A Quest Is Not Known
”A Quest Is Not Known”
“Exploring, Producing and Production”
“Shifting Body Consciousness”
Sunday, May 03, 2015 (Private)
Participants: Mary (Michael) and Katrin (Duncan)
ELIAS: Good Morning.
KATRIN: Good Morning, Elias.
ELIAS: Ha ha ha ha. And what have you been accomplishing?
KATRIN: I think I have accomplished quite a lot in the last couple of years.
ELIAS: Do tell!
KATRIN: I cant put it in words because life is the same - same or similar actions and similar activities - but the response and the feelings inside me are different. People respond to me differently in a more lighter and humorously way and I feel more content.
ELIAS: Excellent.
KATRIN: Well, Im quite satisfied with myself apart from all the hiccups one has but, well, thats just something I can, if I need to I created. And the sense when I feel uncomfortable, saying “I have created it,” it already takes out agitating energy. So thats how I feel.
ELIAS: Excellent, Congratulations.
KATRIN: Thank you. (Both laugh)
But I want to talk about an experience yesterday. Jean-Francois gave me a Tarot Card reading which I really, really enjoyed. And because I was focused to talk to him and he was focused on me, he spotted an energy of boredom inside me and I could relate to it. Boredom, not in the sense I havent got enough to do or Im not active during the day, but there is a lingering feeling in the back of my mind. Even some months ago I thought I could disengage because of the excitement in my life is missing. And so we talked a bit about this but I havent come to an insight what I really could excite myself with. So a different preference or... I live in a very comfortable surroundings, but from this point I could dare something, which I dont know what it is and I wonder if you could talk about it.
ELIAS: (Pause) Excitement is generated by interest and what you genuinely enjoy, and at times that excitement is generated by moving in new directions and new discovery. With many individuals, you have experienced much in your lifetime and you settle into a comfortableness and that is satisfying and produces that contentment which is excellent. But you are emotional beings and therefore you do have an aspect of yourselves that, in a manner of speaking, craves thrill.
Now; that thrill can be expressed in many different capacities and one of them is excitement. And in that, it is a matter of allowing yourself to be that adventurer again. When you are an adventurer you move into new directions that are unknown, not that are already known and experienced, but in directions that are unknown.
You have incorporated many experiences and many journeys in your lifetime of exploring, and in that, exploring philosophies and yourself and different expressions of spirituality, of your body, of other areas of consciousness, of consciousness itself. But there is so much more in your world in physical actions, in physical experiences, in engaging. And with you, as you and I have discussed, one of your explorations was to generate an adventure into that subject of productivity and redefine it from PRODUCING in relation to THINGS and recognizing the productive or producing aspect of yourself, NOT in relation to things. But now you have explored that also and have become considerably accomplished in recognizing how you are producing even if you are not generating a product.
And now that you are familiar with that, perhaps this is a time framework in which you can move into a different exploration of producing and the production of things, but for a different reason. Therefore that being a different type of exploration again, but in relation to a very similar subject which has been somewhat of a theme within your lifetime.
In this, exploring, production, and producing in a physical manner for outside sources or to gain some physical aspect prior, previously, such as a job or working and, in that, being productive and also producing for yourself income. And then moving into that non-physical production of identifying and acknowledging what you were producing in relation to BEING and expression and freedom and in those capacities that are not necessarily physical production.
And perhaps now is a time framework in your life to explore that subject and avenue of production again, but in an entirely different capacity in which you are combining the first two and creating a third by combining the aspect of physical production with the aspect of the production of yourself and your expression and your freedom. And in that, creating your own self-satisfaction and therefore also new excitement.
Now; that may be an interesting journey also for just as initially, when you and I were discussing this subject of production and moving away from the physical productivity for your worth and moving into the discovery and redefinition of production in relation to non-physical production and self-producing. That was challenging initially. And initially it was confusing and you did not quite understand what that meant and you struggled for a time with feeling unproductive and not quite translating productivity into freedom and not necessarily producing a THING, but rather a beingness and an expression of yourself.
Now; in like manner to that process which was initially confusing, and also to a degree boggling, for the idea of how am I producing if I am not producing a product? That was more than confusing at the time; it was a matter of not even knowing what that MEANS or what am I to do, or how will I know if I am producing. I have no THING to show for that production. And you moved into it and you accomplished it. And in this, you may be presenting to yourself a very similar idea once again: what will I do?
I do not know what interests me. It is not a matter of what already interest you. It is a matter of discovering what COULD interest you, what is POSSIBLE to interest you. And how you discover that is you begin testing or experimenting with actions you have never engaged.
KATRIN: Hm. (Laughs)
ELIAS: And in that, there is a vast world in front of you of many different actions that you have never attempted and you have never engaged. This is not a matter of what is your interest. You already know what your interests are already. And I would express that in relation to your experiences, I would agree that maybe at this point somewhat boring.
KATRIN: Very routine.
KATRIN: There is a lot of routine which I still enjoy to do but it doesnt give me that satisfaction or excitement. Im pretty used to it.
ELIAS: There is no excitement.
KATRIN: Ja, there is no excitement.
ELIAS: That is not to say that you are not satisfied. Being bored is not always a statement of being dissatisfied or being uncomfortable or not being content. Being BORED is that lack of excitement. And in that, you can appreciate your routine, your comfort, your contentment, but also infuse some new excitement. But this may be an interesting challenge for you...
KATRIN: It is, ja. (Laughing)
ELIAS: ...to begin to explore and experiment with entirely new actions that you have never engaged before.
KATRIN: If I knew in what direction I would be interested to explore...
ELIAS: Ah, but that...
KATRIN: This... I dont know, I dont know...
ELIAS: If you already knew…
KATRIN: That wouldnt be... (Laughing)
ELIAS: Then you would already have an evaluation.
KATRIN: Ja, how do I approach it? I know what you mean but I dont know how to approach... I just say, okay, I allow myself to get an excitement which I have never experienced, as first step or...
ELIAS: And explore, observe, and explore. (Pause) Just as I expressed yesterday in our group interaction, in explanation to other individuals of how to begin to be prepared...
ELIAS: ...in relation to the subject we were discussing. What did I express? I expressed you begin by giving yourself information: you observe, you listen, and in that if you do not want to listen to your scientists then observe your planet. In a very similar manner, for yourself individually, you are generating a similar quest. A quest is not known.
ELIAS: You only have an intention with a quest.
ELIAS: But you do not know what you will encounter and you do not know where the journey will lead you other than that initial intention. The initial intention in this expression is: I want to discover some new action that is unfamiliar to me that produces excitement. Therefore you begin with defining that feeling of excitement, recognizing what that feeling is, which you already know. You are familiar with it. And then you begin presenting subjects to yourself, subjects that you have not explored yet.
KATRIN: (Inaudible-Voices Overlapping)
ELIAS: Anything!
KATRIN: The initial step, already when you talk about it, to have the intention to produce excitement is for me in itself already exciting. You know this is... (Laughing)
ELIAS: And that is an excellent beginning. And in that, explore different avenues: What do other individuals do with their hands? What do other individuals produce with their hands? There are countless manifestations that individuals produce with their hands. And in that, use your imagination and merely imagine what do other individuals do with their hands? Perhaps even list several actions that individuals do with their hands, and once you do that look at your list and express to yourself: Do I know how to do this? Do I know how to do this? Have I ever done this? What do I think about this? It is not that you may be interested in any of those actions yet, for you have not DONE them.
KATRIN: You know what it is? You just recently gave an exercise to balance your body consciousness - counting to thirty and then opening your eyes and see five colors...
KATRIN: ...five objects in the same color. This has been a surprising exercise. Its not only for balancing your body consciousness, but to recognize how many things are in your room in the same color. I have never noticed that before.
KATRIN: And if you tell me to write down what you could do with your hands it will be a similar surprise I think.
ELIAS: Yes. Yes, very much so.
ELIAS: Or how many actions do other individuals do with their feet? What do individuals do with their feet other than walk? What can you produce with your feet? It may be a surprising discovery...
ELIAS: …that individuals do actually produce with their feet. In this, it is a matter of beginning with some subject that seems absurd to you.
ELIAS: For you have never experienced it, and therefore it is likely that you would not consider many actions or think about them.
KATRIN: For the (inaudible) are the same. Im just thinking about it, when you have lists of what other people could do or I could do with my hands, it gives you more understanding how different we are, I guess.
KATRIN: This is very good exercise for other things too.
ELIAS: Very much so.
KATRIN: So then you appreciate when somebody is knitting. I have really not looked at knitting because I found it a bit tedious also, but now on my list what hands can do, I probably will appreciate it. That other people do it. Its not for me I might say, I dont know, but I will have a bigger appreciation or better appreciation for the action other people do.
KATRIN: So this is widening the awareness again.
ELIAS: Yes, definitely. And in that, while you are generating your list of what do other individuals do with their hands, anything that you have already attempted, anything that you have already done and generated an assessment - I liked this, I did not like this - eliminate any of those actions, for you have already attempted them.
ELIAS: Therefore they are already familiar. Only choose to experiment with the subjects that you have not engaged at all. Regardless of whether you think you will be interested in it or not.
KATRIN: Really, yeah?
ELIAS: Yes. For there are many subjects that you may actually discover you WOULD be interested in once you attempt it. But merely thinking about the subject, you may not be interested in, for you do not actually understand all the mechanics of it yet. Therefore when you are looking at your list of what individuals do with their hands, do not automatically eliminate any subject merely because you look at it and you express: No, I would not like that.
KATRIN: Now thats a crucial point here (Laughing) for me.
ELIAS: You do not know that you would not like it...
KATRIN: Thats true.
ELIAS: ...until you actually do it. THEN you can evaluate if you would like it or if you would not like it. Do not give yourself reasons that you would not like it before you attempt it.
KATRIN: I will treat it as for myself as you explained in the beginning when I moved from redefining productivity/producing a thing to producing my state of being. I will treat it like this. I think that will help me to get an approach to it from...
ELIAS: Excellent!
KATRIN: Ja, Ill do that.
ELIAS: And that may reignite your excitement. Actually even engaging the idea may reignite your excitement to a degree.
KATRIN: Ja. Okay, thank you. (Laughs)
ELIAS: You are welcome.
KATRIN: I do have another question to body consciousness. I just want an evaluation from you. In the last couple of months I believe I - we, all of us - have shifted quickly and this shifting had an effect on my body consciousness.
You have explained to us the memory of body consciousness, how it adapts. It could have been very frightening for me. It has been very tough but I wasnt frightened. But what is going on in this? I compared it to your explanation about the planet. The body consciousness is somehow shifting too. Something is happening there which is so strong in my case.
ELIAS: How so?
KATRIN: How so. I hardly can breathe, there are heart problems, the whole body consciousness is tense and then I have to go to the toilet and I burp a lot. There is something going on which could lead you to go to a physician. But I had the feeling or the knowing its not necessary. I even had high blood pressure and I could even manipulate my blood pressure in saying, ”I create this all.” This already brought the blood pressure down, this one statement.
So what is my question now? The question is why is the body consciousness, at least in my case, so involved in my attempt or in my shifting? I dont know. Im better now but only since a week or so.
I usually have body signals and I can dissipate them because we had talked about it a lot, but this is a state of the body consciousness where there is not a single signal; the whole body is affected and it lasts for a while, maybe a day or so.
ELIAS: Its considerably understandable and I would express that your association with what we discussed yesterday in relation to the planet...
ELIAS: ...is excellent, for that is a very similar situation. In shifting, in widening your awareness and becoming more aware, the moving in different directions, you are all - yourself included, as we expressed yesterday also - redefining your reality, therefore also redefining terminology. One of those factors is associated with your PERCEPTION of aging and it changing. That your perception of this factor of aging is changing. In that changing, you generate different signals to the body consciousness.
Now; understand that just as in any other situation, if you are expressing a particular message for an ongoing time framework, whether it be to your body, or to another individual, or even to yourself, in relation to any particular subject. If you repeat a particular message for an ongoing time framework, you become very accustomed to it and you automatically move in that direction for you have accepted that...
ELIAS: ...and you do not question it. But when you give yourself different information and you move in a different direction, then you begin to break those old habits and initially what happens?
KATRIN: You are confused. You dont know where you are. You leave your habits behind.
ELIAS: You react.
KATRIN: Of course, ja.
ELIAS: You generate reactions to the change, for you are somewhat moving in opposition to yourself. You are not, in actuality, but you are moving in opposition to the old message. Therefore it produces, automatically, reactions.
When you express in a particular manner to your body consciousness for years, and years, and years, and years, and years that you exist in a physical reality - not that you are thinking this, but this is the message. And in this physical reality you engage in linear time, and in relation to linear time we grow older, and older, and older, and as we grow older we are moving towards our disengagement, and as we do that the body consciousness slows and degenerates and eventually you die.
Now you have offered yourself considerable DIFFERENT information, and the more you expand your awareness the more real that different information becomes and the more you implement it. Even when you are not thinking about it you are generating ACTIONS that reflect your different awareness and your difference in perception which creates your reality. In that, you are offering different messages to your body consciousness and when you are expressing messages that your age is relevant, that your age does not determine when you will disengage, that your body consciousness is not being instructed to slow and slowly shut down, it becomes confused, for you have expressed that message for an ongoing time framework.
When you are implementing, not when you are thinking about it. I know this is a subject that you have thought about for a relative time framework and it has been a subject of interest and concern for you in relation to aging. But thinking about it is different than actually believing and implementing action. Not necessarily directly implementing an action with your body consciousness with the idea that you are not aging - although I am aware that you do that also to a degree - but merely in the factor that you are moving in expanded directions in relation to everything else. That is implementation which is contrary to the old messages, and the body consciousness eventually becomes involved in that and becomes confused and reacts.
And once again this is such a significant point in this particular time framework for many, many, many, individuals are experiencing this in which they are confused, for they evaluate themselves to be moving forward and accomplishing and they are more content than they have been previously. They are more satisfied with what they are accomplishing and what they are doing AND then they generate some physical manifestation and express to themselves: why now? Why is this occurring now?
The reason it is occurring now is that you ARE shifting and you are confusing certain aspects of yourself.
And the other reason is that the body consciousness is involved in SURFACING any subject that you are aware enough now, and capable of addressing to, and the timing is correct, to allow you to recognize not everything is positive and negative. It is not necessarily that the body is generating bad actions or good actions. It is either reacting or it is communicating. And in that, it is not good or bad, it merely is a statement. And in that, it may be uncomfortable but it is not necessarily associated with doing the wrong action.
KATRIN: I never see it that way actually. Ive never is probably the wrong word. It’s a statement. But I was surprised by the so strong expression. I have thoughts similar of what you were just explaining but I wanted to hear it from you. Im not frightened and I think that there is nothing wrong with me...
ELIAS: Precisely.
KATRIN: And the sense from you saying its a statement, keeps you in the flow...
ELIAS: Yes, yes.
KATRIN: It helps me.
ELIAS: Precisely. And in that, it is readjusting.
KATRIN: Ja, readjusting.
ELIAS: Just as your planet is not sick...
ELIAS: ...and it is not destroyed...
ELIAS: ...but it is reconfiguring, for it is changed.
KATRIN: Ja, I accept that fully. I mean this is...
ELIAS: And if...
ELIAS: ...in relation to your body consciousness, it is not sick either or broken. It is changing.
ELIAS: And in that, when you are redefining, that also redefines functioning, which includes your own body and its functions.
KATRIN: It functions slightly differently. And it keeps you... for example, you can eat what you want; it keeps you slim, I dont know. There are things I observe – I don’t want the reason for it - but my body is more in harmony with my objective feeling. So I never thought about getting fat or so, but I notice now... Oh, how can I say - its getting my best friend now. (Laughs)
ELIAS: Ahhhhhh! Congratulations! Excellent!
KATRIN: The body consciousness gives me so many information and initiates new movements. I sometimes get up in the morning after a day I had this strong feeling of being uncomfortable with new ideas, not ideas but new revelations. So we are on a good partnership now. Its not beside myself, its me.
ELIAS: Excellent.
KATRIN: I have to ask you some other questions please.
ELIAS: Very well.
KATRIN: I am organizing transcriber team and I have been getting closer to two of them. One is called Jerrie and the other one is Bonnie. And especially with Bonnie, I believe we have quite a few shared focuses. And she says, well, he will ask you for an impression. I have seventy-two, Bonnie and myself.
ELIAS: Correct.
KATRIN: And she believes we have been more than not being sisters in the shared focuses. And our special relationship we have in this focus is a reflection of shared focuses, but also of similar circumstances we are in - looking after grandchildren and being retired or so is that...
ELIAS: Yes, I would agree. And you do incorporate many focuses in intimate relationships of different types.
KATRIN: Bonnie and I?
KATRIN: What about Jerrie? This is slightly different but its a very loving relationship between us. I think we do... we might have shared focuses, too.
ELIAS: Yes you do.
KATRIN: We do? Ja. So, and... Well, that will help us already.
Could I ask another question for Bonnie, please? I have to read it. If you would like another topic as well. ”I am interested in the connection between my mother at whose bedside I am now spending my days as she is very near death, and my grandson. I noticed a connection with the timing of my mother refusing to eat anymore and my grandson, in the hospital, finally starting to take enough at each feeding that they could remove his feeding tube. Was my mother lending her energy and also sort of turning over the task of living to him and he somehow lending her energy as well? Thats not really worded well but I imagine Elias will understand what I mean.” (Laughs)
ELIAS: And I do. And I would express yes.
KATRIN: Her impression is right.
ELIAS: Her impressions are correct. Yes. And there is a connection with these two individuals. There is a strong counterpart connection which they are each drawing from.
KATRIN: Okay. Then I ask something for Jerrie. She never had a session with you. She wants to know whether she is a final focus. She is transcribing so she is assimilating a lot a material from you and she has several questions and one is whether she is a final focus.
KATRIN: Okay. And she wants to know her statistics. I tried it to get an impression. I came up with Sumari/Milumet.
ELIAS: Correct.
KATRIN: And intermediate.
ELIAS: Correct.
KATRIN: And emotional.
KATRIN: And I came up with an essence name for her.
ELIAS: Excellent.
KATRIN: Sabrina.
ELIAS: Correct.
KATRIN: Is it right? Oh, I congratulate myself. (Both laugh) I have never met her. Okay.
ELIAS: Ha ha ha ha ha ha. And I would congratulate you also.
KATRIN: Thank you. And...
ELIAS: That is an accomplishment. Not many individuals connect to an essence name.
KATRIN: Ja. And her husbands name is - Jerries husbands name - is Ross and she would like to know his essence name, its what she wants for.
ELIAS: And you incorporate any impressions?
KATRIN: No, I have no interaction with him. So I need some interaction to get a lead on to it.
ELIAS: (Pause) Essence name, Belstin: B-E-L-S-T-I-N.
KATRIN: Thank you. I think I would please her to find out what her focus animal is. I would come up with something like a... I dont know the English word for it... a deer, the baby, The Bambi.
ELIAS: A fawn.
KATRIN: What is it?
KATRIN: Ja. Thats what I could relate to it with her but (inaudible) is it?
KATRIN: So thats to those two...
I met Val here yesterday - Val and Jean - the first time and I had an immediate draw to her but then I forgot about it. And she approached me today when we met after breakfast saying that she had imagined me before she met me and that I looked exactly as she has imagined me.
So then I went for a cigarette and I contemplated on it. I found it quite astonishing and then I remembered the draw I had when I saw her first. And so we talked about it afterwards and we believe we have quite a few shared focuses. But I didnt have enough time because I came to you and she hadnt contemplated that yet. Would you mind giving us a number or should we investigate?
ELIAS: (Pause) 112.
KATRIN: 112. Thank you. Then I have two more questions.
My beloved grandson, our oldest, I was talking to him recently in a very relaxed manner and all of a sudden I looked at him and he had around his face, like a circle, a very bright blue light around his face. And then I remembered I have seen that before. What was it? It was very comforting but what has he shown me or what have I projected to him?
ELIAS: Should you venture an impression?
KATRIN: You want an impression? The blue color - its you and the brightness is you as well. But what was the connection between you, him, and me? There was a connective information which I couldnt get.
ELIAS: Yes there is and that is a matter of that interconnectedness, but that I am equally as connected with him as I am with you, regardless of his interests.
ELIAS: And I am equally as present. That was a display of that presence, that it is always present.
ELIAS: And it matters not whether the individual is objectively interested or involved or invested. It matters not.
KATRIN: He’s started to be interested in, which is very good for me too. He is seventeen years old and it is nice.
I do have another question. Its in my mind for ages and I never asked you. My eye sight is not getting better and I expected it, expect it.
ELIAS: Ha ha ha ha ha ha.
KATRIN: (Laughing) (Inaudible-Voices Overlapping) I expected it to get better...
ELIAS: Ha ha ha ha ha.
KATRIN: ...when I widened my awareness. So, now whats going on? (Laughing)
ELIAS: Ha ha ha ha. And in that, what would you express?
KATRIN: I think I... now what would I express?
ELIAS: Ahhhh.
KATRIN: The expectation...
ELIAS: Ha ha ha.
KATRIN: The expectations there for fifteen or twenty years and I think it has something to do with my times when I defined productivity in a different manner. If Im doing my spiritual work there must be a result. The result in this case was probably me saying my eyes had to get better. I think this is what I come up with. You know what I mean?
ELIAS: Yes I do. And I would agree. And in that, now express to myself why that would not accomplish? What are the factors in that?
KATRIN: Probably I dont care. (Laughs)
KATRIN: I dont know.
ELIAS: When you were moving from physical productivity to BEING, although being does PRODUCE, it is not a matter of physical productivity. Therefore what is the conflict in that?
KATRIN: Good question. I cant get it together.
ELIAS: Restoring the eyesight is a PHYSICAL productivity...
ELIAS: ...that is not in flow with the BEING rather than producing a physical manifestation. Therefore you were moving in the direction of BEING and moving your concentration to that or moving your intention to that and generating a struggle with the letting go of the physical productivity, producing a physical manifestation, but the eyesight falls into that category.
KATRIN: Ill have to think about it but I get what you mean.
ELIAS: Yes, in that you were not moving the eyesight into that new direction of redefining productivity, of BEING rather than producing a physical manifestation.
KATRIN: I got you now, ja, got it. Thank you.
ELIAS: You are welcome.
KATRIN: I have one question. There is much talk about dispersed essences. Am I dispersed?
KATRIN: I thought so from the few things I have heard. Val and I are religiously focused and we talked about it, how many information and how many symbols we take in at once. And she was talking about being dispersed, as an additional information will come in at once and she sometimes feels... disturb is the wrong word I am (inaudible) uncomfortable with this. I have the feeling of this as well. When I go in a crowd I am slightly disturbed or I withdraw myself because of this combination how people who are religiously focused process information.
And is there anything - I mean apart from withdrawing which I dont find that pleasant at some times - is there any shield you could recommend? How to shield yourself from the influence of this massive information occasionally?
ELIAS: That is a matter of buffering and [the] most effective method for buffering is not to be thinking about buffering (Katrin laughs) and not to be expressing to yourself some intricate method to be buffering out other energies. But rather the most efficient method is to pause, notice what is occurring - which I am aware seems elementary, but in actuality the reason that these situations are so effecting is that you are not necessarily paying attention to that or noticing. You are paying attention to the feeling. And that becomes consuming and it becomes very distracting. For you are not paying attention to you; you are not necessarily paying attention to the outside source either. You notice it briefly and then you are focused on the feeling and you react to it.
The most effective direction is to pause, recognize what is happening, recognize what you are feeling, acknowledge that, but then also to define WHY. What is it that you are feeling? And actually acknowledge that and feeling tremendous amounts of energy from outside sources.
Let me express to you that is a very important factor, for you think you are doing that when you notice that you are overwhelmed, but you are not. You are not acknowledging that influx of outside sources. You may feel crowded, you may notice many individuals around you, and in that, you think you are noticing or recognizing but you actually are not, for you are not actually acknowledging that outside energy and its affectingness by the action of yourself allowing it to penetrate.
ELIAS: Therefore it is a matter of acknowledging the feeling: I am feeling uncomfortable. What type of uncomfortable am I feeling? I am anxious, I am restless, I am...
KATRIN: Agitated.
ELIAS: ...overwhelmed, I am agitated, I am tired. Define the feeling or feelings then acknowledge what the source of that is, not merely by sight, or sound, or outer senses, but actually define what that outer source is that is affecting, that is producing this response of this feeling, this signal. Acknowledge that and then move your attention to you.
ELIAS: Stop paying attention to the feeling.
ELIAS: Stop paying attention to the outside sources and move your attention to you, what you are doing in that moment. And if needs be, if that is not enough to hold your attention, engage some action yourself. If you are walking on a street and there are many, many, many other individuals on that street walking and you are feeling enclosed, and there is much energy, and it is agitating of you, and you generate all these steps, and it is not enough to move your attention away from the feeling, for that is the main piece. Moving your attention away from that feeling. You acknowledge the feeling and then it is not to be paid attention to any longer. If that is not enough then physically engage some action. Look in a shop.
KATRIN: Im having a cigarette.
KATRIN: Sometimes it distracts me.
ELIAS: Yes, yes, engage some action with yourself...
ELIAS: ...that will call your attention to you.
KATRIN: Thank you.
ELIAS: You are welcome.
KATRIN: We are at the end of our session. Thank you very much.
ELIAS: You are very welcome. I am greatly acknowledging of you and your accomplishments and your success and your satisfaction and contentment. Well done.
KATRIN: Thank you.
ELIAS: Congratulations.
KATRIN: (Laughs) Thanks.
ELIAS: And now on to your new adventure.
KATRIN: Yes, Im looking forward to it.
ELIAS: And excitement.
ELIAS: Ha ha ha ha ha. In wondrous lovingness to you, my dear friend, as always, and perhaps with an offering of bright blue light (Katrin laughs). Until our next meeting, my dear one, au revoir.
KATRIN: Au revoir, thank you.
(Elias departs after 1 hour)
Copyright 2015 Mary Ennis, All Rights Reserved.