Session 202404041

Pushing, Putting Up With, and Acceptance


“Pushing, Putting Up With, and Acceptance”
“Letting Information Sit”
“The Paradox of Interconnectedness”
“Politically Focused People and Their Environment”
“Creatures Preparing for Disengagement”

Thursday, April 4, 2024 (Private/Phone)

Participants: Mary (Michael) and Ann (Vivette)

ELIAS: Good morning!

ANN: Good morning, Elias.

ELIAS: (Chuckles) What have you been accomplishing?

ANN: Well, I feel like I must be accomplishing something, because at this moment in time my body feels pretty good, and it seems like everybody around me are going through some health issues. So I’m like, “Thank God for small little favors.” (Elias laughs) So…

ELIAS: Congratulations.

ANN: Yeah. So I feel good about that, and the kitchen is coming down the pike. It’s still taking… (Elias laughs) It’s moving very slowly, but I feel… I mean, I’ve come to like, “Okay, it’ll get done when it’s done,” which actually kind of made me curious. I want to ask, because I was listening to Denise’s session where you were telling her she did a lot of putting up with.


ANN: And then I wanted to think about this and I kind of want to feel this, and I thought you would help me feel all this. Because I was thinking about this, like with my kitchen, like feeling putting up with versus pushing versus acceptance, and how… So I can kind of get a feel for it, I wanted to… Like I think with the kitchen, and I think down here, you know, in the South, things move… And it’s a smaller town, and I remember living in a small town in Colorado, just things took a little bit longer versus living in the D.C. area for 40 years. Well, you go in there, everyone’s fast, fast, fast, get it done, get it done, get it done, so it’s like a different pace here.

And I noticed, like contractors, they’ll come, they’ll do a little bit. They could do more, but they don’t. They’re, “Oh, I’ve got to wait for this other guy.” (Elias chuckles) And I’m, “You could really do this.” “No, no, no.” I wanted to get a jump on the game and have them come in to measure for tile, but the cabinets were in but the countertop wasn’t on and they’re like, “Oh, no, no, we can’t measure for the tile until the countertop’s on.” I’m like, “I can tell you how thick the countertop will be.” It made no sense to me. “No, no, no, we can’t do it. No way.” (Elias laughs) And they come and just… so slow.

So earlier in the process I was feeling anxious or feeling up in sorts, but a part of that was I was living with clutter everywhere and I didn’t have my kitchen. I know when things are in a disorganized state I don’t feel good about that at all, so that was leading to it. And now it’s far enough along that I have been able to organize my space a bit more. It’s not totally but enough, and I can use not all of my kitchen but most of my kitchen now, and I have a kitchen sink. So, I’m at the point now where I figure I’m not even going to worry about it; it’s just going to get done when it gets done.

But the session with Denise had me thinking, “Hm.” Because I’m at the point where now I’m like, “All right. I’m just going to go with the flow. I’m not going to push.” Because I think I have a pushing energy. I feel like maybe I do. So I’m like, “Okay, I don’t want to push,” but then I also don’t want to put up with it, either. And I thought, “Well maybe, have I just come into acceptance of it gets done when it gets done?” So just taking this scenario, where I am right now, I mean I would like it to get done faster, but I’m like, “Okay, whatever. It’ll get done and I just, you know, move forward.” But am I like in a putting up mode? Am I in an acceptance mode? I don’t think I’m in a pushing mode right now.

ELIAS: You’re not. Not putting up with, either. You’re… You’ve moved into more of an acceptance.

ANN: Okay. I kind of feel that, yeah.

ELIAS: The putting up with is something that happens when you either are irritated underlyingly, you have that constant irritation, or you are not trusting and discounting. But in either direction, it’s because you are not perceiving that you can do anything about anything and that you have NO choices, and that whatever it is that’s happening, you didn’t choose.

Now; in relation to your kitchen, you chose to have the kitchen renovated. Therefore, it began with your choice. Now, subsequent to that, then you could move in a direction of being frustrated or pushing or not accepting what is happening in relation to the time factor or how it’s being done or what’s being done. But all of that then becomes an issue of control.

ANN: Yeah. Yes.

ELIAS: With the expression of putting up with, that’s different. That stems from a lack of trust in oneself and looking at situations that they didn’t make the initial choice about. And in that, generally it has to do with other people and what other people are doing, but in that, it begins with something that other people are doing first and that they are in a position of they simply have to put up with it, even though they don’t like it or they disagree with it or they’re uncomfortable with it, but they don’t have any choices.

ANN: Hm.

ELIAS: And in that, it’s very much [that] the beginnings of it stem from not trusting themselves and not valuing themselves, and therefore they move in those directions. Which, this has been something that Azura has been somewhat battling for a considerable amount of time in her life.

ANN: Mm-hm. Mmmm.

ELIAS: That is actually something that an individual learns as they’re developing, as they’re growing. They learn that factor of putting themself second and therefore having to put up with things that other people do, or behaviors with other people or choices that they make that the individual has learned not to question, not to move in any other direction because they don’t have any choices, because they’re not important enough.

ANN: Mm. That’s probably why she gets so frustrated with her mother, is because her mother probably taught her, whether it was directly or indirectly, by example or by treatment, probably has played a large role into that.

ELIAS: Yes. And I would also say that you did, for a time, move in that direction, but you’ve learned how to change that.

ANN: Now, I moved in that direction of treating HER that way? Or I moved in that direction of —

ELIAS: No, no, no, no, no, no.

ANN: Okay. Okay.

ELIAS: No. You —

ANN: I moved in the same direction SHE was; yes.

ELIAS: Correct.

ANN: Yes. Of not putting myself first and not trusting myself. Yeah.

ELIAS: Correct. Correct.

ANN: Yeah.

ELIAS: And in that, putting up with.

ANN: Yeah.

ELIAS: I would say that you also did that to a significant degree in your first marriage.

ANN: Yeah. Oh my god! “Significant” is probably even an understatement. (Both laugh) Wow. You know it’s ironic, because at the time when I made the decision to leave him and get a divorce, I felt like I was this horrible human being, and in hindsight it’s like one of the best things I ever could have done for myself. And now the person I am today can look back and look at all that pain I went through, thinking “You were going through pain, you know, when you could have been celebrating.” It’s just very interesting, but maybe that’s part of letting go of some beliefs you have, you know? It can be painful.

ELIAS: Or learning to move in a direction of trusting yourself and valuing yourself.

ANN: Yeah. I mean, I can’t think of an instance right now – maybe I will, during the conversation – but I am starting to become more aware of situations where maybe I don’t value myself or trust myself, or let’s see what I can figure out what I’m trying to say. But they’re very subtle. I’m feeling like it’s subtle.

This is interesting. I might have to make up an example because I can’t think of one. But it’s almost like… like almost not speaking up for myself because I don’t want to offend someone. Like, okay, let’s take this tile example – and they’re here, downstairs. I have to speak low. But when they said, “Oh, we can’t measure for the tile because the countertop’s not in,” it made no sense to me. And I did say at first, I’m like, “Well, I can tell you the depth. I can tell you how thick the countertop will be.” And they just shook their heads, saying, “No, no, we can’t do it.” And a part of me wanted to say, “Well, let’s just do it and I’ll just go with these measurements,” but then I didn’t because I’m like, “Well, you know what? These people are going to be working here. I don’t want to be getting on anybody’s bad side. I don’t want to ruffle feathers, I just want to… This is how they work. I’ll just let them do their job.”

So is that…? Like I wonder, am I…? Like sometimes I don’t say things because I don’t want to ruffle feathers, or I don’t… I mean, I can see where that would be helpful in certain times, because it’s like what’s the point in saying something? Or, I also remember when I was in a position and people would bug me. Like I also don’t… I have a hard time bugging people, bugging people, bugging people. Which is interesting, because I have, I feel like, this pushing energy. But I remember for so many years in the job I was in, oh my god, people would just bug me and bug me and change their mind and change their mind and change their mind. And it was such an irritant to me that I know I don’t want to be an irritant to… especially people in the trades, like the building industries and stuff, what I was in for a long time.

I don’t know if there’s a question. I just kind of want to feel it. I want to make sure that I am being the strongest version of myself, or just navigating my way or balanced between trusting myself, putting myself first, and also honoring the other person. But making the decisions not from a lack or not from fear or not because I’m afraid to speak up, but making a decision because it’s just okay to make that decision and feel good about making that decision.

ELIAS: And because that’s who you want to be.

ANN: And because what?

ELIAS: And because that’s who you want to be.

ANN: Yeah. I want to be… Yeah. And it’s almost like thinking, “Yeah, I’m putting myself first, but this other person is valuable too,” and –

ELIAS: Correct. And in that, I would be very much acknowledging you, because that’s the part about becoming more self-aware and recognizing that you’re interconnected, you’re not alone. You don’t pay attention to yourself to the exclusion of other individuals; you simply place yourself in that primary position, but that doesn’t mean that you’re not valuing other individuals also.

ANN: Yeah. All right, I think I’m getting a little bit better of a feel for that and how to navigate through that.

ELIAS: I agree.

ANN: Well, kind of speaking of that, I had read this… I think it was Lyssa Royal had done this. She does in the beginning of the month these cards, and you know, I guess, energy of the month or what. Anyhow this card had said – to give my version of it or what I took from it, I guess – was… and what you have said, too, about not picking sides. This card said it could be helpful to feel into both sides; you know, feel if you’re on one side to feel into the other side – which makes sense.

So I’ve kind of been doing that a little bit, and it’s actually really good. (Laughs) It’s like you can think, like I probably default more towards individuality or people taking care of themselves or people having their own… you know, how because of a control thing, are people being able to direct themselves and make their own decisions, and following along the lines that the less government in my life, the happier I am. I actually have a really good friend who’s, “No! Government’s good because they make sure, like the U.S.D.A. makes sure that your meat products are safe. They make sure the environment’s safe and make sure all this is safe.” And I’m like, “Well, that’s only if you have people in those positions that DO those jobs, and…” Anyhow, so I could go along that thinking.

That’s when I thought, okay, instead of even trying to convince or show the person that maybe their ways are wrong, I said, “Well, okay. I can see her point of view.” Or FEEL the point of view, really, about yeah, you know, everybody working together, everybody respecting each other, everybody making sure everyone is in line doing their job, because then the whole system can work better. That’s how they’re… And yeah, I can see, okay that would be good, but then I can also see the other side.

I mean, I am getting to the place now where I can kind of… I still have my ideas of what I think works better, but that’s okay.


ANN: I can start seeing both sides.

Anyhow, it’s a really good thing. (Laughs) I think it’s a really good thing to be able to do this. So…

ELIAS: I agree. I very much agree.

ANN: And I… It’s so interesting –

ELIAS: And I would be tremendously congratulating you, because I remember a time in which you were expressing to myself that you didn’t think you’d EVER get to this point.

ANN: (Laughs) How about that?

ELIAS: And here you are, my friend. (Laughs)

ANN: Yeah. Yeah, I think sometimes people… I mean, it’s almost a threat. It can be perceived as a threat to try to feel the other side, especially if you have vilified the other side so much…


ANN: That you don’t even want to let yourself go there.

ELIAS: Yes. Correct.

ANN: And then… But there are parts, like I remember you saying to me once… These little things that you slip in every once in a while, they stick with me and I do think about them. Like I remember talking about efficiency, putting things on the stairs, just gathering them on the stairs so when I go up I can take them all up at once and save time. And you had something to the effect, “Or you take it up each time, you get more exercise.” (Laughs) I was like, “)h yeah!”


ANN: No matter what you do, there’s always going to be… There’s always going to be a pro, if you want to call it even a pro or a con, but just a pro or a con depending on how you look at it. But like you say, with your beliefs and your concentration, it’s not just WHAT you’re thinking about, it’s HOW you’re thinking about it.

ELIAS: Correct.

ANN: So…

ELIAS: Correct.

ANN: So anyhow, that all seems good and dandy, just going along. (Elias laughs) Hm.

ELIAS: I would be tremendously acknowledging of yourself, my friend, because I would say that this is the point: paying attention to yourself but also beginning to recognize these different pieces. That you can still have your guidelines, you can still have your opinions, which are formed from your guidelines, but that doesn’t mean that they are absolute. They’re absolute for YOU, but not absolute in general.

ANN: Yeah.

ELIAS: And the more you can recognize that, the less conflict you will actually have.

ANN: Yeah. And I do see that. I mean, I can almost feel it in me. And sometimes I… It’s so funny. I mean, it’s kind of humorous, but I’ll read something or see something, and in my mind it’s like, “Oh my god, that is so false,” or “That is so stupid,” or “That is… I can’t even believe they think like that.” But then I’ll stop myself and say, “Well, it could be true for them,” and then I don’t even worry too much about it. Sometimes I’m like, “Okay.” I think the reason I stop, it’s like that’s why not to either push back against it, or that’s not even worth pointing out why they’re wrong. (Laughs) It’s like, “Okay, it could be true for them.” And it may not be true for them, but it could be true for them.

ELIAS: Correct.

ANN: It still kind of blows my mind that you – and I haven’t completely understood this and maybe I never will as long as I’m physically focused, but one time I remember you told somebody someone could go into the Clintons’ home and find evidence of child trafficking or whatever, and another person could go in the very same home at the very same time and find nothing, no evidence of it. Or the example of the newspaper article, like one person could look at it about who won the World Series, and the other person will look at it and this team lost the World Series. That’s still a little mind-boggling to me (Elias laughs), but I’m like okay, I am just… So what I am doing with that bit of information, I just let it sit there. And I’m just like, “All right.” (Elias laughs) And I don’t –

ELIAS: Ah, but you see, for you, letting information sit there eventually pays off, because eventually you do understand it.

ANN: Yes. I think –

ELIAS: And eventually you can apply it.

ANN: Yeah. And I have noticed that to be the case. Boy, if I get to the point where I really understand this…

I think it might have something to do with paradox. Like this whole paradox thing is intriguing to me, how things can be right and wrong at the same time – quote-unquote, “right” and “wrong” at the same time. I mean, I do understand THAT to some extent, how… That is an easy thing to understand because there’s a very simple example that everybody knows of, like if two people are sitting face to face with each other and let’s say there’s a number written down on a piece of paper, and one person says, “Oh, that’s the number 9,” and the other person says, “No, no, no! That’s the number 6,” because depending on how you’re looking at it – very easy example. So sometimes I go back to that example and say, “Okay, this is how something can be true and false at the same time, because it’s true for that person that it’s a 6, and then it’s false that it’s a 9 for that person, and the other vice-versa.”

So… And I mean, that’s an easy one to understand. Obviously the World Series one is a little more harder to understand.

ELIAS: (Laughs) Challenging.

ANN: But… More challenging, but I mean, it’s all good. (Elias chuckles)

And speaking of these little paradox things, I asked you half of this question before. I didn’t ask you the other half, but I know what the answer has to be but I’m intrigued to think about it. Remember when I said the Martin Luther King quote, “No one is free until everyone is free,” and you said you would agree with that because we’re all connected? But if that were the case, wouldn’t it also be the case that if ONE person is free, then we ALL are free?

ELIAS: Yes. And there you have your paradox.

ANN: (Laughs) So… Oh, but I think the reason that is not so hard to understand is because it’s… Like it’s not like a static thing, like there could be one moment in time (slight pause) that one person –


ANN: Huh?

ELIAS: No. That’s –

ANN: Okay.

ELIAS: That wouldn’t be the manner in which that is expressed. If one person is not free, then no one is free.

Now, that means freedom is expressed in many different capacities; it’s not only in a physical sense. Therefore in that, just as I’ve expressed in relation to my examples of what you’re lending energy to – or what you’re not – and in that how people are lending energy to expressions such as war even if they entirely disagree with war and abhor it and are entirely against it. But if they are generating conflicts at home and perpetuating them, and fighting with their children, or spouses fighting with each other, they’re doing the same thing, and therefore they’re creating the same type of energy.

And in that, that’s the point, is that whether you are thinking in terms of “if one person is free everyone is free,” or “if one person is not free then no one is free,” I would say because of that interconnectedness that would be correct. Because in that, there’s some expression, there’s some manner in which the individuals may be free or not free, but not necessarily in a physical capacity.

ANN: Hm.

ELIAS: Just as, I would say a tremendous example of that would be the people that were the commandants of concentration camps in your second world war. Most of them resided just outside of the camps; therefore, their homes were just outside of the walls or the fences of the camps, and then what they would do is build a wall around their home so that they couldn’t see the camp. But in that, that family was just as much a prisoner, and they had just as little freedom as the captives in the camp. They wouldn’t have said so, because they were outside of the camp, but they were bound to it. And in that, I would say that that was an excellent example of how everything is tied together.

ANN: And that makes sense. Can you give me an example of…? Like so if, let’s say, I were at the point in my life where I wasn’t creating conflict with my family or with myself or… and I really truly am free in whatever aspect. And then that would mean that if I were to create in my life freedom, and if that means that everybody else would be free, does that mean elsewhere in the world there would not be conflict? Or is it just my world?

ELIAS: No. No. No. It doesn’t mean that there wouldn’t be conflict. It means that there is some aspect of everyone that is free at the same time. Even those that are imprisoned, they may be free in themself in their perception. In some capacity, everyone else IS free. Just as in some capacity you are free because others are free, but also in some capacity you’re not, because others are not.

ANN: Mm. Interesting. All right. Well, we will let that sit for a while.

ELIAS: (Laughs) Very well.

ANN: And along the lines of curiosities and figuring things out and wanting to understand more, I know when you say like politically focused people, they process their information through their environment. Correct?

ELIAS: Through thought AND their environment.

ANN: Oh. Through thought and their environment.


ANN: So I was thinking about this. Maybe I didn’t really even think much about what your environment is. John is politically focused, and I had this thought the other day. It’s like I always say, “Oh my god, if I talk to John directly he doesn’t hear me, but if I’m on the phone in the other room, he knows everything in the conversation.” And I have been noticing, and he does kind of know what’s going on with his environment, and I’m wondering, “Is that…?” There’s a couple parts to this, but I’m thinking, “Well, is that what Elias is talking about?” Because I was thinking, “Oh my god, it’s all because he’s intermediate,” but I said, “It’s almost like he’s common, because he’s so in tune to his environment.” But then sometimes he’s not tuned to his environment, he’s oblivious of his environment. (Laughs) But I was thinking, is somehow he getting information from his environment, and what I’m thinking is a common thing is actually a politically focused thing?


ANN: Okay. So, politically focused people are probably more in tune to the environment. And is this the environment around them or in the whole world?

ELIAS: Yes. The environment around them.

ANN: Okay, so the environment around them.


ANN: Which to me, I’m thinking I got a little bit confused with thinking of common, because commons are, quote-unquote, “out there” and I’m thinking… Okay, so that’s interesting. So my question then – I don’t even know if this will be worthwhile or not, but I’ll ask it. You can let me know. I think an example between a politically focused individual that’s common versus intermediate, if you can give me a scenario where what a difference or a similarity would be. And then I thought after that, “What the hell, let’s throw in soft too,” but I was more concerned with the common and then intermediate because I was just curious about that.

ELIAS: Very well. For an intermediate individual, if they are politically focused they’re going to process information that is more immediately about themself but also include what is in their environment around them. Most of the time it will be what is more immediately in their environment around them. Sometimes that will expand outward somewhat, but for the most part it’s what is more immediately in their environment. And even when it does expand to include a greater environment such as a political environment or a community environment, it will have to do with what directly affects them – or what they perceive directly affects them. It doesn’t actually have to directly affect them, but if they perceive that it does, then that will also be involved in how they are processing information.

In this, a common individual processes information in relation to the objective imagery around them. Therefore, a common individual that is also political is going to be, in a manner of speaking, doubly processing information through what is happening in their environment. Therefore, they may be more attuned to their senses and what information they are taking in, and therefore that’s how they are processing, is through objective imagery and then adding into that their environment.

ANN: Okay. And what about soft? Might as well round it up.

ELIAS: A soft individual that is political might actually incorporate some confusion in how they are processing information, because, as I’ve expressed, a soft individual is very interactive energetically, and therefore if you add into their environment in relation to what they’re already expressing in relation to energy, I would say that until or unless they would be aware of that, it might be somewhat overwhelming to them and therefore they might be inclined to isolate themselves more than a soft individual already does.

ANN: Hm.

ELIAS: Because it might be something that without information would be overwhelming to process that much energy.

ANN: Mm!

ELIAS: This is the reason that soft individuals DO isolate, is because that allows them to process all of the energy that they are engaging – and that’s only the energy that they’re engaging themselves, objectively and subjectively. Therefore if you add into that environment, that could easily be overwhelming to a soft individual.

Now, I would say that what could be somewhat of a saving grace to a soft individual that would be politically focused is that politically focused individuals are closer to thought than to emotion. Therefore, THAT could be a piece that would be somewhat of a saving grace to a soft individual.

ANN: If they focus more on the thought.

ELIAS: They automatically would be processing more through thought than emotion, because that is what a politically focused individual does.

ANN: Okay. All right. Well, thank you for all that. (Elias chuckles)

And… I don’t know if I have a question. I know I DO have a question, but I know it’s one that you probably wouldn’t answer (Elias laughs), or it wouldn’t do any good. I don’t know. Actually, I don’t even know, but I’m going to bring it up because obviously it’s a big part of my life. So, my Yinny, we have her on… She was peeing everywhere and I had the vet come in, and she’s on a thyroid medication. She has something going on with her thyroid, and she’ll have to be on it for the rest of her life, whatever, so we have her on that, which has helped, or had helped a bit with the incontinence. And she was doing good, and John and I were like, “Oh, she seems to be doing good and made a comeback.”

And then just a few days ago, or right before Easter, I think she got constipated. She’s holding herself funny and she’s throwing up everywhere. And then a couple nights ago she’s sleeping in our bed and the bed’s all wet and John’s all wet and the pillow’s all wet, and she doesn’t look like she’s doing very well. And I’m like, hm. And she wasn’t eating hardly anything. Well now, I mean she seems to be doing this, now she seems to have taken… She’s twenty years old. She’s getting old and she’s sleeping a lot. You can tell. But she seems like she’s eating again –

ELIAS: Ah, she’s resting. She IS old.

ANN: Okay. (Laughs) She is old. But now she’s acting like she’s okay again. Like I remember… Okay, so this also creates… Like you had said to me, “You’ll know when it’s time.” Just knowing myself – and I feel very guilty about this – is like it’s a cat, it’s peeing and pooping and throwing up all over the place, and all the time. Like if it becomes the way of life, I just think that that – and I feel so selfish about this – okay, I would have to have her put down. And then I remember you saying, “If you’re thinking about it, then the animal is telling you this.” But then it’s like when I start to think about that and then all of a sudden it seems like she takes a turn for the better, and then the thought of putting your animal down when she seems to have so much life left in her seems incomprehensible to me. But –

ELIAS: I understand. I will say to you, let me clarify that this is not something that usually occurs, but it does occur with some animals that they seem to vacillate, they seem to go back and forth, and that in your estimation they’re bad and then they’re good, and then they’re bad and then they’re good. I would say in that, when you have these thoughts of euthanasia, what’s happening is the animal is, in a manner of speaking, projecting that to you as a preparation. They may or may not require you to move in that direction, but if they do, they’ve prepared you for it, that it’s not a sudden thought in which you’re then feeling guilty and questioning yourself and not wanting to do that, but that you have been prepared. And in that, as I expressed, you’ll know.

ANN: Okay. So if I don’t know, then I don’t know. Yeah.

ELIAS: I would also say that it’s helpful, especially at her age, to enlist other individuals around you. Meaning that you simply express to other individuals, friends or family members, to express to you if they perceive that she appears to be much thinner, because you see her every day, and therefore you’re not necessarily going to have an accurate perception of appearance. But that can also contribute to your awareness of when she is ready.

ANN: Well, it’s so weird because like obviously, like for a few days she’s wasn’t eating, so she would have lost some weight but now she’s started eating again. So what if she’s thin and then she starts to eat again? I mean, I think the question I would ask is, “What’s going on with her insides? Is there something that is just, you know, kind of an okay state? Or is it in a bad state? Or what’s going on with her insides?”

ELIAS: I would say what is happening with her insides is they’re slowing down, they’re not functioning as well as they did, and they’re moving in the direction of shutting down – not entirely yet, but they are moving in that direction, and she is moving in that direction. But that’s very understandable. I would say to you that it is very unusual for a domestic cat – or, I use that word loosely – to actually incorporate a lifespan of 20 years, or even more rare, more. That’s very –

ANN: Yeah, she’s… I looked it up.

ELIAS: That is very unusual.

ANN: She’s in the three per cent. Yeah.

ELIAS: Yes. It’s very unusual. (Pause)

ANN: And this seems like a…

ELIAS: Therefore it’s actually good and a kindness that she is moving back and forth, and she is giving you time to become accustomed to the idea of her disengaging.

ANN: And I don’t know if I’m just like either lying to myself or pretending to myself or whatever, and I know I’ve told you this before and you said not to expect it, but I feel like if she just passed – I mean, obviously either way I’m going to deal with it, because eventually I’m going to have to, but I feel like if she just passed, it would be so much easier than if I had to make a decision. (Emotionally) I don’t want to make a decision.

ELIAS: (Gently) I understand. I very much understand, and I acknowledge you in that. But I would also express to you that although there are many animals that do move in that direction themselves, there are more that don’t – because as humans, you move in a direction, without even realizing it, of keeping them alive. Therefore – and that’s not something that is bad or wrong; it’s automatic. And in that, you’re being responsible and caring for them. And I would say that there’s nothing wrong with that and it’s not bad, but it does create a situation in which most of them don’t die on their own.

ANN: Huh. Denise said that.

ELIAS: And that’s the reason that they DO communicate to you. And what is wondrous about that is that you as humans connect with their energy – that you, in a manner of speaking, hear them. (Pause) But, there is always the possibility that she WILL move in that direction herself. It’s not something to be ruled out.

ANN: Yeah.

ELIAS: And at this age (chuckles), it’s definitely something that is coming relatively soon. It’s definitely not immediate by any stretch, but relatively soon.

[The timer for the session rings]

ANN: Yeah. Yeah. I figured that.

ELIAS: I would say very likely within this next year. (Pause)

ANN: So then the other part –

ELIAS: You’ve been being prepared for a while now.

ANN: Yeah. Yeah. (Pause) So, the other question would be, because obviously John and I are not in our house – in the summer we rent it out – and we can take her with us sometimes but sometimes we’re not going to be able to take her with us. So it’s at least a two-week period that I’m going to have to leave her with somebody in May. And is that, is that like kind, or…? You know.


ANN: Yeah.

ELIAS: I would say, as you are already aware, as long as she is familiar with the person that you are leaving her with, which I am aware that she would be, that’s fine.

ANN: Yeah. Okay. All right, Elias. I know it’s… It’s… (Emotionally) It’s just part of life.

ELIAS: Pay attention to now.

ANN: Okay.

ELIAS: Be present and pay attention to now. Don’t project.

ANN: Okay. Okey-dokey to now. To now. Thank you.



ELIAS: Yes. (Chuckles) You are very welcome.

ANN: All right, well I heard the buzzer. Thank you. Thank you again, my friend. Thank you again.

ELIAS: You are very welcome, and I am tremendously, tremendously encouraging of you. You are moving quite quickly lately, and I very much acknowledge that.

ANN: Thank you.

ELIAS: Until our next meeting, in tremendous love and dear friendship to you as always, au revoir.

ANN: Au revoir.

(Elias departs after 1 hour 2 minutes)

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