The After-Death Experience; Hearing the Sounds of Visuals
“A Beloved Pet”
“The After-Death Experience”
“Projecting Back in Time”
“The Importance of Centering Yourself”
“Food for a Healthy Liver”
“Hearing the Sounds of Visuals”
“What Is Information?”
Friday, May 17, 2024 (Private)
Participants: Mary (Michael) and Mauricio (Kaffka)
ELIAS: Good day!
MAURICIO: Good day, Elias. It’s a pleasure to be here with you and with Mary.
ELIAS: Welcome.
MAURICIO: And the first thing I would like to say is thank you.
MAURICIO: From deep in my heart, for all the information you have shared and the labor you have been doing. It’s amazing. Thank you.
ELIAS: You are very welcome.
MAURICIO: Moving to different subjects, I will… I’ve more or less got an agenda, but the first one is my movement to Dallas. I live in Mexico, I work in Mexico, fifty years, and now is like a new experience. And knowing—
ELIAS: And what motivated you to move to Texas?
MAURICIO: The unknow, the adventure to the unknow, probably most. Because I have love ties with Mexico. It’s not that I (laughs)… want to be out of Mexico, it’s just that exploration of myself and growth, myself, and have the opportunity for me to grow.
ELIAS: Excellent.
MAURICIO: But I don’t know exactly how, when, or… (Laughs) I don’t know exactly, but I am doing what I feel passion for.
ELIAS: You don’t need a road map.
MAURICIO: No. (Elias laughs) And that’s incredible. Most of the things I would say, be comfortable. The only thing that sometimes I miss is probably my relatives and of course I feel… not broken, but I like to see them. It’s just like that. No more than that. And my pet.
MAURICIO: My pet. I love my pet.
MAURICIO: Very much.
ELIAS: And what type of pet do you have?
MAURICIO: I have a dog, a bulldog.
ELIAS: A bulldog!
MAURICIO: A French bulldog.
MAURICIO: Lawrence told me that this pet has been in another focus with me. And let me ask you: I am curious about how she came to my life, because my brother brought her, just saw her in the streets and found a way to move with her. But we never knew where the pet home was. But at the end I say it’s like she selected us, to be with us. And I am in profound love with her because it’s amazing. I was not thinking to have a pet.
ELIAS: And you didn’t bring her with you?
MAURICIO: No, no, not yet. I think… Of course, my relatives also love her and she’s very accustomed to be in the home, in her home. So I am trying to visit frequently.
ELIAS: Ah. Excellent.
MAURICIO: Yeah, because I love her too much. Of course my relatives, it’s just that probably the pets comprehend differently or see things completely different.
ELIAS: It’s very interesting. Some people bond with an animal very strongly and some people bond with an animal more than they do with humans, and there’s nothing wrong with that. It’s a familiarity that happens between the animal and the human. And in that, there is actually a physical chemistry, physiological chemistry, that happens—sometimes, not always, but sometimes – that happens between a human and an animal. And there is this unbreakable bond that happens and it’s actually a beautiful relationship.
MAURICIO: Mm. And this is, in this case, is this my…?
MAURICIO: This is my case.
ELIAS: And what is her name?
MAURICIO: (Whispers) Pacha. (Laughs)
ELIAS: Excellent.
MAURICIO: Yeah. Yeah. It’s beautiful. Well, moving to another… I have like a serial of themes. Dreams imagery. I am most frequently, when I remember a dream, I write the most important thing that I remember. It doesn’t matter if I forgot something, but I try to put it in writing.
MAURICIO: I think that’s good for me, I dream a lot with birds, for example, with animals . I feel good for that. Sometimes I dream with many people. Like if I wake up into a (laughs) I am in a party with many people, and sometimes they are very emotional.
Once recently [dream], I was with my father in the bed. He asked me just to give him a kiss and I woke up crying because he was very (inaudible) with me, and very… sweet also. Yes, a very lovely time with my father and my mother. And I frequently, in the past, I dream a lot with my mother but I did it more frequently now with my father. And I have done it a lot from him also because I think that my father’s side was something to be more close to, to learn more from him. And I feel completely in love (laughs) with them.
ELIAS: That’s excellent.
MAURICIO: Yeah. In particular I have a question. Do you say that while we do the transition, once we pass away from here—
MAURICIO: — and do the transition…
MAURICIO: My father did the transition?
ELIAS: (Pause) No.
MAURICIO: Oh, okay.
ELIAS: Now; you understand that time is different once someone dies and they blink in non-physically. It’s very different than your time. Therefore it’s not unusual. Actually, it’s very common for the individual that died to not actually enter into non-physical transition for between five and ten years in your time.
ELIAS: Sometimes even longer. And that is because first there is a period of time before they remember their death. They don’t remember their death immediately. That would be very startling and traumatic and it’s… There is nothing in non-physical that would be designed to be traumatic at all. Therefore there’s a period of time that the person doesn’t remember their death. And then they begin to notice things around them that encourage them to remember their death. They are actually creating imagery that is in appearance precisely as if they were still in physical focus: all the people that they know, all the things that they do in their life in physical focus, they’re doing before they remember their death.
But there are some things that are different. One of them is that everyone always agrees with them. And that begins to create a suspicion, because people don’t always agree with you (chuckles) and in that, they begin to question: “Why is everyone always agreeing with me?” Everyone always agrees with them because they’re creating all of the imagery. It isn’t, that’s the difference between here, your reality in physical focus, and there, in non-physical. They’re creating everything. Everything. And there’s not other participation from other people or other things. Everything is of their own design. And therefore of course everyone agrees with them all the time, and that begins to be suspicious at some point.
There’s also another piece that is very obvious or becomes very obvious – it isn’t, initially, but it becomes very obvious – is that there are spots. They’re actually holes, actual holes, in areas of their reality. Therefore let us say that you are sitting in this room presently and if you were dead, there would be perhaps a hole in the wall and it would only be black, and another one in the floor and perhaps another one in the sofa. Because what it’s doing is, in increments, little by little, other energies are filtering in. Therefore whenever you think of a person that has died, that energy is filtering in. When another person thinks of them, that energy is filtering in. When you dream with that person in your dream, that person is interacting with you in your dream because they’re creating that imagery where they are and it’s translating to you and your energy is coming through to them through those holes. And they begin to notice those holes more and more, and then they remember their death.
But what happens when they remember their death is that they realize that they can genuinely play and incorporate a lot of fun with imagery, because all they have to do is think that they want to visit another country and then they’re there. Or they want to see and interact with their grandmother, and there she is! And in that, they can move and manipulate immediately, and they do whatever they choose. Because the rules and the laws, so to speak, of physical focus don’t apply to them and therefore they can do whatever they choose. And if an individual always wanted to be a teacher, they can be a teacher. If they always wanted to be a great swimmer, they can be a great swimmer. They can do whatever they choose.
Therefore once they remember their death, that doesn’t mean they automatically move into non-physical transition. They have a choice. They can choose to continue to explore what they can create in physical imagery, and it’s just as tangible to them as (Mauricio laughs) you sitting on a sofa or you holding a book. It’s just as tangible to them. And therefore they don’t always chooses to move into non-physical transition for a time, because they can play.
MAURICIO: And those dreams that I saw him in, is because we are connected?
ELIAS: Yes. Yes.
MAURICIO: The same thing happened with my mother?
MAURICIO: Ah. And my mother… I remember I had a dream with my mother when she told me, “I am not going to be available anymore…” Something like that. “Because I’m going to be born again.” Something like that. And that image, I remember that dream. And I stopped dreaming so frequently with her. So my question now is: has she made a transition?
MAURICIO: Okay. Good. Thank you. (Laughs)
ELIAS: You are very welcome.
MAURICIO: Talking about the dreams also, I remember… I have many, many dreams I am curious about, but there is one where I was like in another, different kind of planet or dimension and I tried to ride a dinosaur.
ELIAS: Aha! (Chuckles)
MAURICIO: Something like that. Very interesting, because I make the first try and I didn’t succeed. But in the… So I get like a RRRMF! (Elias laughs) And I say, “No!” I wanted to do it. And I run very fast and I ride the dinosaur and I hold him with my hands. We both… We’re very fast. This was a very interesting dream, and people say then I am crazy when I (laughs) say this, but it’s completely interesting. And I have fun also at the same time in that dream. But my question is: is that another dimension? What…? How is that related with, let’s say, now all the talks about the dragons or…? I don’t know if there is any kind of connection.
ELIAS: Actually, that is a very interesting experience. That was not a dream. That was actually a projection in time. It wasn’t a different dimension, it was this dimension. And you chose to move back in time and in that, you were actually projecting to that time of those creatures and interacting with them.
MAURICIO: And that would be millions, millions of years. (Pause) It was actually a dinosaur?
ELIAS: Yes. Yes.
MAURICIO: Amazing. Amazing dream.
ELIAS: Dragons are not part of this dimension, as you know. And you CAN actually connect with them and you CAN actually project to them also. But that’s not what you did. You went back in time. (Laughs)
MAURICIO: Okay. Ah, talking about focuses. Lawrence told me that I was, I have a famous focus as (inaudible), a famous focus in a period of time, and I started reading, reading. Finally I found Marguerite de Navarre. She was a queen in France. I thought because of the way she is, like a similarity, similar personality. So I say it should be, she should be me (chuckles) because of the… (Elias laughs) more or less of the things that attracts us. And her name Marguerite means pearl which is like now the (inaudible). So with these recent talks or transcripts that I have been reading, I am doing like using that focus as Pearl with her name and a figure of a dragon in me, as a way to connect.
ELIAS: Excellent.
MAURICIO: For me, just doing them, that’s it.
ELIAS: I congratulate you and express that that’s excellent.
MAURICIO: Yeah. And specific for that, focuses, I would like to know if I know about two personalities that are also very famous, which is Leonardo da Vinci as well as Hernán Cortés. I was familiar with them or I met them somehow? Met them?
ELIAS: The first one, you were familiar with him, and for a time were an apprentice. The second one, yes, that’s a focus.
MAURICIO: Hernán Cortés was a focus of me? Wow! (Elias laughs) So big. It’s amazing. (Elias laughs) It’s amazing. Thanks. That’s… I understand why I have a… big connection with Mexico. I have been reading about him, that he it loves also.
ELIAS: Ah, yes. Yes.
MAURICIO: Mexico. Thank you for that.
ELIAS: You are very welcome.
MAURICIO: That’s a very [nice] gift. (Laughs) Also, talking about focuses, Lawrence told me that Elias and Seth, sometime we met, to be familiar, and I feel the familiarity. And that’s why I started saying thank you, because I don’t know where, how, what kind of relationship, [if it] is a love relationship, but naturally you can give me like a hint, some timing, the timeframe where Elias or Seth or both of us meet together? (Pause) Uh-uh! Probably it could be only one. Probably we have more than one. (Laughs)
ELIAS: More than one.
MAURICIO: Oh! One specifically that is good for me to remember or to try to remember?
ELIAS: With both or one each?
MAURICIO: One each, but that is interesting for me.
ELIAS: (Pause) I can say that you do have several with Seth. I would say (pause) an interesting one for you (pause): you have a focus with that essence in the time framework of the 1800s. And in the 1800s, the two of you were involved with a railroad – not laying the tracks of the railroad, but driving the trains.
MAURICIO: Oh. (Inaudible)
ELIAS: Which was quite an adventure and an exploration. That is an interesting discovery.
MAURICIO: Ah. In which geographic country?
ELIAS: That would be in the United States, moving across the country, and in the development of the railroad to pioneer all the way across the country, and driving it.
MAURICIO: Wow. That’s what I love! Trains.
MAURICIO: In my childhood, I went on the trains, to the small town of my mother. And I dream, I dream in the trains.
MAURICIO: This is beautiful to me. (Elias laughs) When I have a chance, I love it. In Chihuahua, Mexico I made a trip from Chihuahua to Sinaloa, and just because of the nature, the travelling in the train put me in another, let’s say mood or another… in a beautiful mood I would say. I just enjoy it.
ELIAS: Excellent. Excellent. I would say share that with Michael, because two of Michael’s creatures are chihuahua. (Indicating two of Mary’s dogs) These.
MAURICIO: Okay. (Elias laughs) Okay. Okay. I don’t know who is Michael, but at the end you can give me—
ELIAS: Mary.
MAURICIO: Ah! Mary. Sorry. Okay. Yeah.
ELIAS: And in that, I would say that she would likely like to know that.
MAURICIO: Ah, okay. Thank you.
ELIAS: (Laughs) But for a focus with myself (pause): you and I share a focus together, not famous or particularly notable but I would say a good experience, as (pause) parents to nine children. (Chuckles)
MAURICIO: Wow! (Laughs)
ELIAS: (Chuckles) In that focus, YOU were the mother, which I express tremendous acknowledgement for bearing nine children. This would be in the country of Ireland.
ELIAS: And in that, not a tremendously incredible focus, but one with a lot of love. We lived in a very small village and in that, were very happy with our community and very happy with our family. And I would say we, together in tremendous love raised, I would say, wonderful children. (Laughs)
MAURICIO: Thank you. I appreciate it. (Elias chuckles) It is beautiful.
Lawrence told me that my dream, dream aspect, dream—
ELIAS: Trigger.
MAURICIO: Dream aspect? I don’t remember. Dream aspect? No. Dreamwalker aspect.
ELIAS: Ah! The dreamwalker aspect.
MAURICIO: Children… Children. Education. And I say, “Yeah, I love children.” But during this life, I have not any.
MAURICIO: I have not any children. It’s something that sometimes I say I will love to have.
ELIAS: Or perhaps in this lifetime you are exploring.
MAURICIO: Yes. This is something that I realize little by little, that I am exploring. But I love children, yeah. I will thank you for the information. I appreciate it. It’s just to feel it. It is amazing.
MAURICIO: Yeah. My brother, born one day before me.
MAURICIO: At the same date. (Elias laughs) And I think I have a big connection with him.
MAURICIO: But he’s a bit of different, in many aspects. For example, these kinds of things like, he could say disregard or say discount, all these kind of experiences. But the love is completely true. And I will ask, I will like to know how many lives I have shared with him.
ELIAS: (Pause) Three hundred and six.
MAURICIO: Wow! Amazing. He suffers. He suffers most of the time of inflammation. I think it is a lot related with how, habits and the way of beliefs. But if… Yeah, in fact I feel like I have sometime the same – how you say? – symptoms he suffers. I suffer also. It’s like a connection, like a twin connection.
ELIAS: Yes. Yes.
MAURICIO: It is interesting, because he picks up what the doctor says I have, a little bit fat liver, fat… fat liver? I don’t know. And he also. I suffer inflammation in my stomach or colon. (A phone signal is heard) It’s time to go? (Elias indicates it is not) Ah. Sorry. And he also. So for me is, probably if I heal myself, I heal him also.
ELIAS: Yes. Yes.
MAURICIO: But… and I always love him. I always like… look for ways to help him.
What do you think is the better way for me to help him, help him in this like, discomfort with the inflammation and all that, that also supports me at the same time? It’s like… (Laughs)
ELIAS: I would say that it’s definitely something that whatever you do is going to affect him also. And I would say that it’s a matter of lifestyle. And what that includes is how you take care of yourself, what you eat, your well-being, which includes how much stress you express, how much tension, how much anxiety. All of those things contribute to having physical manifestations.
Also I would say that (pause) emotional expressions can also contribute significantly to physical manifestations, such as loss, and when you are separated from your family and it creates distress, that also contributes to physical manifestations.
You can actually change that by what you eat and how you move. You don’t have to be engaging formal exercise, but that you’re active and that you move and that you’re not sedentary. But also I would say that it’s very good to incorporate time each day to center yourself, to move in a direction of balance and center. You can do this through meditation. You can do it through visualizations. You can do it through inner landscape. Any of these things will be sufficient to help yourself to balance and to center yourself. That’s very important. Because centering yourself allows you to be present with yourself, which means be now, be present, and to be aware of your perception and intentionally move in a direction of appreciation. Which most people don’t do, but you can and it can be very healing. And however you heal you, you will be also expressing that energy with him.
MAURICIO: Oh, okay.
ELIAS: What do you generally consume in a day?
MAURICIO: Um, at mornings, eggs, coffee. And I have a question about the coffee, because it’s probably it should be less. (Elias chuckles) That I notice. But it is eggs, coffee in the morning and certain, one fruit, any kind. All of that.
ELIAS: Excellent.
MAURICIO: Lunch, most of the time, I prepare food for me now because I (laughs)… Most of the time.
ELIAS: Excellent.
MAURICIO: During the week, I prepare my cooking, I cook it for myself and I eat probably vegetables. I always eat vegetables.
ELIAS: Excellent.
MAURICIO: I try sometimes certain kinds of protein food, like a fish or a meat or… not too much, chicken. I stopped eating chicken. In the past, I eat more than now. And—
ELIAS: With the meat and with the fish, with the meat, do you prepare lean meat?
ELIAS: Little fat?
MAURICIO: Ah, yeah. Yes.
ELIAS: Good. Because whatever fat you include with the protein will also affect your liver.
MAURICIO: Oh, okay.
ELIAS: And with the fish, no skin.
MAURICIO: Oh, okay. No skin.
ELIAS: Because the skin holds fat.
MAURICIO: Ah, okay. Thanks for the tip. (Both laugh) Normally I put just salmon.
MAURICIO: Yeah. But it contains the skin.
ELIAS: Yes. Yes.
MAURICIO: So I need to remove it before—
ELIAS: Yes. Yes.
MAURICIO: Ah, okay. Okay. Thanks for the tip.
ELIAS: Or you can remove it when you cook it. It doesn’t matter if it’s already cooked or if it’s before it’s cooked, as long as you’re not eating it.
MAURICIO: Ah, okay. I am not eating the skin, never.
ELIAS: Good. Good.
MAURICIO: And for consumption also, beans?
MAURICIO: Okay. Yeah. Beans. Chocolate. I don’t know if chocolate’s not so good? There is one—
ELIAS: That’s not necessarily bad.
MAURICIO: No? Oh. Okay. I like… The dark chocolate is—
MAURICIO: — the one that I like. I also consume, like Mexican people, chili. Which is (laughs) the fat. Is that something that I need to stop? Or I can consume a certain portion? Or it does not damage—
ELIAS: And the chilis, are they hot chilis or mild chilis?
MAURICIO: I would say sometimes hot.
ELIAS: Hot. If you are consuming hot chilis, I would say you can, but limit them.
ELIAS: Not too much. Balance. Because that can also accumulate over time and be affecting of your digestive system and your liver.
MAURICIO: Okay. Thank you. Another thing is the, oite? I don’t know how you say it. Oat? Water with…? Forget that, because I don’t know the name of it in English. Yeah. (Elias laughs) It’s okay.
I normally consume cilantro and all that kind of plant, small plants that is—
ELIAS: Excellent.
MAURICIO: — for the…
ELIAS: Yes. Yes.
MAURICIO: Yeah. And I love cooking, in fact. I appreciate a lot the cooking, the natural flavor of the things. I love when people do it that way, the garden is behind the house.
ELIAS: Excellent.
MAURICIO: And I really appreciate that. For today, I can’t do it now, in Dallas. (Laughs) Probably later. Not now, but… (Elias laughs) But I do the way to eat healthy as much as possible.
ELIAS: Excellent.
MAURICIO: And water, I miss, to complete the (laughs) three liters unfortunately (inaudible) It’s not… It’s probably… I believe, or be conscious that I am not doing…
ELIAS: That is also important, that you are consuming enough water.
ELIAS: Because your body actually can function when you’re dehydrated. When you don’t have enough water, you can still function but it will affect your organs.
ELIAS: Therefore it’s important that you are consuming enough water, and at least two to three liters. That’s the very least.
MAURICIO: Oh, okay. Thank you. Thank you for all the tips. They are helpful for me.
Moving to another topic. I like too much now photography. I like arts.
ELIAS: Excellent.
MAURICIO: I play classical guitar and this is part of my, I would say, intention, to explore art. Because when I explore art, I explore me in fact. This is what happens. I don’t follow too much. I appreciate many people that make art or many people that have a brilliant, or I would say not brilliant, but I would say interesting, yes, could be brilliant, theory or philosophy or whatever that has… Well.
So I make like a map, a mental map with names. And Lawrence told me, “You can explore yourself by exploring what you put in your mental map of people that you are following.” That is very interesting. Many people, there is no interest in them at all, many, many, many, many. (Laughs) But I am completely involved in that. I say no. Of course I appreciate it. It is like a gift. It’s sometimes I live all these, more in myself.
MAURICIO: I don’t share too much with people, it’s not an interest in that. (Laughs) But moving back to photography.
MAURICIO: Lawrence also told me that I have a focus in the caverns, painting in the very old caverns, painting.
MAURICIO: And I visited in France one of… a replica, which is not precisely, but a replica of them.
ELIAS: Excellent.
MAURICIO: And I say at that time it is supposed that one can interpret, I mean me at that time. I don’t know how today (laughs) but me at that time can interpret the figure as well as the sound, or something that makes sound. That intrigues me a lot, how can I complement… Because it’s like trying to fulfill a hole.
MAURICIO: Trying to understand why I cannot do it, that. I cannot comprehend. And so I have that interest, to explore more and more. But I have two senses, one of vision and one of hearing. And I say, if I close my eyes, I stop seeing the figure. So I need to like… both at the same time. I need to use them both at the same time.
ELIAS: That’s tremendous.
MAURICIO: Yes. I will say that’s the way but of course I like to imagine how. I have none of the tools. I have no heard no one, how to do it. (Laughs) It’s just that I try to do it, how with my imagination I can look for a way. But it’s something that is very interesting in the figures, is that if I see the figure of a wolf, for example, immediately I can put in my mind the sound of a wolf.
MAURICIO: Which is very interesting to me because I will say that the configuration of the energy in the form or in the shape or in (inaudible) automatically brings to me a sound. And how can I create new forms—
ELIAS: That’s tremendous. And do you translate it to your guitar?
MAURICIO: No. I need to bridge, how to do that. I need to play with that. I need to investigate. But I don’t find resources outside of me. Inside, inwardly, all inside.
ELIAS: I would say that it IS all inside of you. And it shouldn’t be difficult to make that bridge, because all you have to do is hear the sound, as you said, such as a wolf, hear the sound of the wolf and then play those notes. It’s not only one note. You could even play a chord and it would match the sound of the wolf. It’s simply a matter of you taking those sounds out of your head and into a vehicle such as your guitar.
MAURICIO: Okay. It’s amazing. I can do it only with my imagination.
MAURICIO: Without doing in the guitar. Without playing the guitar.
MAURICIO: Just hearing. Just hearing. As you in Beethoven probably.
ELIAS: Precisely. Precisely.
MAURICIO: You hear inside—
MAURICIO: — everything.
MAURICIO: There’s no need. It’s for me interesting. Thank you for the tip. How can I create…? I would like to play with new forms and new sounds. New forms, new sounds.
MAURICIO: But probably forms that I haven’t seen, because those that are familiar, I would say yes, it’s easy for me but probably can… I can play invent new, for instance. That’s probably why photography likes, attracts to me, to my attention, I love it now. And I have been practicing a lot.
ELIAS: That is excellent because you can do a lot with photography, a lot. I would say that even with nature, what you term to be nature, there is many, many, many, many things you haven’t seen before. Because every place you go, the elements of nature will be different. In Texas, it’s hot and it’s open land, flat and very expansive, and the wildlife is more concentrated in relation to reptiles.
In this place that you are presently [Brattleboro] there are very little reptiles at all.
MAURICIO: Ah, okay.
ELIAS: There are some, but very few. And in this, there are more natural mammals, natural bears and raccoons and porcupines and… (Pause) You have coyotes in Texas. Not so much coyotes here. More elk, moose, turkeys. You won’t find turkeys in Texas. And deer. They do have deer in Texas. I would say deer are likely everywhere. (Laughs) But also, because there is such open land and it’s so arid and vast and flat, the birds are very different also.
ELIAS: Many more birds in this area because of all of the trees. And in that, I would say there are even eagles in this area. These are things that can create a richness in relation to what you can find in photographing. It’s tremendous. This is a direction that is endless, and it doesn’t have to be about nature. It can be people. It can be structures. It can be bridges. It can be houses. It can be anything. Therefore anything that you see that is new is something that you can photograph and put a sound to.
MAURICIO: Ah, okay.
ELIAS: Even a house. You can put a sound to a house, because it’s a matter of translating the energy. Some houses have families and there is a lot of sound that happens in them. Some houses have one person, but that person may sing. Or some houses have animals and some don’t. Therefore even the structures that you see, that you might photograph, you can listen to. They have sounds.
This is an interesting and unique gift that you have.
MAURICIO: Ah, thank you.
ELIAS: To put those two senses together so well, in an energetic capacity. That is special.
MAURICIO: Mm. Thank you. Thanks. A little with the same curiosity. (Laughs) I have many.
ELIAS: (Laughs) That’s excellent.
MAURICIO: There is an artist, Francisco Toledo. He lived in Oaxaca. And I found he has a very big interaction with the insects of the surrounding and the nature of course, and the culture, etc. Normally I like to see people that, like him, that inspire me to find new worlds. Insects are new worlds completely.
MAURICIO: Completely new worlds. Something that disrupted—
ELIAS: And very different sounds.
MAURICIO: Yeah. Yeah, I think so. So each artist, like Francisco Toledo, Picasso, etc., etc., I say wow. I mean have too much to learn from them. I appreciate a lot. I remember once in the Museum of Van Gogh I saw a picture and suddenly I feel like an Energetic impression . I don’t know why, why was that. Was I the picture (laughs) or I melt into the picture or—
ELIAS: No. But you were IN the picture. Not necessarily painted into the picture, but in the place. Therefore IN the picture in that place.
MAURICIO: Ah, okay. That was interesting. I love that experience.
ELIAS: Then in that, you’re actually connecting in, “I was there!”
MAURICIO: Ah! (Laughs) Okay. Got it. Then I met Van Gogh’s somehow probably.
MAURICIO: Yeah. The (inaudible). Well Van Gogh I appreciated, the pictures are lovely. Did I meet Jesus Christ, at the time of Jesus?
ELIAS: Once.
MAURICIO: Once. Okay. Because when I was Marguerite, I read that I was very interested in the… evangelic, is it? It’s probably the most close to his speech, whatever. So I probably had that direction, that force of attraction to that. When I met Jesus, I… Does that bring to me what, to me? I mean… Or for me, was it like another one, interaction?
ELIAS: An inspiration.
MAURICIO: An inspiration. Okay.
ELIAS: I would say that you’ve had many experiences in different lifetimes of meeting and interacting with different people to be inspired.
MAURICIO: Ah, okay.
ELIAS: I would say that that’s somewhat of a theme with your essence, is inspiration. And you’ve also inspired other people.
MAURICIO: Yeah. Yeah, I think some of them, yeah. I think so. Yes. Okay. Very nice to hear that.
I have another curiosity about what is information. In some of the transcripts I see, or I don’t know what (inaudible). If you read the paper, the letters are not information. In which layer is information? It’s not the letter and it is not an object or something tangible. I think that is inside me. It’s just like the key to open that, or the precise key – or probably not precise, but the most key. Because not all the time information is our current language, what we are doing now, speaking. Sometimes it’s a symbol –
ELIAS: Correct.
MAURICIO: — or something that you touch, in fact.
MAURICIO: Information could be anything.
MAURICIO: And I work in telecommunications, and there is the traveling of information, how to distribute information, but it’s not information per se. This is amazing for me, how is information. Isn’t this in the air or—
ELIAS: It’s energy.
MAURICIO: It’s energy.
ELIAS: Everything is energy, everything, and information is held in the energy. And what happens is when you intersect with some form – it doesn’t matter what it is, you are correct, it could be letters on a page. It could be sound and something speaking. It could be something you see or touch. Anything. Because all of it is energy, and when you intersect with it, when you connect with something, it translates information to you. You put your hand on something. That gives you information. It doesn’t matter what it is. This is also why you have five senses, and then inner senses. But in that, all of your senses are designed to translate information to you. This is also what your thought mechanism is designed for, to translate information to you. Everything is geared to be inputting and outputting information.
MAURICIO: Okay. Good information. (Both laugh) Thank you.
You say we all are unique. We all are—
ELIAS: Absolutely.
MAURICIO: And everything is unique. But I have a personality, I have a family. Those are like characteristics or character, I don’t know. What defines uniqueness? What is…? What is… the (inaudible) let’s say. (Laughs)
ELIAS: Some people call it a spirit. Some people call it a soul. The reason that I use the word “essence” is because that’s what it is, the essence of you. It is the pure and unique, one-of-a-kind. There is no other expression of the essence of you anywhere in consciousness, and consciousness is everything. You are an essence in consciousness, of which there are numberless essences that are part of consciousness. Essence doesn’t make up consciousness. Consciousness makes up essences.
[The timer for the end of the session rings]
But that essential aspect of you, which is in physical terms almost undefinable, but you know, you, you know yourself and you know that there is a constant. There has been a constant of you from the time you were a very, very, very small child and even before. But in your memory, in your recall of yourself, you can see and feel and know that there has been a constant that has been you for as long as you can remember, and it still is. Even with all of your development, with all of your changes, with all of your experiences, it doesn’t matter, there is a constant that’s always you.
ELIAS: That is the essence of you, and that is one of a kind. There is no other that is the same as you.
MAURICIO: Okay. Got it. Thank you.
I heard the ring. Can I make a last question?
ELIAS: You may.
MAURICIO: Okay. (Pause) Talking about gems, I feel the more attraction with this list of gems. The rose quartz, the moonstone, the malachite, lapis lazuli, obsidian, ruby and sapphire, the opal. I feel a good connection with them, and I heard that now, without like an energy center called rose – I’m not sure if every human had it or not, but someone told me that I had it.
ELIAS: Yes. Everyone does.
MAURICIO: Everyone does. Okay. So depending on what I want, I can use it? Or is one that favors me more than…? From this list or another one that you can recommend me.
ELIAS: Yes. Oh, I would say most definitely, all of those. And of those, which one resonates the most with you? I would say it’s not one. I would say the opal and obsidian. That those are the strongest. I would also express to you, you would resonate very well with turquoise.
MAURICIO: Oh, okay. Okay. Thank you.
ELIAS: You are welcome.
MAURICIO: It has been a very big pleasure talking with you.
ELIAS: It has been my pleasure, my friend. (Laughs)
MAURICIO: Thank you very much.
ELIAS: I shall greatly be looking forward to our next meeting.
MAURICIO: Ah, thank you.
ELIAS: In wondrous love to you and dear friendship, au revoir.
MAURICIO: Au revoir.
[Elias departs after 1 hour 4 minutes]
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