Session 3226
Translations: ES

How Constructs Influence Behavior and Choices


”How Constructs Influence Behavior and Choices”
”Redefinitions and Distinctions between Constructs, Associations, and

Saturday, May 17, 2014 (Group/Brattleboro, Vermont)
Participants: Mary (Michael), Ken (Oba), Ben (Albert), Adam S., Debbie J., John (Rrussell), Brigitt (Camile), Bill (Zit), Tom (Abel), Melissa (Leah), Aaron (Todd), Kyla (Amie), Jeff (Galina), Inna (Beatrix), Margaret S., Val K. (Atticus), Jean (Lyla), Daniil (Zynn), Natasha (Nicole), Veronica (Amadis), Ann (Vivette), John (Lonn), Rodney (Zacharie), Lynda (Ruther)

(Elias’ arrival time is 6 seconds.)

ELIAS: Good afternoon!

PARTICIPANTS: Good afternoon!

ELIAS: (Laughs) This day we shall be continuing our discussions in relation to this present wave in consciousness, the Religious Wave. And in this we shall be interactive in relation to different religious beliefs that perhaps you all will identify individually, and the (Intently) CONSTRUCTS that are developed around these beliefs.

This particular wave may be creating somewhat more agitation than other waves prior to this, for of any of the belief systems, or the beliefs that occupy them, the Religious Belief System incorporates most beliefs that incorporate ‘constructs’ around the beliefs.

Now; in this a construct is an addition, or an attachment to, the belief itself and that construct creates a type of guideline, so to speak, that you adhere to, generally automatically. Without any thought, you merely accept these constructs of the beliefs, and you express them, and they are very influencing of your behaviors and of your choices; and in many capacities, can be limiting (Intently) OR can create conflicts.

In relation to the Religious Belief System - and remember, once again - religious beliefs are not necessarily about religion. That is a small aspect of the Religious Belief System. Religious beliefs are generally beliefs that you incorporate in conjunction with duplicity, in defining what are ”right and wrong” actions and choices in expressing different subjects of what is good and bad; of (Intently) identity and who and what you are; and how you express yourselves in who and what you are.

It also involves how you perceive yourselves in your world, which does ripple out into the construct of RELIGIONS which have been created as (Intently) obvious constructs around religious beliefs. The religious beliefs involve subjects of unknowns and YOUR explanations to yourselves of what those unknowns are. Therefore, you create god and angels and guides and higher beings and higher selves. And all of these are part of the constructs of religious beliefs, and how they influence you in your behaviors, in your choices, in your directions; that if you were merely engaging the belief itself, it would not necessarily be as complicated as the construct develops it to be.

Now; in our previous group interaction, we were discussing sexuality and sexual energy, and the expressions of sexual interactions and practices and the movement of individuals and groups in your past 100 years, and how that has altered your expressions of sexuality and how that has influenced actual physical manifestations.

We also were discussing cetaceans as essence and what the difference is between how you express yourselves as humans, and how cetaceans express themselves, for they also, being a part of your physical reality as essence, adhere to the blueprint of your reality, which includes belief systems – beliefs - therefore they also incorporate beliefs, which do influence their behaviors and their choices. But they do not incorporate the constructs around beliefs that you express in relation to your societies and your interactions with each other.

These constructs have been building for century upon century upon century upon century. And in this time framework, although you view yourselves to be modern individuals and enlightened and aware - and you are - but you continue to adhere to many of these constructs involving your beliefs and how they influence you. And that does create difficulties between you and within yourselves, and it can be conflicting.

Now; a simple example of a belief and a construct around it, would be relationships and the belief of monogamy. Monogamy is a belief. It also falls into the belief system of the Religious Belief System.

Now; monogamy, simply put, is an idea that individuals will couple together and they will form a partnership. Period. That is the belief of monogamy. Not that you will exclusively engage sexual activity with only that one individual, not that you will ONLY interact in certain types of relationships with that one individual, but that you choose this one individual as a PARTNER; that you will engage a partnership with this individual, which may or may not include incorporating a family with that individual.

Now; the CONSTRUCTS that you have developed around this simple belief are many. This individual will be the primary focus of your attention always; you will engage sexual intimacy with this individual ONLY, and no other; you will engage any and ALL choices that you deem (Intently) important as a joint action with this individual; you will generate a commitment to this individual; and commitment incorporates (Intently) MANY MORE implications, MANY MORE ideas of what commitment MEANS and HOW it should be expressed; and you generate the constructs of expectations of what the BEHAVIOR should be between these two individuals if you are choosing to be monogamous. Monogamous is a belief defining of a partnership, (Intently) not all of these other constructs that you develop around it.

Now; this is not to say that you may not agree with many of these constructs, but it is important to understand the difference between a belief and the constructs AROUND it that are influencing you, for this also forms your opinions, and that moves you in the direction of the right and wrong. Who is right and who is wrong? What is right and what is wrong? And in that you become very absolute in what you express, and THAT is important, for it blocks acceptance.

The other aspect of what we will be discussing in this conversation, will be defining again what you are doing in this shift - what it is that you are shifting into - for there may be considerable distortions in what individuals THINK this shift is supposed to be, and what it is not.

Now; what I will charge each of you with is incorporate a moment and think of a belief that you would identify as a religious belief, and that we can explore what the construct is around that religious belief. What have you developed that is beyond the belief itself? (Pause) Or can you even identify what religious beliefs are?

ANN: I’ll give it a shot.

ELIAS: Very well.

ANN: Well, I’m not necessarily sure what the belief is, but, well, I believe that - and less and less so - but I believe that if someone is paying me to do something, then they become the primary and you have to put what they want ahead of what you want because you need to do it the way they want it to have a job. So, I’m playing around with that, making myself primary, but that is a belief. I don’t know how to identify that. Thank you.

ELIAS: This is excellent, for this is very much in the direction of commerce and exchange. And in that, it also designates positions. Positions ARE within the religious belief system – caste - and the position that you occupy either in society or in relation to ANY other individual, whether it be in the form of the roles that you express. Roles are also within this belief system, such as a friend, a mother, a daughter, a son, a father; these are all roles that you play and they are positions.

And, in relation to the position of an individual that is providing a service, and an individual that is paying for that service, this is an exchange. In this, the belief of exchange, which this is what it is, the belief of exchange is - or originally, without the constructs - has been one action for another action in equal measure, an agreement that individuals generate in relation to actions; that the actions will match.

You have developed that into an exchange of money and in that you developed a system of how much money will equal the value of the action that is generated - and therefore the exchange in equal measure.

Now; once again, (Intently) that is the belief – exchange - one action for another action in equal measure. Period. Not that you are obligated or beholding to another individual, not that another individual holds greater position than do you, not that you are expected to be dictated to by another individual; these are the constructs that surround the belief of exchange. They are conditions that the exchange is generated, but with the addition of all of these different conditions - that one individual can dictate and the other individual must comply.

I want to purchase a sculpture, you are the sculptor; you must generate the sculpture in the fashion that I choose, that I dictate. No, that is not the belief of exchange. That is the construct around the belief. Those are the conditions that you have developed in relation to exchange - and therefore, also, creating additional expressions of separation. Now this is an important factor, for in MANY - if not most - of the constructs that you develop, (Intently) separation is a factor; you create MORE separation.

Part of the action, the leading action of this shift in consciousness as I have expressed previously, which creates it to be a (Intently) (Raises voice) Master Source Event is that it is changing an aspect of the blueprint of your reality, which involves (Softly) separation. What you have done throughout your history, is move forward and create more and more and more and MORE separation.

The point that you have arrived at in this present time framework is the (Very intently) greatest expression of separation that you as a species has ever expressed throughout your history. (Murmurs in group) You have developed actions and technology to allow you the expression of (Intently) greater connection than EVER before in your history. And you have used it to create more separation then you have (Intently) ever expressed in your history of a species.

Now; this is also purposeful, for in your terms, birth does not occur without the birth pains and change is not expressed easily en masse by you. Therefore, you generally swing the pendulum (Slowly and very intently) as far to one side as you possibly can, and that creates SUCH conflict that it becomes unbearable and you change. And, that is what you are doing, but not without conflict and not without trauma.

And in this, this is also the reason that in like manner to associations, and it is important for you to recognize associations, for in that, you can recognize the influences of those associations, yes, with many associations many influences you may willingly choose, you may agree with, you may want to express many influences of associations, BUT, there is a difference between objectively choosing those influences and automatically reacting and expressing those influences, in which you are not aware of what you are doing.

In like manner, constructs around beliefs - as I expressed, most of them are centered around religious beliefs - create automatic influences that you are not aware of, and that you express that may be generating conflicts that are unnecessary. And those constructs are not necessarily TRUE. Just as with exchange, you have developed the construct that one individual can dictate to another individual, or one country can dictate to another country, and that one needs to comply with those dictates, (Softly) which is incorrect. These are constructs.

I have expressed from the onset of this forum, your beliefs are not your enemy. You have set them in place as guidelines to aid you in physical manifestations. The (Intently) constructs around them can be conflicting and can be generating difficulties.

Even love, which is another expression in the capacity that most of you perceive it as an expression, would be another religious belief, and how you express it. How is love expressed? How do you recognize love? What is it? What do you do? How do you recognize it as an expression? It is not a feeling, but you think of it as a feeling, therefore, what is it? It is some expression that you all considerably prize and value, and that you express you SHOULD BE generating. What is this expression that you should be generating? How would you define it? What is the action of it? How does it appear?

DANIIL: But you defined it as…

(Group stops Daniil and all crack up)(Group and Elias all explode into laughter)

DANIIL: What happened to free flow? Anyway, you defined it as knowing and appreciation, right?

ELIAS: Correct. What is that?

DANIIL: Well, before you appreciate, you have to know, right? Not really understand necessarily, but know. So, to me, like if I know my partner more and more and I notice understanding, I feel appreciation from, that is love in expression. [Somewhat unclear]

ELIAS: I would agree. But for most of you, how do you - not in my words - how do you express what love IS?

DANIIL: I’ve never found a better definition, yet. (Natasha laughs).

ELIAS: Without MY definition, most of you immediately express that love is a feeling, and that you FEEL love for a particular manifestation - with another individual or some other being - that you FEEL love for them and you will express that that feeling is very consuming, large and compelling, which is not a very clear explanation of the feeling even, not to mention what the expression is.

In this, some individuals will express that it is an action; that if they are placing the other individual above themself, or doing for the other individual, or that the other individual is the most important factor in their world. (Some in audience shake heads ’no’) You MAY shake your heads, (Group laughs) for you have been listening to myself for years, but, there are (Shouts) BILLIONS of people in your world that will describe love in this fashion, whether you agree with them or not, this is how they define it, and in that, they do not even understand themselves what love is. They merely define it as a feeling, which it is NOT a feeling, but this is how most individuals do define it.

Now; with constructs around beliefs such as the belief of the EXPRESSION of love - not what love actually is, but the belief of the expression of love - which includes god’s love, which is a TREMENDOUSLY expressed generation of love. There are BILLIONS of individuals throughout your world that ascribe to god’s love, and what the expression of that is, and what that means, and how you emulate it by actions and works and, once again, the construct of more than what it actually is.

The BELIEF of love is the feeling; the CONSTRUCT around that are all of the conditions - the works, the expectations, the devotion, the giving - never receiving.

LYNDA: God forbid.

ELIAS: Precisely, god forbid (Laughter)… only giving, selflessness. In this also you become small, placing other individuals first, and in THIS, it grows and grows and grows into more and more and more of the constructs; more conditions, more guidelines, more expressions of what is acceptable and what is not. And, what does that do? It moves hand-in-hand with duplicity back to the right and wrong; what is right and what is wrong? AND, that involves ALL opinions.

Every opinion that every one of you incorporates has an aspect of right and wrong. One opinion is right and one opinion is wrong, and of course, each one of YOU is ALWAYS right. (Laughter)

LYNDA: Right.

ELIAS: And every other individual that disagrees with you is always wrong. (Laughter)

ANN: I’m glad you clarified that, Elias. (All crack up) And your point being?

ELIAS: (Coyly) This does not promote acceptance very well. (Cracks up)

ANN: Picky, picky, picky!

ELIAS: Now, an offering of another belief. (Calls on a participant) Yes!

BEN: I think that “You Create Your Own Reality” is a religious belief. (Participants in background: Murmuring; ”Ooh, get down!”; ”Yeah!” Group laughing, applauding. Someone said, ”Open it UP”!)

ELIAS: And I would express congratulations. (Group roars) I would express that in the actual concept of creating reality, that that is a truth but in your reality, I would agree. I would agree that you have created that to be a religious belief.

FEMALE: Yeah, you can (Inaudible)

ELIAS: You very much can.

MALE: Lot of constructs.

ELIAS: In your estimation.

FEMALE: Yeah, a lot.

ELIAS: And there are MANY constructs with that, how you do it, what you do, how well you do it, how fast you do it, how slow you do it, whether you are aware of doing it, (Group laughs) whether you are not aware of doing it; whether you are doing it correctly or right.


ELIAS: Or whether you are doing it wrong - (Giggles in background) (Theatrically) many, MANY constructs with that. And you are correct, it IS a belief, and in this, the idea is the expression of the belief. The DOING of it is the truth, the concept of it is the belief, you are correct. Another!

BILL: Hi, this is Bill. What just popped into my mind was ”Do unto others as you would have them...” (Elias interrupts)

ELIAS: (Very intently) VERY much a religious belief. (All crack up)

BILL: I bet it is! (More laughter)

ELIAS: And in that, a very, very commonly expressed religious belief, not only in regard to religion, but in this also, that is expanded into, (Short pause) in your common vernacular, “What goes around comes around.” (Much murmuring in the group) It is also very connected with your beliefs in relation to karma; that in THIS, this is another example that is disguised as a belief; that the truth aspect is that you are always affecting; that every action, every choice that you generate, is in some capacity always affecting, and ripples throughout consciousness.

Remember, truths are what you could define in this reality as subjects that can be translated into (Intently) every area of consciousness - physical and nonphysical - every area of consciousness - for they are not merely designated to your reality. In this, the truth aspect is that every choice, every action that is generated by any aspect of consciousness - which each of you are - ripples and is affecting. But, what you do is you PERSONALIZE that, and you create the construct of “do unto others”, or “what goes around”, or karma; that whatever you DO will be repaid in like kind, (Softly) which is not necessarily correct. Or the ideal that you are more honorable if you are expressing in a manner that is to the greater good.

But, this also is a matter of perception. And in this, even the expression of ”Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.” That is an individual matter of individual perception. One individual may be comfortable with what YOU would identify as abusive behavior, and therefore, they may be expressing that with another individual and accept the expectation that it would be returned to them, for in their perception it is not bad. Once again: the good and bad, the right and wrong, moving hand-in-hand with the constructs.

In THIS, the construct influences individuals to question themselves, ”Am I right or am I wrong?” It also influences individuals in questioning their own actions, to question whether their choices are acceptable in relation to other individuals. “I appreciate this, I like this, I want this, but, I look outside of myself and it seems that other individuals may not necessarily agree with that.” That creates another conflict. Do unto others, therefore, you may be expressing in what you term to be a considerate, compassionate, and GIVING manner to other individuals, and that may manifest in a manner in which other individuals are - in your terms - taking advantage.

Why? You are creating that reflection; you are already discounting yourself in that expression, you are not presenting yourself as ultimately important. What is the first aspect of that statement? Is the first aspect of that statement ‘I’? (Murmurs among the participants) No, it is others. It is ‘place others first’, that is the first aspect of that statement. In this, you acknowledge yourself, but you acknowledge yourself second... in the statement itself.

And from that you build constructs around it, and HOW you should be expressing in relation to other individuals; and being more and more selfless. (Murmurs from the group) It is an encouragement to be selfless, and to elevate and to create more separation, once again.

In this, (Softly) the point of this shift is to be creating more awareness of your interconnectedness and LESS separation. This shift, as a Master Source Event, has been designed (Intently) by all of you in the capacity to expand yourselves as a species, to expand your awareness, to (Intently) drop those veils of separation, to hold to some only in the capacity to maintain the structure of your physical reality; but to be aware that that is a chosen illusion. (Intently) That there is no separation and that it is important that you recognize that you ARE all interconnected; that in genuineness of that expression of ”Do unto others”, is be present now, be aware of self, place self in that primary position, and then your ripple will be affecting in a manner that is a benefit to everything.

LYNDA: Amen.

ELIAS: Not merely every ONE, but every THING. And in that, what is to your greatest benefit is to the greatest benefit of (Very intently) All That Is, and that is the point of this shift, is to be expressing that expansion of awareness and to be placing the significance and the importance where it deserves to be - with self. That is ultimately (Intently) the most important factor. And not to be unaware and blindly affected and influenced by constructs that you may not actually agree with if you were aware of them.

But you do them, for you are not aware of them. Just as you may be in an exchange with another individual and you will acquiesce and allow them to dictate to you and it may be uncomfortable, and that creates conflict, and what do you do with the conflict? You immediately move in the direction of questioning yourself, ”What am I doing wrong?”
That is the immediate question that most of you express. “What am I doing wrong or what did I DO wrong?” (Softly) It is not that you are doing wrong; it is that you are not aware of what is influencing you to do what you are doing.

This also moves you in a direction of another ultimately important factor, which is being responsible to self. (Intently) That is your only job - is to be responsible to you. And if you are being responsible to you the automatic by-product is you will be benefiting All That Is. It is not [inaudible], and it is not that you are necessarily generating wrong actions or choices. You so very frequently express in this manner to yourselves, you question yourself and the first direction you move in is to attempt to assess what is wrong with yourselves or with the situation. And it is not necessarily a matter of what is wrong. It is a matter of what are you aware of and what are you not aware of yet.

This is the reason that so many of you, if not all of you at times, express viewing a situation or a choice that you have generated pastly and express to yourself, ”I could have done that better.” Or ”I was wrong to do that.” Or, ”I know I could generate a better, more efficient choice”. No, in the moment you chose what you were aware of. In hindsight you are aware of more, and therefore you can look at past experiences from the perspective of incorporating a greater awareness and express that you could have generated better or that you were wrong in a particular experience. No, only from the perspective of now; but from the perspective of that past experience you likely were generating in relation to what you are aware of.

There are very few time frameworks - not that you do not incorporate them ever, you do - but there are few time frameworks in which an individual in the moment recognizes that they could generate a different choice, AND they choose anyway to generate the choice that is not necessarily to their greatest benefit. But generally speaking those choices that you are aware of in the moment, you are not necessarily futurely expressing, “I could have done that better.”

Generally you are expressing somewhat of congratulations to yourself you did what you did in the moment, for you chose it intentionally, even if you think that it was bad. Secretly you express a congratulations to yourself (Laughter) that you chose whatever it was intentionally. In this, the point is your awareness. You are expanding your awareness every day, every moment and in this, this wave will continue to be challenging for it is TARGETING these constructs around your beliefs and how strongly they influence you. And in that also, it is somewhat emphasizing opinions, and those differences that appear in opinions, and it may be influencing many individuals to question their ability to be accepting - or that it seems very difficult to be accepting - presently.

For I would express to you all is that this is a transition, recognizing that there is more, that you are expanding, and what is one of the most important questions in whatever you are addressing to is, ”How does this create more separation, or does it create more separation than I am already expressing?” We shall break. (Groups thanks Elias) (Softly) And we shall continue shortly.

(Elias departs after 57 minutes, 5 seconds)


ELIAS: Continuing. (Elias chuckles, group laughs) And you have the floor. Yes. (Sounds of movement as someone approaches the mic)

BILL: Keep it simple... (Inaudible) (Laughter)

JOHN: Right, I’m trying to formulate my question. I think this question is about aging, that we form a lot of constructs around aging.

ELIAS: Very much so.

JOHN: For example, what’s age appropriate or not age appropriate and then at the same time, some individuals do not have the ...we’re still up against the culture surrounding those constructs, which cannot... which is not always easy. We’re automatically affected by them by virtue of being here. So maybe you could talk a little bit about that, and maybe what aging looks like without those constructs, but maybe discussing the nature of those constructs and the nature of interacting without the confines of the constructs.

ELIAS: The constructs around aging? Or…

JOHN: Yeah.

ELIAS: …age appropriate.

JOHN: There’s a difference? (Crosstalk)

ANN: What’s the difference?

ELIAS: No, they would be different, for that would be in relation to age and actions not necessarily AGING; age appropriateness would not necessarily be a construct of aging.

JOHN: Well, that I understood, but you would assume, you know, it historically, there’s constructions around age-appropriate stem from the natural course of aging.

ELIAS: To a degree, yes, I would agree.

JOHN: Yeah.

ELIAS: In relation to aging, and what would the appearance be without the constructs of aging, that is considerable. One large construct is appearance; another is the, so to speak, breakdown of the physical body consciousness. There is the construct that as you age your body consciousness breaks down, or it slows, and it stops functioning in certain capacities; that it does not regenerate, which is incorrect, but that is the construct in relation to aging.

What would the appearance be without the constructs would be the appearance of individuals in what you would term to be considerably ancient time frameworks in which they did incorporate the belief of aging, and in that, in relation to their lifestyles, their lifespan, so to speak, was shorter than yours is now, but their appearance was not as affected as it is now, in your present time framework. Therefore, an individual of an age of 50 years - which would have been considered old in that time framework - would have appeared similar to an individual now of 30 years. Therefore, their appearance did not reflect the construct around degeneration. Your appearances DO reflect that in relation to the construct that you have accepted in association with this particular belief. Now there are some isolated cultures within your world that are not as affected by the constructs of a belief such as aging. They do incorporate the belief of aging but not necessarily the constructs, and therefore their appearance does not reflect that degenerative quality. And therefore, they may appear at a considerably old age to be similar to yourselves at a young age.

Now; they do incorporate SOME constructs in relation to age in which, in regard to appearance, their appearance will change, not that they incorporate the construct of degeneration, but that they do adhere, generally speaking, to a construct that the body consciousness reconfigures itself with age; that it continues to regenerate, but that it reconfigures and shifts in a manner of speaking, therefore weight distribution alters, which you also incorporate in your societies, that as you age you also generate the reconfiguration of your body consciousness and weight redistributes in different capacities. And therefore your physical appearance shifts in a manner of altering your shape of your body consciousness.

Now; in relation to how that is affecting, you support it, which is also a part of constructs, with information that you offer yourselves through science. Now let me explain. It is not that your sciences are generating misinformation, but rather that you misinterpret what the information is. Therefore your sciences may study the body consciousness and generate certain conclusions in which they express that suggestion, which is accepted en masse, and that creates another construct around the belief of aging. And you do this as time continues, more and more. You have included factors such as diet and elements, weather, climate, sun; whether you incorporate enough hydration or moisture within your body consciousness. These are all factors that are constructs around the belief of aging.

JOHN: Right. That was all interesting but when you say the word construct in my... the way I was thinking about it as a social construct and how it ties to religion or the Religious Belief System, sometimes I’m not seeing that when you talk about a social construct, I mean these are...

ELIAS: In what capacity is your confusion?

JOHN: When you were talking about religious beliefs before and constructs, right? You were talking about constructs in the context of social constructs which I think is the crux of the Religious Belief System, right?

ELIAS: In relation to most of the constructs, yes.

JOHN: Right, okay.

ELIAS: But, what you were expressing as an individual, that you would be affected by them, is correct. Now, you also expressed if the individual did not ascribe to that construct, but they are being affected by the society…

BILL: Right.

ELIAS: …or the social expression.

Now; in this, to this point in time, there are very, very FEW individuals that are aware of the constructs enough to NOT be affected by them. Therefore, expressing that an individual could be not ascribing to a construct, but would possibly be affected by a societal expression, if the individual is aware and is generating an objective choice to not move in conjunction with those constructs, the expression of the societal influence would be null, therefore they would not necessarily be affected by the mass expression. But, that would also mean that the individual would be aware of the construct, choosing to ascribe to it or not, and would be aware of themself to the point in which they would allow themself to not be moving with that mass expression.

That is the trap. For you can be aware of a construct and also not necessarily be aware enough of yourself, and how you are expressing your energy with or against it. Therefore, it also is a manner of being aware of yourself and how those constructs are influencing you and generating an objective choice to enact differently, if you disagree with the construct, or if it is important to you.

Now; in relation to age appropriate: in one capacity you are correct in that it is an age belief factor, but in another capacity it is also (5 second pause) a matter of behavior beliefs, not necessarily entirely an age belief. For in this, you have generated constructs in relation to behaviors and what is appropriate and what is not, and that changes considerably in different time frameworks.

That particular construct is not as absolute or as consistent as many of the others. For in different time frameworks, individuals change their idea of what is age appropriate and what is not. Fifty years prior to this present now, there were much more defining and strict expressions of what was age appropriate behavior and what was not.

Children, as an example, were generally - in your culture, in many cultures - expressed as almost property, and that they were expected to express themselves very limitedly. In this present time framework, in many of your cultures, that construct has changed and individuals express that children be allowed to be much more expressive.

Adults, in previous time frameworks, incorporated much greater allowance of expressing themself in whatever manner you chose, and as you aged you were afforded more of that freedom to express in whatever capacity that you chose; that the older you become the more freedom you have to express yourself without limitations and that it should be accepted. In this present time framework, that construct does not necessarily hold.

And in that, there does continue to be some age appropriate constructs, but there also are changes in that which have become much more flexible. But you also generate constructs in relation to appearance in age-appropriate in relation to your fashion. What you wear; that an individual that is of an age of 50 or 60 or 70 years of age, is frowned upon to be incorporating a dress at the same style as an individual that is an adolescent.

Therefore, you can view these constructs in many, many, many different capacities that are affecting of you in your (Quietly but intently) everyday movements, in your everyday life, in almost every capacity that you express.

In relation to age constructs also, (Crash in the background) there is another factor that is being expressed in your present time framework differently than it has been previously, but previously or now, is not necessarily one that many of you would view as positive or to your greatest benefit and that involves children. And what AGE you can acceptably incorporate children and beginning a family.

Previously it was encouraged to be generating families and children at much, much younger ages, which was restricting; but in your present time framework it is being expressed to you to generate children at older ages, but is also generating considerable restrictions. Therefore, that would be another construct of what is the RIGHT age to be incorporating families.

These constructs are far-reaching. They are in play in almost everything you do, in some capacity - in how you bathe yourselves, what you eat, what you wear, whether you incorporate certain relationships, how you express those relationships, how you interact with strangers - in your terms - how you interact with friends, how you interact with family; in many, many, many different capacities. Even in situations that are so mundane, that you would not even necessarily think twice. How you wash your clothes, and what they smell [like]. (Soft laughter and murmuring) How you smell. (Much laughter and many giggles)

In this, there are mundane actions that you generate every day that you give little or no thought to, that are being influenced by these constructs, and you accept it. And in that, is that to say that it is to your greatest benefit? Let me express to you, most individuals will express that it is important and hygienic to bathe at least once a day - many individuals perhaps more than once a day.

Without that construct in relation to what you perceive to be hygiene, caring for your body consciousness and maintaining it, in a clean and natural manner; I would express to all of you that (Intently) BATHING is an action that you could do once a YEAR. (The crowd goes wild with ”Ewwws”, ”Oh my gods” etc. Everyone cracks up)

ELIAS: And listen to your responses! (All crack up - someone says, ”You’re wrong!”) The body consciousness (Blotted out with the laughter) Your body consciousness is if you are not continuously bathing will incorporate no odor. (Murmurs) You stimulate glands and your skin to respond in protective manners by bathing continuously, and that creates scent. If you were not (Intently) bathing continuously, your body consciousness would function naturally and would not produce a scent.

JOHN: We would all have really bad hair days. (Laughter)

ELIAS: Or so you think. (Laughter)

ANN: What about eating then, is that a construct too?

LYNDA: Oh god.

ELIAS: Very much so.

ANN: So, if we did not eat every day, we don’t have to eat every day?

ELIAS: No, it is not a matter of whether you eat; it is a matter of what you eat. That you build these constructs around what is healthy and what is not, and what you should eat and what you should not, and that also is a flexible construct that has changed MULTIPLE times throughout your history, and even within your present time framework, continues to change.

For in that, a suggestion is expressed that one particular food is unhealthy and you all accept it, and you move in that direction. And another suggestion is expressed that a different food is very healthy and you accept it, and you all begin to consume that food! It is a matter of (Softly) a herd mentality. (Giggles and murmurs)

VERONICA: And vitamins and supplements and all that.

ELIAS: Yes! These are all a part of constructs that you build around what is healthy, what is not, what you should consume, what you should not consume, to maintain health.

KEN: That’s food for thought. (Everyone cracks up).

RODNEY: But, isn’t a construct itself a belief? I mean you’re using the words, they’re almost interchangeable. (A couple affirmatives from the group)

ANN: Yeah, kind of.

RODNEY: I mean, if you believe that you have to...

ELIAS: No, they are conditions. They are conditions of the belief.

RODNEY: Conditions. Well if you believe you need vitamins as you grow older...

ELIAS: A whale does not believe than it needs vitamins. (Laughter) A whale incorporates the belief of aging and it ages; it does not incorporate the construct of that its appearance will change as it ages, and it does not. Once the whale reaches adulthood, its appearance is the same - from that point until it dies - it does not change. A whale incorporates the belief that it must EAT to survive.
It does not incorporate the construct that it must consume specific foods or vitamins (John laughs) or supplements, or that it should not consume certain foods. It (Intently) eats to survive and it does not incorporate the constructs around that. A whale does not incorporate the constructs of age appropriateness in behavior. A young whale may generate behavior in a certain manner and an old whale may generate the same behavior.

RODNEY: So, the construct is really a condition…


RODNEY: …of the belief.


RODNEY: Almost interchangeably you could use that word. Condition and construct.

ELIAS: Yes. Yes.

RODNEY: Thank you.

ELIAS: You are welcome. Yes. (Responding to other participant)

DANIIL: I have a question. In continuation, our conversations over the years you have used certain language in relation to beliefs: influences, attachments, associations and now constructs. Would you define each one as opposed to the others?

ELIAS: Associations are not beliefs. Associations, as I have expressed, are the evaluation that you generate in relation to any and every experience that you generate, with the addition of a judgment, either good or bad - that the experience is a good experience, that it is a bad experience - and in that you evaluate in varying degrees, and that is the association that is attached to an experience.

Attachments are beliefs that you use for guidelines. They are, in a manner of speaking, embellishments of a belief, or an emphasis of a belief that you use as a guideline in relation to behavior and choices.

Constructs are not beliefs. They are the conditions that you build upon and around beliefs. Beliefs themselves are expressions that (Pause) give you explanations for physical reality.

DANIIL: So, can you go through an example of some sort for all of this?

ELIAS: Choose one.

DANIIL: Let’s say “meaning of life.” (Inaudible)

ELIAS: Very well, “meaning of life”. Therefore the belief would be that life has meaning. Therefore, that is your explanation for a facet of physical reality - life, and that it incorporates meaning. Generally, as an aside, the beliefs themselves are a simple statement. A construct around a meaning of life: that life is valuable if it is expressed in certain capacities; that it should be viewed as sacred; that it should not be wasted; that it should be expressed in the capacity of generating a contribution to your reality; that its value is measured in legacy. These would be constructs around a belief that life incorporates meaning.

An attachment would be “life is valuable and therefore it is important to be responsible with it”; that the meaning of life is what you make it, therefore it is important to make it mean something. Or that it is important to generate specific actions in specific sections of your life to create meaning.

DANIIL: But how are those different? When you talked about constructs you said life is sacred, therefore don’t waste it, and now you’re talking about attachments and just saying...

ELIAS: But this is a matter of creating the meaning. The attachment would be, what is the meaning? - defining the meaning, such as career or family in those capacities. What is your meaning of the value? Therefore, in that you generate attachments that there are certain actions. Remember, attachments are guidelines, and generally you agree with them. Therefore, in that, the attachments are those guidelines that - in a manner speaking, to an extent- help you to express, such as expressing the meaning by generating what? If the construct is involving contribution or legacy, how do you express that meaning of legacy or contribution? They interplay with each other.

DANIIL: So it is a different (Inaudible) construct.


DANIIL: Ah. And then, influences. When you spoke of influences…

ELIAS: Influences with beliefs are the abstract manner in which you can express a belief; that one belief can be expressed in literally hundreds of abstract manners. Therefore, the influences are the choices for how you express it - not the idea, but the action.

DANIIL: Because I remember (inaudible) session where you said smoking is a belief, smoking isn’t bad. I think you said it was an influence.

ELIAS: Correct. In that, in addressing to the individual, Zacharie, that was addressing to his association.


ELIAS: Therefore that was an individual expression with him in relation to his association with that belief. Are your understanding?

DANIIL: Uh, somewhat. Okay, so can we go over smoking again? What is the attachment and what is that construct?

ELIAS: Very well. An attachment, remember - guideline. An attachment would be (Pause) social.

RODNEY: Would be what?

ELIAS: Social. (Group echoes ”social”) That it is a social action. Therefore it would be attractive. In this, remember, guidelines are the attachments and they are not necessarily bad. You have them, for you view them as good or positive. Therefore that would be the attachment, that it benefits you in some manner.

Generally, the attachment will be expressed in the form of how it will benefit you. The action of how it will benefit you.

FEMALE: Or hurt you.

ELIAS: Generally the attachment is viewed as a benefit, and that is the reason that you adhere to them. And you are generally more aware of the attachments, you see them. You see the benefit of what an attachment expresses - which is a guideline for a behavior, in relation to a belief.

DANIIL: Okay, I’ll have to think about it. (All crack up)

ANN: Can we do this with separation, since that’s one of the beliefs for a change?

LYNDA: I was just thinking that! I was going to bring that up, sister!

ANN: Obviously there’s some people that don’t think about that at all, so let’s go with separation.

ELIAS: Separation, in what…

ANN: The constructs, the attachments, you know, the whole…

ELIAS: Very well. The attachment with separation is uniqueness (Murmurs) and difference regardless that at times you view difference as bad or undesirable, you also view it as (Very brief pause) good.(Pause) Individuality would be an attachment. Autonomy would be an attachment.

The construct to separation would be that you are disconnected, (Slowly) that you are (Pause) unable to penetrate anything fully, for you cannot fully connect, for you ARE separate - that you are alone.

ANN: Now it seems like the attachments on it are viewed more as positive and constructs seem to be viewed more as negative? (Elias nods yes)

DANIIL: And what would be the influence in that separation?

ELIAS: In separation? The influences are numberless - that you move independently of each other; how you interact; how you view everything in your world; that you view your world as different or separate from yourself; that you generate such difficulty in (Intently) ACCEPTING yourselves as essence. (Humorously) You create a separation between yourself and the elusive entity that you view as your essence, which is (Intently) not another entity. It [separation] influences you to explore independently, it influences you in motivation to discover, it creates competition that can be constructive, it motivates you to achieve. Therefore it can generate what you term to be very positive expressions or influences.

DANIIL: Which would become an attachment eventually. If we choose influences (Inaudible).

ELIAS: In some capacities, if they become generalized, such as independence. Yes, in which they can be implied, en masse, not only to one individual. But there are many different influences that are somewhat less obvious - automatically viewing yourselves as small.

Separation creates the influence of individual entities, therefore you view your selves as individual entities, and in that, in relation to a world or your universe, (Softly) you perceive yourselves to be very small. You are not as large as your world; you are not as large as even a part of your world - a mountain or an ocean. Therefore, it does affect how you perceive yourself. It also affects how you perceive your identity.

As I have expressed previously, into this present time frame work in all of your interactions with myself, we continue to generate the distinction between an observing essence and a directing essence, for you are threatened in your identity if that distinction is not generated. There is no distinction, but YOU experience more security if that distinction is generated. For it threatens your identity to incorporate or entertain the idea that you as an individual- you separately, as an individual - may be part of more than one essence.

That, in your perception, takes away your individuality, your uniqueness. It does NOT, you ARE unique and you ARE individual, but you are also interconnected and not SEPARATE. There is a difference between being separate and being individual. They are not synonymous. (Chuckles)


BRIGIT: So, before I say this, I could be WAY wrong, but what you’re saying is that for those people who like focus hunting or finding focuses of your own essence, that basically could be anybody, everybody, historically, futurely, whatever, is a focus of the individual.

ELIAS: Yes you could express that.

BRIGIT: So I was (Inaudible) after all.

FEMALE: Yeah! You go girl!

BRIGIT: (Inaudible) I’ve been coming to this conclusion for the last little while after I really read you.


NATASHA: So give me more definitions and give me more (Inaudible) Now, my questions is, what do we do with all of this? (Laughter) (Elias chuckles)

ELIAS: The point is that the more you are aware, the more knowledge you incorporate. Knowledge is power.

LYNDA: Right.

ELIAS: And the more knowledge you incorporate, the more aware you are, the more you can (Intently) objectively choose, and that is also a part of this shift; moving into expansion of your objective awareness to allow you to intentionally create your reality in the direction that is to your greatest benefit and that you want. This is the point.

And in that, when you are aware of, when you incorporate the knowledge of what is influencing you, in capacities that you are not generally aware of, you are (Intently) objectively more equipped to express INTENTIONAL choices, rather than being reactive, or generating choices by rote, rather than in relation to what you actually want.

Let me express to you, would you rather be aware and incorporate the knowledge that motor vehicles travel upon streets, and that can travel relatively quickly and that they are extremely heavy, in your terms, and that they can be dangerous and roll over the top of you? Would you rather be aware of that and then generate the choice to step into the street as the motor vehicle passes, OR to not be aware of any of those factors and step into the street and be flattened? (Laughter) It is an objective choice; you incorporate the knowledge which allows you to generate choices that are to your greater benefit. Knowledge is power.

NATASHA: Yes, but still, sometimes we make choices that result in things that are not beneficial for us.

ELIAS: (Softly) At times you do, which is what I expressed previously. At times you do generate choices that you are aware, in the moment, that are not to your greatest benefit and you do it anyway. And in - as I expressed previously - those situations you are already aware of what you are choosing; therefore futurely you are not expressing to yourself the regret that “I could have done that better” or “I could have done that different.” (Loudly) You knew that when you generated the choice. Therefore, you are not expressing that regret, so to speak, in creating this hindsight comparison. You already knew what you were doing and you CHOSE to do that. And in that, you will either generate one of two actions, generally speaking, you will either secretly, to yourself, congratulate yourself for whatever choice it was that you generated that was bad; or, you will continue to discount yourself, which is what you were doing when you generated the choice.

NATASHA: Thank you.

ELIAS: You are welcome.

VERONICA: Elias, I feel secure, complacent, when I’m reading the transcripts and I’m by myself, and then I step into the public and I am amazed that people have such adulation for religious leaders. The Rabbis, the Pope, their adulation of these people. If a Rabbi says something, it is the pinnacle of the truth, and I can see the constructions around it. If we are in this wave - all waves, in the shift - why are so many people not aware? And why am I attracting that situation to myself - to be present with those people?

ELIAS: Ah! You may be presenting that to yourself to practice being aware and expressing acceptance. The other...

VERONICA: That is so hard.

ELIAS: It may be difficult, dependent upon your own constructs. Other individuals are shifting, but they may not be shifting in the same capacity as yourself, or at the same rate as yourself. And in like manner to yourself and many, many, many other individuals - if not most - many of these individuals are placing themselves in situations and directions that will eventually PUSH them into more of the objective recognition of this shift. And to do that, generally you push yourselves into corners…


ELIAS: …in which you create situations that are difficult and that are uncomfortable, until you are (Softly) fed up with that situation, or until you are very disappointed. And in that, every individual chooses their own method of what will speak to them, or what will motivate them. And many, many, many individuals will place themselves in situations that are either very discounting of themselves, or (Intently) in very uncomfortable and even dangerous situations, before they move into a new direction, for you cling to what is familiar. You all do, in different capacities.

Change is difficult. When you are expressing such a tremendous type of change, it is very difficult. What I would express to you is a tremendous acknowledgment to your species that you have thus far avoided tremendous traumatic events; that you have avoided creating catastrophic events in your reality to push yourselves in the direction of becoming more aware. That you ARE, regardless of how it may appear surfacely, being more gentle with yourselves…

LYNDA: Right.

ELIAS: …and are not creating catastrophic, apocalyptic events in which you are obliterating most of your species before you awaken.

RODNEY: Save that for the movies.

ELIAS: Precisely. (Amens from the group) And in that, there are many, many, many, many, many individuals that cling to religions and different philosophies, for they are familiar, and that feels safe. Remember, safety is a feeling. Security is a state of being. Safety is what you feel, and being unsafe is a feeling. Moving into the new and the unknown feels unsafe. There is no THING to expect, there are no guidelines, and that feels very unsafe for many, many, many individuals, if not most. And therefore, they hold to what is familiar, for that feels safe.

Eventually, the familiar becomes uncomfortable - for the foundation begins to crumble - and then change occurs. But, what I would express to you is, these individuals ARE moving, they ARE shifting. They are merely doing it differently from yourself; and in that, not to be so quick to judge. (Questioner laughs)

DANIIL: And as a side note, are these in this group [expressing] a religious aspect to some degree?

ELIAS: Very much so.

DANIIL: Elias for us is what the Pope is to some people. (Inaudible) myself too far from him.

ELIAS: I would agree, which is the reason I expressed to not be so quick to judge. (Laughter and murmuring) You are not so very different, merely expressing in a different MANNER, but you are also holding to some familiar constructs of like-minded individuals with a figurehead. (Laughter)

FEMALE: That’s comfortable. That’s us! (More exclamations)

MALE: All hail, Elias! (Group laughs)

ELIAS: I am not expressing that any of it is wrong or bad, I am merely expressing that it is important for you to be aware, and to allow yourselves the freedom to choose. You cannot choose if you are not aware. If you do not incorporate the knowledge, then you have no foundation for choices. And that is your right. You DESERVE choice, it is your RIGHT. And in that, in the entitlement of choice, it is important that you become aware of what possibly can alter your choices, or can influence your choices in manners that you do not necessarily agree with, and therefore giving yourselves - ultimately, (Intently) objectively, intentionally - freedom. (Group responds)

JEFF: I have a question. This is about the construct of the universe.


JEFF: If we look at the microbe, we see the atom, with electrons revolving around, we look at the macro of our solar system, we see planets revolving around the sun. So it looks like, in either direction, the model is similar. Now, if we look at it from an atom’s point of view, it doesn’t know that it may be a part of an organ or a table. You made a comment in one of the sessions that our solar system looks very different from outside of it. Could you comment on that, and connect that with the construct that we’re going on today?

ELIAS: Very well, (Pause) (Murmuring) this is another fluctuating construct. For your construct of your universe has considerably fluctuated throughout your history, and continues to do so. In this, the construct would be that you perceive yourselves to be the center of the universe, and the universe surrounds you.

FEMALE: Aren’t we?

ELIAS: No. (Laughter) You are not necessarily the center, but you perceive yourselves to be, for that is the construct in relation to your planet and your universe. Your planet is ALMOST in the center of your solar system, your solar system is the center of your universe, and therefore YOU are ALL the center. In this, I would express that there is no center.

That would be the first construct; as to how you perceive space and yourselves, once again, (Softly) you generate a construct of the universe and yourselves as being very small; that you are very tiny in this vast, vast, vast universe. In actuality you are not quite as small as you believe yourselves to be.

Physical size is not necessarily a determining factor. Remember, (Humorously) you are all interconnected, therefore your individual size is almost irrelevant, for you also generate one very large physical body with billions of atoms - or similar to. In this, I would express that the universe is so vast in comparison to what you perceive it to be, and in that, your solar system, you have not even discovered all of your solar system yet. You have discovered part of it - a considerable part of it - but not all of it. There are aspects of your solar system that you are not aware exists yet. For you do not incorporate the technology yet to see certain parts of your solar system. This is not even into your galaxy, but your own solar system.

I would express that that is the aspect that appears different from what you see in your solar system. In this, your planets are also somewhat different from what you perceive them to be at this point. You ARE offering yourselves more information and more knowledge to perceive your solar system, or your planets in your solar system more clearly, for the most part that is those that are closest to you, though not as much those that are farther away from you.

In this, I would also express that another construct of your universe is that it is not an extension of you.


ELIAS: That it is a creation of some higher, greater source; not your projection - which it is your projection - but it is difficult for you to even imagine that your world is your projection. In this, the vastness and the unknowns of the universe are difficult to perceive as an extension of yourselves. And in that, once again, we return to the smallness, the construct of yourselves in the universe as the smallness of yourselves, when in actuality you are not.

JEFF: If the universe is an extension of us, then we ARE at the center of the universe because we are creating that universe around us.

ELIAS: You are correct.

JEFF: So, even though geographically, we may not be as science looks for somewhere in the outer edge of the Milky Way, but if the universe is an extension of us then we must, of course how we think, it extends from the center, being us.

ELIAS: Precisely.

JEFF: That’s the trap, isn’t it?

ELIAS: Precisely! But...

JEFF: My bad. (All crack up)

ELIAS: But, once again, that is a part of the construct that you are the center, and you are NOT. (Laughs)

ANN: Are we not the center because we’re everything?

ELIAS: And there is no center.

ANN: Right.

ELIAS: Yes. (Murmurs in the group)

KEN: Like a Tootsie Roll Pop... we may never know! (Elias cracks up) (Giggles from the group)

ELIAS: We will incorporate one more question.

ANN: So make it a good one... (Inaudible)

ELIAS: (Cracks up wildly) But (Very humorously) there is the construct again! (Everyone cracks up)

ANN: I’m trying to give examples. (Elias cracks up)

LYNDA: I have a little closing thought, an acknowledgement or observation.


LYNDA: It’s me, Lynda (2:40:58). I’d just like to observe that you really like what you do. You enjoy it.

ELIAS: Precisely.

LYNDA: You are a good inspiration. (Elias laughs) What you might think is minutiae to us is like fodder for you to like dissect and explain, it’s like, I don’t know how else to say this, but I, at this state in my whatever, it’s a privilege to observe how much you LOVE what you do. (Elias chuckles) Because it affects us, it’s interesting!

ELIAS: What I would express to you…

LYNDA: Yeah.

ELIAS: …is the genuineness of love.

LYNDA: Yeah.

ELIAS: To all of you and THAT is what is important.

LYNDA: And quite appealing.

ELIAS: For, in that is a genuine knowing and appreciation of all of you, and each of you and all of your potential, in all that you do and your motivations and what you choose, and your unceasing curiosity that drives you, and THAT is wondrous to behold, and tremendous to participate with. And I express genuineness of lovingness to ALL of you - individually and personally. I shall be greatly anticipating our next meeting, and all of your participation, in tremendous love to all of you, au revoir.

(Elias departs after 1 hour, 17 minutes, 55 seconds)

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