Session 202411201

An Other-dimensional Corpse


“An Other-dimensional Corpse”
“Contact with Seth”
“Communication with Bah’Rand”
“On Exchange: Pay Attention to the Masses”

Wednesday, November 20, 2024 (Private/Phone)

Participants: Mary (Michael) and Deane (Leland)

ELIAS: Good morning!

DEANE: Hello there.

ELIAS: (Laughs) And how shall we begin, my friend?

DEANE: (Laughs) Oh well. I hope I… I’ve been having some issues here with the phone on clarity, and I may interrupt you to repeat something.

ELIAS: That’s very well.

DEANE: Okay. Anyway, I’ve got to set this timer here so I know (inaudible). Okay. There I go. Well sir,
the last time we spoke I said that my son and his friend both expected to have his stolen funds returned. At that time, you said that this was possible but not likely. Has that situation changed?


DEANE: No. Okay.

ELIAS: Not yet.

DEANE: So it’s… The possibility still exists there?

ELIAS: Yes. Definitely.

DEANE: Definitely?


DEANE: Well, that’s a little more encouraging than we discussed last time. He'll be glad to hear that.

Now I’ve got a… Here’s a thing that might be… Well, I’m concerned about the moral issue, if there’s such a thing as a moral issue in this.
I’ve got a snake that visits my small pond, next to the steps going into my house. It eats my goldfish. I had fifteen a few weeks ago, and now I’ve got five. I also have a problem with turtles in my big pond. Now is it wrong to kill these predators or would doing so create a problem for me?

ELIAS: Is it wrong? No. I would say that it's a matter of choice.

DEANE: A matter of choice.


DEANE: Because I was thinking about taking this tank here. I buy little baby goldfish for my little pond here at the house. He comes in there and eats that, and I’m saying to myself well, I feed goldfish food to the goldfish. I could feed goldfish to the snake. (Laughs)

ELIAS: You could.

DEANE: It’s still like taking care of an animal.

ELIAS: Yes, you could. And what I would say to you is that might be the better solution for you.

DEANE: I feel that. I feel that. Yeah.

ELIAS: I would say that if you were to kill the snake, you would feel regret.

DEANE: Yeah. Speaking of my house pond, a good while back you instructed me to watch the fish. Now I discovered multiple entities of which none are other-dimensional. And there was one which was especially apparent that I named Frank. The snake eating my fish, that original Frank, isn’t around anymore. But in my latest batch of fish, I noticed one that exhibited similar aspects to my original Frank, though it’s not as dynamic. And I’d like to have your confirmation on this, as the fish are quite excitable because of their snake visits.

ELIAS: Correct.

DEANE: So, I got me another Frank out there right?

ELIAS: Yes, you did.

DEANE: Okay. Now here’s another thing. I’ve got a lot of other-dimensional stuff here for you. In our last session, you said that the photo my game camera took was of an other-dimensional craft or entity. I’m not sure which. I can’t recall because the session didn’t get taped. You also said that—

ELIAS: Entity.

DEANE: Sorry?

ELIAS: Entity.

DEANE: Entity. Okay. And I assume that’s a focus of mine, of me, right?


DEANE: Ah! (Laughs) I’m a sneaky guy. (Elias laughs) Well you also said that this event was highly unusual and you didn’t explain why that was so. And it piques my curiosity since the back forty —

ELIAS: Because, because it’s what you would term to be a bleed through from another dimension into this dimension, and it’s an entity. It’s a being, not a craft. And that is unusual, for the being to actually come through—

DEANE: Uh-huh.

ELIAS: — into another dimension. Because it would be the same as you moving through to another dimension also. And in that, as you know, your energy doesn’t fit.

DEANE: Yeah.

ELIAS: And their energy doesn’t fit with your reality. Therefore it IS very unusual, and it’s (pause) only usual in the piece that it wouldn’t remain for very long.

DEANE: Well, it didn’t. It was, you know, just like a… I thought originally somebody had shined a flashlight in the lens of my game camera, because it was just like a white thing, almost washed out. But fortunately my son was able, with his photographic software, to pull that image out of there. I even tried a flashlight in there and everything and I couldn’t duplicate it. So now I understand why, but I didn’t know about the… why it was unusual.

But aside from that, I got another photo. This was October the 28th at 11:41 at my Satsuma tree. There’s two items in this photo. One item is floating in the air some thirty feet to the left of the tree. It looks to be about two feet long, brown. It doesn’t appear to be metallic. It’s tubular, perhaps eighteen inches in diameter with a flat end to the left reflecting the sun. The second item is stuck halfway in the edge of the tall grass border around the tree. It looks like a very large Chinese coolie hat, perhaps two feet wide, with a bunch of curly things hanging out of the inside edge. Now what the hell is this?

ELIAS: Ah. (Pause) That is a shell. What I would—

DEANE: I’m sorry. That is?

ELIAS: It is a shell. It’s, it’s what you would perhaps term to be a corpse. It’s a shell.

DEANE: All right. I’m having difficulty understanding that, those two words. It was a?

ELIAS: Shell and corpse.

DEANE: Cell and a cluck.

ELIAS: No. Shell: S-H-E-L-L.

DEANE: Oh, shell! Okay.

ELIAS: And corpse: body, dead.

DEANE: Could you spell that one for me again, Elias? I mean not the first one. I understand shell, but—



ELIAS: No, no, no, no, no, no, no. A dead body.

DEANE: A dead body?

ELIAS: Yes. Corpse.

DEANE: Oh, corpse! (Laughs) My god. Are you talking about an other-dimensional corpse?

ELIAS: Yes. The shell of it.

DEANE: Oh my god! What… (Laughs) What? That’s what—

ELIAS: That was, that was a failed attempt.

DEANE: A failed attempt to do what? Come visit me?

ELIAS: Come through. Yes.

DEANE: Oh my god. Gee whiz. Uh… (Laughs) Well, I’m sorry that that happened. You know, I’m not sure what else… Well, if I would’ve known in advance, I… Maybe I could have done something to assist that.

ELIAS: It’s not for you to feel remorse about. You did nothing. This was the choice of the other being, and it, the other being, did not research enough or give itself enough information to engage the action successfully. And—

DEANE: Okay. What could I have…? If that would have been successful, what could I have expected from that contact? Like were they just exploring? Was that being just exploring? Or was it intent on communicating with me?

ELIAS: Intent on communicating with you. And I would say that it’s likely that another will attempt also.

DEANE: Oh. I’m getting excited now! (Both laugh) Oh wow.

Okay. I can't remember what exactly was said in our last session about my contact with Seth, that is the Seth of Jane Roberts and the Seth Material. You questioned me about why I couldn't, couldn’t make contact with Seth, and I wasn't sure if I did or not. If I recall, I wasn't specifically trying to contact Seth, but had been reading some of his book Seth Speaks again, and it was like he just popped in. And I thought that was something I was making up, and I can't remember much about it. Could you confirm whether or not that I engaged Seth? And if so, what was the nature of that contact?

ELIAS: You did. That was what I was expressing to you in our previous conversation, that yes, you did.

DEANE: Wow. Okay. And how about the…? Was it just so brief that there wasn’t any nature to it? It was just like reaching out and shaking hands?

ELIAS: But, in a manner of speaking, an introduction objectively.

DEANE: Ah. An introduction objectively. How about that? (Elias laughs) Elias, you’re just whooping on the surprises on me every day, all the time.

ELIAS: Actually I would say they are your own surprises, my dear friend. (Laughs)

DEANE: Oh well. Jeez. I find that I don’t trust myself a lot, more so than I used to when I have these mini conversations with you and even Bah’Rand here, I guess it was earlier today and yesterday. Yeah. I get to thinking this is so easy, this is just bullshit.


DEANE: And you’ve cautioned me about that before.

ELIAS: I would say—

DEANE: And it’s really not.

ELIAS: It’s not. And I would say to you, my friend, you’ve been doing this for quite some time. I would express to you that it’s very easy for Michael to engage our exchange also, because he’s been doing it for so long. And in that, it’s easy for you because it’s very familiar.

DEANE: Yeah.

ELIAS: And I would definitely express to you: why would you be moving in a direction of doubt and not trusting now, after all these years.

DEANE: (Laughs) I don’t know. I accept your verbal spanking. (Elias laughs) No, we’ve had some, Bah’Rand and I have had some brief conversations about making him available, so to speak, with other people who might, well who’d be… I’m sure there’s people who would be interested in talking to him and I could act as a translator.

ELIAS: I would agree.

DEANE: Do you think that would be a good idea?

ELIAS: Yes. I would. I would say that after all this time of interaction, that you would be quite good at it.

DEANE: Well, gee whiz. You keep throwing me curveballs because I don’t look at myself as that kind of a polished, or polished in that respect.

ELIAS: You don’t have to be polished, my friend.

DEANE: Well, no.

ELIAS: All you have to be is available.

DEANE: Yeah. Well, for example this morning now, I was talking to Bah’Rand and he said, “I have a question for you to ask Elias on my behalf.” And I couldn’t get the nature of that, and I thought well Deane, you’re doing your bullshit thing again now and I’m not sure… Then a little later I got this thing, “Well, it was an untranslatable question.” And I would appreciate your comment on that episode because I’m just thinking I’m making that one all up.

ELIAS: And what was offered that was untranslatable?

DEANE: I don’t know what was. I mean, it was untranslatable maybe. We were talking about my… I’m not going to say inability, but it borders on that, to focus attention on like either our conversations or what we’re doing. Because you know, he pops in all the time. I gave him permission to do that some years ago. And the… I mean I’m sitting here—

ELIAS: What—

DEANE: Go. I’m sorry.

ELIAS: Let me ask: what do you mean, your inability to focus? Because I would not necessarily agree with that. I would say—

DEANE: Well…

ELIAS: — you focus quite well.

DEANE: It’s probably the wrong choice of words. I should have said “pay attention to.” And there’s…

ELIAS: In what capacity?

DEANE: I get distracted very easily.

ELIAS: Oh, that’s understandable. And in that, I would say that… One moment, and I will give you the translation. (Pause) Very well. The translation is that the solution to the attention span is to engage shorter conversations. Meaning you can have more of them, but spend less time with each.

(The connection is disrupted and is re-established)

DEANE: Hello.


DEANE: Yeah. I wasn’t sure if I-—

ELIAS: Can you—

DEANE: — lost you, Elias.

ELIAS: Very well. What I said was that the translation is to engage more conversations but for less duration each.

DEANE: More conversations, but less duration?

ELIAS: Yes. Less time for each one and therefore being able to hold your concentration on the conversation, because it is short. But you can engage the conversations more frequently and therefore have the same amount of content, but be able to concentrate more easily.

DEANE: Uh-huh.

ELIAS: Because your conversations tend to be lengthy.

DEANE: Uh-huh. Okay. So do it short?


DEANE: Yeah.


DEANE: Okay.

ELIAS: And in that, then you can move in a direction in which you’re not struggling with your concentration or your attention, and you can stop when you notice yourself drifting.

DEANE: Well, that’s normally the way it is, because I’ll be doing something and he pops in, and we discuss it and then… I don’t know, it might be a walk to my pond or… I’ve been showing everything from tillers to the gardening and tomatoes and all that stuff, but you know, I get sidetracked. We talk about tomatoes and then I’m adding fertilizer to my water. I just forget I’m even conversing with him. So I think that’s what he’s—

ELIAS: You can still—

DEANE: — referring to, is that I’m not focusing my attention to any great degree. It just seems to come and go.

ELIAS: Correct. And in that, what is being suggested is that you are actually engaging with this being in a specific manner, that you’re not simply going about your chores for the day.

DEANE: Uh-huh.

ELIAS: He is watching and listening to everything you’re doing anyway. But in the time that you are engaging information and a conversation with each other, to have that be expressed in specific times and short times, and more frequently.

DEANE: I got ya. Okay. Well, let’s see. This bee magnet that we talked about last time we met, you said well I’m not as big as a bee and I agree with that. But how about using it locally? So suppose you just take the magnet and put it on your hurting arm or in my case the prostrate, just put it on my tummy there. Would that have an effect?


DEANE: Okay. Good. Let’s see…

ELIAS: Although I would say it also is important that you are expressing an intention with that.

DEANE: Ah! Yeah. And use my little angel, right? (Laughs)


DEANE: Yes. Okay.

Let’s see. I’ve got a question about the value of exchange, that a lot of people have these bundles of cash in a bank or in a piggy bank or whatever. And I’m not sure where you put that stuff now that would be safe, so that if you’ve got X number of dollars put away for the future, that when the future comes it’s available to you to spend for what you want. I mean, cryptocurrencies and they’re talking about the desecration of the dollar, and it just seems to be a hodgepodge mess out there. Or is that so unclear, it still can’t be really commented on?

ELIAS: My comment would be: it’s a matter of paying attention to the mass energy. This is important. That that’s how you can determine what direction to move in.

DEANE: You’re going to have to repeat that. Paying attention to the math? M-A-T-H?

ELIAS: Mass, M-A-S-S.

DEANE: Oh, mass. The masses of people?


DEANE: Yeah. Okay.


DEANE: Okay.

ELIAS: Because that is what is determining the direction. Therefore if you pay attention to that energy, then you have the information that you require in relation to what you want to do with money.

DEANE: Uh-huh. (Sighs) Okay.

ELIAS: What is the… What is the sigh about?

DEANE: I sure wish we had a better connection here.

ELIAS: What—

DEANE: I even called Mary back earlier to see if it—

ELIAS: Why did you, why did you sigh?

DEANE: I’m sorry, Elias. I totally lost that.

ELIAS: Sigh, S-I-G-H. Why did you sigh?


ELIAS: After I, after I expressed the answer to you—

DEANE: I just changed phones here because I think the batteries are going lower on that one.

ELIAS: Very well. After I answered you, you sighed. Why did you sigh?

DEANE: I… (Laughs) I can’t tell you why, because I... Right? As I sit here, I can’t, I’m not aware that I sighed.

ELIAS: Ah. Very well.

DEANE: I know that the connection was not clear.


DEANE: I just shifted, just changed phones. I put out two of them here so that I would not run out of battery while we were talking.

ELIAS: Very well.

DEANE: And you’re pretty clear now.

ELIAS: Very well.

DEANE: So I apologize for that. I’m trying to make it as best as I can. (Chuckles)

ELIAS: No, no. No apology necessary.

DEANE: I’m drinking too in your honor now, buddy! (Elias laughs) Oh yeah.

Well, I’ve got to get to Sandy, my wife. I want to ask about her intent. One of the reasons I was talking about Seth earlier was because he talked about… Well, Jane Roberts wrote a book on value fulfillment and if I’m correct, a person has to complete their value fulfillment before they leave. Is that right?


DEANE: Okay. Where is Sandy in all of that?

ELIAS: (Pause) Is almost done. Not quite.

DEANE: Well, there’s times when I think she has really improved, and then she’ll throw me a curve asking a question about her mother or dad, who has passed away years and years ago. And then I’ll say okay, she has…

ELIAS: That’s not unusual, because they move in and out of time zones. They move in and out of experiences with other focuses. They’re moving in and out of different realities.

DEANE: Yeah. Well, you had mentioned that before, and I do understand.

I’m getting close to the end of our session time here so I want to ask a quick question about quantum physics. We’re exploring that here in this reality pretty well, and I’m wondering if quantum physics is functional in the ways that we know it to be, is it functional in other dimensions? Say, for example, in the Atlantis dimension where Bah’Rand is?

ELIAS: Not entirely. I understand that your mathematicians and philosophers believe at this point that mathematics and physics are universal, so to speak. But that’s not entirely correct. If you want to use the word “universal,” it’s universal to your reality. YOUR reality.

[The timer for the end of the session rings]

DEANE: I got ya.

ELIAS: But not necessarily beyond that.

DEANE: Okay. Well, one real quick question. It’s near and dear to you and me.


DEANE: Before I go, I need to know. Am I drinking too much in your honor? (Laughs) No, seriously, am I drinking too much?

ELIAS: How much are you consuming, my friend?

DEANE: How many do I consume?


DEANE: Uh… Uh… Generally it’s two, sometimes three drinks in the evening when I watch the news. And that’s about an ounce and a half—


DEANE: — of bourbon.

ELIAS: No. You’re fine.

DEANE: Oh. Beautiful women tell me that, too. (Both laugh)

Elias, there is our timer. And again, my friend, my dear, dear drinking friend, I just love you to death man and I sure thank you for the contacts that we have and (laughs) I just drink many, many, many in your honor. (Both laugh)

ELIAS: Very well, my friend. And I express to you, I love you and I treasure our friendship.

DEANE: Oh, thank you for that, Elias. The feeling is quite mutual, my friend.

ELIAS: Until our next meeting, in tremendous support and great encouragement in your endeavors with this other being, until our next meeting, au revoir.

DEANE: Au revoir.

(ELIAS departs after 33 minutes)

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