Session 202401281

Being More Aware of the Whole Self


“Being More Aware of the Whole”
“Runes, Tarot Cards and a Direction for 2024”
“Creating a Stroke”
“The Importance of Flexibility”
“High Cholesterol”
“Medical Science Is a Young Science”

Sunday, January 28, 2024 (Private/Phone)

Participants: Mary (Michael) and Brenda (Leonora)

ELIAS: Good afternoon!

BRENDA: Good afternoon, Elias.

ELIAS: (Chuckles) And how shall we begin, my friend?

BRENDA: That’s a good question. I’ve got a few notes that I wrote yesterday, if I can find them somewhere here. All right. I think I’d like to start with how usually I draw a rune and some oracle cards for the new year. And for Linda and for me in 2024 with our birthday, we’re working a Year 9, which is endings. And we’re also thinking okay, it’s also going to lead to some beginnings out there, at least preps for beginning. So that was one piece that’s been in the back of my mind. The rune I drew was Peorth, and I had not drawn that before. And I looked up in Daniel’s book and saw that you related it to intuitive. (See Note 1) Is that right?

ELIAS: Correct.

BRENDA: And in my rune book, it had the analogy of the phoenix rising from the ashes and a soaring eagle, and it also said it was concerned with the deepest stratum of my being. So I wanted to see what you thought about that for me, and where I am and where I might be moving in 2024.

ELIAS: And what does your intuition tell you?

BRENDA: (Laughs) Um… I think maybe that I’m moving in the direction of trusting my intuition and my impulses, and seeing them and acting with them as valid as maybe even my objective senses?

ELIAS: I would agree.

Now; what does that mean for you in this year?

BRENDA: Um… (Pause) I think one thing it would mean for me is being more aware, so that… Because sometimes I think I might get impulses, intuition, but I’m not really aware enough to pay attention to them.

ELIAS: I would say that that is definitely something valuable.

BRENDA: What would you add?

ELIAS: (Pause) I would say that it’s a matter of knowing what it means to be more aware. Define being more aware.

BRENDA: Do you want me right now to define that?


BRENDA: Being more aware. (Pause) Um… I think… First thing that comes to mind, because I’ve been reading and working on changing habits, that part of being aware is recognizing, for me, recognizing what I’m choosing and recognizing my energy, recognizing what I’m focusing on. I think the hardest, the challenging part sometimes is being aware of my energy, because it’s more subtle. Well, to me it’s subtle but it’s probably not.

ELIAS: How you can be aware of your energy is by paying attention to what you’re doing. Therefore being more aware is being more focused in your attention, and in that, being focused on the whole of you. Therefore not only paying attention to what you’re thinking and not only paying attention to what you’re feeling or not only paying attention to what you’re doing, but paying attention to all of it. Paying attention to the whole of you.

In that, remember that if you are actually paying attention to the whole of you, in being more aware, then you will be paying attention to all of your choices and in doing so, that can lead you in the direction of actually being able to begin expressing that foresight rather than only hindsight.

BRENDA: And that’s something that it seems like maybe it’s natural and it just becomes unlearned, and it’s learning it again. Is that right?


BRENDA: Ah. So in my rune book, then when it says that this… I think they call it initiate, stage of initiation or something, when it says it’s concerned with the deepest stratum of my being, that being aware of the whole of me would that be what they’re talking about—


BRENDA: — in that deepest stratum?


BRENDA: Ah. It’s curious then that the image, one of the images, is the phoenix being consumed in its own fire and then rising from the ashes. (Pause)

ELIAS: And what does that mean to you?

BRENDA: (Sighs) What comes to mind is burning in the fire. It’s on fire, not that somebody else has set it, fire. It’s on fire. It’s that alchemical process of ending, letting go of that, those distractions, those pieces of ourselves that keep us from even knowing the whole of who we are, and that it’s a process. That through that alchemical process, the phoenix rises and is whole again.

ELIAS: In that, the phoenix is being used symbolically in relation to, in a manner of speaking, burning off the chaff. What is not necessary. What is superfluous. And in that, it is definitely a matter of paying attention to your essential self, and what is genuinely important, and being able to be you and express you naturally (pause) without the things that are the shoulds and the have-tos. All the things that you pay attention to that aren’t necessarily important and that distract you from what IS important and your essential self.

BRENDA: Wow. So that is what I have drawn to explore and move into for 2024?


BRENDA: Wow. (Elias laughs) That’s exciting. There’s a curious thing I’ll tell you about in just a minute, about an experience on Friday that’s starting to have a bit more understanding, given what you’ve shared, just about that symbol and about what is… understanding what is superfluous and burning off the chaff and stuff. So cool.

Well, before we move into that, the two oracle cards I drew, one was whalesong and it’s about resonating and seeking harmony. And one of the phrases that I wrote down that got my attention was, “Jump in the water and play.” And I took away from that that the part about harmony was really important, and being more playful.

ELIAS: I agree.

BRENDA: And that probably being playful might be, circle back around to expressing myself naturally?

ELIAS: Correct.

BRENDA: Okay. I’m not sure about harmony.

ELIAS: Harmony is about interconnectedness.

BRENDA: Ah! (Pause)

ELIAS: Therefore being aware of that, being mindful of it, and in that, moving in allowance with it. Being flexible.

BRENDA: That makes sense. And then being aware and allowing it, that would also be related to that, keeping that awareness of interconnectedness when learning to express that foresight?


BRENDA: Okay. Wow. That is very cool. Then the other one I drew was dances on one foot, and I remember it saying being aware that, something about always half of your life was in the air. And I thought that was curious, but it also made me think of balance.


BRENDA: Which is forever one of my themes (Elias laughs) and that probably relates to my incident on Friday. But before we move (laughs) to my incident on Friday, I had a couple of just fun essence questions and things that I’ve never asked. And one was about musical notes, which I don’t know very well but Robert got me a keyboard and so now I can play and hear notes. And I wondered what was my essence note and my focus note? And I have no impression because that’s all kind of new to me.

ELIAS: (Laughs) Very well. I would say the essence note is D and the focus note is G.

BRENDA: G. So essence D, as in dog?


BRENDA: Focus G, as in girl?


BRENDA: And Robert wanted to know his. He said he has an impression, but he wouldn’t share (laughs). He wouldn’t share with me. He said, “No, you ask Elias first and then I’ll tell you if I was right.” (Both laugh) And he knows music, he plays the guitar, and so he’s probably a bit more attuned to that. Is that something you could share?

ELIAS: Yes. One moment. (Pause) Very well. Focus, actually C major chord. Essence, A sharp.

BRENDA: Wow. And I assume he will know what you mean by C major chord?


BRENDA: (Laughs) Because I don’t. It sounds cool. (Both laugh) So you may have told this to people before. What is, what would your essence note be? Like if I went to the keyboard and wanted to connect with your note?

ELIAS: E. (Laughs heartily)

BRENDA: E, as in elephant?

ELIAS: Or Elias. (Laughs)

BRENDA: Oh! (Laughs) Okay. (Laughs) The obvious answer. Funny. (Both laugh) That’s too cool. Thank you for that.

ELIAS: You are very welcome.

BRENDA: Something I think you’ve done before is describe to people their essence symbol. Is that right?

ELIAS: Correct. Actually, it’s more associated with the focus.


ELIAS: And in that, do you have any impressions?

BRENDA: Something maybe with a wing. Something with movement like a wing or fluttering leaves. Something shaped like a branch maybe?

ELIAS: I would say yes. That is a part of the symbol.


ELIAS: The symbol is a large tree that is surrounded by a storm, which also creates that blowing of leaves, therefore your impression of movement, which is correct. I would also express that this would be defined in night, in which there would also be the glowing of a moon regardless of the storm, therefore something that always generates light, even in the storm.

BRENDA: Wow. And so, if I’m meditating would this be something that I could meditate on that might be interesting?

ELIAS: Most definitely. Yes.

BRENDA: Wow. It’s curious. One of the things I’ve been paying attention to in a conversation we had, probably last year when I was talking about moving into my four-day work week and having three days off: you said something, and you might have even been saying it about me and about Linda, that I was still exploring what I wanted to do. And one of the things I’ve been curious about, I’ve got recently two books about trees and have been reading about how trees communicate with each other and how they grow. And so that’s curious, given that the symbol has the large tree. (Elias chuckles) Very cool. Thank you. That was fun. Oh, I have a—

ELIAS: You are very welcome.

BRENDA: One last thing. We had talked about my guidelines and we had identified three: integrity, loyalty and fairness. And there was a fourth one that I couldn’t quite grasp. And I’ve been sort of paying attention and noticing what might be a guideline, and I wondered if the fourth one was respect?


BRENDA: Yeah! (Elias laughs) See, I was being aware. I was paying attention. (Laughs)

ELIAS: Excellent.

BRENDA: Yes. Yeah, it’s funny how you can, when you see something like that, it’s just like, “Wait! I think that was just my guideline.”

Okay, enough of the fun stuff. (Elias laughs) The rest of the time I want to talk about… Well, I want to talk about body consciousness, but I also do want to talk about some intuitive things that have come to me about making choices with Goddess Acres. And I didn’t think it was related to what happened Friday until Robert gave me a little mini-lecture a moment ago. So I think I have to tell you what happened Friday.

I was, I thought I was in the flow. I had a couple of medical appointments, one to have checked what’s going on with my left eye. I was on time, actually ahead of time and things were just moving, and I decided I would go water my eucalyptus. It was going to rain but it doesn’t always get the rain because of where it’s located. And I went out on our deck and watered the eucalyptus and was walking back inside, and I slipped and got knocked flat on my back. I just… My feet went out and I fell really hard and hit my head, and it just knocked me loopy. And it just happened out, out of the blue, and I thought I was in the flow. (Laughs) And I ended up, because I was nauseous and dizzy, ended up going to the ER where they said I had a concussion, a mild one, but they did a catscan because of my age. And it showed that I had no bleeding, which was really good, but it also showed that there was something on the catscan that looked like an old stroke. They called it a lacunar infarct in the right frontal lobe.

So I’m trying to analyze (laughs) this, and figure out, okay, what was the imagery of this? How is it related to what I was doing, what I thought I was doing? And then I also find out that maybe sometime in the past I had a mini-stroke and didn’t know about it. And I wanted to see what you thought about it.

ELIAS: And what did the physician say in relation to that finding about the stroke?

BRENDA: That it was something that I needed to talk to my primary care physician – and I have a brand new one, Dr. (first name removed) Allen, who really resonates. Linda found him first and now I’m seeing him and Mom’s seeing him. So I feel really good about checking in with him, but what they said was that I might want to engage a conversation with Dr. Allen about long-term prevention. So apparently, my take from talking to the ER doctor was I might need long-term prevention to prevent me from having a stroke in the future.

ELIAS: Correct.

BRENDA: So was that part of the reason of me having the fall, to alert me to the risk of stroke?

ELIAS: Now; what I will say to you is, I’m very aware that this is how people think. That you think in sequences. And I’ve expressed previously that that’s not actually how you create, but I do understand that’s how you think. Therefore, that being said, did you fall so that you could go to the emergency and discover that you had previously had a stroke? No. (Chuckles) You fell because you weren’t paying attention, but then you used that experience to give yourself more information AND to emphasize the importance of paying attention.

And in that, what I would say is (sighs) two things: one is, I will say that again, physicians tend to move in a direction of erring on the side of fear and therefore they generally do express overly cautiously. But I will also say given that, that generally speaking – and I mean that quite literally, “generally” doesn’t mean that it’s a given or it’s a rule – but generally speaking, many individuals that have created a stroke will create another one. That does not mean that you are predisposed to that. You’re not. And many people that move in that direction don’t have a considerable amount of information and they generally create that out of fear. They don’t even realize that they are concentrating on that fear and therefore they are making that happen, but generally that’s why it happens again.

I would say that I’m giving you that information so that you’re not surprised if your physician tells you that.


ELIAS: And also so that you are not moving in the direction of being afraid of that, because it’s not a given. But I would say that this has been an excellent experience to emphasize to you the importance of paying attention and being aware, which as we have discussed already, that appears to be what you’re presenting yourself with this year.


ELIAS: Let me also say that a year can be very similar to a day. That you can rise in the morning and you can make a plan for your day, that doesn’t mean that your day will necessarily move in that direction. Your day may move in an entirely different direction that you don’t expect (Brenda chuckles), just as you didn’t expect to spend a day in the emergency room.

BRENDA: Right. That’s for sure.

ELIAS: But that’s what you did, nonetheless. And the point of that being that a year can be viewed very similarly, that you might begin a year in one direction and then, given your experiences throughout that year, it might move in different directions. You might move in different directions. Therefore what I would also say to you in keeping with being more aware and being aware of what you’re paying attention to, I would also express to you the importance of flexibility. That if your experiences are leading you in a direction that is somewhat off, understand that it’s still related.

Therefore what you might be experiencing at times might seem, such as this experience with your fall, it might seem that it’s contrary to what you are exploring this year, but in actuality it’s not. (Pause)

BRENDA: Wow. So I have a couple of follow-up questions, because I know when I go and see Dr. Allen that you’re right, he will probably talk to be about prevention, which I think can be as simple as an aspirin. And at first I wanted to ask you, when I had this stroke, what caused me to have the stroke? How can I prevent it energetically? How can I prevent it with what I consume, etc.?

But it feels like when I start down that road that it is me making it really important, starting to pay attention to it, maybe asking myself well, what underlies those questions. So is that…? I guess on one hand answers can make you less fearful, but also answers and focusing too much… Like I think one of the first things Linda said to me, “Well, oh, sugar. Sugar is a cause of strokes.” And I don’t want to shift… I feel like what I’m focusing on with my body consciousness right now is very positive and it’s not… I try not to make aging be something that I’m afraid of or something that I’m opposing, that I’m trying to focus on doing things that encourage me. So I’m trying to figure out right now with this new information what’s a balanced approach of gaining that information?

ELIAS: I would say that a balanced approach would be to be present. What I will say to you is, generally speaking people create strokes at times in their life when they have been building and building and building energy to the point that their body can’t maintain that, and therefore it creates that explosion, in a manner of speaking, figuratively speaking. And in that, it releases that energy and then it’s a matter of the individual, if they are so inclined, moving in a direction of starting new. Sometimes that starting new can be difficult but I would say that even with the difficulty, it’s much less contained energy. Therefore this is one of those situations of filling up the container and then it spilling over, in somewhat of an extreme.

Now; what I would say is that also moves very much in keeping with what you have chosen for this year, to be more aware, to be paying attention, to be balancing and to be focused on the whole you. And this moves very much in harmony with all of that.

BRENDA: So that building up, so when it did happen before… Always when I think about my energy building up, I always think back to your big four: stress, pressure, anxiety, tension. Is it that kind of energy? Or is it holding on to energy? I also think about for me, personally, that aversion to conflict. And if I’m not engaging situations that have conflict, I assume I’m holding that in and that it’s building inside.

ELIAS: That’s not always correct. I would say that as you are becoming more self-aware, you’re also making different choices. Therefore you can have an aversion to conflict, but you know about that. You know that you do, and therefore you make choices to avoid it.


ELIAS: That doesn’t mean that you’re building, putting that energy into that invisible container.


ELIAS: That doesn’t mean that you’re automatically holding energy. You’re not. And in that, what I would say rather is pay attention in the moment if you are presenting a situation to yourself that has a potential for conflict that you’re avoiding in a manner of stifling yourself.


ELIAS: There is a difference. You can be avoiding conflict and doing it in a healthy capacity, making choices to not put yourself in situations that you know likely will create conflict. But then there are situations in the moment that are that potential conflict, that you’re, that you might be avoiding by stifling yourself. That’s different. That would be putting energy in that container.

BRENDA: I think I’ve been experiencing and practicing with that, both at work and with my younger sister, with her moving out from living with my mom. And what I think I have noticed, a difference in how my body feels when I’m making conscious choices about that potential conflict and what I’d say that I’ve noticed is, when I don’t stifle myself or don’t block it as an automatic response, is if I give myself space, that I am becoming more aware that it’s not black and white, that there are a lot of choices and that I’m getting better at picking choices that are more genuine to me.

ELIAS: I very much agree. And I would say that your job has been very instrumental in that.

BRENDA: Yeah, it has. And I’m learning. It makes a difference. It’s pretty cool. (Both laugh) All these places where we… Our learning ground, our playground if we let it… Okay, well that makes… I’m curious too because the other health thing that’s come up with me, and I had wondered about the energetic piece of it, is high cholesterol. That what is my body doing that creates that?

ELIAS: I would say that this is a very common expression in your present time framework. That most people generate that, although I would also say that the measure of that is (pause) somewhat inaccurate in relation to how physicians present it. Meaning that they measure your cholesterol levels and they have an idea of a set parameter of numbers that they believe are healthy, and a set parameter of numbers that they believe are not.

Now; let me remind you again that although physicians are learning more and more – and they’re being forced to learn more and more because you, as individuals with access to a tremendous wealth of information in relation to your internet, are forcing them to learn more and technology is advancing tremendously fast and that’s also forcing them to learn more. But the reminder is that medical science is a young science and there is still a tremendous amount of information that your physicians don’t know, and therefore they move in the direction of educated guesses. And part of those educated guesses involve numbers (Brenda chuckles) and those numbers are something that they don’t allow for any individuality with. The numbers are the numbers and they apply to everyone the same. That’s not actually how your individual bodies function. They don’t all function the same. Therefore the numbers are not necessarily accurate.

What I would say to you is, in relation to cholesterol and the numbers with cholesterol, is that generally speaking physicians move in the direction of expressing that above a particular cutoff point is bad cholesterol numbers. (Pause) I’m not saying that you should disregard entirely what the physicians are saying. What I am saying is, if you are being mindful about what you’re consuming and how much you are moving or in other words generating exercise, which I know you are, and it’s not something that is necessary for you to be tremendously concerned about.

I would say that it is important to be aware of what you’re consuming. I would also say that the statement that sugar causes strokes is not entirely accurate. If that were the case, everyone would be having strokes constantly. But I would say that sugar is definitely a culprit in relation to many things that are not healthy and damaging to the body, but it also doesn’t mean that you have to be moving in a direction of eliminating sugar entirely from your diet. That would be somewhat unrealistic in your society.

In this, what I would say to you is, it’s a matter of paying attention to the whole you. Remember: it’s not only a matter of health, it’s also a matter of well-being. They move hand in hand. And in that, if you are being mindful about your diet, then I would say that it’s not necessarily something that you need be concerned about or significantly concerned about, in relation to cholesterol.

I would also say to you that because physicians have a tendency to move in the direction of fear, there are many more subjects that people are thinking about now and paying attention to now, that they weren’t necessarily paying attention to years ago. Therefore someone that is of the age of eighty or ninety now, their awareness of their body and what they were consuming throughout their life is relatively small.


ELIAS: And their fear about many physical expressions is much less also. You have much more fear because you’ve been told more.

BRENDA: Yes. Well I’m curious, given that my body communicates to me physically, a couple of questions. One just related to my whole body consciousness, I have started drinking more water and I’ve been drinking two and a half liters a day. Is that adequate for my health?

ELIAS: That is excellent. I would suggest if you can consume two and a half liters, you can consume three.

BRENDA: Ooh. Okay. And three would be all the better?



ELIAS: Three would be excellent.

BRENDA: All right. I can do that. Well then, I know… So Dr. Allen is very… reads and is very technical and is open to a lot of things. I’m on atorvastatin, 10 milligrams, is that having a positive, neutral, negative effect on my body consciousness? And he’s had me taking it with 150 to 200 milligrams of CoQ10, and I also take a plant sterol.

ELIAS: (Pause) I would say if you’re not experiencing any adverse symptoms from the statin medication, then it’s not generating any negative effects.

[The timer for the end of the session rings]


ELIAS: Your body will tell you if it’s having a negative effect with a medication.

BRENDA: Okay. Good. No, I’m not. And he… I had been taking CoQ10 and I forget why I stopped, but that seemed like a beneficial supplement to take. He said it did help with any muscular issues that a statin could cause.

ELIAS: Excellent. I would say anyway that if your body was not receptive to that medication, it would react regardless.

BRENDA: Okay. Very good. Well the timer went off and… This has just been great. Thank you for sharing my symbol and talking about 2024 with Peorth and focusing on my, the whole of me.

ELIAS: (Laughs) Yes. The whole of you – and that is what is important.

BRENDA: Very good. Well, that sounds like that could go beyond 2024. It sounds like a good lifelong thing.

ELIAS: I would definitely agree. (Chuckles) I shall tremendously be looking forward to our next meeting, my dear friend. And in the meantime, I would definitely encourage you to attempt not to injure yourself.

BRENDA: (Laughs) Thank you. It’s awfully embarrassing. (Both laugh) “Oh no! Really? Did this just happen?”

ELIAS: I would say nothing to be embarrassed about, but it would be excellent for you to not do it. (Laughs)

BRENDA: Yes. (Laughs) Thank you for that, those words of wisdom. (Both laugh)

ELIAS: Very well, my dear friend. I express tremendous, tremendous love and encouragement to you and great support, as always. In dear friendship, au revoir.

BRENDA: Au revoir.

(Elias departs after 1 hour 3 minutes)

Note 1: Daniel Guirchovitch, Old Stars New Light: Astrology, Tarot and Runes, 2023.

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