Session 202010041

Flow, Interconnectedness and Cooperation


Webinar 20201004
“Flow, Interconnectedness and Cooperation”
“Intense Collective Energy”
“Matching Energy vs. Paying Attention to Your Flow”
“Every Moment is New”
“Ripples of Acceptance”
“Climate Change and a Revolution of Words”
“Properties of Quartz and Obsidian”

Sunday, October 4, 2020 (Group/Webinar)

“You aren’t right at the cost of someone else being wrong. It isn’t about opinions and addressing to them. It isn’t about wrong behaviors and addressing to them. It is about changing your world….Who do you want to be? Let cooperation lead you there.”

Participants: Mary (Michael) and Barb (Shono), Brigitt (Camile), Carleen (Neliswa), Christopher, Jeff (Galina), John (Rrussell), Kathleen (Florencia), Kevin (Conrad), Kirill, Leonor (Kitzell), Lynda (Ruther), Marij (Kammi), Mauricio (Kaffka), Melissa (Leah), Naomi (Kallile), Robert, Scotty (Gianni), Veronica (Amadis) and Wendy (Myiisha)

ELIAS: Good day! This day, I would express to all of you that you may present your questions as per usual, but what I would request of all of you is perhaps that we entertain the subject of flow and interconnectedness, and how those two pieces are entwined with each other, and in that, what you are experiencing or what difficulties you may be experiencing in relation to this. I understand that this is a challenging time, and as you draw closer to your election in one country the other countries are also watching, and I would say that most of the western countries are experiencing a general tension. And in that, I would be questioning all of you in relation to your experiences presently and how you are faring in relation to cooperation with each other and in relation to how you genuinely want to express yourselves.

Therefore, I will open the floor to all of you for our discussion, and you can present your questions now.

WENDY: Elias, this is Wendy, Myiisha. When we last spoke about the election when I was involved in the discussion, you said that – and this is just curiosity – you said that it wouldn’t be as much of a big deal as it usually is in this country, because people would be struggling with their everyday lives and keeping up with things and dealing with the COVID and their finances, and I have not experienced that to be true. (Laughs) I mean, there are a lot of other things that are preoccupying people, but you know, Trump is a drama queen and things are just crazy, and the election is a big part of that.

ELIAS: I agree. And I would say to you that the energy has changed considerably in that short amount of time. Actually, it has changed considerably in an even shorter amount of time. I would say within this previous three weeks it has been moving in a very different direction. And I would agree with you that people’s attention has moved.

WENDY: It is so nuts that it’s hard to tell what’s going to happen, and that’s certainly how I feel. I mean, I’m (sighs)… I’m unsettled at this point in a way I didn’t expect to be because, you know, it seems like poetic justice that the president got COVID when he was denying the problem and doing all kinds of things. But he was so adamant in his stance, I don’t know. It’s just freaked me out, and it was a big surprise. And I am hoping that it helps him to understand what’s going on in the whole country. But anyway, yeah. Can you say what kind of direction you see the energy going in right now?

ELIAS: I have expressed recently that the energy is tremendously intense and exceptionally strong collectively, which is creating an unusual situation of which it is considerably easy to be moving in whatever direction you are moving in. Now, that doesn’t mean that that is automatically good. That doesn’t mean that it is tremendously easy to create everything joyfully, blissfully and precisely what you want – although that is a part of it. You can, but there is a considerable amount of unrest and distress, anger, a considerable amount of energy moving in the direction of dissatisfaction and not enough. And I would say even beyond that, there is a considerable amount of energy moving in a direction of not only being angry but projecting in a direction of wanting restitution and punishment in many capacities and in many directions.

But there is also a considerable amount of energy being expressed in which individuals are moving in the opposite direction and are actually creating what they want intentionally and ARE expressing a considerable amount of satisfaction and contentment. And it is, as it has been for quite some time in your terms, a considerable split.

WENDY: I feel divided myself, actually, going in both of those directions, but it sounds to me like it’s especially important now to do what you’ve been talking about all along, which is—

ELIAS: I very much agree. I very much agree. And that is the point, is that now, more than ever, what is tremendously important is to be aware of what you are paying attention to. Because you can slip in directions of negative and conflict very easily, but you can also maintain the opposite in an easy capacity. It is all a matter of what you are paying attention to.

What I would remind all of you is to remember the basic principle of consciousness and creating, which is you always create more of what you pay attention to and what you concentrate on—you always create more. That is the natural action of consciousness.

Therefore, I would express that it definitely is a time in which perception is of ultimate importance, because perception is being generated by what you pay attention to. And in that, I would say that you have tremendous, exceptional power presently to be intentionally creating your reality. You have an exceptional amount of, in a manner of speaking, backup power behind you, of all this collective.

This is the reason that I am suggesting that we discuss this subject of interconnectedness, because that is what is creating this situation. And you have an exceptional opportunity to be turning the tides simply by being aware of what you yourselves are doing and what you are paying attention to, and empowering yourselves.

And what you don’t realize is how tremendously powerful that is and how affecting it is. You incorporate this tendency to continue to think that you are one individual and that you don’t matter, and that you don’t make any difference at all, and that what difference does it make what you do in your individual life when the people in government or the president is doing whatever he is doing. It DOES make a difference. It makes a tremendous difference, because what you are paying attention to is what other people are doing. How much are you asking yourself how does that directly—DIRECTLY—affect you and your life? Not in theory, not in concept, not in principle, but how does it physically, directly affect your life? And if it does – and I’m not saying that it doesn’t or it never will – but there is a considerable amount of what is happening with other people or what the behaviors of other people are that isn’t directly affecting you.


ELIAS: In that, if you are an individual that is presently—presently—in a situation in which the behavior of other individuals in government is directly affecting you, then it is a matter of asking yourself specific questions about what can you do to empower yourself and to be expressing genuine cooperation—not retaliation, not compromise, not acquiescing, not moving in the direction of conflict, not being aggressive, but moving in a genuine direction of cooperation.

Because in this, my friends, let me express to you one very simple statement that is definitely true: Whatever it is that you believe is right, whatever it is that you express in your behavior, whatever it is that you look at that you think is incorrect or wrong, you can find volumes—volumes—of people and sources that will support that. And the person directly next to you can be perceiving the exact opposite, and they can also find volumes of people and sources to support THEIR position. Therefore, which one of you is right? Both of you believe that you are right.

The reason that cooperation is so important, especially now, is because it doesn’t move in a direction in which it denies you being right. It doesn’t deny you being right, but it doesn’t deny the other person being right either. You aren’t right at the cost of someone else being wrong. This is what your history has been built on to this point. This is a tremendous reason that there may be more trauma in this shift, because this is a considerable shift. Your entire history has been built on dominance and one people expressing their rightness and imposing it on other people – and you do this individually.

WENDY: Yeah. And it’s time to move in a different direction.

ELIAS: It IS time to move in a different direction.

WENDY: That is the key, really.

ELIAS: Yes. Cooperation is the key to all of that because in that, you don’t express your rightness as dominating and as being ultimately absolute that others must bend to.

WENDY: This is a natural sort of… well, I don’t know about natural, but it’s a reaction that is like the default. And we can’t react the same way that people are already reacting, in dominance.

ELIAS: Correct. Correct.

WENDY: And in terms of cooperating, we need to cooperate with the people around us.

ELIAS: Yes. And that means your neighbor that resides on your street that you have been disagreeing with for ten years, or the person that you meet in your community frequently that annoys you and that you generally automatically want to express in an aggressive manner towards that individual. Or the individual that may be a family member, or it may be a friend or it may be an enemy that expresses a very different perception and opinion from yours and is always attempting to convince you how right THEY are, and how much that irritates you.

WENDY: Well, we’ve been insulated from a lot of that right now because of this COVID, but it’s still there.

ELIAS: I would say that depends on where you are.

WENDY: Yeah.

ELIAS: Some people have been, in your terms, insulated from that because they have been isolating, but there are many places in your world, even in your country, that that is not actually the situation, and that people aren’t isolated any longer and that people are engaging with each other. And in that, especially in their own neighborhoods they are being somewhat more interactive with each other. And in that, you may be presented with individuals in your own neighborhoods that you don’t like. Or you might not dislike them, but you definitely disagree with them, and you disagree with their politics, or you disagree with their religious beliefs, or you disagree with their philosophy of life—it doesn’t matter. And in that, the automatic direction is to want to convince another individual how right you are and therefore how wrong they are. And especially now, without any other subject in YOUR country, the direction of which candidate is more suitable for the position of president and why, and wanting to convince each other that your direction, whatever it may be, is the right direction, and that whoever it is you are speaking to should be accepting that and converting to your direction of thinking and perception. And this is very common.

But this is only YOUR country. I would say that this is only one subject.


ELIAS: And the subject of wanting to convince someone else that their behavior and that their perception or their viewpoint is incorrect or wrong is worldwide—


ELIAS: — and is being expressed in all neighborhoods in your world.

MODERATOR: So, I actually have a question from Naomi to that end that’s on this topic. She writes:

“About perception, would you comment on conspiracy theories and other things that many people believe that simply aren’t true? Yes, people believe what they want to believe and our lives are based on our perceptions, but some things are just not true to this blueprint. For example, people believe that bleach injected into veins will stop the coronavirus and that the Clintons are drinking the blood of children. There’s so much false information being directed at people, and it is so easily disseminated now. This concerns me because it affects elections and it can affect other people that I care about, like refugees who are suffering and aren’t allowed into this country.” From Naomi, because her microphone isn’t working.

ELIAS: Very well. This is an excellent example, because there is a considerable amount of differences in people’s perceptions and their opinions and what they believe and what they don’t believe. And then there is that statement, that there are simply some things that are not true, and there are simply some things that ARE true. That in itself is incorrect. Because in that, in your reality, the individuals of the former president and his family drinking the blood of children, in your reality that doesn’t exist. In another individual’s reality, they may be making that very real.

Therefore, this is the point, is that you have these ideas that there are absolute rights and absolute wrongs, and that there is absolute truth in some expression or there is absolute falseness in another direction. And all of that is incorrect, because there AREN’T absolutes. I would say that the only absolute, if you will, is that each of you is creating your reality; but how you do that is definitely not absolute.

And in that, this is the point. This is what I am expressing in relation to that cooperation. It isn’t about conspiracy theories and addressing to them. It isn’t about opinions and addressing to them. It isn’t about wrong behaviors and addressing to them. It is about changing your world. Your world IS changing. You have created a direction in which you have the whole world paying attention to what? One expression: a virus. You have the whole world actually moving in a new direction that is unfamiliar, and they don’t know what they’re doing. None of you do.

In this, I would say that this is one of the reasons that many of you – not all, but many of you—in the United States have turned your attention now to the elections. You weren’t paying attention to the elections for a considerable time throughout this year, but now you are. Why? Because you are restless, because you don’t know what direction to move in, and you are once again looking to those outside sources to find a direction.

What of the rest of the world? They don’t have an election that is happening now that they can look to as their answer. But it isn’t your answer, either. The entire world is moving in a direction. The entire world is participating in this new action—not one country, not one community. In this, there are people throughout the world that have conspiracy theories about almost every subject that you can possibly think of. There are people throughout your world that have ideas that are astounding to many of you, but then there are many people that agree with them.

As I expressed initially, as many people and as volumes of support that you can muster in relation to whatever YOU believe, or whatever your opinion is, or whatever you express is absolutely true or not true, there is equally as many people that can express the opposite. Therefore, as many people as you can find that would express that the Clintons are absolutely not drinking the blood of children, you can find equally as many people that will question that and will say, “It’s possible,” “They might be,” or “They absolutely are.” And they believe that they are right equally as much as you believe you are right.

And in that, you can be thinking to yourself, “But I can prove that I’m right. If I went to their home, I could prove that they aren’t doing that.” I would say to you very realistically, the other individuals can very much say the same thing and do the same thing, because you are each creating your own, individual realities. Therefore, you could visit the home of these people, and in your reality you would find them in a situation that you would consider to be normal. And another individual that genuinely believes that theory can visit the identical same home—they can even do it on the same day at the same time—and see something entirely different.

I have been expressing this to all of you for a considerable time framework. And now, more than ever, it is here in your reality. This shift is undeniable, here in your reality, and the entire world is participating.

And in that, it is tremendously important that you are genuinely aware of what it is that you are paying attention to. If you are paying attention to conspiracy theories that you disagree with and that you think are wrong and damaging, you are adding energy to the very thing you don’t want. It doesn’t matter if you agree with something or if you don’t agree with something; what matters is, what are you paying attention to? What are you consuming your energy with? And how are you expressing your energy?

I would be willing to wager that when you are entertaining the idea of conspiracy theories and how damaging they are that you aren’t frolicking through your house and feeling very positive and excited and happy. You likely are irritated or afraid or concerned. This is not an energy that is productive in the capacity that YOU want it to be productive. It isn’t moving in a direction that encourages what you want to encourage. It moves very much in alignment with the very energy that you don’t want to express.

And that is the point: What are you paying attention to? Are you paying attention to being angry at other people’s behavior because they are intolerant and because they are aggressive, and because they are so absolute in what they are expressing and they have no room for any tolerance of anyone else unless they agree with them? Basically, you are doing the same, if that is what you are doing. If you are paying attention to that and being angry about it or being afraid of it or being concerned about it, you are lending energy, and you are doing the same because you want the other individuals to agree with you or to change their behavior. They won’t change their behavior if they don’t have a REASON to change their behavior.

If they are met with matched energy, opposing energy—even if that energy is defensive, because defensive energy is also opposing – if other individuals are met with opposing and matching energy, they aren’t going to change. They aren’t going to move in a different behavior. They have no reason to! They are being matched, and that encourages them. Just as when other individuals vehemently and excitedly agree with you and are expressing an intensity of energy, “YES! Can you believe how stupid and ridiculous and ignorant these people are, to be behaving in this manner and believing these stupid conspiracy theories?” and they are projecting this very strong energy in agreement with you, what are you doing? You are matching energy. You are expressing how wrong someone else is, as much as they are expressing how wrong you are.

MODERATOR: Well, Naomi concludes by saying, “I believe I’m following my flow now better than I have for a long time.”

ELIAS: And I congratulate you in that. And I would say that if you are following your flow, then it is very likely that all of these conspiracy theories will not be concerning you for much longer, because they will be unimportant. That if you are genuinely moving in the direction of flow, you are moving in the direction of interconnectedness. And in doing so, much of these subjects become unimportant, and you move in a direction of what is natural for you and how you can be cooperating with other individuals.

And let me express to you genuinely, my friends, I DO understand how difficult this can be. Feelings are very strong, and it can be very challenging to move in directions of choosing differently, rather than being caught in all of the feelings and the passion that can be expressed with them. Moving in intentional directions and changing importances can be very challenging, and I very much understand that. And I express tremendous energy to all of you in helpfulness.

(Several participants speak at once, and Elias laughs)

CARLEEN: Elias, so that’s the key to cooperation?

ELIAS: Repeat.

CARLEEN: So, that’s the key to cooperation? Follow your flow. Pay attention to what you are doing. Accepting—

ELIAS: What I would say is, your flow actually will naturally be happening if you ARE moving in that direction, if you ARE expressing that interconnectedness. And let me express to you: Interconnectedness is not merging with a tree. Interconnectedness is not the idea that you are interconnected with the earth and that the earth is connected to you. That is all well and good, but that is not what interconnectedness is. Interconnectedness in the experience of it as you become more self-aware is that everything in your experience, everything in your day, everything you do, everything you encounter and engage, you are aware of how it is connected with everything else.

I have been expressing that point for a quarter of a century now. And NOW you are beginning to see it in action, how one action flows into another action. How (pause) a death can flow into an expression of creativity. How you move in a flow with what you are doing with your actions, with your behaviors and with your expressions. And in that, it doesn’t matter what it is in subject matter, that every subject is connected with every other subject. Therefore, you can be in a situation in which you are engaging with family members and there is conflict and people are disagreeing and they are confused. And you have a discussion, and you recognize that in the next moment that has somehow flowed into choosing to engage a supper together. You don’t necessarily automatically think that one is connected to the other. You flow with them or you don’t, but you don’t think about HOW they are connected.

Or that you are tremendously distraught in one moment because you are presented with a death that is tremendously affecting you, and the next moment you are genuinely moving in a direction of appreciating another individual and their behavior and what they do and how you interact with them.

Now, in any other time framework you wouldn’t necessarily see how those are connected, but they are. The appreciation even in the loss of the death gives way to the recognition of an appreciation of a behavior in another individual that you interact with; that you may have noticed that previously, but you didn’t connect those two factors together; that because something is gone, there is an appreciation of something that isn’t gone. But you wouldn’t have necessarily connected them together previously, but now it is very easy to see how they ARE connected together.

Or how you are engaging the individual that grooms your yard, and how that flows into an inspiration in your home to be engaging rearranging certain aspects of your home. You wouldn’t connect those two subjects together; one is an individual that is grooming your yard, it has nothing to do with what you do inside your house or in a particular room – but it does, because that individual may have inspired you to be creative in some manner that you weren’t before.

Everything flows into each other. And I have been expressing the analogy of the stream for many years, and the tree that falls into the stream, or the boulder that falls into the stream, as analogous of you moving in a direction and unexpected actions occur in your life on a daily basis. And what do you do with them? And how do they connect to other actions that are occurring in your life, in your day? Because they do connect, in the day.

In that, you have this tremendous, tremendous volume of energy now that is available to you, to help you to see all of this interconnectedness, to see what your flow is, how you are that stream, how you flow no matter what – or you don’t, or you stop and start. But the direction in shifting IS to flow no matter what. Regardless of what falls into that stream, that you flow over it or around it or under it, but you keep flowing. And that object that fell into your stream, into your flow, then changes your flow in some manner. It enhances it. Because then you, as you flow around it, you take that experience with you and you use it. And what do you use it for? Do you use it to follow feelings? Or do you use it in a manner that enhances and encourages your creativity, that you then express and THAT flows outward and touches everything else? Or do you follow feelings and use THAT to touch everything else, in manners that you don’t necessarily want?

This is the reason that flow is so important. And more than that, my friends, the reason that flow is so important isn’t that you would be contributing to your world, but because you want to be satisfied, content and happy. You want to be happy in your lives. You want to be satisfied. You want to be content in your lives. That is ultimately what is so important. You want to live long, you want to be happy, you want to be satisfied in your lives.

And in that, you can do all of that, but that also is a matter of that flow. And that flow is a matter of that interconnectedness, and the interconnectedness is a matter of that cooperation.

LEONOR: Elias, this is Leonor. But before I ask a question – it’s going to be very quick – is on the onset of this pandemic, you said to pay attention to differences. And so I did that. I accepted that some people wanted to wear a mask and some people don’t, and the presidents, and I accepted everybody—Democrats, Republicans, whatever. And even in my own house I accepted that everybody is different. And I noticed a big difference. I started to manifest super fast everything that I wanted. It was super fast. It was magic. (Elias chuckles) And so, my question now is to you, Elias. I understand that there is a huge amount of energy—huge. And so, can I plug then my phone – let’s say it’s a metaphor for this – like I can use this energy to plug in, to manifest? Can I do that?

ELIAS: Yes! Most definitely, yes.

LEONOR: So, I can use, even though the energy could be people in fear and everything?

ELIAS: It doesn’t matter. It doesn’t matter what other people are expressing in that energy. It doesn’t matter if the energy has components of fear or aggression or anger. It doesn’t matter. It is energy, and it is powerful. And what matters is what YOU do with it.

LEONOR: That’s amazing, because I’ve been doing that. I’ve been being… I know that’s it’s billions of people and so much energy, it’s like an electric storm. And I plug in my phone and I get whatever I want. (Laughs) Like opportunistic. (Laughs)

ELIAS: Congratulations!

LEONOR: Thank you, Elias. It’s all to you. I understand you said—

ELIAS: (Laughs) No. It is all to YOU. (Laughs)

LEONOR: With your guidance. With your guidance. Thank you, Elias. Thank you.

ELIAS: You are very welcome, my friend.

KATHLEEN: Elias, this is Florencia. I have some comments. Is that okay?

ELIAS: Very well. Continue.

KATHLEEN: Thank you. Wow, everything you have said for this entire time frame has come to me almost like a geometric figure that I am tapped into on every angle of, like a gigantic matrix. It’s so crazy. I mean, that is so far out of left field, but a really good analogy of what I’ve discovered about the immensity of our power is this: I saw this raccoon, and it was in my plum tree. And I hadn’t found the time, or made the time, to gather the plums and make what I thought I was going to make with them. And I shot the raccoon, and I have felt immense guilt since, but have since resolved that and forgiven myself. But what I discovered was the next day, over fifty pounds of plums were gone the next morning—literally, gone. There was no evidence of a seed, a pit or a skin. And what that taught me, right then and right there, was part of the immensity of my own power. And I discovered that this was a lesson that I needed to know, including the natural guilt that ensued afterwards, that what I project, which was a fear of not having enough for myself so I killed the raccoon. He was a hungry little guy and cute as a button but didn’t necessarily deserve—as we like to think of—or need to die, shouldn’t have. And we know about shoulds. You’ve taught us well for a long time. But that is a very small portion of the magnitude of what I’m seeing and expressing in simultaneous time of seeing the repercussions, if you will, or the results of what I’m paying attention to manifesting in my own reality.

And thankfully, I haven’t invested a whole lot of time in the whole political thing, but I have to say that I am so-called guilty, in a manner of speaking--so I have a guilt thing, I’m working on that—of thinking something was funny when someone said the president was a buffoon, or so many thousands of different things that are out there with all this magnitude of energy. I loved what the last person who spoke said, because she asked if she could tap into that perceived negative energy in its magnitude and turn that into—just like as we see in our social media or in our internet—the vision or the picture of a fractal. We go in a direction that we choose, and we create exactly what we’re choosing to create.

And in my case, I’ve discovered that I can un-create the sore shoulder, the sore knees, the bad attitude, the idea that someone else is harming me or can harm me and therefore creating this harm that they easily and simply project my way, that the flow, like you said, when I’m in my flow—none of that is even real. None of that comes into my experience. When I’m in cooperation, things happen that are aligned with what I would prefer.

Instead of creating this giant issue with my spring, or this and my landlord’s not doing that, what I am doing is what I’d love to see him do, and it inspires him. He brought me some lumber for a project that I was doing. And the cooperation and the interconnectedness, which everything that I engage I see as interconnected. And I don’t mean like that sweet analogy you gave about “I’m connected with the earth and I’m doing my incense and all this and I’m good.”—no. I’m not good, I’m me. I am, and I’m neither good nor bad. I’ve judged myself as bad, and I’ve judged a whole bunch of my reflections, my other aspects as I see them, as being the other people I’m surrounded with, and I’ve discovered that they’re all me and that what I project, what I focus on literally and figuratively in my now moment is exactly what I’m creating and what I’m seeing in my experience. And when I see and feel things that I don’t want to, I feel things that I DO want to and see things that I want to, and it’s pretty damned magnificent.

And I thank you for the cushion, or the buffer, that you’ve provided us with in your amazing discourse over this last quarter of a century, to teach us that we don’t have to have that immense trauma that we incorporate into our very bodies, into our very thoughts, but rather can express out in a manner of sharing the beauty that we see and the beauty that we’re expressing as who it is that we are. That’s all I’ve got to say, Elias. Thank you. And thank you, everyone who’s shared, and who’s here, and who’s everywhere.

ELIAS: I would say that this also is a good example of moments in which you may generate actions – and all of you do – that you might regret, or that you judge yourselves for and you then generate that feeling of guilt, or that you judge yourself that you did something wrong, and therefore because you did something wrong that something in a karmic manner will happen to you to emphasize to you what you did wrong.

What I would say is, understand that the reason that you expressed that judgment on yourself is that you have your own guidelines, and therefore you each have a perception of what is right and wrong for you. And when you move in directions that are contrary to your guidelines, that creates a situation in which you DO judge yourself and you DO move in a direction of guilt and regret. Even in situations in which you aren’t aware of that information or your guidelines, or you aren’t aware of yourself but you may generate actions that guilt ensues, that is happening because you have moved in a direction that is contrary to your own guidelines.

And in that, what is significant with that, or what is important to be aware of, is that all that is necessary is for you to acknowledge that, is for you to recognize, “That was not in a direction of my guidelines, and now I recognize that.” And in that, that is all that is necessary or important for you to do, is that acknowledgement. Because in that, yes, there are some actions that each of you, because of your individual guidelines, would express that for your own behavior are right or are wrong, but it is also important to not be stuck in it. Which, I acknowledge you in that you are addressing to that and moving out of that, which is excellent.

But I would say that this is also very common for many, many, if not most, individuals in all varying degrees, that you generate some type of behavior, some action that you regret, that you wished you hadn’t done. And in that, this is an action that is very easy to follow the feeling with and to repeat being judgmental of yourself and to repeat that expression of regret and being dissatisfied with yourself. What is exceptionally important to remember about that is that every moment is new. Therefore, whatever you have done in the moment before, the next moment is new and is your opportunity to express differently, to choose differently. And everything that you do that is contrary to your guidelines and that you might regret, that is valuable information because then you know very obviously, objectively, you don’t like that and it isn’t comfortable. And therefore, you can choose differently, and you can choose not to repeat that.

But in that, the exquisite aspect of your freedom is that every moment is new and an opportunity for you to choose intentionally and to choose differently from choices that you don’t like. You can always change choices that you don’t like.

KATHLEEN: Yes. And when you said that there was nobody that was aware of (laughs) the fact that every single thing is interconnected, I am feeling on a daily basis this interconnection of my actions, my choices and [inaudible].

ELIAS: And I would say congratulations!

KATHLEEN: It’s amazing. It’s amazing, because that puts me right back into my flow, and I can FEEL that because [inaudible].

MODERATOR: (Pause) Kathleen, we can’t hear you.

MARIJ: Moderator, can I talk?

MODERATOR: Ah, yeah. I heard somebody else talking, but I wasn’t able to hear them so yeah, go ahead.

MARIJ: Well, I didn’t quite think about how I’m going to say this, but I just wanted to give an example how when you acknowledge that something doesn’t work, when realizing what I myself am doing, that in another situation you can make a different choice. In this particular case, my ex-husband, the father of my son, died August 9, and my son is also quite emotional, and I’m quite emotional. And my son had been acting out, and I have been acting out, so we have been projecting and reflecting to one another. And after a while I realized that to be able to pause and to not go into a reaction, but to tell him this is what I come from so that he could pause, and he was talking from, “Okay, Mom, I now hear you,” that we didn’t go into emotions or feelings but that we could listen to one another from a different place. I’m not quite sure whether I’m saying it correctly, but this is a matter that I merely want to share the experience of using the pause button and to really sense what you reflect to another person, that that can change the whole energy of a conversation, and from there It becomes more something like cooperation. And we are—

ELIAS: Very much so. Very much so. And I am very acknowledging of that, and that is actually an excellent example of cooperation. It isn’t moving into a meeting of the minds, or even that you are finding a middle ground, so to speak; it is simply honoring yourself and honoring the other individual. And in doing so, you might not see the other individual’s point of view entirely. You might not even be aware of your own entirely. But in that, you do pause, or you become aware in a moment of simply being and honoring yourself and honoring the other individual. And that can be done in many, many different capacities, and some of them don’t include words. Some of them are simply actions of being, of being still. And that is, I would say, my friend, an excellent example of allowance – of both of you, yourself and your son.

MARIJ: Thank you. And can you maybe… Is there anything that you can expand in the sense that it goes beyond my son and me? Or was this enough?

ELIAS: Oh, definitely! Most definitely. Because that type of energy creates a calm. It creates an acceptance and an allowance. And what you don’t see is that many, many, many – and when I say many, I mean volumes, hundreds of thousands – of other people throughout your world in similar situations, are being offered energy in that acceptance, in that allowance. And therefore, they may not know it either—they likely don’t—but in a moment they may be engaging a similar situation in which they are emotional and another family member may be emotional, and they may have the ability in that moment to stop and listen, in a moment that they otherwise may not have done.

Therefore, I would say to you yes, it very much is affecting. The fact that you don’t see it is unimportant. It doesn’t matter. It is a matter of expressing that genuine trust and faith, that knowing that what you are doing IS affecting, even if you don’t see it now, and eventually you will. Therefore, I would say congratulations, my friend.

MARIJ: Thank you, Elias.

ELIAS: You are very welcome.

KEVIN: [Inaudible] on following feelings, if I could. In the regeneration session you specifically spoke about, you know, not even following the good feelings, that that created a repetition and mood. But I wanted to reconcile that with the idea of being satisfied, the difference with satisfaction as a feeling.

ELIAS: But satisfaction isn’t a feeling. Satisfaction is a state of being.

KEVIN: Okay. [Inaudible] my confusion, because in another session you were talking to somebody about calm being a state of being, and it seemed almost like you were juxtaposing that with satisfaction, so that’s where my confusion came in.

ELIAS: Very well. What I would say to you is, when you are satisfied you generally do generate a feeling that is a form of excitement.

KEVIN: Right.

ELIAS: It isn’t excitement in the manner of jumping up and down and screaming or squealing, but you do generally generate a form of excitement, of a feeling in relation to satisfaction. But now, in that, you generate the feeling in relation to an initial action.

KEVIN: Okay.

ELIAS: But then you may be in a situation in which you are definitely satisfied but you aren’t necessarily generating an ongoing feeling. Let me offer a very simple example.

Let us say that you are an individual that builds, and let us say that you build a room, and you finish building this room, and during the process of building the room you have moments of satisfaction in the process of what you are doing. And when you finish building the room, you stand and you look at it and you are proud of yourself in what you have accomplished. And you have a moment, and it may be a moment that is slightly lasting, in which you are experiencing that excitement of that satisfaction. You are proud of yourself, you appreciate what you did, you like it, and you have that feeling of excitement, which is acknowledging you that you are definitely satisfied with what you accomplished.

Now, in that, days later, weeks later, months later, a year later you may be standing in that very same room and be very satisfied. You may be engaging that room on a daily basis. It may be an addition to your home and that you very much like this room that you added to your home. And you engage with it frequently, and every time you do you are aware of that satisfaction.

In that, you don’t always generate an actual feeling with that, but you have a sense, which is different from a feeling. You have a sense, and you have a knowing of contentment and satisfaction in being in that room and appreciating its existence, and appreciating your creativity that created it.

Now, in that, you may occasionally subsequently generate another feeling of excitement in that room.

KEVIN: Right.

ELIAS: But you don’t do it on a daily basis and it isn’t constant all day, every day.

KEVIN: And you’re not pursuing it. You’re just kind of enjoying that feeling in that moment.

ELIAS: Precisely.

KEVIN: That’s cool, because the other thing that kind of reconciles it with is, the channel Bashar talks about following your excitement, and yet he also explains this isn’t the jump-up-and-down-for-joy-all-the-time excitement;, it’s that calm, contented feeling that you just carry with you that everything’s okay, and it’s more like a state of being. So that makes sense now to me.

ELIAS: Yes. I would agree with that. The words are different, but the action and the concept is the same.

KEVIN: Yeah, seeing it as more of a sense then, it’s kind of like when you look at something and you follow what your vision is seeing to walk over to it, it’s kind of like that same sense idea, where you’ve got this sense of where something’s at and how to get to it and that knowing that it generates in you.

ELIAS: Correct. Yes.

KEVIN: Okay. That was the clarification I needed. Thank you.

ELIAS: You are very welcome.

VERONICA: Elias, this is Veronica. Thank you for being with us, for sharing with us.

ELIAS: You are very welcome.

VERONICA: In following my flow, I was listening to Nuno’s transcript in which he speaks to you about the black crystal. Is this a crystal that is referred to as a smoky quartz?



ELIAS: No. There is a difference between a black quartz and a smoky quartz. They are different. A smoky quartz is not actually a genuine black quartz, and it doesn’t have the same properties.

VERONICA: So, the black crystal has the properties of quartz crystals? Or beyond? Or more expanded?

ELIAS: It IS a quartz crystal, but it is a black quartz crystal.

VERONICA: How interesting. And what gives it the blackness, then?

ELIAS: That is natural. That is a natural, in a manner of speaking, pigmentation of the crystal as it grows. They are different variations almost of, you could say, the same species but different variations of that. And very similar to animals in your world, that there may be a species of bear but there are many different types of bears, or there are many different breeds of dogs but there is one species of a dog. In that, I would say that crystals are very similar, that there are quartz crystals that you could express as a species but then there are variations of that—different breeds, in a manner of speaking—of crystals. And in that, yes, they are all quartz: the smoky, the clear, the white. There is yellow, there is black. And in that, they do have different properties with them.

VERONICA: Interesting. All right. And my next question related to this is the infusion that you spoke of. Instead of tea leaves, is it possible to infuse the crystal with coffee?

ELIAS: No. (Chuckles)

VERONICA: Ohhhh. Really!? Oh!

ELIAS: You can do it with water. You can do it with water without the tea leaves.

VERONICA: Right. But it doesn’t hold as long, right?

ELIAS: That generally is the case, but you can do it.

VERONICA: Right. Right. But not with coffee, even if it’s decaf?


VERONICA: Ahhh. How disappointing. (Both laugh) Oh, I thought I—

ELIAS: Do you dislike tea? (Laughs)

VERONICA: Yeah. Well, I prefer the other. (Laughs) And I thought I was going to start a new fad. Okay. (Both laugh) Energy coffee, you know? (Laughs)

ELIAS: Ah! As opposed to coffee that doesn’t promote energy? (Both laugh)

VERONICA: Okay. That was my question. Okay, thank you. (Elias chuckles)

KEVIN: Elias, I had another kind of question for you here. This is more related to my own personal probabilities of creation. I’ve created an area here that I live in, St. Petersburg in Florida, where it’s become the first, or most prominent, green city in the country as far as trying to address to climate change. It’s also altered itself. It was a very conservative area before, very against the rights of homosexuals and people of color, and it’s done a 180 on that in that regard and become probably the most liberal city in Florida. And I was wondering about that in regards to the encroaching revolution, as it’s been spoken about, and how much of an area of violence it is likely to be. And also, in regards to climate change, at this point I visualize the probability being that a good portion of the county around it is going to sink away, leaving kind of an island where St. Petersburg is that will be built into kind of a floating city, if you will, connected to the mainland. And I wanted to see how you felt about those probabilities, if that’s likely from what I’m creating right now?

ELIAS: As to the land configuration, I would agree with you that that is a very strong potential. But as to the possibility or the probability of violence in relation to your area, it is likely very slim, not a very strong possibility or potential.

KEVIN: Yeah, I figured it more in the bigger urban areas, like maybe Tampa across the bay, or down in Miami or…

ELIAS: I would say that actually, the propensity for violence in relation to what we are identifying as a revolution is not as tremendous as you might think. I would say this revolution is not being fought in violence and in relation to firearms or weapons.

KEVIN: Right.

ELIAS: The weapons in this revolution are words.

KEVIN: Yeah, ideas. That’s kind of what I—

ELIAS: Yes. I would say that the words and the actions are being expressed not necessarily in relation to violence and aggression in the capacity that it has been expressed previously, but in different manners now.

KEVIN: Right. All right. That makes sense. I didn’t see this area especially as having much propensity for that kind of violence. I mean, we had our protests and stuff, but they’ve been relatively [inaudible].

ELIAS: I would agree. I would agree.

Now, what I would say in relation to physical activities there are potentials – this is not an absolute, once again – but there are potentials for different areas to be moving in directions of, let us say, segregation or isolation, that different areas may move in directions of blocking certain people from participating or entering or exiting, and that you’ve already started.

KEVIN: Yeah.

ELIAS: But I would say that in relation to actual weaponry and that type of violence, the probabilities, or the potentials, are much, much, much lower.

KEVIN: Okay. All right. I think that kind of covers our civil war question we were discussing, too.

BARB: Well, I think the question about the civil war was how far it will spread if the energy has been changing in the last three weeks. That’s what I’m kind of curious about.

ELIAS: How far it will spread, meaning what?

BARB: So the question is, we were wondering about a civil war that would encompass great areas of the country, and you said at the beginning that the energy has changed quite a bit in the last three weeks. There’s a lot of energy, but is it moving towards more a war of worlds versus a civil conflict that would touch the whole United States, say, for instance?

ELIAS: Would it touch the entire United States as a country? Yes. That is what a civil war is.

BARB: I guess what I’m talking about is armed.


BARB: That’s what I meant.

ELIAS: No. No. That is what I was expressing previously. It is unlikely that you will move in that direction. That is not the type of energy that you are expressing. It is moving more in conjunction with the rest of the world, which is not necessarily moving in the direction of that type of violence and conflict in aggression in weaponry and that type of action. That is not the direction that the world is moving in, and your country isn’t moving in that direction either.

BARB: Good. Very good. Thank you.

ELIAS: You are very welcome.

MODERATOR: Just a quick time check. I think we’ve got about a little more than five minutes, seven minutes, something like that.

MAURICIO: Elias, I have a question. In my possession I have some obsidians from Mexico, and some of them are translucent, more related with the green and some with the blue. So, is there any kind of difference in properties of them? Or obsidian has a unique property in any case?

ELIAS: It does, but I would say that actually that is an excellent question, because there is a difference between obsidian that has color and obsidian that is black. Black obsidian has certain properties. Colors—those stones that are obsidian that incorporate blue and green colors—they actually generate different properties. In this, what I would ask you is, what do you notice?

MAURICIO: I have had these for a long time, but this is the first time that I noticed this difference. (Both laugh) Yeah. Really, because I put it in the light, in front of the light. Pleasure, basically.

ELIAS: Correct. Congratulations. I would say that these are stones that do enhance soothing.

MAURICIO: Okay. And those are tools? In fact, those are tools used by ancient Mexicans here for I don’t know how long, because I have no idea. (Both laugh)

ELIAS: Which is very understandable, because they are actually considerable in the direction of enhancing that expression of soothing, therefore they can be very instrumental or valuable.

MAURICIO: Okay. Thank you.

ELIAS: You are very welcome.



VERONICA: It’s Veronica. If we create our reality—and yes, based on my own personal experiences, I know that that is a truth—but relating this to our president and his experience with COVID now, and many of the members of the Republican Party also coming down with this, with the COVID. Could there be…? I mean, what is their joint plan in a group of them orchestrating this at this time, so close to the election?

ELIAS: It isn’t their plan.

VERONICA: (Laughs) It isn’t?

ELIAS: What I would say is, it is another example of this tremendous, almost overwhelming amount of energy that is being expressed. And I would say that it is an example of how strong the energy is, and that it doesn’t matter, (chuckles) once again, whether you are moving in a positive or a negative direction with a subject. It matters what you are paying attention to, what you are concentrating on and how. Therefore, in that, someone may be expressing that they don’t believe that the virus is real, but they may also be very much concentrating on that very subject and therefore create it. It doesn’t matter whether they agree with it or they don’t agree with it; what matters is what you are paying attention to. And what you pay attention to, you create more of. He has been, and many individuals have in his position have been paying attention to this and have been fighting with it for enough time that he created the very thing he was expressing against.

KEVIN: Yeah, because if you’re walking around saying, “There is no virus, there is no virus, there is no virus, there is no virus,” why do you have to say it so many times? Why are you focused on that?

ELIAS: That is a lot of concentration.

KEVIN: And you walk away, you know, then you’re not paying any more attention. But if you’re constantly going around going, “No, it’s a hoax, it’s a hoax, there is no virus, there is no virus, blah blah blah,” [inaudible].

ELIAS: Correct.

VERONICA: That’s a good example, yeah.

ELIAS: Yes. Correct.

VERONICA: Okay. Thank you.

ELIAS: You are very welcome.

I express tremendous, tremendous encouragement to all of you. I also express a reminder: Pay attention to what you are paying attention to. And think about, genuinely, every day, who you genuinely want to be. Who do you want to be? And in that, let cooperation lead you there.

And I shall be offering my energy continuously to each and every one of you in all of your situations, in all of your behaviors, in all of your actions.

In tremendous love to each of you, until we meet again, au revoir.

GROUP: Au revoir. Thank you so much. Thank you, Elias. Au revoir.

(Elias departs after 1 hour 36 minutes.)

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