Gregoria (Angelina)
Isabel (Larkshire)
Letty (Castille)
Marcos (Marta)
Stella (Cindel)
Terry ()
Virginia ()
Topics: "The Answer to Uncertainty and Confusion: Turn Your Attention to You"
"The Denial of Choice Is QUITE Significant"
"What Is My Purpose?"
"A Method for Relaxing"
Session Title: Configuring Energy in Interactions with Other Individual
Type: Private
Jim (Trecia)
Mavis (Mouve)
Nicole (Neajwah)
Topics: "Configuring Energy in Interactions with Other Individuals"
"Projections of Consciousness"
"Dream Triggers"
"Essence Family Belonging to vs. Alignment"
Topics: “Enacting Choices Without Judgment” “Breaking Old Patterns By Turning Your Attention To You Rather Than To Others’ Responses” “Playfulness with Repetition: The Tunnel Analogy” “Expectations Create Restrictions” “Siamese Twins”
Session Title: Merely Know That You Do Incorporate Choice
Type: Private
Letty (Castille)
Topics: "Merely Know That You Do Incorporate Choice"
"The Communication of the Emotion of Longing"
"The 'Why' In Wanting To Continue a Challenging Relationship"
Ben (Albert)
Bryce (Ximeu)
Evan (Bradley)
Frank (X-tian)
Matt (Blythe)
Mike (Mikah)
Pat (Treice)
Sandy (Allesander)
Suki (Lissethe)
Tracy ()
Topics: "Defining 'Impression'"
"The Role of Observing Essence"
Session Title: Methods to Connect with Another Focus
Type: Private
Luana (Ring)
Topics: "Methods to Connect with Another Focus"
"A Pool of Probabilities, Not a Blueprint"
"Can Animals and Plants Be Victims?"
"Exploring Aspects of Self"
Session Title: Interaction Between Emotional and Thought Focus
Type: Private
Dawn (Sarah)
Michael (Delal)
Topics: "Interaction Between Emotional and Thought Focus Types"
"Generating Extremes in the Soft Orientation"
"The Point in This Shift in Consciousness"
Session Title: An Awareness of the Choice to Disengage
Type: Private
Pamela (Pviette)
Topics: "An Awareness of the Choice to Disengage"
"The Difference Between Accepting Yourself and Trusting Yourself"
"Exercise: Moving Your Attention to You"
Topics: "Dire Financial Circumstances"
"The First Step in Offering Yourself Freedom"
"Exercises: Recognizing How Often You Discount Yourself; Move Your Attention to the Now"
Barbara (Eezel)
Ben (Albert)
Ben (Ona)
Cathy (Shynla)
Carole (Aileen)
Curtis (Juva)
Erin (Melody)
Frank (Christian)
Gillian (Ari)
Howard (Bosht)
Jim (Marion)
Joanne (Gildae)
Jon (Sung)
Linda (Robert)
Lorraine (Kayia)
Luanne (Inez)
Lynda (Ruther)
Marge (Grady)
Margot (Giselle)
Pat (Fryolla)
Pat (Treice)
Rodney (Zacharie)
Ron (Olivia)
Sandy (Allesandor)
Steve (Steffano)
Ted (Cara)
Beth ()
Betsy ()
Carol ()
Dianne ()
Ed ()
Fred ()
George (Bethette)
Jim (Orage)
Joanne ()
Joy ()
Katie (Mynn)
Lauren ()
Maggie ()
Mark ()
Mary ()
Mike ()
Nina ()
Peter (Magnus)
Randolph ()
Robert ()
Steve ()
Tom ()
Session Title: The Difference Between Intuition and Imagination
Type: Group
Anthony (Rannell)
Ben (Albert)
Daniil (Zynn)
Elizabeth (Grace)
Fay (Camile)
Inna (Beatrix)
Jerry (Abel)
Jim (Orage)
John (Vito)
Lynda (Ruther)
Mike (Mikah)
Natasha (Nichole)
Pat (Treice)
Robert ()
Rodney (Zacharie)
Sandy (Allesander)
Suzanne ()
Tara (Lily)
Tracy (Ezrha)
Veronica (Amadis)
Topics: “The Difference Between Intuition and Imagination”
“Examining Security”
“The Difference Between Patience and Waiting”
“What Does the Shift in Consciousness Look Like?”
“Physical Dis-Ease”
Session Title: You Hold the Ability to Generate a Different World
Type: Private
Rose (Quillan)
Topics: 200209251 (1139) “You Hold the Ability to Generate a Different World” “How You Perceive Is How You Create” “Digging a Tunnel Out of the Prison”
Session Title: Shifting, Turning Your Attention from Distractions
Type: Private
David (Zalman)
Topics: “Shifting, Turning Your Attention from Distractions”
“Interpret through Specifics, Not Generalities”
“Continuing — or Not — a Relationship with a Creature”
Session Title: Exercise: What Is Your Most Familiar Automatic Response?
Type: Group
Anet ()
Arthur ()
Bobbi (Jale)
Cathy (Shynla)
Dale ()
Daryl (Ashrah)
Debi (Oona)
Denise ()
Douglas (Dona)
Fran (Sandel)
George (Bethetee)
Jim (Trecia)
Jim S. ()
Jo (Tyl)
Jody ()
Karen (Ziva)
Kathleen (Beth)
Laura (Belagia)
Luana (Ring)
Mavis (Mouve)
Norm (Stephen)
Pat (Fryolla)
Paul (Caroll)
Paul (Xutrah)
Reta (Dehl)
Rodney (Zacharie)
Ron (Olivia)
Sabrina (Stencett)
Sangshin Kim ()
Sharon (Camdon)
Sheri (Milde)
Steve (Lambert)
Wendy (Myiisha)
Topics: “Exercise: What Is Your Most Familiar Automatic Response?”
“What You Are DOING”