Defining Energy Interactions
“Feeling Others’ Feelings”
”Defining Energy Interactions”
“Substances and Their Affectingness”
“Broken Crowns”
Thursday, May 14, 2015 (Private/Phone)
Participants: Mary (Michael) and Julie (Fontine)
ELIAS: Good morning!
JULIE: Good morning, Elias.
ELIAS: (Laughs) And what have you been accomplishing?
JULIE: Oh, lots of things! Lots of interesting experiences. I want to start off with some fun questions, and then I have a not fun question that we’ll leave to the end. (Both laugh)
ELIAS: Very well.
JULIE: So, the first thing: I want to know if I accomplished levitating. I wasn’t actually trying to do it or thinking about it at all, but I was meditating one day outside on my deck, and I suddenly… It felt like my skin was floating, almost like in water, like gravity wasn’t affecting my skin. It felt like it was floating. Then I felt like I was kind of rushing upwards, or almost being pulled upwards is what it felt like. I was so surprised that I stopped. Then I processed it, and I felt like oh, was I levitating? I probably went up like a quarter or a half an inch, not very far, but I was pretty sure right afterwards that I had done it. But after I thought about it some more, I thought was that just more of an out-of-body experience? I’m not sure, so I wanted to ask you about it.
ELIAS: (Laughs) I would express yes, you did.
JULIE: Physically?
ELIAS: Yes, and I would also express to you that this is an excellent example of how easy it is to do that. It is not a matter of intense concentration but rather a matter of relaxing and letting go.
In that, when you are not concentrating upon that type of action but you are in a direction in which you are relaxing, you are letting go and you are allowing yourself that expansion. It is not necessary to concentrate on a belief of gravity or a belief in any other direction or the constructs around the beliefs. It is merely a matter of allowing yourself to be and to relax. As you expand, you naturally relax those beliefs and are not holding to them so rigidly. You can generate that type of action very easily, especially if you are engaging an action such as a meditation and you are allowing yourself to experience – not think about, but experience that lightness of yourself, and being in that experience, you can actually lift yourself into the air. (Both laugh) Congratulations!
JULIE: Thank you. I wasn’t even… I mean, I’ve always been curious about it, but I wasn’t trying to do it or anything, not really. For a long time, I haven’t tried. So, that was kind of fun.
ELIAS: I would express this is a tremendous accomplishment.
JULIE: Thank you!
ELIAS: (Laughs) More recognition of what you are capable of, more than you realize.
JULIE: Cool! Next question: I’ve noticed in my life and in my involvements in a lot of metaphysical groups over the last 20 years or so, just getting to know people, that oftentimes the most open and the most empathic people are overweight, and often they might be psychic as well. They’re really good at getting impressions. I always felt that in a way they’re carrying the feelings, they’re feeling the feelings for other people and carrying them as weight. Also, I have the impression that often when others deny their own feelings, the empath or dispersed person will feel for them and feel what they are denying and disowning. I think really the only thing they need to do is learn how to identify and release that energy. I want to know if my impression is correct about that, about overweight people especially.
ELIAS: Yes, I would agree with you. I would express that that is very common. It is not necessarily a rule, so to speak, and every individual incorporates their own different expression in relation to their physical incorporation of weight. But that is very common.
JULIE: Is it true or possible that some of us will actually feel the feelings of others that they are not even aware of? They’re disowning something or they’re avoiding it, and then we might feel it more strongly because of that?
JULIE: Yes, I’ve noticed that a lot. When I’ve been in meditation groups where everybody is focusing on self very fully, I don’t feel any kind of stuff coming at me. I don’t feel that intensity. I feel like everyone is feeling their own feelings, paying attention to self.
ELIAS: I would very much agree, and I would express a definite validation in relation to that with many individuals that are dispersed, that do experience that. For many of those individuals, that can create more of a difficulty for them, in a manner of speaking, in managing the different energies. For in many, if not most, situations with these individuals, they automatically attribute it all to themselves, and that is what creates the significant difficulty in conflict for these individuals.
JULIE: Right. So, it’s a matter of learning to identify what’s ours, what’s not ours, and then secondly, being able to release those feelings, release that from holding it.
ELIAS: Precisely.
JULIE: I also feel that even the person who’s disowning the feeling is also holding it, and so the holding action actually comes along with the energy of the feeling.
ELIAS: Yes, you are correct.
JULIE: So, the dispersed person is picking up the feeling plus the holding instructions, almost.
JULIE: That’s very familiar to us, because that’s all around us. Then there’s the other part of interconnectedness and other people. We’re drawn to them; they’re drawn to us. There is no mistake. So, there is a message for us in there, maybe that we do have that capacity, too. Is that right, when we’re picking up all these feelings around us?
ELIAS: I would express congratulations to you also in being aware of that and identifying it, and expressing the ability to define that so clearly. That is excellent.
JULIE: Thanks.
ELIAS: I would express that you are expanding tremendously. In that clarity of awareness of other individuals’ energies and what they are projecting, but also being aware of how that is affecting of you, and recognizing that in being aware of it, you have choices, you can choose to release that energy rather than automatically allowing it to affect you and dictate your responses.
JULIE: I want to tell you an experience that I just had. I’m excited about my new ability or my increasing ability to define energy interactions. What happened recently is that there are these two relatives that I have. They’re both sisters with the same mother. When I send them a text or leave them a phone message, they never call me back. They ignore my messages. They don’t acknowledge them at all. I’ve always gone in the direction of feeling like I’m not important to them because they don’t respond to me. It just happened again on Sunday, and I felt really bad for about an hour.
Then I started kind of unwrapping, unwinding the situation, and defining it in a different way. I realized that it’s actually them. They have learned this pattern from their childhood, from their life. They do it, but it’s really that they feel unimportant. They were not responded to from their mother as children in some situations. Not every, but some they were not responded to. It kind of became the norm to them.
So, it’s really that THEY feel unimportant. I feel the energy that says “unimportant.” I was taking it onto me, but it’s really them that feel that way, and also that I am actually important to them, and they don’t realize how I’m taking it. It’s really totally their own thing. Would you validate that definition?
ELIAS: Very much so, and I would also congratulate you in your recognition of it. That is precisely what I was expressing to you previously, in how many, many, many – if not most – individuals that are dispersed incorporate this tendency to feel that energy from other individuals but that they automatically interpret it as their own. Therefore, in not only terms of energy, but how that translates in practical terms is that the individual expresses a feeling or an action as if it were their own, just as you felt unimportant to these individuals when in actuality, it is not that you are unimportant but that you are translating that energy that you are connecting to and assuming it as your own. Therefore, you incorporate hurt feelings, for you are automatically assuming that the other individuals are expressing that you are unimportant, when in actuality that is not the situation at all.
This is very common, and I would express that it is very common not only for dispersed individuals but for all individuals or most individuals in relation to interacting with other individual’s energy and their expressions. You automatically move in the direction of assuming that it is directed at you or about you and then personalize what another individual is expressing, when in actuality in many, many situations, the energy that the other individual is projecting is in actuality about themselves, and they are not actually generating that intention towards the other individual or towards you.
For you to recognize that in relation to how you receive energy as a dispersed individual is tremendous. That is another genuine accomplishment that I would be very acknowledging of.
JULIE: Thank you, Elias. It feels tremendous. It feels like a big breakthrough for me.
ELIAS: It is, for that changes the perception and the perspective of yourself entirely. For when you perceive that another individual is expressing in a particular manner that is at you, then that automatically influences defense, and it also influences that expression of being hurt.
JULIE: Yes, definitely.
ELIAS: That, by extension, generally generates another influence in which the individual, in addition to that feeling of being hurt or feeling that an expression has been done to them, it also influences the individual’s behavior themself, in the capacity of shielding or retreating or pushing away, for it automatically influences the individual to protect themselves. Therefore, there are additional steps and ripples that occur from that one action of misinterpretation.
JULIE: Wonderful. I can feel already with this new insight that my protection and shielding will just be lessening and lessening, falling away.
ELIAS: I would agree, and I would express a tremendous congratulations to you. This is a significant accomplishment.
JULIE: Thanks! Okay, so next topic: I’ve always kind of been drawn to California and the beach, the ocean. I love to be right at the ocean and watching the waves. I’m attracted to California and especially Southern California, like the Los Angeles area, maybe Venice Beach, Santa Monica beaches, etcetera. So, I actually created that my husband got a job out there. I was thinking I really love Colorado, too, and wouldn’t it be ideal if we could live in both places? And it’s actually been working that way for a year already, that I get to go out to California as much as I want, but I usually go once every couple of months. I’m going to be living out there even more in the future, according to plans.
I wanted to get your take on how that area matches my energy. I know it’s not a total match, but there are some things that are really exciting for me about that area. I just wanted to hear what you have to say about the energy of the Los Angeles beach area.
ELIAS: I would agree with your own assessment. I would express that it does not necessarily entirely resonate with you. Therefore, it would not be the optimal resonance with you, but it is more of a resonance than neutral. In this, I would express that there are aspects of that area that you do resonate with fairly well, perhaps not entirely, but yes, fairly well.
In that, I would also once again be congratulating you in your accomplishment in allowing yourself to engage and enjoy allowing your own involvement in that particular area in increments – not, in a manner of speaking, throwing yourself into it but allowing yourself to move into it in a comfortable pace and therefore allowing yourself to enjoy the aspects of it that you do resonate with and that you like and that you appreciate, and not necessarily involving yourself with the aspects that you do not.
JULIE: Perfect!
ELIAS: (Laughs) I would express well done!
JULIE: I’m really happy that I did create the option to move into it gradually. If I wanted to, I could move out there completely, but my husband’s in total agreement that I can mostly live in Colorado and that we can keep the house, so travel back and forth some. Who knows what the future holds, but right now it’s incremental that I spend time out there and explore whatever I want to.
ELIAS: Excellent. That allows you the freedom to enjoy what you are engaging and to choose what you are engaging, which is very different than what most individuals engage in relation to different locations. For most individuals will actually move from one location to another, and in that action, in many situations, once they have moved they may not allow themselves to enjoy the area that they have moved to fully, for they are forcing themselves to fit rather than engaging the area by choice.
I would express to you that this is excellent that you have allowed yourself that freedom. But I would also express that it is not surprising, for this is the direction that you have been moving in for a considerable time now, that you are allowing yourself that freedom to listen to yourself, to make choices that are to your greatest benefit. It is also not surprising in relation to what you pay attention to, that you have been consistently moving in a direction of being aware of what you are paying attention to and what you want to pay attention to. This is merely another reflection of that, which I would express is excellent. This is the point, my friend. Well done shifting!
JULIE: Yeah! (Elias laughs) You know, I’ve been moving and really focusing on what is my objective, my objective expression, my natural, genuine, objective expression, and really wanting to tune into that and express it as much as I can. I think I’m getting closer and closer to more fully doing that all the time.
ELIAS: Excellent, and I would agree.
JULIE: Thanks. (Elias laughs) My next exploration that I’d like to tell you about is, let’s see, it’s probably been about 13 years since I first started exploring one of the sacred herbs from South America called salvia divinorum. I’ve used it very sparsely because it can be very strong. I used it a lot more back then, and my mission was to discover my genuine, natural self, like my essence, my self. I was on a mission back then and using the salvia helped me to do that, helped me to be able to tune into it, to feel the energy of it. Some of the trips, the journeys that I did, were difficult, but on the whole I was very happy that I did it.
So anyway, Axel turned me on to micro-dosing, which is using some of these entheogens in a way that you take a tiny amount. You don’t feel any of the trippy effects at all. I’ve been doing that with salvia for about a week now. I don’t notice any effects right when I take it, but during the days I feel more calm, more centered, more objectively aware. I’ve got a lot of objective, creative ideas coming to me during the day. I take action. I’ve been taking a lot of action on just everything I think of. I just follow it. I’ve been doing that for about a week.
It’s pretty awesome, and I know it’s probably not going to be a long-term thing, but I think it’s kind of opening new doors for me. I feel that it’s of benefit to me right now and wanted to get your take on the properties of salvia and how it has been traditionally perceived and used by the indigenous tribes that have used it. One of the things I think is that it increases awareness of the genuine self. I think that’s something that a lot of people have reported about this herb. Do you agree with that?
ELIAS: I would agree with that. I would express that there are some different manifestations, let us say, in your world that do incorporate properties of their own, in like manner to stones that do express qualities of their own.
Now; how they interact with an individual’s body consciousness is very dependent upon that individual, what they do with it and also their perception of it. Therefore, let me express in this manner: There are different manifestations that have qualities of their own, and whether they are affecting or not is a matter of the perception of the individual that is engaging them.
In that, an individual could block the properties, just as they could with a particular stone that does express particular qualities. One individual may not experience anything in relation to a particular stone, for they are blocking the qualities and the energy of that stone. In like manner, there are different substances within your world that do possess different qualities of their own, and the affectingness of them is dependent upon the individual that engages them and their perception of it and their allowance of it, just as in relation to what I have expressed about ayahuasca.
JULIE: Ayahuasca?
ELIAS: (Inaudible) qualities in itself.
Now; whether that will actually be affecting of an individual or not is dependent upon the individual that is engaging it and what they allow. In this, very similar once again to snake venom, yes, there are certain snakes that do incorporate certain venoms that do possess qualities that can be affecting, but it also is dependent upon the individual that engages that in relation to what the effects are or how affecting they will be. Therefore in relation to this that you are engaging, as you already are aware, your openness and allowance of it is a significant factor.
Now; in that, because you are expressing that openness and allowance, the quantity in which you engage it can or will be significantly affecting. Therefore, very small quantities can be beneficial and can be used in a manner that is to your benefit, but you may experience significant affectingness with larger quantities that you may not necessarily need or desire.
I would express, in relation to yourself, in like manner to other individuals, it can be very instrumental in allowing that openness. Once again, combining the innate properties or qualities of an outside source with your own openness and willingness to engage it and being aware of how you are choosing to manipulate a particular energy or substance is what is the most important, for you are directing. Therefore, you choose whether to allow an affectingness or not, and you are actually manipulating the effect in relation to what you want.
JULIE: So, I set the direction, and I set the topic that I want to explore and then use that as a tool.
ELIAS: Repeat.
JULIE: I set the direction. When I’m engaging the substance, I set the direction that I want to explore, which I do.
ELIAS: Yes, definitely. The difference is you are aware of that choice. You are aware of what you are actually doing, intentionally. Let me use an example in this. Let us use an example of a substance such as alcohol. Individuals are choosing that affectingness that they experience when they engage that substance. Does the substance itself incorporate innate properties? Very slightly, but yes, it does. But in that, the majority of the affectingness of that substance is attributed to the perception of the individuals that engage it and their manipulation of that energy.
Now; they are not objectively aware that they are doing that and that they are choosing that, and that they are manipulating that substance and that energy in varying degrees, and therefore are experiencing varying affectingnesses, depending upon how much they consume – or even of the lessening of affectingness the more they consume.
In this, this is a significant difference. For generally speaking, the individuals that are engaging that substance are doing so for they perceive that the substance itself is creating the affectingness. They are not aware of their participation in that and what they are choosing or how they are manipulating their own energy and the energy of substance to create a particular effect. Whereas, what is tremendously significant in this situation or subject is that you are aware of what you are doing and what you are manipulating, and the energy of the substance and your energy and how they are combined to express the type of affectingness that you want. Therefore, you are doing it intentionally, not unintentionally, and that is the point.
JULIE: So, Elias, what are the genuine properties of the plant salvia divinorum?
ELIAS: I would express that the properties or the quality of this plant is that it promotes relaxation and openness.
Now; understand when I express relaxation, I am not necessarily expressing that the individual would be relaxed but that it does encourage relaxation of certain aspects of the body consciousness. It would do this in animals, also, and animals do not incorporate belief systems.
In this, it relaxes certain aspects of the body consciousness. It relaxes certain areas of physical brain function, which allows other areas of brain function to be more emphasized or noticed. Therefore, it can be used in the capacity of what you commonly term to be a hallucinogen. Hallucinations are merely the action of relaxing certain aspects of the physical brain and enhancing other aspects of the physical brain, in which it taps into more capacity of imagination. Imagination is a very real aspect of yourself and not unreal at all. It may not be connected with your particular physical reality at times, but definitely not unreal.
Now; in this, it relaxes certain aspects of the body consciousness in addition to certain areas of the physical brain, which also contributes to that allowance of different types of experiences. In this, you can use that in a very similar manner as individuals use the properties of stones, to enhance different expressions that they want to engage.
In this, you can actually use those properties to be more alert or to be more aware, for you are allowing the relaxation of certain aspects of the physical brain that processes some sense information and thinking information. In that, in a manner of speaking, what it does is filter out chatter or filter out information or subjects that are unimportant.
JULIE: Excellent. That is what I’ve noticed, definitely.
ELIAS: Yes. Therefore, if you are aware of what you are doing and you are intentionally manipulating and using it intentionally to your greatest benefit, it can be an aid to be more self-directed and to be more aware, and for each individual to filter out what is not actually important to that individual and to allow them to focus more clearly in relation to what is important to you.
JULIE: Wonderful. When I was discovering my genuine self, discovering the nature of the witness, the watcher, who I am free of my attachments, I automatically started having those experiences when I used a salvia trip because I had set the intention in advance. Some other accounts that I’ve read online, people have mentioned that too, that they became aware of themselves as the watcher, as the witness, as consciousness. So, is that one of the properties or one of the benefits that it can facilitate or that it often does facilitate?
ELIAS: One of the benefits, yes; not a property. A property would be that automatic or natural filter. Therefore, that would allow you to direct your attention in relation to what is more important, which would be those factors of being the watcher and being the witness. It serves as a type of buffer, to buffer out what is less important and therefore allow you to emphasize and focus upon what is more important.
Within your daily lives, every day there is a considerable amount of chatter. (Julie laughs) There is a considerable amount of what you term to be background noise that is constant. For most individuals, that background noise and chatter becomes the forefront, and they become very distracted by all of that constant input of what is occurring all around them, and that is not necessarily beneficial to them – or is not necessarily affecting of them, or would not be affecting of them if they were genuinely paying attention to themself and if they were genuinely focused upon what is more important. But most individuals become almost consumed with all of that background and chatter, and in that, they lose sight of the actual picture.
JULIE: Well, I definitely recognize that. It can be confusing, all that chatter.
ELIAS: I would express that for an individual that is dispersed that that chatter and background can definitely become very confusing. But once again, this is another example, another reason that I would be so tremendously acknowledging of you in your accomplishment in becoming more aware and paying attention and recognizing yourself and distinguishing between different energies, and also becoming more aware of the expression of defining what those energies mean.
For even in your previous example with your family members and the tremendous revelation that you offered yourself that I am very acknowledging of, in that, that is yet again another example of the chatter. There is so much outside activity that is not necessarily important. Not that those individuals are not important to you and not that your interaction with them is not important to you, but their associations, their behaviors, their familiarities or habits are not necessarily an actual important factor to you. Once you recognized that it was not you that was unimportant but that they felt that they were unimportant, the affectingness of yourself in that feeling unimportant for them became unimportant in itself. Did it not?
JULIE: Right.
ELIAS: That is the point. That is a part of that chatter, that background that is actually not important. Those individuals may be important to you, but their habits or their behavior does not necessarily incorporate a significant importance to you. For once you recognize or define what that energy is, you also recognize that it does not directly affect you. You may incorporate compassion for them in their expression, but all of that affectingness that has occurred pastly, all the time and energy spent in directions of being concerned or hurt or uncomfortable becomes rendered neutral and becomes not important any longer, for now you recognize different information. In that, all of that becomes unimportant, and you can turn your attention in directions that are to your benefit. Are you understanding?
JULIE: Absolutely, yes.
ELIAS: Tremendous!
JULIE: Thank you! (Elias laughs) I have to bring up this last topic, because I’m sitting here with a toothache. I broke a crown a few days ago. It’s been kind of a thing with me, that a crown. I’ve got two crowns right now, and I’ve had a third one that ended up in a tooth extraction, but I keep breaking my crowns. They only last about a year or less. And then toothache and… So, what’s going on in my energy? Is this old stuff? I kind of feel like I’m going to figure it out pretty soon, but I would love to have your encouragement and insight into this.
ELIAS: I would very much agree with you in that you are already on the brink of discovery with that. What I will express to you is yes, it is associated in your terms, your words, old stuff. (Both laugh) But I would also give you a significant clue in the word itself: the crowns. Therefore, in your evaluation, think about that word.
JULIE: It’s like royalty, are you saying?
ELIAS: In a manner of speaking, but more figurative than literal. But in that, think about that word of crowns and losing the crowns and the discomfort in losing the crowns.
JULIE: Like it’s abundance and wealth, kind of thing? And deservingness and worth?
ELIAS: Partially, but not necessarily in the manner that you have thought about previously, that your associations with all of that have been limited.
JULIE: Well, can you help me expand a little bit with that?
ELIAS: That your deservingness is much grander than you have connected to yet. In that, letting go of some of the familiar that seems like a crown may initially be uncomfortable, but it is giving way to much more of a genuine deservingness. And you are well on your way, my friend.
JULIE: (Laughs) Okay. So one more quick question. If I were to have to choose between a root canal and an extraction, which would be healthiest for me?
ELIAS: I will preface this in a definite expression that this is your choice. As to the implication of it and your actual question of which is the healthiest for you, I would express extraction.
JULIE: But there are other implications.
ELIAS: But it is your choice.
JULIE: Yes, okay. Well, thank you very much, Elias. This has been wonderful.
ELIAS: You are very welcome. I shall be anticipating our next meeting, my friend.
JULIE: Me, too.
ELIAS: And congratulations once again. Excellently done!
JULIE: Thank you.
ELIAS: I shall be offering my support and encouragement in more of your accomplishments. You have been accomplishing considerably, and I expect you shall continue to do so.
JULIE: And I know you’re always there, right here with me.
ELIAS: In wondrous lovingness to you, my dear friend, as always, au revoir.
JULIE: Au revoir.
(Elias departs after 1 hour, 2 minutes)
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Copyright 2015 Mary Ennis, All Rights Reserved.