Session 2709

Inner Structure Versus Imposed Structures


Session 20090104 (2709)
"Inner Structure Versus Imposed Structures"
"Trusting Your Own Flow Without Opposing Other Methods"

Sunday, January 4, 2009 (Private/Phone)

Participants: Mary (Michael) and Magda (Rashti)

ELIAS: Good evening!

MAGDA: Good evening.

ELIAS: (Laughs) Welcome, and what shall we discuss?

MAGDA: I’m sending you warm greetings from my friend Dina in Egypt. I believe you both met subjectively.

ELIAS: (Laughs) And you may offer my greetings also.

MAGDA: All right. And I'd love to express to you my appreciation for the work you do, you and Mary in the sessions. It's been very helpful. Did you sort of attract me to read your material?

ELIAS: I would express that I have been present, but you have prompted yourself to move in this direction.

MAGDA: Okay. Shall I ask about my essence name, focus type, orientation and essence family alignment and belonging?

ELIAS: And what is your impression?

MAGDA: Okay. Well, I had a dream that I chose this big book and there was the word "Soft" written on it, but I'm still not sure about my impressions.

ELIAS: Yes, you are correct, that would be your orientation. And what is your impression as to your essence families?

MAGDA: I believe I align with the Sumaris?

ELIAS: Correct.

MAGDA: And belonging I’m not sure about. Sometimes I feel it's Vold?


MAGDA: Wow. That would be double trouble!

ELIAS: (Laughs) Not necessarily. (Laughs) I would express that that is quite a compatible combination—very passionate.


ELIAS: And as to your focus type?

MAGDA: Hm. Maybe political? Or emotional? I’m not sure.

ELIAS: Political.

MAGDA: Okay. I believe so too.

ELIAS: Essence name: Rashti, R-A-S-H-T-I.

MAGDA: Rashti? This is my essence name?


MAGDA: Oh, thank you. All right. Shall I inquire the same thing about mom, dad, brother and boyfriend?

ELIAS: If you are so choosing. And I would express the same to you: What is your impression for each of these individuals?

MAGDA: All right. My dad: I believe he is intermediate.

ELIAS: Correct.

MAGDA: He is thought focus type.

ELIAS: Correct.

?MAGDA: He is Vold, aligning with Vold.

ELIAS: Correct.

MAGDA: And he belongs to the Tumold?

ELIAS: Correct.

MAGDA: Oh. Okay (laughs).

ELIAS: Congratulations!

MAGDA: Oh, thank you. My boyfriend: I believe he is soft.

ELIAS: Correct.

MAGDA: And he is emotional focus.

ELIAS: Yes, you are correct.

MAGDA: And he aligns with the Gramada?

ELIAS: Correct.

MAGDA: And belongs to Vold.



ELIAS: Belonging Sumari.

MAGDA: Oh, okay, Sumari, so we have something in common.

All right. My brother: sometimes I feel he is common, and sometimes I feel he is intermediate.

ELIAS: Common.

MAGDA: Okay. He's thought focus.


MAGDA: He belongs to Zuli?

ELIAS: Correct.

MAGDA: Ah, belonging to Zuli, and I feel he is aligning with the Ilda or Vold?

ELIAS: Ilda.

MAGDA: Ilda, huh? Okay (laughs). Okay, let's go to my mom. She's common.

ELIAS: Correct.

MAGDA: She's a political type?

ELIAS: Correct.

MAGDA: She aligns with the Borledim, the pink family.

ELIAS: Correct.

MAGDA: And she belongs to… I don’t know.

ELIAS: Sumafi.

MAGDA: Ahhh, my mom's Sumafi? Okay.

Okay, thank you. We've got this, and shall I move to the next question?

ELIAS: Very well.

MAGDA: All right. What is my natural expression or intent, and what are the subjects I am here in this focus to explore? Because I’m very confused and unsure about what I’m here to experience. I’m kind of lost.

ELIAS: I would express the same as I do with all individuals: To discover what your intent is in this focus is to evaluate all of your experiences throughout the entirety of your focus—not merely now but throughout all of your focus—and allow yourself to discover what the theme is. Now, the theme will be quite general, and in that general theme you will begin to discover that there are many, many, many more specific branches of that theme. Such as, an individual may incorporate a theme of service, and there may be very many different types of expressions that will be associated with that one general theme, and therefore the experiences of that thing will be much more specific. But it is a matter of allowing yourself to evaluate what your experiences have been throughout your focus, and in that, discovering what that general theme is.


ELIAS: It is important for the individual to generate this evaluation and to attempt to discover what that theme is themself, for when you do that, it is much more impactful than were I to merely express it to you, for it allows you to become more familiar with yourself, and it allows you to become clearer in relation to your experiences.


ELIAS: At this point, what would you venture to set forward as what you would think of as a general theme in your experiences?

MAGDA: I feel that it is mainly about self-acceptance and validation, because I’ve been discounting myself. It's like my main issue, you know, discounting myself.

ELIAS: I would express that this would not be necessarily be your individual theme, for this is actually what you identified it to be: an issue, and this is an issue that most individuals express in their experiences and the reason that they are drawn to information that will encourage them to be more trusting of themselves and to generate changes in their experiences that will allow them more confidence and more freedom. But this is an expression that ALL individuals grapple with in self-acceptance at some point—some more than others, but all individuals generate that type of experience within their lifetime, so to speak.

MAGDA: I agree. Okay, I think maybe my theme is to be more like…discover myself, or maybe be who I really want? Or is it the same thing as I said before?

ELIAS: It is similar, but I would express that you are closer, for the theme in your focus is an exploration of self-discovery but not merely self-discovery—for that would be attributed to all other individuals—but more a self-discovery in what your genuine potentials are, not necessarily what you have been taught. Therefore, the exploration is a type of exploring the difference between your natural potentials and the potentials that you express as influenced by what you are taught.

MAGDA: Aha. Okay. I understand. I understand, and I feel that I relate to this. It's like I've been forced to be unnatural, and it is very challenging to be natural and to really be honest, like be honest with yourself and be—I mean, I understand.

ELIAS: Yes, you are quite correct. It is challenging, for dependent upon what situations or societies or families that you have engaged within your lifetime, it can be challenging to freely express yourself and your own potentials in what your natural expressions are rather than conforming to what you are taught and what you perceive is expected of you.

Now, to many individuals this may seem very similar to their own explorations in some capacities, but the difference is that in your exploration in this particular theme or intent, it is not always a matter of discounting or eliminating what has been taught but more so weighing that with your natural expressions and deciding what is beneficial to you, and also incorporating the ability to evaluate that in other individuals, what they are influenced by in what THEY have been taught but what their natural propensity is and how those can either move together or can move in opposition to each other.

MAGDA: I understand, because I think also it is similar to when you said that belief systems, we're not supposed to eliminate belief systems and we’re not supposed to oppose them, we're just supposed to… I mean, we're not supposed to rebel against them; we’re supposed to accept them the way they are. What you're saying is that I am not supposed to rebel against society for the sake of rebelling, but I’m supposed to just accept myself and accept everything else and co-exist?

ELIAS: In some capacities. Let me clarify. There are some expressions, or some factors, of what you have been taught that you CAN reject—not necessarily OPPOSE them, but recognizing that they do not necessarily fit with you, and therefore recognizing that some expressions that you have been taught may be beneficial to some individuals, and therefore you can accept that and not oppose it, but also empowering yourself and recognizing that there are some expressions that you have been taught that may not necessarily move in conjunction with your natural flow and your natural expression, and therefore it is acceptable for you to reject that without opposing and allow yourself to move in your own direction and your own expression.

But there are factors of SOME elements that you have been taught that may not be moving in opposition to your natural flow, and therefore it is a matter of discerning which expressions are not moving smoothly with you and which are, and allowing yourself the freedom to choose in that discerning.

MAGDA: You know, I’m so glad you told me that, because I realize… When I look back, you know, all my life I felt that nothing was.. I mean, the way that I was educated does not go with me, I mean I couldn’t fit, and when I did anything I couldn't fit. Even when I wanted to learn to play the piano, if you give me a note I wouldn’t learn that way. I cannot do anything that is being imposed on me. It is very hard for me to work according to other people's rules.

ELIAS: Yes, I am understanding, and this is a fine example of what we are discussing, for it could be easily misinterpreted that you are an individual that does not function well with structure, but that would be a general statement and would actually be incorrect. It is not that you do not function well with structure but that you do not function well with outside structures; you function much more effectively and efficiently with your OWN structures in allowing yourself to develop your own methods and your own structures of how you will accomplish in any particular direction. And in that, it is more difficult to naturally flow in imposed structures.

Now; knowing that, it is not a matter that you dislike or are opposed to structure in itself, but rather defining that more clearly and recognizing the difference between creating your own structures and your own methods of accomplishment rather than moving in the direction of forcing yourself to accept outside structures or established structures, even in engaging a musical instrument such as the piano in incorporating lessons with a particular type of structure and method that may not be effective or efficient for you. It may be more efficient for you to discover and create your OWN method and your OWN structure which you can easily move within—which is no less of a structure, but it is different.

MAGDA: Hm. And also, because also I am acting, I’m an actress and I’m having a hard time expressing myself and having a hard time following somebody's directions. I mean, I don’t know if acting is in alignment with my intent, or if it is something I am more likely to be good at. I don’t know if it's an essence choice, or is it an ego desire?

ELIAS: I would express that it is an avenue that would be in keeping with your intent, and it is also an avenue that you could be good at, in your terms, or accomplished with. It is a matter of, once again, creating that balance in which you recognize the outside structure but you also express the trust and the confidence within yourself to acknowledge that outside structure but to move with your own structure, to allow your own creativity and to express your own method—not opposing the established method but introducing your own creativity as an asset and as an addition to whatever is being expressed as the outside structure. Therefore, you are not opposing that, and you are not discounting it; you are acknowledging it, but you are also expressing your own confidence and trust in your own ability and presenting that as an additional creativity to whatever the other structure is, and therefore allowing yourself to move in your OWN method and your OWN direction.

What occurs in many situations with many individuals when interacting with outside rules or structures is that there is an automatic response to rebel or to oppose. When you do not oppose, when you can acknowledge what is being expressed but also express yourself, you are not met with opposition, and there is more openness from outside to allow you to express what YOU want and to move in the direction that YOU want. The reason that you are met with opposition if you attempt to move in the direction that you want is that YOU are already opposing; you are already rebelling and opposing and expressing within yourself, "I do not like these rules, I will not follow these rules," and therefore you are already projecting an opposing energy, and therefore you are MET with an opposing energy. Whereas, if you are not projecting an opposing energy, if you are acknowledging, "Yes, those methods are effective for some individuals, and I see the benefit of certain methods and how they can be effective, but I choose to move in my own confidence and my own trust of my ability to accomplish in the manner that I want."

[The timer for the end of the session rings]

MAGDA: [Inaudible]

ELIAS: Very well. I shall be greatly anticipating our next meeting and engaging more conversations with you in relation to these subjects, and perhaps exploring more avenues of your own confidence and how to express that and your own comfort and satisfaction with yourself. This shall be an interesting journey, my friend.

And in the interim time, I shall be offering my energy to you continuously in support and encouragement (chuckles).

MAGDA: Thank you!

ELIAS: You are very welcome. In dear friendship and in great lovingness to you, au revoir.

MAGDA: Au revoir.

(Elias departs after 31 minutes)

Copyright 2009 Mary Ennis, All Rights Reserved.