Session 201908312

The Angst of Broken Rules and Remembering One Word: Importance


Webinar 20190831-2
“The Angst of Broken Rules and Remembering One Word: Importance”
“Definition of Evil”
“Regeneration of Teeth”
“This Stage of the Shift”

Saturday, August 31, 2019 (Group/Webinar)

Participants: Mary (Michael), Barb, Debbie (Tamarra), Jean-François (Samta), Jeff (Galina), Julie (Fontine), Lynda (Ruther), Kimi (Kiatia), Marij (Kammi), Phillip (Paetre), Rodney (Zacharie), Sandra (Atafah), Val (Atticus), Veronica (Amadis) and Wendy (Myiisha).

“You have pushed yourselves with conflict to a point where you have, in a manner of speaking, pushed yourselves over the hump. And in that, you are actually collectively realizing the importance, the value, the significance of connecting rather than opposing.”

ELIAS: Good day! I shall open the floor for your questions in this interaction in conversation, and you may present whatever is most pressing to each of you at this present time framework.

PHILLIP: Hello, Elias. [Sound interference] Sorry. Okay. Hi, Elias. It seems like we’re dealing with rules a lot lately. (Elias laughs) We’re dealing with our own rules, looking at our rules, how we’re getting irritated when people break our rules. This seems to be a big part of what I am looking at in myself and what we are engaging. Can you speak to that, please?

ELIAS: What I will say to you – all of you – first of all, is a considerable acknowledgment. It is difficult. This is a matter of differences in perceptions. And each of you have many, many, many rules, and you are now looking at them and seeing how much they affect you. And I definitely acknowledge how difficult that can be. I would say to you that I also recognize that it is difficult, even if you tell yourself in the moment that you are presenting this subject to yourself, that you are noticing differences in perception, that you are noticing that another individual is breaking your rules or that YOU are breaking rules. I would express even when you are aware of what is occurring, it doesn’t necessarily stop the angst or the frustration or the irritation that accompanies that, because this is something that is so intensely ingrained in you. You have been expressing this from very, very young ages and not necessarily being aware of it. But as you progress through life and you become older, it becomes even more intense, because you settle into very strong absolutes in those rules. And this is what creates the difficulty.

Most of you at this point likely say to yourselves, and even to each other, that you recognize that there are no absolutes and that you are expressing in directions in which you don’t think that YOU express absolutes. And that is another piece in this equation that is difficult for most of you, because you are actually showing yourselves that you do have absolutes and you do express them, and you do it much more frequently than you necessarily thought you did.

And in this, these are, in a manner of speaking, awakenings that you are giving yourselves. You are becoming more aware of yourselves by exposing all of these aspects TO yourself. And that is difficult. And I would definitely acknowledge that it does present significant challenges.

Now, the one aspect that I would say to you that might be somewhat helpful, if you remember to do it, is when you feel these feelings, when these feelings are surfacing of irritation, frustration, angst, restlessness, impatience—if you can simply remember for a moment that this isn’t important, that whatever it is you are doing, it SEEMS important in the moment but it isn’t. That you are making the subject, the action, the situation very important, and that is the reason that you are experiencing those feelings, because that is signaling you to your own emotional communication about how important you are making an expression that actually isn’t important.

But you don’t have to think about all of that in the moment. If you can simply, SIMPLY, remember that one word, 'importance,' that is enough. You don’t have to evaluate: Is this good? is this bad? Is this right? Is this wrong? What am I doing? All you have to do is remember that one word, because that one word will trigger re-evaluating: is this genuinely important? Or is it not important? That in itself can break the concentration, and that may be helpful when you are in the situation.

What I would say to you is also it can be very helpful to be practicing when you aren’t emotionally involved or when you aren’t emotionally being triggered. Because the more you practice in any situation, the more automatic it becomes. Therefore, if you are practicing when you AREN’T in an emotionally charged situation, when you ARE in those situations it will be easier for you to remember that word 'importance.'

What situations have you presented to yourself that are presenting these challenges in rules to you?

PHILLIP: I have had two, I would say, occupants of our current residence at different times who present challenges, great challenges with breaking my rules in various ways: one a young person, a teenager, and another one a fairly advanced-aged person. Both of these situations have been very challenging, and have had me…. and your advice about asking myself about the importance of any given situation has been extremely helpful. That’s beautiful advice, and I have used it successfully to make things unimportant. And as soon as I look at the idea of the importance of any given subject, I go “Oh! This doesn’t matter. It doesn’t make any difference. Why am I pushing so hard at it?” So, thank you for that, Elias.

ELIAS: You are very welcome.

Now; in that, I would inquire of you, are you comfortable with sharing some of what the situation is, that we can actually look at an example?

PHILLIP: Yes. In fact, we just talked about one a couple of days ago where my partner and her daughter had gone out on the quad and gone for a ride on the trails. And they came back, and this is a very simple example, but I noticed as I walked up the deck to the house – the daughter had already preceded me into the house – and as I walked up the deck I noticed on the stairs there were clumps of dirt. And I assumed from that that this young individual picked up clumps of dirt on their shoes, and since I didn’t see any boots on the deck I assumed that they tracked right through my house and right up the stairs to the loft, on the carpet, and tracked clumps of dirt throughout the house. And I was immediately momentarily quite irritated, until I realized that… and I immediately then thought about what am I making important, that there is a – even if it was true that there was a track of dirt, and I would even give her the benefit of the doubt and say no, I’m sure that she probably took her shoes off when she got in, but even if she hadn’t and there were clumps of dirt through the house, and so what? I have a vacuum. I have a broom and dust pan. It’d take me two minutes to clean up after her. So, I said, “It’s not important,” Elias. It's not important.” And immediately my irritation was gone.

ELIAS: Excellent. But do you also recognize WHY you are, in a manner of speaking, triggered by these rules? That what that represents to you?

PHILLIP: Ah. In my case, I would say that it’s my desire for order and efficiency and regard for other people. I think regard, probably, regard for me and the property and—

ELIAS: Precisely. Yes. Yes. Yes. Which is a rule, and these rules carry expectations about the behavior of other people. They are measurements, in a manner of speaking. Therefore, you measure the other individual in relation to their regard for you or their consideration of you or their respect of you, or their expression of value of you or whether they hold you as important or not. You are generating these judgments and measuring them by these rules, these rules that you have set in place as important because they measure, in your perception. But they are in actuality inaccurate, because they are only a measurement in relation to YOUR perception and what is important to YOU.

Therefore, it is invalid to attempt to measure someone else by those rules, because the other individual may not be paying attention the same. Their perception may be very different. What is important to them may be very different. That doesn’t mean that they don’t value you or that you aren’t important to them or that they are being inconsiderate or that they are being disrespectful, or that they aren’t expressing in relation to valuing what is important to you. It doesn’t mean any of that, because their perception is very different.

And if you were to say to the other individual, “It is important to me that you don’t carry mud and dirt on your shoes into my home, and you did,” the other individual likely would express a sincere apology, because they had no intention of being harmful to you.

But I would also VERY much acknowledge you in what you did in recognizing, “Is this actually significantly important?” Because in doing that, what you did was without having to evaluate all of it, without having to generate a considerable thought process about the situation, it allowed you to move in a direction in which YOU are valuing yourself, YOU are recognizing that this measurement of this other individual is not valid, and therefore it isn’t important. The other individual isn’t doing something intentionally to harm you or to distress you. It is YOUR rule that YOU have in relation to that expectation about behaviors in which that allows you to measure. Therefore, I would express well done that you could remember, 'Is this actually important?' And as I expressed, if you can simply remember that one word, that will be enough to alter your response and alter how you are expressing and how you are thinking and feeling.

PHILLIP: Thank you very much, Elias. I appreciate that. And the addition that you put, of it being a measure, is quite helpful. And I will assimilate and incorporate that into my future evaluations. Thank you.

ELIAS: Excellent. You are very welcome, my friend.

WENDY: Elias?


WENDY: This is Wendy, Myiisha. And in the beginning of this month I had a little drama that was sort of textbook science wave. I am now trying to figure out if I could have managed to use the 'important' rule here, or philosophy. But I went back to New Jersey from California on a night flight and visiting my sister. And I was very tired when I got there, and I went running around with my sister the next day. And towards the end of the next day, I had some slurred speech. And then I had it two days later. And the significant thing about this was that it’s kind of a stroke symptom, and I think some people are familiar with my story about I had a stroke three years ago now. Anyway, everybody got all upset and wanted me to go have it checked to make sure I wasn’t having a stroke. To make a long story short, I got it checked, and I ended up in the hospital having all kinds of tests, one after another. And they finally found what they were looking for, which was an indication that I’d had a small stroke.

Now I couldn’t… I really wanted to get out of the hospital, and my sister wanted me to stay in there. Everybody said I should stay in there. And I was having… People would walk into my room and say, “How are you feeling today?” and I would say, “I’m fine. I’ve been fine the whole time I’ve been here. My only problem is that I’m here.” And finally they decided that something might be wrong with my heart and they did a test. And they had already done these tests a couple of years ago. And they wanted to stick a camera down my throat to take pictures of my heart. And I said, “Can I get out, if you do that?” And they said yes. And I knew they wouldn’t find anything, and they didn’t, and they finally let me out.

Now I went to my doctor back home and I have to wear a heart monitor, but I’m in this position where I’m just… I’m having a different experience. I mean, they couldn’t figure out what was wrong, and it really drove them nuts. And I was like, “Well, this just happens sometimes.” But I’m okay with it, because my symptoms were minimal. I mean, it was nothing. And I couldn’t even convince myself, in the face of what everyone was saying, that it wasn’t important. I mean, I wasn’t really thinking that way, but at a certain point I had to take them seriously, and I went through all this stuff just to calm everybody down. But I didn’t know, and I’m left wondering if there’s like a little bomb in my head that’s going to go off, because that’s what they act like when the word stroke comes up. And there are a lot of rules and assumptions about it.

Until I was 67, I was healthy as a horse and I didn’t go to the doctor, and then I had a stroke and now I’m doing this thing with medical rules. So, what do you do when you get in a situation where everybody is pushing you one way and you feel like you need some help, but you don’t want to go in that direction? I mean, they have a whole prescribed… they have protocol when something like a stroke is invoked.

ELIAS: I would say that physicians have protocols when MANY different types of physical dysfunctions occur.


ELIAS: And I would say that especially in relation to organs and the brain, the physicians do have many protocols. But I would also say to you this is actually an excellent example.

WENDY: I think so too.

ELIAS: The reason being that it illustrates several different expressions and several different angles in relation to this subject of rules and in relation to differences and expressing yourself and how you express yourself.

Now, with this (chuckles) it also is an illustration of how you automatically move in these directions of authority, and how you move in the direction of authority even with other people such as family members or friends. You even place THEM in a role of authority at times.

WENDY: Me personally?

ELIAS: If other people are expressing in a manner that is forceful about you, and if it has to do with a situation in which you are generating some physical manifestation and it frightens other people, then the other people can move in directions of expressing themselves somewhat forcefully because they are frightened. But then it is also a matter of what you do and how you express yourself. Meaning, do you succumb to what the other individuals are expressing?

Now, understand that I recognize that your response is influenced because first of all, you care about the other individuals and you don’t want them to be frightened and you don’t want them to be concerned, therefore you want to in some capacity appease them. But there is also another factor in play, that you don’t necessarily want to be bothered with the expressions of the other individuals, and therefore another voice inside of you tells you to acquiesce to them and that will put an end to it. But the difficulty is acquiescing doesn’t put an end to it.

And I would express that when you move in these directions, then you place yourself in a position in which you are being dictated to, rather than directing yourself. You are then, in a manner of speaking, not steering your boat any longer; you are simply standing near the wheel and allowing the wind to blow the boat in whatever direction it will. All the other people are the wind. They are blowing your boat in directions that you don’t like, that you don’t want, that you are uncomfortable with.

Now; it isn’t entirely black and white either, because there may be some pieces in that that you are willing to engage and that you might actually WANT to engage, but not necessarily all of it. Therefore, it is a matter of you actually deciphering or discerning which aspects are important to you and which ones aren’t, and then having the ability to express yourself—and not in a manner that is oppositional, but expressing yourself in a genuine capacity in which you are acknowledging the other individuals and also acknowledging yourself.

Therefore, you acknowledge the friends and family members that are afraid or concerned and that want certain actions, but that you aren’t necessarily in agreement with that, and that is acceptable and it isn’t your responsibility. And you don’t have to SAY that, but that you KNOW that it isn’t your responsibility to dispel the other individuals’ fear. It is their fear, not yours. And you aren’t personally responsible for that.

But in this entire scenario, there were parts of it that you had questions about also, but not to the degree that you were comfortable with subjecting yourself to the entire scenario of being hospitalized and moving through the actions that the physicians were requiring. You were listening to your own body consciousness and you were listening to your intuition, but you weren’t expressing it.

WENDY: Yeah.

ELIAS: You were aware that certain actions weren’t necessary and that they were giving you answers that weren’t a surprise to you, that they weren’t finding something significant, and that wasn’t surprising to you. But in that, it can be challenging to know how to express yourself in relation to what IS important and what isn’t important. I would definitely say that that was a significant piece in all of this, to be recognizing and expressing which aspects were important to you and which aspects were not important to you, and in that, not allowing the other individuals to be placed in that position of being in authority to you, because they aren’t.

WENDY: Well, when they wanted to admit me to the hospital I said, “I don’t want to be admitted. What if I just leave?” and the guy said, “Your insurance won’t pay for this. You’ll have to pay for the whole thing if you leave against medical advice.”

ELIAS: Which is not entirely correct, but continue.

WENDY: Well, I don’t know about that.

ELIAS: What I would say to you is that when other individuals, such as physicians, are exerting their authority, it is exceptionally common for them to express in manners that are intimidating or threatening. But I would also say to you that whenever ANYONE is attempting to assert their authority in some capacity, this is the most common tactic, let us say, is to exert themselves in a manner of expressing a threat.

WENDY: Yeah.

ELIAS: Because you are more likely to acquiesce, and they are more likely to maintain what they think is control, if they express in a manner that influences you to be in a submissive position. And how a submissive position is achieved is by expressing to the other individual something that will be threatening to them.

WENDY: They did, however, find evidence of a stroke. And I don’t know what to make of that, because it is the wimpiest stroke I’ve ever seen.

ELIAS: Let me express to you first of all that it is not unusual for an individual to generate that type of a physical manifestation such as a stroke and then subsequently generate several, if not many, similar actions that are as you expressed. They are very, very, very small; they aren’t generally actually affecting; they may be temporarily affecting of some minor expressions, but then that will generally correct itself; they aren’t permanently damaging. But it isn’t unusual for that to occur.

That is actually a very common situation with almost any physical manifestation. When you generate a significant physical manifestation with your body consciousness, the body consciousness then targets that area for repeated actions, because it is easy. It is already affected, and it is already known that you will pay attention to it.

WENDY: And my body's consciousness is trying to get my attention? Is that correct?

ELIAS: Most definitely! In that, what I would say to you is the reason that this occurred was that you were pushing yourself and not—

WENDY: Amen.

ELIAS: — and not expressing yourself.

WENDY: I knew that. I mean, I was pushing myself because I took a night flight and then I went running around.

ELIAS: Precisely.

WENDY: I took a nap and everything was fine. I did it again late in the day, and I took a nap and everything was fine. But then when everyone, when my doctor found out – I emailed my doctor because… I mean, my sister was freaked out. She didn’t know what was going to happen.

ELIAS: Precisely. Precisely. But then when you react to that by acquiescing, it validates the other individuals' fear. And therefore, they continue to be afraid.

WENDY: I know. Well, what it did was it bounced back and forth, because I got afraid. And then I came home and I was afraid I couldn’t do… I couldn’t go back to work. I thought I couldn’t handle anything. But then I went back to work and I did really well, and I’ve been there for a week and I feel great about it.

ELIAS: Precisely.

WENDY: There’s a nagging thing in the back of my mind, like I’m going to have a stroke and I can’t handle it.

ELIAS: And I would express to you, my friend, that is incorrect. That is simply your thought mechanism translating incorrect information that you were given. It isn’t your body consciousness communicating to you. Your body consciousness is communicating to you in the direction that you are functioning.

WENDY: Yeah.

ELIAS: And that you are well. And that is being exhibited in action. You are simply creating this fear. Remember: fear is always future-based. You are anticipating something bad happening.

WENDY: Yeah.

ELIAS: Now; in that, you create this fear based on your thought process, and that triggers feelings of being uncertain. And that reinforces the fear, which is also a feeling.

WENDY: Well, then there’s all the tapes about growing old that are running in my head.

ELIAS: Yes. Yes. Yes. And what I would say to you, my friend, is pay attention, once again, to what you are actually doing.

WENDY: Okay.

ELIAS: Rather than all the rest of it: the associations, the thinking, the feeling. Remember, feelings are not an indicator of what energy you are creating.

WENDY: You said it’s a mistake to follow the feelings, and I remember that.

ELIAS: Yes. Yes. And in that, what I would say to you is what is the most accurate in an indication as to what is real is what you are doing. Therefore, pay attention to that. You are functioning; you are surprising yourself that you are functioning well; you feel well in your body. Therefore, pay attention to that, because that is a more accurate assessment. (Dog barking)

WENDY: I hear somebody agreeing with you in the background.

ELIAS: (Laughs) And I would say to you, my friend, I offer you great encouragement.

WENDY: Thank you.

ELIAS: And I would also say to you, don’t be afraid. You have always been, in your terminology, fairly good at expressing yourself. Don’t lose that to fear.

WENDY: I’ll try.

ELIAS: Very well. And I will offer my energy in great encouragement of that.

WENDY: Thank you so much.

ELIAS: You are welcome.

MODERATOR: Hi. This is the moderator. I just want to let everybody know we’re about halfway through. And Elias, if I can put in a question on behalf of somebody?


MODERATOR: I have a question from Sandra, who is asking: “What is the definition of evil? How does one discern it, if it is a reality?”

ELIAS: Very well. I actually have defined this previously, but I will gladly do it again. Actually, is there such a thing as evil? Not in terms that you think. There are no evil spirits, and evil is not a thing itself. I would say that if there is any definition of evil, it is the lack of empathy.

Now, in that, can you genuinely define that as evil? That would be difficult, because it is a choice of how an individual chooses to engage their reality and how they choose to experience reality. I would say that some individuals would classify that as a sociopath or a psychopath. In that, there are individuals that are not actually a psychopath or a sociopath that choose to engage reality without that factor of empathy, and don’t necessarily act on it in harmful manners to other individuals. But I would say that that in itself would be the definition of what you think of as evil, would be the inability of an individual to express empathy, to access any reference point of recognizing, relating to or understanding other experiences. It isn’t simply feelings; it is experiences. In a manner of speaking, the individual is in some capacity entirely detached and disassociated from anything but their own experiences. They do value their own experiences; therefore, they are not incapable of expressing feeling or emotional expressions themselves, to a degree, but they have an inability to objectively connect and express any type of empathy in relation to others and their experiences. Therefore, they don’t value others’ experiences.

MODERATOR: So, in other words, it’s a very separated state.

ELIAS: Yes. Yes. It would be.

MODERATOR: Okay. Thank you. And we have another quick little question from Kimi, who is asking about Laura’s baby’s stats. She wants to know if this child is Sumari/Ilda, emotional, soft.

ELIAS: Yes, yes, intermediate.

MODERATOR: Okay. And is the focus animal a kangaroo?


MODERATOR: Focus color peach?


MODERATOR: Okay. And lastly, she wants to know if the essence name is either Meloo, M-E-L-O-O, or Indigo.

ELIAS: No. These are both focus names.

MODERATOR: Okay. And are you able to provide the essence name then?

ELIAS: One moment. (Pause) Essence name: Travis, T-R-A-V-I-S.

MODERATOR: Thank you.

ELIAS: You are welcome.

MARIJ: Hi, Elias. This is Kammi. This is another stats question. This is a question for my partner. René is his name. And he has assessed what he thinks his stats are. And he feels he is Gramada/Sumafi, common and thought. Could you…?

ELIAS: Correct.

MARIJ: Okay. Any addition to that, that would be helpful, since we are going to talk to Michael in October?

ELIAS: In what capacity?

MARIJ: His intent.

ELIAS: I would say that he can be evaluating that, and we can discuss it when you are engaging in physical proximity. And I welcome you coming!

MARIJ: (Loudly) YES! I’m sorry. We are looking forward. Thank you. And with this information as input for the preparation. Thank you.

ELIAS: (Laughs) Excellent. (Both laugh)

MARIJ: Thank you.

JEFF: Hello, Elias. This is Jeff.

ELIAS: Welcome!

JEFF: Hi. I want to talk a little bit about regeneration.

ELIAS: Excellent. Very well.

JEFF: I had an experience. I had a callus on my foot, probably for twenty years. It was deep. And I decided I’m no longer going to manifest it. I didn’t think much about it. And a couple of months ago, I just happened to be checking my feet, and it’s gone. I checked both feet. I thought maybe it was the other one. And it really surprised me. It’s completely gone.

ELIAS: Congratulations!

JEFF: Thank you. Thank you. So, that gave me a lot of confidence. And so I want to proceed in another area, which is regeneration, but it’s also probably the outer boundaries of it. I’d like to know what the best way to initiate regrowing an adult tooth would be.


JEFF: I know I can do it.

ELIAS: I would say that this is more complicated and more difficult. Most individuals are not necessarily successful in relation to that.

JEFF: I am not most individuals.

ELIAS: I recognize that. (Laughs) I am not expressing that you can’t—you very well can. What I would say is it is more challenging because teeth are associated with the entire body consciousness. Therefore, in order to regenerate or regrow a tooth, what I would say to you is it is a matter of concentrating on the entirety of your body consciousness and not focusing on one area or one specific spot, so to speak. Therefore, what I would say to you is it is a matter of concentrating on your energy and creating that balance and flow within the entire body, therefore instructing the body to fill a hole, to BE whole. Are you understanding?

JEFF: So far, yes.

ELIAS: In that, teeth are very connected with actually your existence, in a manner of speaking. Your teeth can actually poison your body, even to the point of death. They also are almost as important to your existence and your survival as your blood. Most individuals don’t necessarily recognize how important teeth actually are.

And in this, what I would say is occasionally direct the energy of your body to the source point of the empty space, but not to concentrate on that—occasionally directing that energy to that source point of that empty space, to fill it, and then return to the concentration on the balance of the entirety of the body consciousness. In a manner of speaking, with your intention, think of it in similar manner to your blood system and how it circulates through your entire body, and that this is a manifestation of your body that is equally connected to every aspect of your body consciousness. Therefore, it can be viewed very similarly to your blood. And in that, I would express that that may be helpful to you in actually regenerating that.

JEFF: Interesting. Thank you.

ELIAS: You are welcome.

VERONICA: Hello, Elias?


VERONICA: This is Veronica. I’d like to ask a question also along the regeneration structure, also with regard to teeth. What if your mouth is filled with many caps, and you think that they need to be replaced because there’s a tenderness there? What can I do, or what can an individual do, when confronted with the situation of original teeth are not in your mouth, the space has been filled by caps, and you’re at the point where you think something needs to be done? Can the body consciousness or intention or healing of the body work? And to what degree? I mean, I never realized how important and how foolish it is to simply remove a tooth and put a cap in instead. So, after many years going to the dentist, I am at a point where I don’t know what to do.

ELIAS: What I would say I this situation is it is a matter of maintaining the artificial insertions, therefore the caps, in your terminology. It isn’t necessarily a matter of regrowing all of your teeth, but rather simply instructing the body consciousness in the direction of generating an association with the artificial teeth as if they are the same as the natural teeth. In that, then the body consciousness generates maintaining that relationship with the prosthetic, so to speak.

In this, I would say that with any type of a prosthetic, even teeth, it is simply a matter of maintaining that relationship with that prosthetic and the body consciousness viewing it as the same and a part of the body consciousness. Because any prosthetic can be irritating or can create difficulties, can even generate infections and discomfort, but it is a matter of that can also be very much alleviated in relation to what energy you project in association with the maintenance and the development of a relationship with that prosthetic, that it isn’t—you aren’t viewing it as a foreign object any longer. You accept that you generated this choice to incorporate that substitute, so to speak, for an aspect of your body consciousness. And in doing so, now you are maintaining it in the same manner that you maintain your body.

In this, it is simply a matter of recognizing yes, in regeneration your body consciousness can maintain those parts, those prosthetics. It can maintain them very easily and very well and not create difficulties. Are you understanding?

VERONICA: Yes. I believe so.

ELIAS: And in that, it is merely a matter of you trusting your body that it is maintaining, that it is regenerating around the prosthetics and it is functioning naturally, and in that, that you are incorporating the prosthetic in the same manner that you would with your natural teeth.

VERONICA: I see. All right. That’s good advice. Thank you.

ELIAS: You are welcome.

VERONICA: Protect what you have. (Laughs)

ELIAS: Ah. Yes.

VERONICA: And accept all. Right? That is your message.


VERONICA: Okay. Thank you.

ELIAS: Not looking at them as bad or worse than, but that this is a choice that you generated, and this is the choice that was perhaps available to you at a particular time framework, and that with your awareness now that might not be the choice that you would generate now but that is irrelevant, because now you have different information than you did at any given point earlier. Therefore, in that, it is a matter of accepting the choice that you engaged previously and now maintaining that in a comfortable and natural capacity.

VERONICA: I understand. Okay. Thank you. Thank you.

ELIAS: You are welcome.

MARIJ: This is Kammi again. Since nobody else pushed the button, I have another question that just came to mind in preparation. I know from someone who was really involved in trying to get an energy exchange with Rose, and I was wondering what would be the relevance of the information that may be Rose as essence, or whatever I would call Rose, would give us in this shift that we are in.

ELIAS: That would remain to be seen. I would say that in relation to the shift, anything that Rose would offer would be relevant but it would likely be expressed in a considerably different direction than I express to all of you, because this is a different essence and this essence moves in very different directions. I would say that as a general overview, so to speak, or speculation in a manner of speaking, that it would be most likely that Rose would be engaging information in an overall direction, more so in a global direction and a general expression in relation to all of you as a collective, rather than individuals—therefore also perhaps in relation to your planet, and you and other species, those types of expressions. Which would be equally relevant to shifting; it merely would be in a very different direction.

MARIJ: How so different? Because you say more global and not personal?

ELIAS: Correct. Correct.

MARIJ: Okay. But it could maybe be like a dot on the horizon for people?

ELIAS: Yes. But I would express that it would more likely be more general information about you as a species, about your planet and that type of subject matter.

MARIJ: Okay. Thank you for now, Elias.

ELIAS: You are welcome.

MARIJ: Thank you.

MODERATOR: This is the moderator. We have about a little over twenty minutes left. Anybody else have a question?

JULIE: This is Julie. And Elias, I'm curious about the state of humanity and the world within this shift right now. Like how are we doing? It seems like there is a lot of strife if you listen to the news. But in my own personal life, I see people becoming empowered, more so. And I’m just curious about the whole rest of the world and humanity and everybody, if you could just briefly talk about that.

ELIAS: I would agree that there is a considerable amount of strife that is occurring in your world, but I would also express that there is a considerable amount of encouragement. It is a matter of what you necessarily pay attention to.

And I would say that I relation to the movement of the shift presently, there are challenges, there are difficulties, but I would also say that there is much, much more awareness now in relation to personal individual self-awareness and also awareness of everything around all of you than there has been in most of your history. I wouldn’t say entirely all of your history, but most of it. I would say that you are thinning those veils of separation considerably.

One of the aspects of the shift that is generating what you might term to be a forerunning, or being the forerunner in actions, is thinning that veil between physical focus and death. Which I have expressed from the onset of this forum, that that would be one of the actions that would be significantly created in this shift, that because you would be becoming more aware of interconnectedness, that that veil of separation between physical focus and when an individual disengages would be considerably thinned and individuals would be much more aware of the ability to interact with individuals that have disengaged. And that is actually one action presently that is being accomplished considerably, that individuals are more and more and more every day aware of the energy and the interactions between themselves and individuals that have disengaged.

I would also say that there is more awareness now of your planet than there has ever been in your history. And I would say that your advancements technologically are moving astoundingly quickly. Which, that is also an action that is being facilitated by this shift in consciousness, because it is moving you in the direction of that interconnectedness—not only with each other here in your reality, in your world, in your planet, but you have an entire universe that is in your reality and that you are interconnected with, and you are moving in the direction of realizing that much more also.

Therefore, although there is considerable conflict and considerable strife and fear within your world presently, it is actually less than it was five years prior. It is changing. As much as there has been railing against change, and as much as so many of you have moved in directions of opposition to change and to differences and to each other in general, I would say that there is also a considerable movement in connecting. You have pushed yourselves with conflict to a point where you have, in a manner of speaking, pushed yourselves over the hump. And in that, you are actually collectively realizing the importance, the value, the significance of connecting rather than opposing.

Therefore, my friend, I would express to you in common terms it is good news. That you have somewhat stepped over the significant hurdle and broken that equal division of polarization. Therefore, in that, you are definitely moving forward—definitely. And I congratulate and encourage all of you. I would express that it is beginning to become evident in your communities.

JULIE: Thank you, Elias.

ELIAS: You are very welcome, my friend.

VERONICA: Elias, this is Veronica again.


VERONICA: I have not heard much about the participation of the Tumold, the alignment with Tumold. Is Tumold not so active during the shift?

ELIAS: They are. They definitely are. Yes. And I would express, in a very natural capacity of healing, in restoring to that natural state. And I would express that they are being quite instrumental in expressing energy to encourage that interconnectedness, because the more interconnected you are, the more you actually heal.

VERONICA: Okay. All right. Thank you.

ELIAS: You are very welcome.

KIMI: Hello?


KIMI: Okay. My mic wasn’t working earlier. Now it is, so this is cool. So, I have a question about autophagy and neurogenesis. You said they are both triggered by calorie restriction and fasting. And I know you said to eat every couple of hours, but that wasn’t working for me. But cutting out the grains and sugar does help me a lot, and then I just naturally started to fast from twelve hours to eighteen hours. So, is that… I’m guessing that’s okay for me?

ELIAS: For you? Yes.

KIMI: Okay. Cause I’m guessing that’s where my beliefs went, because when I was eating every couple of hours I just gained weight and I felt awful.

ELIAS: I understand.

KIMI: Okay.

ELIAS: And in that, I would acknowledge that this is a matter of what you believe and therefore what you trust, and that is what you will generate. Therefore, yes, I would agree with you, and I would encourage you.

KIMI: Okay. So, I am much healthier than last year then?

ELIAS: Correct.

KIMI: Okay. But now I go back and forth, because I don’t know how many calories to eat. Every time I look something up, they all have their opinions, but I don’t know. I eat when I’m hungry.

ELIAS: Precisely. I would express to you it isn’t necessary for you to be concerning yourself with all of those facts and figures, in a manner of speaking. It isn’t necessary. I would express that all that is required is to listen to your body.

KIMI: Okay. So, it’s not… Because lately I don’t even feel like eating vegetables, so I haven’t really eaten those in the past couple months.

ELIAS: I would express, listen to your body, what your body is expressing to you to consume.

KIMI: Okay, so I’m not deficient at the moment? Or is there anything I should be eating?

ELIAS: Not necessarily. I would say that what you are engaging is moving in the direction of paying attention, and it is definitely moving in harmony with what you believe.

KIMI: Okay. Thank you.

ELIAS: You are welcome.

VAL: Hello, Elias.


VAL: This is Val. I’ve got a question about a stone. I was in Turkey in May at an ancient site called Hattusa. And in Hattusa there’s this magnificent cubic green stone. And this green stone, for me, I feel a connection to it. Its energy was pretty significant. However, I don’t know if anybody has ever identified what it is made of. It looked to me like a combination of jade and zoisite. Can you tell me what substance it is and perhaps a little bit about it? It feels like it may be on a very important energetic spot on the earth, and it feels like it could actually be a portal.

ELIAS: I would agree with all of that.

VAL: In other lives or what have you, I worked with that stone, is that correct?


VAL: And can you give me an approximation of the time period that I was involved with it?

ELIAS: One moment. (Pause) First involvement, 400 B.C. Second involvement, 100 B.C. Third involvement, 100 A.D. Next involvement, 500 A.D., and present.

VAL: And present?


VAL: I felt that. In fact, I can feel its energy, and I think that was one of the reasons why I was summoned to go to Turkey. Is that correct?

ELIAS: I would agree. Yes.

VAL: Interesting. So, this green stone may have something to do with my next step?

ELIAS: I would agree.

VAL: Very interesting. What material is it made out of, Elias?

ELIAS: You are correct in your assessment.

VAL: It’s zoisite jade?

ELIAS: Yes. I would also express that there is a slight inclusion of a… (pause). There is a meteor inclusion.

VAL: Oh! Interesting. Does this enhance its energetic property?


VAL: Because I felt like it was almost other-worldly when I was—

ELIAS: Correct. You are correct.

VAL: And is it in any way connected with the Bosnian Pyramid of the Sun?

ELIAS: Physically, no.

VAL: Energetically, yes?

ELIAS: Energetically in relation to its uses, yes.

VAL: Wow. Because when I approached it, I became very emotional—very, very emotional, and I had the same feeling when I approached a runic stone in the Bosnian Ravne tunnel, very much the same feeling. So, this is very exciting.

ELIAS: (Laughs) I would say congratulations!

VAL: And would this energy from this magnificent stone be what I am feeling in my right brain?


VAL: Thank you. Okay. That answers a lot of questions, and I will speak to more about it later.

ELIAS: Excellent. Excellent.

VAL: But thank you very, very much for that.

ELIAS: You are very welcome.

MARIJ: Sorry, this is Kammi again. But since I feel very connected to Val and to the stone that’s she’s talking about, I would like to ask you in which of those time frameworks that you were talking about did we share a focus?

ELIAS: Ah! The first two.

MARIJ: Ah! Thank you very much.

ELIAS: You are very welcome.

MARIJ: Thank you.

MODERATOR: We have just about five minutes left. Anybody else have a nice question to fit in there?

KIMI: Can I ask one?

MODERATOR: Sure. Go ahead.

KIMI: Okay. So, if your brain doesn’t know the difference between imagination and real, can I just imagine I’m jogging for thirty minutes instead of actually doing it and still benefit? Because I really don’t want to go jog.


KIMI: Gah! So why is it the brain doesn’t know the difference between the two?

ELIAS: Because they are both real. But that doesn’t mean that you can THINK about – imagination is not thinking. And that doesn’t mean that you can think about generating a physical action and that it will be the same as generating the physical action, because the body consciousness knows the difference.

KIMI: But there are athletes who use visualization, and they say it helps them with their game.

ELIAS: Correct.

KIMI: But I can’t use that with jogging?

ELIAS: They don’t replace it—they enhance.

KIMI: Oh. Okay. Thank you.

ELIAS: (Chuckles) You are welcome.

MODERATOR: I think we can fit in another little question. Anybody have something?

VAL: Yes. This is Val again. The stone, when I mentioned that it's unworldly, would that mean the entire stone itself came from another dimension or from another location in the universe?

ELIAS: No. It is partially, not the entirety. The stone is fused together in different parts, and there is a part of it that is a part of a meteor, which would be other-worldly, but not the entirety of the stone, because it fused together.

VAL: Has it always been in that location?

ELIAS: The part that was the meteor, when it collided with your planet it fused in parts with other elements that were already in existence in your planet. And that is what occurred with this stone. It fused with a part of that meteor.

VAL: Wow, that’s really interesting. So the meteor gives it that extra zing, so to speak.

ELIAS: Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes.

VAL: Has it always been in that location of Hattusa, or was it moved there? There is some folklore I guess, so to speak, that it came from Egypt originally.

ELIAS: Correct.

VAL: It did come from Egypt?

ELIAS: Correct.

VAL: Wow. This is exciting. (Both laugh) I wondered why I was so drawn to that area. Now I know. I know. It’s very good. Thank you. We’ll talk more.

ELIAS: You are very welcome, my friend. (Laughs)

VAL: We’ll talk more. (Laughs)

ELIAS: Very well. I shall anticipate our next meeting with all of you. And I express tremendous encouragement and lovingness to each and every one of you. In wondrous friendship, au revoir.

(Elias departs after 1 hour 31 minutes.)

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