Session 202405171

Individuals Can Do More About Climate Change


“Individuals Can Do More About Climate Change”
“Physicians Are Motivated to Catch Up”

Friday, May 17, 2024 (Private)

Participants: Mary (Michael) and Tariq (Jessik)

[Audio starts partway through session]

TARIQ: Now I want to get to an area that is a bit concerning for me, and especially with yesterday’s inconveniences and just other things in my… Climate change is really going off at this point, and it’s affecting a lot you know. And not necessarily in everyone’s awareness, because in Toronto I don’t see it and I don’t see it on the news as much even or talk about it or… My bank is barely acknowledging it. So like we’re getting… I’m going to try and word my… It’s a pretty intense situation and I want to just ask like (sighs)… It’s getting more and more extreme, and less… I don’t see much effort being put into resolving it or working with it. I don’t personally see it. So my question is: is there like a soft landing or a hard landing in our sights?

ELIAS: (Pause) That’s a good question. And it would be excellent if I could actually answer that, but unfortunately with the aggressions that are happening, that’s escalating, because it adds to polluting the atmosphere. Every bomb that explodes is very detrimental. Bombs in your present day are not the same as bombs in your second world war. They are tremendously destructive now and unfortunately, there’s a lot of that happening. And also unfortunately, there is not an end in the foreseeable future. It’s a very unfortunate situation and it simply contributes tremendously.

I would say there are many people and companies that are actually working to move in directions that can be helpful in creating new infrastructures and creating new developments of housing and industry that can help in relation to people that are displaced. Is it enough? Not yet. No. And is there a tremendous amount that is moving in the direction of contributing to climate change? Yes, there is.

TARIQ: And displaced people are going to be many.

ELIAS: Yes. There already are.

TARIQ: Yeah. And it’s… I don’t even have a question. Just like, do share. What can we expect at this point? I’m working with it, but (chuckles)…

ELIAS: That’s good. And I would encourage everyone to do that also. It is quite astounding, the power of the individual. And in that, find different organizations that you can support that are engaging actions, such as (pause) educating people in countries that are still whaling, or educating people in countries that are still finning and creating the deaths of so many sharks that they are facing imminent endangerment. Supporting people that are actively cleaning your oceans. There are things that the individuals can do, in addition to what you do in your individual home and your individual community. There are things that you can support and not cause a hardship to yourself. And in that, it’s a matter of doing what you can do individually but also looking beyond yourself and looking to connect with organizations and companies and groups that are doing more.

TARIQ: I hear you. I guess that’s where we are. No one knows what’s coming. I mean we know what’s coming, we don’t know how.

ELIAS: Correct. And I would say that it’s important that those of you that are aware are not being complacent.

TARIQ: Yeah. Okay. Thank you so much for that. I’m going to… I’m going to really dig down (chuckles) because I know I don’t live eco-friendly.

My next question, because I want to get through this one. You said, like a while ago, about Pandora’s Box, the old climate change question of we opened it and there are organisms influencing humans and doctors don’t know what the hell they are. What’s the state of that?

ELIAS: (Pause) I would say that physicians have been very motivated to catch up. They aren’t caught up, but they’ve been very motivated to BE catching up. And they are changing their perception because the people have the internet.

TARIQ: Everyone’s an expert. (Chuckles)

ELIAS: And therefore the people are educating themselves, for better or for worse – not always for better. But in that, it’s motivating physicians to definitely be educating themselves and moving in directions in which they’re using technology more. I would say that they are presently, only in this year, that they have begun to move beyond the global mass event and to stop focusing so intensely on that. It’s unnecessary any longer. And in that, the points of that mass event are very much coming into play now. And in that, they have nothing to do with physical ailments, but as for physical ailments, yes, there are a lot more now. And in that, I would give credit to many of the physicians, that they are attempting to catch up and they are attempting to give themselves more information. And they are beginning – once again, only beginning – to listen to people again, which is something that they haven’t been doing for quite some time.


ELIAS: And in that, I would say that it’s another piece that you could view as unfortunate, but it’s an experience. It’s not fortunate or unfortunate. It simply is. It’s a part of change and your world is changing, and you can change with it or you can keep fighting with it. Which many, many, many people are still fighting with it.

TARIQ: I know. (Laughs)

ELIAS: And fighting with each other. And this is a huge piece presently, is addressing to the acceptance of difference. And this is one that people are not very willing to do.

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