Topics: “Impossibility Becomes Possible”
“Altering Physical Manifestations”
“Duplicity — A Method of Evaluation”
“You Are The Creator AND The Creation”
Anne ()
Art ()
Ben (Albert)
Curtis (Juva)
David ()
Deborah ()
Eileen ()
Elizabeth (Elizabeth)
Frank (Christian)
Jim (Marion)
John (Vito)
Joseph (Darrith)
Lind (Robertt)
Luanne (Inez)
Marc ()
Marion (Li-tah)
Marj (Grady)
Pat (Treice)
Rich ()
Robert (Ben-adi)
Robin (Renea)
Rodney (Zacharie)
Ted (Cara)
Topics: “Spiders, Sharks, and Victims”
“Opinions Without Judgment”
“Reverence for the Dead”
“Why Am I Here?”
Antone (Aix)
Buddy (Zindu)
Carter (Cynthia)
Cathy (Shynla)
Deane (Leland)
Debi (Oona)
Elizabeth (Dikto)
Geri (Abel)
Hal (Andrew)
Iris (Avln)
Jan (Mona)
Katie (Muriel)
Ken ()
Ken (Connor)
Kinara (Wyvernn)
Lisa (Yaulyn)
Liz ()
Ron (Olivia)
Rosie ()
Sharon (Camdon)
Vic (Lawrence)
Topics: “Emotion/Thought/Religious/Political”
“It Matters Not What You Create”
“Elias’ Monotonous Droning”
Ben (Albert)
Edward (Colleen)
Frank (Tyne)
Topics: “Emotions Are Not Reactionary”
“The Point of Manifestation is Experience”
“The Expression of Victim is the Lack of Choice”
“More Than One Essence Participating in One Focus”