Session 202405141

Health and Healing Requires Objective Action


“Subjective and Objective: You Can’t Change One Without the Other”
“Everything You Do Affects Your Body”
“Energy Exchange with Alexis”
“Pearl Energy and the Pulsations of Consciousness”
“Addressing Restricting Arteries”

Tuesday, May 14, 2024 (Private/Phone)

Participants: Mary (Michael) and Nuno (Lystell)

ELIAS: Good morning!

NUNO: Greetings, my friend.

ELIAS: (Laughs) And how shall we begin?

NUNO: I thought maybe I would just jump right into my question of the day.

ELIAS: Very well. And what is your question of the day?

NUNO: Well, it has to do mostly… It’s my understanding or trying to understand the subjective awareness’ role. And what I’ll do is I’ll just describe to you a common situation, and that is that I start working on my computer and at some point, I get a little frustrated or irritated because something is not going well in some way. And that then triggers—

ELIAS: Not well such as?

NUNO: Repeat?

ELIAS: Not going well such as what, that frustrates you?

NUNO: Could be there is information I need that I can’t find. It could be that some software isn’t working the way I expect it to. It could be almost anything—

ELIAS: Very well.

NUNO: — of that nature. And so when that happens, I begin to get elevated blood pressure and I need to walk away from there. And often I don’t even notice. I more or less rely on you to notify me, and hopefully (chuckles) I notice your notifications and walk away from it. But what the question is, the question has got to do with what you said previously in that the body consciousness doesn’t do anything without direction from the subjective awareness. So if this is true, I’m left to conclude that it’s the subjective awareness that is directing the body consciousness to elevate the blood pressure. Is this correct?

ELIAS: Correct.

NUNO: Okay. So you said to me that I was not trusting of the subjective awareness, and this is actually the reason. I don’t see how I can trust something that creates in my body consciousness something that is so destructive and completely contrary to what I have repeatedly instructed myself not to do. And it’s obviously very contrary to what I want, but yet the subjective awareness does it anyways. And I’m trying not—

ELIAS: Now; let me… Continue.

NUNO: No, you go ahead.

ELIAS: What I would explain to you is: the subjective and the objective move in harmony with each other. And in that, the subjective awareness in many situations, in relation to the direction of the body, takes and includes cues from the objective. And in that, it has been established that when you are frustrated or irritated or elevated that that will affect blood pressure. Therefore in that, what is important to know – and this is actually excellent, that you brought this up, because this is something that will likely be very helpful to other individuals also because like yourself, they also think that if they are repeatedly expressing something that they want or that they don’t want, then the subjective awareness will take that information and will simply be expressing in that direction from then on.

And that’s not necessarily correct, because the subjective and the objective are two sides of one coin. Therefore they always move in harmony with each other. Therefore in order for the subjective awareness to actually change something with the body, the objective has to also change. You can’t change one without the other. Therefore in that, it’s a matter of recognizing that when you want something to alter with the subjective, then you also have to alter the objective expression. And in that, this is the reason that it can be challenging, because then it’s a matter of the individual altering behavior to alter how the subjective awareness is affecting and directing of the body.

Now; in that, I am aware that you’ve been including the pearl energy and that that has been considerably successful. But in those times that it is considerably successful, you’re aware of what you’re doing. You’re not having an automatic reaction to something. And in times that you are reacting to something, if you are aware enough then you also will move in that direction intentionally and the subjective awareness will respond, because your objective expression is in harmony with that. But in time frameworks in which your objective behavior is not altered and is still moving in a familiar, automatic direction, the subjective is going to do the same thing.

NUNO: Okay. I understand that. You’ve explained that previously, but you’ve added some extra detail and that’s valuable. There is another piece to this, though, and that piece is that the amount of frustration or irritation that I am expressing is actually quite minimal. It isn’t anything very extreme. And if this was some other individual, likely nothing would happen of any consequence. But with me, it escalates very quickly into a situation that can potentially, if I’m not careful, go in a direction that I have difficulties with my blood pressure for days afterwards because of an incident like that. So this is not normal in relation to what other people experience, so I would like to understand why that is.

ELIAS: First of all, normal is relative and it’s also significant to not move in that trap of comparison and looking at yourself from that perspective, because you are individual. And in that, not only are you individual but I would say if you’re speaking about normalcy and the masses, you’re more self-aware. And the more self-aware you are, the less your subjective awareness and your objective (chuckles) awareness will accommodate expressions that you are more aware about. Therefore this is actually something that is a positive but for a time, for many individuals, they might actually perceive it as a negative. It’s that the more aware you become, the less either your objective or subjective awareness will move in the direction of familiarities, and even automatic expressions if they don’t serve you, if they are counterproductive and if they are actually harmful. Therefore what happens is the signals become louder and louder and louder.

And therefore in something such as this, it’s not surprising that it would be something that lasts or continues for more than a day. Because in that you’re, in a manner of speaking, screaming at yourself that this is something that IS actually a subject that could be relatively easily remedied. It’s something that is, as you expressed, something minor, but you’re still allowing it to happen when you don’t have to.

Therefore many times people move to a certain point in their self-awareness in which they are considerably self-aware and they have certain behaviors that they perceive or they think of as minor and therefore they don’t pay attention to them and they don’t actually change them. And in that, they have similar reactions to what you have. They may have it in different manners, but I would say that they have reactions that seem disproportionate to what it is that is happening. And in that, it’s not actually disproportionate any longer, because it is yourself, your body, screaming at you about what you know and what you’re not doing.

And it happens more and more, the more aware you become. Little things become intolerable, because it’s contrary to what you’re doing. It’s contrary to the rest of you. You have moved in a direction with your self-awareness of being considerably, for the most part, balanced and centered. And in that, you also have expressed considerable time and energy moving in a direction of including more of your essence energy into your life in physical focus. Therefore the more you do that, my friend, the more you are expressing to yourself things that are intolerable to you anymore.

And in more recent time framework, which this is significant – I know that you have been working with this situation of your blood pressure for quite some time --- but more recently, you’ve been considerably successful with it, which moves you into even more self-awareness. And therefore, that is understandable that that would be a target, that your body is going to react to the things that are the most familiar to you. Whatever it is that is the most familiar and the most bothersome to you, those are the things that are going to be the targets because your subjective and objective awareness know that you’ll pay attention to that.

NUNO: And therefore…? I mean, I’m just lost for words on that. I mean, it’s like—

ELIAS: And therefore, it’s a matter of you recentering yourself, balancing, and looking at these “minor expressions,” in your terms, knowing that these are things that likely will be targeted. Therefore moving in a direction of not simply walking away after the fact when you’re already frustrated or irritated, but as soon as you begin being frustrated or irritated or annoyed or agitated in some capacity, that you already have a plan in place to practice. And then it will become automatic.

Such as when you are meditating or when you are using that pearl energy, set the intention to aid yourself in those situations to be aware immediately. And in that, also create a plan that as soon as you begin being agitated that you stop and you breathe. Also, something to change your perception, to lessen or eliminate the importance of these types of situations. Change your perception about your expectations of your computer. Or, and pay attention to when those situations happen. Do they happen in the beginning when you are with your computer but something else has already agitated you before you sat down to your computer? Or do they happen when you are very concentrated on what you’re doing and suddenly you’re interrupted? And in which case, perhaps you’ve been sitting there too long or you’ve been too concentrated on what you’re doing and it would be very advantageous to you to take a break. Because the frustration is making you take a break, and it’s a matter of you moving in a direction of paying attention to yourself and therefore not moving to that point in which you are agitated and then this situation occurs. I would say that it’s a matter of stopping that before it begins to actually escalate.

And in that, I would express that it’s a matter of practicing and being aware of what you’re doing when, and what you’re feeling. Don’t ignore those signals.

NUNO: I need to digest all of that. I guess my frustration is really in part with, you know, how this all works. In other words, the design of the body consciousness and its interactions with the subjective and all that. It just really frustrates me that it’s so complicated. And this targeting, this deliberate targeting of something, of a vulnerability, seems… I mean, it’s very difficult for me to trust something that acts that way, what appears to be against me.

ELIAS: But it’s not. And it’s not only your subjective awareness, and that’s what I am expressing to you. It’s both.

NUNO: I understand that. Okay, like I said, I need to digest this further.

ELIAS: Very well.

NUNO: On the same subject then, another source of elevated blood pressure is my energy work. It doesn’t really matter what it is. I could even just be meditating in fact, sometimes that, because I pull in usually higher volumes of energy when I do that. So my energy work also brings this about, and I would like to understand why that is.

ELIAS: (Pause) Very well. What I would suggest is that you monitor the volume of energy that you are pulling in at any one given time, and lessen that. Because your body may be sensitive to – or not may be, it is – sensitive to energy in any form. And in that, expressing even a slight amount too much may be agitating to your body and therefore at times, that might also create that type of situation because you’re agitated. Because even if you don’t necessarily feel agitated, I would imagine that you become agitated very quickly when you feel your blood pressure elevate. And in that, I would say that that has to do with your sensitivity. Which you are a considerably sensitive individual. I don’t necessarily mean emotionally sensitive, although that can be true also, but energetically sensitive. In that, the body always reacts to energy and sensitivities to energy.

NUNO: I was actually wondering if in part that this was caused by an expectation on my part that this occurs?

ELIAS: What type of expectation? That was what I was talking to you about previously, in altering your expectations. But continue.

NUNO: Well, simply that I have experienced large volumes of energy without an increase in my blood pressure at times. It depends. Like sometimes it will occur, sometimes it won’t. More often than not, it does occur. So I think there is something else at play here. It isn’t just the volume of the energy.

ELIAS: I would agree and I would say that once again, this has to do with the interplay with the objective awareness. I would say that if you are in a state in which you are considerably centered and balanced and calm, you can be very open to large volumes of energy and it likely won’t create that situation. But it’s a matter of knowing what you’re doing. This is another step in your self-awareness, my friend. It’s about you genuinely knowing what you’re doing and what position you’re in and what state of being you’re in at any given time in which you are doing something that can affect in relation to the body.

It’s not only the subjective awareness. It’s also your objective awareness. I can’t emphasize that strongly enough, that they move in harmony together and therefore it’s not that your subjective awareness is suspect or is moving in opposition to you or that it’s untrustworthy. It’s more what you’re paying attention to objectively and how that is influencing the instructions of the subjective awareness, and how they are moving. Therefore it might seem that you’re not doing anything at all, but that doesn’t mean that you are necessarily in that moment centered and balanced. And you might be calm, but not centered and balanced or you might be balanced and not centered.

There are many factors that are involved and that is the reason that I emphasize so much and so strongly to everyone, including yourself, how important it is to be aware of you and what you’re doing. I’m not expressing to people to be aware of their subjective awareness. I’m expressing that they are aware of themselves, knowing that they’re interpreting that as their objective awareness, which is correct. Because THAT is what you generally can intentionally direct and manipulate. And the more you do that, the easier it becomes to intentionally direct and manipulate the subjective awareness.

NUNO: There’s another piece to this, in that you expressed to me some time ago when I asked what is required to eliminate this affliction of mine, and I asked whether it was a matter of healing or a matter of regeneration. You said it was actually both.

ELIAS: Correct.

NUNO: But what you’ve been describing is something that has actually nothing to do with the body consciousness. It’s got to do with my awareness.

ELIAS: Which does everything to do with the body.

NUNO: So yes, but where does the healing and regeneration come into play?

ELIAS: I would say that all of that is involved with healing and regeneration, because the more you are aware of what you’re doing, the more you are aware of how you are affecting your body. Because everything affects your body. Everything you do affects your body. And in that, I would say that the more you are moving in a direction of eliminating the expressions that degenerate your body, the more you automatically are incorporating healing and regeneration.

And what are the things that affect the body automatically in degeneration? Anxiety, irritation, anger, frustration, stress. These are all expressions that you objectively express. But where do they all come from? They all come from your body. Your body generates all of those. But why is it generating all of those? Because you are reacting to something objectively and the body then is generating signals that are expressed in those directions of feelings, which are signals.

And in that, with those signals, then if you’re not moving in a direction of listening to that immediately, then what happens is then the body reacts in degeneration. Which you don’t have to be tremendously aware or even know all of this terminology to see what happens with the body with those expressions, with those signals. And people don’t pay attention to those signals, to the point in which they don’t even know that they are having those signals any longer, because they’ve been living with them for years and they don’t realize that in all that time, the body has been degenerating along with those signals and that action of not paying attention to the body.

Now; I know that you pay a considerable amount of attention to your body. And I know that you move in the direction of regeneration and healing. But it’s not only subjective. You have to be objectively reinforcing that also.

I would say that I have spoken to another individual pastly who would ask questions of myself in relation to being healthy and could they simply think about and be aware of exercising but not do it. Of course the answer is no, but it doesn’t matter. It isn’t simply a matter of health. It’s a matter of anything, that whatever you want to accomplish, you have to engage action. Therefore even in relation to things such as regeneration or anything that is inside the body that you can’t see, it’s a matter of also engaging actions objectively to reinforce that and to aid in that action.

This is the reason that I’ve given so much information about regeneration and about what is important objectively that people do in relation to that. You cannot simply think about or even meditate on regeneration without reinforcing it in some capacities in some actions objectively. Such as you can’t meditate on regeneration and express that you are actively incorporating regeneration if you are also physically engaging actions that are damaging to the body. You can’t be incorporating excessive use of substances and also be regenerating. Those are extremes, but it illustrates the point that objectively you also have to be in harmony with what you expect of the subjective.

NUNO: All right. Thank you for that.

ELIAS: You are very welcome.

NUNO: Unless you had more to say on that?

ELIAS: No. You can resume.

NUNO: Okay. Very well. I have been attempting to engage an essence with the purpose of developing it into an energy exchange.


NUNO: And I’m not really sure (chuckles) whether I’m being successful at this or not. At first I thought perhaps I was engaging that energy, but subsequently I’m having difficulties moving forward with it, I’ll say. So I just wanted to ask you about that, whether I’m—

ELIAS: What are you having difficulties with? As you’ve already incorporated an energy exchange pastly, therefore I would say that it would be easier for you to do it.

NUNO: Yeah, I understand that. It’s more of along the lines of how do I develop it. And I’ve been looking to the other essence, to do that. And I’m not sure whether I am succeeding in that.

ELIAS: Looking to the other essence to develop the exchange?

NUNO: Yes.

ELIAS: Themself?

NUNO: No. Well—


NUNO: — in conjunction with me also.

ELIAS: — in cooperation with you?

NUNO: Yes.

ELIAS: And you’re not experiencing that?

NUNO: I am. I just… I guess really what it is, is I would like a validation from you as to whether I am actually engaging another essence or not.

ELIAS: Oh! Yes.

NUNO: And the name I have is Alexis. Is that correct?

ELIAS: That is correct.

NUNO: Interesting. And this essence has many Greek focuses?

ELIAS: That would be correct, and actually also Atlantean.

NUNO: Okay. Okay. Maybe I’m on the right track after all, then.

ELIAS: (Chuckles) Very well. I would expect that you would be.

NUNO: (Laughs) Well, it’s always nice to validate these things.

ELIAS: (Chuckles) Very well.

NUNO: So let’s see. I’ve got lots of questions and not much time left. The pulsations of consciousness. This is something that, as you say, I’ve kind of shelved. I haven’t paid a lot of attention to it, but I now see the possibility of using the pearl energy to enhance that.


NUNO: And in that past when we talked about pulsations of consciousness and what benefit it would be to me, you described it in a manner, if I recall correctly, that it basically enhances everything I do.


NUNO: Or potentially it can. And therefore, it seems similar to the pearl energy in that respect. Is that correct?


NUNO: What I was considering was pursuing that a little bit further. In other words, developing it to the state in which you described, in which it is a harmonization of the entire body consciousness with that pulsation. And I was thinking I would use the pearl energy to help me with that. So what are your thoughts on that?

ELIAS: I would definitely agree and encourage you. I would also express that the combination of both of those can be tremendously helpful and, in a manner of speaking, expediting your energy exchange with this other essence.

NUNO: Ah. Very well.

ELIAS: But yes, I would encourage you in both directions.

NUNO: Okay. Very good. Have you got any questions for me?

ELIAS: (Pause) Other than your blood pressure, how have you been experiencing your body otherwise?

NUNO: I feel that it’s in very good condition, that it is healthy. And other than that… But that’s my assessment of it anyways, is that I’ve been doing quite well with that.

ELIAS: Excellent. And how would you assess your well-being?

NUNO: Mm, generally quite good actually. Recently I’ve been feeling overwhelmed, not with energy but with the number of activities that I have going, and it’s a matter of time and having time for everything that I would like to do.

ELIAS: That is a simple matter of prioritizing and recognizing that at times, if you’re feeling overwhelmed for a brief time framework it would be advantageous and helpful for you to do less and rest more. That you may be feeling overwhelmed because you might require some additional rest.

NUNO: Yes. That’s actually something that I have noticed, is that I have been on occasion getting tired during the day. And I wasn’t sure whether that was related to simply not enough rest, which I didn’t think so. But I was wondering if it had to do with my energy work?

ELIAS: (Pause) Partially, but not entirely. I would agree with you that it’s a combination of everything you’re doing, and that it simply can be somewhat overwhelming to be engaging in many different directions at the same time. Not that you can’t, but it’s not always a matter of what you can or can’t do. It’s a matter of paying attention to how you feel in relation to what you’re doing, and listening to those signals and then responding to that. I would say that at this point you’re engaging a lot. And not that any of it is negative, and not that any of it is expressions that you don’t want to do, but it’s simply a lot of irons in the fire at one time. And in that, it might be advantageous for you to simply take a brief time framework to relax and not be as engaged. And then resume.

NUNO: Okay. I can do that. I’ve been working a lot recently on my healing device, and I’m actually quite excited about it and very engaged in it.

ELIAS: Excellent.

NUNO: I’m going to put together a second version of it. The first version was really just an evaluation of the technology. This new version will have a higher output power. What I wanted to ask you though was, you’re aware of the direction I’m going in this and the technology I’m using for it, and my question is: how likely am I to succeed in this, in that direction?

ELIAS: (Pause) Very likely. That it will simply be a matter of how you can integrate it in a capacity that would be successful and accessible to large numbers of people.

NUNO: Yes, there’s that piece to it. I’m not really concerned about that presently. I’m more focused on the implementation.

ELIAS: I understand. But I would be very encouraging of you.

NUNO: Okay. Thank you.

ELIAS: You are very welcome.

NUNO: And then part – that’s the reason I reached out to Alexis, was because I wanted to have a source of information to help me with that.

ELIAS: Excellent.

NUNO: Oh yes, here’s the other question I have for today: what am I still degenerating?

ELIAS: (Pause) Part of your circulatory system.

NUNO: Still? In what capacity?

ELIAS: I would say that there are still some aspects of your arteries that are slightly, not tremendously, but slightly restricted.

[The timer for the end of the session rings]

NUNO: And what’ the best way to address to that?

ELIAS: For that specifically, I would express in two manners. One, that you can be using the pearl energy to open those arteries that are slightly constricted, slowly, to not be generating a different type of overwhelm. Therefore I would say that you can be using your meditation or your energy work or a visualization or – I know you’re not tremendously excited about (chuckles) moving in the direction of an inner landscape, but you could do that also – and including the pearl energy would be very effective.

And then also I would suggest that you do some rhythmic breathing exercises, in which you are breathing in, taking in energy that opens, and breathing out energy that is restrictive. And in that, I would suggest that you create some type of rhythmic pattern with that, to be doing that particular energy exercise, that breathing exercise. The suggestion would be that you create a type of rhythm that is, let us say, breathe in for a count of six and breathe out for a count of four more forcefully, then breathe in for a count of four and breathe out for a count of two more forcefully. And then repeat. Do you understand?

NUNO: Yes.

ELIAS: Excellent.

NUNO: Okay. Well, thank you for your discussion today and large amounts of information, and thank you for all that.

ELIAS: (Chuckles) You are exceptionally welcome, my friend. I very much enjoy our conversations. They are quite engaging. And I express tremendous, tremendous love to you. Until our next meeting, in great, great friendship as always, au revoir.

NUNO: Au revoir.

(Elias departs after 1 hour 1 minute)

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