Session Title: Other Dimensional Super Powers; Restless Leg Syndrome; How to Relax Before Sleep
Type: Private
John O. (Arry)
Topics: “Connecting with an Other-Dimensional Focus” “Addressing Sleep Issues” “Agitating and Relaxing the Nervous System” “Intentional Choice to Change Habits”
Session Title: Hypnotherapy for Dream Recall; Foot Care
Type: Private
Paul (Paneus)
Topics: “Healing a Sinus Infection” “Accessing Other Focuses” “Healing Achilles Tendons” “Hypnotherapy for Dream Recall” “Foot Care” “On Not Being Ruffled by Others”
Session Title: Addressing the Uncertainty of Being Seen: Defining Fears and What Feels Unsafe
Type: Private
Lynda (Ruther)
Topics: “Addressing the Uncertainty of Being Seen: Defining Fears and What Feels Unsafe” “Neutralizing Fear” “Recognizing Unsafe Feelings Based on Past Experiences”
Session Title: Essence's Identity and Personality; Ill Effects of Refined Sugar
Type: Private
Nuno (Lystell)
Topics: “Reconfiguration of a Creature” “Regeneration of Hair Color” “Heating Vegetables for Nutrition” “Electrolyte Supplements for Water” “Refined Sugar and Alternatives” “Essences’ Personality” “Healing Machine” “Putting Energy Work into Practical Application” “The Importance of Crediting Yourself”
Topics: “Is Generational Trauma a Thing?” “Definitions and Types of Trauma” “Tapping into Experiences of Other Generations” “The Limitations of Science” “Trauma in Creatures”
Topics: “Being More Aware of the Whole” “Runes, Tarot Cards and a Direction for 2024” “Creating a Stroke” “The Importance of Flexibility” “High Cholesterol” “Medical Science Is a Young Science”
Topics: “Pearl Energy: A Direct Byproduct Energy of Consciousness” “Miracle Magical Energy” “An Opening Between Dimensions” “Your Own Personal Genie: Transformative but Practical Energy” “Using Pearl Energy with the Inner Landscape Exercise” “Pearl Energy and the Dead” “Dragon and Pearl Imagery” “Pearl Energy and Climate Change” “Your Personal Dragon, Pearl and Fun”
Topics: “Bone Density” “Qi and Pearl Energy” “Healing a Knee Injury with Pearl Energy” “Regenerating Skin with Pearl Energy” “The Inner Landscape Exercise” “Changing Perception as a Game”
Topics: “Reflections of Personal Energy” “Expressing Automatically” “Repetitive Action and Balance” “Acknowledge What Another Feels, Because It’s Real”
Topics: “Tuning a Healing Device” “Pearl Energy” “Dream Interpretation” “Using a Symbol with Pearl Energy” “Cooking Vegetables with Butter” “Super Foods” “Climate Change Disasters”
Session Title: Pushing, Putting Up With, and Acceptance
Type: Private
Ann (Vivette)
Topics: “Pushing, Putting Up With, and Acceptance” “Letting Information Sit” “The Paradox of Interconnectedness” “Politically Focused People and Their Environment” “Creatures Preparing for Disengagement”
Session Title: Combining Pearl Energy with the Power of Dragon Energy
Type: Private
Brenda (Leonora)
Topics: “Combining Pearl Energy with the Power of Dragon Energy” “Complementary Focus Symbol Imagery” “Changing Perception with Different Information” “Set an Intention, Then Trust It” “The Political Climate Doesn’t Matter” “The Point of This Shift”
Topics: “Family Issues, Part 2” “Progress in Listening to Self” “The Importance of Communication” “Catching Oneself Trying to Fix Things for Others” “Energy Flux"
Topics: “Lightning Power” “Identifying Lightning as a Personal Signet, Using It with Dragon and Pearl Energy” “Pay Attention to What Your Body Tells You and Focus on the Present”
Session Title: Health and Healing Requires Objective Action
Type: Private
Nuno (Lystell)
Topics: “Subjective and Objective: You Can’t Change One Without the Other” “Everything You Do Affects Your Body” “Energy Exchange with Alexis” “Pearl Energy and the Pulsations of Consciousness” “Addressing Restricting Arteries”
Session Title: The After-Death Experience; Hearing the Sounds of Visuals
Type: Private
Mauricio (Kaffka)
Topics: “A Beloved Pet” “The After-Death Experience” “Projecting Back in Time” “The Importance of Centering Yourself” “Food for a Healthy Liver” “Hearing the Sounds of Visuals” “What Is Information?”
Session Title: The State of the World; Pearl Energy and Dragons
Type: Group
Alex (Philip)
Bonnie (Lyla)
Brigitt (Camile)
Christina (Melian)
Debbie (Tamarra)
Eric (Doren)
John (Rrussell)
Lynda (Ruther)
Mark (Liam)
Melissa (Leah)
Peter (Gaylore)
Tariq (Jessik)
Topics: “The State of the World” “Pearl Energy” “Dragons” “Finding Your Purpose” “Creating a Sense of Community” “Reading Energy Fields” “A Huge Collective Energy Throughout the Entire World” “Young People Giving Voice to What Isn’t Being Voiced”
Session Title: Sidestepping and Creating a Probable Reality
Type: Private
Anon ()
Topics: “Climate Change and Flooding” “Be Loud!” “Fires, Wars, Artillery and the Deaths of Insects and Fish” “A New Solution to the Ukraine War” “Fear and Dissension in Countries Not at War: the German Example” “Engage Your Younglings” “Sidestepping and Creating a Probable Reality”
Topics: “Creating Probable Realities and Probable Selves” “Every Possible Experience Is Experienced” “Sidestepping” “Your Personal Conflict Is Fueling That War” “The Importance of Knowing How You Are Paying Attention” “Have the Experience and I Will Explain It” “Intentionally Assessing Choices in Each Moment”
Session Title: Being Open to Different Ways of Thinking
Type: Private
Ann (Vivette)
Topics: “Being Open to Different Ways of Thinking” "Consciousness and Energy" “Acceptance of Difference and Recognizing What Is Really Important” “Illness from a Wave in Energy” “Closer to the End of the Science Wave” “Rigid Beliefs of Mathematicians” "Using a Dragon's Name and Expressing Intentions Aloud"
Topics: “Changing Directions” “Having Compassion for the Other” “Being All Right with Your Signals and with Other People’s Signals” “Realizations about Yourself” “Being a Beacon”
Session Title: The Self-Awareness Trap: Greater Self-Awareness Requires You to Listen to Yourself More
Type: Private
Nuno (Lystell)
Topics: “Altering Attention and Perception” “You’re the One That’s Creating All of It” “Disempowering Yourself” “Responding to the Demands of Others” “Moving Attention to What You’re Doing Objectively as Expansion”
Session Title: Starting a New Relationship After Another One Ends
Type: Private
Jessie (Anibeth)
Topics: “Being Vulnerable” “Taking Time to Process” “The Intuitive Nature of Females and Sex” “Dancing to Release the Held Energy of Trauma” “Addressing to Trauma with Elias”
Topics: “Honey and Lemon for Throat Irritation” “How Container Energy Is Directed When Released” “Dissipating Held Energy” “Stepping into Another Probable Reality” “Creating Physical Imagery of Other People” “A Partner Considering Disengagement” “Using Pearl Energy to Address Irritation”