Session 202406161

Sidestepping and Creating a Probable Reality


“Climate Change and Flooding”
“Be Loud!”
“Fires, Wars, Artillery and the Deaths of Insects and Fish”
“A New Solution to the Ukraine War”
“Fear and Dissension in Countries Not at War: the German Example”
“Engage Your Younglings”
“Sidestepping and Creating a Probable Reality”

Sunday, June 16, 2024 (Private/Phone)

Participants: Mary (Michael) and Anon

[Audio begins partway through session]

ANON: We’re about to go into the more heavier side of this theme of conversation, and actually going with what you said prior of, you know… I would like to get information that is as honest as possible, even if you may not consider it beneficial. I'd like clarity and honesty. Because you shared info with people in the past and expressed that they shouldn't share broadly, and if you're providing information that you don't want shared broadly, please tell me beforehand and I will honor that.

ELIAS: Very well.

ANON: Because I'd prefer in-depth answers going forward.

So Elias, you mentioned that the current wars are extremely contributing to climate change and pollution, but what about the tremendous flooding that is happening all over the world? Huge areas—

ELIAS: Repeat.

ANON: But what about the tremendous flooding that’s happening all over the—

ELIAS: Oh yes.

ANON: — world?

ELIAS: Oh yes.

ANON: Huge—

ELIAS: That is also.

ANON: Yeah, huge areas are flooded. And that's a lot of poison and other substances that don't belong in a healthy environment are being swept in, and it's happening on a ridiculous amount now that's hard to grasp. What can you say about the effect of that? And what will likely result from that?

ELIAS: It depends. I can't give you an absolute answer because it depends on people and what directions they move in. I would say that many of these things that are contributing to climate change are happening to help people wake up and see what's actually happening in their world. And many times, people don't pay attention until they are in a disaster, and then they see. But as you know, there are many people still that don't believe that climate change is even a real thing.

There are many people that are still arguing that whatever is happening with your earth presently is simply a cycle and that it's natural. Which is exceedingly (chuckles) closeminded, because you can't flood so many pollutants into your air and your water and your earth and not have it be affecting.

And I would say that in your global mass event, it (chuckles) was a ridiculously clear example of what is natural and what isn't. In large cities in which people stopped going to their jobs and stopped driving to them, after a few weeks the air cleared. I would say that when people stopped flying as much as they do and as much as they have resumed, the air cleared. When people stopped moving in construction directions in relation to waterways, the water cleared. But I would also say that some things have not stopped. And even with the tremendous expressions of flooding, why would you think that flooding in new areas would tremendously gain people's attention and make them change or even influence them to change yet, when you have examples of tremendous fires, floods, earthquakes, landslides-- and do the people change? No.

On both coasts of your continent [North America], there are tremendous disasters that repeatedly occur which ARE a result of climate change, which IS a result of human activity. And the humans in those areas of disaster continue to move in the same direction and they continue to rebuild where everything is devastated. Does that appear to you to be the actions of people that are paying attention?


ELIAS: No. I agree. And in that, in our previous conversation you asked about the obelisk and I very much acknowledge you, my friend, and I know your desire and your motivation. And unfortunately, even though it actually can be viewed in many areas more clearly, people are not paying attention. What they ARE doing is moving in directions of contributing to climate change by engaging in destruction. I would say that I very much acknowledge you and every other individual that is continuing to hold this banner, and continuing to pay attention and do your part in relation to it. And as I expressed from the beginning of my conversations with all of you in relation to climate change, this is another area in relation to this shift in which there is trauma and there will be more. And in that, there will be loss. There will be difficulties. There will be trauma, because humans resist change tremendously.

And in that, I will express to you that I acknowledge you and other individuals that are continuing to move in this direction because from the beginning it's almost been a losing battle. It IS changing. I won't express to you in a false capacity that it's tremendously changing. There are some tremendous changes. There are some countries that are moving in excellent directions and that are very much paying attention, but for the most part I would say that a lot of the world is not.

ANON: Yeah. It feels like a bucket of water throwing into a massive forest fire, and it's not going to do much.

ELIAS: I understand. And I would express to you not to be disheartened and not to give up, because it isn't actually a bucket in a forest fire. It's much greater than that and the more that you are actually continuing to make noise, the more you will gain attention. And that's the reason that I have expressed to all of you for quite some time now to not be quiet. Be loud!

ANON: Okay.

ELIAS: I expressed to all of you a decade ago to be speaking with your young people because they become disheartened and feel that there is no future for them – but there is.

ANON: I agree. I do have plans of finally getting over my fears of sharing and being that voice against what people want, but I’m going to try my best to be more vocal.

My next question is out of… What are the three most devastating actions that are currently taking place, that contribute the most to climate change? Like flooding, firestorm, wars, deforestation etc.

ELIAS: (Pause) I would say what contributes presently, in this present now, what is contributing the most… Flooding is a result. It's not an action that is contributing. It's an action that is a result of the contributions to climate change. In this, what I would say presently are the most significant contributants are fires, wars, all types of artillery. That doesn't only mean wars. That means all types of artillery that are being used in any capacity, and they are.

ANON: I know. And are there any really dangerous movements currently regarding climate change that would be quite devastating that we aren't really aware of?

ELIAS: (Pause) Because of the other three, I would say that yes, there are dangers, significant dangers, to insects that (chuckles) are actually vital to your existence. I would say the most important of which are – you already are aware of the effects with bees, they are dying in multitudes – but also ants, butterflies, dung beetles. I would say that there are insects in forests that humans might view as pests, but that in the environment they are very important. And in that, they aid other things growing and they also regulate the forests. But they don't have to, because the forests are being eliminated and those insects are being eliminated also.

ANON: (Sighs) Okay. Okay.

ELIAS: I would also say another significant piece is your supply of wild fish. Not only are certain countries overfishing and also not necessarily fishing per se at all but killing fish, but because of the pollution in your waterways and in your seas, many of your fish are dying out. Fish that only fifty years ago were tremendously prevalent are rare. Some of them are non-existent.

ANON: Mm-hm. Okay. And I imagine it’s no solution in sight because we keep doing what we're doing.

My next question I'd lead into is: what would a possible new solution look like regarding the Ukraine war? You expressed so far these conflicts require a winner and a loser and that's the old way. Can you go a bit deeper into a possible new way of solving such a scenario, without one to conquer the other? Because I can't imagine one, Elias.

ELIAS: (Pause) A new direction would be to engage some type of cooperation. Not compromise, but some type of cooperation in which both sides perhaps don’t necessarily have to move in a direction of admission of wrongdoing, but that can begin from a now point, whatever now that may be, and that can move in a direction of (pause) expressing that they don't have to be independent of each other. That doesn't mean one would be sovereign over the other, but they don't have to be independent of each other.

ANON: Right.

ELIAS: But what I would say to you, my friend, is it's not only these wars. They are something that are extreme and very obvious, and have a lot of people's attention throughout the world. But there are so many other expressions that are happening that are creating fear and dissension between people in many countries that are not at war.

This is the reason that I have been so emphasizing in relation to the acceptance of difference, and been so explicit that that doesn't mean you have to agree and it doesn't mean you have to like something, but that you can accept differences. And in that, I would say that there are many countries – I will use one as an example. I will use Germany as an example, and I will use them as an example because they are so interconnected with the country of the United States and they take so many cues and suggestions from the other country. Because the other country holds the purse strings, and that is what controls most things in your world, is money.

And in that, they have gone in a direction pastly in which it seemed as if they were expressing in a very humanitarian capacity, because that's what they wanted the world to see. And I haven't discussed this previously, but I would say that this is a country that is so torn. The people are not being heard. And in that, there are such a tremendous amount of them that are afraid because of the humanitarian actions that the country, that the government expressed in taking in so many refugees – people that have a very, very, very different culture. And taking in so many of these people and not educating them OR their native countrymen as to those differences. And what has it bred? Fear and contempt.

And they are not the only country. They are simply a very easy and obvious example, like the wars. Those are easy and obvious examples. And in that, that is affecting of climate change, because you have a country that is steeped in dissension. Are they thinking about what they are doing in relation to climate change? No. Because now they are so steeped in conflict that they have to pay attention to that.

ANON: This is making a lot of sense.

ELIAS: Therefore in that, they're not paying attention to what they may be contributing to or what they may be continuing to do that is counterproductive in relation to climate change, because once again who are they beholden to? And therefore, is that country tremendously concerned with climate change? Not actually.

ANON: Okay. This is a question I have regarding change, and just a very quick answer. Like out of all the Elias people that are privy to this info what's the percentage now that that acknowledge climate change is human-made?

ELIAS: Percentage. I would say of the people that engage conversation with myself—

ANON: Or are privy to the information.

ELIAS: —or are privy to the information, I would say approximately 80 to 85%.

ANON: Okay, that’s… Phew! I got scared there for a minute.

Okay. Okay, I want to go into something because I know our time is limited. And you expressed in a very serious tone in the group session that there is a very large amount of people that kind of want to burn it all down, to usher in a new beginning. And I have the feeling that there's another group kind of lending energy to this also, which is connected to what you've been saying, the ones that aren't as extreme but don't believe that a change can happen anymore without a detrimental event, something to wake everyone up. That's also lending energy to this apocalypse, because more and more people believe that a change requires some dramatic action. And I was one of them, okay? And that's a very large group, I think. What do you have to say about that?

ELIAS: It is. Yes, it is. You're correct.

I would say that that is NOT the only choice. It's NOT the only avenue, but I would agree with you that there are a considerable number of people that do believe that. And even if they don't want it, that they believe it. I would say that this is also what I was expressing, about actually extending yourselves and engaging with your younglings. Because they are a large part of the population that doesn't believe that there is any solution and that they don't believe that there's any outcome that will possibly happen except the apocalypse.

ANON: Okay. So when you said that extreme group, you were including these younglings?


ANON: That's a huge group then, of extreme people.

ELIAS: Yes, it is. I'm expressing all these people that are considerably religious. I would say most of your younglings, because what have they got to look forward to? What have they been shown that gives them any type of encouragement? They believe that what they have inherited is hopeless. And therefore, they are also part of that group. Not that they want that. They don't want war. They don't want the apocalypse, because they believe that they will end up being mutants and they are terrified of that prospect. But they also don't believe that they have the power to change it, because they believe that no one listens to them.

This is also the reason that I expressed briefly an encouragement to people to not be discouraging your university students that began to protest. That was a very positive signal, albeit short, but it was a beginning.

ANON: Mm-hm. You also said we haven't chosen the apocalypse yet, but again, in my opinion it feels close. Like much closer than, I don't know, than in the past. Um… Like…

ELIAS: That is… It could feel closer than it has in the past, but what you have known in YOUR lifetime is peace.

ANON: Yeah, that’s right.

ELIAS: An unsteady peace, but peace. And in that, any type of war and conflict is naturally going to make you feel uneasy, and is going to feel more like the apocalypse is imminent. Because what do you know from history? You know recent history, and recent history has held two world wars. And then you’ve known peace. And in that, when you think of war now, you think of world wars. You don’t think of countries having conflict with each other, but that the world becomes conflicted.

But I would say to you that that’s very understandable, especially in relation to what you identify as the Middle East. If you were only engaged with the war between Russia and Ukraine, that would be one thing. But now with the ushering in of this considerable war in the Middle East, it’s not simply Israel with one country. It’s Israel with all of the countries.

ANON: I know.

Okay, I want to just get to this part because I want to spend some time here.

ELIAS: Very well.

ANON: You said in the group session – I think you said this as a joke, but I'm going to continue this – but that even if we choose the apocalypse we can sidestep it. Did you mean, maybe as a hint, that people could side step and perceive Susan and we can actually board her? In the past you did validate that Susan—

ELIAS: No. That was not what I meant. I meant that quite literally. I did not mean it as a joke.

ANON: Tell me more.

ELIAS: I meant it quite literally. You have that power. And if you have the self -awareness, which you're all, or all of you that are moving in the direction of what I have been offering in information and some others, I would say that those of you that are shifting willingly and are expanding and are moving in a direction of much greater self-awareness, you actually CAN avert that outcome. If the world moves in that direction, those of you that are more self-aware, you can actually sidestep. And what will happen is you'll create a different probable reality and you'll be in it.

ANON: Okay. I’ve got to… I have to clarify what you just said.

ELIAS: Instead of a probable self, you'll be in it.

ANON: Ah! Meaning I'll die in this reality and I'll go to another.

ELIAS: No! No, no, no. You won't die. You'll simply sidestep and you will create a probable reality that you will be in.

ANON: Okay. I want to understand this because this… Again, we’re talking real figuratively to me, right? Because I’m thinking I open the door and we’ve got apocalypse and we’ve got nukes and fear and terror. And I’m going to be able to address my fear and then also be at peace with all the shit that’s happening? That’s what I mean, Elias.

ELIAS: No! No, no, no, no. No. I’m speaking very realistically, my friend. I'm not speaking about fantasy and that you're not going to see any of this – although that is a possibility also. People have done it thus far with both of your present wars, but that wasn't what I was speaking to.

What I was speaking to was actual, that you could make a choice that no, you're not going to participate in this, and that you would step into a probable reality. Not another dimension, although technically it is, but that's not what I'm speaking about.

Generally speaking, what happens when you make a life choice, as I've explained many times, you create a probable reality. You stay in this one and you create probable realities of other yous that occupy those other probable realities. Those probable realities did not exist until that point. What I'm saying is – and I understand it can be difficult to grasp – but you can do the same thing, and you step through that door, instead of simply creating another you to be in that other reality. Therefore, what you're doing essentially is you're keeping your reality unchanged.

ANON: And all the people here will also be unchanged?


ANON: And they will also choose what I'm choosing? Even the ones who are wanting to burn it all down will also be where I’m at? Or no?

ELIAS: No. No. I would say that what will happen if you chose to do that, is that you know that there have been times in your reality in which there have been tremendous disasters in which many, many, many, many, many people die. Or your pandemic, in which supposedly billions of people died. Supposedly.

But in that, you have consistently in your history created situations for mass exoduses. And in that, you accept that, that millions of people died in this situation or millions of people died in that situation. You're already in the midst of climate change. You might have a tidal wave that millions of people die or you might have massive flooding that millions of people die. And in that, my friend, you will accept that explanation for yourself.

Do you understand?

[The timer for the end of the session rings]

ANON: I am.

ELIAS: Therefore the people that want the apocalypse and that would die in that apocalypse, they would die in your reality also, but for a different reason. Do you understand?

ANON: I am understanding. I am understanding, but we would just—

ELIAS: Therefore, you’re not creating their reality. You’re not making their choices. Definitely not. You’re making your choice to step sideways and to create a probable reality in which you're maintaining your reality and not moving in the direction of that apocalypse, and the people around you that are in that same direction will do the same. And in that, they will be a part of your reality. The people that don't want that, you'll have them die for some other reason. Because that's your reality, but you're not making their choice. Therefore they're going to die, and you're simply going to have them die for a different reason.

ANON: This is wild. I’ve got to digest this. (Elias laughs) Thank you for that information.

ELIAS: Very well. (Anon laughs) Reality is complex.

ANON: Indeed! (Laughs)

ELIAS: But always interesting. (Laughs)

ANON: I imagine so. Well thank you so much, Elias. There’s a lot to unpack.

And I imagine it’s okay to share this broadly?


ANON: Okay. All right. Thank you. (Chuckles)

ELIAS: Most definitely.

Very well, my friend. I shall tremendously be looking forward to our next meeting.

ANON: Me too.

ELIAS: And I express tremendous encouragement to you, as always. No fear. Only encouragement.

ANON: Thank you.

ELIAS: In wondrous love to you and great support in your exchange. Au revoir.

ANON: Au revoir. Thank you, my friend.

[Audio ends after 43 minutes]

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