Session 202401201

Essence's Identity and Personality; Ill Effects of Refined Sugar


“Reconfiguration of a Creature”
“Regeneration of Hair Color”
“Heating Vegetables for Nutrition”
“Electrolyte Supplements for Water”
“Refined Sugar and Alternatives”
“Essences’ Personality”
“Healing Machine”
“Putting Energy Work into Practical Application”
“The Importance of Crediting Yourself”

Saturday, January 20, 2024 (Private/Phone)

Participants: Mary (Michael) and Nuno (Lystell)

“…the more interactive you are, the more you actually will feel good.”

ELIAS: Good morning!

NUNO: Hello, my friend.

ELIAS: (Laughs) And how shall we begin?

NUNO: I thought we could begin with some quick questions concerning my new cat.

ELIAS: Very well.

NUNO: So as I understand it, she is a reconfiguration of my previous cat?

ELIAS: Correct.

NUNO: And the first question is… Okay, my impression is that how that came about was that she actually got popped in, rather than reconfigured at birth. Is that correct?

ELIAS: Correct.

NUNO: Ah, okay. That’s what I thought. I’m curious. What happened to the consciousness of the cat that was there before?

ELIAS: It’s absorbed.

NUNO: Hm. And there’s no moral issues with that?


NUNO: Okay.

ELIAS: And why would there be?

NUNO: Well if it was me, I wouldn’t want to be absorbed.

ELIAS: But you are an essence. These are (pause) energy links of consciousness that are an extension of different individuals, but it’s not that those individuals are absorbed. It’s simply that that aspect of energy is.

NUNO: I don’t fully understand that, but that’s fine. I don’t want to spend a lot of time on cat questions.

ELIAS: Very well.

NUNO: But I’ll just say that she brings me a lot of joy. That’s simply that.

ELIAS: Excellent! Congratulations, my friend.

NUNO: Thank you.

So I had a vision, I guess you might call it, or an apparition. I’m not sure. I think it was more like a vision, some weeks ago. And the reason I’m bringing it up is because it was very vivid. It was not quite as vivid as objective reality, but almost that. And the vision was of a kind of a dark brown bird. I have an impression it might have been an eagle, flying across the room right in front of me. And it had a yellow beak and yellow talons. I can’t remember what I was actually thinking about at that moment, but it didn’t seem to be connected with anything. I was wondering if you could tell me what that was all about?

ELIAS: An expression of power. I would say an acknowledgment of power, of your power.

NUNO: Okay. That’s interesting. That’s a good thing, I think.

ELIAS: I would agree.

NUNO: You were talking to Ben, actually, about regenerating hair pigmentation. And I think you said to him that it’s a difficult thing to achieve. But I’ve been actually on this path for, well, many years now. So for one thing, now that you’ve said that, I can appreciate why this is going so slowly. But I do believe that I am making progress with that, and in fact I got a dream maybe a couple of years ago that was very explicit, and showed me that yes, that is what is occurring. I kind of focused on this a little bit more recently that I had some more dreams showing me the same thing. So I know for you this is kind of a vanity thing, but I’d say for me it’s more than just that. It would be very interesting to accomplish for other reasons. My impression is that it’s actually going in that direction, albeit a bit slowly. Would you agree?

ELIAS: I would. And I understand that something such as this, because it IS challenging or difficult, it can be a significant accomplishment and acknowledgment of your directedness, your power, (chuckles) your focus on intentions and trust.

NUNO: Yes. And it’s kind of a feedback for me, telling me you know, it’s something that I can see objectively progress in, and therefore it’s kind of a reassurance to me that I am being effective.

ELIAS: I understand.

NUNO: I was wondering. Is there anything nutritionally that I could do to help that?

ELIAS: (Pause) I would say that the same things that are healthy and aid you in relation to your skin and promoting healthy skin would also be effective with hair in relation to color, because it’s about pigmentation.

NUNO: Okay. Thank you for that.

ELIAS: You are very welcome.

NUNO: Another question on a different topic on nutrition. You mentioned that vegetables don’t actually become, don’t release their nutrition until they’ve been heated. I was wondering, how hot do they have to get in order to become nutritional?

ELIAS: They don’t have to be tremendously hot. Therefore they don’t have to be steamed thoroughly. They don’t have to be boiled. I would say that heating them to the point of that they feel hot to the touch, but even if they don’t retain that heat for any length of time, that is enough. Therefore more than warm, but the heat, as long as it feels hot to the touch initially, that’s enough.

NUNO: And exceeding that, would that deteriorate the nutrition?

ELIAS: It depends. It depends on how you do that.

Now; I would say that contrary to what (chuckles) many, many, many people think and believe about microwaves and microwave ovens, that’s actually the most efficient manner to heat or cook vegetables because that doesn’t deplete their nutritional value at all. When you steam them or when you boil them, whenever you use water, it leaches them, and therefore it does release that nutritional value but it also, for the most part, puts the nutritional part of the vegetables in the water rather than in the vegetables. But in a microwave, the – if you place perhaps a tablespoon of water in with the vegetable that you are cooking – the water is absorbed into the vegetable instead of the other way around. And in that, it doesn’t leach anything out of the vegetables. And you can choose how hot you want the vegetable to be.

Now; even when you cook a vegetable in the microwave to the point of it being soft, it still won’t leach out the nutritional value of it. It will retain its nutritional value.

NUNO: Okay. Actually, that’s, that is the way I cook vegetables, is in the microwave. I generally don’t add water. What I do is I cover them.

ELIAS: Which is entirely acceptable. Some people add water because they are going to cook them for a more lengthy time and cook them until they are soft, but if you are cooking them al dente, it isn’t necessary.

NUNO: Okay. Good. Thank you for that.

You also talked to Ben about electrolytes in the water. And I don’t know what the electrolyte content is of the water I drink. I know it’s got a lot of calcium in it. That’s the only thing that’s quite evident. I was wondering… It’s possible to buy electrolyte supplements for water. Would that be something that is helpful to me?

ELIAS: Yes. And yes, you can.

NUNO: Okay. Excellent. I’ll do that.

ELIAS: I would say that (pause) …

[The connection is broken and is re-established]

ELIAS: Continuing.

NUNO: Yes. You were talking about electrolyte supplements, I think.

ELIAS: And expressing that that is entirely acceptable if you wish to simply place them in your water as a supplement. That’s entirely acceptable also. It’s a good reinforcement to your immune system.

NUNO: Okay. I will look into that then. And I guess we’re talking about nutritional things, we may as well continue along those lines. I was wondering about refined sugar, which of course you’ve expressed is not beneficial. But just how bad is that for the body consciousness?

ELIAS: (Sighs) (Pause) It depends. In considerable moderation, it’s not necessarily bad. But the problem with it is that it’s something that is not natural for you and in that, what that means is – there are many things that are not natural for you – but sugar is something that (pause) makes the body react in a manner of, in a manner of speaking, wanting more and more and more. And it creates a myriad of dysfunctions in the body. And in that, the difficulty is that different processed food manufacturers are aware of this and they put sugar, refined sugar, into many, many, many, many products. Therefore it’s difficult to move in directions in which you can be engaging any type of processed foods without sugar in them.

And in that, just how bad is it for the body? In any amounts other than considerable moderation, it can be considerably damaging and affecting in manners that are unhealthy and it can even be dangerous. It can create and maintain high blood pressure – and I know that’s something that you pay attention to. It creates plaque in relation to arteries. It creates fat deposits. It creates difficulties with the pancreas, with the liver. It’s actually… It can be a very destructive substance, all in itself.

NUNO: Wow. That doesn’t sound too good. And for myself, where am I in that spectrum?

ELIAS: What would your impression be?

NUNO: Mm, I’d say moderate. I’d say slightly below average maybe. Maybe not. I don’t know.

ELIAS: Understand: I would say you are below average because I would express to you that the average individual consumes a considerable amount of sugar on a daily basis.

NUNO: Well, I do try and avoid that, but I… Well, obviously some foods, like you said, a lot of processed foods have them anyways, but I do indulge in pastries and things like that occasionally.

ELIAS: I understand. But what I would say is the average individual is consuming -- let me express it in this manner – the equivalent of approximately between 20 and 26 tablespoons of sugar a day.

NUNO: Wow. That’s huge.

ELIAS: Precisely. And this is also one of the main reasons that people have so many physical difficulties and dis-ease.

NUNO: So again for myself, is it affecting me in any serious manner?

ELIAS: I would say how it affects you at this point is that it simply makes it more difficult for you to be accomplishing the things that you want to be accomplishing and that you concentrate on, in relation to your physical health, blood pressure being one of those. It’s not that it prevents you from moving forward and accomplishing. It simply makes it more difficult and a more lengthy process.

NUNO: Okay. I will have to do something about that then. (Elias laughs)

What about maple syrup? Is that considered a refined sugar?


Now; let me express to you that there is a production of maple sugar which is sugar produced from the maple syrup. And that is a process of – very similar to how refined sugar is made – is that it is heated to such an incredibly high heat that it crystalizes the syrup. And in that, it’s turned into sugar which is the same as cane sugar that is refined into granulated sugar. But as a syrup, no, it’s not the same.

NUNO: And therefore it’s less detrimental?

ELIAS: Correct. It doesn’t metabolize in the body in the same manner. This is the reason that I have expressed the suggestion to people that are incorporating difficulty in not consuming refined sugar to substitute with maple syrup.

NUNO: And also ,the other thing I do is I eat dried fruits which have high sugar content, such as figs and dates.

ELIAS: And that also is a matter of incorporating that in moderation.

NUNO: Okay. I understand.

I wanted to ask you a follow-up on our discussion that we had previously on identity. And I’m curious about my identity or identity of any focus, for that matter. It doesn’t have to be me, in that you said that the focus is actually a blend of multiple essences. For example, you have expressed to me that the essence Lystell, which is according to you my predominant essence or however way you want to express that, is fragmented from three different essences. And so I see how that applies to Lystell as essence, but I am not Lystell. I am in the focus, kind of a mix of things of other essences. So what does that mean for me? And particularly, what does that mean when a focus transcends back to being essence? And I know you’ve answered that question already, but I’m kind of having difficulty understanding what that means. And before you answer that, my impression is actually that it doesn’t matter, in that it’s all essence is actually so interconnected that it’s all one essentially. And these various essences which you assign names to for our benefit are actually different expressions of All That Is, of all essence.

ELIAS: I would say you are correct. And you are correct, it doesn’t matter. Because the piece that people don’t think about or actually genuinely realize in physical focus, regardless of how many times I express it, is that outside of physical focus, outside of any physical reality, it doesn’t matter what physical reality it is, there is no separation. Therefore you’re correct that it’s all interconnected and intertwined and that any aspect of consciousness such an essence is simply a designation of a personality.

And in that, that personality can be, in a manner of speaking, extracted. Which it’s not entirely an extraction because it’s not necessarily pulling it away, but separating to a degree in which that personality can be expressed as one thing, let us say. Such as when I am engaging interaction with you, even the identification of “I” is a separation of the personality in order to efficiently and effectively interact with you in a capacity that you can relate to, that you can understand, that you can identify, and that you can interact with.

But in that, it is no different than moving in the direction of engaging with a physical reality. There is this type of extraction in which you can be expressed in that element of separation, but you’re still connected – which is what you are actually learning and experiencing through this shift. In the recognition of being more self-aware you’re also becoming more aware of that interconnectedness, which that gives you more of an objective awareness of what you are in consciousness AS essence, in which then that designation of essence can be drawn on to express in different capacities in relation to empowering whatever the expression is of a manifestation in some physical reality. (Pause)

NUNO: Very well. I understand that, I think.

ELIAS: Excellent.

NUNO: Then in terms of personality of essence, or the way essence expresses itself in an energy exchange, that’s purely synthetic. That’s just something that essences generate for the purpose of the energy exchange?

ELIAS: Correct.

NUNO: Okay. That’s what I thought.

I would like to ask if you have any questions for me.

ELIAS: (Pause) I would ask, what has your experience been since you have reconfigured your cat?

NUNO: Oh! It’s been a little hectic. She likes to be with me a lot, and she likes me to interact with her almost continuously so I’m kind of struggling to achieve a balance in that.

ELIAS: Was that not what you wanted?

NUNO: To a degree, yes. But I do have other things I want to do, not just spend my whole day entertaining the cat.

ELIAS: Although you know that that’s temporary, correct?

NUNO: Exactly. I expect that that’s a phase. She is a kitten right now and she will grow out of that in time, so I’m not terribly concerned about it.

ELIAS: Very well. And is the cat blending with the family well?

NUNO: For the most part. Helen has accepted it and although she’s not much of a person that cares for pets in general, she’s being quite accommodating. And yeah, I would say that it’s being accepted well, yes.

ELIAS: Excellent. Very well.

And how is your invention coming?

NUNO: Ah! I’m actually starting to put in more serious work into that. I’m working on actually constructing the prototype, a very crude and early prototype just because there are just some unknowns, in that mostly having to do with my implementation of the transducer, that I just don’t know what the answer is and the only way to find out for me is to actually construct it and do measurements and assess it. I did take into consideration a device that uses rotation, but I actually prefer one that doesn’t involve mechanical movement because for one thing, that is not my area of expertise, constructing mechanical devices. So I am going down the road that I discussed with you some time ago, using a kind of sort of an electrostatic sort of approach, which I discussed with you. And I’m actually building it, I’m going to have it built, and see what happens.

ELIAS: Excellent. And what materials are you using to build it?

NUNO: Well, the transducer is going to be on a standard, what’s called epoxy glass, printed circuit board material. That’s what I had thought I would use for that.

ELIAS: Excellent. And approximately what is the size of the mechanism?

NUNO: Oh. Well like I said, this is an early stage prototype, so the size is not really of much concern. But I would say what I am building right now, which is mostly for the purpose of measuring and assessing the performance of it, is going to be approximately, let’s say perhaps a hundred square centimeters. Yeah, about ten by ten centimeters. I haven’t finished yet, so I’m not really sure. Something along that, in that ballpark.

ELIAS: Very well.

NUNO: And it could be made—

ELIAS: Are you—

NUNO: Sorry. Continue.

ELIAS: Are you pleased with it at this point?

NUNO: Sorry, repeat.

ELIAS: Are you pleased with it at this point?

NUNO: Like I say, I haven’t actually finished constructing it yet, so that’s… I will find out in the next few weeks, or a month or so.

ELIAS: Very well.

NUNO: My concern with that isn’t the emitter of the energy. It’s the reception of the energy. Which is what I have a lot of questions about, as to how that’s going to be able to operate.

ELIAS: (Pause) I would say that that is excellent, my friend.

NUNO: Oh! Very good. And… well, thank you for asking. In the past I got the impression you weren’t terribly interested in (chuckles) that adventure of mine.

ELIAS: (Laughs) I am always interested in what interests you, and what direction you’re moving in with that, in your accomplishments and what it sparks in you, in relation to choices and directions. It does express also how much you’re moving in the direction of being aware of your choices and what you’re doing and how you are directing yourself and structuring yourself.

How have you been moving in the direction of your interactions with other people?

NUNO: Oh! That’s actually going quite well. I have a ping pong group that I meet with twice a week and also one of the individuals, I’m helping her with computer issues, or kind of an educational thing. I’ve also got scheduled a kind of a presentation to seniors concerning online safety. In other words, how not to get scammed by emails and things like that. So I’m going to be doing—

ELIAS: Ah! I would say that’s significant, my friend.

NUNO: Yeah, it’s kind of a little different direction. I’m kind of looking forward to that. It’ll be interesting.

ELIAS: It’s also helping people to empower themselves.

NUNO: Yeah. It’s really something that people at my age generally, you know, they struggle with technology or that kind of technology anyways. Yeah. It’ll be fun.

ELIAS: Congratulations! That is tremendous. I am very acknowledging of you, my friend. Quite the accomplishments.

NUNO: Yes. So I’ve definitely got a lot of things going on, but I’m trying to keep a balance on all of that and my energy work, trying to get more of that into my schedule as well. That’s always important.

ELIAS: And how do you feel physically and emotionally?

NUNO: Really good, actually. I have to be honest. I really, emotionally I have no concerns right now. I actually feel very grounded and stable. Physically, I’d say I feel like some minor muscular aches and pains here and there but nothing serious. And I find that I’m, you know, things that come up of that nature, they tend to heal fairly quickly anyways and there’s nothing I’m concerned with at the moment.

ELIAS: I would say that’s excellent. The reason I asked is because this is all part of that longevity that you had inquired about and that I was expressing was important for you to be more interactive with other individuals. And in that, the more interactive you are, the more you actually will feel good.

NUNO: That’s interesting. I mean since you suggested it, I always assumed that that would be the case. I haven’t actually thought about the connection myself, but it’s… I guess that’s what it is. Definitely I find it beneficial.

ELIAS: I would say congratulations, my friend.

NUNO: Well thank you. Yes. I was wondering actually about my progress with my energy work. I wondered if you could give me an assessment on that?

ELIAS: (Pause) Actually I would say that that has been progressing quite well. And in that, I understand that you might want to engage more time with it, but you’re still engaging time with it, simply in different manners, in different configurations. You’re engaging time with it in interacting with and playing with your new cat, and you are actually putting that energy work into practical application in relation to your interaction with other people, which is tremendous and the point. Because if you weren’t translating it into practical application, then it would likely lead you in the direction of disengaging. (Pause) Therefore in relation to continuing within physical focus, this is excellent, what you are doing and what you are accomplishing and putting all of your energy work into practical application. Even if you weren’t actually thinking about that, it doesn’t matter. You’re doing it automatically. Which is exceptional.

NUNO: And do I continue to progress in a direction of incorporating more energy?


NUNO: That was my impression, but I wanted to validate that with you.

Oh, the other thing is I have been practicing the inner landscape exercise more frequently. I did talk to Frank about that and he offered useful information on that. So could you give me an assessment of how effective I’m being with that?

ELIAS: And your assessment?

NUNO: My assessment? Yes, that it is being somewhat effective. Yes.

ELIAS: Somewhat effective? How so?

NUNO: I see changes in the things that intend to change, in the direction I want.

ELIAS: Good. I would agree. I would say that you’re actually being more effective than you’re crediting yourself with, but as you continue I suspect that will change or that your perception will change.

I would also encourage you to credit yourself considerably. Give yourself more credit for what you’re accomplishing than what you have been giving yourself. I see that you are somewhat hesitant to credit yourself unless you are entirely accomplishing what you want, but I would say that that’s part of the process. It’s important that you are crediting yourself with everything, in every step. Because the more you do that, the more you move in a direction of accomplishing.

It's all a matter of moving in directions and expressions that create more ease and that allow you to be accomplishing with less difficulty or less obstacles. Just as with food and as you were expressing in relation to sugar, you can be consuming that and it’s not necessarily that it will entirely stop you from accomplishing what you want to accomplish, but it can create a situation in which it’s more difficult and it takes more time.

Now; in that, in relation to crediting yourself with what you’re doing and what you’re accomplishing, regardless of how insignificant the accomplishment might seem in a day, it’s important to credit yourself and move in the direction of expressing that regardless because it creates more of an open avenue in which then you are expressing more ease and more of an avenue TO accomplish what it is that you want to accomplish. Therefore you will be doing it more effectively and more quickly. Do you understand?

NUNO: I do. Yes. And—

ELIAS: Excellent.

NUNO: — that is something I need to be more diligent with.

ELIAS: I would say that that would be something that is significant for you to practice with more, because it will allow you to accomplish more. And therefore even with your inner landscape, you will be able to see the results of that more quickly and more in the direction of what you want to entirely accomplish.

NUNO: Okay. I had a question also on inner landscape. Quite some time ago, when we were first discussing psilocybin, you mentioned that it can be used as – I can’t remember exactly how you phrased it – either as an aid or as an alternative to the inner landscape. Can you explain that? Because I have been actually experimenting with that. It seems to be effective.

ELIAS: It can be. It can be used as an aid in relation to the inner landscape. Sometimes people have difficult with their concentration with the inner landscape. They can generate an initial picture or photograph, but then they have difficulty in holding their concentration and they have difficulty concentrating on allowing the subjective to create the movie, and even watching the movie. And in that, this substance can actually aid in that direction because it, in a manner of speaking, it can make it fun to do the inner landscape. And it can help with that concentration in relation to watching the movie part of the inner landscape unfold.

[The timer for the end of the session rings]

It can also help in the direction of being imaginative with your initial photograph. Sometimes if you create a photograph that is more intricate or more complex, it gives the subjective awareness more to work with, so to speak.

Remember: your objective and subjective are simply two sides of the same coin. And in that, they’re moving together. They always move together and therefore if one is expressing more complexity, the other will express more complexity.

NUNO: Very well. I will look further into that and that is an avenue I’m interested in exploring.

ELIAS: Excellent.

NUNO: And I think that our time is up, and – oh, by the way, is my partner, is she Borledim aligned?

ELIAS: Correct.

NUNO: And Sumari belonging?

ELIAS: Correct.

NUNO: And thought-based, common?

ELIAS: (Pause) Yes.

NUNO: Okay. I thought I’d ask you that, after all these years.

ELIAS: (Laughs) Very well, my friend.

NUNO: Thank you so much for your information. It’s always a pleasure speaking with you.

ELIAS: You are very welcome, my friend. I express tremendous encouragement to you and great love and friendship. Until our next meeting, au revoir.

NUNO: Au revoir.

(Elias departs after 59 minutes)

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