Temujin and Börte Ujin
“Temujin and Börte Ujin”
“A Far Future Focus”
Tuesday, Nov. 9, 2007 (Private/Phone)
Participants: Mary (Michael) and Jim S. (Bevan)
JIM: Well, good morning, Elias. Strange to talk to you in the morning. It’s usually afternoon.
ELIAS: (laughs)
JIM: Shall I start my questions?
ELIAS: You may.
JIM: Okay. I feel quite a strong pull to Belkis, Queen of Sheba, and I suspect that reflects my allowance of Tanish’s emotional energy to influence me with regard to her. Is that the case?
JIM: Yes. Respighi also felt Tanish’s emotional energy with respect to Belkis, didn’t he?
JIM: During my last session, among the questions that I asked you with regard to her, you gave me “No” answers on a couple of them. Those questions reflected the impression that I had of Belkis based on your confirmation of her as a parallel counterpart of Millicent Letterly. Mythology depicts Belkis as chaste but Millie certainly wasn’t. Was I wrong in assuming similarity between Belkis’ and Millie’s sexual behavior?
ELIAS: In what respect? Were you wrong in generating the distinction, or confusing them as being the same?
JIM: Generating the distinction.
ELIAS: No, you were not wrong generating the distinction.
JIM: Okay. That’s good. According to mythology, when Belkis danced before King Solomon, she exposed the hair on her legs. The body hair that she exposed to view wasn’t on her legs, was it?
JIM: No. In my mind, that kind of sexual awareness doesn’t jibe with chastity. Was Belkis as chaste as mythology reports when she made her visit to King Solomon?
JIM: She was?
ELIAS: I would express a distinction between exposing and acting.
JIM: Ah. So she was indeed chaste. Okay, let’s see what that does.
ELIAS: At that time.
JIM: At that time, yes, of course. Ah, okay. [unintelligible] Was Belkis [unintellibible] Let’s go on to the next question. I feel a very strong pull toward Börte Ujin now that I’ve discovered her. Am I in a counterpart relationship with Börte?
JIM: I’m getting the impression that her husband, Temujin, is a focus of Jene, J-E-N-E. Am I right?
JIM: She is. Temujin aligns Ilda?
ELIAS: Correct.
JIM: Common orientation?
ELIAS: Correct.
JIM: Thought focused?
JIM: I’m getting a connection between Temujin, or rather with his Genghis Khan persona and Omar, my rug dealer focus in Samarkand. Did they meet when Samarkand surrendered to Genghis Khan’s forces?
ELIAS: Briefly.
JIM: Briefly. Did Genghis sense the essence connection between Omar and Börte?
ELIAS: Somewhat, although he would not responded in that manner.
JIM: Yeah.
ELIAS: But in a mystical type of recognition.
JIM: Ah. Interesting. Alright, there is mention in the book I bought about Genghis Khan that his actions were often based on intuitive feeling. Is that information accurate?
JIM: Yes?
JIM: Did Mongol religious beliefs facilitate his intuitiveness?
ELIAS: That would be an influence.
JIM: Yeah, alright. Did he experience those intuitive feelings during his three-day periods of solitary meditation on Burkhan Khaldun?
JIM: According to the book, he made major decisions during his meditations on Burkhan Khaldun. Is that an accurate assessment?
JIM: The book also says that Börte was a year older than Temujin and they were pledged to be married and that at an early age she began introducing him to the pleasures of sex. Is that information accurate?
JIM: She was eleven at the time?
ELIAS: Approximately.
JIM: Approximately. According to what I have read, there is much disagreement as to who sired Börte’s first son, Jochi. Was Jochi sired by Temujin or was he sired during Börte’s capture by the Merkid clan?
ELIAS: And your impression?
JIM: Beg your pardon?
ELIAS: And your impression?
JIM: My impression? I believe he was sired by her husband in the Merkid clan.
ELIAS: Correct.
JIM: I am right. I get Jochi as a focus of Liam. Am I right?
JIM: He aligns Milumet?
ELIAS: Correct.
JIM: Soft orientation and religious focus?
ELIAS: Correct.
JIM: I get the impression that Hoelun, Temujin’s mother, is a focus of Millio. Am I right?
JIM: She aligns Borledim?
ELIAS: Correct.
JIM: Common orientation and religious focus?
ELIAS: Correct.
JIM: I’m getting the impression that Begter, Temjin’s older half-brother, is a focus of Cuit. Am I right?
JIM: He aligns Vold?
ELIAS: Correct.
JIM: Common orientation and thought focused?
JIM: Is Lori, the hygienist, the focus of Anna that I have been looking for to go with young Jackson, the initiating focus of Anne?
JIM: She is?
JIM: She aligns Tumold?
ELIAS: Correct.
JIM: Soft orientation and emotional focus?
JIM: I’ve been thinking about the focus of mine that you said disapproved strongly of Ralph Waldo Emerson. What I’m getting is a man, first name Thomas, who is an Episcopalian minister in Lowell, Massachusetts. Do I have that much right?
JIM: His last name is Merkit or something like that?
ELIAS: Close.
JIM: Close. Close. [unintelligible] (laughs).
ELIAS: (laughs heartily)
JIM: I’ve got it spelled Merkit, so that’s not right.
ELIAS: (chuckles) I would be encouraging of you to continue your investigation. But that is close.
JIM: Close. Alright. [unintelligible] close. I’ve got him associated with meercat either because of a similar name sound or his territorially defensive personality or both. Does that association have any relevance?
ELIAS: Congratulations!
JIM: (laughs)
ELIAS: I would express that basically your impressions are correct, and this is the animal representation of that focus.
JIM: Oh, for goodness sakes! Oh, for goodness sakes. Oh, great!
ELIAS: (laughs)
JIM: Is he as rigid in his religious thinking as my focus, Brother Jupiter, in Italy?
JIM: Yes. Are they parallel counterparts?
JIM: He aligns Vold?
ELIAS: Correct.
JIM: Common orientation and religious focus?
ELIAS: Common, emotional.
JIM: Emotional. Alright. He is married to a Cecilia?
JIM: She is a focus of Cuit?
ELIAS: Correct.
JIM: Aligns Ilda?
JIM: Soft orientation and emotional focus?
JIM: She respects her husband’s moral stance but has reservations about his philosophy?
ELIAS: Correct.
JIM: They have three children, two boys and a girl?
JIM: It wasn’t coincidence that an article on meercats appeared in our daily paper the other day, was it?
ELIAS: No. (laughs with Jim)
JIM: Okay. Duarte, focus of Neuie, offers his greetings. I assured him that you are observing essence of him. Was I right?
JIM: He would like to know what Vasco, the grandson of his sister, experienced when he appeared to have epilepsy - like seizure some weeks ago. Was it indeed epilepsy or was it something even more serious?
ELIAS: Your physicians would term it to be epilepsy.
JIM: They would.
JIM: Okay. Something he created, though. Alright. How many lives do essences Neuie and Bevan share in this dimension?
ELIAS: Eighty-five.
JIM: Wow! Okay. Duarte tells me that some years ago he saw on TV an American named Jose Menendez, a Cuban who lived in the United States, regarding a case where Jose and his wife were both murdered by their two sons. Duarte noticed that Menendez looked very much like himself and he wonders if Menendez is a focus of Neuie. Is he?
ELIAS: No, but he is observing.
JIM: Observing. Okay. That leads to these two questions. How many lives do Neuie and Lilly share in this dimension?
ELIAS: Sixty-four.
JIM: Sixty-four. Alright. Does essence Neuie have a focus in the Confederate Army during the Civil War?
JIM: Does he know General R. E. Lee?
ELIAS: Not personally.
JIM: Okay.
ELIAS: But served in that army.
JIM: Ah. Alright. Did he die or was badly injured… badly wounded during the Battle of Gettysburg?
ELIAS: Died.
JIM: Died. He aligns Vold?
JIM: Intermediate orientation and thought focus?
JIM: Is Neuie observing essence of R. E. Lee?
JIM: Yes or no.
JIM: Yes. Does essence Neuie have a focus in southern Spain or northern Africa?
ELIAS: Africa, yes.
JIM: Africa. Alright. Duarte has the impression of Arabic culture for this focus. Is he right?
JIM: Duarte feels that he has some connection with those ancient cities along the Silk Road such as the city of Palmyra. His description of his feelings sounds similar to my feelings about Samarkand. Does he have a similar connection to Palmyra?
JIM: More than one focus associated with that city?
JIM: If so, how many?
ELIAS: Seven
JIM: Seven! My! Duarte senses a connection to Akenhaton, the Pharaoh Amenhotep the fourth. Is he directing or observing essence of this pharaoh?
ELIAS: Observing.
JIM: Observing. Does Duarte share a life with his mother in which there is a sexual intimacy?
JIM: Is this future or past.
ELIAS: Past.
JIM: Past.
JIM: Duarte has repeatedly experienced a dream in which he kills his father with a Middle Ages sword. Is this an incident in a life shared with his father?
JIM: Duarte would like to know if his late nephew, Antonio, has re-manifested and if not what was the nature of the curiosity he’s exploring as you’ve told him.
ELIAS: First of all, I will express again, you do not re-manifest.
JIM: I agree.
ELIAS: And as to the other element of this question, clarify.
JIM: I can’t do that. I can’t talk to Duarte. He’ll have to get that information some other time.
ELIAS: Very well.
JIM: Now for Steven. Steven, focus of Ornah, would like to know which essence or essences he is fragmented from.
ELIAS: Very well. One moment. Fragmented from essences Patine, P-A-S-T-I-N-E, and Ordin
JIM: Ordin?
JIM: Okay.
ELIAS: And Raithe, R-A-I-T-H-E.
JIM: Very good, thank you.
ELIAS: You are welcome.
JIM: In Bujold’s book, “Civil Campaign” there is a brief appearance of a Captain Sphaleros. I suspect that Bujold chose that name for its Greek association, but, for some reason, I associate the name, Sphaleros, with the Repro Man. Is that name an approximate translation of the Repro Man’s identity tone or am I making the association because of the reproductive association of the root sounds, phallus and Eros?
ELIAS: I would express that you are correct. That you are not generating a false association.
JIM: Come again. I didn’t quite hear that.
ELIAS: It would be associated with that tone.
JIM: Oh. Okay. With the Repro Man?
JIM: Okay. Did Bujold access the Repro Man’s dimension in choosing that particular name?
ELIAS: Somewhat.
JIM: Somewhat. Is that dimension the Barrayar dimension that you confirmed for me in a previous session?
JIM: It is. That’s curious. Okay. The strains of Gabriel Faure’s “Pavane” have been haunting me for several weeks whenever I pay attention to the music that’s running through the back of my mind. Am I either directing or observing essence of Gabriel Faure?
ELIAS: Observing.
JIM: I am observing.
ELIAS: And counterpart.
JIM: And a counterpart! Alright. That makes sense. Do I have his essence name in my database?
JIM: I do. Alright. I’ll have to look for that one. Does he belong Borledim?
JIM: He does. How many… how many…oh, wait, we’ve already got that. He aligns Sumari?
JIM: Soft orientation and emotional focus?
ELIAS: Correct.
JIM: Is my Hans Schmidt organist focus a parallel counterpart of Faure?
JIM: While I have a long standing fondness for Gershwin’s music, I don’t especially care for the recording of his symphonic music that I recently bought. I suspect my enjoyment of Gershwin’s music may be a clue to a relationship that I have with Gershwin. Am I observing essence of George Gershwin?
JIM: Alright. Do I have his essence name in my database?
JIM: Yes. Alright. I get George aligning Vold. Am I right.
ELIAS: I would express that this information has already been given.
JIM: Oh, it has!
JIM: Oh, alright. Very good. Did I make that album purchase in order to prompt myself to ask these questions about Gershwin?
JIM: I did.
ELIAS: Ha! Ha!
JIM: (laughs) I seem to have missed getting alignment, sexual orientation and focus type for my pianist focus, Courtney Bowles. Does he align Sumari, soft orientation and emotional focus?
JIM: Yes. I’m still groping for Paul Sorenson’s essence name. You said his essence name was not Mubu and that his essence name is in my database. Right now, I leaning toward the belief that he’s another focus of Billeu, B-I-L-L-E-U. Is he?
JIM: Yes. Do I have that essence name spelled right, B-I-L-L-E-U? Polly was barking when you gave it to me.
ELIAS: Yes. (chuckles)
JIM: Is it right?
ELIAS: Yes, you are correct.
JIM: I am right. Okay. Good. You said that Dean, the contractor, was not a focus of Hardy, but that his essence name is in my database. Is he a focus of Cuit?
JIM: He is. I got pretty upset when the audio file of my last session with you wasn’t made available to others via Gerhard’s web site. I suspect that I arranged that omission in order to experience the anger I felt. Was that really the case?
ELIAS: Yes, and you’ll notice automatic responses.
JIM: Ah! Yes. (laughs) Alright. I’m wondering if my follow-on story on Consuela Lopez and Hale Engstrom is symbolic of an actual series of events. Am I right?
JIM: Yes or no?
JIM: Yes. In my spelling of Consuela…is my spelling of Consuela right? My spell checker seems to think that it should be Consuelo.
ELIAS: You are correct.
JIM: I’m right. Okay. Was it essence Yevette’s focus, Magda Ionescu, who kept bringing the name, Makeda, to Consuela’s attention?
JIM: Was Magda as persistent in projecting energy to Consuela as I have depicted?
JIM: Did Yevette’s focus, Makeda, Queen of Sheba, assist in those energy projections?
ELIAS: Correct.
JIM: Did Makeda lose an amulet or something similar while on the way to visit King Solomon, as I have depicted?
ELIAS: Yes, you are correct.
JIM: I have depicted the loss as an amulet in the form of a scarab made of gold with embedded gem stones. Is that anything similar to the item that Makeda lost?
ELIAS: Yes, you are correct.
JIM: Were Consuela and Hale guided to the location of Makeda’s loss through Consuela’s unborn son, Madigan?
ELIAS: That was an influence.
JIM: It was an influence. He’s a focus of Yevette?
JIM: He’s not! Okay. He aligns Milumet?
JIM: Soft orientation and emotional focus?
JIM: Was Consuela’s son born in the location where the item was lost?
JIM: I believe the location is what is now part of Eritrea. Am I right?
JIM: I’ve depicted the item as having the property of amplification of psychic energy. Does that have any basis in reality?
JIM: In my story, when the rediscovered item came in contact with baby Madigan’s form energy, both Consuela and Hale experienced an apparition of Makeda losing the amulet. Does that have any basis in reality?
JIM: Alright. There was a short article in the paper concerning Beyonce Knowles regarding her enthusiastically received performance in Ethiopia. The picture of Beyonce accompanying the article immediately brought Makeda to mind. Is there a physical resemblance between Beyonce’s facial features, as shown in the picture, and Makeda’s? I suspect that there might be.
ELIAS: Yes, you are correct.
JIM: Are they counterparts?
JIM: Is Beyonce also a focus of Yevette?
JIM: No?
JIM: Okay. Does Beyonce align Zuli?
JIM: Common orientation and emotional focus?
ELIAS: Correct.
JIM: I’m getting the impression that I have a focus named George Camling, C-A-M-L-I-N-G, who is a photographer. Do I have such a focus?
JIM: I see him in counterpart relationships with both my granddaughter, Cait, and E.J. Bellocq. Do I have that right?
JIM: I think that his life may overlap mine briefly. Am I right?
ELIAS: Yes, you are correct.
JIM: Has he been born in this time frame?
JIM: No?
JIM: Oh, yes. Okay. His life spans the middle part of the current century?
ELIAS: Correct.
JIM: He lives in or near Oakland, California?
ELIAS: Correct.
JIM: He aligns Ilda?
JIM: Common orientation and thought focused?
JIM: If I remember correctly, you said we might experience headaches as our brain circuitry was altered. Is that what I have been experiencing off and on?
JIM: Yes?
JIM: What do I expect to gain by these changes since I don’t expect to be physically manifest much longer?
ELIAS: It matters not. For it allows you to continue shifting and widening your awareness and expanding while you are continuing.
JIM: Okay. Yep, I suppose. Alright. Seth said, and I believe that you have said also, that remembering the past changes it. There are incidents in my life that, at this point, I would definitely like to change. On the other hand, I suspect that the changes I would like to make already exist in another probable reality. In both cases, I caused unnecessary hurt through words expressed. Is there a probable reality where I accepted the invitation of Judy, focus of Patmae, to have lunch with her?
JIM: There is. What about Donna? Is there a probable reality where I complimented her on her appearance that day instead of insulting her?
JIM: Is Donna a focus of Hardy?
JIM: No. I’m getting a lot of no’s today.
ELIAS: (Laughs heartily)
JIM: Does she align Gramada?
JIM: Soft orientation and emotional focus?
ELIAS: Correct.
JIM: The effect of alcohol will be what I believe it to be, won’t it?
ELIAS: Yes, you are correct.
JIM: What I find is that sometimes when under the influence of alcohol, the rage that I feel seems to lie closer to the surface of my awareness. Is this the case or am I imagining it?
ELIAS: You are not imagining.
JIM: Not imagining. Okay. Was it you or was it Patel who caused me to experience waking up from a nap to what I thought was our doorbell ringing? When I roused enough to check, nobody was there. The incident was disturbing because my church-attending wife was expecting delivery of a new chair that I was supposed to accept. The experience left me in a foul mood because I thought I had failed to do what I was supposed to do. Was it you or was it Patel or was it someone else?
ELIAS: Patel.
JIM: It was Patel. (Elias chuckles) He’s a playful character, isn’t he?
ELIAS: Quite so! (both laugh)
JIM: I think that I gave myself an emphatic demonstration of the sensation of energy release in the change in perception that I experienced when my wife arrived home from her trip to her niece’s wedding. All the physical discomfort that I had been experiencing during her absence magically disappeared when I became aware that she had returned. I can see that as a release of anxiety energy, but I feel that there is more involved than that. Would you care to comment?
ELIAS: I would express to you, my friend, that in this time framework in your life and your experiences, you generate an expression of comfort with the presence of your partner.
JIM: Ah.
ELIAS: For I am aware that you are entertaining the idea of your potential disengagement and in that you express an underlying comfort and security so to speak in this individual being present with you.
JIM: Ah.
ELIAS: Therefore in extended time framework in which she is removed from you it triggers that underlying association and can create anxiety.
JIM: Uh huh. So that disappears when she returns.
ELIAS: Yes. It is similar in a manner of speaking to that association that very small ones generate with their parents.
JIM: Ah, okay. (laughs) Second childhood.
ELIAS: Ha, Ha, Ha!
JIM: Alright. I sense a gap between my intellectual understanding of the material that you and Seth offer and my underlying acceptance of its validity. Do you have any suggestions for closing that gap?
ELIAS: Be more gentle with your self.
JIM: Okay.
ELIAS: Stop attempting to force your self to assimilate. The information is assimilated. It is merely a matter that you generate this straining rather than merely allowing.
JIM: Okay. Yes. I agree. (laughs)
ELIAS: Therefore I would suggest that it may be as simple as allowing yourself to relax and not strain.
JIM: Yeah, I’ll have to practice that. I don’t really know how to do it.
ELIAS: I would express that you may begin with not so consistently discounting yourself.
JIM: Do I do that? I suppose I do.
ELIAS: You do.
JIM: I didn’t realize… I’m not conscious of it. Let’s put it that way.
ELIAS: In some respects, you are, for you generate the perception and the association that you cannot understand.
JIM: Okay.
ELIAS: Or that you are incorporating an age in which understanding becomes difficult…
JIM: Okay, yes.
ELIAS: …which is incorrect. You are quite in tune with your faculties and I would express that you very much incorporate the ability to understand and to generate more of your own recall and your own ability. I also express that the success that you express in your trusting of your impressions is a significant validation of your accomplishment and that you do incorporate the ability to express what you want and to understand. It is merely a matter of what you generate the importance of.
JIM: Okay. Yes. Okay. Is there any particular reason why I can’t seem to get a new story started? The last couple tries have not worked out. Actually, I’ve started another one that seems to be going.
ELIAS: I would express in those experiences notice that you were pushing.
JIM: That I was pushing.
ELIAS: Yes. You were not ready…
JIM: Okay.
ELIAS: …but you were anxious and therefore you were pushing.
JIM: Right. Okay. Yes. Alright. I assume that the toppling of our big old spruce tree during our recent storm is supposed to tell me something, particularly since it fell in a way that will prevent the resulting mess from being cleaned up. I don’t believe that the event was clairvoyant, predicting my disengagement or disablement, but I’m sure that it held some meaning for me other than loss of the tree. Can you help me with this?
ELIAS: And do you incorporate an impression?
JIM: I’m not sure. It obviously was a major event of some sort. I know the tree was old like I am. Ready to go. Other than that, I don’t know.
ELIAS: I would express to you this is imagery not associated with death but it is somewhat associated with age and that regardless of what age you are you can generate significance for what you would term to be major changes…
JIM: Ah.
ELIAS: …with your self. Which may at times appear to be messy but may also be liberating.
JIM: Okay. (Elias chuckles) Does the loss of the tree bear the same message for my wife that it does for me?
JIM: No, I didn’t think so. I dreamed the other night that my father was showing me a letter that he had received. The letter was handwritten in green ink on a scrap of lined yellow paper, and I don’t remember what it said other than that it mentioned Vicki and was signed by Courtney with a surname that I took to be either Bowes or Bowles. Did the mention of Vicki refer to Vicki/Lawrence or to another Vicki?
ELIAS: Lawrence. You are correct.
JIM: It was. If signed by either of my Courtney focuses, which one was it.
ELIAS: And your impression?
JIM: I think it was Courtney Bowes.
ELIAS: Correct.
JIM: It was. Alright. Was it my father, a focus of Millio, who I created showing me the letter?
JIM: Why am I associating that message with him?
ELIAS: It is a representation in a manner of speaking connecting to one individual that is disengaged to another individual that is disengaged.
JIM: Ah! Oh, okay. Oh! (enlightened) Right, yes. Alright, let’s go on to the next question. In my story, “Time Stitch” I depict a character whose essence and focus name is Chrz, C-H-R-Z, projecting an apparition of himself to individuals living in a time frame that is far in the past in terms of the time frame in which he lives. Was that character a relatively accurate depiction of a human living in a far future time frame?
JIM: In my story, Chrz claims to live four million, fifty-six thousand, seven hundred eighty years in the future. Is there any accuracy in that?
ELIAS: Approximately.
JIM: It is! Oh, my goodness! The human form in that time frame has dispensed with little fingers and toes and is somewhat shorter than the current human form?
JIM: Was Chrz claim realistic of planting artifacts on the Moon before it had cooled to its current solid state?
JIM: Yes or no?
JIM: Okay. Were those artifacts discovered embedded in Moon rock by Natalie Hendon, focus of Beauregarde, in what to current thinking would be the 23rd century?
ELIAS: Twenty-fifth.
JIM: Twenty-fifth! Oh. Alright. The purpose of the artifacts and Chrz visit was to alter probable paths leading to his time frame?
JIM: Okay. I’ve been trying to understand what happened when I made the switch of probable realities in order to experience a probable reality where Mirabelle existed. Was this switch in probable paths simply my choice of which probable reality to express in physical terms?
JIM: Yes?
ELIAS: Correct.
JIM: Does this sort of change of physically expressed probable paths happen often?
ELIAS: Somewhat, yes.
JIM: Okay. Is my impression valid that no other individual was affected by my change in probable path expression?
ELIAS: Yes, you are correct.
JIM: Okay, that did it, Elias. I just ran out of questions. I didn’t expect to run out.
ELIAS: (laughs)
JIM: So I thank you very, very much for your information and I enjoyed talking with you as usual.
ELIAS: Very well, and I also. And I express to you the reminder that I am always with you my friend.
JIM: Thank you. I appreciate that.
ELIAS: I exress tremendous appreciation to you and great lovingness as always, my dear friend. Au revoir.
JIM: Au revoir.
Copyright 2007 Mary Ennis, All Rights Reserved.