELIAS: THAT is a very common action, to be ignoring or dismissing impressions. But they are valid, and they are very real. And when you trust them AND when you allow yourself to act in conjunction with them, you surprise yourself at what ease you generate.
BEN: So it’s a matter of trust.
BEN: Bottom line.
BEN: Just go out there on the cliff and...
ELIAS: Many times individuals ignore their impressions as a method to test and to encourage themselves to trust their impressions, for they become validated.
Generally speaking, when you follow your impressions, you move easily and smoothly. When you do not follow your impressions, some action, some event, some experience generally will occur in which you will express disappointment or frustration with yourself, and expressing, “I KNEW that-”
BEN: In retrospect.
ELIAS: - “and I did not pay attention.”
BEN: Oh yeah. That’s probably why I felt like I should have left a lot earlier during this war, and I said, “Well, I can’t just run away; you have to stay here,” and that was like a really good example of ignoring my impression. Which I heeded at the end, of course...
ELIAS: And you become overwhelmed.
BEN: Oh yeah! That was very overwhelming. I probably have some association with running away from things. That’s regarded as a weakness, and I don’t wanna be perceived as weak.
I have a really funny question: I’ve noticed that I rarely ever receive judgment, criticism from anyone. And I’ve actually gone to great lengths to create that criticism by irritating people (Elias chuckles), and it’s almost ludicrous that I’m actually wanting this, because it seems normal. And I say to myself, “Either you’re amazing…”, which I probably am (Elias laughs loudly), but this is strange, or I’m a perfect blocker of all these expressions. So, what is going on here? (Elias chuckles) Really. I mean, I know really I’m quite an individual, but some criticism, something from someone!
ELIAS: And why do you require this?
BEN: Well, to feel normal so I won’t... (laughs). No, I don’t require it. It just seemed - I thought I was blocking expressions out of the mere fact that maybe I discount myself so good that I don’t really need anybody else to do it, that I’m a master at that.
BEN: It’s not. I just don’t reflect that because - but this is what bugs me. If I had a certain perception of myself, I would think it would reflect itself outwardly.
ELIAS: At times. Not necessarily always. For this is the reason that I have expressed many times: do not look to your feelings to be an indicator of what energy you are projecting, for you may be generating many different types of feelings within you, but it is what you are DOING that is the indicator of your energy.
You may be generating feelings within yourself of distress, frustration, even anger. But you may also be addressing to that within yourself. Therefore you are not necessarily projecting that type of energy, for you are addressing to it within you, and it is not necessary for you to reflect it to yourself, for you are already presenting it to yourself. You are already aware, and therefore you may be projecting an energy that is quite neutral.
BEN: I see. All right. I have a few physical questions, some short physical questions. What is going with my eyesight lately that is - sometimes I focus, sometimes I’m not focusing. I thought it had to do with aging, but maybe it has to do with something else. I just don’t see clearly sometimes.
ELIAS: Attention.
BEN: This is reflective of my attention? What, is it a lack of concentrated attention. It’s just like a scattering?
ELIAS: Yes. At times you are merely not focusing.
BEN: It’s like for the past couple of months, so it’s like a period where I’m a bit more scattered, maybe offering too much information and not assimilating everything. Oh, so it’s not an aging thing?
BEN: And like the left wrist pain I had for a while, I associated with familiar expressions being a little bit uncomfortable, and that eventually disappeared. Was I actually right about that?
BEN: How can I be right about everything? (Elias laughs) I’m telling you, this is really, really surprising!
ELIAS: Let me express to you my friend: Generally speaking, all of you, in your terms, are right MOST of the time. It is merely a matter of whether you pay attention or not, and whether you actually assimilate that or whether you ignore it.
BEN: Ignoring is easy. Just rationalize it away and look for outward sources of information.
ELIAS: Correct.
BEN: Oh! I want to ask a couple of things. I assume I’ve actually noticed your energy quite a number of times.
BEN: And one really obvious one was coming through one of my co-workers in the office. One day when I was leaving work, I actually saw a really strange expression that is not his. So that would probably be you sort of waving at me. (Elias nods) All right, that was really great! (Elias laughs)
And I had another really nice one, with a little small blue piece of something shiny, rolling in front of me as I’m walking on the beach. It actually felt like somebody was walking with me and, you know, escorting me. So that impression is correct as well?
BEN: Oh. That’s excellent. (Elias chuckles) Well, you’re invited anyway to come as often as you want.
ELIAS: And I thank you! (Laughs)
BEN: I’m just picking on certain small points I have here. I have this, for example, an annoying feeling over the weekends that I cannot explain, except that it is like a tapping into mass energy around me. For example, like a feeling of slight anxiety. It comes and goes. Is that associated with my perception and beliefs, or is this picking up on what I call “weekend energy”?
ELIAS: It would be tapping into other energies, collective energies.
BEN: And the fact that when I wake up in the mornings, I have a slight feeling of anxiety. This is really strange. This is almost like a disappointment that I’ve returned to objective imagery upon waking up in the morning. And I can’t really figure that out. What is that?
ELIAS: Many times when you are incorporating your sleep state, you engage projections in adventures - even at times interdimensionally. You do not necessarily incorporate an objective memory, for you are not actually engaging the objective awareness in these adventures. But in that, remember: the objective and the subjective are connected, and they move in harmony.
Therefore, generating exciting explorations in one direction may temporarily affect the other awareness in a type of disappointment, which is temporary, which would be quite associated with your personality and what we discussed in association with young energy. It is a very similar expression. Children express disappointment if they are engaging fun and they are influenced to stop. (Both laugh)
BEN: I assume I’m a final focus, right? Hopefully.
BEN: And that would probably explain a little bit of some tiredness once in awhile, or some lack of motivation or wanting maybe to just move on.
ELIAS: Not necessarily. As I have expressed many times, this is an association that many individuals generate, but it is not actually accurate. It is more associated with each individual and what they are generating.
If you overwhelm yourself with energy, it is very likely that you will become fatigued. If you overwhelm yourself with energy, it is very likely that you can experience periods of time in which you are unmotivated, for you are overwhelmed.
If you are not allowing yourself enough time frameworks of interaction with self you can become overwhelmed, and that can create fatigue or anxiety or lack of motivation. If you are THINKING excessively, that can create fatigue and lack of motivation, in addition to a considerable list of other manifestations that it can produce.
BEN: I usually don’t regard myself as a constant thinker.
ELIAS: But it is not necessarily a matter of being a constant thinker. You may incorporate a brief time framework in which you are engaging that action, or you may be engaging an overwhelm with energy. Or you may be engaging an overwhelm in not allowing yourself enough time to be interactive with self.
There are many different expressions that can create an overwhelm, which is not necessarily an extreme, but enough to create a lack of motivation temporarily, or fatigue.
BEN: All right. I think we have to wrap it up in a minute. But I wanted to sum up - it seems to me like I’m doing pretty good here, shifting and widening myself. I know it’s an acknowledgment which is seen as arrogant, but I am!
ELIAS: I am NOT expressing that you are expressing arrogance at all! I am acknowledging of you also. And I am acknowledging that YOU are acknowledging yourself.
BEN: All right. So basically everything’s fine. So we can continue to interact, I guess, futurely. This is really intense, physical proximity like this. This is excellent.
ELIAS: (Laughs) And you have discovered that I actually will not bite you.
BEN: Well, that’s good to know!
ELIAS: (Laughs loudly) Very well, my friend. I express great encouragement to you to continue and incorporate great fun, not overwhelm.
BEN: Yeah, I will. (Elias chuckles)
ELIAS: In tremendous appreciation of you, in dear friendship and in great lovingness, au revoir.
(Elias departs after 1 hour and 1 minute)
Copyright 2006 Mary Ennis, All Rights Reserved.