Session 200203221

Enacting Choices Without Judgment


“Enacting Choices Without Judgment”
“Breaking Old Patterns By Turning Your Attention To You Rather Than To Others’ Responses”
“Playfulness with Repetition: The Tunnel Analogy”
“Expectations Create Restrictions”
“Siamese Twins”

Friday, March 22, 2002

Participants: Mary (Michael) and Rose (Quillan)

ELIAS: Good afternoon!

ROSE: Good afternoon. (Laughs) Good morning! (Elias laughs)

ELIAS: Welcome!

ROSE: Hello, Elias! [Inaudible]

ELIAS: I am aware.

ROSE: Okay. Are you seeing me sitting here in my room with my list?

ELIAS: I am aware of your energy expression.

ROSE: So, can we start?

ELIAS: You may proceed, my friend.

ROSE: Okay. I have several groups of issues, and I brought it all together. And so much was short, I may take a few more words to speak and so on.

ELIAS: Very well.

ROSE: First, I would like to know my essence name.

ELIAS: Essence name: Quillan, Q-U-I-L-L-A-N.

ROSE: Uh-huh. And my family?

ELIAS: Essence family: Borledim.

ROSE: Uh-huh. Alignment?

ELIAS: Alignment in this focus, Sumari.

ROSE: Sumari. Okay. My focus?

ELIAS: Emotional.

ROSE: Emotional. Yes. And the orientation is soft?

ELIAS: Yes, you are correct.

ROSE: Yeah. And the color which belongs to me?

ELIAS: And your impression?

ROSE: The color which lasted the longest time was blue, dark blue. But this year, for example, it very much felt [inaudible]?

ELIAS: This is a color preference but not actually your signature color. I may express to you identification of magenta.

ROSE: Ah, thank you.

ELIAS: You are welcome.

ROSE: Okay. I would like to know, am I in harmony with the intent of my essence?


ROSE: Ah. [Inaudible], so of course I would really like to know, am I a final focus?


ROSE: Okay. Then I would like to know how many focuses of my essence, as far as I understand it, up to now?

ELIAS: (Pause) 481.

ROSE: Thank you. And how many are currently on this [inaudible]?

ELIAS: Presently four.

ROSE: Pardon?

ELIAS: Four.

ROSE: Four. Okay. Does my essence do something with one of my focuses currently?

ELIAS: In what capacity?

ROSE: In the way of maybe have I met this focus?


ROSE: Okay. And is there any information you want to give me about counterparts?

ELIAS: You engage countless counterpart actions. What is the nature of your question concerning counterpart action?

ROSE: It’s no real concern, no real background. It's something like if there's something you see as helpful then you would like to share with me even if I cannot ask about it because I'm not aware of it.

ELIAS: I may express to you, as you become more familiar with the counterpart action, you yourself shall notice and allow yourself to identify certain individuals that you engage counterpart action with. But I may also express to you, although that may generate some interest to you objectively, you generate this action, as I have stated, with countless individuals and other focuses of your essence, and therefore, in a manner of speaking it matters not that you engage an objective awareness of this type of action that you engage in. But in those that you allow yourself to recognize objectively as you become more familiar with the action itself, you may generate some interest in allowing yourself to view this type of action and familiarize yourself with energy exchanges that offer you information concerning yourself.

ROSE: Thank you. Okay. [Inaudible]

ELIAS: You may.

ROSE: Okay. I would like to know the essence name of my husband Michael.

ELIAS: Essence name: Denzel, D-E-N-Z-E-L.

ROSE: Mm-hm. Family?

ELIAS: Offer your impression.

ROSE: It’s very difficult for me. Maybe it's Sumafi; I really don’t know. (Elias chuckles) No, I don’t know.

ELIAS: Essence family, Gramada. Alignment, Sumafi.

ROSE: Oh god. [Inaudible] Intermediate or common?

ELIAS: Orientation common.

ROSE: Yes. And political? Emotional? [Inaudible]

ELIAS: Yes, you are correct.

ROSE: A final focus?


ROSE: No. Okay. And please for my daughter, say her essence name?

ELIAS: Essence name: Ran [pronounced Rahn], R-A-N.

ROSE: Family?

ELIAS: Essence family: Sumari. Alignment, Ilda. Orientation common.

ROSE: And focus?

ELIAS: Emotional.

ROSE: Yeah. It makes sense to me. And if you want to, I have a best friend whose name is Angelo. Would you give me his name?

ELIAS: Essence name: Durene, D-U-R-E-N-E.

ROSE: Mm-hm.

ELIAS: Essence family: Tumold. Alignment, Vold.

ROSE: I would like [inaudible]. I have started to meditate this year, and in one meditation there was an impression about a previous encounter with my so-called, in this lifetime, father in which I gave him a very hard time [inaudible].

ELIAS: You are referring to another focus?

ROSE: Yes.

ELIAS: In your terms yes, I may validate that encounter.

ROSE: That was what I wanted, thank you. [Inaudible] I feel very… you could say connected with this concentration camp in Germany, and I would like to know, have I been there in the way of [inaudible]?

ELIAS: (Pause) Yes, you do incorporate a focus in that time framework and as an occupant of one of these camps.

ROSE: Okay, thank you. Another person that I know really touches my heart, his name is Russell. Why did he touch me so much? I mean, what is the background of this?

ELIAS: You do incorporate several other focuses with this individual, and the familiarity that you experienced, and the manner in which you're experienced this familiarity, is generated in a knowing of the expression of energy that has been generated by that individual in other focuses – not merely in relation to yourself but to other individuals also and your viewing of those expressions. This individual generates a significant expression of interaction and compassion for many other individuals in the focuses that you share together.

ROSE: Okay. Thank you.

ELIAS: You are quite welcome.

ROSE: Okay. I have had at times a common language, you would say, and memory of like an experience [inaudible] in the so-called Middle Ages. There was something like being squeezed, being stretched or being drawn [inaudible]. Is that true?

ELIAS: Yes, you are correct.

ROSE: And when I was pregnant with my daughter I had the image of a [inaudible] in the Asian country. [Inaudible].

ELIAS: Yes, you are correct. I shall validate your impression.

ROSE: Okay. So I will come to this health issue. This is one topic very important for me. Sometimes my brain doesn't really function. It blocks out information, and that is a bit difficult for me because the society in which I live very much likes to have people being intellectual and having a lot of knowledge. Even if I understand it [inaudible] on the other side, and sometimes really stressed me and gave me problems in the normal work life, for example. And I would like to change this and would like to remove this blockage. There was a kind of seminar which was crossing my path and I was thinking about going to this seminar, but on the other side I would say no, I don't want to go to the seminar because it's always again looking outside and I want to remove the blockage inside and [inaudible] with my own skills, not with things from outside.

On the other side I think, “Oh, I am giving myself a hard time and I would have it much easier in just going to this seminar.” Especially in regard to work issue, I will ask this question because I want to go back to work [inaudible]. I just want to know about this brain blockage and should I go or not.

ELIAS: I may express to you, my friend, allow yourself to offer yourself permission to enact your choices without judgment. The point is to be offering yourself an ease; and in this, the method you engage in any movement matters not. What holds significance is your association with beliefs and the judgment that you generate in relation to these beliefs.

Now; in this situation concerning your choice to be engaging this seminar, this is a choice. You may be generating turning your attention to self and addressing to expressions within self and also engage this seminar.

ROSE: I would bring much more ease if I go to this seminar?

ELIAS: In association with your expression and your beliefs presently, yes.

ROSE: Thank you. So let's continue. I have one thing, and it's an old thing. It's nail biting. I am now 40 years old, and I said I cannot imagine myself not doing it; from early childhood on I do it. In a way I can accept this, but then this [inaudible] wherever you go when you are 40 and you have this [inaudible]. And I would like to know if I can release this really in the [inaudible]. Can you say something about that?

ELIAS: (Pause) And within your beliefs, express to myself what your association is presently with a “better” expression?

ROSE: That's really the point. I mean, this is my stress release behavior, like when I'm afraid or whatever. I don't know any better. I mean, on the other side, being in the moment and just don't do it, but I very often slip away from the moment and I [inaudible] to this old behavior pattern. Everything I tried wasn’t [inaudible]. Like the bungee system, I always switch back to this old path, and I really want to release…

ELIAS: First of all, as you continue to generate the judgment that this action is bad, you continue to concentrate your energy in reinforcement of it.

ROSE: I already believe that there is very little [inaudible]. I mean, at least it’s a little bit less, and it's been sad for my husband that his wife is [inaudible] and it's a problem for him now – not a big problem, but it is sad.

ELIAS: Let me express to you my friend, (pause) turning your attention to you rather than concerning yourself with expressions of other individuals is what shall be most affecting. I am understanding of what you are expressing to myself and your concern. In this, you view the expression of your partner, and you attempt to motivate yourself to alter a behavior of yours by the expression of the other individual, which I may express to you does not generate a movement within yourself, or a strong enough motivation within yourself, to alter the behavior. In actuality, what you generate in this type of expression is merely a reinforcement of the behavior that you are judging, for you are viewing the response of another individual as a reflection of your judgement of yourself.

Now; let me express to you, you all within this physical dimension generate this type of interaction. You create the responses of other individuals to reflect information concerning yourself to yourself. You view your partner's response to your behavior as disturbing; and in this, what you are actually generating is the creation of this expression through your perception to reflect to yourself how you are viewing yourself.

This is the reason that it is very significant to allow yourself to move your attention to you rather than projecting your attention outwardly to the other individual. For, in moving your attention to you, you may begin to allow yourself to understand and recognize how you view yourself; and therefore, once recognizing how you view yourself, you may offer yourself choices, and you may choose to alter your perception of yourself. But in continuing to project your attention outwardly to the other individual and concern yourself with the other individual’s expression, what you generate inwardly is not allowing yourself to view how you associate with yourself, and therefore, you merely reinforce your energy expression and continue to generate what you assess that you do not wish to continue, for you reinforce concentrating upon the undesired behavior. Are you understanding?

ROSE: Yeah, I think so. So in other words if I would say, “Okay, I don't care what you think about it, it’s just my personal expression and it might be considered flippant, or whatever expression, but it belongs to me and I'm very fine with it, so take what you want, I don't care.” Would this make sense with that?

ELIAS: Partially, but not quite. I am understanding your expression of not concerning yourself with the expression of the other individual, but what you are not quite turning your attention to is you.

ROSE: And is it an expression in a way as a lack of love for myself, I mean individual and maybe for my essence itself?

ELIAS: As an individual focus; yes, you are correct, and a devaluation of yourself in discounting yourself.

Now; as you continue to concern yourself and generate these judgments, you do not offer yourself choice, for your concern continues to be expressed in the behavior rather than what motivates the behavior.

Now; as you turn your attention to you and allow yourself to explore the motivation for this behavior and therefore offer yourself an acceptance of yourself and also a recognition that you do actually incorporate choice, the actual physical imagery becomes insignificant and matters not. And in this, you may choose to continue the behavior or you may choose to not continue the behavior, but this aspect of the choice matters not; what holds significance is what you are generating within yourself and that you are discounting of yourself.

ROSE: Oh, okay. I’m going to have to rewind the tape again. I just made some remarks on my paper here. Okay, let me check my list [inaudible].

Okay, let’s go on to the next big topic of work. I have a kind of pattern which I realized, remarked and noticed, and I'm not really sure if I fixed it. I may have fixed it by remarking even seeing it as a fixed pattern. But what I noticed is this kind of repetitive pattern, like when I start to build myself something and I come to a certain level, you could say, I start to destroy it like if I was afraid of being successful. And okay, I can explain this for me with several psychological reasons and so on, but I'm just so fed up with it [inaudible], and I really would like to be free of this pattern.

It’s like there is kind of – I mean, this is in big quotation marks – it's like [inaudible] which doesn't want to want me to be successful, but I don't want to split myself into two pieces. [Inaudible] that when I start to do something, to do a task or whatever, it's really a heavy energy because I [inaudible] it will maybe happen again that I will destroy it, and so it makes it heavy and not very pleasant energy. And I tried to block out this adversary and try to move more positive [inaudible].

ELIAS: Very well.

Now; first of all, let me express to you that this is directly associated with your perception and how you define certain actions and movements in association with your beliefs.

Now; you view, or define within yourself, repetition to be negative. Therefore, this is quite affecting of your perception.

Now; there is another association that is also occurring in relation to the action of repetition. Regardless of what type of repetition you may be generating, your association with the action itself is the same. In this, you view this not merely to be a negative action, but also you view past experiences as absolute; therefore, you generate a tremendous expression of suspicion of yourself as you recognize yourself to begin generating a repetitious action again. And in this, you discount your ability to choose different types of outcomes, so to speak, for in your association of past experiences being absolute, you automatically, in your suspicion of yourself, generate reinforcement of that belief and of that absoluteness; and, in your terms, you create this sabotage.

Now; let me also express to you, a tremendous expression of affectingness in relation to your perception shall be expressed in allowing yourself to recognize that repetition is not negative.

Now; let me offer to you, my friend, a scenario that may be helpful to you in allowing you to perceive repetition in itself in a different manner. Allow yourself a visualization, in this present now, that you are creating a tunnel.

Now; as you create this tunnel, you continue to move, in your terms, in a forward manner. It matters not if you choose to turn your tunnel; you are continuously generating a forward movement. And in that forward movement you are generating an expansion, for you continue to expand and progress the tunnel. But in order to continue the expansion of the tunnel, you must move into it.

Now; in this hypothetical scenario and this analogy in relation to repetition, let us say that you generate this tunnel but you also move your attention to other activities within other time frameworks. Therefore, at times you are continuing movement in creating this tunnel, and at times you move outside of this tunnel and you engage other activities. Each time you choose to continue movement in generating this tunnel, you must enter the tunnel once again and move through the space that you have already generated. This is not a negative association; it is (pause)….

In a manner of speaking, what you are generating is a revisitation of what you have already generated and what you have already explored and what you have already accomplished. As you move through that space, so to speak, each time you become more familiar with that [audio cut off], but you also move beyond what you have already generated in creating this tunnel and you move into an expansion of that movement.

Now; in continuing to create the tunnel, at times you may allow yourself an ease in generating its expansion. At times, you may encounter a boulder which may present more of a challenge to your expression in moving forward in continuing to expand your tunnel. But even the boulder does not necessarily STOP your movement; it merely may present more of a challenge, but the movement continues.

Now; repetition is a natural expression to you all within this physical dimension. It is a manner in which you allow yourself to generate an objective understanding of yourselves, your movement and what you create in your exploration of this physical dimension. I have offered information in association with the Sumari and Sumafi families concerning their expressions of repetition, which you, aligning with the Sumari family, may choose to avail yourself of that information, for this is also influencing in relation to why you generate a significant expression of repetition.

But regardless of the essence families that you may be belonging to or aligning with, all individuals express repetition within this physical dimension. What is significantly influencing of your perception of this repetition is your association with beliefs: one, that once you generate an experience, regardless of whether you assess it to be positive or negative it is cast in solidity and becomes an absolute. Therefore, each time you view yourself to being generating a similar action or movement, you automatically generate this association that you shall create the same outcome, for the past experiences have been cast in absoluteness.

The other association with beliefs that you automatically generate is that repetition is negative and that your association with repetition is that if you are generating an expression of repetition, the reason that it is negative is that this suggests to you that you are not accomplishing or you would not BE repeating, which is boring. This, my friend, is quite incorrect, for repetition is a natural movement within your physical dimension to ALL individuals.

ROSE: [Inaudible] boring also.

ELIAS: That is the reason that I direct you to allow yourself to recognize your perception and how you define certain actions and movements in association with your beliefs, for you may alter your perception. And in this, as you allow yourself to not associate or perceive repetition as negative or as absolute, you may allow yourself the choice to express playfulness with this action – and also validate yourself in allowing yourself to view your further movement, or your expanded movement, each time that you generate a repetition.

ROSE: Yeah, that makes sense. We are not really running out of time but we are coming close to the end, and I have several questions left. Can we go on?

ELIAS: Yes, you may.

ROSE: Okay. Why do I feel drawn to [inaudible]?

ELIAS: This is also associated with your acceptance of yourself.

ROSE: Thank you. [Inaudible] that I've set myself up in harmony with the intent of my essence, but sometimes [inaudible] wary of the amount of work. I'm very aware that there is a lot of movement and it's not the old patterns that really matter any longer that much as they did in the past, but [inaudible] I would like to generate money and income, and I would like to work in [inaudible]. What I in a way fear is losing my freedom, fear that it will not match with my husband and now my family and my daughter doing all these things. I very often experience a kind of [long section of inaudible audio].

I would like to, I would say, create a new [inaudible]. I would to create a learning environment, [inaudible] my essence and bringing this freshly now in the moment into my workplace. I have no idea how or where I can [inaudible] one of my greatest longings I have in life now because [inaudible]. Anyway, it’s your turn, Elias.

ELIAS: Oh my friend, you do generate many expectations on yourself, do you not?

ROSE: I do.

ELIAS: And this creates tremendous restriction. I may express to you, trusting yourself and accepting yourself and your choices in what you want, and in being the being that you are, merely, shall offer you the freedom that you are longing for. For in generating these tremendous expectations upon yourself, you reflect this in what you perceive to be expectations of other individuals concerning yourself, but they are generated within you.

ROSE: I knew you would say that.

ELIAS: And this is actuality creates a tremendous restriction in your movement. You may generate ALL of these expressions that you want, my friend, genuinely and easily, if you are merely allowing yourself to pay attention to you and not create these tremendous expectations of yourself of what you “should be” or “must be” doing.

ROSE: Do you think I will make it?

ELIAS: [Inaudible] You are generating movement in relation to the Shift, as are all other individuals in this time framework within your physical dimension. You are not exempt, and therefore I express to you encouragement that you shall be generating this type of expression and you shall be creating your movement as you are in relation to this shift in consciousness. I am acknowledging of you, and if you may not allow yourself an acknowledgement of yourself, accept mine from myself as a substitute temporarily, to the point that you shall acknowledge yourself and be accepting. Objectively, this is your greatest gift, to be accepting of you, and shall generate tremendous freedom.

ROSE: Oh yes. [Inaudible] is when I created [inaudible], which made me aware of this “you create your own reality” and so on. But why [inaudible].

ELIAS: In the moments that you are not concentrating on what you can or cannot do or generate, and you are allowing yourself to relax and trust yourself, you generate quite easily. In the moments that you are doubtful of yourself and questioning your abilities, you generate much more struggle.

ROSE: That’s right. Do we have a little time left?

ELIAS: Very well.

ROSE: [Inaudible] My husband is starting a new company, and I would like to know, it feels to me that he will be successful, [inaudible] probability that he will not. [Inaudible]

ELIAS: I may express to you, in this present now the energy that he is expressing is generating movement in that direction, yes.

ROSE: Wonderful. And can you say to me, he was asking me about [inaudible name] person we didn't find in the Internet. Is there any special link to [inaudible name] for him?

ELIAS: (Pause) Association with another focus.

ROSE: Okay. [Inaudible]

ELIAS: Not entirely, my friend. In actuality, you are choosing an avenue to offer yourselves information to generate less conflict and less trauma in association with the Shift. But I may say to you, other individuals do offer themselves information also, in different manners. But I may also express to you that in allowing yourself to participate in this forum, you do express a tremendous offering of energy to other individuals in helpfulness in their objective understanding [audio cut off].

ROSE: That makes sense to me. Okay. [Inaudible] wants to send regards to Elias.

ELIAS: And I shall offer mine in return.

ROSE: Oh, I will tell her. And she would really love to hear [inaudible].

ELIAS: Essence name: Keefe, K-E-E-F-E.



ROSE: Okay. Family?

ELIAS: Essence family: Zuli. Alignment in this focus, Vold.

ROSE: Vold. Okay.

Elias, this may sound weird, but is there something like a secret world government?

ELIAS: In probable reality, yes.

ROSE: [Inaudible] often think about Siamese twins. What is the background of Siamese twins in [inaudible], and why am I interested in this?

ELIAS: You generate this interest in association with your own experience, for you incorporate another focus in which you generate this physical experience, and this is influencing of your fascination.

ROSE: Okay. [Inaudible ] a Siamese twin; I mean, why do you want to experience?

ELIAS: I may express to you, generally speaking – although, once again, this is not a rule – but generally, as an essence creates this type of manifestation, they are allowing the experience of two manifestations of attentions in one, in a manner of speaking. This is generally the manifestation of one essence.

I have expressed previously that for the most part, with rare exception, even twins that you view physically as being identical within your physical dimension are different essences. In THIS type of manifestation, generally speaking this is one essence creating two focuses of attention in one manifestation. This is the reason that generally speaking also, in physical separation of these attentions through your medical sciences, generally speaking one disengages and does not continue, for this is not the point of the manifestation. There are no accidents; therefore, the essence has chosen to be manifesting two attentions in one manifestation, and in the separation of that manifestation, one attention generally disengages.

[Audio cut off] not a rule, and there are scenarios in which the one manifestation may be separated into two, but I shall also express to you, generally in those instances there also is a choice to be generating fragmentation, if both manifestations choose to be continuing in physical focus.

ROSE: Thank you.

ELIAS: You are quite welcome.

ROSE: We are coming to the end, Elias. It's embarrassing, but in the excitement I can't find where I have written down my summaries. Could you please repeat?

ELIAS: Family, Borledim. Alignment, Sumari.

ROSE: Sumari, yeah, right. And there is one last thing. It is a very general question, but sometimes I feel a strong longing for moving away from here, like it's not my place any longer. Again, I'm not alone, I have a family, and [inaudible] I would like to stay here longer, and I would like to go to another country to a sunny place, and I would move where I could move whatever. How do you feel and how do you sense about that?

ELIAS: Let me express to you once again, this is also associated with your acceptance of yourself and your allowance of yourself to generate your choices of what you want without expressing expectation. Once you allow yourself, my friend, to be genuinely offering yourself permission to stop expressing these expectations for yourself in associations with “shoulds” and “musts,” you may begin allowing yourself to genuinely generate what you want and engage your creativity in association with what you want. In not viewing all of your expressions and choices as so very absolute, or black and white, you may engage movement to other countries and not necessarily express this in the absoluteness that you must dwell in one or another.

ROSE: Thank you. Oh Elias, it’s a fine thing to be with you, and it feels like timeless time. (Elias laughs) This is a very great pleasure for me, a very great pleasure [inaudible].

ELIAS: And I may express to you, my friend, an acknowledgment of you. I have engaged also a pleasure of expressing in conversation with yourself.

ROSE: Thank you. I appreciate that a lot, thank you.

ELIAS: I shall be continuing to offer you an expression of the energy and of encouragement.

ROSE: Thank you.

ELIAS: You may allow yourself, if you are so choosing, to validate your recognition of my offering of energy and allowing yourself to recognize blue expressions. You shall know that I am with you.

ROSE: Thank you very much. I'm looking right now at beautiful red tulips. I don't know if you can see them, but I'm sending you the energy of spring flowers from Northern Germany and the scent of beautiful garden [inaudible].

ELIAS: [Inaudible] accepting in graciousness.

ROSE: Thank you very much, Elias.

ELIAS: You are quite welcome. I will offer to you a tremendous affection and an expression of playfulness.

ROSE: Thank you.

ELIAS: I shall be anticipating [inaudible] to you this day, my friend.

Copyright 2002 Mary Ennis, All Rights Reserved.