Cause and Effect or a Movement of Change?
“Cause and Effect or a Movement of Change?”
“Viewing the Entirety of Your World as an Expression of You”
Tuesday, December 24, 2002 (Private/Phone)
Participants: Mary (Michael) and Shahma (Fiona)
Elias arrives at 10:09 AM. (Arrival time is 17 seconds.)
ELIAS: Good morning!
SHAHMA: Good morning!
ELIAS: (Chuckles) We meet again!
SHAHMA: Yes, it’s been a while. Well, I’ve been busy stirring pots! (Laughs)
ELIAS: Ah! (Chuckles)
SHAHMA: I was wondering if you could tell me or kind of help me get a little more clear on something. I look at different movements during my focus, and I was part of this ... I was a flower child. I didn’t get real involved politically or anything, but I did participate in a peace march. I also remember when I was a child seeing Martin Luther King. He was kind of one of my heroes.
When I look at that whole process, for instance the Martin Luther King movement and the marches for civil rights, from appearances it seems to have been beneficial. I guess I think if it wasn’t for those type of movements, for instance African-Americans would still be sitting at the back of the bus.
But I guess what I’m trying to get clear on is I know that there’s no cause and effect, but when I look at things like this or participate in them I think of them as “we do something and then this happens.” I’m trying to wrap my brain around exactly what’s happening there. I know we make choices in each moment. Maybe you could explain to me a little better what it is, rather than cause and effect.
ELIAS: Very well. You are correct; it is not an expression of cause and effect. It is a movement of change, which is quite different; for cause and effect implies absolutes.
But in this, throughout your history you have moved in collective manners to be generating changes in your societies. At times, individuals may be in agreement with a mass collective movement and may be the focal point, so to speak, of one of these movements to be generating changes within your societies within your world.
Many different individuals participate physically in these types of movements. Many more individuals participate in energy expressions. At times, when there are enough individuals within your reality that are in agreement regarding certain specific movements of change, you witness these types of mass expressions.
Change is your nature. Change is the nature of consciousness, in actuality. Therefore, you are continuously expressing changes. But in relation to societies, it is quite effective to be generating a collective movement to be creating changes within the whole, so to speak, of the entity of the society, which is comprised of all of the individuals.
But I may express to you also, you may view the difference in the expression of change and the belief in cause and effect, for it is not an absolute that these movements shall produce precisely what is intended. At times they do produce the intended outcome, and at times they do not. It is dependent upon the volume of energy which is in agreement with the intended change.
SHAHMA: That makes sense. So the difference is that there is no absolute.
ELIAS: Correct.
SHAHMA: As you probably know, I did participate in a peace march in October. At first I wasn’t sure. There was this email petition going among some of us on the Elias forum — quite a few of us, actually — and people felt comfortable signing this petition. I mentioned that I might participate in a peace march but I wasn’t sure. Several people in the forum were expressing that this was not the best way to go, not that there was anything negative. But I kind of just said that I was wrestling with it and wasn’t sure.
And then I did. I decided to go ahead and do this, and when I got there, it felt really comfortable to me. It was like this is what I’m choosing and it just kind of fits like a glove to be with all these people in this movement, all expressing agreement in wanting to not participate in violence anymore, and disarmament. Back in the late ‘60s, early ‘70s, for the most part a lot of those people were, well, you would’ve called us hippies, at that time — not all of them, but the majority, I would say. But now it seems like they’re from everywhere and they’re every religion. It was just wonderful to participate in it, for me. Then I thought afterward, I’m Sumari/Vold and this really just kind of fits in! (Both laugh)
ELIAS: This is the significance of listening to yourself, my friend, for as you listen to yourself, you generate choices that are in alignment with your individual preferences. I may express to you also that for the most part, with very few exceptions, individuals within your physical reality, in relation to the design of your reality, do naturally wish to be in the company of other individuals that are of like mind, so to speak, and of like spirit. In this, a natural movement is to be drawing to yourself and drawing yourself to other individuals that express similarity to yourself.
Now; as I have stated, there are very few exceptions — but there are exceptions. There are some individuals that choose to be drawing to themselves and drawing themselves to other individuals throughout their focus which express consistent differences. But generally speaking, you naturally gravitate in the direction of the least or no conflict. This is a natural movement. This is not to say that you generate no conflict for the most part, but your natural movement is not to be generating conflict, with the exception of temporary explorations of those types of experiences.
Therefore, in listening to yourself and paying attention in the now, you allow yourself to create choices that are in alignment with your preferences, which is the point.
Also I may express to you, as you are aware, it matters not that you recognize that you are generating movement and choices in association with certain beliefs. What is significant is that you may be recognizing those beliefs and realizing where your preferences are in relation to your beliefs, and therefore offering yourself the freedom of objectively, knowingly, choosing certain experiences and expressions. This may be expressed quite realistically without judgment.
SHAHMA: I’ve been thinking about that myself, about making whatever I’m choosing and not judging myself for that, and just thinking this is part of what I believe. Even though sometimes I find that I have conflicting beliefs, I’m feeling more of an ease in choosing in the moment which beliefs I want to align with...
ELIAS: Correct.
SHAHMA: ...and speaking up.
ELIAS: Correct. Allowing yourself the freedom of your individual expressions and not concerning yourself with the perceptions of other individuals, and in this, also not generating a judgment in relation to other individuals and their expression of difference.
SHAHMA: Which is sometimes difficult to do.
ELIAS: I am aware! (Both laugh) For many times, the judgment itself becomes a motivating factor.
SHAHMA: I’ve been finding it really helpful to begin to feel that oneness with everyone, thinking to myself that these people are me. I find that very helpful in the judgment area, which is to say that I’m judging myself.
ELIAS: Correct.
SHAHMA: There are some areas that I’m having difficulty in. I know other people are not really others; they’re me.
For instance, there’s something going on in the United States right now that I’ve actually been feeling a lot of grief over, and that is the round-up all over the United States of people from Middle Eastern countries, males over the age of 16. They’re rounding them up. These people are voluntarily coming in to register because they were told that they must do so. They show up and then they’re handcuffed, strip-searched, fingerprinted, put in holding facilities, and they’ve been there for days. It reminds me of what went on — although I wasn’t, my parents were in that era — in World War II with the Japanese.
I feel like there is a change, in that I’m sure there were dissenters at that time and there were protesters, but probably not to the degree there are now, and people speaking out and saying that it doesn’t express the freedom that we are supposed to represent.
ELIAS: I am understanding.
SHAHMA: I look at this and I think this is me. This is not me, focus-me, but it’s part of me. This is a different aspect of me, and I wonder why.
ELIAS: I am understanding. Let me express to you, in viewing all of your reality, the entirety of your world, as an expression of you, perhaps you may begin a recognition of the wonder of all of these expressions and the tremendous diversity of experiences that you are generating. This is the power of the lack of separation and the lack of judgment.
What you are perceiving is the power of fear. In altering your perception and allowing yourself to genuinely view all of your reality, which encompasses all of your world, with a genuine expression of no separation and without judgment, you dissipate the fear and you may recognize the tremendous expression of diverse experiences that you yourself are generating in an exploration of this physical reality. All of the different types of experiences that you allow yourself to imagine, you actually also generate, which may be viewed as a testament to your vastness and your creativity.
SHAHMA: That helps.
ELIAS: For you have chosen to be physically manifest within a physical dimension, my friend, and in that choice and in the natural expression of consciousness in continuous exploration which generates continuous expansion, would you not be generating the action of exploring every type of experience that may be created in association with this physical dimension?
In this, you allow yourself to experience many different types of perceptions, which also expresses a lack of separation. This does not discount your individual preferences in this one focus of attention. But as I have stated many times, you may be generating acceptance and a lack of judgment and continue to express opinions and preferences. (Pause)
SHAHMA: That really helps, thank you.
ELIAS: You are welcome.
SHAHMA: I’m wondering if the fact that I’ve generated everything that I’m seeing and learning lately and being involved in the peace movement, etcetera, also has to do with my ... well, of course it has to do with my intent! (Laughs) But you told me that my intent was traveling through the whirlwinds to reach the eye.
ELIAS: I am understanding.
SHAHMA: Sometimes I wonder why in the heck did I do that? (Elias laughs) It seems that sometimes I wish that I had just decided to go to the eye and stay there! (Both laugh) But I think that I like the stimulation.
ELIAS: Correct, for this generates excitement.
SHAHMA: Yeah, and the diversity...
ELIAS: Correct.
SHAHMA: ...of all the different aspects of myself. It’s just amazing.
ELIAS: Correct, which also allows you to explore your communications to yourself, for they become expressed more loudly. (Chuckles)
SHAHMA: Well, I had a couple of other questions here.
ELIAS: Very well.
SHAHMA: A few years ago, I was told and also I had impressions of my own that I was a Native American woman in Canada, north of Vancouver somewhere up above the Washington area. In that focus my name was Sancosa. I’ve had impressions about that, and I have an impression that it was maybe during the 1700s...
ELIAS: Correct.
SHAHMA: ...and also that I would shape-shift into a snowy owl. I think that was just an energetic thing that I did, not a literal thing...
ELIAS: Correct.
SHAHMA: ...but there were people who called me White Owl Woman.
SHAHMA: Also, Margot/Giselle and I really hit it off, and we were wondering if there’s some relation there. Was I in the northwestern Canada area?
SHAHMA: That was my impression. She was in a different area but we feel that we have known each other or somehow come across each other maybe in relation to the Lewis and Clark thing, but I’m not sure. I don’t see how we would’ve crossed paths at that point.
ELIAS: You do participate in other focuses together but not in these two focuses, and this generates a recognition of familiarity.
SHAHMA: Do we participate in Native American focuses together?
ELIAS: One, yes.
SHAHMA: Can you tell me what our relationship was?
ELIAS: Female siblings.
SHAHMA: I got chills with that one! (Both laugh)
Also, I was wondering what my relationship to Klimpt is. I know there are a few people in the forum, two or three people, that have some relationship. In some ways I feel really drawn to the artwork. In fact, there’s a real emotional feeling that I get when I view Klimpt’s paintings. I don’t think I was Klimpt, but I feel that there’s some association there. I don’t know, maybe his mother?
ELIAS: A friend. Also, allow yourself to listen to your impressions, for I shall offer you a clue. One of your children is an observing essence of that individual.
SHAHMA: That would be Dawn, my oldest daughter?
ELIAS: Correct.
ELIAS: Let me express to you, my friend, in recognition of certain draws that you may generate within yourself, many times you do express what you term to be a connection in some manner with specific draws, but it may not necessarily be as black and white as an expression of another focus of yourself.
You may be experiencing a particular draw to some expression in relation to other individuals that you express a closeness, in your terms, with in this focus and you recognize that energy, and in association with your appreciation of the individual in this focus, you also express an appreciation for other focuses of that individual also.
The clarity in deciphering this information is expressed in clearly paying attention to your energy and what information you are offering to yourself through your communications. The reason that there is a challenge in that action is merely that it is unfamiliar to you to be listening to all of your communications that you offer to yourself in that type of clarity. But you do incorporate the ability to be generating this type of clarity. It is merely an involvement of practicing paying attention.
SHAHMA: I haven’t been getting involved with my artwork lately; I’ve been doing other things. But one of the things that I noticed was that in some of the artwork that I do — in particular, a quilt that I did of a large fairy — there are a lot of similarities with Klimpt’s artwork. This was an association that I made also, plus my tendency to be drawn to naked women (laughs), beautiful women’s bodies. In this particular quilt, it’s a large fairy with this long, wavy, flowing hair. But I noticed that when I’m getting involved in artwork, this is when I feel more impressions. I make more associations in that way.
ELIAS: I am understanding, for you are allowing yourself more of an openness within yourself and you are concentrating your attention more in association with yourself.
SHAHMA: It’s a time when I can kind of get lost. Everything, other things around me, other concerns, seem to drop away when I get involved in that, and that feels really expansive to me.
ELIAS: I am understanding.
SHAHMA: I had one other question, just briefly. I also had an impression that I was part of the Scotland focus that you were involved in with several others in the forum. I don’t exactly know what I was doing, but my impression is that I was a woman and that was when I actually used my essence name Fiona, in that particular focus.
SHAHMA: My impression is that I was somehow involved with making herbal potions or something like that. Did I have any connection with you in that focus also?
ELIAS: Merely a brief acquaintance. But yes, your impression is correct in association with generating herbal remedies, so to speak, for individuals within your clan.
SHAHMA: I guess there’s just one more sort of question that I’ve had for quite a while, but I guess I may as well! (Both laugh) It has to do with the fact that I have been basically alone and celibate for a few years now — since 1997, so I guess it’s been about five years or so — with a couple of brief flings that I was not really comfortable with at all.
I have plenty of interaction with people when I go to work. I live in the woods. I live alone, pretty much. But there’s so much going on when I go to work, so much interaction with other individuals, that coming home to living in the woods and being with my animals is very comfortable to me. But on the other hand, I think that I do have this desire to have another partner or to be with someone else, to live with someone else in my home, preferably a woman. I feel like I’m just not leaning towards relationships with men anymore.
ELIAS: I am understanding.
SHAHMA: There’s a part of me that really yearns for this close, comfortable relationship with another woman. But I have this tendency I’ve noticed in myself that whenever someone — and I haven’t really had the opportunity lately for any intimate involvement with a woman — but generally, with men the last few years, as soon as I get the feeling that they start to become interested in me, I feel like this wall goes up.
And I have had this difficulty with not feeling sexual for a long time. It was the big challenge in my last relationship, because I would go for long periods of time with just not being interested in being sexual at all. I wanted to cuddle and I wanted to be stroked, but that was all. I’m just wondering what’s going on with me there.
ELIAS: I recognize in your energy expression that you are uncomfortable in exploring this subject matter and that you incorporate doubt in association with yourself and your capabilities.
Let me express to you, my friend, you have been moving in a direction of creating more of an intimacy with yourself and allowing yourself to become more and more familiar with yourself and your wants, your preferences, your choices and your freedom — becoming more familiar with yourself in more of a balance.
Now; this also has been a tremendous expression of widening your awareness and shifting. In this, now you are offering yourself information concerning more of your preferences and your wants that may be different from what you have expressed previously.
In actuality, I may also express to you that your desire is not necessarily different from what you have expressed previously. You are more aware now than you have been previously, and you are expressing more clarity within yourself in relation to your desires and your preferences, which also is not unusual.
But in offering yourself a clearer recognition of your wants and your preferences, you also express a hesitation, for you are expressing an uncertainty in association with yourself and with your individual sexuality. In this, you are uncertain in relation to yourself in association with performance, and you are uncertain within yourself in relation to your capacity to be expressing genuine affection in association with another individual.
Now; this is associated, once again, with absolutes, viewing past experiences and casting them into absolutes, which influences your perception. Thusly, you generate doubt in relation to your capacity to generate certain expressions. Let me express to you, my friend, there is no thing wrong with you and you are not lacking in the expression of passion. (Laughs kindly) You have merely not allowed yourself the freedom to express that passion.
In this, you have not allowed yourself the comfort of risking, in your terms — allowing yourself to freely express yourself in your passion and your capacity to share with another individual. You reinforce this doubt of yourself in thought processes, which are also influenced by emotional communications that you express within yourself, expressing to yourself that you do not objectively incorporate enough information concerning the type of relationship that you wish to generate.
But this is a camouflage, for I may express to you, you already possess all of the information within you, and it does not require thinking. It merely requires your permission of yourself to allow yourself to express your passion in your preference in relation to your desire, without limitation. In a manner of speaking, it is an expression of letting go of your energy rather than holding it in protection. (Shahma sighs)
In this, as you begin to allow yourself this freedom, you shall draw to yourself like energy. Look to your experience in your rally that you participated in. Offer this to yourself as an example of what you generate in moments that you allow yourself to express yourself freely, and what you draw to yourself in that expression. You may generate this in relation to a partner, also.
SHAHMA: And I know this! (Laughs, and Elias chuckles)
ELIAS: But the snare is to be addressing to your reluctance to allow yourself this freedom and also not crediting another individual with your expressions. Other individuals do not allow you to freely express yourself. YOU allow yourself, and other individuals respond. (Pause)
SHAHMA: That makes total sense! (Laughs, and Elias chuckles) I think I’ve had a lot of fear. I had two very long relationships that were very similar in some respects in the way that they turned out. Both of them involved me feeling a lot of frustration, and I just kind of shut down.
ELIAS: I am understanding, but now you are moving in the direction of your own freedom. I may offer a suggestion to you — which you may choose whether you wish to incorporate or not — but you may be expressing more of a reinforcement of yourself in engaging an exchange with Michael. You express many similarities, and therefore it may be beneficial if you are allowing yourself to be incorporating interactions with Michael.
SHAHMA: I’d like that. I feel a lot of similarities with Michael, and I enjoy talking to her as much as I do to you!
ELIAS: (Laughs) Very well!
SHAHMA: I think it is because of the similarities. I feel a real draw there.
ELIAS: Yes, I am quite understanding. (Chuckles)
SHAHMA: Thank you so much, Elias!
ELIAS: You are quite welcome, my friend, and remember, I am always available.
SHAHMA: Yes, of course you are.
ELIAS: (Laughs) I offer to you great encouragement, my friend, and tremendous affection. Acknowledge yourself and offer yourself your permission.
SHAHMA: Thank you.
ELIAS: In great fondness and appreciation, au revoir.
SHAHMA: Au revoir.
Elias departs at 11:10 AM.
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