Session 1435

An Example of Reflection with Creatures


“An Example of Reflection with Creatures”
“Allow Yourself to Share, Not to Instruct”

Saturday, September 13, 2003 (Private/Phone)

Participants: Mary (Michael), Letty (Castille) and Marcos (Marta)

Elias arrives at 6:45 AM. (Arrival time is 21 seconds.)

ELIAS: Good morning!

LETTY: Good morning, Elias!

ELIAS: And how is your adventure proceeding?

LETTY: Well, you know, I’m always up for a challenge. It’s been a fun challenge... (Video recorder malfunction, 6:50 AM. A break of a few minutes as Mary returns and corrects the problem, and then re-engages Elias.)

ELIAS: Continuing!

LETTY: Oh, thank you. Welcome back! (Elias laughs) So you did hear me and you did confirm that the belief was correct with this little boy?

ELIAS: Yes, you are correct.

LETTY: Is there advice for her or her son? In trying to tell her a little bit about you, she’s a little bit still scared about the information. Both Marta and I didn’t say a lot, but she’s very anxious about the situation. I explained to her that she’s reflecting back to the little boy his own fear and therefore it’s perpetuating it.

ELIAS: Correct. This is quite affecting. In this, if the individual is recognizing that this is merely a bleed-through and that the small one is responding to that in a lack of understanding, she may be comforting and supportive to the small one if she is not expressing anxiety and concern, and is addressing to the situation, allowing for an interaction with the small one, in explanation of what is occurring.

LETTY: Obviously you have access more to the son than I do, and her hesitancy is that they align with the Catholic religion beliefs of this priest. Even as she’s a little bit more open to the awareness of bleed-throughs and other focuses, she’s not sure. I see her a little hesitant in opening herself up to her son. The way I see it, her son being younger in this focus, in this timeline, he would be more open to it.

ELIAS: Yes. I am validating of your impression, and you are correct that the small one is much more aware and in your terms open to information.

LETTY: I’m sure that will help her. Thank you.

ELIAS: You are welcome.

LETTY: Now, moving into my impression of the reflection with Quinian and his creatures. When I originally met him, he had two dogs, very different. The female was older but she was very relaxed; she had a very calming energy. She created an illness and she was put to sleep. He has another dog that’s a little more feisty and has more energy, but this dog also has illnesses, what we would interpret as illnesses. One of them seems like an allergy. The energy I feel from this dog, there’s a lot of anxiety about something and that’s why he gets anxious and wants to scratch all his body. Quinian also has a dog he got as a puppy from a shelter, who had a broken hipbone that’s never quite healed. It seems to affect him more sometimes than others.

Of course, I want to have compassion for the dogs. Sometimes I don’t know if it’s personal responsibility, wanting to help him not feel so much scratchiness for example, that I see that a little bit in the reflecting to Quinian. I’m trying to pay attention to myself and allowing them that they are creating what they are, but I was curious about this reflection between the creatures and Quinian. I’ve never been with anybody who had or had myself a creature.

ELIAS: Well, you are correct in the reflection. In this, it also is a similar energy expression to the previous scenario with the small one, for as he continues to respond to the creature, the creature continues to create this irritation. The more that the individual generates tension and concern and anxiety in association with the manifestation, the more the creature manifests, for this is a manner in which the creature generates a certain type of attention.

In generating this nervousness, he creates the manifestation, but it is associated with the individual’s energy and what he is projecting. In this, in actuality, they both create a payoff. The individual creates the payoff to be caring for the creature, which generates somewhat of a fulfillment. Although I may express to you, it is also a false fulfillment. In this, the creature generates the manifestation and its payoff is a type of nurturing energy or expression from the individual.

Now; what they are generating in reflection to each other is an underlying suspicion that they are not safe and therefore must be generating these actions and interactions to reinforce the trust that they are safe. This also is quite associated with behaviors and certain associations that the creature generates quite in similarity to the individual. In this, it is a continuous testing with each other. The individual is testing his abilities and his expression within himself that he is acceptable enough if he is generating this action or behavior of caring for, which is another avenue of expressing fixing.

LETTY: He’s trying to fix himself through his dog.


LETTY: It is kind of like within our belief system, he kind of shifted what we would consider his drinking problem to looking at somebody else to nurture himself?

ELIAS: Yes, or presenting imagery to himself of areas in which he is lacking in offering these expressions to himself.

LETTY: I’ve learned, maybe because I’ve been trying to practice more, it’s in my acceptance that I can support him.


LETTY: Thank you very much. This really answers quite a few questions I had about him. Oh, there is one more, though. This is the third dog he had to put to sleep. He seems to obviously acquire creatures or dogs that have, in our belief system, problems or illnesses or something. Cindel and I were talking about it, and her impression, which kind of makes sense, is that part of him wants to get rid of dying, or getting rid of.

ELIAS: No. In actuality, this is quite associated with what we have been discussing and what is generating with this creature. He generates the same action with all of these creatures in choosing to draw to himself creatures that within your associations are either damaged or incorporate some malfunction, and in this, is continuously reflecting to himself his own doubt of himself and his abilities and his own value. The reflection is that the creatures incorporate some type of manifestation, which is merely the symbolization of his assessment of himself, not quite to par in value, if you are understanding, and somewhat damaged from past experiences.

Now; he incorporates this concern for these creatures but merely to a point in which the situation ultimately appears to him to be impossible. Therefore there is no other choice, in his assessment and in his beliefs, but to disengage interaction with each particular creature.

Now; the creature is responsive to that energy also and chooses to disengage.

In this, it is a reflection of himself that he moves to a point with himself; but he has not yet recognized that this concern is a false caring. It is not to say that the individual does not incorporate genuine affection with these creatures, but in the expression of the concern, repeatedly with each of them, he is presenting this reflection and generating a repetition of behavior in which he moves merely to a point with himself. His attention is continuously focused outside of himself in relation to the creatures, and therefore, he is not receiving the message that he is expressing to himself concerning what the reflection is. Therefore, he moves from one creature to another creature to another creature, but he continues to draw similar manifestations of creatures to himself that provide him with an interaction in which he shall be caretaking, for this offers him this false sense of value and that he may trust himself.

LETTY: Now, what about my creation of him in my life? This is a person that if I look at it real quickly in my automatic responses, I want to help him, too. So this is what I’ve drawn to myself, also. He reflects that in my creation of him.

ELIAS: Correct.

LETTY: Wow. And also one of the things is my automatic still of not trusting myself, the way I do at certain points or certain time frameworks.

ELIAS: Correct, and also offering yourself imagery in association with this familiar expression that you incorporate also of caring for or taking care of and fixing and...

LETTY: Yes, I’ve started helping him fix his house.

ELIAS: This is interesting imagery that you are presenting to yourself, for it is associated with beliefs concerning relationships. Also, it is one of your truths that if you are generating certain types of relationships with other individuals, one of the base element expressions of the relationship is to be caring for the other individual.

LETTY: And having the expectation of somebody caring for you, too, because of the relationship.

ELIAS: Correct. That is an automatic association and it is unquestioned, which generates it into an absolute that this merely is what you engage in certain types of relationships and there is no question. It is the manner in which the relationship is supposed to be expressed, and therefore, in that absoluteness, it becomes a truth. This is the reason that you are presenting it to yourself.

LETTY: Allowing myself to have fuller exploration on the belief itself, which is a very big one with me personally on relationships — that and to try to take care of and personal responsibility.

ELIAS: Which recognize, Castille, is not bad. All truths incorporate some element of them, some influences that you prefer, but they also incorporate some factors, some influences that are limiting. This is the point to be examining what the influences are, that you may recognize which influences you prefer and you choose to continue to express and you generate no conflict with, and which influences in relation to the same truth are limiting.

LETTY: It’s a little bit of the same expression that I created with (inaudible), in the fact that I allowed her... You know, this is another relationship with somebody else, that I brought her into my house and I felt responsible in trying to help her. Then I recognize that I preferred not to, and so I helped her create her moving out.

ELIAS: Correct.

LETTY: Wow, thank you so very much! Asking about a creature answered all my questions about myself. (Elias laughs) Well, I have a lot of assimilating to do!

I have a quick question before I pass you to Marta, and that was Cindel and I see this lady at our building. We think she’s homeless. She carries around pets also, creatures, a cat. People seem to be attracted to her a lot, and she looks physically very much like Mary/Michael. We wanted to know if there is a connection or if it’s just a similarity that they both chose to create similar physical appearances.

ELIAS: It is a counterpart action. At times that type of expression in physical manifestation occurs in relation to counterpart action if the individuals incorporate certain types of counterpart action and are generating similar energy expressions.

LETTY: She seems to be really within herself, accepting herself, is the expression I get. So it’s kind of really neat.


LETTY: Okay, well, I’m going to turn you over here to Marta.

ELIAS: Very well.

LETTY: And if he has time, I have another question. But we’ll get him going, then.

ELIAS: Very well.

MARCOS: Hi, Elias.

ELIAS: Good morning!

MARCOS: Good morning. Great to talk to you again.

ELIAS: Ha ha ha! And what are you creating?

MARCOS: Oh, I’m creating lots of fun stuff! I was telling Cindel yesterday, I’m in a really good moment because a lot of things are starting to change, to turn. I’m starting to understand after so long what creating patience really means and what effortlessness is all about, because all of a sudden these things are starting to come together in just a neat way. After the last year or so of a lot of inner turmoil and discounting and whatnot, it’s just starting to clear up but in a way that I find hard to describe. It’s just such an easy and relaxed and peaceful manner.

ELIAS: Which is expressed in association with you generating much more trust of yourself.

MARCOS: Sure. I totally feel that. I think for so long I have understood in an intellectual sense a lot of your advice, but it never really sunk in. All of a sudden — and just literally all of a sudden — I started to assimilate it in such a different way, and it’s just a very, very great feeling.

ELIAS: I am quite understanding. I am aware that this is quite commonly expressed with many, many, many individuals. This information and this type of movement is, as I have expressed many times, so very unfamiliar that you each generate an intellectual understanding of what is being presented but the actual application of that understanding is much more challenging. That is accomplished in a genuine assimilation in which you know, not merely think.

MARCOS: Absolutely, it’s just wonderful, it really is. But along with this, I want to first of all mention that the last time we talked objectively, I asked you about a physical affectingness, which now, of course, has gone completely away. I never did ask you about another physical affectingness I created sometime back, which is a problem with my right knee, that I associated then, and still do, with personal responsibility. It seems now that Isabel is going away to school and all that, I’ve been very nervous and concerned and obviously projecting into the future things that aren’t happening, aren’t materializing, but I just wanted to make sure. There’s a little bit of a twinge now and again, and I think it has to do with that, doesn’t it?

ELIAS: Yes, you are correct — which you may pay attention to as an indicator. In those time frameworks in which you are generating that physical expression, allow yourself to genuinely evaluate what you are doing and the anxiety that you are expressing in relation to projecting your attention.

MARCOS: Yes, I think I’ve gotten a lot more information that way every time something happens, something that I create in a physical manner, whether I hit myself with a table or whether the knee starts to twinge or whatever, I immediately refocus my outward projection inwardly. That’s been really good, because that’s helped me to assimilate a lot more things, the information, much better.

ELIAS: Yes, and also allows you a greater awareness, not merely of what you are actually doing, but also of your choices. Therefore, you allow yourself to generate movement in different directions and change your perception.

MARCOS: Exactly. Well, here’s another question, and I’m trying to figure this out. Last week, back in Mexico City, I was driving with this friend and all of a sudden the light on the dashboard pops up that says “check engine.” Of course, that’s an electrical impulse and it was a reminder... I think there were two things. Number one, I think you were being somewhat playful, and two, it was a reminder. I kept thinking about that, check engine. Of course, it has to do with me and I thought, “What’s my engine?” My first impression was it’s the heart that is my engine, so something related to the heart at that point. But I haven’t quite figured it out. I have an idea, but could you shed some light on this?

ELIAS: (Chuckles) I shall validate that my energy was present, and I shall also identify with you, what actually is your engine? What drives you? What allows you to function? Not your heart — your attention. (Laughs) That is your engine, for that is what drives all of your functions.

MARCOS: Yes. Why at that moment? I related it to the fact that that person was in the car, but I haven’t figured it out completely. I understand the attention, but am I on the wrong track thinking that it is the attention but it’s a matter related to the heart?

ELIAS: And your directions. No, you are not off the track. (Laughs)

MARCOS: I didn’t think so, knowing me.

ELIAS: What you presented to yourself was merely a slight nudge, so to speak, in expressing imagery to yourself to be aware of your attention and how it is being projected, what is influencing that, and your automatic movements in association with expressions related to affection or interaction or intimacy, and how automatically you move into romanticizing.

MARCOS: That’s exactly it. You just said it. The moment you said “your automatic responses,” I knew exactly what I created at that point. I know exactly. Thank you so much.

ELIAS: You are welcome!

MARCOS: One last question — in a couple of days, I’m getting together with my two other brothers, and we’re having sort of a business meeting as well as to discuss some personal issues, etcetera. Do you have any advice with this? We’ve been going around this meeting for a bit and we’ve been putting it off, we’ve changed the location. I think it’s finally happening. I know that sometimes at these things we all tend to basically project and project and project, whether it’s responsibility or problems affecting us, etcetera. What can you tell me that will be helpful for all of us when we get together on Monday?

ELIAS: What do you want?

MARCOS: I want to create a number of things for myself, but I’m still projecting some personal responsibility. We’re all tied into the business and I want to be helpful with some of the personal problems that one of them is going through, but ultimately I want us to be able to work closely together with the challenges at hand.

ELIAS: Let me express to you, this is my suggestion in simplicity: allow yourself to hold your attention upon what you want. In each moment, do not allow yourself to get caught in an energy of projecting your attention outwardly to the exclusion of yourself.

Hold your attention upon what you want and allow yourself the freedom to express, and in this, as you generate an energy expression outwardly in interaction with the other individuals, if your attention is focused upon what you want, the type of energy that you project is one of a lack of concern — not a lack of caring — but a lack of concern in association with the other individuals, and that turns the energy of the interaction. For in not expressing the concern in relation to the other individuals, in not focusing your attention upon them but continuing to allow yourself the freedom to concentrate upon what you want and upon freely expressing yourself, your interaction with the other individuals alters. They receive the energy without expectations and also without the expression of attempting to fix or compromise or instruct or for their acquiescing.

You project a type of energy that is focused upon yourself, and therefore automatically generates an energy of accepting with them and supportiveness. This shall be helpful. Allow yourself to share, not to instruct.

MARCOS: I think that’s very, very good advice. I understand perfectly.

ELIAS: Allow yourself to connect, not to fix. This shall generate quite a difference.

MARCOS: Okay, my friend, thank you so, so much.

ELIAS: You are very welcome.

MARCOS: I don’t have any more questions, Elias. I think Castille does, so I’m going to sign off for now, and again thanks. I know we have a permanent conversation — you know that — but it’s always great to hear your voice.

ELIAS: And you also, my friend. I express to you, as always, my deep affection in our friendship.

MARCOS: Likewise, my friend. Here’s Castille.

LETTY: Hi. Elias, lately whenever I have a conversation with various people, I will say the wrong word, the wrong word in the sense that I’m saying the word and I mean something else. My impression is that it has to do with paying attention to myself. People even help me, tell me, “What are you saying, because that’s not what we’re talking about.” It’s reminding me to pay attention to myself, like I keep hearing sirens and the phone ringing and nobody there, and even my hot flashes.

ELIAS: Yes, it is reminding you to be paying attention, but more specifically you are signaling yourself that your attention is scattered and not focused in those moments.

LETTY: Oh, okay that makes more sense. That’s an even more detailed message.

ELIAS: (Chuckles) Yes.

LETTY: Also I’ve created people asking me for money. I usually go for long periods of time and then all of a sudden... Is this kind of an imagery to me about choices for myself?

ELIAS: Yes, and listening to yourself in association with what you want rather than what you expect of yourself.

LETTY: Yes, that expectation there. This one, I have a hard time with it, and it might all be incorporated, too. My lower back pain, which I never have, it’s not like a real pain but it’s like a subtle message that I haven’t quite picked up, because I focus on the signal and not the message.

ELIAS: This is associated with supportiveness with yourself, allowing yourself to be gentle with yourself.

LETTY: This is my last validation, about hot flashes. Sometimes I get them a lot, but sometimes I hardly get them, and sometimes even in my sleep because I think in my dream imagery it’s happening also. I find that they’re for different issues. The signal is the paying attention to myself because of the heat and the generating of the energy, but also I find when I’m judging somebody else or when I’m even judging myself, that reflects back to me that I am criticizing myself.

ELIAS: This is strongly associated with balance. In time frameworks in which you are expressing more balance and more allowance of yourself, you generate less of these occurrences of the heat. In time frameworks in which you are expressing less balance and more extreme, you create more of the heat.

LETTY: Is this a balance of myself in communication? I’m not sure.

ELIAS: A balance of your energy — not to be generating extremes in your expressions, but to be balanced within your energy and your directing of yourself.

LETTY: Well, that’s it, Elias.

ELIAS: I may express to both of you that I have incorporated an enjoyment in our conversation of this morning.

LETTY: Thank you. I know we both enjoyed it, too. Always a pleasure.

ELIAS: And I shall be anticipating our next meeting and I shall be expressing energy with each of you in reminder to be incorporating playfulness.

LETTY: Yes, thank you.

ELIAS: To you each this day in great affection and deep lovingness, au revoir.

LETTY: Au revoir, dear friend.

Elias departs at 7:40 AM.

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Copyright 2003 Mary Ennis, All Rights Reserved.