Session 202405181

The State of the World; Pearl Energy and Dragons


“The State of the World”
“Pearl Energy”
“Finding Your Purpose”
“Creating a Sense of Community”
“Reading Energy Fields”
“A Huge Collective Energy Throughout the Entire World”
“Young People Giving Voice to What Isn’t Being Voiced”

Saturday, May 18, 2024 (Group/Hinsdale, New Hampshire)

Participants: Mary (Michael), Alex (Philip), Bonnie (Lyla), Brigitt (Camile), Christina (Melian), Debbie (Tamarra), Eric (Doren), John (Rrussell), Lynda (Ruther), Mark (Liam), Melissa (Leah), Peter (Gaylore) and Tariq (Jessik)

“…when you can actually stop and look at yourself and express questioning your own perception, then you can move in a direction of actually accepting. You don’t have to like something. You don’t have to agree with it and in your guidelines, you can think it’s wrong. You are entirely, absolutely entitled to your opinion. And if you believe that something is wrong, that’s acceptable – but knowing that it’s only wrong for you, or knowing that it’s only right for you. Not for everyone else in the world.”

ELIAS: Good afternoon!

GROUP: Good afternoon, Elias!

ELIAS: (Chuckles) This day, we will address several subjects and I will open the floor to all of you for questions or whatever subjects you want to discuss in addition. But to begin with, the first subject is about the state of your world presently and in that the significance of it, because there is a significance to it.

In this, you began with one war in the north and many people were interested in that and were sympathetic to people involved in that conflict on both sides. Most people weren’t actually taking sides. They were more so in the direction of simply not agreeing with the conflict itself and the destruction that it was wreaking.

Then your war in the Middle East occurred and is still occurring. And that is where it becomes very significant, because this is something that is not simply a war with Israel and other middle eastern countries or Arab countries. It’s not only about that, because there are Muslims and Christians all over your world and these are the two largest religions in your world. And in that, it’s very significant to all of them. That’s a lot of people, in every country. Muslims and Christians are in every country.

And in that, there is an enormous significance to both of them in relation to this conflict because it holds religious significance. Both of these religions have a tremendous significance in relation to the idea of a second coming. They believe differently about it, but they both have this in their religious philosophies. And in that, that is lending a tremendous amount of energy to this conflict because in these religions they believe that Israel would usher in this second coming, that Israel would be the catalyst, that Israel would be in your terms “the bad guy.” And that bad guy would be creating a tremendous conflict and that then God would come and would stop it. But before God would stop it, God would usher in Armageddon.

This is something that both these religions in different capacities believe. One believes that Christ will be the one that is expressed in the second coming. One believes that God the Father will create this Armageddon to punish all of the non-believers and the bad people. Then you also have the Latter Day Saints, and they are more in number than you think. They are simply quieter. And in that, they also believe that this is something Israel will initiate, and it will create the end of the world. And in that, in the end of the world, the end days, God will summon to him all of the true believers, all of the saints, which they are.

Therefore the point of all of this is that there is a tremendous, enormous amount of energy that is being directed at that conflict and supporting it. They want this to happen because this ushers in the new age, and that this will create the end of the world. That’s what Armageddon is, the end of the world. That’s what these, all of these people believe.

Now; that could seem somewhat bleak. (Group chuckles)

LYNDA: You think?

ELIAS: But as you all know, I am not one for the doom and gloom, and those types of prophesies. I do express that it’s important for you to be realistic and know what’s happening in your world, and therefore you can move in a different direction and you can influence around you to be moving in a different direction. And what does that mean, a different direction? It means no taking sides. It means moving in the direction of genuine acceptance of difference. And what does acceptance of difference mean? It means in your own homes and communities that you’re not fighting with each other, that you’re not judging each other, that you’re not moving in a direction of intolerance with each other, or that you’re not moving in the direction of being right.

This is something that people can think about very easily in relation to the conflict across the ocean: “I’m not judging them,” “I’m in acceptance of them,” “I accept both sides of them.” And then they go to work and they fight with their coworkers and they are having lunch in their lunchroom and are expressing, “This person is an idiot,” and they’re expressing, “I don’t understand this person. How can they think this?” or “This person is voting for this candidate? They’re insane.” This is contributing to all that conflict.

Therefore, if you’re moving in those directions you might as well be expressing: “I’m in agreement with this war. I support this war. I support whoever supports this war.” If you don’t support that, remember what I expressed in relation to your global mass event. When that was happening with that virus, I expressed to all of you that it wasn’t about a virus. It was about getting all of your attention throughout the world, and what it was about was three things: self-structuring, self-directing and acceptance of difference.

Now; in the time framework since that global event many, many, many if not most people have begun to be much more self-directing and have been learning how to be self-structuring. Which has been difficult for many people because it’s not something that they have been accustomed to and it’s not something that is taught to you. Most people are involved with the workforce in varied capacities, but in the workforce. That structures for you. Therefore people are not accustomed to structuring for themselves and for a time were floundering: “How do I do this?” And other people that are accustomed to self-structuring actually were helping people that didn’t know how, and were expressing examples and suggestions and actual help. People were actually moving in some directions together.

Now you are moving in the direction of addressing to differences. And that’s why you have these wars, because people don’t want to accept differences. They are not happy. They are very divided. They are very angry because even if they don’t know what is actually happening in this shift, they’re reacting to it. Because everyone is involved with this shift and because you’re all (chuckles) interconnected. Therefore all that energy is happening throughout your world. And in that, they’re reacting and they’re not happy.

In that, the more all of you can move in a direction of expressing genuinely that acceptance of differences, to actually look at what you don’t accept, to actually look and catch yourselves in moments in which you’re irritated or angry because someone else did something that you don’t agree with, or you’re frustrated or angry with someone else because they’re moving in opposition to your principles, or they’re doing something that you know is wrong and YOU are right, whenever you are expressing how much you’re right, that’s your signal. You don’t even have to move in the direction of someone else is wrong. When you are absolutely sure that you are right, that’s the trigger. That’s the smoking gun. And in that, that’s your moment to stop, to pause, and to simply express to yourself, “What am I doing? Why is this important to me? Why am I making this important?” Many times it will be because you’re standing on some principle. Let me express to you, standing on a principle is the same as standing on a soapbox, and you can be knocked off that soapbox very easily.

In that, when you can actually stop and look at yourself and express questioning your own perception, then you can move in a direction of actually accepting. You don’t have to like something. You don’t have to agree with it and in your guidelines, you can think it’s wrong. You are entirely, absolutely entitled to your opinion. And if you believe that something is wrong, that’s acceptable – but knowing that it’s only wrong for you, or knowing that it’s only right for you, not for everyone else in the world. Knowing that what’s important to you is not necessarily important to anyone else. It can be the most important thing in your world, and that doesn’t mean it’s important to other people.

But it doesn’t matter. It’s a matter of sharing. This is natural, because you are all interconnected. Therefore when someone else is expressing about something that you don’t care about or that isn’t important to you, it doesn’t matter. You can listen because it’s important to them. Just as something is important to you and you want to share about it, and you want them to listen because that acknowledges you as important, that you are a person and you are important.

This is what is not happening in your wars. No one is listening to anyone. No one cares about what anyone else is expressing. All they are focused on is who’s right. And they all think they’re right; therefore they all think each other is wrong, and everybody that’s wrong deserves to be punished. You don’t deserve anything if you’re wrong. You’re bad if you’re wrong. That’s old thinking. That’s old expressions. That’s not shifting. And as I expressed, there will be trauma in this shift. There is trauma in this shift, and people are shifting whether they want to or not. Therefore, just the same as climate change, you can either move with it or you can move against it. If you move with it, you’ll be much more comfortable. If you move against it, you’re going to be swimming through mud and it’s going to be very uncomfortable.

But this is all about perceptions. And in that, knowing that everyone has their own unique perception and they believe that they are right, just as you believe that you’re right – except that you know that that doesn’t mean that you’re absolutely right universally. You’re right for you and perhaps the people that you choose to be associated with.

In this, I would very much encourage all of you to be looking at that subject of perception and how important it is, because that’s what’s creating all of your reality, every second of it, every piece of it, everything you see, everything you hear, everything you do is all part of your perception.

NOW we come to the second subject, which is not doom and gloom at all. (Group laughter) It is the present-time favorite subject of pearl energy. (Group laughter) And everyone is excited about pearl energy and this is excellent, because this is something that you can use to help you with perception. This is something that can aid you tremendously and it’s fun. It’s a fun method to use to do something that is constructive.

And in that, you can employ that pearl energy and you can change perception. You can use it to help you with differences. You can use it to help you move in directions of more creativity. You can use it in ANYTHING, literally anything that you want to use it for. It is incredibly versatile. There is nothing you can’t use it for. Therefore that’s definitely fun and definitely exciting.

In that, I also expressed a time ago, in a conversation with another individual (nodding at Tariq and Tariq laughs), about the suggestion that people perhaps create their own dragons because it’s fun. (Group laughter) A great deal of fun. Because it’s fun and because actually doing that (chuckles) you’re actually tapping into another dimension, where they actually exist. And when you have the idea of one, you’re likely tapping into that other dimension and that’s where you’re getting that image from.

And in that, what is exceptionally fun about this direction is that you can use that also, because that brings with it an energy of strength. Which is tremendous. And who doesn’t love imagination? Everyone loves imagination. It’s so fun. It’s something that everyone can do, unless you’ve forgotten how to do it because you’re no longer a child and it’s been pushed out of you. Imagination is glorious. It is wondrous and it’s so fun – and it’s so real. Everything you can imagine exists somewhere. It might not exist in your reality here, but it exists somewhere or you wouldn’t be able to imagine it.

Therefore you’re pulling on other areas of consciousness when you imagine, and who doesn’t want to imagine a dragon? They’re enormous. And what can come up against a dragon and have any chance of defeating it. They’re huge! (Laughs)

JOHN: They used to actually exist, right? And I remember you saying—

ELIAS: No, not in your dimension. But they do exist in another dimension and they are quite prevalent. And I would say that yes, the beings that also exist in that dimension, which are not quite like humans but they – and they are quite large themselves – but they are very interactive with these creatures and they do actually have a specific, very special bond with them. But all of you have focuses in that dimension also. Therefore you’re simply tapping into you in another dimension. And in that, that’s fun also. (Chuckles)

Therefore I would say that all of this is quite fun and you can use it in practical application in relation to your world and what’s happening in your world that you don’t agree with, and you’re entitled to not agree with. In that, as I said, everyone is definitely entitled to their opinion, but knowing that it doesn’t apply to everyone else. And in that, being able to express that acceptance, this is the main subject and event that is happening now. And you will be seeing more and more of these conflicts because of it. Therefore it’s becoming more and more important that all of the people that have an awareness can move in that direction of that acceptance of difference.

Now I will allow all of you to ask questions or present subjects that you are interested in or that are important to you, before we break. (Pause) And all of my little mice (group laughter) that don’t want to speak. Yes?

ALEX: So we had a private session not too long ago and we spoke about purpose in life. And I remember you saying that you don’t really have a purpose, you get to choose your purpose. But there’s got to be some level of guidance to choosing that purpose, right? To some extent, there is a reason why we came here and it’s not just exhibit all of life, but there’s more of a focus?

ELIAS: Yes. You have a pool of probabilities that you form before you enter into a focus in this reality, or any reality. And that doesn’t necessarily mean that you will follow that entirely. Sometimes you don’t follow it at all, but generally it’s a group of probabilities or subjects that you want to explore in one lifetime. Therefore you have a general context of what direction you want to explore. Generally that will begin as a child. You’ll have certain interests as a child.

I was speaking to an individual yesterday who as a child, which he didn’t share this until I offered some other information to him, as a child he was fascinated with trains and he wanted to know everything about trains. He shared that with myself after I expressed to him. He asked if I would share with him two focuses that he shared with myself and with Seth. And one of those that I chose to share with him was one that he was involved with the train system moving across this country in its inception. Not building the tracks, but actually driving the train. And he was very excited about that because he was very interested in trains as a child and he has been interested in trains ever since. But he’s also interested in many other things.

In that, generally speaking as a child that will be your first foray into some of your interests, some of your subjects that you want to explore in this lifetime. As you develop, you will add to those interests. And in that, this is the piece about choice. You always have choice, but as you grow and as you develop you’re being steered by other people. And you have the choice to move in the direction of what you’re being steered into or you have the choice to move in your own direction. Most people don’t know that. Therefore they move in the direction that they are being steered and they leave those natural directions that they want to explore. And they may think about that from time to time in their life but briefly, because it’s not something that they’ve actually engaged. And in that, they won’t even think about it with regret because it’s not something that has been incorporated into their life.

In this, generally when humans approach an age of approximately between forty and fifty years of age, at that point they begin to question their lives and what they’re doing and what is their interest and what is important to them and what is their meaning in this life, or what are they contributing or what do they want to actually do or follow. Some people actually move in a direction of finding what interests them. They actively pursue that. Many people don’t. Most people let that move by the wayside actually.

Then when they retire, they move in that direction again of: “What is my purpose?” “Why am I here?” “What do I want to do?” And then they have the questions of: “What do I even enjoy?” “What is even fun? I don’t know what that is.” And in that, that becomes difficult because they’ve moved so far in their life not knowing themself and what is important to them and what interests them, that it becomes hard for them to actually discover what is important to them. I speak to many people in that situation. And in that, it’s a matter of the person actually beginning to try different directions, because they don’t know any longer what interests them or what’s important to them or what they genuinely are passionate about. They don’t know. It’s not that it’s not there. It’s not that it’s gone. It’s simply pushed down so far that you don’t remember what it is.

I also would suggest in that situation that the person think about when they were very little, when they were a youngling. And what did they like to do? It’s quite enlightening to think about those things because it’s very interesting that when individuals are children, they’re not always interested in what they are supposed to be interested in. There are many little girls that are interested in how things work or the mechanics of things, and how to put something together and how to take something apart. There are many little boys that are interested in family, and therefore are interested in taking care of baby dolls because they’re interested in the idea of family.

In this, it can be surprising when you look back at what you liked, what was important to you when you were very young, when you were very small. And what did you think about things? And what did you think about other children? Children evaluate other children. And in that, you can learn a lot about yourself from that beginning, and then moving into evaluating different stages in your life. What did you want to explore and never did? That’s how you begin. (Looking at Alex) It’s in you. It didn’t get lost. (Chuckles)

And yes?

ERIC: I was thinking about first with Mary’s talk about… It seemed to me that that was a changing of habits that was in a beneficial direction. And as part of the shift was discussed before with the conflicts, how do we get in the habit of getting a sense of unity and belonging, without needing the other to push against? Because I see it as like habitually to feel like you belong to a group, there needs to be some other group that you’re not a part of, to make that definition. So how do we get to that place of feeling belonging and a sense of community without having to have that other there?

ELIAS: Without the other, it’s easy because the other people agree with you. (Group laughter) Therefore there’s no conflict and there’s no challenge in that, and it’s easy to create community. Or I would say it’s easy in theory, because you have to go out and meet people. You have to create community and in that, you have to engage with people. And that is a challenge.

People would think that in your present time framework with your internet and all that you have available to you and all the information that you have available to you, that it would be easy to create community. But all that internet and all of that expression of what is available to you actually has isolated you a lot. And in that, you’re so busy being so focused on a device that you aren’t focused on interacting with each other, and you’ve somewhat pushed away from you that gathering together and creating community.

Even many of you with your jobs, previously that was a direction that you would create one community that you would interact with: other people that you work with. And from that, you would also be more inclined to be creating another community with your neighbors. Since the pandemic, you’ve isolated yourselves. You’ve focused yourselves on your devices. You have separated yourselves from each other. And in that, many of you are not (chuckles) going to your job in a communal place. You’re working at home and you’re not interacting physically with other people. You’re not having lunch with them. You’re not having a break with them. You’re not interacting with them in person in physical proximity, and you’re losing that automatic movement.

And that’s spilling over into your neighborhoods also. You’re not as inclined to be engaging with your neighbors. You’re much more comfortable being by yourself in your home with your devices.


JOHN: So I have a question and maybe two quick examples to help illustrate the question. And everybody here is probably familiar with this Facebook group we’ve got for Elias material, right? And I don’t like it. I mean, I don’t like the design of it. And I look into it and I think about what would be an ideal, in terms of an internet community. And you start to look at the design element of it, right? How do people interact? What is good design in terms of what promotes that? And it’s almost as though these devices and what you said, along with the design of these platforms like Facebook, are almost intentionally designed to counter, right, the building of communities. Some of it’s quite intentional literally, right? I mean it’s, you don’t want people gathering too much because that can create danger in a society. We know that.

I think that the other thing is from a work perspective. I mean one of the, one of our newer offices that I kind of oversee, the biggest ask is how can we form, because we’re all working from the home, right? Now in this particular office they’re all kind of not too far away from the physical office, and there is one. But it’s always how can we form community and how can we do that. And there’s always the regular ideas. Well, everybody goes to the office once a week or once every other week voluntarily, and it would be nice, and then you can have lunches once a month or whatever it is, you can sponsor it. That’s great. But even with the tools that we have that are not these Facebooks or whatever, that are not intentionally designed to be negative towards community, even those are not particularly effective. And I’m curious to get your perspective on what would be effective. Using the online environment that we do live in now, what would be effective in promoting community? What are the characteristics that are really important to factor in when you’re designing something that promotes community?

ELIAS: It’s difficult because the community that you have online can consist of people all over your world. Therefore you can’t necessarily engage with them in physical proximity. But you could promote the development of people in the online community to be gathering with people in their community, therefore actually interacting with other people, and they don’t have to be interacting in relation to the information that I offer. In that, it’s simply a matter of encouraging them to be interactive with each other in their own communities and then to share on the online community what they’ve engaged, what their experience is. What did they learn from that type of interaction? How did they put it together? What did they invite?

It’s a matter of encouraging people, giving them information. Not simply expressing: “This is an online community that encourages people to gather together and to be interconnected with each other and to come back together and to share their experiences with all of us.” That would be, that would be an absolute, likely it would be an absolute failure. Because then all of the people are sitting in front of their devices and thinking, “How do I do that? I don’t know how to do that.” You have to provide information. You have to, as you said, a platform, you have to provide a platform for them. They don’t know how to do that any longer.

People aren’t moving in directions of interacting with each other in physical proximity. I would say to you that if you were looking at communities fifty and sixty years prior to now – this is significant, because you have created such vast differences in such a small amount of time. Fifty, sixty, seventy years is, in relation to your history, is nothing. It’s such a small amount of time. And in that small amount of time, people were gathering with their neighbours and having barbecues and having parties and were interacting with each other, and their children were playing with each other and they gathered with each other frequently. They shared things with each other. People don’t do that any longer.

In that, people would welcome a new person to their community, to their neighborhood, with cookies and cakes and pies. Someone new moves into your apartment building and you close the door and you stay in your living room on your device, and you don’t even know who that person is. Or someone moves into your neighbourhood and you see them in the house three houses away, and you immediately become suspicious: “Who is this person?” “What is their agenda?” (Group laughter) “Why have they moved here?” “We don’t know them. We stay away from them and we don’t know what they believe so we won’t talk.” There’s no cookies and pies and cakes. In that, even when the people are friendly and are introducing themselves, most people are nice and they run away.

JOHN: In your estimation – (To group) I’m sorry, last question. In your estimation, where do we see pockets of communities? Like I’m thinking churches or…

ELIAS: Churches are actually one place that there is a very strong community, and that they do actually interact with each other. And I would say that there are in every town community centers and people do go to them. Not as many as could go to them. I would say that another place that people do actually – to a degree, not entirely, but a small degree, that they generate some type of community – is at gyms. People will interact with each other in that setting. But it could improve tremendously with very little effort, very little effort.


TARIQ: I have a quick question about pearl energy.


TARIQ: So there were three different essences with two different stories, Drämihl, Rose and yourself, of its origins. And why is that? Over the last three years.

ELIAS: (Chuckles) I would say it’s giving different versions of its origin and in that, they’re all correct. Because actually, as I’ve said, this has been an energy that is as old as consciousness, which has no beginning. Therefore I would say that any version of where it came from or when would be correct, because it’s simply the telling of a different time.

MELISSA: I have a question.

BRIGITT: About— (To Melissa) Oh, sorry. No, you go ahead.

MELISSA: About pearl energy, is this the way that people do lucid waking? Because you haven’t talked about that in a long time.

ELIAS: Mm… it could.

MELISSA: It could.

ELIAS: It could, because in that, if you were using it to increase your self-awareness and you were using it to move in the direction of being more aware of perception, yes, it could.

JOHN: Is it necessary? Meaning is it necessary – I think the answer is no. Is it necessary to variegate energy, different types of energy? Or even think in that manner? If I’ve got unlimited energy, then I can keep that concept in the back of my mind and go do whatever I want.

ELIAS: You could.

JOHN: Right. Okay.

ELIAS: But people don’t.

JOHN: Right.

ELIAS: And that’s the reason that this is something that is attractive to people, because it’s something that they can use in whatever manner they choose and it empowers them. But yes, you are correct.


TARIQ: I have a very quick question. (To group) Sorry, guys. (Group laughter) But I’ve been freezing since you came in. I don’t know, I’ve just been totally freezing. And then you said pearl energy as your second subject and a wave of heat, I was so warm for the past little while. (Group laughter) That’s pearl energy, right?


TARIQ: Thank you.

ELIAS: (Laughs) Yes?

BRIGITT: I was going to ask, I was listening to Nuno’s latest session and shared, about the more self-aware you become, the less your body puts up with the shit, energy that you store in it, stuff that you could have stored and not… you can’t ignore it any longer. Like you could have stuffed it away and now you get pains everywhere and—

ELIAS: That’s correct.

BRIGITT: — shoulder problems. (Group laughter)

JOHN: Here we go! (Group laughter)

BRIGITT: You know, things like that. So it’s… Why? Why can’t you, the body, just like… You know, why does it…? Does it release it so fast? I don’t understand what the… Like why you can’t hold it or why minor irritations come up in the body consciousness, or when they used to before—

ELIAS: First of all—

BRIGITT: Maybe I’m misunderstanding this, but...

MARK: Why now? Why me?

ELIAS: You’re not.


ELIAS: And first of all, manifestations with the body are the most obvious and the easiest to see. And therefore they’re difficult to ignore. That’s the first piece, why the body reacts, because YOU (chuckles) are actually controlling that. And in that, YOU are changing with your self-awareness and by doing so and by shifting, your perception is changing, your direction is changing, how you express yourself is changing. Everything is changing. And in doing so, you’ve made a choice to move forward. You’ve made a choice to be more self-aware.

You are directing your body. And in that, you’re using your body as a signal, as a communication. It’s the most effective, most efficient communication because it’s loud and it’s very difficult to ignore. Some people can, but it’s difficult to ignore. And in that, you’re going to pay attention to it.

It’s also a matter of because you’ve made this choice – and it’s not something that’s hidden or secret from you, YOU have made the choice. You make the choice to listen to myself. You make the choice to move in new directions. It’s important to you. You want that. Therefore, your subjective awareness has that message. It knows. It’s expressing. Your subjective and your objective awareness move together. They move in harmony. It’s not that your subjective awareness is doing something that is contrary to you or that you don’t anything about. That’s very incorrect. Your subjective awareness is doing what your objective awareness is. They’re simply doing it in different modes, but they’re doing the same thing.

Your subjective awareness directs your body. Your objective awareness is directing everything outside of your body. They’re doing the same thing. When you do something, when you generate an action and you do something that’s contrary to what you know – you already have information and you already have made a choice to move in a direction, and if you do something that’s contrary to that… Let’s say what you do is you go to work, or you don’t go to work, you stay at home and you work on your computer. And then you have a meeting with other coworkers on your computer. And you are sitting there in this meeting watching each other, and you’re thinking to yourself, “I hate this person! They drive me insane. I am losing my control here. I can’t sit here for another minute and look at this person’s face.” And all the while, you’re smiling at the screen. But inwardly, you’re having a war and in that, that whole expression is contrary to what you know and the direction that you’re moving in.

You’re moving in the direction of more self-awareness, more centeredness, more balance, and being interconnected. Therefore that expression is contrary to what you are choosing. Therefore in that, your subjective awareness knows that and is ringing the bells: “Create something! She needs a communication! She needs a signal right now.” And all of a sudden you have a pain in your shoulder, or all of sudden your hip hurts and you’re shifting in your seat, or all of a sudden you’re exceedingly parched and you have to go get a drink of water. Something is happening in your body, because your objective is doing something and your subjective is saying, “Oh-oh-oh no. We don’t do that now.” (Group laughter)

BRIGITT: We’re ‘way too enlightened for that behavior. (Group laughter)

ELIAS: (Laughs) Precisely. Yes. (Laughs)

Very well. We shall break and we shall return in a moment.

[Break after 1 hour and 6 minutes]

ELIAS: Continuing. (Pause) And questions? Or other subjects? (Pause)

ALEX: How does one get better at seeing and interacting with energies?

ELIAS: Seeing energies, I have expressed many times examples of how you can do that. It’s actually very easy. It’s simply a matter of practicing looking at energy fields, and the easiest manner to do that is to have another person with you. Place them in front of a blank wall, any type of – it doesn’t matter if it’s inside or outside, but a blank area of the wall that they can be in front of. And then focus your eyes. Relax them. Don’t stare, but focus your eyes just on the edge of their hairline. If they don’t have hair, focus your energy just on the edge, the outer edge of their head. If you hold that gaze in a relaxed manner, relaxing your eyes, it will begin to appear, a white line around their head. And then it will appear to expand. It will get thicker. Then you can slowly move your gaze and you will begin to see that white outline around their entire body.

Now; if you practice with that – and let me express: you can practice it with a plant, you can practice it with an animal, you can even practice it with a chair. Everything has an energy field. Everything does. It doesn’t have to be something living and it doesn’t have to be something organic. It can be something manufactured. Everything has an energy field. But with people, the difference is that people have an energy field that incorporates all the colors of the color spectrum. Objects have one color, which is white. Animals have one color, which is pink. Plants have one color that’s generally, it’s technically silver but it appears to most people to be white.

In that, you can practice with anything. But when you’re practicing with a person – and you can do it anywhere. No one even has to know you’re doing it. You can simply be looking at them and you could be on a train and watching someone and looking for their energy field. The more you do it, the more it will begin to become about three inches thick around their body, and it will begin to take on color. Generally speaking, every individual will have at any given moment a dominant color. Therefore that will be the most consistent in their energy field. It changes. It isn’t that one person has that color because that’s their signature color. No. It changes with whatever they’re experiencing. Therefore they could be yellow at one time and they could be fiery red at another time.

You can also, when you are looking at a person’s energy field, you can see if, in your terms, something is wrong with them. Because whatever their most dominant color is will also have patches of a darker shade of that color. That indicates that they have some physical manifestation happening in their body.

But you can also play with it, once you’ve become accustomed to looking at an energy field. Then you can, in a manner of speaking, track it because your energy field attracts to other energy fields. Therefore if you are moving towards an animal, your energy field will extend and will move towards the animal and the animal’s energy field will move toward you. And you can see that intersection and the colors will mingle together. With people, that action can actually at times be almost totally inclusive, in which the entire energy field of one person’s body can intersect with the entire energy field of another individual’s, and they mix together. But you can see them stretch, you can see them move together, you can see them break apart. You can also see, if you are looking at energy, when people repel each other. Their energies will become very thin around their bodies and they won’t extend out to another person’s energy field. They will repel.

And I would say that it’s actually an interesting, fun expression to play with. You can also begin to figure out what state a person is in, because of what color becomes dominant. If an individual is being very emotional in a particular time, the dominant color will likely be yellow. If an individual is being very intellectual, contrary to metaphysics that very much like to express that purple is a very spiritual energy centre, but actually it’s very intellectual. Therefore if an individual is being very analytical and intellectual, their energy field will show much more purple in it. Actually the more intuitive color is the indigo. That would be very different. When a person is being very intuitive that would show up. I would say that red generally means that the person is very angry or very agitated, very agitated. The brighter the red, the more agitated or irritated or even anxious the person may be. Anxiety generally, though, tends to move with yellow and red. Therefore they would be almost equal in the energy field.

And know that all the other colors are present. They’ll be swirling. It’s always moving. Therefore the other colors will be swirling in the energy field. But it’s a fun direction to play with.

MARK: I’ve got a question about that. So if I hold my energy, which I’m very good at, it’s actually shrinking the color and repelling people around me?

ELIAS: Mm… Yes and no. It could. It depends. It depends on the situation. If you’re holding energy, you could still be extending and connecting with other people. And in that case, it would also show up as dark patches, darker patches of your main color at the time.

MARK: Well, I’ll use another word: guarded.

ELIAS: Guarded, yes.

MARK: How’s that fit into this? The same as holding?

ELIAS: (Pause) Again, yes and no.

MARK: Okay.

ELIAS: Being guarded is also something that is not a constant. It can be very frequent, but it’s not a constant. And holding energy is different. When you’re holding energy, that generally relates to an experience or a situation that has happened and you held onto that energy instead of letting it go. And you can hold onto a lot of energy. That’s what we have spoken about previously with your invisible container. And in that, yes, let us say that your main color at a particular time would be yellow. And in that, if you’re holding energy, then you would likely see brown spots in your energy which would indicate that you’re holding some energy.

MARK: Thank you.

ELIAS: You are very welcome.


BRIGITT: How is Sandra (Atafah) doing?

ELIAS: One moment. (Pause) Quite well, I would say. When I last answered that type of request, she was traveling to China to be interactive in her reality with her Chinese friend that she had worked with for many years with making the dolls. Now she’s actually – temporarily or not, that depends on her – moving away from the doll making and moving in a direction in which she is writing a new book, a mystery book. (Group chuckles) And as per usual, quite happy.

BRIGITT: Is that book ever going to be translated into physical reality?

ELIAS: It might be. That depends. That simply depends on who’s tapping into that energy. If someone were to tap into her world view, they could translate that. (Pause)

MARK: You brought up the wars—


MARK: — in the beginning. And the question is, do…? Other than being aware of it, and not paying attention to it, just being aware of it, do we need to position ourselves differently? Should we be concerned about that? I mean, you talk about changing our perceptions and how we interact with our circle of friends or family, and that that’s going to ripple out and hopefully affect everything, but I sense a energy of concern from you. Is that accurate?

ELIAS: Yes, it is.

MARK: I just want to… I want to talk about that a little bit more.

ELIAS: Very well. It’s not concern—

MARK: I mean you say it’s not doom and gloom, but…

ELIAS: No, but it’s not concern actually from myself. It’s an energy that I am aware of from many, many, many people in your world and in your midst.

MARK: So I’m tapping into that energy when you speak? Is that what you’re telling me? I’m not following.


MARK: Okay.

ELIAS: And for you as humans in physical focus, yes, there is cause for concern. That’s why I expressed that in relation to the religious individuals and the volume of them, and how much they are contributing to wanting this to escalate—

MARK: That’s a very strong energy collectively.

ELIAS: It’s very strong.

MARK: Yeah. It can be overwhelming.

ELIAS: It’s a huge collective energy, because it is something that is throughout the entire world.

MARK: And when you try to tell us to be aware of it, I’m assuming that some people can become overwhelmed and not really realize that that’s affecting them?

ELIAS: That’s correct. That’s why I’m expressing that information.

MARK: So then instead of burning it into themselves, they can say pay attention, maybe it’s that?

ELIAS: Yes. Yes.

MARK: And then what would…? If you’re asking yourself that question, more than likely it is. What are your recommendations on how to get through that quicker than…? Because sometimes you’ll follow it.

ELIAS: Very true.

MARK: It’s like a tractor beam, and it’s hard to get your attention away from it.

ELIAS: I agree.

MARK: I understand you don’t want to pay attention to that for too long, so any advice (chuckles) would be highly appreciated.

ELIAS: Very well. As with anything that potentially can or begins to move you in a direction of following feelings, because that’s what it would be doing – and let me once again briefly reiterate what following feelings means, because it’s not about the feeling per se. Because in that, the feeling triggers thinking. It’s the thinking that is following the feeling. And the thinking perpetuates the feeling and you begin to move in many different tangents with the thinking in relation to anything you can grasp—

MARK: Attached to it.

ELIAS: Yes. That is similar to the feeling that you’re experiencing then.

MARK: It could even be something in your family going on.


MARK: And then you get confused.


MARK: And you’re like, “What? What the hell’s going on here? It’s got nothing to do with my family.”

ELIAS: Correct.

MARK: I’m just trying to attach it to something.

ELIAS: I understand.

Now; what I would say first of all, I always suggest to people that the first thing they do is address to the physical. Feelings are generated by your body. Just as we were speaking about your body talking to you in a manner of speaking previously, feelings are the same. They’re signals that are intended to get your attention. And in that, the problem becomes that most people then begin paying attention to the feeling and then start thinking, thinking, thinking instead of looking at: “What is this feeling telling me? What is the message? What is the statement that I’m giving myself and this feeling alerted me to that?”

Therefore the first thing is to address to the physical, because that is what is the most distracting. It’s very hard to do anything else or even evaluate anything else if your body is producing something, whether it be feelings of emotional-type feelings, or whether it be that it starts producing physical feelings or both, or that you have a random pain that seems to happen for thirty seconds and it then dissipates, and then another one happens somewhere else in your body and for thirty seconds, and then it goes away.

In that, the first thing to do is to address to the body. And how do you do that? The first thing is to break the concentration that is being given to what the body is doing by producing feelings. Therefore I suggest that the first thing you do is walk outside. If you’re inside, walk outside. Stand there. Breathe, and fix your attention on something that you see. Generally fix your attention on the first thing you look at when you walk outside. Concentrate on that and the feeling AND the thinking will dissipate, because you’re giving your body a different message: “Stop paying attention to this feeling. Stop thinking. I’m looking at a tree.”

MARK: Like pick leaf colors.


MARK: Dark colors, like on—

ELIAS: That’s excellent. That’s excellent.

MARK: There’s plenty of them over here.

ELIAS: And counting is another. Numbers are an excellent distraction. They’re excellent. Therefore in that, once you’ve done that, don’t go back into the feeling. Don’t move back into: “Oh now I can analyze what this feeling was.” No, no, no. Don’t do that, because that just brings you back into the feeling and then you move back into the thinking again.

But then simply ask yourself the question: “Is this me?” Because in that, if you ask the question, “Is this me?” your thought mechanism – which does what? It translates. Your thought mechanism will immediately be seeking out any information in your body that is saying, “Yes, it’s me.” And if you can’t think of anything: “It wasn’t twenty minutes ago when I had this interaction with this individual and I was agitated,” it’s, there’s nothing. You can’t identify anything that’s happening that matches the feeling. Then it’s likely not you. Then you have a reason and then you have your information. You don’t necessarily know what it is, but it’s not you.

Now; one moment. The exception to that – and there is an exception – is that if you have a background of severe trauma, if you have more than one and you have severe trauma that is classified as what you now think of and refer to as PTSD, post-traumatic stress disorder that comes from extreme trauma, if you have that type of trauma in your life you might have moments in which an overwhelming feeling can randomly come up. And in that, it’s, it IS attached to you. It’s attached to a memory. And in that, when that happens, if you do the same method, move to a different area, generally move outside for a moment, the energy can dissipate when you are outside. It’s not as contained as when you are inside. Move to outside. Do the same steps. Breathe. Ask yourself that question, and then ask yourself, if you know you have trauma, “Does this feeling match that?” Because this feeling is likely disproportionate to whatever you’re experiencing. Therefore that’s your clue that it’s either something that is associated with trauma, if you have that. Not everyone does, and not everyone has extreme trauma. Therefore if you do, then you can ask yourself: “Does this feeling, which is disproportionate to anything that I’m experiencing today, does it match what I feel with that trauma?” Then you have your answer again. If it doesn’t, then it’s—

MARK: Is the difference potentially a trigger for the trauma, I mean as far as to trigger that memory back? Or not necessarily?

ELIAS: Yes. But you might not—

MARK: (Inaudible)

ELIAS: Yes, but you might not recognize it.

MARK: But something triggers you.

ELIAS: Something, yes.

MARK: You may not figure it out, but maybe you could.

ELIAS: You could.

MARK: Like you say, take yourself outside, you say, “Hey!”


MARK: “I had this experience that potentially triggered me to the trauma.”


MARK: So it’s not the war.

ELIAS: Correct. Correct.

MARK: There’s a separation.

ELIAS: Yes. They are different.

MARK: So now, you still… You’re still saying that regardless, the end result is the same. The process is the same.

ELIAS: Yes. Yes.

MELISSA: I have a question. I don’t believe I’m creating Armageddon. Am I delusional? Am I not paying attention?

ELIAS: None of you are creating it yet.


ELIAS: Genuinely.

MELISSA: But we’re creating the potential.

ELIAS: Not everyone.

MELISSA: Not everyone.



ELIAS: Some, many. But many are wishing. Therefore they are contributing to that direction. But I would say the only ones that are potentially actively creating that now are the people that are actually IN the conflict, or the governments that are in the conflict. But for the rest of you, for the rest of the world, none of you are actually creating that yet. And no, you’re not delusional.

And I would say that it’s also very possible for you to not create it even if it becomes a reality. What would happen is you would then step sideways from this present reality that you’re creating. You would energetically take a step sideways in which you’re still in this reality to a degree, but now you’ve stepped into creating a different reality.

MELISSA: I’m creating this information for a reason.

ELIAS: Most definitely. Yes. To know what those potentials are, and also to define within yourself what you’re choosing and what you might choose if your world moves in that direction.

JOHN: In general, given the nature of this particular conflict in the middle east and the nature of it the way you’ve described it, it won’t simply peter out. It’s going to culminate, whether that means it’s an Armageddon-type of culmination or whether it’s a culmination in some other way, fine. But it’s not going to peter out, it’s going to culminate?

ELIAS: Not likely.

JOHN: Yeah.

ELIAS: Not likely.

JOHN: Yeah.

MARK: So the best advice is, back to the same question, is pay attention?


MARK: Right?


ERIC: In not paying attention. (Group chatter)

ELIAS: It’s paying attention but yes, paying attention in a neutral capacity. I’m not advocating that you’re watching the news continuously or that you’re watching social media in relation to that, but that you are paying attention to potentials—

MARK: Paying attention to what you’re doing.

ELIAS: — to be able to make your own choices. Because you make your own choices.

MELISSA: But for many years you said we are not creating, for a war, we’re not creating an apocalypse.

ELIAS: And I’m saying that now also.

MELISSA: Okay. So this is just… For… Okay, I am creating this to just make myself aware of what I’m doing in my choices?


MELISSA: Does it have anything to do with my past year that was stressful for me? Did I create this information, that potential, because of the difficult time I had? (Elias nods) Yes. Okay, so I know that generally, but I guess I have to reflect on what specifically I’ve been doing.

ELIAS: I understand.


ELIAS: And in that, it’s a matter of simply looking at what your experiences have been, and during that time framework were you contributing in that direction of the conflict? Yes. But you also have been giving yourself a considerable amount of information and knowing that you’re making choices for you. And that also does spread out.

ALEX: (Inaudible) for a while.


ALEX: Something keeps coming up for me. I can’t seem to handle large amounts of energy. I tend to sort of shut down and… For that reason…

ELIAS: What type of energy?

ALEX: Larger amounts of energy, like you’re putting out right now.


ALEX: So that… How do I get better at metabolizing that energy without feeling a need to be overwhelmed by it or something?

ELIAS: That happens to a lot of people. And—

ALEX: Is it because I’m intermediate? Or…?

ELIAS: No. I would say it’s because you are very sensitive. And because of that, it doesn’t even matter about the energy of the other people. My energy is considerable, and you are sitting directly, (group chatter and laughter) in that you’re directly in line with this energy. But what I would say to you is: you can actually, at times, practice buffering out the energy around you. How you do that is… We were discussing energy fields. You simply move your attention to your own energy field, even if you can’t see it yet. You will. But even without being able to see it, you can sense it around it. You can sense your own energy around you and in you. And in that, you simply choose an affinity color. What color do you have an affinity to?

ALEX: Blue.

ELIAS: Blue. Then you choose your blue energy center and flood your energy field with that color, and express, “Nothing can penetrate that.” You have the ability to use your energy field as a barrier, in which nothing can penetrate. Without intentionally doing something like that, people interact or are near each other and their energy fields penetrate each other, or other energies penetrate. Energy from the war can be penetrating, because distance doesn’t matter. Energy doesn’t know distance.

In that, if you concentrate on focusing your attention on your energy field flooded with that blue, and expressing that that blue is your barrier and nothing can pass it, you don’t have to be concentrating on that continuously. All you have to do is do it once and then hold it, for perhaps a minute and a half to two minutes. And then it will stay. And in that, then you can concentrate on listening to a seminar or listening to something else or listening to myself, and not be bombarded by that energy. That’s actually an excellent—

ALEX: How long does it stay for, once you put it up, in other words? Or would you have to put it up again, in other words?

ELIAS: No. It would remain until you relax and let it go.

ALEX: Ah. I see.

ELIAS: It would stay. Therefore it would, it could stay for days if you don’t let it go.

ALEX: Got it. Thank you.

ELIAS: You are very welcome.


TARIQ: I have a question. I feel a lot of pearl energy in this room. I’m going to say, is there a way you can help us or guide us into using that as a group right now?

ELIAS: For what purpose?

TARIQ: For bettering ourselves maybe? (Chuckles) In whatever fashion. Is there a general way we can use that together right now?

ELIAS: It’s not a group energy. It’s an individual energy. Therefore every individual would be using it independently and in their own manner. Just as I expressed to you previously that you can’t transfer it to someone else, each person has to be generating it themselves. And if you’re sensing a lot of it in the room, then perhaps many people are actually are or have actually summoned that and may be using it in some capacity, or may be simply having it surround them in order to retain the information that they’re receiving.

TARIQ: Cool.

BONNIE: Elias, what’s unique about this group? This is a… This is a different group of people for a group session. Why did we draw ourselves together like this?

MARK: It’s totally different.

JOHN: Shoulder pain. (Group laughter)

BRIGITT: Shoulder pain. (Group laughter)

ELIAS: I would say that is an excellent question. And the answer to that question is that there is an absence of large energies and in that, there is not as much competition, in a manner of speaking. And understand: people are not necessarily aware that they may be projecting some type of large energy or some type of competitive energy. They are likely not aware of that. Everyone has to come to their own awareness of their own energy and what it’s doing. And I would say that for most people, they’re not entirely there yet.

But with this particular group, the people are actually being very cooperative and I would say that that’s the biggest thing that makes it different.

MELISSA: It’s not everyone who isn’t here that’s usually… (Group laughter and chatter) I meant like, the people who, of the people who are usually here who are not here now, I don’t think it’s all of them.

ELIAS: No. And I didn’t say that. (Group laughter)

TARIQ: We want names, Elias. (Group laughter and chatter)

JOHN: Something about Armageddon seems like romantic and fun. (Group laughter) I don’t know. It’s like the apocalypse.

MARK: They’re creating Armageddon. (Group laughter)

BRIGITT: We’re not. This is a bomb shelter. (Elias laughs)

TARIQ: Are they wanting to create it because they think it’s a good thing? It’s a benefit? It’ll…

ELIAS: Armageddon?

TARIQ: Yeah.

ELIAS: Oh yes.

TARIQ: Thank you. I just wanted to make sure of that.

ELIAS: Oh yes. If you genuinely believed that paradise and utopia, if you genuinely believed that that was coming but that in order for that to come to you, that the world would have to be destroyed, if you genuinely believed that, then yes, you would want that to happen. You would want this conflict to escalate to a point in which what you term to be “the superpowers” would involve themselves. And what would happen in that direction? The superpowers have nuclear weapons and they would use them. And the country you’re in presently is the only country in the world that has actually done that already. And if you think they wouldn’t do it again, you are delusional. They will.

LYNDA: That’s reassuring. (Group laughter and chatter)

TARIQ: We’ll all go out in a blaze. Come on. (Group laughter)

MARK: No worries, man.

ELIAS: But I reiterate that (group chatter) I’m not saying that you’re creating that. You’re not. I will tell you if that changes.

MARK: Thank you. You’ll call me? (Group laughter and chatter)

ELIAS: I don’t think that would matter. (Group chatter)

JOHN: There’s some guy in the Netherlands who’s going to come and save everybody and teach them to pay attention to themselves.

ELIAS: And he stopped.

JOHN: He stopped? (Group chatter)

ELIAS: He became very overwhelmed. (Group chatter) It’s a lot of energy to engage with the entire world. And people that catch the eye of the entire world generally end up dead, and that was what he was very afraid of.

TARIQ: Is there a way we could support this person?

ELIAS: I would say that’s already happening and you don’t have to direct energy to him. He’s fine. He’s moving in a different direction, but he is continuing with his energy work and he’s being quite successful where he is.

MARK: Be careful of what you’re paying attention to, huh?

MELISSA: Did I feel… Did I feel him in connecting with me subjectively at one point? Or was that something else?

ELIAS: Mm. (Pause) Perhaps momentarily, but no longer.

MELISSA: Momentarily. Okay. Okay. (Pause)

LYNDA: Elias, I have sporadic interaction with a rabbi that’s a Hasidic Jew.


LYNDA: And I’ve been to their home and I’ve interacted with their family, and they firmly believe that no matter what, the messiah will come. And these are grown-up people.

ELIAS: It has nothing to do with intelligence. It has nothing to do with your emotional state. It has nothing to do with how much information you have. It has to do with what you believe.

LYNDA: Yes. And because I’m Jewish, there is even... They invite me to their home and I know underneath that is a desire for me to join their ranks. And it’s not offensive to me, it’s just not going to happen. But I do engage them once in a while because there’s something wonderful about the culture and it’s familiar to me. But they seriously believe that, and when I talk to the rabbi about what’s going on in the middle east I go, “How are you dealing with all the death and destruction?” and he said that what’s going on, he called it political destruction, not… It has nothing to do with what God’s doing. They are two different things. And I went, “Really? Okay. You’re a rabbi. How do you comfort your people?” He goes, “That’s what I tell them.” I said, “Thank you very much.” He gave me a box of matzo for Passover and left. And I just was a little heartbroken in a way, because this guy really… He’s not… He’s just… He has an agenda, a serious agenda. It’s real, in Vermont.


LYNDA: In Dummerston.

ELIAS: Yes. Yes. And I would also add one more aspect to this subject, in relation to people that are protesting. Because many people that speak to myself or follow the information that I offer are considerably agitated or irritated with people that are protesting and expressing that they are simply matching energy. And let me express to you: that’s not actually accurate.

The people that are protesting in any country that there are protests, which there are in many countries, and in that, they’re not matching energy. They’re genuinely attempting to give voice to what they believe is not being voiced. Since your second world war, most countries have pledged their allegiance and their support to Israel and that has continued until this present day. And because of that, every country expresses their own agenda. And by doing so, they express their own propaganda. They tell their people of their country what they want them to hear, not everything. Therefore the countries – which are almost the entire world – that support Israel are not going to express the entire story of what is happening, because they support Israel. Therefore in that, they’re going to move in a direction to attempt to advocate for Israel.

And in that, young adults have always, throughout your history, even in ancient times, have always been the individuals that lead the way for revolution, for change, for information. They always do, because they are so passionate. And as you age and you move in your directions with work and families and whatever it is that you do, you somewhat dampen those passions and therefore you become more complacent. Young people are not complacent. They are (chuckles)… They are their own troops, and in that they are very passionate about what they believe. And in this, once again, they are putting themselves in the forefront to give voice to what they see and believe isn’t being voiced, in every country.

And therefore they’re not matching energy. Their agenda is only to be that voice. And in that, they’re not attempting to or intending, let us say, to incite violence or to incite conflict. That’s not their agenda, and therefore that’s what marks them as not matching energy. And they may be loud because young people are loud, whether they are protesting, whether they are marching, whether they are having a party. They are loud. And in that, they are loud so that other people will hear them, and people do.

But what I would say to all of you is that it’s important not to be judgmental of them either, and to accept that difference, that you might not choose to be in the streets marching and yelling but they do and it’s not wrong.

LYNDA: That’s good. Thank you.

ELIAS: You are welcome. (Pause)

ERIC: So can you suggest a game that this group and the people reading the transcripts later can play with each other, with using our pearl energy as a way of interacting?

MARK: Dragon wars. (Group laughter)

ELIAS: Or shall we not choose wars? (Group laughter) (Pause)

MARK: It’s a game. (Group laughter)

BRIGITT: Game of Thrones.

ELIAS: I would say that it would be perhaps fun to engage that in relation to what I was speaking of earlier, in creating community. And in that, perhaps creating a game in relation to how people can move outside and start to be creating community. Perhaps people have one point for every person that they interact with in a communal direction.

GROUP: Ooooh!


ALEX: I know you have about six episodes on the transcripts for pearl energy in general. I’m still quite confused by it, to be perfectly honest.

ELIAS: Very well.

ALEX: I don’t know how to activate it for myself or how to let it in. How would I do that? If you don’t mind to restate it.

ELIAS: Simple.

ALEX: Okay. Please.

ELIAS: I don’t mind at all. (Group laughter) Simple. The first thing is to create some kind of symbol. Anything. Yes. It doesn’t matter what it is. It can be an actual physical object or it can be something that you visualize, but it’s much more easy to move with the pearl energy if you have a symbol because then you can summon it. Many people actually use an actual physical object, a stone or some type of object that they have an affinity to. In that, that becomes your symbol for the pearl energy and each time you visualize or pick up that object, you can, if you’re so choosing, you can use it to summon that energy. And that energy will immediately be present with you.

Some people feel it. Some people don’t. You might, because you’re very sensitive but you might not. It depends on the individual. And I would also say that most individuals initially are somewhat skeptical, but that doesn’t remain the situation for long, as soon as they begin to actually summon and employ it for something specific. And that’s also a key with the pearl energy, is using it for something specific.

ALEX: Now is there a ritual around it or a way to summon it?

ELIAS: You can. You can create your own ritual, if you are so choosing. You don’t have to. It is the easiest energy to actually gain or pull to yourself. It is a byproduct energy of consciousness. This is the reason that I expressed earlier that it depends on who’s telling the story of the pearl energy and how it will be expressed or translated. It’s something that is a part of consciousness. It’s a byproduct of consciousness. Therefore it’s been forever and it will be forever. But it’s a type of energy that is so easy to summon and to wield, and it creates such success with most people that it’s become something that people very much enjoy and are very much inclined to use.

ALEX: So after summoning it, how do you wield it? And what is it inappropriate to wield it for?

ELIAS: Nothing.

ALEX: You can use it for anything?

ELIAS: Anything. Anything. Yes. And I have simply expressed that it is significant to use it in relation to something specific. Have an intention, because it’s an energy that needs to be directed. It doesn’t have any direction in itself because it’s a byproduct of consciousness.

I did include the imagery of a dragon because of the power, because the pearl energy is always the same. It doesn’t get more powerful or less powerful. It’s always the same. Therefore you can’t enhance it or diminish it, but you can use other energy with it that will make it more powerful. And that’s where the dragon came in, because in that, it was a fun imagery for people to engage, something that would be tangible to them and that would be connected to them individually and that they could draw on that energy in addition to the pearl energy and then enhance it and make it stronger if they prefer.

ALEX: Could you use the dragon as the focus to summon the pearl energy?

ELIAS: You could. Absolutely. Most definitely. That could be your symbol.

ALEX: And how do you summon the dragon energy? The same? Easy to summon? Basically, do you just focus on the dragon and—

ELIAS: Yes. In that, that’s why I encouraged this and expressed to people to visualize their own dragon. Give it a name. Give it a color. Give it a size. Give it a type. I expressed the different types of dragons and what they look like. And in that, you can choose one of those and choose a color and give it a name. A name will likely simply come to you, which is like the name of a dragon that you have a focus with. Therefore in that, that becomes very personal to you and then all you have to do is visualize that and there it is. That energy is there as soon as you visualize it.

MELISSA: I have a question about that. (To Alex) Sorry.


MELISSA: I used it this morning when I was driving up, because I was going to be an hour late. And I intended to arrive smoothly and safely, but I arrived, so I arrived late but the session didn’t start until after I arrived. So underlying was there also intention that I wanted to be here from the beginning of the session? (Elias nods) Oh, okay. All right That works. (Group laughter, chatter and applause)


PETER: With pearl energy, have people been using pearl energy and not really realizing it? Say the intent in, say, a martial artist in ancient times was summoning, his consciousness was saying I want to do this, let’s say (inaudible). For them it’s like a normal ability they can acquire through tapping into certain energy levels. Can you use that pearl energy to use that, but you didn’t really realize it was a pearl energy? You had an intent and the universe used the pearl energy to facilitate whatever your consciousness was doing and it was using pearl energy for you, but not naming it as pearl energy?

ELIAS: Not for you. No. YOU would be.

PETER: You were doing it, but you didn’t know that was what it was?

ELIAS: Correct. Correct.

PETER: All right. But I couldn’t… Tariq and I were talking about that when we were outside.

ELIAS: Yes. Yes. It has been—

PETER: Always there.

ELIAS: Yes. And therefore yes, people have used it and I would say that they don’t necessarily know they’re using it, but it’s enhancing whatever they’re doing because they’re manipulating energy. And they’re simply calling it whatever they call it.

PETER: Right. Right.

ALEX: So there’s— (To Brigitt) I’m sorry.

BRIGITT: No, you go ahead.

ALEX: So there’s several types of magic, theurgy and therumagy, if I’m saying it correctly, where you’re either appealing to a higher heaven or you’re trying to manipulate lower powers to do your bidding, so to speak, at least classically so, let’s call it. I may be getting over broad. The point is, is pearl energy and summoning the dragons’ part of that on some level, in that system of understanding magic in other words?

ELIAS: (Pause) No.

ALEX: Okay.

ELIAS: I would say that the pearl energy is separate to itself, and that casters and magic wielders can summon that, can draw on an energy of consciousness and not necessarily know that they are summoning that pearl energy. But actually, what I would say is there are fewer people that have summoned that energy throughout your history than you might think, because it IS its own energy and also because until very recently it has been an energy that has not been necessarily paid attention to.

TARIQ: I have a quick question. Is there a special relationship with pearl energy and perception?


BRIGITT: So if you have a focus as a Shining One, totally off topic, can you transfer that DNA to the current focus?


BRIGITT: (Whispers) Shit! (Group laughter) Damn it.

ALEX: (Inaudible) about the idea of using dragon energy with the pearl energy, does that on some level mean that pearl energy is just not enough to deal with certain things, and would necessitate an amplification? Or is pearl energy just enough and this would do it faster or…? Why would you have to, in other words, apply the second energy?

ELIAS: You don’t have to.

ALEX: Oh, okay.

ELIAS: You don’t have to. I only expressed that because there are a lot of people that feel more empowered if they have that kind of energy in addition. But you don’t have to use them together at all, and the pearl energy is definitely sufficient for anything that you want to do. It will enhance anything.

ALEX: So I was born in ’76, year of the fire dragon, which this year’s another dragon year. Should I use the fire dragon? Would that be more useful?

ELIAS: Why not?

ALEX: Why not? Okay, fair enough. (Elias chuckles)

JOHN: If all the ice in Antarctica were to melt, would we be surprised by what we found underneath the ice?

ELIAS: Yes. But I would say that if all the ice in Antarctica melted, you likely wouldn’t be here to discover what is underneath it, because it would cause such massive flooding that your continents wouldn’t be here.

JOHN: Right. Let’s say I’m standing on top of Pike’s Peak and we’re having… (inaudible due to group laughter)

(Elias laughs)

(Group chatter)

LYNDA: (Singing) I think I’m going to Chicago.

ELIAS: (Laughs) I would say you’re likely to find all manner of things under that ice.

JOHN: Ancient settlements and this and that? (Inaudible)

BRIGITT: But no aliens? No alien artifacts? (Group chatter)

JOHN: Ancient diseases?

ELIAS: (Chuckles) It wouldn’t matter. You wouldn’t be here to ingest them or to create them. (Group laughter) Therefore I would say there is nothing for you to worry about. (Laughs) And any treasure that is there is there forever. (Laughs)

ALEX: How many arks of the covenant were there ever in existence and how many still exist today? Because I know there’s one.

ELIAS: Excellent question. Yes, there were. There were twelve. How many exist today? Two.

BRIGITT: And where are they?

JOHN: Under the water.

BRIGITT: Well I know one’s in a warehouse someplace. In Indiana Jones, they stuck it away in a warehouse in an army facility.

ALEX: Are you allowed…? Are you allowed to say that?

MARK: That’s for you to explore.

ELIAS: What I would say is: at this point that would not be wise of me to share. (Group chatter)

MARK: Can you validate a dragon name?

ELIAS: I can.

MARK: Arawahl.

ELIAS: (Pause) Correct.

JOHN: There’s few enough of us here. Surely we should all have dragon names by the end of this session, right?

BRIGITT: I hope so. I’ll have to come up with one.

MARK: That’s a real…?

ELIAS: Yes, that’s a real—

MARK: Not just a make-believe—


MARK: — name of a puppy in here? (Group laughter)

ELIAS: A very large puppy.

MARK: Yeah, a very large puppy. (Elias laughs) You’re saying those, that specifically is a focus of mine in another dimension? Or that is a separate entity unto itself?

ELIAS: It is a focus.

MARK: That’s interesting. Easy to tap into.

ELIAS: It is.

LYNDA: It is. And I don’t think it’s real, but it’s real.

BRIGITT: Elias, a few months ago, actually quite a while ago, I created a dragon just playing around with A.I. art and it was a nice blue, I would say a younger teenager, whatever, and the name Kivi came to me. Was just something I made up or was that the focus?


BRIGITT: It was very pretty. I’ll show you a picture of it. (Laughs) Oh and then I just created a green one, just another one. There’s no name but A.I. art is fun. (To group) A.I. art is a lot of fun, right? Yeah, and it comes up with stuff, pretty stuff. Yeah, I don’t think I’ve got a name for that one yet, but I’ll find it.

ELIAS: You will.

BRIGITT: Do you think…? Are they like both focuses or—


BRIGITT: — are they brothers or sisters or something?


BRIGITT: (Inaudible) There was one I saw on Google. Well, I think it was Google. A Wyvern, the one without wings, the Chinese one.

ELIAS: That’s not a Wyvern.

BRIGITT: Oh, that’s not a Wyvern. That’s a… But the Chinese one that they used in the… And I liked it so much, I printed it and hung it up beside a picture of Alex. And I wondered why I liked it so much, and then I thought, “This is Alex’ dragon.” I don’t know if he believes it or not, but I just saw it and it just came to me. This is his? A focus?


BRIGITT: Thank you.

ELIAS: You are welcome.


CHRISTINA: I had a vision of a white dragon with a green pearl. And I got a name. It’s Athylu. Athylu.

ELIAS: Correct.

CHRISTINA: Oh, okay. Good. Thank you.

ELIAS: (Chuckles) Very well, my friends. I shall greatly be looking forward to our next meeting and I am expressing my energy with each and every one of you in tremendous encouragement and support. I offer my love to you genuinely and dear, dear friendship. I appreciate all of you.

Until our next meeting, au revoir.

GROUP: Au revoir, Elias.

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