The Self-Awareness Trap: Greater Self-Awareness Requires You to Listen to Yourself More
“Altering Attention and Perception”
“You’re the One That’s Creating All of It”
“Disempowering Yourself”
“Responding to the Demands of Others”
“Moving Attention to What You’re Doing Objectively as Expansion”
Monday, August 19, 2024 (Private/Phone)
Participants: Mary (Michael) and Nuno (Lystell)
“…unfortunately, when you do express more self-awareness and you don’t listen to yourself, you’re much more likely to create uncomfortable consequences.”
ELIAS: Good morning!
NUNO: Greetings, my friend.
ELIAS: (Chuckles) And how shall we begin?
NUNO: Well, let’s talk about why I manifested this whatever-it-is and how that came to be.
ELIAS: And your assessment?
NUNO: Mm. It’s very general. It’s just not good energy projection.
ELIAS: (Pause) Now; what would prompt you to express that?
NUNO: I just came from kind of a… I wouldn’t exactly call it a vacation but it was, you know, a trip. It wasn’t all that enjoyable as I suppose it could have been, and there were aspects of that that I didn’t enjoy and found challenging in various ways. Nothing very serious, but I was kind of expressing a lot of dissatisfaction.
ELIAS: And how were you expressing that dissatisfaction?
NUNO: Hm. Mostly just internally.
ELIAS: Very well. I would agree and I would say that it’s a matter of (pause) learning how to alter your attention and your perception in situations in which you find yourself being dissatisfied or uncomfortable. (Pause) Because when you don’t, then you put that energy into that container, and then it’s going to spill out at some point. And when it does, it’s going to be uncomfortable. And since you are concentrated on certain aspects of your body not being affected, but also the factor that anything in your body that is affected definitely gains your attention immediately, I would say that that’s understandable that you would have created something such as this. But I would also say that I will credit you that although it may have been considerably uncomfortable, it was relatively quick.
NUNO: Well, I think this is an excellent example of why these attacks from the SA [subjective awareness] are so… kind of futile. I don’t really… I don’t derive any benefit from this. I mean obviously it got my attention, but I knew already the reason anyways. And this is actually something I want to discuss with you, is about that. Not so much specifically about me, because this is a universal characteristic of focuses as I understand it. It is that that’s the behavior of the SA. That is a topic for discussion for today.
I’d like to ask first though: is the name Tingua of any significance to me?
ELIAS: (Pause) That would be another essence that is significantly close to you.
NUNO: Close to me how?
ELIAS: You share many experiences with that essence, both in your present dimension and others, and also it’s an essence that is connected with you in that capacity as what you term to be a guide.
NUNO: The reason I’m asking is I was… This was such a horrible experience, that manifestation, it was just incredibly horrible, and at the one point I was just so desperate I just… All of a sudden that name pops up in. I don’t know why. And I just started repeating it and I felt a kind of strong emotional connection with it, and it seemed to help.
ELIAS: Understandable.
NUNO: Okay. Well, I just wanted to understand that.
So yeah, the main topic I’d like to discuss today actually is what we started on. It’s what I call “the SA’s use of violence as a means to an end,” and that’s the way I see it. And I find this rather disturbing, that the focus is constructed in a way that that’s how it functions, is that is part of the functioning of the focus, is that the SA will attack the body consciousness in order to gain or attempt to alter the behavior of the individual. And I find this very disturbing because obviously the use of violence as a means to an end just doesn’t make any sense. It’s very un-essence-like. And because essence has created these focuses and to function in that manner, that kind of implies that essence accepts using violence as a means to an end as being acceptable. (Pause)
ELIAS: How would you like me to engage with you about this subject? Because I’ve already expressed to you quite directly that that is your perception, which means it’s real but that doesn’t mean it’s accurate. And in that, I accept that and I understand. I would simply inquire of you how you wish for myself to proceed with you in relation to that.
NUNO: Well, I’d like you to explain why it is that I am incorrect in that assessment. Because you have explained about the relationship of the subjective awareness to the objective awareness—
ELIAS: Correct.
NUNO: And in considerable detail. But—
ELIAS: Correct.
NUNO: — no matter how you explain it, the end result is still the same. Namely that the subjective awareness causes harm to the body consciousness in an attempt to alter the behavior of the individual. And that’s an attack, and that is violence. So I mean that’s…
ELIAS: I understand.
NUNO: And I would like to understand how is it that you can explain that as being otherwise?
ELIAS: Because of what I have expressed to you, that the subjective awareness is not independent of the objective awareness. They move in tandem with each other, because they are essentially one. Therefore I would say (pause) that humans, people, obviously have an aspect to themselves in which they have a violent nature, if you want to discuss violence. And it doesn’t matter how peace-expressing that an individual is or that you don’t necessarily generate violent actions, so to speak. People create violence with each other and with themselves frequently. You are not an exception to that.
And in that, I would say that it’s not that there is this villain of a subjective awareness that is attacking you and expressing violence towards you, and that you are the victim of that. No. The subjective awareness is not separated from you and it’s not separated from your objective awareness. Therefore whatever the subjective awareness is doing, the objective awareness is doing it too. That means you, because you ARE those awarenesses.
And I have expressed from the onset of this forum that there is nothing hidden from you. There is no such thing as a subconscious. That’s the reason that I don’t use that terminology and that I have chosen to use the terminology of objective and subjective awarenesses. Because the subjective awareness is not hidden from you. It’s merely a matter of what you are paying attention to.
And in that, you can be blindsided at times, but that’s because you are not paying attention.
And in that, I would say that if you choose to move in the direction of perceiving yourself to be a victim of the subjective awareness, then what you’re actually doing is being a victim of you. Because that IS you, just as much as your objective awareness is you.
In that, you simply create different imagery – but you’re the one that’s creating all of it. All of it. Every molecule, every atom, every action, every moment, everything. I do understand that that is one of the most difficult concepts for most people to accept, is that you are creating everything. Including whatever is happening with your body, whatever you are expressing subjectively. You are creating that just as much as you are objectively.
And I would say that in that, because that is such a difficult concept for so many people to accept, I offer many, many, many tools to help and to help all of you to empower yourselves, as you are aware. And you can disagree with me as much as you choose. That is your right. That is your choice. You don’t have to agree with me.
But in that, it’s not a matter of whether you’re… you agree with myself or not. It’s a matter of whether you are empowering or disempowering yourself. At the moment, you are disempowering yourself. Because if something is beyond your choices, then you are disempowered, but there is nothing beyond your choices. You always have choices, and that’s also one of the reasons that I engage conversations with all of you.
I would say that if the essence Alexis is expressing anything other than that to you, then there is some considerable distortion occurring, because that is accurate.
I can engage conversation with you in directions of how you can empower yourself, how you can move in other directions, how you can alter your perception, but ultimately I can only give you information. You will accept it or not, and you are the only one that can empower yourself or not. (Pause)
NUNO: Well, I’m not feeling I’m a victim of the SA. That is not where I’m at.
ELIAS: Then explain that to myself. If you aren’t a victim of that, then how can it be attacking you?
NUNO: Because that’s how it functions.
ELIAS: And still, you are speaking of this as if it’s something other than you: the “it.”
NUNO: Well, it is me.
ELIAS: And therefore, how is it that YOU, if it is you, how is it that YOU are attacking yourself—
NUNO: I don’t know.
ELIAS: — and making yourself somewhat angry in the process?
NUNO: I don’t know. This is… I am frustrated, is what I am. Not angry. I’m not angry. I’m frustrated that this occurred. It’s very destabilizing for me when I had this, and it hadn’t happened to me in a very long time. And it was a rather severe manifestation. I’m just frustrated that I don’t have the awareness or whatever it is that it takes to prevent these kinds of experiences. (Pause)
ELIAS: Well, and that would be the point of becoming more self-aware. (Pause) By doing so, and by moving in a direction of being able to generate foresight and being ultimately aware of your body, then you would have the awareness to prevent that from happening. (Pause) Whatever intensity you generate in relation to some manifestation with the body, it’s matched – or rather, it’s the other way around – but I’ll say it in this capacity. It’s matched by the objective.
Therefore I would say that you were somewhat moving in a direction of knowing, when you were speaking about your dissatisfaction with your trip. You were aware of that. And I’m quite sure that in your perception, whatever physical manifestation you created was disproportionate to what you expressed objectively. I would somewhat disagree with that, because what you’re creating objectively in those types of situations is accumulative. And the reason is because you don’t express yourself, or in the past, you were expressing yourself but in an inappropriate capacity. I would say that then you simply stopped expressing yourself in certain capacities. In some capacities you moved in a direction of expressing yourself much more and more accurately, but in some situations you don’t. (Pause) And it’s not something new. (Pause)
And I would also say that being frustrated or even irritated or even angry at times with the elusive subjective awareness is an outlet. It’s not efficient, but it gives you the opportunity to give voice to frustration and irritation and dissatisfaction. And that’s something. (Pause)
NUNO: Well, first I’d like to say that Alexis did not… I did not consult with Alexis on any of this, so there was no—
ELIAS: I’m merely expressing that if you choose to, I would say that it’s very likely that that essence will express in the same capacity.
NUNO: Okay. But… What is then…? In these situations then where I find myself in situations where I am feeling uncomfortable or dissatisfied, what is an acceptable form of expression that releases that energy without triggering these kinds of reactions?
ELIAS: First of all, it’s a matter of listening to your signals and then listening to what those statements are about those signals. Therefore I would say that for the most part, you know that. In that, what were you dissatisfied with?
NUNO: Specifically?
NUNO: I was dissatisfied that on this trip it was mostly about my partner and her siblings and their interactions amongst themselves. And it was not… Because of that, it wasn’t really as enjoyable in this experience as where it’s just the two of us.
ELIAS: But you knew that.
NUNO: I knew the situation. I didn’t really realize how bothersome it would be, because it depends on her behavior.
ELIAS: Very well. What I would say is once again, this is a matter of paying attention, and what you’re paying attention to and how you’re paying attention. You entered into the situation knowing that it wasn’t only the two of you. And therefore in that, knowing that there was a potential, perhaps a strong potential, for the situation to be one in which she would be paying more attention to her siblings.
Now; in that, then it’s a matter of looking at your choices, what you are comfortable with and what you want to do.
Now; it might not be as extreme or black and white as going on the trip or not going on the trip, but choosing to go on the trip, then it’s a matter of you evaluating the situation. And if you’re dissatisfied with her behavior or her choices, then it’s a matter of evaluating why. Why is it bothersome to you? And then making choices in relation to that. If it’s bothersome to you because she would be more focused on you if it was only the two of you, that’s not the situation. Therefore it’s a matter of you making different choices. If she’s not focused on you, then you focus on you and engage in directions that are more comfortable for you. Which may or may not include participating with her and her sister. In that, it’s a matter of you genuinely moving in a direction of what is comfortable for you, and not continuing to move in a direction of agitation. And the dissatisfaction does create agitation, even if you try to push it away. It’s simply pushing it into that container.
In that, sometimes it can be challenging to make choices that are about you when you are involved with other people, because you feel the energy of expectation of other people. You might even feel your own energy in relation to obligation, and that may contribute to your frustration also. But genuinely, ultimately it’s a matter of recognizing that given how much you moved in the direction of self-awareness at this point, you definitely have enough of it at this point to be uncomfortable when you’re not moving in a direction of you. (Pause)
NUNO: Okay. Thank you for that. I kind of feel like I probably should have known all this, and—
ELIAS: And I would say that you do, but perhaps you forgot.
NUNO: It’s been kind of a trying couple of weeks for me, so yeah.
ELIAS: I understand. And that can be difficult and unfortunately, when you DO express more self-awareness and you don’t listen to yourself, you’re much more likely to create uncomfortable consequences.
NUNO: Okay. Thank you for that.
ELIAS: You are very welcome.
NUNO: What’s the best way to respond to somebody when they try to impose their guidelines on me?
ELIAS: (Pause) That’s something that I would say occurs with most people very frequently, and when you recognize that, it’s first of all important that you take a pause and center yourself first. That’s very important. Then once you’ve centered yourself, which you can do within a moment, then it’s a matter of you expressing from you. Not being accusing or blaming toward them, meaning not expressing, “You’re doing this and I don’t like it,” but rather expressing from your own guidelines. And it depends on what they are projecting at you.
Let’s see. (Pause) Offer an example.
NUNO: Okay. The situation that frequently happens with Helen, she’s got strong guidelines about being responsible for others and not being primary.
ELIAS: Very well.
NUNO: And in that, sometimes she’ll ask me to do something that I don’t feel is necessary. But she—
ELIAS: Such as?
NUNO: Well for example—
ELIAS: Offer any.
NUNO: Okay. For example, she wanted me to send a happy birthday message to my daughter yesterday, which is not an unreasonable request but I didn’t really want to do it right then. I was not feeling well and I just wanted to go to bed. But she kind of insisted that I do that, so that’s a pretty small example.
ELIAS: But I would say that’s a good example. And in that, you’re correct. It’s not an extreme request or even an unreasonable request, except that it’s not her place to tell you what to do. But that’s not necessarily part of her guidelines, but part of what she does. It’s what she’s learned and it’s what she does, because she feels safer if she is expressing control. Which I would say likely you already know all of this.
In that, it is helpful to know that type of information, and that can somewhat diffuse what you might be feeling. But in that, I would say it was also very reasonable of you, given the situation and that you were feeling considerably ill, to express, “When I feel better, I will,” or you could express, “I’m not in a frame of mind to do that presently,” or you could express, depending upon how you’re feeling, that – without an attitude but simply matter of factly – that you’re capable of remembering such an event yourself, and that when you are ready to express to your daughter, you will. (Pause)
In other situations, when she might be expressing some type of instruction or demand in relation to other individuals, you can also express that you don’t feel an obligation to do what she is expressing to you to do, and therefore you’ll have to consider it.
NUNO: Okay. Those are reasonable responses.
ELIAS: Yes. You’re not obligated in relation to other individuals, even your children.
NUNO: Oh, I know that. I know that very much for myself. (Chuckles)
ELIAS: I know you do. I know you do. And in that, I would say that it’s more a matter of simply expressing in a direct capacity to her, without any irritation, without any emotional expression. Simply expressing in a capacity of being direct.
NUNO: Okay, thank you.
ELIAS: You are very welcome.
NUNO: And could you perhaps let me know how she is doing with that manifestation of hers, with the urinary tract or whatever it is?
ELIAS: (Pause) I’d say it’s improving slowly, but I’d also say that – not that she would express that she wants to continue in that direction, but most people express they don’t want to continue in an uncomfortable situation although they do it. And in that, it’s a matter of what is achieving the biggest payoff. And I would say for her, achieving the biggest payoff is somewhat about holding onto that.
NUNO: What’s the payoff?
ELIAS: I’d say for her, she generates from other people a certain type of expression, attention and energy. And that is, at this point, more important than necessarily generating significant comfort.
NUNO: She never struck me as being someone who craved attention.
ELIAS: I didn’t say she craves attention. I said she elicits a certain type of attention.
NUNO: Would that be from me?
ELIAS: I would say it’s from everyone that she interacts with. Not as much from you, but to a slight degree. (Pause) Even the physician offers a degree of sympathetic attention.
NUNO: Well, she likely is not going to take this into a more severe direction then?
ELIAS: I would agree.
NUNO: My feet, they have become… My feet and my ankles have become rather brown in skin color and I believe the reason for this is simply that for many years, they were covered by socks and shoes and whatnot but in the past year or two, I’ve begun wearing sandals more frequently and they’re more exposed. And it surprised me how brown the skin color has turned. It’s not that the color bothers me. It doesn’t, but I just wanted to check with you that there isn’t something else going on there.
ELIAS: No. I would say that there is nothing disturbing in relation to the pigmentation change, except that you are allowing your feet to breathe more, which is good.
NUNO: Yeah, I agree with that. (Elias chuckles)
I was wondering about how animals distinguish between different people. My impression is that they identify people mostly based on their energy. Is that right?
ELIAS: It depends on the animal, but yes, for the most part, they do identify them by the energy of the people. But different animals combine that with different senses. And the one thing that I will express about all animals is that their memories are much better than humans give them credit for.
NUNO: Okay. I’ve been feeling recently that I haven’t been making much progress with my development of my energy or my awareness. And I’ve been using the pearl energy to help me move in those directions, but I’ve been so preoccupied – not preoccupied really, I’ve just been very busy with objective things, my objective activities. And I just get this feeling that I’m not really progressing anymore like I used to be doing, and that’s a concern to me.
ELIAS: I would disagree. I would say that you are. You’re simply not doing it in the same manner. But I would say that you definitely are progressing. It simply isn’t feeling the same as what you are accustomed to. I would also say that if you weren’t, we wouldn’t have been incorporating the conversation that we have this day. Because although that may have been motivated by frustration, I would say that there was an element in that that also required some courage, because you anticipated myself disagreeing with you. And in that, you were still willing to listen, and you did. And I would say that objectively, pastly, that would have been questionable.
And I would say that because of the reason that you addressed that this day, I would say that you’ve been moving in a direction of looking at what you’re doing objectively. You’ve only just begun, but you have begun. And in that, even though you were in the direction of blaming the subjective, you were paying attention about what you were doing objectively, knowing that it’s connected. Therefore I’d say that you’re simply expanding differently that you were previously.
Previously you were expanding in relation to energy, and in relation to your subjective awareness. But I would say that you’re moving your attention to what you’re doing objectively, even when you’re distracted. You’re still paying attention. You’re still observing. It simply feels different.
NUNO: Okay. Thank you. I asked you about this last time, about after a focus returns to pure essence, transcends back to pure essence. And you said in most cases they do not engage other physical focuses after that. I was wondering about the case of individuals that die as infants. They would have almost no experience.
ELIAS: But it’s also a matter of recognizing that all of your focuses are simultaneous. They’re all happening now. Even though your reality moves in linear time and therefore it gives the appearance that there are sequential focuses, there actually aren’t. They’re all happening at the same time. And in that, one might disengage as an infant or very small child, but that’s an experience also.
NUNO: Yes. I do understand that. The experiences, the totality of all focuses, not just that one focus. And I was wondering then, the experience derived from a physical focus, what is the most benefit that is derived from that? Is that for the, for that essence? Or it would be for all essence, would it not?
ELIAS: In relation to an infant death?
NUNO: No. Not… No, just generally.
ELIAS: The experience, yes, would be, I would say, both in relation to the focus and in general as essence.
[The timer for the end of the session rings]
NUNO: Okay. I think our time is up, so thank you for your information.
ELIAS: Repeat.
NUNO: Oh, I would just say thank you for your information.
ELIAS: You are very welcome. And I very much am expressing my appreciation for our friendship, and for you. And I also express tremendous encouragement to you, my friend.
Until our next meeting, in dear, dear love as always, au revoir.
NUNO: Au revoir.
(Elias departs after 1 hour)
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