Time/Creation of Physical Mass
of Physical Mass”
“Intent vs. Intention”
Sunday, September 20, 1998 ©
1998 (Private/Phone)
Participants: Mary (Michael), Norm (Stephen), and
Reta (Dehl).
Elias arrives at 11:22 AM. (Arrival time is 20 seconds)
ELIAS: Good morning!
NORM: Good morning, Elias! How are you?
ELIAS: As always.
NORM: As always. Okay. Reta is here too, and we really
appreciate the ability to talk to you this morning. I would like
to discuss with you a few things in regard to “the thing time” and consciousness
and some experiments, and Reta would like to talk to you about some dreams
that she’s had. Would you like to go first, Reta?
RETA: How about you tell us how you’re doing?
ELIAS: As always! (Grinning)
RETA: As always. We haven’t visited with you in quite some
NORM: It’s very enjoyable doing this, and we certainly appreciate
the opportunity! Your little discussion the other day in regard
to the thing time was really educational to me,
and of course I’ve attempted to explore that, and I would like to ask you
some questions about that. The ability of time to take thought patterns
and put them into objective material things is really a beautiful thing.
In other words, from my understanding of what you said in that little paragraph
— you were discussing things with Tom and Sena, this is where I got that
information — the ability of time to do this is not only true in this particular
dimension, but also the same thing, time, is universal in all of the parallel
dimensions and other dimensions wherein thought patterns result in objective
mass. Is that true? (Pause) So my question is, is that same
thing, time, universal in all objective dimensions?
ELIAS: In a manner of speaking, yes, for the time element adds
a thickness to the physical dimension, and in this it creates the ability
to be manifesting physical mass in what you term to be matter. This
would be the process of introducing different elements in energy of consciousness
into the thickness of the time framework, and as it is entering into the
time framework, it acquires solidity and thickness in quality, and therefore
is creating of physical mass.
NORM: Okay. I have a question in regard to myself as a focus.
Do all of my thoughts objectively realize in matter
somewhere in some dimension?
ELIAS: Not necessarily. Thought does not always materialize
into what you view as matter or solid objects, although many times it may
be creating of solid objects in matter within physical dimensions.
There ARE certain thought processes that DO materialize into physical
matter within other parallel realities or probable realities that may not
objectify themselves within this particular reality that you hold your
attention within, but all thought is not necessarily projected into what
you think of as physical mass, into an object in matter. Although
I shall also express to you that any thought process that is verbalized
DOES acquire a physical type of reality, for there is a chemical alteration
within physical dimensions that occurs in a very minute type of expression.
Therefore, there is what you may term within the scientific community
as a chemical reaction that occurs as you verbalize thought, and this creates
an actual solidity in your atmosphere, so to speak, in like manner to the
element of your air, which holds somewhat of a solidity, for it does materialize
into actual molecules which are physical. Therefore also, your verbalized
thought patterns change from what you may view as electrical energy patterns
into physical formations chemically which are expressed within your physical
NORM: For years, I have had dreams and mental development of my
retirement yacht. At one time it was a catamaran, and for the last
three or four years it’s been a trimaran. Most of my discussion of
that was purely mental, although I have described it to others. One
of my curiosities is, is there an alternate dimension somewhere in which
the yacht is a reality?
ELIAS: Yes. Now; within certain thought processes of choices
that follow your desire, you do in actuality create these probabilities
in alternate realities or probable realities. Therefore, they are
expressed and they are manifest. This is not to say that you may
not be also creating of this same physical element within your own physical
reality, for you may be creating of different aspects of the same thought
process within several different alternate or parallel realities.
In this, I am expressing to you that as you may be creating of some
element physically within another dimension or an alternate reality, this
is not to say that this shall be the only area within consciousness that
it may be expressed and created. You may be creating of a very similar
reality within this particular dimension.
But as to your inquiry of the actualization of this physical form within
another reality, yes, you have created a projection through your thought
processes of the actual materialization of this creation already, and you
may be moving into the direction of creating this also within this physical
As I have expressed previously, as you express these thought processes
verbally, you also lend energy to their physical creation within this dimension.
This is not to say that you may not be creating of any element physically
within this dimension without verbalizing your intention and desire in
this area, but you acquire much more energy as you do verbalize these thought
processes, for you begin the probabilities into an actual physical manifestation,
for the very language that you express within creates a physical response,
and physical elements are being created.
NORM: The actual verbalization of ideas has an interaction, then,
with the thing time that is different than the thought process? In
other words, the verbalization, is that because of the fact that I am living
molecules now? That as I speak, the thing time can encompass the
thought, and the thought is like the mold, in conjunction with time, is
the thing that will actually objectify the thought energy?
ELIAS: Let me offer you an example. First of all, I shall
express to you, yes, as you verbally express, there is a different interaction
within the interaction of time than the expression of a thought process.
Now, let me offer you an example in visual terms that you may be understanding.
Within consciousness, visualize your thoughts as merely waves within
your air. They are within the time framework within your physical
focus. Therefore, time is affecting of them and they are affecting
of time to an extent, but they are as air waves that may be to your viewing
invisible and floating within your air, as your air may be the expression
of the time element itself.
Now; introducing into this air, you may view the expression of verbalization
as a chemical reaction within your air. In this, you may look to
the reaction within the air as a sort of condensation, in a manner of speaking,
to which certain molecules may be collecting together, as you are instructing
the links of consciousness to be coming together to form an actual solid
object, in a very similar manner to molecules forming together to form
water droplets that may become rain or mist. There becomes a thickness
of these molecules that you may actually physically view. Apart from
each other, you may not necessarily view the actual physical form of water.
Within your air, as the molecules are more farther spread from each other,
you may feel the effect of what you term to be humidity, but you do not
see within your air the actual droplets of water.
In like manner, thought processes are in existence within your physical
consciousness within physical dimensions, but they are not necessarily
acquiring physical form and thickness within your dimension, for they have
not been directed in this manner. The links of consciousness are
not being directed to be moving together to form an actual solid object
or form.
In the expression verbally within your language, you lend more energy
to the creation of solidity within your time element. You create
a physical interaction with your time framework and the energy expressed
of your desire and your thought process. Therefore, your impulses
of your thoughts move into a physical interaction with your time framework,
and this is creating of a new direction with the links of consciousness,
moving those links of consciousness, which are the thought processes, into
more of a thickness.
In this, it is quite similar to the action of the humidity within your
air, that you feel but you do not see, moving into a collectiveness of
the molecules coming together and bonding themselves into actual water
droplets, becoming an actual physical form that you may in actuality view
physically and you may touch, and this interacts with all of your physical
senses, for it now holds an element of solidity.
This is the action of your time element upon the creation of instruction
of links of consciousness to be moving together to form physical mass.
Are you understanding?
NORM: Yes. I would like to ask a question then, because
of the fact that recently I had read something
in regard to an act by a swami or a yogi that had the ability to physically
form objects. It appears to me, in your previous discussion here,
that the intention that I give to the mental thought and the intention
that I give to the spoken thought would make a difference in regard to
the links of consciousness following that intention, as well as the form
of the thought or the mold of the thought, so to speak.
Previously, maybe about a year ago, I asked you a question in regard
to man-made quartz and the ability for it to have certain psychic capabilities.
Your answer at that time was that the intention of the production of the
man-made quartz was not along those lines, and of course the intention
of those man-made quartz crystals was for the element of production of
time generation and computers and so on.
So, it appears that the intention of my thought processes will make
a difference in regard to the links of consciousness, how they will form,
and perhaps they could be so instructed by my intention that they would
actually produce a physical object. Am I interpreting the entire
set of ideas correctly there?
ELIAS: You are correct in this statement, for your intention and
your intent are very affecting of what you are creating within physical
mass. It is also very affecting in what you are creating in other
expressions, but within the creation of physical matter, this is quite
influential. For there are situations that you may be expressing
a want to be creating of a certain physical element within matter, and
you may hold a thought process in this direction and you may also express
verbally in this direction that you are wishing to be creating a certain
physical element, but if this element is not in agreement and harmony with
your intent within your physical focus, you may not be actualizing into
this particular physical area of consciousness the actual materialization
of this physical matter. You shall be materializing this element
within an alternate or parallel dimension, for you have created the line
of probabilities and therefore have actualized the probabilities, and in
this you may be creating of actual physical mass within an alternate reality,
but this is not to say that you may always be physically creating of every
element that you want to be creating within this particular physical focus
if it is not in alignment with your intent.
Now; I may also express to you that you may be experimenting with many
different creations within physical focus that may not entirely be in alignment
with your intent within this physical focus, and you may be successful
in creating physical matter, but the quality of that physical object shall
be different from the quality of the object that you may WANT to be creating,
for it is not following within alignment to your intent.
Therefore, in this, your intent and also your intention — for these
are different words expressing different definitions — but in these two
words within your language, if your intent and your intention within creating
of any physical object is in alignment and harmony, then you shall be creating
of your physical desire, which is also different from a want, and this
shall be expressed physically within your dimension.
NORM: The key ideas here are the parallelism of the intention
and the intent. The intent, to me, is a deep-seated psychological
area of my focus, whereas the intention is the current thought processes
that I’m going through. Would that be a correct interpretation of
your usage of the words intent and intention?
ELIAS: This would be a close interpretation to your manner of
thinking, so to speak, for your intent is your overall direction, so to
speak, within the lines of probabilities that you create within any given
physical focus, or within ANY focus of essence, physical or non-physical.
The intent is the direction of probabilities in the potential of its creation.
It is the direction of your desire within any particular focus of essence.
Your intention is more immediate. Your intention moves more in
the direction of your physically focused wants. Therefore, your intention
is the momentary movement in any given situation and your ideas and your
feelings in regard to any of these given areas, which are affecting of
your creation of your probabilities, but they are different from your intent.
Your intent is the overall direction of your desire within a given focus.
NORM: The intent that Stephen and I had at the beginning of my
particular focus, was that interactive with the mass consciousness as to
what is happening in this era of time?
ELIAS: Yes, for within your particular intent
within this particular focus, you move in the direction within your desire
to be lending energy to this shift in consciousness, and in this, lending
energy in a manner of paving, so to speak, a direction in areas of your
scientific movements, in combining the thought processes of the concentration
of physical exploration, incorporating into this the exploration of consciousness.
For as I have expressed previously, futurely, as this shift in consciousness
moves more fully into its expression and its completion, so to speak, there
shall be movements in the area of your sciences that move more fully into
the direction of what you view to be your science fictions presently, and
in this there needs be an incorporation of consciousness into your sciences,
for your sciences are limited in their direction of accomplishment if they
are not incorporating the element of consciousness. They may only
move so far, so to speak, in a physical direction without incorporating
the element of consciousness.
In this, you have moved through your physical focus in the direction
of lending energy to this incorporation of the physical and the non-physical
aspects of consciousness and merging these together, and as you continue
within your particular experimentation, you may not necessarily be the
singular individual that is penetrating the veil between these two aspects
of consciousness, but you are being quite instrumental in your movement
and your lending of energy to this breakthrough, so to speak, within the
areas of your sciences.
I have expressed many times that your sciences have moved into the position
of becoming your new, more powerful religion, in a manner of speaking,
for individuals look to your sciences as their new god and for their directions
within physical focus. Therefore, these sciences hold great power
and great abilities in manipulating much of your objective reality, but
they have not yet moved into the area of incorporating all of reality and
all that is available to them, for they are not incorporating the massive
element of consciousness and all of the windows that may be opened for
the expansion of their creativity in their incorporation of consciousness
and investigation of links of consciousness and different elements of your
physical reality.
There is much of your physical reality that continues to elude you,
for you continue to look merely in physical terms and not incorporate all
that is available to you as to the aspects of consciousness that are also
a very intricate element of all of your physical reality, but you lend
energy in this direction within your experimentations and within your desire.
Therefore, you are moving efficiently in the area of your intent.
This be the reason that I have been encouraging of you previously within
all of your movements in your experimentations, for they are quite in alignment
with your intent and your intention, and may be in actuality physically
expressed within this particular physical dimension, for you are offering
yourself the ability to manipulate consciousness and express direction
to these links of consciousness to be lending energy to your experimentation,
and directing this through your physical time element to materialize that
of your desire within your intention within your physical focus.
Are you understanding?
NORM: Yes, and I certainly appreciate that discussion. It
was most enlightening, and I may say that I understand that there are many
scientists that are, quote, “closed-minded,” but I and perhaps several
other mavericks (Elias grins) are quite interested in the area of consciousness.
Others are probably more devoted to it than I am because this is more or
less a part-time or spare time activity with me. However, I am starting
to position myself so that I can spend more and more time doing it.
The ability for me to think, as I have been (inaudible). Let me
repeat this, or say it a different way. In my understanding of physics,
I like to have a mental activity simulating reality as best that I can
do it, and of course I have been attempting to have a mental thought process,
such as a link of consciousness has, so that
I can repeat mentally what a link of consciousness would do in any particular
The links of consciousness appear to have, from the collections of ideas
that you have presented, the ability to interact with other links of consciousness
and form a gestalt of links, such as your over one million links forming
an electron. They also can interpret, as you just said, my intention,
and if it is in alignment with my intent. Therefore, they have abilities
to look at my total, quote, “psychological” viewpoint, and then actualize
and objectify a different result.
The links of consciousness evidently have the ability to combine in
infinite ways. This is one of the most beautiful of creations.
It is the pervasive element throughout all of creation. Am I interpreting
what you have said previously correctly there?
ELIAS: Yes, you are offering an adequate interpretation of what
I have expressed, for these links of consciousness DO hold the ability
to be interpreting your intent and your intention, and they also are moving
together in what you term within your language to be a certain type of
gestalt. Therefore, I express to you that your interpretation of
this information is quite adequate.
I shall be offering to you a slight correction, in that the links of
consciousness do not hold thought processes as you hold thought processes.
An actual thought process is a combination of links of consciousness.
Therefore, they do not hold a thought process, but form a thought.
In this, as you are attempting to be interactive or connecting with
a link of consciousness within your psyche, so to speak, or within an event
of your own creation, be it within a meditation or an altered state, so
to speak, or a dream state, you may be in actuality offering yourself information
of these links of consciousness, but I express to you that the connecting
with these links of consciousness to be understanding of them within your
objective understanding would be requiring that you allow yourself to be
letting go of all that you know and understand within your objective awareness,
for they do not fit within your objective understanding. Therefore,
they are entirely unfamiliar to you.
I have expressed to you that these links of consciousness do dream,
but even within the expression of the word dream, the action that they
are accomplishing in this dream state is quite different from your understanding
of a dream state, for the translation is very different. You translate
dream imagery and activity into objective terms. In this, links of
consciousness do not necessarily translate at all. They are translating
of directions as they are connecting with you, with your intent and your
intentions, but they are not connecting with you with your thoughts.
They are connecting with your energy impulses and they are communicating
with each other through impulses, which I have expressed to you previously,
impulses are not thoughts and are also not emotions or feelings.
They are different. In this, this would be the mode of communication
that is expressed between links of consciousness. They are interpreting
the impulses of energy that you project, and in this they form together
to be creating of your thought process, of your actual thoughts.
This be the reason that I and other teachers have expressed to you that
thoughts are reality. They are not merely elusive elements that you
may not attach any significance to. They are actual forms.
They are reality, for they are an accumulation of links of consciousness
that form together in responsiveness to the impulses that you are projecting
to be directing of them, in like manner to the molecules forming together
to be creating of a water droplet.
This be quite a creative process, and quite intricate, that you have
developed within this particular physical dimension. Other physical
dimensions create some similar interactions, but this is not to say that
all physical dimensions are creating of this same process, so to speak.
I have expressed to you that this particular dimension holds tremendous....
(Here, Elias stops talking)
NORM: Hello? Hello?
ELIAS: Excuse. I have experienced a slight interruption
in energy, but we shall be continuing presently.
NORM: Okay.
ELIAS: Other dimensions do not necessarily express the intricacies
of this particular dimension, and in this you have created an availability
within this dimension for tremendous usage of consciousness to be introduced
into your physical dimension and introduced into actual physical matter.
You may be manipulating of energy quite efficiently within this particular
dimension, with very many aspects of creativity at your disposal, in a
manner of speaking. This be the reason for your shift in consciousness,
to be opening a new door to your own aspects of creativity within physical
NORM: Very, very interesting. I would like to sort of shift
the ideas to the interaction in this dimension that time plays. Time,
from your discussions recently, appears to have a very, very important
role to play in the development of this particular dimension and the characteristics
of this particular dimension.
ELIAS: Correct.
NORM: Therefore, the characteristics of time in this particular
dimension, or the thing time displays in this particular dimension, can
be different than other dimensions.
ELIAS: Correct.
NORM: The thing time, does it have thought processes? I
guess that’s gotta be answered. Apparently it has been created to
respond in different ways, in very creative ways, but not necessarily that
it has its own thought processes.
ELIAS: Correct. It does not hold its own thought process.
NORM: And it has the ability to interact in Regional Area 2 for
the objective Regional Area 1 to be materialized?
ELIAS: Correct.
NORM: And perhaps in relationship to Regional Area 3, it has a
much more minor affectingness?
ELIAS: Correct. Only in certain areas of Regional Area 3
may it be affecting.
NORM: Right. Evidently, there can be bleed-throughs between
Regional Area 3 and Regional Area 1, from various ghost stories that you
hear about. Would that be the region for those appearances?
ELIAS: There is an element of your time which is interactive within
the Regional Area 3 which is connected to the action of transition.
There is also other areas of Regional Area 3 that may be interactive with
time, but only those areas of this regional area of consciousness that
are interactive or influencing of physical focuses. Other elements
of Regional Area 3 which are not involved or directly interactive with
physical focus are not affected by this time element.
NORM: From what I am seeing now, time as a thing has receptivity
in regard to individual intentions and intents. Would that be a correct
statement? (Pause) It can interpret individual intentions and intent?
ELIAS: No. Time does not interact within the interpretation.
It is the links of consciousness that are interactive in the area of interpretation,
but they are interactive with the element of time to be creating of certain
physical elements.
NORM: Another question in regard to time. It
appears, even in one dimension, that time would have an infinite set of
facets, more or less a facet with respect to every focus that is within
this Regional Area 1 dimension.
ELIAS: You are correct, for it is interactive with perception,
and your perception is influenced by your belief systems. Therefore,
each individual holds different perceptions, and their interaction with
the element of time is also slightly different. Although you generally,
in a manner of speaking, may be experiencing what you think of as the same
experience of time in linear fashion, in actuality, each of you experiences
a slightly different aspect or expression of the element of time, for it
is quite interactive with your perceptions.
In this, you may be following the same linear calendar and you may be
setting your clocks and creating of certain rotations and orbiting to be
creating of days and months and seasons, but your moment-to-moment linear
perception of time varies slightly with each individual, and your interpretation
of time may be quite different from one individual to another individual.
In this, you also hold the ability to be manipulating the element of
time and to be experimenting with the element of time, dependent upon your
awareness and your allowance with yourself to be open to the exploration
of this particular element.
NORM: Parallel dimensions are closely related in the element of
time and its characteristics of blinking. Am I stating that correctly?
ELIAS: Correct.
NORM: It’s my interpretation that the objective material that
is presently in this moment of time, so to speak — of course, there’s been
hundreds of millions of blinks that occurred within the last sentence —
that the material in this dimension actually will move and change and form
to material that is in the parallel dimension, and therefore the experience
of all of the links of consciousness that is materialized here is greater,
is maximized by having a switching from, an experiencing from one alternate
dimension to another to another to another, and then back to this dimension.
This is a viewpoint that I have been looking at recently. Does that
appear to be close to the truth?
ELIAS: Let me express to you that all of these realities are occurring
simultaneously. Your attention may blink from one to another, but
as it blinks, the one that you have blinked out of does not discontinue
or disappear or move to another. The links of consciousness are infinite.
Therefore, there are different links of consciousness that are creating
of different realities. They are not necessarily moving from one
reality to another.
Now; do not misunderstand. This is not to say that links of consciousness
do not hold the ability to move from one dimension to another, for they
do, just as physical elements within your physical dimension hold the ability
to move from one dimension into another and return to their original dimension,
so to speak, as within the situation of your experiment. But in the
situation of blinking in and out, you are simultaneously occupying different
areas of consciousness, different dimensions, and interactive within all
of these dimensions. It is merely a question of the direction of
your attention, but you are not necessarily entirely moving from one dimension
to another, leaving one dimension, so to speak, and entering another.
This has recently been addressed in other sessions in the experiences
of certain individuals within the action of transition in physical focus,
for they have allowed themselves an awareness of experiencing two different
realities, or experiencing these experiences simultaneously and holding
objective awareness of both in what you may term to be equal proportion,
(intently) at the same intervals.
In this, it is an offering of the experience of the simultaneousness
of time, and in objective expressions, the awareness that these experiences
are occurring in conjunction with each other and within different areas
but simultaneously, not that you move from one to another and discontinue
the one that you have moved from, but that you continue within both.
Your attention within your objective awareness merely is not allowing you
to hold the awareness of the interaction of both experiences simultaneously,
for you focus your attention singularly. You are now moving into
areas of your experiences to be allowing you to be viewing more than one
experience simultaneously and hold the objective awareness of these experiences.
NORM: This is very enlightening, very enlightening! I have
many problems with my ideas as to ... for example, parallel universes that
are very close to this particular universe, and the ones that, for example,
I have probable selves in. Let me kind of reorganize my thoughts
and ask a question here.
You had indicated earlier that I have a vase artist self that stayed
here in California some 52 years ago, and that he was the probable self
that stayed here. I’m reinterpreting the points and the awareness
that I have. That vase artist self is really me and I am really him,
in that I am aware of my life and he is aware of his life, but at some
level of consciousness, we are really one? Am I interpreting that
NORM: Ah! Isn’t that beautiful! That is magnificent!
That is magnificent! (Elias chuckles) All of my probable selves then
are really a gestalt that is really one, and then there is another gestalt
of focuses of essence — for example, one of them you have indicated to
be presently in the area of Indonesia — and all of those in this particular
dimension, we all are aware subconsciously of each other, or at some level
of consciousness we are aware of experiences. Am I saying that correctly?
ELIAS: Yes, you are correct. You are all one.
NORM: Oh, isn’t that fabulous! (Elias chuckles) That makes
me so much more than I thought I was!
ELIAS: Absolutely, and I have expressed this many times previously,
and you now move yourself more into an area of allowing yourself to assimilate
this information and offer yourself an understanding of this information.
You ARE much greater and vaster than you allow yourself to perceive, for
you view yourselves within a very singular manner, but you are extremely
greater and immensely vaster than you perceive yourselves to be!
NORM: The activities in the shift are going to be incredible in
relationship to this era of experience. I can see that! One
of my desires in the last three or four years, because of the awareness
of this information, is that I have intended — at least my intentions,
and I don’t know if that’s in line with my intent — but my intention is
that I am becoming physically capable now of living, I believe, until the
year 2075 if I so desire, and this is magnificent!
I believe that I’m going to very greatly enjoy the experience of this dimensional
shift, and it is up to me, I believe, to carry out that intention if I
so desire. Am I stating that with agreement from you?
ELIAS: Yes, you are correct in your statement that this would
be your choice and would be your creation of your desire, and you do hold
the ability. It is merely a question of your belief systems and their
limitations upon you within your creations and your expression of this
type of action.
Now; let me express to you that I shall be allowing for you to be expressing
of two more questionings, for I shall be disengaging as to not be wishing
to be taxing upon Michael, as he is choosing to be engaging of this energy
exchange quite frequently recently. Are you understanding?
NORM: I understand. I have recently been attempting to make
a decision as to whether or not I would choose to experience the shift
as a new focus, and I believe I have made the decision that I will continue
the current existence as the focus that I’m in. In the last two or
three weeks, I have gone through quite a few questionings as to what would
be more experiencing and perhaps more fun, to do it as a new focus or as
the focus that I currently am, because I feel that with the information
that I have, I could go quite rapidly through Regional Area 3 and reemerge
in Regional Area 1. I also feel that this is contingent upon my ability
to be accepting of my belief systems, and I believe that I am accomplishing
that intention of acceptance and awareness of belief systems. I am
attempting to get behind those belief systems that you need to get behind
so that you can see those belief systems that are behind and are hidden,
and it is of great interest for me to do that. Would you have any
comments or suggestions in regard to the statements that I have just made?
ELIAS: I shall express to you that within this present now, you
have created two lines of probabilities; one line that you shall continue
within this physical focus for a time framework to be lending energy in
the action of this shift in your scientific areas in the extension of your
physical occupation of this physical focus, for this shall lend energy
to the movement of this shift in consciousness in offering other individuals
validation that you may be accomplishing of many elements within physical
focus that their belief systems restrict them in the area of their creations
Therefore, I express to you that you may not necessarily be creating
of extending your present physical focus to the actual year of 2075, but
you shall be extending your physical focus for what individuals now term
to be an unusual length of your time framework, and this shall be expressive
of your abilities to be creating within physical focus.
The second line of probabilities that you engage presently ... which
I express to you are probabilities. Therefore, they may always be
altered, in either line of these probabilities. But the second line
of probabilities that you engage in creating presently is to be remanifesting,
in a manner of speaking, that you may be experiencing the accomplishment
and the completion of this shift in consciousness, and that you may experience
physical focus once this shift in consciousness has been completed.
NORM: Well, thank you for the information.
ELIAS: You are very welcome.
NORM: I am sure that I have a probable self that is in the process
of traveling this earth in this creation of a trimaran that I have dreamed
of for so many years, and I wanted to experience the total gloriousness
of the beauty of this particular dimension, this earth. There must
be a probable self that is in the process of doing that. Am I stating
that correctly?
ELIAS: You are correct, and I may express to you also that you
hold the ability to be connecting with this probable self and engaging
interaction with this probable self, therefore offering yourself an objective
experience in alignment with this probable self.
NORM: This is magnificent! This is really beautiful!
ELIAS: I am encouraging of you both, Stephen and Dehl, to be experimenting
with your out-of-body experiences, for this shall offer you the opportunity
to validate yourselves and this shall be your practice to offer you more
mobility within consciousness, and as you continue in this area, you offer
yourself more of an ease in movement into the investigation of other areas
of consciousness in the direction of investigation and interaction and
experience with probable dimensions and probable selves, which shall also
lend energy to your creations within this particular objective awareness
within your dimension. Therefore....
NORM: I want to thank you very, very much, Elias. I only
have one last little question.
RETA: And then I have a dream I want to ask about.
NORM: The question is, the ability to see blue and purple.
As I was reading one of your transcripts the other day, certain words became
blue, and I was so astounded that I almost lost my train of thought, and
afterwards I wanted to connect those blue words together to see if they
had a special meaning. Was that any interaction with you?
ELIAS: Yes....
NORM: Well, thank you very much. I will experience it differently.
It was so much of a shock that I became emotional about it rather than,
as I should have, look at it in a more rational way, I suppose.
ELIAS: Ah, do not be discounting of yourself!
NORM: Well, thank you very much. Will you allow Dehl to
have a couple of questions?
ELIAS: You may inquire of your dream interaction and imagery,
Dehl, and subsequent to this, I shall be disengaging, as I have expressed.
RETA: Okay. Well, in the last two months, Norm has been
partially retired, and in this, his desire to go all these different ways
is very predominant, and in this, it weighs heavily on me. I think
that I had this particular dream many, many times in several weeks, and
I don’t know what it means, really. Most of the dreams were beautiful
to start with, but they had elements of warnings and messages from my inner
feelings about what we were doing.
I put myself in a small town, and it looked like I was on top of a mountain
looking down at a winding road, way down a mountain trail, and the people
that we seemed to be interacting with were Asian or Malaysian or Persian,
and we were in this great big beautiful house on top of a hill. In
some ways, I think of it as that big beautiful building we saw on top of
Big Sur. We always wanted to be there with this group of people,
but it seemed like it was a precarious trip to get there, and it was very
difficult to get up to that last ridge. I could see vegetation and
beauty below, but on top it was more like rock. We were staying at
times with them in this particular room that they always put us in, and
this room was beautiful, the interior, and of course it had blue because
I love blue, and we always heard things in the walls, and I heard things
in the floors. And finally, over a period of time, we moved the furniture
out, and I just sat there and watched because I was the only one that seemed
to be sure there was something happening, and I could see the carpet bubbling
underneath and moving, and finally I could see the shape under the carpet,
of heads coming up through a tunnel or through the carpet. I pulled
back the carpet, and all I could see was a very skinny, tiny little tunnel
with cables coming up through it. Can you give me an idea?
ELIAS: This imagery that you have presented yourself presently
is an offering to yourself of the movement that you anticipate engaging
presently and futurely, but more in the area of future movement.
It is expressive of your desire to be moving in the area of what you THINK
of, or your translation of, spirituality. Therefore, you image this
to yourself as being placed upon this hill within this mansion, and occupied
by hospitable but unfamiliar individuals. This would be your imagery
to yourself of essences that are welcoming, but unfamiliar.
In this, you hold a desire to be entering into interaction with these
individuals, although you view this to be a difficult trip, which is significant
within your imagery of the difficulties that you hold in addressing to
your own belief systems in conjunction with the movement that you and Stephen
desire to be entering into. Therefore, you also create imagery of
difficulty, and you express that you are confined to one room of this particular
This be the reason that you have offered imagery to yourself of your
own limitations in this area. It is not that all of the location
is not available to you, but that you are being confined in one area of
this structure. This is your imagery to yourself of the influence
of the belief systems.
Within this location that you are confined to, you also image that you
are hearing sounds and that you view movement beneath your floor, so to
speak, or within your walls. You are also aware of movement within
sound. This imagery is the presentment to you that although you may
view yourself to be confined within limitations of your belief systems,
you continue to hold the ability to access outside information, in YOUR
manner of thinking, for in actuality, it is not outside information.
It is held within you. But within your imagery in alignment with
your belief systems, you image this to be outside of yourself; the presentment
of movement and elements that are attaining your attention outside of yourself.
In this, this particular dream image creates an element in one direction
of curiosity, but in another direction it is creating of the feeling of
anxiety in certain time periods. The reason that you view this to
be a feeling of anxiousness or anxiety is that you hold an awareness of
movement that Stephen is creating, and within your own discounting of self
and lack of acceptance of your own movement and of yourself, and continuing
in your own direction of judgment upon yourself, you do not view that you
may be moving in the same direction or at the same rate, so to speak, as
is Stephen.
Therefore, there is an element of fearfulness that is created, that
you may be limiting of yourself, and this shall be creating of a rift,
in a manner of speaking.
Let me express to you that you hold the ability to be creating within
harmony of each other. You merely need be addressing to your own
acceptance of self and allow yourself your own trustfulness in self, and
that shall be quite influencing of you and helpful to you in not discounting
of your own movement, and it shall also move you more easily into the area
of addressing to your own bird cages and all of the birds that are held
within them.
I am expressing acknowledgment to you, Dehl, and much encouragement,
and shall be lending energy to you in this encouragement of your movement
and in the area of helpfulness to be accepting of self, and this shall
be singularly the most affecting and influencing in your own movement in
the area of addressing to your own belief systems.
RETA: Thank you very much.
ELIAS: You are quite welcome. I express great affection
to you both this day....
RETA: We’ll visit you again shortly.
ELIAS: I shall be anticipating our next meeting, and we may continue
within these discussions, for they may show themselves to be quite interesting
and helpful, not only to yourselves but to many other individuals also,
in providing an access to certain areas of information that many other
individuals hold inquiries of, but have not allowed themselves to move
into the direction of posing these inquiries with myself as of yet.
Therefore, I am acknowledging of your direction this day, and am encouraging
of your continuation in this area. You hold my acknowledgment, Stephen,
and my encouragement to you. I shall offer objective connections
to you within different time periods to be acknowledging of you, and you
shall be connecting with this color of blue that you shall recognize as
a validation to you that I am acknowledging and lending energy to your
NORM: I want to thank you very much. It’s beautiful, and
I love it!
RETA: Very encouraging!
NORM: And it’s very encouraging, and I want to thank you very
much. It’s been a most interesting session this morning, and I love
it! Again, thank you very much.
ELIAS: You are very welcome. I express much affection to
you both, and I shall be bidding you this day a very fond adieu.
Elias departs at 12:58 PM.
© 1998 Vicki Pendley/Mary Ennis, All Rights Reserved
Copyright 1998 Mary Ennis, All Rights Reserved.