Experience of Being Shifted
”Experience of Being Shifted”
”Dispersed Qualities”
“Resetting the Body Consciousness”
Tuesday, March 17th, 2015 (Private/Phone)
Participants: Mary (Michael) and Julie (Fontine)
ELIAS: Good day!
JULIE: Good day, Elias! Great to talk to you again.
ELIAS: (Laughs) And how are you proceeding?
JULIE: Oh well, pretty well. Im pretty happy with things, and things are going along. So I just want to start out with some impressions and then go into some other deeper topics. So the first one is I feel a real affinity with William James, and Im wondering if were the same essence, or observing essence, or whatever...
ELIAS: Observing.
JULIE: Okay. Which really isnt a difference because I just feel like I know him really well.
ELIAS: I would agree. (Laughs)
JULIE: Okay. (Laughs) And I feel that I have orca focuses.
ELIAS: Yes, you do.
JULIE: Okay. And probably more than one.
ELIAS: Yes, that is correct.
JULIE: And also great gray... I have huge whale focuses, too, and I really dont know what kind, but just the hugeness.
ELIAS: Yes, I would agree and I would validate that. I would express that of the different species, you incorporate focuses in all of them.
JULIE: Oh, great. And dolphins too?
JULIE: Oh, I love that.
So another impression: is Bernadette Prospeck dispersed?
JULIE: Okay. And somebody in the Elias Forum told us that you said that 40% of the human population is dispersed. Is that correct?
ELIAS: Approximately.
JULIE: Does that fluctuate?
ELIAS: Yes, it does.
JULIE: Or is it increasing with the shift?
ELIAS: Not necessarily. That would not necessarily be a factor that would necessarily increase. What IS increasing is that individuals that are NOT dispersed are becoming more similar, for they are developing their empathic sense more.
JULIE: All right. So lets see. I have a friend named Danny. I want to know his orientation. I think its common, but it might be soft; Im not sure.
ELIAS: Common.
JULIE: Okay. Hes political focus?
ELIAS: Correct.
JULIE: Is he Borledim belonging?
JULIE: Okay. Thats why I thought he was soft, because I had all these other similarities with him.
Bentinho Massaro, is he intermediate?
JULIE: Okay. And my daughters fiancé, Jeff. Is he soft, Gramada/Sumari?
ELIAS: Correct.
JULIE: Oh, great. (Laughs) Okay.
Now, I have spent a little time trying to imagine my own essence symbol. So Id like to describe it to you.
ELIAS: Excellent!
JULIE: Okay.
ELIAS: Continue.
JULIE: So I see a lake or a pond. The water is calm and smooth on the surface. Theres a fountain in the center jetting up and sprinkling streams in all directions, and the suns out. Theres rainbows in the water in the fountain, and rainbow sparkles rippling on the surface of the water. And there are ducks and aquatic birds swimming on the surface of the water, diving underneath and feeding. Its a very lively ecosystem, and fish and birds and plants underneath the water, plus birds on the surface and flying. So thats what I have. (Laughs)
ELIAS: First of all, that is excellent.
Now; to that I would merely add a star.
JULIE: Oh. Okay. Like a star up in the sky?
JULIE: Okay. Thank you.
So the next topic is: Ive had the impression that, as youve given the definition of what it means to be shifted—fully-shifted—I feel like I have been 100% shifted at times, that it fluctuates a lot, but I know what that is. I have written a description of it from my point of view, so I wanted to share that with you.
A sense of, when Im feeling that way, I feel a total sense of utter confidence and trust. It just pervades my whole beingness. My presence awareness is merged with my reality continuously. Im not IN the now; I AM the now moment—theres a tangible sense of that. Im not IN my reality; I AM my reality, and my reality is moving according to my own flow of attention, and theres a constant sense of forward motion and flow thats moving in fulfilling directions, and I have a sense of that fulfillment.
Theres a sense of gladness. Its not really joy, but it just feels like a sense of gladness thats always there—a sense of well-being and love—and I feel like I AM love. Theres no subject or object; its just this pervasive sense of love, of knowing and appreciation everywhere I look, basically. It just permeates my whole beingness.
And its really easy to correct my course if I get off track for a few minutes or for a few moments when interacting with others, or getting drawn into other energies. Its really easy to notice that, because Im present.
Lets see. And I feel like... Well, when Im in that state, and even now, it feels like that state is only a step sideways to get there again, and that I move into these states of being more separate because of curiosity and choice. Im aware of that—that it is a choice and its just a step, a shift sideways, to go back into the more-shifted version, or a lot of in between, a lot of fluctuations.
ELIAS: I would agree.
JULIE: And there is no really permanent self. Its just my viewpoint. Its my awareness thats doing the shifting.
ELIAS: Correct.
JULIE: Mm-hmm.
ELIAS: I would express congratulations, and that is an excellent description of the experience, accounting for noticing that you may be moving in a direction, at times, of fluctuation in which you may not necessarily be expressing entire satisfaction or contentment, but that you are aware of that and you are aware of the choice, AND that you are aware that when you do move in those directions, that your motivation for moving in those directions—other than curiosity—is that it can also provide you with an avenue of expanding, or move you in a direction, more so, of what you want.
Im aware that for most individuals at this point presently, that seems inconsistent but, in actuality, it is not. And when you experience it you generate a greater understanding that at times you may be intentionally creating some expressions that are not necessarily entirely comfortable, but you know that you are doing it; you know why you are doing it, and you also know what the benefit is to that type of expression.
JULIE: It gives me more understanding, I think, of this reality—to move in these expressions of separation and exploration.
ELIAS: I would agree. I would agree. And also there is the factor of other individuals. When you are experiencing moments of being fully shifted, you may also recognize that other individuals are not. And therefore you may choose to step out of that comfort momentarily to express an interaction with another individual for an expressed purpose that will benefit you, but it also may move you in a direction that is not as comfortable as when you are alone or experiencing that shifted expression yourself.
But it is purposeful and you understand it and there is a curiosity in relation to it, or it may merely be a curiosity to experience in a particular manner that is uncomfortable or is different, merely to recognize what that experience is.
JULIE: Mm-hmm. Yeah, I agree with that. It is a lot about interacting with other people...
JULIE: ...wanting to understand them and understand what they experience. And I also do experience a lot through other individuals that I havent actually done with this physical body, but through them I know what it is.
ELIAS: Which is (audio skips). For when you generate an experience, you do offer yourself a greater understanding of the perspective and motivation of other individuals. As I have expressed previously, with most individuals, if they do not incorporate the same type of experience as another individual, they may generate a partial intellectual understanding or conceptual understanding of what the other individual is experiencing, but they cannot generate a full understanding, for they do not incorporate the experience.
JULIE: Mm-hmm. But I can get a pretty good understanding, I think...
JULIE: ...just through my empathic sense, and being dispersed, and being able to almost set my own personality aside and just fully experience what they are.
ELIAS: Precisely.
JULIE: But not physically. But Im not experiencing the whole physical; its more energetic, which is more interesting to me.
ELIAS: Im understanding and it is not necessary for you to experience the entirety of a physical experience to generate an understanding of it. If you are merged with another individual who IS physically experiencing it, you gain the same experience without having to incorporate it in your own physical expression.
JULIE: Mm-hmm. Well, I think I do a lot of that. I feel like I know a lot just through that, doing that, through other individuals.
ELIAS: I would agree.
JULIE: Thank you. Okay.
ELIAS: (Laughs)
JULIE: So Ill shift topics a little bit. Ive had this pain in my lower back and on the right side and my buttock and radiating down my leg and even into my foot sometimes. I guess its the nerve. But theres also some tension there. Im not sure whats causing it, except for tension maybe.
Im wondering if some of it is coming from energy of other people and Im holding that tension, but then also I have the impression that part of it is mine, that Im just not 100% comfortable being in this physical reality, and thats kind of like just a reminder or a manifestation of my discomfort, because its not in intense pain; its just a discomfort, basically, thats been there for about six months.
ELIAS: I would agree with all of your assessment. I would express to you one other factor that you may not necessarily be noticing as much, and in that, when you pay attention to the discomfort, when you notice it—not that you are necessarily dwelling on it, but what I would express is when you notice it, you do incorporate a tendency to alter how you move your body, which is an automatic reaction. But that is significant to be aware of, for when you do that you exacerbate the situation.
JULIE: Okay.
ELIAS: Such as an individual that may incorporate, let us say, a pain with their foot, and they begin to alter the manner in which they walk. What occurs is that places unnatural pressure in different areas of the body consciousness, which encourages the body consciousness to focus upon the affected area more, and therefore increase the discomfort.
JULIE: Mm-hmm. Okay. Ill pay attention to that.
ELIAS: Or even if it does not increase it, it can prolong it. Therefore, I would express to you to be aware of how you hold your body, how you move with your body when you notice the discomfort, for it is an automatic reaction to move differently.
JULIE: Okay. All right. So just noticing it, thats probably going to start shifting it—the way I move—and I can open up by energy again if I notice that Im starting to tense.
JULIE: All right. Thank you.
Okay. So another thing is Ive gotten involved with a center that have flotation tanks—“sensory deprivation tanks,” theyve been called. You float in it. Its a high solution, Epsom Salts solution, where your body actually floats, and you can get very relaxed in the water. Are you familiar with those?
ELIAS: Yes, and?
JULIE: So I enjoy floating. Its very relaxing and peaceful and dark and quiet, and its meditative. I just have a few questions. One time I was floating... Ive had some very wonderful kind of oneness experiences where I got super-relaxed and open to everyone and everything while I was floating, and afterwards. And then other times Ive felt like I was absorbing energies, maybe that of others, that had been in the tank. So I was wondering if that is possible that the water holds energies from everyone thats been in the tank, and then Ill talk about the rest of my ideas.
ELIAS: Yes, that is possible.
JULIE: That’s possible. Okay.
ELIAS: And it is more so dependent upon the type of energy that is expressed. Therefore, if the individual is expressing more of an intensity of energy, yes, it can be expressed in the water, and the water will hold that energy for a time-framework—not indefinitely, but it will temporarily.
JULIE: Okay. So maybe that one time that I had a very... when I got out of the tank I felt completely exhausted, just so tired for several hours, and then I went home and I meditated for a few hours and I felt better. But that was a really intense and difficult experience, that one time. Was there...
JULIE: That was just from somebody in the tank before me expressing...
Now; what I would express to you is that there are different expressions that you can engage that will be helpful in those situations. First of all, what I would suggest to you is when you initially immerse yourself in the water, incorporate a moment—it is not necessary to generate a length of time, but merely a moment—to assess how the water feels to you. Be aware of the water, and in that, you will know almost immediately when you immerse yourself, for you will know, almost immediately whether you are relaxing or whether you are not relaxing immediately.
If the water is not holding an intensity of energy—and remember, it only holds it temporarily; it dissipates relatively quickly, but it could, dependent upon the intensity of the energy that an individual may be expressing, it could hold that energy for approximately one-half of an hour to an hour. After that, it does generally tend to begin to disperse and dissipate.
But YOU, in generating contact with the water and in relation to your sensitivity, would likely be aware immediately, whether you are stepping into the water and immersing yourself and you feel immediately that you are beginning to relax, or that you are not relaxing. Even if you are not necessarily tensing, you will notice that you are not immediately relaxing, and that will be your indicator that perhaps the water is holding some energy that is contrary to your purpose. And in that, it merely would be a matter of choosing a different time to engage the water.
This can also occur if there is more than one individual engaging the water in one time-framework. This can happen in pools in which there are many individuals engaging that body of water at one time.
ELIAS: The water, in a manner of speaking, absorbs that energy of the volume of individuals in the water. This also occurs even in bodies of water such as your oceans, that you will likely—if you are paying attention, but even if you are not aware—you will likely notice... (Connection is lost.)
JULIE: Lost Elias. Hmm.
(Phone dialing and connection is reestablished.)
ELIAS: Continuing: As I was expressing, in that type of situation—which is very similar to many different types of situations—individuals notice the difference in energy, but they are not accustomed to defining what that is, and therefore they immediately attach it to a physical expression. Which it may not be a physical expression, but that is how most individuals interpret when they notice differences in energy.
And in a body of water that is as small as a pool, the effectingness of the held energy can be much more intense than a body of water such as an ocean. Its much more dispersed, and therefore it dissipates even large amounts of energy from many individuals much more quickly, and that water is also moving, which aids in the disbursement of that energy accumulation. Whereas water in a pool is still.
JULIE: Mm-hmm. So it sounds like water has a natural ability to conduct energy and also to dissipate it.
ELIAS: Yes. Yes.
JULIE: Anything else special about water?
ELIAS: Water is quite an amazing manifestation, for it does generate significant properties. It is dense but its density is supportive. It generates a support in the capacity of pressure, but also buoyancy, and it encourages relaxation. It holds energy but it dissipates energy. It can be incorporated as a conductor or a barrier. There are many, many different functions in relation to water.
JULIE: Okay. I might explore that another time.
ELIAS: Very well.
JULIE: But its interesting.
Okay. Well, one more question about the float tank. If I happen to get in the tank … Well, Ive been bringing the rose quartz in the tank with me. Would that have any effect at all on the intensity of the energy of the other person? If energy was held, could I have used the rose quartz to absorb that and stay in the tank or would it be better just to get out of the tank until another time?
ELIAS: If there is not a significant accumulation of energy in the water, then the rose quartz could be helpful, for it could aid you in drawing out that energy and absorbing it to itself. But if the energy incorporates an intensity, then the rose quartz would not necessarily be effective, unless it was considerably large.
JULIE: Okay. Yeah, that makes sense.
ELIAS: That would be considerably awkward (Julie laughs), and therefore if the stone was half the size of yourself, then yes, it could be effective. But a smaller capacity, no, it would not necessarily be very effective.
JULIE: All right. That sounds good.
So a different topic: Ive been kind of looking around for things to occupy my time, get me involved with others in a fulfilling way for myself. So one thing is, Im working at the Float Center a little bit; Im training there, and I think it could be really an excellent place for me to work. Theres just a certain time during the … Its almost like when people get out of the tank and others are getting in, it gets really hectic sometimes and can be confusing and scattering.
And so Im thinking that I could use my soft power of manipulating energy to kind of focus the energy into a flow, where it never gets to be too scattered or intense for me. Like the kind of situations that I would create would be more easy and less hectic—maybe less hectic shift change—just through my energy. So does that sound possible?
ELIAS: Yes, very much so.
JULIE: Okay.
ELIAS: I would be considerably acknowledging of you in recognizing that.
JULIE: Okay, because thats the only part that its made me a little nervous to work there, but I feel like I can handle it if I put some focus into reminding myself that I have that ability because Ive used it before in other situations. So I just need to remember to apply it. And that way, even if shift change can be really scattering for other people, they deal with it in their own way, but for myself, I can just create it not being that way...
JULIE: ...while Im on duty.
JULIE: Yeah. Okay.
And then another avenue that Ive been looking at is … This is an idea that keeps coming to me, but then I feel like there might be some obstacles, or theres something. Im not sure about this one: life coaching or reality-creation coaching. I havent really decided on the title yet, maybe ”Shift-Coaching,” something like that, helping people one-on-one in their shifting and changing consciousness and things like that. Does that seem like that would be a good avenue for me?
ELIAS: (Pause) What I would suggest is that you define that more precisely. What I would express to you is it may not be as fulfilling to you to be coaching in relation to the shift in general, that that is a very general and broad spectrum and that may be overwhelming to you, and that may be creating too many avenues with other individuals that you would not necessarily express an interest in, and also that may be difficult or frustrating or overwhelming for you.
What I WOULD suggest in relation to the shift and in relation to a direction of some type of coach position, would be that you would express an excellent ability to express that position in relation to dispersed experiences and abilities, and development of the empathic sense.
JULIE: Oh, okay.
ELIAS: For you are very adept at paying attention to energies and paying attention to other energies, and you have become considerably accomplished at manipulating energy, being aware of energy, and also experimenting with and using energy in different capacities to aid yourself, to benefit yourself, to experiment, and therefore that is an avenue that I would express you would excel in.
JULIE: Oh, and that sounds really interesting too. (Laughs)
Okay. Ive been really... Ive had trouble separating out being soft from being dispersed, because manipulating energy: is that an ability of dispersed individuals as well as soft? Is it different?
ELIAS: Not necessarily the manipulation of it, but the recognition of it. Therefore, being dispersed can aid in the expressions that you engage in relation to your orientation.
JULIE: Mm-hmm.
ELIAS: Therefore, let me express in this manner: It creates an additional sensitivity to energy or recognition of energy that can aid you in soft expressions that are natural. Let me express to you that a soft individual that is not dispersed does not necessarily experience energy, OTHER energies, in the same capacity as do you.
JULIE: Okay.
ELIAS: A soft individual that is not dispersed would not necessarily be experiencing the expressions or the distractions of energies from other sources—from outside sources—as consistently or as frequently or as clearly, unless it is a mass expression. That creates a volume of energy, and that is (recording skips) a soft individual will connect with that very easily.
But in relation to INDIVIDUAL energies, the designation of the orientation does not necessarily mean that that individual will automatically be open to outside energies easily.
I would express that, as a non-dispersed individual, a soft individual would not necessarily experience those time-frameworks in which they are being affected by outside energies and are unclear as to where those energies are coming from, in a manner speaking. Theyre not necessarily any more aware of that than any other orientation.
JULIE: Okay.
ELIAS: EVERY individual incorporates moments or time-frameworks in which they are generating feelings that either seem inappropriate for the situation or seem to be not connected to their own experience, and therefore confusing. But they do not generate that frequently, and a soft individual would not be an exception to that.
A dispersed individual experiences that frequently, if not on a daily basis.
JULIE: And thats for all orientations?
JULIE: So if I were to work with dispersed experiences, Id be working with all the orientations, but from the dispersed point of view. And that would be pretty similar across all of them?
JULIE: Okay.
ELIAS: Now; I would express that, in that, there is factor of the differences in orientations in relation to how that influences their individual behaviors or their responses to what they are feeling and what they are experiencing.
For an intermediate individual, that may be unnerving. An intermediate individual might incorporate a tendency more so to generate an automatic assessment or association that what they are feeling is some sort of outside source, but that it is directly pointed at them. Therefore, they may incorporate more of a tendency to feel attacked.
ELIAS: A common individual may rationalize more and may respond in a tendency to be doing ABOUT what they feel; therefore expressing a feeling and then generating the direction of they must do something about it.
A soft individual is more likely to not necessarily identify it as outside energies. They are likely to attribute it to themself and question themself and wonder and generate an assessment that there is some wrong element with themself.
ELIAS: And in all of these situations I would express that you have, to varying degrees, had all of those experiences yourself, and therefore you would generate a sensitivity to any of their experiences or any of their reactions to them...
JULIE: Mm-hmm.
ELIAS: ...which, because of that, would place you in an excellent position to be a coach, too (audio skips) depending what their experience is, accepting it and also learning how to manipulate energy to generate a more comfortable existence for themselves, and to perhaps influence altering their perception, to a degree, that this is not necessarily bad or that it is not necessarily an expression that is detrimental to them or in some capacity that is negative, but rather that they can actually use their natural ability in that direction to benefit themselves...
JULIE: Mm-hmm.
ELIAS: ...and that it can be perceived in a positive manner, rather than a curse. (Laughs)
JULIE: Yeah. Can you give a suggestion for dispersed individuals for finding that comfort quickly when we feel attacked or we feel that horrible emotion, that intensity, whatever it is? Its usually something terrible that really bothers us. Its not if were feeling wonderful, but if were feeling an intense negative emotion, can you give a quick way to find that comfort again with self?
And I always meditate and that does help me, but I know not everybody feels like they can do that. There must be another way, another method.
ELIAS: I can express, in that situation you can use the same method that I have offered to individuals when they are experiencing “then” feelings or panic. The same method would be affective.
JULIE: With the time?
JULIE: Oh, okay.
ELIAS: And if, when you are feeling that intensity and it is negative and you are intensely uncomfortable, what I would express is the first, obviously, direction is to ask yourself what is actually physically occurring in that moment.
Now; if no action is physically occurring in that moment that warrants that type of feeling, then you know that this is not connected with what you are experiencing. Therefore, the most effective method is to snap yourself into the now—reset the body consciousness. The body consciousness is reacting to that energy and is generating that signal—that emotional signal. Regardless that the energy is being experienced from some outside source, YOUR body consciousness is reacting, and therefore it is a matter of resetting the physical body consciousness.
And how you do that is very simple: Close your eyes. Count to thirty. Open your eyes quickly and when your vision clears, for in any type of intensity of experience, whether it be a feeling or whether it be an energy from an outside source or a physical expression that you are generating, or panic—it matters not. In any expression of intensity, the body consciousness will blur the senses momentarily when you force it or when you force the engagement of any of your senses. Therefore, when you close your eyes, you count to thirty and you open your eyes quickly, the body consciousness will react by blurring your vision momentarily. That will only occur for approximately one second.
Now; when your vision clears, note whatever it is that your vision lands upon. Whatever the object in your environment is, that your vision immediately connects to, the only thing you ask yourself is: ”What color is it?” Not, ”What is it?” Not, ”Where is it?” Not what size it is. It matters not what your vision connects to: it can connect to a wall; it can connect to an object; it could connect to a piece of dust. It matters not. Whatever your vision connects to first, stop and ask yourself one question: ”What color is it?”
As soon as you identify what color that object is, then you immediately move your attention around your environment and find five other objects that are that color. That will likely incorporate merely a few seconds for you to engage that action—likely less than a minute—but it is enough time to reset the body consciousness.
What that will do is, it will stop the PHYSICAL aspect of what you are feeling. Many individuals do not recognize, but when you are generating an intense emotional feeling, your body consciousness is feeling also. You may or may not be paying attention to what your body is feeling in a physical feeling, but the physical feeling will stop immediately.
The EMOTIONAL feeling will dissipate. It may not disappear immediately or stop immediately. It may linger for a short time-framework, but it will dissipate considerably and that will be enough, in your terms, to be manageable. Meaning that it will be enough of a dissipation that then you can choose to distract yourself, and therefore you then can engage actions or steps that will allow you to dissipate the feeling further. For it allows you a clarity in thinking to allow you to move in other experiences, other directions. Are you understanding?
Okay, I have one more question. This is for myself, about being dispersed. So I started noticing... Ive often thought that people dont like me. Like, there was a certain friend that I always felt like she was really judging me harshly and didnt like me, but then as I became more aware of myself, I started feeling that thats her feeling about herself and that Im just picking it up. As a dispersed individual, Im feeling that feeling of ”I dont like myself,” and I was transferring that to me. Is that what happened?
JULIE: So really, she does like me—or she did like me—but she didnt like herself all the time, and I was picking up on that energy of her...
ELIAS: Yes, I would very much agree, and I would congratulate you in discerning that. And that is a fine example of what I was expressing to you in your ability to translate some of these expressions in relation to being dispersed and offering an explanation of the experiences …
JULIE: Okay.
ELIAS: ...which can be significantly helpful with other individuals.
JULIE: Thank you. I think it could be. (Laughs) It can be SO confusing when we cant translate that energy.
ELIAS: I would very much agree, and I would be considerably acknowledging of your ability to be discerning.
JULIE: Thank you, Elias. Thank you.
ELIAS: You’re welcome.
JULIE: Thank you for the session. It was a wonderful, very encouraging session for me.
ELIAS: Excellent! (Julie laughs) I express TREMENDOUS supportiveness of you, my friend, and express to you great encouragement in what you can accomplish and the direction that you are beginning to move in. (Laughs)
JULIE: Thanks.
ELIAS: In wondrous lovingness to you, my dear friend, as always.
JULIE: Love you too, Elias.
(Elias departs after 1 hour)
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