Session 678

The Absoluteness of Seriousness


“The Absoluteness of Seriousness”
“There Are No Cosmic Consequences!”

Thursday, August 10, 2000-1
© 2001 (Private/Phone)
Participants:  Mary (Michael) and Letty (Castille).
Elias arrives at 10:25 a.m. (Arrival time is 18 seconds)

ELIAS:  Good morning, Castille!

LETTY:  Good morning, Elias!  I’m so excited that I was able to get this session! (Elias chuckles)  We are due for an objective talk.

ELIAS:  Quite.

LETTY:  I’m going to start with my physical creations.  Well, first, let me check my notes, because I had a very strange night last night, and I want to see if you can help me figure it out.  I don’t know if I was choking in my dream state and I just don’t remember, but I woke up with such a difficulty breathing.  I haven’t had it this bad in a while, and I can’t figure out what it was, and I’ve also been having problems lately with my exercise in relaxation.  I feel anxious.

ELIAS:  Very well, and may you identify objectively, what is the nature of your distraction?

LETTY:  Well, the last couple of days, it has been Leezar.  He wants a career change, and I want to give him some space and the right kind of energy, and at the same time, I’m feeling a little selfish, and at least giving my opinion.  So I know that’s part of it, and I’m trying to figure out where I want to go.  I like moving, but I’m the kind of person that’s used to knowing where I’m going and when I’m going, and right now, I’m trying to just kind of go with the flow, but it’s like I can’t see anything yet.  I know I’m okay, but I still have anxiety.

ELIAS:  I am understanding.  In this, attempt in this now to be identifying what creates the tension in this expression of anxiety.  You have identified the physical situations which you recognize as triggering this type of response within yourself.  Now, what are the elements or the aspects of the beliefs that are influencing of your perception that create a contribution to this tension?

LETTY:  Well, I feel that part of it is my automatic responses of believing ... first of all, I love change, and I feel like I need to make a change in my life.  The control issue, of course, hasn’t quite gone away yet, though I try to ... I recognize it, but I know I’m not assimilating that acceptance quite yet, and I’m still fighting myself and judging myself on that issue.

ELIAS:  You are correct, and this is the identification of the influence which is creating the tension and the expression of anxiety in both situations — the identification of control.

In relation to your interaction with Leezar, it is a combination of your expression of personal responsibility, which is directly related to the expression of control, in creating a feeling within yourself of an underlying lack of control in association with the choices that other individuals create.

As you involve yourself with other individuals objectively, at times they may be creating choices that you view to be affecting of you directly or indirectly, and in that viewing of the affectingness of other individuals’ choices, you automatically assess the manner in which you might proceed, and create a comparison as to the proceeding of the other individual, and as it may differ from your action, this creates a perception of instability within you, which is another type of expression in the identification of a feeling of lack of control.

As to the identification of your own creation, you do move in a direction of change quite frequently, but in the manner that you hold an objective awareness of your direction of change, therefore offering yourself an expression of control in the situation.  As you experience uncertainty as to the direction that you are allowing yourself to be moving into, you experience this underlying expression of a lack of control, and this creates a physical tension within you, for it is also an aspect of fear.

Therefore, as this aspect of fear is being created underlyingly, it is being experienced objectively in an exhibition of tension and anxiety, and you objectively are attempting to be engaging your exercise of relaxation and are viewing yourself to be unsuccessful, for the expression of fear continues, but it is unidentified objectively.

At times, Castille, you may be engaging your relaxation exercise and not offering yourself an objective recognition of what may be influencing your expression of tension, and you may be, in your terms, successful in the engagement of your exercise.  Within other time frameworks, you may not be as successful, for you are attempting to gain your attention and express information to yourself.

You, in this time framework and for a time period pastly, have been engaging yourself in addressing to your individual issues in the expression of personal responsibility and your automatic responses, and you have been offering yourself a continuous expression of input, so to speak, in identifying your own responses and behaviors in relation to these subjects, allowing yourself to objectively recognize your movement within this particular choice of direction.

Therefore, as you continue to be addressing to the expressions of personal responsibility and control, you also continue to offer yourself objective examples of your participation in those types of automatic responses.

Therefore, essentially, it would be defeating of your purpose to be allowing yourself to respond to your relaxation exercise in some of these examples, and not offer yourself the recognition objectively of why you have created this type of a response physically.

This is the challenge that you are engaging in this time framework — turning your attention to self and occupying your attention in what YOU are creating and the choices that YOU are engaging, and NOT concerning yourself with the choices that other individuals are creating, while continuing to be interactive with other individuals.

As you are aware through communication with Cindel, you and Cindel are creating an energy exchange between the two of you, in relation to directedness of attentions.  You have consistently moved in your experiences, holding your attention in the actions and movement in relation to this shift in consciousness, allowing yourself to view objectively your participation and how you are creating movement in relation to this shift in consciousness, or how you are inserting this shift in consciousness into your individual objective reality.  Cindel has held attention in the expression of concentration of objective attention upon self.

In this time framework, you are offering a beneficial expression of energy to each other — in interaction subjectively and objectively, in exchanging directions temporarily to be creating more of an expression of balance — and each of you is offering energy to the other to be creating of an ease, so to speak, that neither of you necessarily offer to yourselves in other areas of attention than the one area that you are already focused upon.

You, [Castille], offer yourself an ease in movement in relation to the identifications of different exhibitions, in objective terms, of this shift in consciousness.

You are quite interactive in dream state and offering yourself the objective participation of dream activity, allowing you an objective remembrance of this activity.  You also offer to yourself a clarity in your ability to be translating the subjective activity within dream state into an objective understanding within waking state.  You also present yourself with an awareness of movement of energy — interactions with other expressions of consciousness — in objective waking state.  You allow yourself an expression within your ability to be creating interpretations in relation to the movement that other individuals are engaging in relation to this shift.

But you create challenges in the expression of turning your attention to self, and not occupying your attention in the participation with other individuals, and reinforcing your action of personal responsibility as it relates to other individuals.

Conversely, Cindel has created a direction of attention within self in which this particular expression of personal responsibility has been addressed to in an ongoing manner, and Cindel has created a movement through this issue of personal responsibility.

In this, the attention is directed in a concentration upon self, and many times there is a challenge created in the interpretation of movement in relation to the shift in consciousness as it is exhibited individually within herself, for her attention is held in individual choices and movement of the expression of acceptance of self, and in that, many times she is not allowing herself to view the relationship of that movement to the insertion of this shift in consciousness.

Therefore, it is quite efficient that the two of you exchange energy in an offering of helpfulness to each other, in allowing yourselves to be turning your attention temporarily from the direction that has been familiar or has become familiar to you into an area that allows you to widen your awareness more so, and is quite consistent with the movement of this shift in a broader sense, so to speak.

LETTY:  Hmm.  Okay.  Well, I need to concentrate a little bit more.  I need help! (Laughing)

ELIAS:  Ha ha ha ha ha!

LETTY:  After last night ... but I understand, and I do realize that sometimes I try so hard to recognize that I overlook the obvious.

ELIAS:  Quite.

LETTY:  So I need to not take it so hard sometimes.  See, every once in a while, I still get very upset with myself for creating this type of physical affectingness.

ELIAS:  Quite, and in this, you merely reinforce the action.  Let me also express to you, allow yourself to be recognizing objectively how often you are expressing seriousness within your focus.

Now; understand that I am not expressing to you that being serious objectively is bad or wrong.  What I AM expressing to you is to be viewing the frequency of your seriousness, and allowing yourself to recognize that the expression of your seriousness many times moves in association with your identification of absolutes, and the solidity or the tremendous importance that you place upon certain situations.

As you allow yourself to view the motivation for your seriousness, you may also allow yourself to turn your perception and incorporate an expression of playfulness and fun, recognizing that your movement through this focus is an exploration.  It is an adventure.  It does not incorporate cosmic consequences! (Chuckling)

LETTY:  (Laughing)  Yes, and I was going to ask about that, as a matter of fact, because Cindel told me that you mentioned that she was starting to see a different aspect of me, and it’s interesting because when she noticed that, I do remember that I was having more fun, and I wasn’t going through so much of this internal trauma, but there’s still something.  I’m still moving.  I didn’t stop it, did I?

ELIAS:  No.  You are continuing.  You are also allowing yourself examples objectively of your individual automatic responses in familiar expressions, and how easily you create these automatic responses in this expression of seriousness.

LETTY:  Okay.  Well, I want to go back to my first question now.  Prior to the last couple of days, I did experience a lot of other physical expressions, like a few days where my legs would just itch tremendously.  I had no bites or anything, but I just could not stop the itching.  I poked my hand with a very sharp knife and made a hole in it, although I created wonderfully, because I didn’t want to bleed — I didn’t want a mess — so I made the hole in my hand, but it didn’t bleed very much.  I also cut myself a lot ... and I know I don’t like to cook, but sometimes I think I go too far! (Laughing)

ELIAS:  (Chuckling)  Express to me, Castille, what is your impression as to why you are creating these physical experiences?

LETTY:  Well, I didn’t put a lot of trust in myself, but my first impression, obviously, is noticing what I’m trying to tell myself.  I’ve been working on changing the expression of having difficulty breathing to notice myself differently.  Actually, I don’t think I have problems breathing, but it’s some kind of an attention-getter, but sometimes what happens is that I focus on taking care of it ... oh, wait a minute!  I just answered myself.  It happened the day I fell.  It was to stop my track of thinking.

ELIAS:  Ha ha ha!  Very good, Castille!

LETTY:  Oh, okay!  That makes me go back to the kitchen!

ELIAS:  Ha ha!  And you may also recognize that you are correct in your exploration and experimentation with different types of physical expressions that you view may possibly be incorporated as replacement for the physical exhibition that you create presently to be gaining your attention.

Now; let me express to you, (chuckling) in quite physical objective terms, this may be incorporating some dangerous expressions!

LETTY:  I know!  Watch out for those knives! (Elias laughs)  It’s kinda funny, because when I saw it go into my hand, I said, no, I don’t want to bleed.  I had fun, though!  It was exciting for me.

ELIAS:  And you DO hold the ability to be manipulating your energy quite efficiently!

Now; look to this example, for it is significant.  You have offered yourself an example of creating a physical action, and expressing a direct objective manipulation of energy to NOT be engaging an automatic action associated with the physical expression that you chose.  You have punctured your hand, but you have expressed that you wish not to bleed.

Now; you have offered yourself a validation and an exhibition, in physical terms, of your ability to manipulate energy in the manner in which you choose, even in a situation that appears to be contrary to the rules of your reality.

In this, you may also engage this type of action in relation to other creations of physical affectingnesses.

LETTY:  Did I help ... two days ago, the elevator in our building stopped halfway.  Something electrical happened, and when it stopped, my first concentration was, I do not want to get stuck.  I need to go to my meeting.  And then it kind of continued.

ELIAS:  Yes.  You have manipulated energy in creating this action.

LETTY:  It felt good!  I need to practice that one more.  Wonderful! (Elias chuckles)  Alright, speaking about my dream imagery, I have a few dreams I want to talk to you about.  I’m going to combine two of them because maybe they concentrate on my seriousness.

I dream a lot about work and people at work.  One of my dreams, in a similar sense to what I actually do, was about selling purses.  I was having a meeting and I was trying to teach my people how to sell, and then all of a sudden, it shifted to one of my coworkers and to a very poor neighborhood with unpaved streets, and I was talking to this guy about cleaning the streets because they looked dirty.

I do notice, in some dreams, that I pull up some of the frustrations I have on a day-to-day basis at work, and I exaggerate them a little bit.  I was having problems interpreting this, but I think part of it is maybe about not doing this objectively and causing conflict with other people on an objective basis, and so I do it in my dreams?

ELIAS:  At times, yes, you are correct. (Pause)

LETTY:  The other one was a lot nicer.  I was having a surprise party for somebody, and I was organizing it and giving orders, which I love to give orders! (Elias chuckles)  That’s all I remember.

ELIAS:  (Chuckling)  I shall express to you, Castille, you image many scenarios within your dream state in the objective expression of your work environment, so to speak, as this is objectively familiar to you, and as I have stated previously, your objective and subjective awarenesses move in harmony with each other.

Therefore, what you are creating objectively, you are also engaging subjectively, and as you engage your subjective awareness in an objective translation, you choose to be imaging this recognition of harmony in expressing the imagery in familiar terms, in which you occupy much of your objective attention within waking state.  Therefore, you present the imagery of this particular environment.

Now; as to the memory of expressing orders, so to speak, within a festive atmosphere, allow yourself to be engaging a thought process now of what you and I have been expressing within this discussion.

LETTY:  That I need to stop being so serious!

ELIAS:  Yes! (Grinning)

You have offered yourself imagery in an expression to be giving to yourself, objectively, imagery that expresses the seriousness and the playfulness simultaneously, and you have expressed this in a manner which allows you to view how unnecessary it may be to be incorporating that seriousness at times — and how you may be interrupting of an easier flow of energy — in association with playfulness.

LETTY:  I will pay more attention to that, yes.  I want to have more fun, definitely!

ELIAS:  Ha ha ha ha ha!

LETTY:  Okay.  I had another dream that I want to say was another focus.  I believe it was in France in kind of an artist’s apartment, and I had a girlfriend, and we went to meet somebody, and of course, he didn’t look the same, but it was Leezar.  She was supposed to meet him to see if they like hit it off or something, and I was just going along for the ride, but then he and I ended up in a relationship, and it turned out to be very affectionate, and it was wonderful!  But it didn’t quite feel like a dream.  It felt like another focus that I’ve had with him, with the same type of relationship.

ELIAS:  You are correct, and this is also — for your noticing — what may be identified as a projection through consciousness, allowing you to view the interactions of another focus rather than merely an objective interpretation of subjective movement, creating imagery within a dream.

LETTY:  I think I’ve ... well, I haven’t succeeded objectively, but maybe subjectively I have.  I’ve been trying to connect with a future focus to help me ... I was going to say, to help me see if I’m doing it the right way, but a future focus in a time framework in which the shift in consciousness is already more in place.

So, I guess I’m asking my other focuses to help me with acceptance, and again, in reading the transcripts, it makes so much sense when you explain to people about recognizing it as a part of the process, but what really counts is the actual assimilating of that acceptance of myself.

ELIAS:  Correct.

LETTY:  So, is there a focus that I’ve been working on that would help me?  I mean, am I on the right track?

ELIAS:  Yes.

In this, you may be engaging this activity within your dream state, or you may also be allowing yourself this type of interaction within the time frameworks in which you engage your relaxation exercise, which may be beneficial to you in more than one expression, for it shall be distracting of your attention, which shall be beneficial in the continued expression of your relaxation, and also allow you the opportunity to be engaging interaction with another focus, therefore offering yourself information as to that which you seek.

LETTY:  Okay.  Well, Elias, I do have one crystal ball question!

ELIAS:  Ha ha ha ha ha!

LETTY:  Right now with Leezar’s energy, what are the probabilities, based on his concentration presently, regarding where he is moving?

He wants to leave the company, he wants to go to Europe for a whole year, and of course, that’s where I feel affected.  There’s another company that continues to be building up, but again, I guess that I am taking personal responsibility, by saying that I don’t think he should go with that one.  But obviously ... and I am working on not concentrating on him, you know, so it’s only his energy.

ELIAS:  I am understanding.

I shall express to you that this individual presently is engaging an expression of confusion, and therefore is also vacillating between different potential choices, but has not in actuality directed his attention into one expression yet.

As to your participation in this situation, I may express to you, once again, quite strongly, that you turn your attention to self and allow yourself to not engage concern regarding the possible choices of Leezar.  This is HIS reality.  Allow yourself to be concerning yourself with YOUR reality.

LETTY:  (Sighing)  Okay....

ELIAS:  Let me express to you, Castille, I am understanding of the thought process that occurs within many individuals as I express statements such as I have just offered to you, and the expression of the thought of, “Yes, I must be turning my attention to self, but I am experiencing an interaction with another individual, and this is influencing of my choices and of my focus also.”

In this, I express to you, the other individual’s choices are affecting of you as you allow them to be affecting of you.

Let me express to you, Castille, you may be turning your attention to self and holding your attention with self, and not concerning yourself with the choices of another individual and not allowing the choices of the other individual to be affecting or interrupting of your flow of energy which is expressed naturally, and this is NOT an expression of a lack of caring, in your terms, or a lack of involvement objectively, or a lack of feeling or a lack of affection concerning the other individual.

(Intently)  In actuality, you allow yourself to express all of those identifications physically in more of an expression of genuineness and more clearly — and they are received more clearly by the other individual — in the moments that you ARE holding your attention within self.

For as you turn your attention outside of self and you concern yourself with the choices of other individuals and you express that other individuals are affecting of you within your reality, in actuality, what you are creating in an expression of energy is a judgment upon the other individual, a lack of acceptance of self, a lack of acknowledgment of your own ability to be creating of your own reality, and you are expressing underlying expectations to the other individual, that your well-being and expression of happiness is contingent upon the other individual’s choices.  This is a discounting of self in your ability to be creating your reality, and it is a judgment upon the choices of the other individual.

[In] viewing your attention in that light of perspective, so to speak, you may allow yourself the recognition that you may be expressing much more clearly these engagements of affection, love, acceptance, emotional interaction — and physical interaction — with another individual in the expression of holding your attention to self.

LETTY:  Hmm.  I think I’ve been trying to separate....

ELIAS:  In this, it is unnecessary also to be creating that expression of separation, although I hold the awareness that this is a quite familiar action within physical focus, for you automatically separate in relation to yourself and any other individual, for you view yourselves to BE separate.

As you continue to turn your attention to self, you also allow yourself to assimilate objectively the recognition that you are NOT separate, and that you ARE the other individual, and the other individual is YOU.

LETTY:  I think that’s where my fear has been coming from, in feeling that separation instead of accepting that there is none.

ELIAS:  Correct.

LETTY:  And when I read it, I understand it and I feel it so well, but then my automatic response ... when I go through situations, I completely forget.

ELIAS:  Quite, and this is the expression of the familiar.

LETTY:  Right.

ELIAS:  And this be the reason that you are offering yourself examples of your automatic responses, and allowing yourself the opportunity to identify the influence of the beliefs which are creating this perception and these reactions, so to speak.

LETTY:  Okay.  Well, Elias, as always!

ELIAS:  Ha ha ha ha ha!  As always! (They both laugh)

LETTY:  I do have one quick question.  Have you been beeping me?

ELIAS:  Ha ha ha ha ha!

LETTY:  I hear beeps.  Many times it’s lights, which is usually what gets my attention when you’re around.  But lately I’ve been hearing beeps, and it took me a little while to realize it was you.

ELIAS:  You are correct.  This is the expression of, pay attention, Castille!  Ha ha ha ha ha!

LETTY:  Well, I thank you for that!

ELIAS:  You are quite welcome!

LETTY:  It’s a little bit less dramatic than a knock on the head!

ELIAS:  Ha ha ha ha ha!  Quite!  Not quite so physical!

LETTY:  Right.  I do that enough to myself!

ELIAS:  I am in agreement! (Laughing)

LETTY:  Well, Elias, I have something exciting to say, and I’m going to beat Cindel in telling you that we’re coming to visit you!

ELIAS:  In objective physical proximity!  Ha ha ha ha ha!

LETTY:  Yes, we’re very excited!  We’re gonna be there next month.

ELIAS:  (Chuckling)  And I shall be anticipating our meeting and our interaction, and we shall engage playfulness!

LETTY:  Oh, definitely!  I’m going to work on that one!

ELIAS:  Ha ha ha!

LETTY:  It’s a priority!

ELIAS:  Very well!

LETTY:  Okay!  Thank you again.

ELIAS:  You are quite welcome, my friend.  I express to you great encouragement, and I shall continue to be offering energy to you in acknowledgment. (Chuckling)  To you in great affection this day, Castille, au revoir.

LETTY:  Au revoir, Elias.

Elias departs at 11:22 a.m.

© 2001  Vicki Pendley/Mary Ennis, All Rights Reserved

Copyright 2000 Mary Ennis, All Rights Reserved.