Acceptance Is Not an Elimination Game
“Acceptance Is Not an Elimination Game”
“Your Body Is Triggered into a Reaction by Memory”
“A ‘Trick’ to Break Concentration on Uncomfortable Feelings”
Wednesday, March 11, 2015 (Private)
Participants: Mary (Michael) and Lynda (Ruther)
(The session begins with Lynda singing a little ditty, “Betrayal,” and doing a dance and Elias laughing. She then reads from a conversation she had with Twink.)
LYNDA: May I read?
ELIAS: You may.
LYNDA: Now that the shit storms have passed, what do we discuss with the mighty, beloved Oz this morning? Let’s make a little list right now. Okay, point one, the house continues towards closing on March 20. Your words to me about accepting, that I process through my emotions, and your description of feeling even that it would never work but looking at the objective in imagery sustained me. I received you and Twink, who was no slouch either, in the new way, which brings me to my next point. I’m going to do the points, and then we’ll deal.
Number two, exposure was the theme since we last spoke. Exposure of a deeper layer of my betrayal constructs. I diligently named them all in my Twink dialogues along the way, with much weeping, wailing and crying out to you and whoever-the-hell else was out there who would listen. Who cares when one is in the throes is my theory. I requested pooling almost daily from our FB forum members, and between them, me, you, and no doubt of the heavenly host of me, the shit storm passed. Well, it had to pass twice, actually, but it did pass.
I saw clearly that I can accept head-dread in a new way, refer to my common sessions 2009, and I’ll get to those. Killing her just pisses her off…or trying to kill her. Accepting that she is, on the other hand, is quite a different kettle. I did not realize how afraid I was of the fear she generates. Okay, I realized it, but in a new way. Part of it was exposing to ask for the pooling, that’s what triggered it, an excellent example of wanting to present a more balanced and spiritual front, since I’ve been around so long. But that was part of those constructs; they really don’t want to be exposed. It’s embarrassing. So, it was hard just staying in the moment but pretty awesome, because this time I actually let myself address to them in a deeper way.
There’s two other points. I really want to end my subscription, but if that partner I keep feeling in my kitchen is on Match, I’d better not. I got the name John, of all things. Is that right? Unless it was JRS lending me energy…and could it not be? Thanks.
Okay, the last point. Those other desires of mine waiting in the wings, like a partner, a new way to generate income, the book, the many other desires larger and smaller of mine, I’m hoping this go-around with the house will help me more efficiently deal with the success of those desires.
ELIAS: And I agree.
LYNDA: Thank you. I started to pay attention to Letty’s session, because she went through this addressing phase, where you really defined the difference between noticing, identifying, addressing and accepting. I had no idea acceptance would be anything like what it is. I thought I would be free of the thing I was accepting. Oops.
ELIAS: Excellent point.
LYNDA: Thank you.
ELIAS: Now; let us define that more so. Acceptance is not an elimination game. Acceptance is the awareness and the knowledge and the allowance of a manifestation or an expression – which would include associations or constructs in addition to all of the other manifestations and expressions that we have previously discussed – to be what it is, not to eliminate it.
Now; how this interplays with an expression, such as an association or a construct, is that with certain expressions, such as some aspects of constructs that you are uncomfortable with or that you dislike, or with associations that are uncomfortable or influencing in manners that you dislike, the acceptance of these expressions is not an action of waving the magic wand to make them disappear. It is the action of waving the magic wand to render them non-powerful, therefore that eventually they will not be bothersome to you. Not that you will never present yourself with another trigger; you likely will, and you likely will continue to do so throughout your lifetime. But when you achieve that point in which you have genuinely COMPLETELY expressed that acceptance, that exposure of and that acceptance with any of these types of expressions, the trigger is noticed but not bothersome, not affecting. It is not that the triggers are eliminated, for the memory is not eliminated.
LYNDA: Okay. That makes sense.
ELIAS: The memory is held by the body consciousness, but memories in themselves are not necessarily triggering. You hold thousands and thousands, if not millions and billions, of memories but they are not bothersome to you for you accept them; most of your memories do not include attachments of negative associations or constructs that are very contrary to your natural flow, and therefore uncomfortable for you.
In this, addressing to an association or a construct is not the action of eliminating a memory. It is the action of addressing to the association that you have with that memory, what you developed around that memory. Therefore, when you have created an influencing construct or association in some type of negative expression or a positive expression, the trigger remains, for the trigger is the memory itself. But when you address to those expressions of constructs and associations, what you are doing is neutralizing or removing the power from the construct or the association, and therefore what remains is simply the memory, and the memory is not necessarily bothersome to you.
LYNDA: Right. It’s not.
ELIAS: Now; in addition to that, let me clarify in relation to memory. There are many influences with regard to constructs and associations that an individual may express, but there is no memory attached with that: There was no event attached with that particular expression that is uncomfortable for me. I did not incorporate a traumatic experience with that particular expression. Let us use an example of an association of the queen.
Now; in that, you may not necessarily always be entirely comfortable with that.
LYNDA: The queen – Q-U-E-E-N? Correct?
ELIAS: That may be disturbing to you, and it influences negative ideas, and it influences you to devalue yourself or discount yourself or to make yourself less important at times.
LYNDA: Or invisible.
LYNDA: Impossible.
ELIAS: To deny that expression.
Now; in that, you could rightly express this is a negative association for me, but I did not incorporate an incident or a particular experience or an event that created that. You are correct. Therefore, you would likely express there is no actual memory that influences that; you are incorrect. The memory may not be one experience. It may be an accumulation of different experiences that developed this idea or this association of the queen that may have developed in reaction to defenses.
ELIAS: Therefore, the accumulation of experiences in which defense was expressed added to the development of the queen persona. In this, it IS attached with memory.
Now; in that, as I expressed, you are not eliminating memory. Therefore, triggers remain, for the memories remain. In this, when you are addressing to associations and constructs, because they involve memory, which is held by the body consciousness, the body consciousness is what is triggered. You think your thoughts or your feelings are triggered.
LYNDA: Right.
ELIAS: No, your body is triggered into a reaction by the memory.
LYNDA: Of all the other reactions.
ELIAS: Including all.
Now; in this, whenever you have developed some type of strength in relation to a particular association or a construct, those memories are held in a position with the body consciousness as being, in a manner of speaking, more surface. What the body consciousness does in defense is one of two actions. The body consciousness is not interpretive. It is much more either/or in its reactiveness, for the body consciousness does not evaluate. It merely reacts or responds.
Now; in that, it either reacts in defense in the capacity of holding those memories very surface, to which they can be triggered easily, or it pushes those memories into hiding, in which you incorporate no recall of them. It either defends itself by storing the memory in a vault or it holds it in a very surface manner in which it is very frequently affecting and very frequently influencing.
Now; understand and be clear, even the memories that are placed in the vault are influencing. It is merely that you are not objectively aware of how they are influencing, and because you are not objectively aware of how they are being influencing, you likely will not generate feelings in relation to them if they are in the vault. For, your feelings are also a reactive expression of the body consciousness. They are not a reaction. Feelings are not a reaction to any outside source. They are a reactive expression or action that the body consciousness expresses as a signal to alert you.
Now; in that, when associations and constructs are not placed in the vault, the manner in which the body consciousness expresses that reactiveness in relation to triggers is it creates, obviously, feelings, and generally they will be of a more intense nature.
LYNDA: Which is what I did.
LYNDA: Okay. Shorter duration but really very intense.
ELIAS: Yes, and that is an important point. The duration is shorter once you begin to become aware and you are addressing to it.
LYNDA: And I’m peeling it, right?
ELIAS: Yes. The duration becomes shorter and shorter, but it does not eliminate the feelings.
LYNDA: Oh, boy! That’s so good.
ELIAS: Your body consciousness will continue to express the feelings.
Now; understand also that in some of these expressions that are more intense or stronger, what occurs is, in noticing and recognizing, addressing to the construct or the association, as you continue to do that, what does change considerably quickly is that the physical aspect of what you are experiencing dissipates very quickly.
ELIAS: Therefore, if you pastly generated a headache or nausea or heart palpitations or lethargy, or…
LYNDA: Depression.
ELIAS: Any PHYSICAL expression.
LYNDA: Oh, okay.
ELIAS: Shivering.
LYNDA: Oh, I see. Okay.
ELIAS: Pain, anxiousness that includes a physical expression – shortness of breath, which you have experienced some of these pastly.
LYNDA: Yes, I have.
ELIAS: In this, as you address to, the physical manifestation will dissipate almost immediately, within a very short time framework – minutes.
LYNDA: My eyes.
LYNDA: Ocular migraines.
LYNDA: Okay, I get it.
ELIAS: Therefore, if you experience a trigger and you have not quite fully addressed and accepted this expression yet, you may incorporate a moment in which the body consciousness is generating that reaction, but the physical aspect of it will stop within minutes or less than a minute. The emotional feeling will likely continue for a brief time framework. It can vary. It may continue intermittently, not constant non-stopping, but intermittently for a few hours, perhaps a day, perhaps two days – not weeks, not months.
LYNDA: No. It used to be. It was.
ELIAS: Yes. It will dissipate much more quickly, but it is important also to note that the feeling, the emotional feeling, can be somewhat severe. The reason this aspect is important is that you can also begin dissipating that, not merely moving in the idea of waiting for that to naturally quote/unquote dissipate itself.
LYNDA: That didn’t work.
ELIAS: The automatic action with any feeling, physical or emotional, is to pay attention to it. If it is very uncomfortable, it is very difficult to not pay attention to it. Therefore, it is a matter of generating tricks that you can use to break your concentration, which will not necessarily immediately stop the emotional feeling, but it will lessen it considerably, and it will do it even more quickly than a day or two days. It will do it within minutes to a half of an hour.
In this, it is a matter of generating a simple step, and it is very simple, for you are addressing the body consciousness. Therefore, it is a matter of engaging the body consciousness. What is the strongest expression of input of information and processing with the body consciousness? Your senses. Your body pays attention to your senses always. What is your strongest sense?
LYNDA: Touch?
ELIAS: Sight. For most individuals, your strongest sense is sight.
Now; what your trick is is when you feel that overwhelming intensity of an emotional feeling and it seems impossible to not pay attention to that, when you feel it, first acknowledge it, meaning do not attempt to push it away.
Within the momentary second, close your eyes. Close your eyes, count to thirty, and open your eyes quickly. Your vision will likely be blurred momentarily. Once you focus, whatever your vision focuses upon first – look at whatever the object is that your vision connects to first – and the first thing you think is, “What color is it?” Then you find five other objects around you the same color.
That brief time framework, which will likely incorporate no more than two of your minutes, perhaps less, perhaps one minute, that is enough time framework to interrupt that signal and to reset your actual physical brain, in which the feeling will not necessarily disappear immediately – therefore, be aware that this is not a magic trick – but the feeling will decrease significantly. Therefore, it will be expressed in less than half of the intensity. In less than half of the intensity, it will be much easier for you to move your attention away from it, and you can breathe.
LYNDA: And I can breathe and relax.
ELIAS: For in the peak of intensity, you are likely breathing very shallow or holding your breath.
LYNDA: And I have to check myself. Yes, I didn’t really pay attention to that, but you’re absolutely right.
ELIAS: But when that intensity of the feeling decreases to less than half of what you were originally experiencing, it will be much easier to begin to pay attention to other expressions, such as your breathing or the tension in your body.
LYNDA: Or sitting with my shoulders hiked up to my earlobes.
LYNDA: Or my feet, like this, like a cat. My hands and feet are like totally splayed.
ELIAS: Yes. Those are the physical responses, yes. The tension, the different expressions of different aspects of your body consciousness, all of that is a physical reaction that your body is engaging in response to that immediate, very fast expression of tension.
LYNDA: Right. I’m going to say this is where when you said to me last time the objective imagery will continue to unfold and validate regardless of how you go in another automatic direction, and that happened everywhere – with the house, with relationships, with everything. The objective imagery was better than ever and a surprise, because I felt so different on the inside during periods of time. So, it’s not about me doing something and I reconfigure; it was already okay. Does that make sense?
ELIAS: Yes, definitely.
LYNDA: That is a new thing for me, to lean into myself like that, even while the other was going on, but I love these. Thank you.
ELIAS: Which also validates to you feelings are not an indicator of what type of energy you are projecting. Therefore, your feelings are not an indicator in relation to what you are actually doing.
ELIAS: They are signals to alert you to communications.
LYNDA: You know, I write it all down with Twink in my dialogue. This helps me process, to be as brutally honest with myself as I can. It’s my thing. I don’t need to share it with you or anybody, but I’m very… I’m not hiding, and I’m genuine, and I need to express it to something. For me, this is my method, and I let Twink talk back to me in the moment. I think for me it’s a good method. That’s all I’m saying about that. It’s cathartic. Does that make sense?
ELIAS: I very much agree.
LYNDA: Okay. All right, well, listen, once again, I feel good, Elias.
ELIAS: Excellent. Congratulations.
LYNDA: I’m proud of me. Thank you.
ELIAS: And so you should be.
LYNDA: I know. God forbid I should be a queen for once and relax. That would be very benevolent naturally. (Elias laughs) A very benevolent naturally queen with a big mouth. I mean, hello. Anyway. As far as my staying on Match, I’m going to stay on Match another little season of time.
ELIAS: Very well.
LYNDA: I don’t like it, but I have a feeling I should not let it go yet.
ELIAS: Very well.
LYNDA: I think that little interaction with the partner and the j-word could be something. What do you think? Come on, do one crystal ball. Never mind. You are not talking about this one, because you didn’t talk about the house one for the same reason. So, I’m noting that, okay, but I’m not going to go there right now. Thank you. And I guess… You’re just shaking your head. Shit. (Elias laughs) Okay, yeah. Well...
ELIAS: I would express congratulations.
LYNDA: Thank you.
ELIAS: You accomplished well.
LYNDA: Thank you. I think so, too. Thank you, my friend.
ELIAS: You are very welcome.
LYNDA: On to it then. I’ll talk to you with at least 25 of us on Sunday.
ELIAS: Very well.
LYNDA: For the new webinar. And you’ll be wearing a headset, so don’t be scared.
ELIAS: Very well.
LYNDA: I think you’ll figure it out. (Elias chuckles) I love you.
ELIAS: And it is returned sevenfold.
LYNDA: Thank you, my friend.
ELIAS: Until our next meeting, in dear friendship, au revoir.
LYNDA: Au revoir.
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