Session 202406301

Sidestepping into a New Reality


“Creating Probable Realities and Probable Selves”
“Every Possible Experience Is Experienced”
“Your Personal Conflict Is Fueling That War”
“The Importance of Knowing How You Are Paying Attention”
“Have the Experience and I Will Explain It”
“Intentionally Assessing Choices in Each Moment”

Sunday, June 30, 2024 (Private/Phone)

Participants: Mary (Michael) and Anon

ELIAS: Good afternoon.

ANON: Good afternoon.

ELIAS: And what shall we discuss?

ANON: Okay. We have a themed discussion today, which is sidestepping an apocalypse. But before we go in, I have two super quick questions. One is if you can quickly summarize why artillery is so contributing to climate change?

ELIAS: Artillery?

ANON: Yes.

ELIAS: Very well. What happens with artillery, when you use it? What happens?

ANON: It explodes.

ELIAS: It explodes. Correct. And where does that explosion go?

ANON: Into the atmosphere.

ELIAS: Correct. That's why.

ANON: Ah. (Chuckles) Well, that's a very quick answer. Okay. (Both laugh) So before we get into the part, some people have a… They have a feeling that a split in different realities happened in the last weeks. What's your take on that, Elias?

ELIAS: Actually, I would say they happen all the time because people are creating their own reality in their own manner, in relation to their perception. And therefore this is something that happens very frequently.

We talk about people not being in the same realities, and I expressed at one point that it's so common that almost half of your population – not quite, but almost half of your population of your world – are people that are not sharing the same reality as yourself, or that you’re not sharing the same reality as them. In that, these types of actions of what you're terming to be a split in reality, they happen quite frequently and people begin creating a different reality for many different reasons.

ANON: So was this split, recent one – you say that happens all the time – due to the apocalypse or potential of it?

ELIAS: Mm. (Pause) No. I would say not yet, because most people aren't looking at this conflict in that capacity. Meaning that it's not necessarily imminent yet.

ANON: Okay, Elias. Let's start with some, or go into some general questions about creating a probable self in a probable reality.

ELIAS: Very well.

ANON: You expressed that each time we generate a life choice, we then generate a probable self that then experiences the other choice as well. In my understanding, that would mean not only are we generating that probable self that is independent from that original, but all other humans that are living on earth or even this whole dimension have to cooperate and also create a new probable self. So they also have to create a new probable self that would be joining us. Taking the number of humans or human beings in this dimension, that sounds like millions of probable selves generated each day. Am I understanding that right?

ELIAS: (Pause) Yes and no. When you create a probable reality – and this will give you an idea of the vastness of yourself and of consciousness – you create, in a manner of speaking, a split-off of yourself in another reality, somewhat of a parallel reality but not precisely.

Now; in that, yes, that new individual of you is independent of you and creating their own reality from that point.

Now; when you do that, YOU create another entire world of people. It's not that everyone in your world is participating in that and in agreement with that and therefore they're all joining you. No. They're not. YOU create an entire world of people, that then are also entirely independent of you. You have just created an entire other world, but not just an entire other world. You've created another entire universe. And in that, all of it has been created to generate the choice that you didn't.

But it doesn't end there, because there are infinite choices that you didn't choose. You chose one, but there are infinite other choices that could have been chosen. ALL of them are actualized also. When you create a probable self, you create infinite universes.

ANON: So the choice to create a new probable self seems to be made on a deeper level, so to speak, that's closer to us as essence compared to us as objective focus, since beliefs don't seem to influence the ability to create a new probable self. But beliefs are an important part of the blueprint of this dimension and we experience them constantly. You said that the most important thing involved with creating your reality is your beliefs. Your beliefs also in this focus are acquired. They aren't a part of essence. What about that?

ELIAS: But they ARE a part of essence because YOU are essence, and you are participating in this reality. And when you create a probable self, it is being created in a probable universe that has the same guidelines, the same blueprint as yours.

ANON: So to confirm what you're saying, it's not made on a deeper level, that choice?

ELIAS: Explain what you mean by “deeper level.”

ANON: So for instance, I'll give an example of if I want to walk through a wall, right? There's beliefs that I have that I haven't addressed to that will most likely create a physical wall that I'm not passing through. So me, to create a probable new entire reality, it seems to supersede those beliefs.

ELIAS: No, it doesn't. And let me explain once again the difference between beliefs and what you believe. What you believe is what influences your perception, and therefore what creates your reality. Because beliefs don't create your reality. They're a part of it because they are, in a manner speaking, guidelines. They're the blueprint. But in that, that means that they are the foundation, the structure of your reality.

In that, what is influencing in relation to what you create is what you believe, and that's what you trust. Therefore that's what is expressed in relation to your perception, and therefore that creates your reality.

In this, as I've expressed, when you generate a life choice objectively, such as choosing to couple yourself and marry someone, that's a life choice. In doing so, in creating that type of choice, there are an infinite amount of choices that you could have chosen that you didn't choose. And in that moment, when you make that choice, all of those realities are created. Do you have to know that to do it? No.

ANON: But you're saying that has—

ELIAS: Do you have to be aware that that's happening to do it? No. And I would say that it's a matter of automatic actions, just as fragmentation is an automatic action. It happens all the time.

ANON: So I want to clarify—

ELIAS: Are you aware of it? No. Do you know when that's happening? No. But it's constantly happening. It's all part of consciousness, that every possible experience is experienced.

ANON: Okay. I guess I want to understand this a bit deeper.

ELIAS: Very well.

ANON: So making the objective choice to sidestep must involve beliefs as well.

ELIAS: (Pause) Yes, to a degree. But I would say the piece that you are more missing is the piece about constructs and what you believe.

ANON: Okay.

ELIAS: Because your beliefs are somewhat in the background. They help you to (pause) have structure in an objective, physical reality that includes matter.

ANON: Mm-hm. Mm-hm.

ELIAS: But in that, what is much more influencing are all of your constructs, which are ALL, without exception, ALL of your reasons why.

ANON: I want to continue that, exactly what you said. So I'm going to just read my question, because it's following that. Sidestepping would mean I as a focus am leaving my reality that I'm currently in, and move into a different reality, and likely a new probable self is generated to replace my current self that is sidestepping into a different reality. Because otherwise I would disappear, just like you just said, right? Correct?

ELIAS: Correct. You are correct, yes. If you are sidestepping into a different reality, creating a different reality, then yes, you're also creating a probable self that would replace you in your present reality, in addition to countless others.

ANON: Right, because you're saying we're creating the entire thing. But from an essence point of view, all choices are neutral and neither better or worse. So generating a probable self makes sense. I get that, to experience a single choice, but why would one get replaced? I want to start with that before I go deeper. Would I not be just… um…

ELIAS: Because of the experience.

ANON: So a part of my essence wants this experience.

ELIAS: As essence, you want every experience, on all experience. YOU just said, in what you read, that as essence you are neutral and that you don't see experiences as good and bad. Therefore, why would you not replace the probable self that sidesteps out of one reality, so that you can experience what will happen in this reality?

ANON: So I guess I go back to if sidestepping is as easy as you're saying, then why were you even concerned at all? Why did you have that serious tone at all, in the group session?

ELIAS: You didn't know you could sidestep then, did you? And beyond that, the reason that I was expressing in such a serious capacity was to emphasize to all of you what you’re doing, what each of you is choosing.

It doesn't matter about sidestepping. That's something you can do, yes. But that also is a choice, and in that, what I was emphasizing to all of you is what your choices are and what you’re doing with them. And in that, encouraging all of you to be aware.

You're all moving in a direction of being more self-aware, and that you express the importance of that. And I tremendously encourage all of you in that direction. But in becoming more self-aware, it's important that you ARE aware of what you’re doing, and that you are aware of what you’re contributing to, in what direction. Because you DO exist in a reality that has belief systems and you all express them. And in that, because of that, you create all of these constructs of why you think this or why you believe that or why you do this or why you don't do that. Those are all of the things that are important to you. But in becoming more self-aware, it's also important that you know where you’re directing your energy.

I would say that not all, definitely, but most of the individuals that engage conversations with myself don't agree with war, and don't want to see your population move in the direction of an apocalypse, and look to myself to assure you that you are not moving in that direction. But it's becoming a teetering situation at this point, and therefore it's important that you know what you’re doing and what energy you’re projecting and what you’re supporting. That's why I was serious. Because that's important and because many of you are still moving in a direction of thinking this conflict is over there and it's far away and it has nothing to do with me, and then are creating considerable conflict with your families and your coworkers or your neighbors. And you're not making that connection that all of that conflict is fueling that war, and that war is expanding and you’re a part of it.

That's why I was expressing in that seriousness, because all of you – or most of you – don't want to be involved in conflict, and don't want to be in a position of projecting energy that supports that and supports its growth. And therefore it's important that you pay attention to what you’re doing.

I understand that it's difficult for most of you to understand how much you influence. You look at yourselves as one individual and insignificant, and that you don't actually affect anything, but you do. You very much do. The factor that you don't necessarily see it doesn't mean that (chuckles) you’re not doing it.

ANON: So you also said that you need a certain level of self-awareness to be able to sidestep, but what does that exactly mean? How aware do you have to be, to be able to make that choice and engage it?

ELIAS: Very good question. I would say that the first part is what I just expressed to you: being aware enough of what you’re doing with your energy, how you’re projecting it, being intentional. That is a very significant piece. Because in order to actually do something such as sidestep, you have to be intentional. You have to be intentionally creating in a manner that you know what you’re doing. You know what you’re choosing.

In this, I would say that how you begin, you can begin now by making intentional choices in relation to what you pay attention to and what you make important. If conflict isn't important to you, you'll stop paying attention to it because you only pay attention to what is important to you. Therefore that's an excellent gauge to know what you’re making important: by what you're paying attention to.

ANON: So just to confirm, you're saying… Um… Oh, okay. Okay, I'm a little confused here. Sidestepping doesn't require beliefs, but what you believe, and… but you have to know what you're doing. There's very few things I can tell you assuredly that I know what I'm doing with, including a lot of common, normal things. So when you're saying—

ELIAS: I understand. And that's the point. that's what I'm saying to you, is that this is you expanding. This is you moving in a direction of becoming self-aware. And in doing that, you begin with practicing in your daily life making intentional choices. That you are making a decision to start being intentional and paying attention to what you're doing, and paying attention to how your attention is directing your perception. Because your perception is creating every molecule of your reality. Every atom of your reality is being created by your perception. Therefore, it's important to know how you are paying attention, because your attention is the single most important piece of what information goes to that projector.

ANON: Just to clarify, the degree of difficulty in sidestepping is the same degree in difficulty in walking through a physical wall?

ELIAS: No. No. I would say actually it's much easier. You'll simply bring the physical wall with you.

ANON: So if sidestepping is so easy, then why is it not easy to sidestep into a reality where the obelisk is accepted en masse and Susan and Celine are physically observable?

ELIAS: You could. That's a matter of what you are paying attention to. You could. That's a matter of being intentional. And in intentionally not paying attention. It's not only what you ARE paying attention to. Much of it is what you aren't or what you stop paying attention to. Therefore in that, I would say that if you are intentionally changing what you're paying attention to, and you stop paying attention to many of the things that you ARE paying attention to now, and you shift your perception in a different direction, then you CAN create that. You CAN sidestep in that manner.


ELIAS: And you will create an entire reality full of other people, and they will be brand-new people.

ANON: There's so many questions to go with this. (Elias laughs) So I just want to follow through with the Susan question. How could we, as the teleportation group, create an action of boarding Susan and Celine, as we engage them regularly, but we don't necessarily recall?

ELIAS: Again, how are you directing your attention?

ANON: That's a difficult question to answer, with the degree that you're speaking of. In the moment where I have my work that I engage, post-work there's a lot of fears and concerns that I have. But how am I directing my attention? Not really intentionally, in that regard. I imagine sometimes, but that's as far as I've taken it.

ELIAS: I would say that's a step because as you know, imagination is not fantasy. It's real. Therefore that would be a step in that direction. But it's a matter of intentionally directing your attention and focusing it in relation to that reality.

ANON: So a mastery of self is required for such things, like sidestepping and manifesting Susan?

ELIAS: Yes. But it's not as difficult as you imagine it to be. It's actually literally a matter of what you’re paying attention to.

ANON: (Pause) (Sighs) And would boarding Susan, for those of us already experiencing her, not be a viable alternative to sidestepping?

ELIAS: It could be. Yes.

ANON: I don't like your answer of “could be,” right? Give me a little bit more of likelihoods. Sorry to interrupt.

ELIAS: (Chuckles) I would say that you don't have to like my answer. (Anon laughs) And what I would also say is, I can't give you a definite answer because it's your choice. Therefore I can say yes, that could be an alternative. Therefore you CAN choose that. But I can't say that's definite, yes, you've done it, because it's your choice. You have to choose. You have to do it.

ANON: I am understanding that. And when you say “making that choice,” I'm also equating, if such an insertion happens, there's a timeline here. You know, we don't have fifteen, twenty years. We're talking much – if it happens. Who knows? I mean I'm hypothesizing, but in that short time, one can create a mastery of self?

ELIAS: And what are you expressing as short time?

ANON: Oh, I don't know. If this happens next week, most likely I haven't made that choice. Right?

ELIAS: I will give you two answers for that. One is because it is easier than you think and because it IS a matter of how you're directing your attention, you could engage that action and you could have that self-awareness relatively quickly. Likely not in a week, but depending upon your determination and your concentration and your intentional action, it’s possible you could achieve that in a month.

I would also say to you, you could achieve it in a moment if you are faced with a certain situation. Humans are renowned for making choices once they're backed into a corner. And that that is something that is very common, that you don't necessarily make a choice until you think you have no other choice. Therefore, I would say to you that if you present yourself with a situation that seems to be everything is going to explode, you likely will make a choice then and it will be very quick.

ANON: So if the split is inserted and the apocalypse happens, what percentage of the world would likely step, sidestep with us? And how quickly would that large group of people that want the apocalypse disengage from our new probable reality? Would it take like a month, a year, a decade?

ELIAS: (Pause) To the first question about a percentage of people that would sidestep and then to the addition “with us,” first of all, the “with us” is non-existent. Every individual would do that themselves and would create another probable reality themselves. You are not doing it together. Also, it would be very difficult to estimate a percentage of people. Surprisingly, people oftentimes choose death.

ANON: (Pause) (Sighs) Do you have any more to add to that, Elias?

ELIAS: Explain your second question about a time framework.

ANON: So I'm using the logic you offered already, of a construct of a human must exist or a probable version of them to exist, but if you said such a huge group of currently people, which is a vast group, like currently over 60% of people, are aligned with burn it down, so if that split-off happens, those 60% wouldn't be in this new reality, but temporarily would be, is my question. So for them to be created and then the reason why, and they die for whatever other reason, what would the timeline for that be? I mean, I'm asking questions to stuff I have no understanding. Right? Like…

ELIAS: You're asking about the people that support the war?

ANON: Mm-hm.

ELIAS: And would be willing to die in relation to that, correct?

ANON: Right.

ELIAS: And the potential timeline of how long it would to engage an apocalypse?

ANON: No, no, no, no, no. Okay, so I want to clarify. If a split is inserted, I am sidestepping and I'm sidestepped into a new probable reality. Those people who are in my reality aren't supporting this war is what you're saying. Correct? Or they would, so everyone has to…

ELIAS: Of course. Because you created them all.

ANON: Okay. But everyone has to make an appearance, so to speak, and then… Like you told me in my last session they would die for a different reason. If I go into a new reality, those choosing that would… I would kill them off for a different reason. Not me, but reality or whatever that is.

ELIAS: That’s correct. Correct. Yes.

ANON: That's my question, is a timeline for such a mass exodus outside of an apocalypse.

ELIAS: (Pause) That would depend. You could actually create it in steps, because time doesn't actually matter. Therefore you could create natural disasters in which large groups of people would disengage, such as enormous earthquakes or tidal waves in which large numbers of people would disengage from that.

ANON: Okay. I think that is enough on there. Why have you never mentioned sidestepping before?

ELIAS: (Inaudible)

ANON: Like you… You even…Sorry. Sorry. To continue, you even expressed Bashar's concept of jumping timelines is not accurate, but sidestepping kind of feels like that.

ELIAS: Repeat.

ANON: Okay. So there was a session where you said Bashar's concept of jumping timelines is not accurate, but sidestepping pretty much seems like that. And to continue my original question: why haven't you mentioned sidestepping before?

ELIAS: One: sidestepping would not be the same as jumping timelines, because you are not jumping a timeline. You're staying in the same timeline. Two: let me say to you, the question of why haven't I mentioned a subject before is actually a moot point. Because I would say to you, if you're having a conversation with another individual, are you going to engage the conversation in relation to the subject at hand? Or are you going to jump into a monologue and tell the other person every experience you've ever had in your entire life? It wouldn't be relevant, would it?

ANON: I get that. I get that.

ELIAS: That's why.

ANON: It just seems like something preparation would be worthy for. And I'm not blaming, of course. I mean, I know no one can predict anything.

ELIAS: Why? You weren’t. You didn't have any wars happening.

ANON: True.

ELIAS: And you didn't have a war happening in the area of your world that you term to be the Middle East. You didn't have anything happening in relation to people wanting that to happen.

What have I expressed from the beginning? And this will be your answer in perhaps a more valid capacity. From the very beginning of this forum, I expressed to everyone: have the experience and I will explain it. When you don't have an experience, what you are talking about is only concept. It's not reality to you yet. When you have an experience of being terrified at the possibility of the end of the world as you know it, that's an experience. That will motivate you to ask questions about what is important to you. Without that experience, you wouldn't ask these questions.

ANON: I just want to clarify this other part. Why did you say sidestepping climate change isn't possible, but sidestepping the apocalypse is, and can happen automatically with intentional choice?

ELIAS: Because you are sidestepping something that is happening in your world that you don't want to participate in, but climate change is something that has already happened. That's something that has to do with your earth and your atmosphere, your planet and your atmosphere, and that's already happened.

ANON: Now is it not likely that, let's say—

ELIAS: That’s the point of time jumping.

ANON: Mm-hm. I see. So again, I just want to follow with a logic question of if we sidestep into this new probable reality with obviously half of the hostile individuals not there, then climate change would most likely have less of a reflection. And does this make sense, what I'm saying?

ELIAS: No. Because all of the population IS there.

ANON: Right.

ELIAS: And you’re sidestepping to move into a new reality. Everything that's already happened has already happened. You're not time jumping. You're moving into the same time but changing what the present is, by moving into a probable reality. But everything that's already happened has already happened, including both of your wars. But they will have stopped and not be a part of your reality any longer, because that will be the past.

ANON: There's one follow-up I have with… In Nuno’s session, you said to him that he wouldn't even notice this happening. I wouldn't notice such a split happening?

ELIAS: (Pause) That depends. If you are intentionally doing that in a moment, yes, you'd know. But if you're gradually moving in that direction, as he is, it simply will gradually, naturally change in relation to what you are paying attention to. As you move your attention and you stop paying attention to certain things and you start paying attention to other things, as he is, then your reality gradually changes. You don't have to create a probable reality. You’re changing your reality in increments.

ANON: And I guess I want to just clarify again, in the past you've expressed to some people that it's important to listen to your impulses – which I'm not disputing – and act on them, because they may be warning you about some event that might happen that could be detrimental or even deadly. Why not just sidestep seconds before anything happens? Any disaster could just be avoided moments before. Why be concerned at all?

ELIAS: People do. Sometimes people do.

ANON: So why be concerned at all about anything that seems dangerous, if we can just sidestep anything?

ELIAS: Because you don't necessarily know that you can do that.

ANON: So I want to just confirm this. I now know that I can, but I still—

ELIAS: Ah! Ah, ah, ah! It's concept.

ANON: Right. That's what I'm trying to get to. (Laughs)

ELIAS: You have – no, no. Not, not you now know you can. You now know that's a possibility.

ANON: Right. Just like flying and moving through a wall. (Laughs)

ELIAS: Correct. That doesn't mean you know can do it. (Anon laughs) Because you don't BELIEVE you can do it yet. That doesn't mean you won't, but in this present moment you don't believe that you can do that yet.

This is what I was expressing to you previously in this conversation about BELIEVING and constructs, and how strongly influencing they are. You're putting your intellectual attention on beliefs or belief systems, and that diverts you away from what is actually influencing your perception more than anything. Which is what you believe and all of your constructs.

ANON: So what qualifies as believing in this? What degree or strength? What quantifies as this? If you can give us something in that regard.

ELIAS: Trust. It's another word for trust.

ANON: But that's a big word—

ELIAS: It’s what you trust.

ANON: That’s not… It’s like… Because it can mean so many things. But you're talking the level of trust is quite significant, right?

ELIAS: I would say. Because what you trust is what you create.

ANON: Okay. I want to get to that again. We have a few minutes. I want to get to this last couple here before we continue a billion side-offs here. If such a split occurs, do all people that sidestep agree more or less on one common new reality? You said no, actually.

ELIAS: One moment. One moment. Say again.

ANON: If such a split occurs, do all people that sidestep agree more or less on one common new reality, or do people then create a tremendous difference in realities?

ELIAS: I answered that already.

ANON: I know. It's hard to process that. So then the common, so to speak, reality almost diminishes and it becomes only individual realities.

ELIAS: No. Because you are creating an entirely new reality. There are many people in it.

ANON: That are different than ones that are currently occupying now.

ELIAS: They are, but they may look very similar. But that's part of what you wouldn't notice.

ANON: (Pause) Okay. I just… I still… I'm so confused. Like I started these questions and I'm just as confused as starting out.

ELIAS: I understand. But you’re asking questions that your, your awareness and your physical, actual brain can't quite process yet. I'm answering them. But this is what you expressed in our previous conversation, that you wanted me to answer questions even if you weren't ready for them.

ANON: (Laughs) So no, I am very appreciative, Elias. I hope I'm not sending any mixed signals. I'm just… I’m confused in how to process. And you're right. I'm trying to digest it all at once. In the remaining time then that we have, can you offer us like… what you feel is the most advantageous to this quest of mastery in sidestepping?

ELIAS: I would say that the easiest direction or course to engage would be what I expressed earlier: to be aware of what you’re paying attention to. I would say be aware of what you're paying attention to in one single day, to give yourself the information about how you direct yourself. What do you pay attention to? What do you make important? There are so many choices that you make in one day. There are so many actions that you engage in one day, not to mention all of the things you think in one day.

I would say take one day and genuinely pay attention to how you are directing your attention and what you’re expressing and how you're directing your energy, and whether you are reacting to anything or not. And in that, how much of your day are you engaging automatically? And how much of your day are you actually intentionally creating what you want to create?

That would be a beginning. And then from there, you can move in a direction of beginning to attempt to be more aware of what you're doing, and therefore intentionally directing yourself and intentionally making choices. Thinking about the choices that you're making and assessing: what other choices do I have? You never only have one or two. Therefore, what other choices can you engage in this situation? You might choose the same one, but you might not. That's all about how you direct yourself and that is about becoming more self-aware. That's what I would encourage you all with, and as a constructive beginning in relation to how you can do what your goal is.

ANON: I guess a final question. This means like many of our family members and friends who are not as aware will most likely not engage this choice.

[The timer for the end of the session rings]

ELIAS: I've answered that also.

ANON: Mm-hm. And this is something you probably won't answer, but has anything changed? Is…? Like you said, it's a teetering thing. Is there anything you can give us from a future perspective or a time or I don't know what, dude?



ELIAS: I know you don't like that answer.

ANON: No, I… I get it. (Both laugh)

ELIAS: But I cannot give you predictions, my friend.

ANON: Right. All right. Well, thank you so much. This is a lot to chew on.

ELIAS: (Laughs) You are very welcome. And I express much encouragement to you. There's a lot for you to process and assimilate, but I definitely am aware that you can and therefore I very much encourage you. And I would say that you have good questions, although you repeat them in different words.

ANON: (Chuckles) Thank you. I'll chew on that part too. (Both laugh)

ELIAS: Perhaps for our next engagement, you might look over your questions and eliminate the ones that are repeats.

ANON: Mm-hm. Mm-hm. I will. I will. Thank you. (Both laugh)

ELIAS: It's an excellent exercise in the element of conversation. (Laughs)

I express tremendous, tremendous appreciation of you, my friend, and dear sincere love. I appreciate our friendship very much.

ANON: Me too.

ELIAS: Until our next meeting, in great support and in tremendous, tremendous encouragement and acknowledgement to you.

Keep paying attention to those ships and perhaps you might find yourself aboard. (Both laugh)

ANON: Wouldn't that be cool? Huh? (Both laugh)

ELIAS: Very well. In dear friendship, as always, au revoir.

ANON: Au revoir. Thank you so much.

[Elias departs after 1 hour 2 minutes]

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