Session 202407041

Being Open to Different Ways of Thinking


“Being Open to Different Ways of Thinking”
"Consciousness and Energy"
“Acceptance of Difference and Recognizing What Is Really Important”
“Illness from a Wave in Energy”
“Closer to the End of the Science Wave”
“Rigid Beliefs of Mathematicians”
"Using a Dragon's Name and Expressing Intentions Aloud"

Thursday, July 4, 2024 (Private/Phone)

Participants: Mary (Michael) and Ann (Vivette)

ELIAS: Good morning!

ANN: Well, good morning, Elias! (Elias chuckles) I'm talking to you via the roadways.


ANN: Car in motion.

ELIAS: And how are you? Where are you traveling now?

ANN: We are traveling to Tennessee to see John's brother and sister. It's an eight-hour drive, but we're going to stop, I think, in Hendersonville to walk up four waterfalls on our way. So it’ll be fun.

ELIAS: Ah, very well! And what shall we discuss this day?

ANN: Well, I want to follow up just a little bit on our Terrence Howard conversation from last time. There was another podcast, the Joe Rogan podcast, and he was on, and then there was also Eric Weinstein on, who is another pretty notable scientist in the academic community. He knows the ins and outs and how it works. And it was very interesting, and that's what I want. I'm like, “Oh, my God, I want a scientist to talk to him just to be able to understand all this!” And it was interesting eavesdropping on that conversation, for several reasons.

I mean, Eric was telling Terrence that a lot of this stuff was BS or just was wrong, but he had some of these shapes he's making that he wants to make these drones out of. He says he thinks there is something to that. And what was interesting is, Eric Weinstein said he had read about this or heard about it years before, but he dismissed it because there was an error in it – which I won't be able to explain the error, but there was an error in the math or something. And then when he revisited it later, he said, “Well, that's why it works, because the imperfection in this formula is why this formula works.” Just thinking of it symbolically, that was very interesting to me.

It's kind of like for so long we as a society, or people, or myself, you want to be right, you want to be right, you want to be right, and I see now little crevices or cracks where people are being more open to not necessarily being right or wrong and there's not… You know, there's many roads that will lead to Rome, and it feels like now we're just starting to be opening up to exploring some of these other roads.

So I liked that, and then I also liked how he exposed how we do things. Like he said Neil deGrasse Tyson kind of had dismissed him because there's a way you have to do this, and you have to submit for peer review. And Eric Weinstein says that was kind of very dismissive because as he knows, if you're not in this community you don't get peer reviews; it's impossible to get. And he says that what he does not like about his community is how rigid they are in their thinking and not open to outside-of-the-box thinking – and just having discussions!

So we're listening to this discussion with two people with completely different ways of thinking and approaching it, and it was just such a breath of fresh air. I thought, "What a great step we are taking." And it's also a step that I think we need to take as a society too, if we really want to… I mean, our technology is advancing all the time, but I think when we start being open and being able to discuss different ideas or ideas that you may or may not be threatened by, I think then we will advance exponentially. So I'm excited about all of that.

Oh, and then another example: When I was talking to Mary, I was very excited about this quilt class that she's taking. She has to unlearn the old way that she had learned to quilt, and there's this new paper quilting that she is doing and you can do it faster. It's a whole different way, but it's foreign to her so she has to… like, her brain isn't used to it and thinking about that, because it’s a whole new way of thinking. So that's another example of how we are open to different ideas and new ideas, and to me this is all very encouraging. Very encouraging, and I feel like –

ELIAS: I very much agree.

ANN: Yeah. So it's this like [inaudible]. So I just kind of wanted to say that, that I'm excited about that.

But I have another question for you. I know there's no right or wrong and there's probably different ways to think about it, but one disagreement that Terrence Howard and Eric Weinstein had was, Terrence Howard says all energy is expressed in motion. And Eric Weinstein says no, there can be still energy, there can be a vacuum and there can be where energy is not moving. And I actually on this kind of agree with Terrence Howard that it seems to me all energy has to be moving, but then I also realize that it just depends on how you're thinking about it too. But anyhow, I just wondered what you thought of that.

ELIAS: (Pause) Actually, I would say that even in a vacuum, energy is moving. But I would also say that it's not – as always – an absolute. And therefore in that, there are moments in which energy is still.

ANN: Okay!

ELIAS: It’s not a matter of ongoing time frameworks in which energy is still, but there are moments in which energy is still.

ANN: Sometimes I get consciousness and energy, I kind of think about them interchangeably, which I suppose are... ARE they interchangeable?

ELIAS: No. Because energy is produced by consciousness.

ANN: Okay. I’ve got to write that down. "Energy…" And my pen doesn't work well. Huh! Okay. So then consciousness: I think where my confusion… Because you always are saying consciousness is motion, right? Is consciousness always in motion? Or…

ELIAS: Consciousness is an action. It’s not a –

ANN: Okay. Oh! "Consciousness is an action." I know you've said this like forever, but I guess I still haven't been able to get my head around it. Consciousness is an action; it's not a thing.


ANN: I remember that. It's not a thing, it's an action. So energy is a thing, right?


ANN: So consciousness produces the things, and consciousness is an action. Okay. All right. We're just going to let that sit there for a second, but okay. (Elias laughs) I know you’ve said this so many times, but one day you're going to say it to me and I'm going to go, “Oh, yeah! I get it!” I know that day is coming. I know that day is coming.

Okay. So, another thing: I was actually curious in my last session when you brought it up at the time, but I didn't ask you about it but I kind of just went with it. I'm just very curious: Like, you brought up how frightened people are about the wars going on and… Which is, you know, understandable, that people are very frightened. Because in my mind, I don't pay much attention to the wars. I don't really think about them every day. I'm aware of it and I hear about it and I think it's not a great thing, but I might even be a little dismissive, almost like you would be dismissive about two children arguing all the time. I'm like, “Oh my god! You guys just argue amongst yourselves. I'm going on living my life because I can't handle all this arguing.”

I think maybe that's how emotionally I feel about the wars, especially the one in Israel or wherever it is. I'm not even quite sure where it is. But I just thought it was very interesting that you brought this up in MY session when I necessarily didn't have much interest in it. And I thought, well, is he bringing it up because it was prior to the group session, and sometimes you bring up things that you're going to talk about in group session in people's private sessions before. So I was like, is that why you brought it up? But then I was thinking, because you were saying in another session – and you've said this a million times before, and I believe in this and I think about this all the time -- I thought, "Well, you know, if I want peace I have to have peace in my life. Or if I want not to have conflict, where in my life am I creating conflict?" and be aware of that. I thought, "Am I creating conflict and not really realizing it and Elias is bringing this up?"

ELIAS: No, no, no, no, no. Now, this is an excellent, excellent example also, because the factor that I present a subject doesn't mean automatically that you're doing something wrong.

ANN: Yeah.

ELIAS: I would say that, such as in this situation, it's an opportunity for you to – and I'm encouraging you to – credit yourself with what you're doing, that you are rippling out in that capacity also. And therefore in that, you're aiding in the direction of NOT engaging conflict and looking at situations from a perspective of how can you resolve this or move in a direction in which you're not [audio cut off]. I would say that situation with your son and his partner is an excellent example of that.

ANN: Yeah. Yeah.

ELIAS: How you have moved in a direction of being supportive and not generating conflict, even at times when you don't necessarily agree.

ANN: Yeah. Yeah, and I feel that and see that. And it’s been intentional and, you know, it actually… That way of approaching life works out rather well. (Laughs) I mean, I'm noticing.

ELIAS: I agree.

ANN: Yeah. It's like going on, there's some things… Like we just spent a month at their house and the last two weeks with them, trying to help them get it up. And, you know, I could feel tension underlying, and she was very upset about some things. And I know moving is stress and they've had a lot of stress in their life and da-da-da, but I could feel these underlying tensions and I could also feel how… It's interesting because you feel like almost little reverberations or remembrances of ways that I may have responded before – or reacted before, I should say – and it's not like I feel like reacting like that anymore. It's just, “Oh my god! I remember this is how I COULD have chosen to react in the past,” and now I just choose to think about it differently and more acceptingly – more accepting of, "Okay, this is how she does it." And I love how you said, "He has chosen her, and this is their relationship. This is what they're doing, for whatever reason." And we all make decisions that benefit ourselves one way or the other. And it's just so easy.

And another thing that I noticed that it's probably like a benefit to me to be with her, because I could feel it. She never said it; I could just feel it energetically. Like I can be, especially in moving into a new house, “Okay, this goes here, this goes here, do this, do that, set up!” And this is her house, she wants to do things the way she wants them. I mean, it's her experience and I get that, but I could also see myself kind of saying, “Oh no! You should do this, you should do that.” And I could feel her, you know, how she… She didn't say anything, but I could feel it. And so that was a good experience and exercise for me to say to myself, “Okay, step back. It's not your house, it's her house.” And it doesn't matter. If I think it would look better this way, it doesn't matter if I think this is the best way to do it. It doesn't matter, because that actually isn't the most important thing.

The most important thing to me is that the kids have this nice experience and then they enjoy their new home. And they may enjoy a new home that isn't beautiful, although I think she's going to make it beautiful for her and whatever. But I was like, okay, so I was stopping to approach it from the point of view of, “Oh, no, this is how you have to do it,” or even calling... It's really not my business. It’s just…

So it was a good exercise for me, because she definitely doesn't want to be told how to do things and she definitely wants to… And I don't like to be told how to do a thing, so I can understand that. But it just really brought it home, and more clarity of okay, all right, it doesn't work so well or it doesn't work the way I want it. Like it doesn't feel so good to be telling people what they should be doing. It was good!

ELIAS: I very much agree, and I tremendously acknowledge you in all of that, because that is precisely what I've been expressing to all of you about acceptance of difference: recognizing what is actually important. Is it so important that you generate a conflict with another individual so that you can be right and you can make them wrong? Is that so important to you? But this is a very difficult concept for most people to actually engage. In the moment, they don't think about it; they only think about being right.

ANN: And you can sure see that in our political environment today. I mean, it's rampant. Which actually, I kind of want to talk to you about this. I feel like I have a pretty good grasp on it, but I just feel like something in myself isn't clicking quite right into place perfectly. It's close, but it's not quite in the place because I will think… I'm also thinking about, like you say, when you're not lending energy is when you feel neutral about a subject. And I've been thinking about… Like between the Democrats and Republicans, it’s to me six of one, half dozen of the other, neither one is good, so I really don't care too much which one would win.

And then, you know, obviously [audio cut off]. I kind of want –

ELIAS: Repeat. Repeat.

ANN: Okay. So this is an example: Let's say I like RFK. And I want to be accepting of everybody. And I don't know if this is like an unbeneficial way to think or a beneficial way, but I just feel like I want to get something out of this, and maybe it'll come forth. So I will think, when I think about RFK, to me between those top three candidates right now he is head and shoulders above. And I think about other people who would defend, or they make up scenarios like, “Okay, let's do Biden because…” Okay, everyone almost has to admit Biden is unfit for the job, even people who are staunch Democrats, but then they fall back on "It's who we'll choose, that’s who we want," or it's just they hate Trump so bad that they're going to go for Biden.

But I'm like, "Okay, but there's this other opportunity that is so much better." And I think to them that they don't like it. And I'm like, “How can they not SEE it?” That's what I think. I'm like, “How can you not see it?” And I tell myself, you know, “Am I the one that's not seeing things, or are they the one that's not seeing things?” And then I say, “Well, I know we all have our preferences, and that's fine.” But it feels like it's a step down from feeling right. And I do want to get to the place where I feel neutral and am 100% accepting. I'm not clicked in. I've come a long way on the accepting category, but I'm not 100% there yet. I know it, and this feels like, because I'm still in a manner judging other people when I'm looking at them saying, “How can you not SEE this? or “WHY don't you see it?” That's a judgment, right?


Now, understand that you are definitely entitled to your opinion, your guidelines and your perception – most definitely. It's when you project that onto other people that you are not being accepting of differences. That means – this is precisely what I have expressed repeatedly – you don't have to believe something, you don't have to like something, and in that, you don't have to believe that it's even right! You can believe that something is wrong. And that is YOUR guideline, YOUR opinion, your direction, and that is entirely acceptable for you. Where it moves in a direction of conflict is when you project that onto other people and expect them to recognize the same thing as you.

ANN: Right. Right. Yes, I want to tell myself… You know, because we all look at things differently, we all have different brains, but… And maybe it's just that for me, at this point, it’s just acknowledging to myself, “Yeah, I have those thoughts, like ‘Why don't they understand?’” and tell myself, “But it's not their experience. That's not their choice. You know, they have their own journey. And just leave it lie, and just – "

ELIAS: And in that, I would say that that doesn't… that doesn't mean that you can't have your judgment about that, that you think it's ludicrous (Ann laughs) or it's frustrating or you don't understand. And that's entirely acceptable, as long as you're not projecting it onto the other people with the expectation – and this is the key – with the expectation that they should do something different – even if that doing something different is only considering something.

ANN: Yeah. Okay. All right. That's good. (Elias chuckles) I think I've been working a lot in this area and I'm making great strides. I feel good about it.

ELIAS: I very much agree.

ANN: Yeah. Okay, now I have another curiosity question for you. But also, I forgot when we were talking about Terrence Howard and what he was saying, and he was saying like the sun gives birth to planets. But you said that Saturn has actually given birth to a sun and our scientists know about that, but I went and researched it and it's actually Saturn they said has given birth to a moon, not a sun. So I was just wondering... And I know we’re not right or wrong, this is just a curious…

ELIAS: Ah! That is tremendous. That is tremendous, and I would say quite amusing, that that would be too difficult to accept (laughs) and therefore [you] changed it. That is exceptional. (Laughs)

ANN: Oh! I changed it?

ELIAS: No. The collective.

ANN: Our society changed it.

ELIAS: Yes. The collective.

ANN: Yeah. Yes. Okay. All right. Very interesting. But –

ELIAS: I will maintain that yes, it is possible for a planet to give birth to a moon, but it's also possible for a planet to give birth to a sun.

ANN: Wow! It's just fascinating, everything that we are heading into. (Elias chuckles) Ah, okay. Okay. So I was wondering about that.

And then… All right, I think I might be out of questions. [To John] Honey, do you have any questions?

Okay. Well, then since John doesn't have any questions, I will… I will ask, and I didn't ask about it last time because I don't really feel like I have any impressions other than maybe obvious impressions. But I last month got so sick – you know, I had diarrhea for ten days, then I got covid, then I had to have a tooth pulled, then I had to have a crown, so it's about a month that I am feeling pretty bad. And then I've also heard, like online some other people have expressed the same thing, how they haven't been feeling very good. So I don't know, is this a mass thing going on? Or was I…? Did I create all of this, just because, you know, I was exhausted? Or, you know, I get stressed out about my cat and then I just create all this? Or was it because it was a mass thing? Or was there something that I am doing that I am unaware that I'm doing that was creating all this illness?

ELIAS: I would say that you're correct, that there has been a type of wave in energy – not the types that were addressing to belief systems, but there are always waves in energy that are happening in which people move in very similar directions at the same time. And what has happened in this wave, so to speak, is that people either have moved in a direction of being physically ill, which is actually somewhat a reaction or response to the mass energy. Other people have been moving in a direction of, once again, addressing to traumas. And people that didn't address to traumas in the last wave of individuals that did now are addressing that themselves. And there are a lot of people that are addressing to traumas presently. And in that, people that have already addressed to many – not perhaps all – but many of their own issues and traumas have actually experienced becoming ill in a type of a joint creation with those people that are en masse either experiencing trauma or addressing to it.

ANN: Do I fall into that category? I have trauma that I haven't expressed yet?

ELIAS: No. No.

ANN: Yeah. See, I don't think I do but I always know, in the back of my head I'm like, “Okay, Elias never tells you anything you're not ready to hear.” But it doesn't feel like I… Yeah. Yeah.

ELIAS: You would fall into the other category, of people that have been affected by all that energy and they became ill. Which is very understandable, because there's not only a lot of people that are addressing to trauma but there are a lot of people that are experiencing it.

ANN: Yeah. Yeah. And speaking of waves, I was also thinking like what I had witnessed… I told you in the beginning when listening to the Eric Weinstein and Terrence talk and is the scientific community maybe opening up and being more open to listening to different ideas, and like Mary learning new ways: Is this progressing the end of the science wave? And are these signs that we are getting closer to the end of the science wave?


ANN: Ahh! Are we at the end of the science wave?

ELIAS: No. (Chuckles) I would say –

ANN: I have a feeling we probably won't be at the end until after, if ever, these wars have resolved or come to some kind of a resolution. Is that correct, do you think?

ELIAS: That’s a possibility, but as I've expressed, the science wave will end when science acknowledges perception.

ANN: Oh my god, Elias! Oh, that feels like… Are there any scientists yet that have acknowledged this?

ELIAS: Yes, there are. Yes, there are.

ANN: Oh, there are?

ELIAS: Yes, actually.

ANN: Like how many? Like a handful? Or hundreds? Or…?

ELIAS: I [audio cut off]. There's not many, but it's a beginning. And it doesn't actually require a lot; it only requires a few to begin to express change. And what I would say is that there are more and more people that are challenging the scientific community. And therefore in that, it's also prodding them into looking at how staunch they are, and how rigid they are. And in that, I would say that it's reminding them of different time frameworks in which other individuals have expressed new and different ideas that they didn't want to accept then either and that are now accepted directions.

I would also say that another aspect of this is that it's beginning to have somewhat of a fallout with the mathematical community, which is even MORE rigid than the scientific community.

ANN: Yeah. Because math, it's like math taught to us as black and white: there's only one way to do it and there's only one right way. So that is interesting.

ELIAS: Correct.

ANN: Oh! It’s interesting that on –

ELIAS: And mathematicians believe that mathematics is a universal language, meaning that it is precisely literally that: universal. And it's not.

ANN: I know we talked about this before, not universal. So it is precise in this dimension, or IS it? In this dimension is it not always accurate? Does that make sense?

ELIAS: Yes, it does. But what I would say is mathematicians [inaudible] mathematics has its own language, and that is accepted throughout the mathematical societies, within scientific [inaudible]. It's [inaudible] for the most part. Also –

ANN: All right.

ELIAS: But in that, what I would say is, they believe that it is a language that is universal; therefore, that they believe anything within our universe will understand the language. THAT is what is incorrect.

ANN: Since we're driving, that broke up. Can you just repeat that last thing you said?


ANN: Thank you.

ELIAS: That they BELIEVE that mathematics would be recognized as a language throughout your universe. I'm only speaking YOUR dimension, although now there are mathematicians that believe in the multiverse, which is actually simply another word for other dimensions. But in that, they believe that mathematics would be recognized and understood by any other beings throughout the entirety of your universe. THAT is incorrect.

ANN: Ah! So, when we get to the stage where we ARE interacting with alien species, they might have different rules of mathematics.

ELIAS: Correct. Or they might not [audio cut off] mathematics at all.

ANN: Ah! So what about, just for an example because the only one that I know of – who knows if it's just symbolic or whatever, but the Essassani Bashar society, do they think of mathematics the way we do? Or do they think of it at all? Or they think of it differently?

ELIAS: Very similar to yourselves.

ANN: Hm. Because what I always thought was interesting about the way they talk, what they say is, you know we think of spaceships as being a machine that you get into and you press buttons and it operates by the mechanics inside of it. And then they think of spaceships as like being part of you, like in your brain, for lack of a better word, but part of your consciousness. And that is like a very different way… I mean, I know it's not necessarily math but it's just a very… Like I've always had this suspicion, like space travel or whatever, you know, if there really is no space and time, if space and time is all an illusion, space travel is –

ELIAS: It’s not. Stop. Stop. Stop. It's not… It's real, because perception MAKES it real.

ANN: Okay!

ELIAS: That’s the same as expressing that a door that you touch isn't real.

ANN: Isn’t real. Okay.

ELIAS: And that your flesh and blood is not real, it's an illusion. No; it’s very real.

ANN: So thank you for that clarification. (Elias chuckles) I do appreciate that. And that is also an example of it's how you think about things. Like if you want to say it's not real, then you would have to say all physical reality isn't necessarily…

ELIAS: Correct.

ANN: Yeah, I know. But yeah, yeah. So, you know what I'm thinking about. But okay. All right.

So, back to myself and my illnesses. I was just pretty much picking up on what's going on in mass consciousness? Nothing else that I was trying to tell myself and missed?

ELIAS: And your impression?

ANN: I know. This is why I didn't bring it up, because I have… Well, my impression is, if I'm talking about it, I feel like they're… Well, I don't know. My impression is (pause) no. (Laughs) I don't need to tell myself anything else, or I don't want to tell. I feel like there's nothing missing at this point. But there's still always that in the back of my head, that there is.

ELIAS: It’s not necessarily a matter a matter of missing.

ANN: Yeah.

ELIAS: That's also somewhat of a black-and-white manner of thinking. It's more, I would say, giving yourself an experience.

Now remember: Without experience, subjects are simply concept. They're not real yet, until you give yourself an experience. Therefore in that, this is another piece that lends itself to that subject of acceptance of difference. Because if you don't have an experience, it's difficult for you to understand someone else's experience, and it's difficult for you to accept the difference that they express.

In this, I would say that it was definitely purposeful, and it wasn't necessarily about a missing piece, conceptually. It’s more about giving yourself an additional piece of information through experience, in relation to having these types of physical manifestations and therefore being able to create that bridge in acceptance for yourself in relation to other people that have had these types of experiences and perhaps are creating chronic experiences in those directions that you might not have had as much tolerance for and may have been dismissive of.

ANN: Oh my god! That is spot on. I know exactly what you're saying because, well, sometimes when I am sick, I think about… For the most part, I view myself as a strong human being and not having… I mean, I have problems or I'll feel sorry for myself, or sometimes… But I just feel like I've got my ducks pretty much in a row and I can handle things. Or I look at some people and I'm like, “What is the big deal? Why are they making such a big deal about this?” And I'm like, “It's such an easy thing to overcome,” or “It's such an easy thing to…,” “There's such an easier…,” “You can make THIS decision and not have the problem, and you're making THIS decision and having all these problems.” I feel like I can see it so clearly.

But when I'm sick, I have that thought. I'm like, because sometimes when I'm really, really sick, first of all I don't care about doing things to look at the bright side. Like when I'm sick I'll just go into it, and then I can see. I'm like, “Oh my god, if I felt like this all the time, I wouldn't be ABLE to do these things that I do,” or maybe even think about it. Like I noticed myself with John becoming… Like I think we have this great relationship, we don't fight, we're good. But when I was sick I was snapping at him. I was trying not to, but I was just so short-tempered. And when I get like that, I mean, I feel like, “Okay, I don't want to act like this,” so I'll pull it back or I'll apologize. But it makes me be able to see and understand. I’m like, “Oh my god, somebody could be feeling like this or worse," and then I'm looking at 'em saying, "Oh, you should be able to do this or that.”

And when you ARE in this really sick place, you CAN'T do things that a healthy person wouldn't even think about doing.

ELIAS: Correct.

ANN: So yeah. All that. I mean, I've had that. Every time I get really sick I have that thought, and I also think to myself, "I’ll remember this." Because when I AM feeling good and I'm feeling strong, I can look at somebody and go, “It's so easy. It's so easy to get yourself out of this. Why aren't you doing it?” And then… (Elias chuckles) So that's good. I can remember, yeah: "It’s not always so easy for YOU to get yourself out of things when YOU'RE feeling crummy." Yeah.

ELIAS: I agree.

ANN: All right. All right. I want to learn that lesson because I don't… I want to learn, or not LEARN the lessons, or I just want to… I don't know. I want to be able to grow and learn without illness. (Both laugh) It happens. But I also –

ELIAS: And I would say that it's likely that you won't present something THAT extreme to yourself, because that was enough. (Chuckles) And I would say that likely you did get the message. (Chuckles)

ANN: Yeah. Yes, I did.

Oh! And I also think because, you know, sometimes I'm not as diligent at playing around with magic as the magic group and some of my magical friends are. And actually Denise and I were talking about this, that when we get together, it's just so much fun to… You know, magical stuff happens all the time. And I'm like, “Well, it's one, because we're having fun, we're not taking it seriously, we're amplifying our energy and it's so easy.” But when I was sick, I'm like, “I don't even want to play around. Who cares? Who cares? I'm just… I don't care about creating magic because I'm just surviving here.” And so now I'm like, “Okay, I'm ready to start playing around with magic again.” (Elias chuckles) And having it become just a part of my daily existence, like every moment. Like sometimes I'll just do, for little itty-bitty stuff, just do it. I liked how with the –

ELIAS: But that’s just how you live anyway.

ANN: Well, yeah, it is. But I want to either be more intentional about it or more objectively aware of it.


ANN: Because I do know things just happen. Like John and I laugh all the time and we're like, “Oh my god!” It's just, stuff happens all the time. But I also know we reinforce it by appreciating it and laughing about it. And you almost get to the point where you expect things, you know, just to work out magically. But maybe I don't need to do it. I don't know. Maybe I just have to… not have to but just want to do it like… We KNOW this, I just want to do it my way. (Elias laughs) And what [inaudible] could be. (Laughs) Do it my way! But…

ELIAS: (Laughs) And I would acknowledge that, my friend, because I would say that you are allowing yourself that freedom to move in what is successful and functional for you. In that, –

ANN: Yes. And I was thinking – yeah, go ahead.

ELIAS: Continue.

ANN: Oh! I was thinking, I love like my little next progression, because when all this topic about pearl energy came up, obviously you know I love that because I love easy and I love efficiency. And then I love the dragon that you… You say you can just use the image of your dragon and you don't have to, like, go through it. And you know my little magic spell that I made because it's like it covered everything. It's like one, I like to say it and then say what I want so I don't have to… But I thought, "Oh my god, now I can even make it easier." I'm thinking now I can just picture my dragon whenever I want, like have a magical intention and I don't even really need to say it. Or would it still be –

ELIAS: And do you image your dragon? What is his name?

ANN: Well, he's black. Huh?

ELIAS: Black! Lovely. He’s black.

ANN: I hope that wasn't sarcasm. (Laughs)


ANN: Oh.

ELIAS: No, I would say black is an excellent color. It's powerful. It's actually quite shimmering, and I would say that generally speaking, the black dragons are very large.

ANN: Yeah. And I like the large dragons. (Elias laughs) And also what I thought was interesting to me about the color black is, way way way back when, many years ago, when everyone was so into stones and whatever, I asked you what would be a good stone to carry on my body, and you said obsidian for me, to help me focus. Which you know, focusing is sometimes a challenge for me. (Elias laughs) So I thought, "Ohhh! My dragon is black, obsidians are black," and then also it just like triggers the focus. Okay, focus! And not even if I think about it consciously, I feel like on some level it also reinforces me focusing.

ELIAS: I would say that is TREMENDOUS. And what is his name?

ANN: Well, you told me last time “Tieqall,” and I had got the T and I got the Q, and I had the LL in my head before I had talked to you, but I was doing like Tariq or Siquell or whatever. And then when you told me I'm like, “Oh my god, I just tied all the little…" I wasn't putting all the pieces together, and you put them all together. So Tieqall. T-I-E-Q-U—, oh no, Q-A-L-L, no U. Tieqall.

ELIAS: Correct. Yes. In that, how much do you USE his name?

ANN: I don't use it as much. So you think the name would be a good addition to using the image of him?

ELIAS: Yes, because it makes it more personal.

ANN: Ahhh!

ELIAS: And more real, because then you are expressing an actual being. It's the same as using your name.

ANN: Ah, yes.

ELIAS: If someone is speaking to you and they are simply expressing, “Woman,” it's not being personal, and in that it might even be annoying to you.

ANN: Yeah. Okay. It kind of brings it closer. I can see how, yeah, it kind of brings it more personal to me, like it brings us closer together.


ANN: Okay, I can see that. I can feel that. Yeah.

ELIAS: Precisely.

ANN: Yeah. Okay. I feel what you're saying. And it's funny how I keep calling him “him.” I never really thought about a male or female, but I'm like, “Well, maybe he is a male because I keep referring to him that way.” But then I think about him being a female and I'm like, “Well, that would work too.” But so is he a male?

ELIAS: It is a male.

ANN: Yeah.


ANN: Because I, I just like [inaudible] always saying “him.” So if I want to… Well, because I'm also thinking about when you say when you express yourself or when you want to express energy, it's more powerful or more effective if you either write it down or you speak it out loud versus thinking about it in your head.

ELIAS: Correct.

ANN: So I was wondering if I have a magical intention, is it still more powerful to write it down or say it out loud? Or could I just say like, “Pow!” and… Or is it still beneficial to physically express, you know, objectively in my physical world to express the intention?

ELIAS: I would say if you're doing a meditation, you don't have to express the intention aloud. But if you are expressing an intention otherwise, it is stronger if you are expressing it aloud.

ANN: Well, that makes sense. That does make sense. (Elias chuckles)

And then, just for fun, it seems that I always give my dragon, or give Tieqall, a shimmering white pearl, and I love that. I love the white against the black, you know, like the yin-yang kind of thing, kind of balance. He’s holding –

ELIAS: Excellent!

ANN: Yeah. Yeah, he’s holding… And I like, you know, from pearl energy and stuff like that, you know, the little play on words and…

ELIAS: That is tremendous. I would say congratulations, my friend.

[The timer for the session rings]

ANN: Mm. Well, and there is the bell. (Elias laughs) All right. I am going to do a lazy cheat. Is there anything you want to tell me that you would think would be beneficial for me to hear at this moment in time?

ELIAS: (Instructing) Have fun today.

ANN: (Laughs) Okay. That's good. (Elias laughs) You know what? You can't ever give better advice than "Have fun." (Elias laughs) That's perfect. I love it. And you know that's right up my alley.

ELIAS: I know! (Laughs) I would say –

ANN: I love it!

ELIAS: Yes. Therefore, think about your day and have fun today.

ANN: I shall. I shall.

ELIAS: And you may express my love to your partner, and express the same thing to him. (Chuckles)

ANN: Oh, I shall. I will. Thank you. Thank you so much.

ELIAS: You are very welcome. I express tremendous, tremendous love to you, dear friendship and exceptional appreciation. Until our next meeting, in tremendous love, au revoir.

ANN: Au revoir.

(Elias departs after 1 hour 1 minute)

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