Session 202405191

A Revolution with Words and Technology


“Listen to the Students and Support Them”
“A Revolution with Words and Technology”

Sunday, May 19, 2024 (Private)

Participants: Mary (Michael) and Bonnie (Lyla)

(Excerpt begins partway through session)

BONNIE: I have a question from Wynn.


BONNIE: I will read it to you.

He says, “The last time we spoke you stated that ‘Therefore the acceptance of difference, I would say, is the most challenging of the three challenges of the Shift.’”

ELIAS: Absolutely.

BONNIE: He says, “Society now seems to be moving more toward creating differences than accepting differences in the increasingly divided partisan politics.

“Our collective beliefs, especially when applied to partisan politics, are nothing more than ‘the collection of prejudices acquired by age 18,’ as Albert Einstein put it.

“Polarization is partly elite driven. Political parties now work to create differences rather than find a middle ground, to a point where they paint a picture where the opposing party is beyond redemption and should be denied the right to speak. The perceived gap is communicated as bigger than the real issues facing society. This manufactured polarization erodes communities, because people who support opposing parties increasingly don’t even want to know one another.

“Social media is programmed to amplify these perceived differences. Rather than accept difference, we are being convinced that the opposing leadership class is destroying, or alternately, will the country, and that ordinary folk now have to take direct action to stop them. The political center, where people work together to accept differences, has disappeared from society.

“How much longer will this trend continue, and what sort of event will cause society to reverse the trend and move back the searching for a common ground and openly discuss and accept differences?”

I hope it’s not the apocalypse.

ELIAS: It’s an excellent question. Unfortunately, I don’t have a clear answer because you’re not clear yet. And that’s all that I can assess from, is what all of you are doing.

There is a considerable number of you that want to move in a direction of more cooperation.

What I would say is remember that the louder voices are vastly in the minority. When you look at governments, even if you count all of the people that are employed in your governments in every country throughout your world, the number of people that are not in the government outnumber the people in the government (pause) approximately (chuckles) I would say it varies, but a steady number would be about 15 to 1.

Therefore there are many, many, many more people than there are governments. And a lot of those people (pause) in most time frameworks would rather cooperate, and in a peaceful manner. But governments use media, all kinds of media, to spread the propaganda that they want to spread, to generate the information that they manufacture.

BONNIE: Does that mean we have to get rid of the government?

ELIAS: What I would say is reminding you that everyone is shifting, whether they want to or not. I would say that that is likely going to lead you either in the direction of an apocalypse – which you aren’t choosing yet, still –

BONNIE: Thank goodness.

ELIAS: – or revolution.

Now; revolution is not necessarily something that is expressed with guns or those type of weapons. Revolutions can be fought with ideas. And this was one point that I touched upon yesterday in relation to your young people and them giving voice to what doesn’t have a voice yet. And they are the ones that generally lead revolutions. They’ve led revolutions throughout your history because of their tremendous passion. You see in modern time frameworks that they move in the direction of your university students [being] the ones that are very loud and leading their revolutions. And they change countries. They make changes.

BONNIE: They do. Yeah.

ELIAS: They change governments. They change monarchs. They change countries. Therefore I would say to him and to you: If you individually inwardly judge these young people, judge them in the capacity of what they are contributing to you, that they are actually expressing what you want. And they’re not doing it in a violent manner, unless they are faced with violence – which they generally are, because governments are afraid of them. They’re afraid of their voices. They’re afraid of people listening to them.

Therefore I would say: Listen to them and be supportive. If you want change, they are your leaders for change.

BONNIE: Wow. Wow. (Pause) Does that imply – apart from the judging in our own heads, and I suppose conversing about this with our own people we interact with – does that imply any other behavior on our part?

ELIAS: Meaning?

BONNIE: Should we be doing something? You’re saying, “If you want change, listen to them,” and you’re saying, “Judge them as contributing to what you want.”

ELIAS: Support them.

BONNIE: Support them. Okay. Energetically?

ELIAS: Energetically, physically, however you choose.


ELIAS: But in that, they’re raising a voice. What happens when other voices add to one voice? It becomes louder and it generates much more energy. And in that, the more energy it generates, the louder it becomes, the more it is difficult to ignore. What have your past leaders done in any situation of oppression? They raise voices. And they keep raising voices until the governments are either overthrown or so uncomfortable that they will listen, to stop those voices from becoming louder and louder and louder and louder.

BONNIE: Well, that’s hopeful.

ELIAS: Yes. It doesn’t have to move in the direction of Armageddon. And revolution is not necessarily [something] that you have to be afraid of. It doesn’t mean something such as your civil war. It doesn’t mean what occurred the 1700s on your continent. It doesn’t mean what occurred in the 1800s in France. It doesn’t mean what occurred in the 1900s in Russia. It is different. You now live in an age of technology. That’s your weapon – not guns, not bombs. That’s not what your college students are fighting with. They are not fighting with clubs and rakes either. They’re fighting with words and with technology.

BONNIE: And they’re good at that.

ELIAS: Yes, they are. They’re very good at it.

BONNIE: Well, that gives me hope. I like that.

ELIAS: Excellent. (Chuckles)

(Excerpt ends after 13 minutes)

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