Trusting the Answers You Give Yourself
"Trusting the Answers You Give Yourself"
"Areas of Enchantment, Energy Deposits and Lines of Energy"
“Dispersed or Non-Dispersed”
"Descriptions of Soft and Intermediate Orientations"
“The Silver String Exercise to Align and Lighten Your Body”
"Boundaries for Yourself and Not for Others"
Friday, January 2, 2015 (Private/Phone)
Participants: Mary (Michael) and Ann (Vivette)
ELIAS: Good morning!
ANN: Good morning!
ELIAS: (Laughs) And what have you been accomplishing?
ANN: I have been accomplishing… oh, creating the most glorious day, I'll tell you that.
ELIAS: Excellent!
ANN: I am overlooking the Atlantic Ocean, and the sun is shining on the water and the clouds are majestic, and it's just so peaceful and beautiful and magical.
ELIAS: Wonderful. I would be very acknowledging of you. Therefore you are content and satisfied and enjoying yourself, yes?
Ann: Yes. Let me ask...
ELIAS: Excellent.
ANN: So we're at Holden Beach, and it does feel a little bit magical to me. I'm wondering if it's because... Like I think of the area of enchantment down in Florida that Oba, they kind of created that area of enchantment. I feel like maybe this might be an area of enchantment. And I'm wondering if it's just so magical because, you know, John and I are here and we can connect and it's just so peaceful, and I can just focus less on everything else and just more in being present in this beautiful surrounding, or also when other people come here are they leaving magical energy because when people come they feel good here and so it's more energy deposits, or is there something kind of like grid-point special about this place?
ELIAS: I would express that the aspect of individuals’ energies and energy deposits is very correct. I would also express that, once again, it is a matter of perception and that you have created it to be a magical area for yourselves, but that many other individuals express very similarly and that does add a type of magical energy to the physical location itself. AND, you mentioned grid points; what I would express to you is for centuries, individuals have expressed in the direction of what you term to be ley lines in the earth.
ANN: Yeah.
ELIAS: In a manner of speaking, it is a type of grid system, and in that, what I would express is, the idea of ley lines is expressed in relation to magical properties. And in that, it is not that there are actual ley lines in your earth but, figuratively speaking, that is more accurate than not. For, there is a type of interconnected system of lines, in a manner of speaking: lines of energy that connect over distances with each other. And at intersection points there is a stronger energy than in other areas in which the energy is projecting and traveling, in a manner of speaking, to the points. And in that, many points become these energy center points or vortexes, in your terms, that are accumulations of powerful energies that exist in those physical locations, and therefore that aspect is correct also. It is not quite as definite or absolute as may be defined in magical texts that address to ley lines, but the principal of it is fairly accurate, and this would be another one of those intersection points.
ANN: You know when you talk about this, I get this image of these intersection points and then all of the more and more energy at these points, and I have this picture in my head like I've seen people use the gravity illustration when it's like a ball goes in and depresses the lines.
ANN: Is this somehow related to gravity? Or is it just the imagery is kind of similar?
ELIAS: The imagery is similar.
ANN: Okay.
I have a couple of quick questions that I want to go to kind of quickly and then maybe we can go into more depth in some things. My mother is here; she may or may not have a question she wants to ask, but...
ELIAS: Very well.
ANN: So I have been thinking – I'm almost positive this is the way it is, but – okay, so I have three cousins. One, my cousin Jennifer I believe is soft, her sister Rebecca I believe is common, and then her sister Margie I believe is intermediate.
ELIAS: I would agree.
ANN: And then on John's siblings, obviously we know John is intermediate. I believe his brother Zane is common and his sister Valerie is soft.
ELIAS: Correct.
ANN: And his mother is soft, and his father is intermediate?
ELIAS: Correct.
ANN: Okay. I just recently learned about kombucha tea this massage therapist told me about. So I am now having this desire to make this kombucha tea, thinking that it's going to be healthy for me, my digestion system and such. Would you agree or disagree that this tea will be helpful, beneficial for me and/or John?
ANN: Okay. And then… so now, I can't remember if I asked you if I was a dispersed essence or not. Have I asked you that question?
ANN: Okay, so I'm not, right?
ELIAS: Correct.
ANN: So there's several thoughts are accumulating and I feel like it's a theme, so maybe I will just lay these thoughts out and then we can go from there. I'm listening to the dispersed session that Julie did the other day, and as I'm listening to it, one, I'm thinking, gosh I'm not dispersed and I want to be dispersed. And the reason that I wanted to be dispersed was, one, like when you were talking about the careers that would suit a dispersed person I'm like, “Oh, I would like that;” two, I know that I like open spaces, I feel better in open spaces, I don't like to be claustrophobic or in closed spaces. And I was disappointed a little bit that I wasn't dispersed, and then I thought, “Well, this desire that I have is connected to this desire that I have for interconnection,” so it's kind of almost, like you say, the opposite of the dispersed people.
The dispersed people, they’re feeling the interconnection and they kind of have to pay attention more to feel separate, whereas I feel separate and that's leading to my desire FOR interconnection and actually experiencing interconnection from such a separate feeling. Because I feel separate, so a strong desire, I know, is to have this feeling of interconnection from also knowing that feeling and knowing the feeling of being separate.
So that kind of feels like a theme for myself, but then also I think about... and even Sandra said to me once that I feel like the “normal person” or a little bit out of place among this Elias group people. There's a monsters TV show and you've got a Frankenstein and you got a vampire mother and then you've got a werewolf whatever, and then there's this really normal cousin or niece or whatever, and I kind of feel like this quote-unquote “normality,” which I don't necessarily appreciate because I would LOVE to be able to, you know, see aliens or feel other people, or see energy or do what I hear other people doing. I mean, I have this desire to do this.
I also feel like this normality which I associate, I think, with mediocrity. And I'm not saying this as a discounting way; maybe at one point I felt like it was discounting. Right now I don't feel like it's a discounting, it just feels right now more of an exploration into myself.
And then the other thing is, um... where was I going with that? I know, I feel like I'm rambling too. (Elias laughs) I guess I'll stop here and let you talk about that.
ELIAS: Very well. First of all what I would express to you is that it is very common for this type of expression that you may observe the information about a dispersed individual and be attracted to that, and feel that you want to be that or you wish you were that. I would express conversely, MANY individuals that are dispersed would observe information about a non-dispersed individual and wish they were that. Therefore, that aspect, I would express, is fairly common, for you are observing or looking at the QUALITIES of that expression but not necessarily looking at the objective experiences that were generated in relation to that expression – which for most individuals that ARE dispersed are considerably challenging and bothersome and uncomfortable.
ANN: Okay, this is another thing that I was thinking. Like I feel like I'm on the cusp of... so I'm not dispersed, but I felt like that I maybe would be CLOSE to being dispersed...
ELIAS: Now let me address to that also.
ANN: Okay.
ELIAS: For in that, I have expressed many times previously that there is a significant similarity between a dispersed individual and an individual that is using and, in a manner of speaking, polishing their empathic sense.
ANN: Ahhh.
ELIAS: Now, in that, as you expand, as you shift, as you increase your awareness and become more aware of yourself, more aware of your ability, and also more aware of your inner senses, you use them more. And you begin, or many individuals begin, to ENGAGE themselves in relation to being interconnected and seeking out the experience of interconnection objectively – not that you are already NOT interconnected, you are, BUT that you may not necessarily be aware of that objectively. And as you expand and you shift, you become more and more aware of that, and generally many individuals do engage their empathic sense naturally and more automatically, and therefore their expression becomes much more similar to a dispersed individual, but without the uncomfortable and bothersome aspects.
ANN: Ahhh.
ELIAS: For, an individual that is not dispersed is intentionally using their abilities and is moving in directions that are similar in relation to interconnectedness in their empathic sense, but they are directing it. For most individuals that are dispersed, this is the challenge and this is the difficulty, is that this is an expression that they do not direct, for they have not had the information to know how to direct it, and that is the reason that it is uncomfortable or bothersome to them and distracting to them, for they are not manipulating it, they are not directing it; they are merely allowing that natural action to occur, which affects their experiences, which then they perceive themselves to be subject to or to be a victim of.
With you, or with other individuals that are not dispersed, you are moving in a direction intentionally of expanding your awareness and becoming aware of different expressions and your own abilities. And in doing so, you are directing them more to be generating those types of experiences in which you are aware of your interconnectedness with other individuals, with other manifestations, with other beings, with consciousness in general, and that is expressed in a fun and enjoyable and somewhat exciting manner, for you do express that aspect of separation in which you are aware of your own energy and your own individuality, and you can distinguish your own energy from other outside sources. And even with the action of lessening more and more and more those aspects of separation, first of all you do it in increments; and in addition to that, you are very familiar with your individual identity, and you are very familiar with your individual energy, therefore you do not lose that as you drop those veils of separation. You already possess it and you already know it, therefore it is not a matter of having to familiarize yourself with your own identity and with your own energy.
ANN: Okay, that makes sense. I'm satisfied with that.
ELIAS: Very well!
ANN: And then is this along the same lines? I've been meaning to ask you this for years now: A lot of my soft friends say that I feel soft to them, and they are like surprised that I'm intermediate and not soft. So I almost had thought to myself like if there was this intermediate scale, like you could be far to the left or far to the right that I was like more to the right on the intermediate scale or something. But why is it that so many people perceive me as being soft? Is that the same kind of thing, it's just an expansion of awareness?
ELIAS: Partially. But I would express that this also can be not an unusual expression or somewhat lack of distinction, if you will, that individuals express, meaning that it is not uncommon for individuals to confuse an intermediate energy with a soft energy in relation to certain personalities.
ANN: Ah.
ELIAS: That is a significant factor, for you do incorporate your individual personalities, each of you, regardless of your orientation. And with certain personalities, that can be confusing to some other individuals in relation to what they are looking for in relation to an orientation.
I would express that in relation to your PERSONALITY, if you were to assign qualities of an orientation to a personality – which are very different – but hypothetically, if you were to assign the qualities of an orientation to an individual's personality, then I would express that that would be understandable that they would confuse your orientation, or their perception of your orientation would be somewhat confusing and they might interpret your expression as being closer to a soft individual. That is a matter of the display of personality, which does influence behaviors.
In this, most individuals incorporate the IDEA of an intermediate individual as being more reserved, quiet, not as interactive, which is ENTIRELY incorrect, but this is the idea that most individuals incorporate in their identification or how they define an intermediate individual. And they would define a soft individual as being more connecting, more interactive, therefore perhaps more outgoing and more expressive, which is also very incorrect.
As I have expressed in descriptions of these two orientations, generally they are the reverse of what individuals THINK of them being. Individuals that are intermediate may express themselves more comfortably individually or one to one, or in significantly small groups such as three to four individuals in any given setting or time framework, but conversely, intermediate individuals generally are considerably interactive. This is also the reason that most intermediate individuals incorporate jobs or careers that are in more of an exposed position. It is very likely for an intermediate individual to be a supervisor or a president of a company, or in a position of authority in which they would be interactive with many other individuals. That aspect is not what MOST individuals think of with an intermediate individual. They do not perceive them to be very interactive or outgoing or connecting, or interactive, or social, which is a very incorrect assessment.
I would express conversely, soft individuals do incorporate a strong tendency to NOT be social and to isolate themselves at times, to not be as interactive with other individuals, to very much so be overwhelmed or uncomfortable in groups of individuals. And in that, they can actually appear – regardless of their personality – to be more reserved or quiet or not in positions of authority or in positions of significant interaction with many other individuals. Therefore, these two orientations, based on individuals’ incorrect assessment and definition of them, can easily be confused. But the other factor is very much a matter of personality and how that is affecting of your behavior.
I would express that you do express a personality that does bear some similarities to a soft individual, but that is not your orientation expression; that is your personality. You do incorporate a sensitivity to other individuals. You do incorporate a strong sensitivity to intuition, which, as we have expressed, is a subjective expression, and soft individuals are very adept at subjective expressions. Not that they always define what that MEANS, but they naturally are adept at expressing subjective action and interpreting that. Therefore I would express that this is, for you, not an uncommon misinterpretation.
ANN: Okay, that makes sense completely and I’m satisfied with the answer. (Elias laughs)
Okay, so now I would like some easy shortcuts (both laugh), if you have any to offer. I have a certain body image which includes health, basically: vitality, flexibility, strength, movement, grace, lightness, and I feel that sometimes I have been there where I want to be, my body feels like that, so I can kind of go to that place in my imagination sometimes. But I want to create more of it, especially with the beliefs of aging and, you know, this happens to your body and that happens to your body when you are aging, I just want to be aware and direct it so I can keep... What would be the easiest way, and the simplest way – because you know I like easy and simple – to hold my body expression, or create my body expression in this lightness, flexibility, flowing, glow, vitality, for me?
ELIAS: (Pause) I will offer you two suggestions. One, engage tai chi.
ANN: Ahhh! Okay.
ELIAS: First, that engaging in that activity and those movements it will, in a manner of speaking, teach you how to flow with your body, and it will encourage grace and lightness.
I would also express that what you can do in addition to the tai chi, which I very much would encourage, would be a very simple exercise, if you will, or expression that you can practice every day continuously throughout your day, which is to imagine a silver string that moves up through the entirety of your body from your feet to the top of your head. And imagine that at the top of this silver string there is an element of tension that holds that string and therefore holds and supports your body consciousness from the top of the string. In that, it encourages you to align and entirely straighten your posture.
It also encourages the body consciousness to feel lighter, for in this you are imagining this silver string to be holding you, to be supporting you, and therefore it is pulling up with your body consciousness, allowing the body to feel lighter, more buoyant, more free in movement – and in a manner of speaking, it creates the action and the feeling of moving in the reverse of gravity.
ANN: Ahhh.
ELIAS: That you without thinking automatically generate a constant, continuous association that gravity is continuously pulling you downward and holding you, which creates more of a heaviness with the body consciousness and also places greater pressure upon the lower aspect of your body. Your hips, your legs, your knees, your ankles, your feet: this lower portion of your body feels that pull of gravity more strongly, and that places pressure upon that aspect of your body consciousness.
It is not necessarily ACTUALLY that gravity is affecting of that aspect of your body consciousness more, but it matters not. That is an underlying, automatic association that is expressed, and therefore your knees may be more sensitive, your ankles may be more inclined to be sensitive or ache or swell. Your feet can be more affected and be uncomfortable, your hips may feel tighter or heavier and more sensitive. When you are moving or bending you feel more affectingness in the muscles in your legs. Even in walking you can feel more pressure in your legs. This is all due to association and construct, not necessarily the actual effect of the energy of gravity.
BUT you can reverse that by generating a new and DIFFERENT association with this silver string. In that, if there is tension at the top of the silver string and it is holding you up, it is PULLING you up, that creates a very different response of the body consciousness. It alleviates much of that pressure in the lower aspect of your body consciousness. It allows a freer movement. It generates a much straighter posture, which alleviates pressure with your spine, AND it automatically encourages the body consciousness to flow more freely, which naturally generates an expression of gracefulness. Not to mention that it generates a more attractive appearance, which it does.
ANN: Yeah. Well, thank you. I like both of those.
And you know what, I want to share with you something that is very exciting to me and something I really appreciate about our conversations and that has been very beneficial to me. And in our conversations, a lot of times it's just reaffirming or confirmation for me. Like the tai chi, I was in a bookstore and I saw they gave tai chi lessons and I just had that impulse that yeah, that's something I would be interested in doing. And I didn't necessarily follow through, just because of the timing of it or whatever. And then another time when the obsidian rock, when you said that would be beneficial for me to carry that on my person, I had been in a rock store and I saw the obsidians and I was just naturally drawn to that. I didn't know why, but I was drawn to that.
So I have these feelings. It's not like knock-yourself-over-a-head-with-a-brick feeling, but I'm aware of these things and it's building more and more of a trust in myself, to trust that I do know what is good to me or what is beneficial to me or... So I'm really appreciating that in our conversations, and I just wanted to say that, that I am noticing that and I’m aware of that, and it's really quite nice.
ELIAS: I would express a tremendous congratulations. For this the point, my friend, is that I am always encouraging all of you to be paying more attention to yourselves and to trust yourselves. You hold all of the answers that you seek. And in that, it is merely a matter of trusting what answers you give yourselves.
In this, I will express to you now what I expressed in the very onset of this forum and these conversations with individuals. At that time I expressed that the objective in my interaction with all of you is to move in a direction in which each of you are trusting yourselves and listening to yourselves to such a great extent that it is not necessary for you to interact with myself any longer, and that at that point that you would interact with myself perhaps merely as a friend and sharing your experiences and your accomplishments rather than asking questions. That would be the objective. And when all of you move in that direction that you are genuinely listening to yourselves, directing yourselves and relying on yourselves, I will be expressing an energy of rejoicing. (Laughs)
ANN: Well, I still want to interact with you when I get to that place. (Laughs)
ELIAS: And I welcome that! But it will be a very different type of interaction.
ANN: Yeah. But I like it. It's very reaffirming, like when you said I know more than I think I do, I know that more and more. And I am trusting myself more and more, and really it's a good place, a good place to be.
ELIAS: Excellent! And I'm very congratulating of you.
ANN: So… [To her mother] Do you want me to ask...? No?
Let me ask… Can I offer to Mary anything? She says she has been attracting crazy obsessiveness into her life lately. Is there a reason or a direction she can look into for exploration of that?
ELIAS: (Both laugh) I would express that at this point in time, I would very much encourage Michael to be engaging precisely in the manner that he is. [Inaudible] to not be reacting, to be evaluating and to be discovering what is the most beneficial direction and action to engage, if any action at all, and to express that ability to discern when it is beneficial to act and when it is not. And in that, to be genuinely evaluating what is important and what is not, and not to be reacting in ANY capacity but especially not to be reacting to what is not important.
And I would express an acknowledgement: Michael is already moving in that direction quite well. I am understanding that there is some uncertainty in that action and in that direction, for it is different, but I would be acknowledging of the accomplishment thus far. Therefore my expression would be merely to acknowledge those accomplishments and to encourage maintaining that direction.
And one more expression of paying attention, being aware of how he is expressing, and not to be repetitive, and to be aware of incorporating as few words as possible. Most individuals incorporate a tendency, and Michael has pastly also, the direction of repeating themselves or using more words to emphasize a point, and that is not necessary. What I would express is, the fewer words you use, the more other individuals will pay attention.
ANN: Ahh!
ELIAS: For, the fewer words you use, the more they recognize the necessity for paying attention or they will miss what is being expressed, for it will not be repeated.
ANN: Thank you.
ELIAS: You are welcome!
ANN: [To John] John, do you want to ask anything?
JOHN: Uh, no.
ELIAS: (Laughs) Well, my friend, I would be encouraging of you in your magical location and express an encouragement to you to be relaxing and enjoying it. (Chuckles)
JOHN: I thank you, Elias. (Elias laughs)
ANN: Would you have any encouraging words for my mother?
ELIAS: (Pause) My encouragement would be relax and also to pay attention to what is genuinely important, and therefore to become aware of all of the expressions that may concern you but do not require your concern. In relation to yourself or to other individuals, not to be concerned and to relax in what is genuinely important and leave the rest. (Chuckles)
ANN'S MOTHER: I like your silver string theory.
ELIAS: (Laughs) Excellent! I would encourage you to engage that also. It can be very beneficial.
ANN: What about the tai chi for my mom and for John? Would that be beneficial for them as well?
ELIAS: I would express that it may be quite enjoyable for each of them. I would express that it may be more beneficial for your mother to engage in yoga.
ANN: Ahh! Okay.
ELIAS: And I would express that it may be quite enjoyable and beneficial for your partner, and perhaps you can engage it together. It would be considerably aiding in allowing him to release energy, which is important and an ongoing challenge.
ANN: [To John] An ongoing challenge. (Laughs, and Elias laughs) Okay. Together, honey, together. (John chuckles)
The other day my daughter Audrey was here, and she is again going into one of her, you know, dips, crying and kind of still hung up on her breakup with her boyfriend. And I kind of had this wanting to be compassionate but kind of having this “enough is enough” talk with her. The way I approached her at that time, do you think that was helpful?
ELIAS: (Slight pause) What I would express to you is, generate boundaries for you, not for other individuals, and that will be much more successful.
ANN: Well, it's interesting because I kind of did – and maybe I shouldn't have any expectations for what she does – but I kind of did in that conversation, saying, you know for the boundary for me, first I feel bad that she's not enjoying her life, at least from my perception, and as I see that maybe she can... I see her as having a lot of gifts that's she's not utilizing or enjoying because she's letting herself get sucked up into this depression. And so the first stage is of myself having, you know, sadness and that, and then I felt that moving into anger, saying, you know, I'm just mad at her that she's choosing to do this, and then moving in to… you know, it's her choice to live her life, and I have my response. I’m going to enjoy my life and enjoy the aspects of my relationship with her, you know, where I can. There's sometimes I don't want to be around her, but there are times I do, so I did have that realization going through.
ELIAS: I would acknowledge that, and I would express that you are moving in a beneficial direction. I would reiterate in a very realistic manner, express boundaries for you, not for her – which means not to include an expectation of her behavior or her choices...
ANN: Yeah.
ELIAS: ... that there is an allowance for her to express herself in whatever manner she does. I would not say “chooses,” for although technically it is a choice, she may not feel that it is a choice, or she may not perceive that she is expressing a choice, that she is merely feeling what she feels and in that perceives that she has no choice in that feeling – which is not correct but it is a very common perception, and therefore it creates a very strong reality.
In this, I acknowledge you that you acknowledged yourself that you do not have to AGREE with her and you do not have to agree with her choices, or her behavior, or her expressions, and that that may even annoy you or irritate you and it is important for you to acknowledge your feelings, but also to genuinely recognize that the boundary is for you and is not about what she does or her behavior, for that is her choice.
[The timer for the session has been ringing]
ANN: Okay. Thank you, Elias.
ELIAS: You are very welcome. And you understand – which I also acknowledge – why, for when you continue to express any of these types of expectations, it is merely distressing and uncomfortable for you. It does not change the situation with the other individual, but it does change the situation with you for then you fret, or you concern yourself, and that influences you to occupy YOUR time and your energy with what is not important. Not that SHE is not important, but you have no control and you do not generate the choices and the expressions for another individual, therefore you cannot change them. Therefore, what they do is unimportant in relation to what personally is affecting of YOU and what you are engaging, which is a considerable distinction, not expressing that SHE is not important, but what does not INVOLVE you is not important.
ANN: Yeah.
ELIAS: In that, I would be acknowledging of you in that you do know that; it is merely a matter of reminding yourself occasionally.
ANN: Yeah. I do feel like I've come a long way. I do feel like it's a little bit more that I can gain on that front, but that's okay. I mean, it’s good.
ELIAS: I would agree. I would express that you have accomplished tremendously.
I shall greatly be anticipating our next meeting, my dear friend.
ANN: Me too.
ELIAS: And I express tremendous, glorious, lovingness to you, to your partner, to your mother, to your family.
ANN: Thank you, Elias. It's wonderful speaking with you.
ELIAS: [Inaudible] enjoy yourselves and appreciate the magic.
Until our next meeting, in wondrous lovingness to you all, au revoir.
ANN: Au revoir.
JOHN: Au revoir.
(Elias departs after 1 hour 2 minutes)
Copyright 2015 Mary Ennis, All Rights Reserved.