Session 202411071

Stepping into a Different Reality: Part 2


“Releasing the Body Consciousness to Enter an Alternate Reality”
“Connecting With the Parent’s Essences to Ratify the Agreement”
“The State of Awareness in 2350”

Thursday, November 7, 2024

Participants: Mary (Michael) and Nuno (Lystell)

“This is the marvel of consciousness, my friend, and the – in a manner of speaking – perfection of it all. That because everything IS interconnected, you don’t have to be objectively aware of everything. In that, because you are so interconnected and because imagination is real, it’s not fantasy.”

ELIAS: Good morning!

NUNO: Greetings, my friend.

ELIAS: And what shall we discuss?

NUNO: Well, I forgot to ask you a very important question last time we had our discussion. That’s why I need to follow up. Just to recap, in order to enter an alternate reality through rebirth, the steps are: to create the reality, to choose the parents, and release the body consciousness. Is that correct?

ELIAS: Correct.

NUNO: This last step, the release, is what is most challenging. And I would like to ask you: how is that accomplished most effectively?

ELIAS: Actually, I’d say that it’s not necessarily the most challenging because you don’t actually have to have any method. It’s simply a matter of you could be engaging a meditation and moving yourself into that experience of engaging the new parents, and automatically your focus here would cease.

NUNO: I see. Okay, that’s good information. So what you are saying then, the… One way, and I think this would be the easiest way for myself, would be to engage that reality and immerse myself into it as much as I can and then it will simply automatically happen. Is that correct?


NUNO: Okay. Now in my assessment, I have completed the first two steps adequately, but can I get your opinion on that please?

ELIAS: (Pause) I’d say yes, except that I would say that you could actually engage your direction with the potential parents a little more. Meaning that in order to do what I expressed about automatically stepping into that focus, in a manner of speaking, and in that automatically leaving this, or stepping into that time framework and leaving this time framework, and in that, I’d say it’s a matter of somewhat immersing yourself somewhat more with the mother.

NUNO: I have actually been attempting to do that, and I can certainly do more of that. And in that, I think of it more of as a connecting to the energy of that individual. Would that be correct? Or is it more involved than that?

ELIAS: I’d say it is connecting with the energy of that individual, but it’s also connecting with the person.

NUNO: And that would be done as, for example, in a conversation? Or… Or imagining myself—

ELIAS: I would say that it would be very similar to if you were investigating, let’s say, a past focus and you were connecting with your parents in a past focus. In that, you would be observing them. You don’t have to be interactive, but in that, familiarizing yourself with them. You wouldn’t simply be engaging with their energy. You’d be observing them. And this would be a very similar action, except that you’re moving in a future direction.

NUNO: Okay. I understand that. That would be observing them in their daily life, as they go about their activities?

ELIAS: Yes. Therefore, familiarizing yourself with them, especially the mother and especially because YOU want to create a specific experience. And in that, that would begin with your experience with the mother in the womb.

NUNO: Is that a starting point where I should start, at that point, before birth?

ELIAS: (Pause) Well you wouldn’t necessarily be engaging that yet, but what I’m expressing to you is how the mother engages the pregnancy is, in a manner of speaking, a telltale signal in relation to how she will engage the child.

Let me remind you that in relation to children, a lot of their behavior – although they are creating their reality, just as much as anyone else – but their reality is very influenced by their parents. And I would say that a significant amount of their reality is influenced by the mother. And in that, I would express that in relation to what you’ve already expressed and what type of experience you want to engage, I would say that it would be important for you to be observing the personality and the expressions of the mother.

The fact that you’re moving into the future doesn’t necessarily guarantee that every parent or every mother will be attentive to their children.

NUNO: I’d like to understand something here. I started this process through imagining that reality.


NUNO: And I went into considerable detail with that, including the parents. I have, for example, what you might call a… a storyline or a description, imaginary description of, of my mother specifically and her occupation and her husband and things like that. And so I was under the impression that perhaps because I had imagined it in that way, that’s the way the reality would be created when I arrive. Or is there…?

ELIAS: To a degree. I would agree, to a degree. But remember: you are creating this reality, but once the reality is created these are actual people. These are actual focuses of other essences. And you’re not creating their reality. Do you understand?

NUNO: Yes, I do. I do understand. But at what point do I cross from imagination in which I am creating into where the reality in a sense is just allowed to unfold?

ELIAS: (Pause) I’d say that the point that you are actually inserting that reality, that you’re actually creating that probable reality.

Now; how you know that is by engaging with those other essences, the parents, the focuses of those essences you’ve already generated your image of. That means that you are already participating in agreement with the essences that are generating those focuses. Are you following thus far?

NUNO: Yes.

ELIAS: Very well. Then in that, it would be a matter of not only engaging with the focuses but also engaging with those essences in the determination, which is the – made through agreement -- of when that has become an inserted reality. And then, in that, from that moment, then those individuals that you have imagined as parents become actual focuses.

NUNO: And has that occurred already?

ELIAS: Not yet. But I’d say it’s simply a matter of you connecting with those two essences, and from that point it will be.

NUNO: All right. And are you aware of my choice in terms of the mother’s occupation? I chose a mother that was a child development specialist, specifically because I want a very different kind of experience than what I had. Someone who would be very nurturing and loving and caring towards the child. And I am not sure if I have achieved that or not.

ELIAS: I would say yes.

NUNO: Okay. That’s really what’s most important to me in the choice of the mother and the father as well, but more so the mother. So just for me to summarize and make sure that I understand this correctly, so at the point I am now, what I need to do is engage the parents as essence?

ELIAS: Correct.

NUNO: So there is not an agreement yet? Is that what you’re saying?

ELIAS: There is an agreement of those focuses of that… Those essences are in agreement to create those focuses, but not as to it being inserted in time yet.

NUNO: And then to proceed to that next step, to insert into time, it’s a matter of interacting with the focuses? Or the essences? Or both?

ELIAS: Essences.

NUNO: Essences. Okay. I have names for these two individuals. I believe that they are focus names. I don’t know what their essence names are. Would you be able to provide that?

ELIAS: I can. One moment. (Pause) Essence name of the mother: Corniallia, (Corn-ALL—ee- ah) C-O-R-N-I-A-L-L-I-A. Essence name of the father: Allann, (Al-ANN) A-L-L-A-N-N.

NUNO: Thank you.

ELIAS: You are welcome.

NUNO: That will help me connect with the essence. I find that easier with a name.

ELIAS: Very well.

NUNO: So can you just summarize, given the point where I am right now? I think what you’re saying is that I should engage the essences. And in doing so, what kind of interaction do I have with them? Do I have a conversation with them? What is…? What kind of engagement would I have with these essences?

ELIAS: I would say that it’s somewhat straightforward. It’s simply a matter of you expressing when you’re ready to engage, and engaging the agreement of these essences for that time framework. Understand also that you as the entering focus have leeway in that. Therefore it doesn’t have to be tremendously precise. You have a leeway of approximately two years of when to be inserting yourself as the focus, the entering focus. Therefore what the other essences would be engaging is preparing for that.

NUNO: So I simply engage the essences and express to them the timeframe and my intention to be a child of theirs. Is there anything else I need to express?

ELIAS: No. Because in that, all of the decisions except to accept the incoming focus are yours. Therefore the joint decision is simply to accept your time framework and accept that you are coming into this focus and that you are coming into this focus for a lengthy duration. You’re not planning on disengaging in the womb. Correct?

NUNO: Yes. Definitely not.

ELIAS: Very well. Therefore that’s what I’m expressing, that you are expressing that intention that you are engaging that time framework as this particular focus that you already are, you are simply choosing a different time framework to be experiencing this focus. You’re not creating a new one. And in that, in a manner of speaking, it’s new but it’s an extension of this focus. And in that time framework you want to be engaging or approximately, and then in that, what your intention is in relation to what you are expressing as a pool of probabilities for the duration of the focus. Which that doesn’t have to be tremendously specific either, because it’s simply a potential. You have the choice to change, whenever you choose.

NUNO: I’m not clear on what you are expressing there. Which pool of which probabilities?

ELIAS: Your pool of probabilities entering into this timeline, this future timeline, as an extension of this focus. You’re not repeating, but you’re also not creating an entirely new focus. You’re creating an extension of this focus. You’re moving out of this time framework and into that time framework, with an additional pool of probabilities. Meaning that in that, with this additional pool of probabilities you will likely be experiencing an entire lifetime.

NUNO: Can you please repeat that last sentence? There was interference.

ELIAS: That you would be engaging an entire lifetime, however long that may be.

NUNO: I see. Okay. Thank you.

ELIAS: You are very welcome.

NUNO: This is certainly a lot of information. And is there some indication that I will have, that my engagement with these parents as essences was successful and they have accepted the timeframe?

ELIAS: That will be expressed when you engage those essences. That hasn’t been expressed yet, until you engage those essences. But once you do, then yes, what will occur is that those focuses will be planning and looking forward to a new birth.

NUNO: All right. And these two essences, by any chance do I have familiarity with them in some other context?

ELIAS: Yes, you do. I would say that you have past and future focuses with these essences. It’s not an accident that you imagined those individuals. This is the marvel of consciousness, my friend, and the – in a manner of speaking – perfection of it all. That because everything IS interconnected, you don’t have to be objectively aware of everything. In that, because you are so interconnected and because imagination is real, it’s not fantasy. When you imagine something, it’s not something necessarily that you have entirely invented yourself. You’re inventing it, but you’re inventing it in relation to what is real, and therefore what already exists. But although it already exists, because it is in a future timeline of your reality, it’s a potential. It hasn’t necessarily been inserted yet. But as soon as you step into it, it is inserted.

NUNO: Well it certainly is an amazing experience.

ELIAS: It quite is. I agree, my friend.

NUNO: I would like to ask you about the actual timeframe for my birth. And I think originally I had been thinking something like 2250, but I’m thinking maybe 2350? I’m really unsure about this. Recently I’ve been targeting 2350 simply because perhaps the awareness will be that much wider, of the people at that timeframe. But since it involves the parents, I also want to be choosing a time that is suitable for them as well. So can you give me any advice on this please?

ELIAS: I would say your latter decision is better.

NUNO: 2350?


NUNO: Fine. That is excellent. I agree that that would be better. And would you say that these essences would be in agreement with that?


NUNO: Excellent. Thank you.

ELIAS: In a manner of speaking, the only thing that you have to do is to ratify that.

NUNO: All right. This sounds very formal.

ELIAS: (Laughs) In a manner of speaking it somewhat is, but I’d say that it’s simply a matter of generating a definite agreement because you’re doing something that is very unusual. Which I’m aware you’ve done this before, but not necessarily entirely with an objective involvement. And therefore in this, I’d also say that another difference is that in this particular situation you’re choosing to engage this as a continuation of this focus, not as a new focus. Which makes it more unusual.

NUNO: I’m curious about it because I thought I was doing the same as I did to enter this present reality. I thought that that’s what I had done. Are you saying that when I entered this present reality, it was as a new focus? I thought it was a movement of the focus.

ELIAS: I’d say that yes, and that was part of what generated difficulty as a child. Because there was some awareness, not an entire awareness but there’s always some awareness with a child of not coming into this focus in the manner that you actually intended. And that created a restlessness and somewhat of an irritation and a bothersome aspect to it.

NUNO: So what you are expressing is that I had intended to… for it to be a continuation of the focus, but instead what occurred was it was a new focus?

ELIAS: Correct.

NUNO: And how did that occur? Did I make a mistake and…? Or more…?

ELIAS: It wasn’t a mistake. No, there are no mistakes. Therefore I would say no, it wasn’t a matter of a mistake. But I’d say that all of these steps that you and I are discussing are actually necessary to ensure that you’re doing what you intend to you. And if you aren’t engaging all of these steps, it won’t necessarily be successful in the precise manner that you intended.

Everything doesn’t always move in the direction of an intention. You can see that in your life in this focus, that you might have an intention for something and it might not materialize, depending upon what the variables are. And I would say that moving in this type of direction is highly unusual. And even though you’ve done it more than once, that doesn’t mean that it has followed that intention precisely, if you haven’t engaged all of the steps precisely.

But that doesn’t mean that it was a mistake either. That in that, that there is that choice of experience. And what I would say is, from this perspective it appears that what you’re doing now was part of what you experienced in coming into this focus. That the reason that it wasn’t entirely precise coming into this focus was all part of what you’re doing now. Do you understand?

NUNO: Somewhat. Are you saying that it didn’t unfold the way that I had wanted to, and now I am in a sense wanting to correct that?

ELIAS: Not necessarily correct it, but that that has influenced you to further pursue the direction. Because it’s not that this focus was a mistake. It wasn’t. And you have learned considerably in this focus. Therefore I’d say that in that, this is also what you intend to take with you. Correct?

NUNO: Yes. Yes.

ELIAS: Which is what is highly unusual. And therefore in that, I would say that this is, this focus and all of your experiences in this focus, have also contributed to this eventuality let us say.

NUNO: Okay. I understand that. I thought that when entering by birth there was no objective memory of my past life.

ELIAS: No. No. that would not be correct. I would say that it would be very unusual for an infant and a small one to have no recall, no memory of previous experiences. And especially the most closest previous lifetime to the one that you’re engaging. Therefore the, in time, the one that is directly before the one that you’ve entered. (Pause)

Children have considerable recall of their most recent past focus. And in that, it’s generally the parents, the adults, that influence them to forget that because they express that it’s not real and they minimize it to the child and they ignore what the child is expressing. In this, in choosing the time framework that you’ve chosen, the parents will I would say most likely to the 99th percent not do that. They would be encouraging you. And that’s why you’ve chosen the time framework, because in that, it will lend to you holding those memories and not forgetting.

NUNO: Okay. That’s excellent actually, and thank you for clarifying that.

ELIAS: You are very welcome. I’d say that in this, this experience that you are choosing, that it’s well thought out and even parts of it that you may not have been objectively aware of are in play, (Coughs at length). One moment. (Coughs) Even those subjects that you might not have been objectively aware of are in play in a capacity that is definitely to your greatest benefit and in relation to what your intention is.

NUNO: Well, that’s very encouraging.

ELIAS: I would agree.

NUNO: I’d like to ask about the focus itself. From our conversation it would seem that because it’s a continuation of the focus that I won’t have the opportunity to make any changes in terms of, for example, gender?

ELIAS: Oh you can. As I said, as I said, ALL of these choices are yours. Being born to, being born into a focus, even as a continuation, it affords you all the same choices as you would have otherwise. Therefore you can choose. You choose when you are born. You are choosing how you are born. You choose what season you are born in. You choose what gender you are. Everything. And you can choose a different alignment.

NUNO: I was going to ask you about that. And in terms of the gender, after your group interaction I realized that I’m nonbinary. Is that correct?

ELIAS: You are correct, my friend. Congratulations.

NUNO: And Helen is too, of course?


NUNO: Yes. Okay. As for me, I’m leaning towards changing the gender towards being male instead of nonbinary. But I’m not really sure if that’s to my benefit or not, and I’d like to ask you about that.

ELIAS: I would say why wouldn’t it be? It’s a different experience.

NUNO: Well the reason is because… Well, in this present reality I don’t think I would want to be male. I think I… For the reason that males are competitive and what you described as, you know, their characteristics, and I dislike that. But in this future reality, I imagine that that has changed perhaps somehow and the males are not so competitive?

ELIAS: That would be correct.

NUNO: It would be correct in the sense that they are not competitive so much?

ELIAS: Correct.

NUNO: I probably will be choosing male for this new reality. And for the alignment, I’m not sure about that. I was thinking just staying with Gramada, but do you have any suggestions?

ELIAS: Which is (inaudible). You don’t have to change it. I would say that it’s simply a matter of you can if you choose to.

NUNO: I understand. But is there another alignment that you might say would be more beneficial for that particular lifetime?

ELIAS: Not necessarily. I‘d say it’s definitely something that would be a matter of your preference. And as a continuation of this focus, your alignment remaining the same might be beneficial to you. But once again, that’s entirely your choice.

NUNO: Yes. I was thinking about going, maintaining it as Gramada. The other question then, as to the focus type, I am emotional in this reality and that has been kind of challenging for me. I was thinking maybe I would change that and be thought-based instead. Is that possible?

ELIAS: That is possible. Yes.

NUNO: And do you have any (laughs) thoughts on that?

ELIAS: I ‘d say also this is a matter of preference, but that might actually serve you well in this other focus, especially in relation to your choice of alignment.

NUNO: Very well. That’s a good confirmation. In terms of the physical appearance, that is also a choice?

ELIAS: It is.

NUNO: All right.

ELIAS: You can generate a very different physical appearance.

Now; in that, this would be another piece that I would encourage you to be paying attention to the parents. You don’t have to align with heredity, obviously. That’s a choice. But you might want to. In that, what I would say is it’s a matter of looking at these individuals that you’ve chosen, observing their appearance and perhaps choosing what you like or what you find desirable between the two of them.
Or what you find desirable in relation to their parents.

NUNO: I haven’t even thought about their parents.

ELIAS: Because in that, you might not necessarily align with the appearance of the parents. You might find the appearance of their parents more desirable.

NUNO: The appearance of the parents is something that I simply imagined in a particular way, but do the essences…? Obviously essences, they would have a choice as to how, what the appearance of their focuses would be, so…

ELIAS: Of course. But in that, they’re also in somewhat of agreement with you. But let me remind you: you’re choosing, even though it’s a potential, you’re choosing something that you’ve imagined. Which means you’re choosing something that already is. Do you understand?

NUNO: Yes, I understand.

ELIAS: Very well. Then in that, you’re choosing the individuals that already have a particular appearance. Even though you’re imagining it, imagination is real. And in that, you’ve chosen these particular focuses that these essences have potentially already created. And you don’t have to – let me express that you don’t have to be connecting with essences of the grandparents. If you choose that you like the appearance of one or the other or both of the grandparents, then that is your choice. You don’t have to move in a direction of connecting with those essences and making some agreement with them. It’s not that complicated.

NUNO: Well, I would like to keep things simple and have my negotiations, if you will, with just my parents. I don’t see the need to bring the grandparents into this unless you feel that would be to my benefit.

ELIAS: I was simply expressing an option for appearance. That’s all.

NUNO: I think in terms of appearance, I’m quite content with my parents, my parents’ appearance.

ELIAS: Very well.

NUNO: And that will suffice.

ELIAS: Very well.

NUNO: I’ve been giving a lot of consideration to the structure of this reality in terms of the collective, and… and also—

ELIAS: In what capacity?

NUNO: In what capacity? Well, for example there is to be no money, no form of exchange. That has all disappeared. I would definitely would want this because from my perspective in this reality money corrupts everything, almost everything. It taints our decisions in everything. Would you say that that’s realistic?

ELIAS: I would.

NUNO: That’s a key piece. Another key piece is their awareness. I’m not sure about what I can expect from this. I would like… Certainly they are fully-shifted and that would have happened long before my arrival. As far as I’m concerned, the more awareness the better. And I’m not sure how realistic that is and whether they will have this awareness, approaching that of essence. I’m not sure about that.

ELIAS: They have a different type of awareness. They have perhaps what you might think of as a much more highly-developed soft awareness. It’s not a matter of soft. It’s not a matter of orientation. But as soft individuals are interactive objectively and subjectively, I would say that the individuals in that time framework have a highly-developed awareness of objective and subjective, and that that is something that is constantly in play and is… (Sighs) How to describe this? (Pause) It’s something that (pause) is expressed in their daily life (pause) almost in a ritualistic capacity but not. I would describe it more in like manner to (pause) expressing daily meditation now, except that it’s not a daily meditation. It’s a (pause) connection time that is expressed on a daily basis that is devoted to the subjective expression of reality. That they are objectively aware of.

NUNO: That’s beautiful.

ELIAS: Ah! I would say that it’s difficult to explain adequately, but it’s something that is definitely exceptionally important and that is a daily practice because that keeps them all connected with themselves, with each other, with reality and with the greater expression of themselves, in a manner of speaking, as essence and what they’re doing.

[The timer for the end of the session rings]

ELIAS: Just as you have many focuses that are in other dimensions, or even many focuses that are in this dimension that are not of your world and you don’t have an objective awareness of much of that. But in that time framework, there is.

NUNO: Well, this is going to be quite an adventure.

ELIAS: I would agree. And I would say that being encouraged, even as an infant, to nurture those memories will be tremendously helpful and will have a tremendous influence. (Pause)

NUNO: Well, thank you so much. I really appreciate the information you have given me. There are some key pieces in there that I was definitely missing and—

ELIAS: You are very welcome, my friend. I shall greatly be looking forward to our next conversation, whether it be then or now. (Both laugh)

NUNO: Very well.

ELIAS: In tremendous love to you and tremendous, tremendous encouragement, I shall be supporting you every moment. In dear friendship and great love, au revoir.

NUNO: Au revoir.

(Elias departs after 1 hour)

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