Friday, December 24, 1999
© 2000 (Private/Phone)
Participants: Mary (Michael), and a new participant,
Frank (Ulra).
Elias arrives at 10:21 AM. (Arrival time is 23 seconds)
ELIAS: Good morning!
FRANK: Good morning!
ELIAS: (Chuckling) And you have inquiries this day?
FRANK: Yes, several. I guess the first question that I’d
like to ask you is my essence name and family and orientation. (Pause)
ELIAS: Essence name, Ulra; U-L-R-A (ool’ra); essence family, Sumafi;
alignment in this focus, Gramada; orientation in this focus, common.
FRANK: Okay, and what is my intent in this focus? (Pause)
ELIAS: The intent that you hold in this particular focus may be
identified with one word, and this would be “challenge.”
Your intent moves in the direction of not merely challenging yourself,
but also offering objective challenging to other individuals, to be spurring
other individuals in the direction of thought and evaluation, to be offering
information and situations, experiences ... many different types of expressions
in conjunction with other individuals that may challenge them in different
areas of their focuses.
It may be challenging them in relation to the talents that they hold
individually, or to be encouraging of intellectual or emotional stimulation.
Some aspects of your offering of challenge moves in the direction of incorporating
spirituality, but in the sense of the incorporation of actual spirituality,
not in the direction of religious expressions; but the incorporation of
all of the individual and all of their expressions as the sum of their
spirituality, not merely that which may be identified within your belief
systems as nonphysical elements of their consciousness.
Therefore, in this focus, you have offered to yourself many challenges
that you may translate with other individuals, and this may be helpful
to you in allowing you an efficiency in your offering with other individuals.
This moves in conjunction also with this shift in consciousness as individuals
move into a noticing of energy and allow themselves a wider awareness in
recognizing the qualities and expressions of consciousness. In this,
you offer a spark, so to speak, with yourself and with other individuals,
to be moving in this direction of noticing.
FRANK: Hmm. Okay. Well, that’s very interesting, because
that’s one of the things that I think about a lot, is developing myself
in the spiritual area, and I feel like I’m not really getting anywhere.
Can you comment on that?
ELIAS: Now; you have inquired of your intent, which I offer to
you an explanation of the overall direction of your individual intent.
Be recognizing that although you may identify what your choice of intent
is in a particular focus, this is not to say that you do not create obstacles
within your expressions of your focus in that intent.
But this is purposeful also, for in offering yourself obstacles, you
may allow yourself to objectively view what you are creating and the movement
that you incorporate, and in this, you also allow yourself more of an expression
of your intent subsequently as you allow yourself to remove these obstacles
or limitations, and in that action, you may be more objectively beneficial
in your interaction with other individuals.
In this, you may allow yourself to widen your awareness as to the definition
of spirituality. Within this time framework presently — and this
shall continue temporarily futurely — there is a movement within consciousness,
objectively and subjectively, in conjunction with this shift, to be redefining
certain terms within your languages that align strongly with aspects of
belief systems that are limited.
In this, spirituality is a term that also holds many attachments in
beliefs. There is much separation which is associated with this word
of spirituality, and in conjunction with your intent, you move in the direction
of challenging yourself in redefining this term of spirituality to be incorporating
less separation and more of an awareness of essence, and of consciousness
For in actuality, the expression of spirituality is the expression of
acceptance of self in its entirety, incorporating no separation of any
element of self, but allowing a harmonious free flow of energy within what
you identify as physical and nonphysical elements of yourself — those elements
of yourself that may be identified as tangible and intangible, solid and
not solid.
For spirituality is not an element that is outside of you. It
is also not an element that occupies merely one area within you; one spot,
so to speak, within you. It is the totality of you in all of your
expressions, all of your behaviors; your entire manifestation, incorporating
all elements of consciousness together without separation.
Therefore, your beliefs become challenged, as this eliminates the thoughts
and philosophies of any type of separation into “planes,” into expressions
of “higher self,” or essence as different or removed from yourself in this
It also eliminates degrees of expressions of consciousness in more or
less, for you automatically move in the direction of expression that physical
manifestations in physical dimensions are “less than” or “not as enlightened
as” all of essence, therefore creating a distinction that all of essence
is some expression which is different than the expression that you experience
within the focus. But I express to you that all of essence IS expressed
within the focus. They may not be separated.
Therefore, you encounter certain elements of difficulties presently
in your movement and exploration of consciousness merely for the reason
that you are challenging yourself in the area of redefining the meaning
of spirituality itself, and as you allow yourself to widen your awareness
and continue in openness, you shall be defining this term differently,
and therefore allowing yourself to be removing certain limitations and
obstacles in conjunction with this idea of spirituality. Are you
FRANK: Yes, I think so. Basically, if I understand you correctly,
you’re saying that I need to eliminate the idea that there are divisions
within my essence and that somehow I’m separated from the nonphysical parts
of me.
ELIAS: Correct.
FRANK: Okay. What would be the one thing I should do right
now to move in that direction?
ELIAS: Allow yourself the awareness of all of your expressions.
Allow yourself an objective noticing. This is an invaluable tool.
Presently there is tremendous movement in consciousness which is associated
with this shift, and in this movement, there are many different angles,
so to speak, which may be presenting themselves in allowing you to be objectively
holding more of an awareness of your reality, and the most beneficial expression
that you may be incorporating presently is to be allowing yourself to be
It is quite easy within your physical focus to be noticing of the behaviors
and the creations and expressions of other individuals, and I am not expressing
to you that you not be noticing of these expressions also. But I
AM expressing to you that you shall allow yourself tremendous benefit as
you turn your attention to self and notice YOUR expressions and creations
and behaviors.
Now; the challenge in this situation is to be allowing yourself to be
noticing your automatic responses — in conjunction with other individuals
— that you do NOT notice. There are many expressions and behaviors
that are created so very automatically that they escape your objective
noticing quite regularly.
Therefore, in response to your question of what you may be incorporating
in efficiency presently in this particular direction of the challenging
of yourself in conjunction with your definition of spirituality and of
self, I express to you to be noticing.
FRANK: Okay. So in particular, what you’re talking about
here is, I suppose, a situation where someone does something, and maybe
I automatically get irritated about it. Is that the sort of thing
you’re talking about?
ELIAS: You may not necessarily create irritation. There
are other responses that are quite subtle, as you may identify them, and
may not be expressed through an emotional response, and this creates a
situation which is more difficult for your noticing.
It is easier, so to speak, in your objective perception, to be noticing
those expressions that you offer in automatic responses as you accompany
your response with an emotional quality such as frustration or irritation
or cheerfulness. Any expression that you create which you allow an
association with an emotion, so to speak, may be easily identified.
But there are many expressions that are created objectively — and behaviors
that are created objectively — that you do not necessarily accompany with
an emotion, and these are automatic responses that are objectively more
difficult to be noticing within your physical focus, and they ARE automatic
Think to yourself of time frameworks in which you may be interactive
with another individual — this may be an individual within your family
or it may be another individual; it matters not — in which they may be
interactive with you, and as you may appear to be listening to their offering
of exchange, in actuality you may merely be engaging your outer sense of
hearing, but are not necessarily incorporating the information which is
You are not creating an emotional response, and in objective appearances,
it seems that you are participating in the interaction, and you may even
camouflage to the point of convincing yourself that you are participating
to an extent.
But if you are allowing yourself to be noticing, you shall also allow
yourself the recognition that within the moment, in the now, you are not
offering presence in conjunction with the interaction objectively with
the other individual.
You may be occupying your attention in other directions which may not
even be an expression of the now ...
FRANK: An expression of what?
ELIAS: The now.
FRANK: Okay.
ELIAS: ... but a projection into an anticipation of future or
a recalling of past events, and drawing your attention to the past evaluations
or the anticipation of the future events, and not holding your attention
within the now and the interaction which is occurring between yourself
and the other individual.
Now; this holds significance, for I shall express to you, do not fool
yourself into the thought process that the other individual does not hold
an awareness, for they do. Within energy, you all in the moment know
if you are participating with another individual and they are participating
with you, or whether you are projecting interaction and it is being repelled
by another individual.
You create this action, and all other individuals create this action
also. Therefore, you all hold an awareness of this creation as you
allow yourselves to be recognizing what you are creating in the moment,
in the now.
But this is what I am expressing to you in allowing yourself to pay
attention and be noticing of automatic responses that are much more subtle
to your objective awareness, for there is an automatic movement of your
attention in drifting away from the now.
FRANK: Okay. I guess next, I’d like to talk about some of
my belief systems.
ELIAS: You may.
FRANK: The first one I guess I would like to ask you about is,
what beliefs are preventing me from making as much money as I want to?
ELIAS: (Chuckling) This is a very commonly held aspect of
beliefs which you also hold underlyingly, and this is the expression of
nobility — in hard work, effort, and to an extent, an incorporation of
struggle that may be objectively viewed by other individuals.
Now; this offers many different expressions of payoffs.
In the alignment with this aspect of belief systems, there are also
automatic expressions that may be incorporated in moments that they may
be viewed as beneficial objectively. For in one respect, you want
objectively to be creating of an expression of more affluence, so to speak,
in financial expressions. But you also move in the direction of expressing
— without verbalizing, so to speak, but expressing — that it is good and
noble, as an example to other individuals, that affluence not come to you
too easily. (Chuckling)
This instills, within your beliefs, an ethic which you view to be valuable.
In this, as you allow yourself to be examining your abilities in actuality
— recognizing that you may be creating of any element within your reality
that you are so choosing and that it need not incorporate struggle, and
that in creating with ease, you are no less noble, and in this, that any
element within your reality that you offer to yourself, you have chosen
to be creating, and that in hard work, so to speak, you are no better of
an individual than you may be in the expression of ease — you see within
your beliefs [that] your thought process moves in the direction of incorporating
new ideas which express to you that it is quite acceptable to be creating
effortlessly and with ease, and that you may be manifesting any element
of your reality that you are so choosing quite easily.
But you also incorporate beliefs which are reinforced through mass belief
systems which are quite strong, and this moves quite nicely in conjunction
with our discussion of automatic responses, for you may express to yourself
the want to be creating effortlessly in the area of financial gain and
that you shall allow yourself an acceptance of ease in this particular
subject matter, but simultaneous to your thought process in this direction,
you also are projecting energy as an example to other individuals that
defines your identification of ethics — that it is worthy and good to be
incorporating work to be attaining what you desire.
Therefore, as this is the belief and as you are not yet allowing yourself
to be noticing the objective expressions that you project outwardly, this
is the center of your concentration. This is the area in which you
hold your concentration, not in your objective thought process.
Therefore, the belief wills out, so to speak, (chuckling) and it is
what is creating of your manifestations, for it is filtered through your
perception, and your perception is creating of your reality.
FRANK: Okay. Very interesting. Does this result in
physical problems as well, this conflict?
ELIAS: At times, of which once again I shall be encouraging of
you to be noticing of automatic responses and the direction of your attention,
for as you are creating automatic responses in different directions, you
also create a tension within your energy, and at times that tension within
your energy creates physical affectingness.
FRANK: Okay. I have two specific physical problems that
perhaps you could comment on. One is a problem with allergies, and
the other is a digestive problem. Could you maybe discuss those in
terms of my beliefs and what may be causing them?
Now; the one, of what you identify as digestive, this is directly related
in expression to what we are discussing — this tensing of energy and holding
to your energy in what you view as an element of control of self, and this
is an automatic expression that you create.
In any situation, in any moment, in any encounter in which you hold
difference to what is occurring, as you identify difference in your perception
or difference in your opinion, you create an automatic response in tension,
and in that tension, you also are creating an energy which affects within
this particular expression, that which you identify as digestive.
Now; this is not to say that you are physically allowing yourself a
noticing of an actual tension in exaggerated form of muscles and of your
energy about you OR that you may even be objectively recognizing the opposition
in your thought process or within your opinion.
This is the reason that I identify this movement to you as automatic.
It requires no thought process, and it is created so very quickly that
it is escapes your noticing. This is an automatic action.
Just as your breathing is physically automatic and requires no noticing
from you objectively, you create many different expressions also that you
do not notice, and in this, the tension that is created is ongoing, or
it may be expressed that the relax points are blinks, and therefore not
interruptive enough that you may be noticing of tremendous expressions
of interruption within the physical creation. Therefore, it appears
to be ongoing consistent[ly].
In this, as you allow yourself to be recognizing your automatic responses,
you shall also allow yourself an awareness objectively of your own expression
of energy and how you create this automatic expression of tension, and
as you recognize the tension, subsequently you may address to the tension
and intentionally relax your energy, and this shall be quite affecting
of the digestive creation.
As to your creation of allergic responses, so to speak, this creates
several actions that you incorporate which in a manner of speaking are
quite beneficial to your movement in how you have been creating to this
point within your physical focus.
This creation offers you payoffs in several different expressions.
One, it offers you payoffs in the direction of the response of other individuals.
You, in creating this particular physical affectingness, allow yourself
to be receiving certain responses of allowances from other individuals,
and this offers you an excuse for receiving, for you may be allowing certain
expressions of compassion and nurturing from other individuals if you are
creating some element that is wrong or hurtful to yourself. It is
justifiable that you shall allow yourself to be receiving.
But in other expressions, you also are creating a quite different type
of movement, for at times you incorporate this physical affectingness to
be disengaging interaction in moments in which you wish not to be bothered
by the interaction of other individuals, and this shall be quite interrupting.
And this also turns your attention to self, and you may justify this
turning of attention to self also, for you are creating a physical action.
Therefore, of course you shall be turning your attention to self, and this
shall be quite accepted and understandable with other individuals.
In this, you need not be participating objectively in interactions,
actions, and situations in which you wish not to be participating objectively,
for you may offer an objective, physical justification for your lack of
participation. Quite efficient! Ha ha ha ha ha!
FRANK: Well, how do I change this expression?
ELIAS: Ha ha! You hold the ability to be altering of this
expression, and once again, this shall move us into the theme of this conversation,
this interaction between yourself and myself, and that is the subject matter
of noticing and allowing your attention to move in the direction of recognizing
your automatic responses.
Be noticing in the moment that you are experiencing the physical affectingness
of this particular creation. Recognize what is occurring in those
moments and allow yourself to view the different expressions in which you
choose not to be participating, or in the expression of certain moments
in which you wish to be incorporating the objective nurturing attention
of other individuals.
As you allow yourself to be noticing, these creations shall become more
and more obvious objectively to you.
FRANK: Um-hmm.
ELIAS: Ha ha! I may express to you that this is quite a
creative creation!
ELIAS: Ha ha ha!
FRANK: Okay. Well, that is very interesting. Let’s
talk a little bit about changing beliefs.
For me at this particular time, what’s the best way to go about changing
a belief?
ELIAS: Why shall you incorporate the action of changing a belief?
FRANK: I’m sorry; I didn’t hear the first part of that.
ELIAS: Why shall you move in the direction of incorporating the
action of changing a belief?
FRANK: Well, for example, if I want to be more prosperous, and
I want to discard the belief that I need to put a lot of effort and hard
work into that. Let’s start with that ‘cause that’s the one I would
like to change right away.
ELIAS: It is unnecessary to change the belief. How you may
be altering of the objective expression — or what you physically manifest
— is not necessarily to be changing the belief, but to be recognizing that
you hold the belief, and accepting this. Therefore, the power of
that belief is eliminated, and you shall discontinue placing an expression
of your energy in it.
FRANK: Okay....
ELIAS: This is the action of accepting of your beliefs and accepting
of yourself, for in this, if you are merely moving into the direction of
changing a belief, what you are in actuality creating is merely exchanging
one belief for a different belief, and placing your energy into the perpetuation
of the expression of ANY of these beliefs.
In acceptance of the belief, you recognize that you hold this belief.
You also allow yourself to recognize the different aspects of its expression
and how it may be limiting to you, and you recognize the areas in which
you are placing judgment.
Be the judgment in your assessment good or bad, it matters not, for
as you judge one expression to be good, you are also expressing other expressions
to be bad, and you are setting limitations in your movement as you strive
only to be creating that which you objectively view as the good or the
better expressions.
Therefore, as you allow yourself to move into the recognition of the
belief and the noticing of how you are expressing that belief and how you
are perpetuating the energy of that belief, you also may allow yourself
to deflate, so to speak, the energy that you perpetuate and propel into
that belief.
Therefore, you move yourself into an expression of it matters not, and
as you move into the expression of it matters not, you create the acceptance,
and in the acceptance, you alter the creation, for you have altered your
perception, and your perception is that which creates your reality.
Therefore, I express to you, in your noticing, be recognizing that it
is not the action of changing the belief that shall be altering of your
reality, but it is the action of altering your PERCEPTION which shall be
altering of your reality.
FRANK: And that’s the reason for noticing my automatic responses?
ELIAS: Correct.
FRANK: Okay. Coming back to what we talked about earlier,
you’re not suggesting necessarily that in these periods when I disengage
from people, that I necessarily engage, but more just notice when I’m disengaging?
ELIAS: Yes. I am not expressing to you to alter your behavior.
I am merely expressing to you that you be noticing, for this offers you
the opportunity to view more of your choices and allows you to view objectively
what may be more efficient in your movement.
Presently, I am merely expressing to you to be noticing, for this shall
be quite beneficial to you initially, and also, this shall be creating
of an exercise with you within your time framework which shall be occupying
of much of your attention, and within this now, this is enough.
FRANK: Okay, wonderful. Elias, thank you very much!
ELIAS: You are welcome very much!
FRANK: I look forward to talking to you again soon!
ELIAS: Ha ha! I anticipate our next meeting, and I shall
also be encouraging of you, be playful! (Chuckling)
FRANK: Well, that’s easy for me!
ELIAS: And I shall offer to you a continuous interaction of energy
until we objectively meet again.
To you this day, my friend, I express affection, and au revoir!
FRANK: Thank you very much. Bye-bye.
Elias departs at 11:19 AM.
(1) I have changed one word in this phrase: “Therefore,
in response to your question of what you may be incorporating in efficiency
presently ...” Elias said “efficiently.”
© 2000 Vicki Pendley/Mary Ennis, All Rights Reserved
Copyright 1999 Mary Ennis, All Rights Reserved.