Session Title: Trusting the Answers You Give Yourself
Type: Private
Ann (Vivette)
Topics: "Trusting the Answers You Give Yourself" "Areas of Enchantment, Energy Deposits and Lines of Energy" “Dispersed or Non-Dispersed” "Descriptions of Soft and Intermediate Orientations" “The Silver String Exercise to Align and Lighten Your Body” "Boundaries for Yourself and Not for Others"
Session Title: Rediscovering Your Passion: Be Open to New Directions
Type: Private
John (Arry)
Topics: “Rediscovering Your Passion: Be Open to New Directions” “Crystals and Stones for Healing” “Projection Experiences” “Channeling Possibility: Trusting and Letting Go” “A Complementary Relationship, or Not?”
Session Title: Acceptance Is Not an Elimination Game
Type: Private
Lynda (Ruther)
Topics: “Acceptance Is Not an Elimination Game” “Your Body Is Triggered into a Reaction by Memory” “A ‘Trick’ to Break Concentration on Uncomfortable Feelings”
Barbara (Lemure)
Beth ()
Celeste (Raf-Yel)
Charmaine (Lilu)
Christine (Lurine)
Ethan ()
Fatma ()
Golden ()
Hernan (Hernan)
Jean-François (Samta)
Jerrie ()
John (Rrussell)
John P. ()
Katrin (Duncan)
Kevin ()
Kimi ()
Laurie ()
Lynda (Ruther)
Mary (Michael)
Mysty (Michella)
Nardine ()
Nicole (Bethel)
Sofia ()
Wendy (Myiisha)
Topics: Session #20150315 (First Test Webinar) “Law, Legal Systems and the Shift”
Christine (Lurine)
Denise (Azura)
Jeff B. (Galina)
Jeff R. ()
John (Rrussell)
Lexa ()
Lynda (Ruther)
Mary (Michael)
Paul (Paneus)
Rodney (Zacharie)
Wendy B. (Luelyth)
Wendy W. (Myiisha)
Topics: Session 201504191 (Second Test Webinar) “Differences and Preferences” “An Irreversible Event in the Shift”
Adam (Avril)
Ann (Vivette)
Axel (Riccaro)
Brigitt (Camile)
Christoph (Fiodra)
Corley ()
Edwin (Ysun)
Eugene (Mario)
Fatma ()
Gina (Liliana)
Hans (Zora)
Jean (Lyla)
Jean-Francois (Samta)
John (Lonn)
Juan (Sparling)
Katrin (Duncan)
Kaust (Vynule)
Magda (Rashti)
Sonja (Jaqueline)
Val (Atticus)
Session Title: Personal Interactions and Societal Changes
Type: Group
Axel (Aix)
Barb ()
Christine (Lurine)
Jeff (Galina)
John (Rrussell)
Katrin (Duncan)
Lynda (Ruther)
Paul (Paneus)
Rodney (Zacharie)
Wendy (Myiisha)
Topics: “Personal Interactions and Societal Changes”
“Fracking, Fire and Climate Change”
“Why Are We Choosing Climate Change?”
“It Is Not Doom and Gloom!”
Anne (Monique)
Anonymous ()
Axel (Ricarro)
Chris ()
Dale (Jene)
Debbie (Tamarra)
Ethan (Jasper)
Galen (Naoko)
Harrison ()
Jean (Lyla)
Jeff B. (Galina)
Jeff R. ()
Jennifer (Margarite)
Jens (Samira)
Jeremy ()
Joab ()
John (Rrussell)
Julie (Fontine)
Lexa ()
Lynda (Ruther)
Melissa (Leah)
Philip (Patre)
Rose (Quillan)
Tariq ()
Trish ()
Wendy (Myiisha)
Topics: “Furthering the Subject of Presence”
“Moving from Control to Self-Directedness”
“Matching Energy with Intention”
Session Title: Why You Pay Attention to the Negative
Type: Group
Adam (Avril)
Ann (Vivette)
Ben (Albert)
Bill (Zit)
Bonnie (Lyla)
Brigitt (Camile)
Briter ()
Carole (Aileen)
Daniel (Zynn)
Inna (Beatrix)
Jean-François (Samta)
Jeff (Galina)
John (Rrussell)
John H. (Lonn)
Judy (Mallya)
Ken (Oba)
Lorraine (Kayia)
Lynda (Ruther)
Natasha (Nicole)
Rick R. ()
Rodney (Zacharie)
Sandra (Atafah)
Susan (Catherine)
Togi (Gianni)
Tom (Abel)
Val (Atticus)
Veronica (Amadis)
Topics: ”Why You Pay Attention to the Negative”
”How to Express and Release Feelings”
”Feelings are Signals from the Body Consciousness”
Session Title: The Intensified Energy of the Religious Wave
Type: Group
Allen Z. ()
Axel (Ricarro)
Bri H. ()
Christine (Lurine)
Debbie (Tamarra)
Diana ()
Dominique ()
Jantine ()
Jean (Lyla)
Jeff B. (Galina)
Jeff R. ()
Jennifer (Margarite)
Jens (Samira)
John (Rrussell)
John O. ()
Joran ()
Julie (Fontine)
Lexa E. (Aidan)
Lynda (Ruther)
Marij ()
Natalie ()
Paul (Paneus)
Philip (Patre)
Rodney (Zacharie)
Trish ()
Wendy (Myiisha)
Topics: “The Intensified Energy of the Religious Wave”
“You Are All an Example to Many, Many, Many Individuals”
“View Yourselves and Each Other as Small Children”
“Bravery is the Willingness to Act Regardless of the Fear”