Session 202412291

Stepping into a Different Reality: Part 5


“Stepping into a Different Reality: Part 5”
“Pausing the Breath Exercise”
“Using an Energy Exchange to Release the Body Consciousness”
“A Suggestion from Seth”

Sunday, December 29, 2024 (Private/Phone)

Participants: Mary (Michael) and Nuno (Lystell)

ELIAS: Good morning!

NUNO: Greetings, my friend.

ELIAS: (Laughs) And how shall we proceed?

NUNO: Oh well, I think I’d like to start with some of my dreams. I’ve had, in the absence of being able to actually talk to you, I’ve been having dreams and to me that’s an important source of information. And I had one dream— I’m going to be assuming, first of all, that you’re aware of my dreams. Is that correct?

ELIAS: To a degree.

NUNO: All right. Are you aware of the dream that I call “Sunrise Hotel”?

ELIAS: (Pause) Only partially.

NUNO: All right. I will describe it for you. The dream begins with me walking along… It’s either a roadway or a train track. I believe it’s supposed to be a train track. And the first thing I noticed in the dream is that there’s a guard rail to the left. And I noticed that the guardrail… There has been friction. The train, as it goes by, has been rubbing against the guard rail. And the next thing that occurs in the dream is that the tracks come to a point where they’re blocked by a wall of rock, boulders, and it’s impassible. Then in the dream I have this image of a sketch and it’s an interesting image because it’s not just a static image of a sketch. I actually see it being drawn. And what it is, is the tracks being redrawn around the obstacle. So the… It moves to the right and then goes back again. So therefore it’s moving around this obstacle.

In the next scene, I’m riding in the train along those same tracks. And the train comes to a point – and this is, the scenery is kind of like a mountain. It’s kind of like a canyon of some kind. And in this scene, the tracks start going up the mountain, but then the train stops. It can’t go any further. It doesn’t have anywhere else to go and the tracks end.

At that point, the train car that I’m in begins to levitate. It begins to be lifted vertically out of the canyon. And I notice that there are other people in the train car with me. They are fearful and they are not feeling comfortable about this situation of the train car moving vertically. Me, on the other hand, I’m actually very pleased and I’m smiling and I tell the people to just relax and enjoy the ride.

And there is again a scene change and I’m at the top of the mountain. I’m no longer in the train, but instead I am observing the scene. And the first thing I notice at the top of the mountain is the sunrise. The sun is coming up over the ridge of the mountain. And then I see that the train car I was in is being lowered into a pool of water. I then realized that the pool of water was actually a swimming pool belonging to a hotel which is adjacent to the pool. And that’s where the dream ends.

I naturally associate this dream with the direction I’m moving in, to move to my new reality. And I want to say first of all that this dream, it had such incredible clarity to me and it was very easy for me to interpret it. And usually I don’t remember dreams of that length very clearly, but this one was exceptionally clear to me, and that my recall was exceptional. I don’t think I’ve ever experienced that before. And so—

ELIAS: Congratulations.

NUNO: Thank you. I’ve analyzed all of this and I believe I understand it, but I want… There are some parts of it which I don’t understand completely. So the first part in which I observe the friction, I interpret that to mean that I was creating friction in this process, perhaps with impatience. And would that be correct?

ELIAS: Yes. That would be correct.

NUNO: And would it be anything additional to impatience that is causing friction?

ELIAS: A slight amount of frustration.

NUNO: Yes. Okay. I agree with that. Then the blockage, the imagery is obvious, that there is some kind of obstacle there. I’m not sure what that blockage is. I have some ideas. It could be the tinnitus that I have which makes it virtually impossible for me to not be aware of my pulse. That’s really the thing that comes to mind mostly. Is there…? Maybe you could tell me. What is that blockage?

ELIAS: I’d say that’s part of it, because the blockage is anything that’s actually tethering you to this body. But I’d also say that your direction of how you have manipulated the train car is very creative.

NUNO: And I had a question with that. I mean, the sketch was very clear that that indicated that there was a resolution to this blockage, a way around it. But is it that the subjective has found the way around it and is proceeding already? Or is it that I need to… or is the dream telling me I need to find a way around it?

ELIAS: No. You already have.

NUNO: Oh. Okay. And what would that be?

ELIAS: I’d say that what you’re moving in the direction of is instead of generating the effort, which you’ve had this perception up to now that this requires some type of effort to accomplish, and rather than that, I would say what you’re doing now is moving in the direction of simply sliding into place.

NUNO: Okay. That’s quite encouraging.

ELIAS: I would agree.

NUNO: Thank you. And the next part, I see the next part where I’m actually riding the train and the train stops because the tracks have ended, to me, my interpretation of that is that that is indicative the end of this lifetime. Is that correct?

ELIAS: I agree.

NUNO: Yes.


NUNO: And then the vertical movement of the train car would be the transition of the focus from one reality to the other.

ELIAS: Yes. Yes. I agree.

NUNO: Then at the top, the sunrise is of course the start of a new day. It’s the dawn of a new life.

ELIAS: Yes. I agree.

NUNO: Then the final part… I interpret the hotel to be my mother’s womb.


NUNO: And the pool would be representative of the aqueous nature of the womb.

ELIAS: Correct.

NUNO: This was really a very significant dream to me in that. I did have some days later another dream. I don’t recall most of that dream, but I have a habit of presenting to myself in a dream information that I want to know objectively at the very end of the dream, just before I wake up. And by doing so, I remember the piece that I want to know objectively. And so a few days later, I had another dream and at the end of the dream I am getting myself seated into an airplane. And once again there are many people in the airplane, like in the train car. And there is a gadget on the airplane seat and I open it up and it shows to me the number 16.66. And then I wake up. (Elias chuckles)

And the first impression that I had with that number was it was the number of days from that time, from the time I had the dream, until I would be departing for Nova, my new reality. (Pause)

ELIAS: I would say I agree, but I would also express to you not to take that absolutely literally. Because this is, in a manner of speaking my friend, a double-edged sword. This happens with individuals in situations in which they are engaging some action that will be occurring futurely. In this, it’s meant as an encouragement, but it can also be a disappointment if you are looking at it too literally. It may or may not actually occur on that date.

NUNO: I understand. I’m aware of that and I’m aware of the potential of disappointment in that. The interesting thing is the first thing I did, I went to the calendar. And I noticed that what that date was, if it was indeed the number of days, that it was the first of January. Now for me, I’m not a person that really pays a lot of attention or puts a lot of emphasis upon, you know, the new year. But I guess there is symbolic meaning to it. So would you comment on that?

ELIAS: I would agree, and I would say that that IS significant because you are presenting to yourself that validation of beginnings. Beginnings and endings, because you’re moving in the direction of the ending of the year and the beginning of the new year. And in that, this is significant because with every new beginning there is an ending, and with every ending there is a new beginning. And therefore this is significant that you’re presenting that imagery to yourself about that impending action. It’s definitely a validation.

Therefore I would say to you, in your terminology, you’re on the right track with your train. (Both chuckle)

NUNO: Well, the thing is that I’ve been doing a lot of meditation exercises and we’ll get more into that.

ELIAS: Excellent. And how is that proceeding?

NUNO: Well, I do the meditation. What I don’t see is really any objective evidence that I’m making progress in order to release the body consciousness.

ELIAS: You’re not seeing what type of progress?

NUNO: Anything. Well, that’s not exactly true. On a couple of occasions, I woke up with the body shaking –


NUNO: — extensively, but that hasn’t happened recently, which is disappointing. That happened once or twice in my sleep. Outside of that, really I don’t have a sense that I am actually making progress in that.

ELIAS: What do you feel during your day? Or how are you experiencing and moving within your day?

NUNO: I’d say mostly the days are empty in that I don’t have long-term plans and everything seems to be pointless beyond, you know, except for things that are very, very near-term. And I feel somewhat restless and bored. And yeah, that’s about it.

ELIAS: You’re not noticing anything in relation to any excitement?

NUNO: I do. I have certainly anticipation and I’m very excited about the prospect of that. And I keep telling myself that in, you know, just a matter of days I will be in Nova.

ELIAS: What I would say to you is, I would express a meditation exercise for you that you can practice. When you’re doing your meditation, as you set the intention first that you’re doing the meditation in preparation for movement – correct?

NUNO: Yes.

ELIAS: Very well. Therefore you set that intention at the beginning of the meditation. Then what I would say is, for perhaps two or three minutes concentrate on your breathing and when you’re concentrating on your breathing, concentrate on slowing it. Then during your meditation, the exercise is to concentrate on not holding your breath but simply not taking a breath. There is a difference. Holding your breath is attention. It’s something that is going to create a reaction in your body, because your body is then tense and is generating the reaction that something is being withheld from it. That’s not what I am speaking about. When you’re breathing, breathe out and relax, and simply take your time and practice how long you can relax after you exhale and not necessarily take in another breath.

NUNO: Yes. I’m actually familiar with that action and I know what you are expressing. And I have actually practiced it. Many years ago when I was in the hospital and I was connected to a heartrate monitor, what I did, to just basically not get terribly bored, I would like look at my heartrate on the heartrate monitor and will the heartrate to drop. And I actually could bring it down to 40 beats a minute—

ELIAS: That’s—

NUNO: — just by doing something.

ELIAS: That’s impressive.

NUNO: I do know what you are expressing there and I will do more of that. Part of my problem is there’s so many different ways to go about this that I’m not really sure which one is most effective. And the biggest obstacle is the tinnitus, which it’s ever present because it… The sound is modulated by my pulse. I’m actually always aware of my pulse, or at least it’s always present. It’s something that doesn’t bother me during the day, it’s just something I don’t pay any attention to. I’ve even used it at times as something to focus on during meditation in the past. But for this purpose here, that’s why I asked about last time when we had a discussion about releasing the body consciousness during sleep, because that would seem to be easier.

ELIAS: Yes. I understand.

NUNO: And so the question I have in that is, so let us say I start with that exercise that you just mentioned with reducing the breath. Does that exercise then carry through to the sleep state? Or how does that work?

ELIAS: It can. Yes. Most definitely.

NUNO: So in order to release the body consciousness in the sleep state, is it necessary or preferred that I enter the sleep state in a meditation?

ELIAS: Mm… No. It’s not necessary, although I would say that it could be helpful and that it could actually facilitate the action more easily or more quickly.

NUNO: Okay. That seems clear. Now the actual action of releasing the body consciousness, is that the subjective that does that?

ELIAS: It’s… For the most part yes, but it is a combination of both. I would say that the objective is involved because the objective is aware of what is occurring with the body. Therefore it’s a matter of recognizing that there is an interplay with both. Just as with your meditation, there is an aspect of your meditation that is objective also.

NUNO: Yes. But if this is to be accomplished in sleep, at that point the objective is not really aware of anything.

ELIAS: But it is. Because even though you may not recall, your dream activity is occurring throughout your sleep state.

NUNO: Just to summarize then, taking into account the tinnitus, what would you say would be most effective for me presently in order to move forward with this?

ELIAS: I’d say use it to your advantage, just as you did previously in relation to lowering your heartbeat.

NUNO: Ah. All right. That’s a different twist on that. All right. I can do that.

Another question I had was related to this. I was wondering if another essence can assist me in this, perhaps in engaging in an energy exchange?

ELIAS: Of course.

NUNO: I haven’t actually tried that. Would you say…? I’m not sure which essence would be willing to do… I’m not sure Tingua, I’ve never attempted an energy exchange with Tingua but…

ELIAS: You could. All you have to do is request. I would say that this essence is already engaged with you, and therefore that would be easy.

NUNO: So in your assessment, she would be willing to engage me in an energy exchange for this purpose.


NUNO: Oh, okay. My other question is, as we have discussed, I’m moving the entire focus to the new reality.

ELIAS: Correct.

NUNO: I’d like to understand what exactly goes with that focus. The reason I’m asking is I have one annoying – I don’t know what you’d call it, a trait perhaps, or something like that – that I don’t really want to take with me. It involves, for the most part, it involves interactions with other people. And if I think back to an interaction with someone or a group of people in which I feel perhaps I embarrassed myself or I didn’t express myself properly or something of that nature, I’m concerned about that and I’m concerned of what their opinion of me is.

ELIAS: Therefore it’s not necessarily how you’re expressing yourself but your concern about other people’s perception?

NUNO: Yes. Which obviously I realize is something that I should address to and I have. And the… Some of the situations which were particularly bothersome, I have directly addressed to and gotten rid of that, because I’ve instructed myself to release that energy and so that doesn’t bother me anymore. But I still get that, especially with recent conversations, for example. Things will pop up. I have this habit, I’ve got some words or gibberish that pop up automatically when I go in that direction to remind me not to do that, so I have a mechanism for coping with that. But my question in this is, I really don’t want to take that with me and I guess, is it going to go with me? And if it does, can I eliminate that in the other reality?

ELIAS: Does it automatically go with you? No. But if you experience that as you age, I would say that with the knowledge and awareness that you have, it should be easy for you to address to that.

NUNO: Oh, okay. All right. So I won’t be concerned with that. Going back to how we started the discussion about that blockage, that there was a way around it, one thing that occurred to me is that perhaps the blockage was my guideline not to harm the body consciousness?

ELIAS: That too, but as I said, it’s everything that is associated with your awareness of the body. Because that is what I would say is the objective part, that you have an awareness. Whether you’re thinking about it or whether you’re dreaming about it or whatever you happen to be doing, whether you’re paying attention or not, it doesn’t matter. Your objective awareness is still aware of your body, and in that it may not be aware of what it’s doing in every direction but it is aware of its functioning. And that is the biggest obstacle. That’s also the reason that I would encourage that meditation, because that allows you to move in a direction of relaxing and that is the biggest piece. Because the more you move in the direction of relaxing, the more you are actually settling, in a manner of speaking, the objective awareness. You’re quieting it.

NUNO: I talked to Seth on Friday, and just because, well, why not? I asked him about this and he said that he was aware of what I was doing. And I asked him if he had any suggestions and Seth said, he suggested I focus my, the entirety of my attention on the energy of that reality. To begin with, can you tell me whether I actually had this conversation?

ELIAS: Yes, you did. And that is actually an excellent suggestion.

NUNO: Hm. It was quite an interesting interchange, because after I had this interchange I did the, what he suggested. I started doing that and I was doing it rather intensely. I was straining. And he just pops back in and says to me not to strain, because if I strain that tends to make the body consciousness cling to the focus.

ELIAS: Correct.

NUNO: Oh. Very good. Good old Seth.

ELIAS: (Chuckles) I would say that that was excellent advice.

NUNO: Ah. And he said, “Bon voyage!” Is that something he would say? (Both laugh)

ELIAS: I would say COPY CAT! (Both laugh)

NUNO: All righty. Well, yeah. That was very interesting.

I want to ask you about mela… How do you pronounce this? Melatonin.

ELIAS: Repeat.

NUNO: Melatonin. It’s like—

ELIAS: Very well.

NUNO: Okay, you know what that is. I’ve been using it, not very much. I think I only used it twice to help me sleep and would you say that that can be helpful? Or will it interfere?

ELIAS: I would say it can be, but you don’t want to engage too much of it. Only because it, if you engage too much of it, it does the opposite. It has a tendency to agitate.

NUNO: Oh, okay. That hasn’t been my experience. I’m taking 12 mg.

ELIAS: Good.

NUNO: I’ve got a question about my interactions with you outside of these sessions, where I attempt to get information from you.


NUNO: And—

ELIAS: And you do.

NUNO: I do, and sometimes I get it all wrong. (Both laugh) So my question in that is the following: that one time when I reached out to you because I was having pain in my kidney and I was in a lot of distress, and you then told me to drink water. It was those two words: “Drink water.” But what stands out in that is that that was so incredibly clear, that message. There was no doubt at all with that and it was… I’d say had a lot of energy behind it.


NUNO: And I was wondering if maybe you can turn up the volume a bit, when you (laughs)… You know, when I’m—

ELIAS: Very well.

NUNO: Because that’s—

ELIAS: Very well.

NUNO: Yeah. That seemed to help.

ELIAS: Because I would say that yes, in that situation I was aware that you were very uncomfortable and afraid. And therefore in that, it was a situation in which it required being very direct.

NUNO: Yes. And obviously I very much appreciated that. And maybe you could be more direct also, if you are so allowing.

ELIAS: (Laughs) Very well.

NUNO: Thank you. The reason is because the past few weeks since we last talked have been difficult for me because I’ve been trying to get information from every source I can. And the most reliable I think has been my dreams, but I would also like to get information from you and other essences, but especially from you. And I often make mistakes in that. I know that I make mistakes in that. I get contradictory information and so it would be very helpful to me to be able to ask you questions.

ELIAS: Very well. I shall move in the direction of turning up the volume.

NUNO: Thank you. I really appreciate that. (Elias laughs) Oh! And before I forget, I didn’t actually thank you and express my gratitude to you for your willingness to be my childhood companion. I really am quite appreciative of that, and it’s really a wonderful gift. And I really thank you for that.

ELIAS: You are exceptionally welcome, my friend. I would say to you genuinely, it is my pleasure. And I view this entire experiment as quite interesting and am expressing great privilege to be a part of it.

NUNO: Well… I would simply respond that I couldn’t have done it without you.

ELIAS: (Laughs) Or perhaps you wouldn’t have done it without. (Laughs)

NUNO: Yes.

ELIAS: But (laughs) I would say that most of this is you, my friend, and your direction. And in that, I would say that you have left no stone unturned.

NUNO: (Laughs) Ah.

ELIAS: And that is definitely something to be credited.

NUNO: Ah, well… Michael said the same thing not long ago. (Both laugh)

ELIAS: Very astute of him, I would say.

NUNO: Yeah. Yeah.

ELIAS: (Laughs) But you have definitely moved in a direction of being very thorough and being very serious about what you want to do. And I would say that that is what will make you successful.

NUNO: Okay. Thank you.

ELIAS: You are very welcome.

NUNO: Very well. Well, thank you, my friend. I would like to believe that we won’t be talking again this way, but… (Both laugh)

ELIAS: But we will be speaking again.

NUNO: Definitely. Definitely. (Elias laughs) I would not have it any other way.

ELIAS: Very well, my dear friend. I express to you speed on your journey. And I shall be expressing my support continuously.

In tremendous love and in great, great friendship, au revoir.

NUNO: Au revoir.

(Elias departs after 39 minutes)

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