Session 201501131

Powerful Manifestation of a Desire


”Powerful Manifestation of a Desire”

Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Participants: Mary (Michael) and Lynda (Ruther)

(Elias’ arrival time is 14 seconds)

ELIAS: Good Morning.

LYNDA: I get little tears in my eyes I’m so happy to see you.

ELIAS: Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha.

LYNDA: Okay I’d like to start with a couple of fun little questions totally unrelated to the intensity I’m going to be talking about, the good intensity.

ELIAS: Ha ha ha ha.

LYNDA: Okay the first impression I have is an old friend of mine and I are in communication on Facebook. I always felt a connection with this person and I think years and years and years ago we identified him as a soul mate and I forget all the questions that I asked. But he’s back in my life just as a good friend and he’s in California and I’m here. But I think, I have a weird feeling he’s a focus of Chuice, son of a bitch!

ELIAS: Ha ha ha ha.

LYNDA: C-H-U-I-C-E. No wonder we like each other. (Elias Laughs) Well that answers that question and I think he’s Sumari aligned too.

ELIAS: Correct.

LYNDA: But I think he’s emotionally focused.


LYNDA: And common. So great! See he’s physically in my life somehow in a weird way. (Elias Chuckles)

Okay, my next cute bunch of questions is I’m going to give you an impression of what I think my essence gemstone is and my focus gemstone. Okay, I think my... oh boy I hope this is a gemstone and not a semi-precious gem... I think my essence gemstone is an aquamarine. I think my focus gemstone is a ruby.


LYNDA: Because you know about rubies. (Elias Chuckles) I think for the stones like not semi uh... I think semi-precious stones. I’m thinking my focus, my focus stone is this chalcedony. Oh I’m not sure what’s what and who’s who there. Woo-hoo.

ELIAS: I recently expressed to another individual, you may be drawn to certain stones in a focus and in that respect you could identify them as what you term to be a focus stone for you resinate with that particular stone. But in relation to stones you would not necessarily incorporate one as a representation of essence or the focus.


ELIAS: The reason for that, which I did not express to the other individual but will now, is that, stones, although they do incorporate qualities, they are too limited.


ELIAS: They would not be an accurate representation of either a focus or an essence for a focus and an essence are much, too much more diverse. And each stone incorporates properties and expresses different actions, in a manner of speaking, or qualities, but each stone generally only expresses one or two, perhaps occasionally three qualities, which is considerably limited. And therefore they would not necessarily be an accurate representation of a focus or of an essence.

LYNDA: Oh? So I wear pink quartz a lot because it works for me, the action of it. In the night it dissipates nervousness or fear or anxiety; it calms me. I leave it outside for 5 minutes a day. I like it as a functional stone for me.


LYNDA: I am drawn to, I don’t know if I’m saying it right, chalcedony. What are the properties of chalcedony (pronounced as kal-suh-doh-nee)? Or chalcedony (pronounced as chal-suh-doh-nee), I don’t know how to say it.

ELIAS: And your experience?

LYNDA: Well I’ll tell you the first word that came to my head. It’s a gentle stone.

ELIAS: I would agree.

LYNDA: And the color soothes me. Is it a connection with you and me?


LYNDA: The color blue soothes me. It’s a gentle stone. I just popped that out in my head about you. I’m not sure where that came from but I don’t know.


LYNDA: For me as a reminder of your energy.

ELIAS: Yes, yes. For you.

LYNDA: Which is valid. Right.

ELIAS: Yes. Not necessarily in general.

LYNDA: Right, but for me. It’s a reminder of you.

ELIAS: (Inaudible-Voices Overlapping) Yes.

LYNDA: So that’s it huh? Chalcedony is a soothing, gentle, stone.


LYNDA: In energy.


LYNDA: God knows I... and all of that I didn’t get between the quartz and the chalcedony and the connection, please, okay.

ELIAS: Ha ha ha.

LYNDA: All right, Elias, here we go. My living room is done.

ELIAS: Congratulations.

LYNDA: I have not started walking through walls but, yeah maybe later. Anyway (Elias Chuckles) it’s done and my beautiful new red couch is in place. It’s a very expensive cat bed as you might realize.

ELIAS: Ha ha ha.

LYNDA: But it’s done, the room is done and the entry way is... the energy in the entry way is lovely and the living room is great. It’s all, the house is done, okay.

Last Sunday I surprised myself and had a session with Sally and told her that the girls are selling the house and I’m going to have to find a place to live. And I thought she’d, you know, go into, don’t be afraid, we’ll work it out. She goes, you have to buy the house! Sit down, get a pencil, she did the numbers. She goes, you are going to go to the Vermont... There’s Vermont programs, here’s my connection. She just exploded on me about buying the house. It never, (singing) ”It never entered my mind.” That was last Sunday. Wednesday I qualified for a loan.

Now of course I’ve been moving so fast I need to come up with upfront cash. My mother is going to try to wangle some for me. I’m a little... I’m going to talk to you about this but I know this sounds real exciting and serendipitous and all that stuff. When we talked about owning the house, that first instant, I realized it was a lifelong dream of mine to own a house. And the feeling of ownership and wholeness that it would be mine, all the bad feelings about Becky and Carol, all the bad feelings about being isolated on Sundays and alone in that house, having... thinking it’s not the right house, except here are all my right pieces and parts BUILT FOR ME. The house is in place and I’m thetching(?) because it doesn’t feel like mine; it wasn’t mine.

Now it is in the process of becoming mine and Carol and Becky are shifting differently towards me. And it’s a different atmosphere. They may very possibly rent from me while they are building their house. But okay you know the - I’ve never done this before - I’m going to be 66 - all those pieces, I’m moving through all those pieces. And there’s anxiety pieces that are just starting to mellow out a bit but I guess what I want to tell you is that I think it’s right to go in this direction.

ELIAS: I agree.

LYNDA: And I think... yeah...

ELIAS: I would express tremendous congratulations to you in this particular movement for you and I have been indirectly discussing this for a considerable time framework. And your idea and your direction pastly has always moved in the direction of connecting a male individual with the house.

LYNDA: Right.

ELIAS: You have always...

LYNDA: I thought that...

ELIAS: ...remained consistent in that you wanted...

LYNDA: A home.

ELIAS: The home, the house BUT in your thinking and in your perception that was always moving in the direction as being connected with a male individual and that the home would belong to HIM and that he would SHARE it with you. And therefore you would acquire what you wanted indirectly.

LYNDA: I thought that was the only way.

ELIAS: And I have been listening (Lynda laughs) to that for a considerable time framework and not necessarily offering much feedback.

LYNDA: And noticing how the man piece keeps not falling into place because my desire to not be with a man is stronger than the house he lives in consistently for the last 3 or 4 or 5 or 10 years.

ELIAS: No, the HOUSE is stronger.

LYNDA: Right, the HOUSE is stronger but the man is not.

ELIAS: Correct.

LYNDA: I always felt bad about that.

ELIAS: But this is a tremendous step forward, for this was the direction, whether you chose it or not, all along.

LYNDA: This you would consider one of my little desires pattern things.

ELIAS: A very strong desire and in that a direction that you were likely to eventually generate yourself BUT...

LYNDA: I never thought I would...

ELIAS: I could have suggested that to you and you would have dismissed it immediately for you do not believe that you have the capability of doing that yourself.

LYNDA: So the Sally and me piece was the, nothing personal, but when Sally said it, it... we both clicked. So that was my moment.


LYNDA: And probably a little...okay (Laughs) wow. Thank you for not... You’ve never spilled the beans. It wasn’t timely I wouldn’t have listened.

ELIAS: It was pointless.

LYNDA: Pointless.

ELIAS: For in that that was the greatest potential and the greatest likelihood. AND that has been from the beginning your greatest desire but that was not the perception that you held and your perception was so strong...

LYNDA: It was not creating it...

ELIAS: a different direction that it would have been futile to express differently to you.

LYNDA: Okay, so what I’ve been experiencing in the last week in intensity is dealing with my old perception and all of the constructs that were keeping me in that perception. And this is not to say I’m not going to continue down that road but I am determined that it’s diminishing.

ELIAS: It is, but you have created a process and in that process you are giving yourself validation after validation after validation to, in a manner of speaking, combat those...


ELIAS: ... old associations and all of those constructs. And in that, although the constructs are strong, you are giving yourself objective imagery that is stronger.

LYNDA: Well, yeah, I uh, yesterday the bank guy, I felt funny about him, he told me one thing Friday, yesterday he told me that, oh no we can only do 150. I go - did you factor in my social security 1500 a month in March? He goes - oh I totally forgot about that. So he redid it and the numbers are good and kicked me back to this gal in Vermont, Shelly, who’s awesome and is going to try and find me programs to cover the down payment. Anyway, yes! And then my mother called me and made her offer. Like when I called her. Yes! That’s what’s happening. And Carol and Becky are like totally with me; totally supporting me, and want to live in the house. How much greater, I mean, they were, okay...

ELIAS: This also, let me express to you, is an obvious and excellent example of moving in a direction and applying information and diligently and consistently addressing to your own associations and recognizing different constructs. And in that, consistently generating steps, moving forward in a direction. Let me express to you in a clear manner, whether you recognize objectively HOW you are moving yourself or whether you do not, and in that, what is significant in this is that the process is, for the most part, the same. Whether you are intentionally moving in a direction or whether you are not aware that are moving in the direction of manifesting your desire.
This is a tremendous point for...

LYNDA: Oh that’s so important.

ELIAS: ... most individuals generate thought processes and thinking in the manner of wanting to intentionally be creating or manifesting what their desire is BUT not recognizing the components of the process in that. They want it and they want it now. This is what I want. This is my desire. I want it now. And if I can think about it and if I have this desire and if I have this intention, it should manifest in my reality this instant or, at the very least, VERY quickly. That is not always the situation. It is dependent upon you as an individual and the constructs that you have built in your life and what you move in automatically and the associations that you have.

Let me express to you, this is a parallel with you and Michael that you wanted a house and you associated that with a male individual and a relationship. Michael wanted a specific house. In that, each of you generated a process. It did not occur immediately. It did not materialize or manifest within an immediate time framework or a short time framework in your terms. Relatively speaking, it has been a short time framework in relation to your lifetime. BUT in your terms realistically, for Michael it was years, for you it has been years, but in that you have consistently moved forward. You have consistently addressed to whatever obstacles were presenting themselves, what your perception has been and how that has affected your reality and what you create in your reality. And in that, very similar process with you, you moved and you moved into a house that was in pieces.

LYNDA: (Laughs) Right.

ELIAS: Michael moved into a house that was in pieces. The imagery is different...

LYNDA: No, no I understand...

ELIAS: ...but the subject is the same.

LYNDA: Right, and then she made it a whole house.

ELIAS: And in that your house was in pieces and it has been generating a process of becoming more and more and more complete and finished. And when it became finished what did you present to yourself? The opportunity for it to be yours. Once it was finished then it was a presentment - here is the finished product and now you can have it.


ELIAS: And that is a representation in objective imagery of all of that movement, of all of that applying, of all of that addressing to, that you have generated, of all of the experiences that you have generated and that have moved you in more and more of an objective knowing position and empowerment.

Now; other than the factor that in MOST situations, not all for it is not a rule but for the most part, when you move in directions that the end result, so to speak, is in your perception, large...

LYNDA: This is large to me.

ELIAS: I understand and regardless that I have expressed that these choices are all the same you as humans do generate more importance and more significance with some choices than with other choices.

Now; in that in relation to the process, the more significant the end manifestation may be, that is a reflection of the significance of your movement and what you are addressing to...


ELIAS: ...and what you are processing through, in a manner of speaking, they match.

LYNDA: Big pieces.

ELIAS: Yes! Therefore, it likely WILL incorporate TIME to generate that manifestation, for yes I will maintain, that once you set an intention, if you are objectively aware, that the manifestation is already generated and it is a matter of you moving towards it and claiming it. But the process is very similar, even when you are not objectively intending a particular direction if your desire is being expressed and it is strong and you are aware of it. You are merely not aware of the avenue or the method that you will manifest that...

LYNDA: I confessed to Twink several weeks ago that I wanted my own home. I do that periodically with him; he just says trust me. But yeah, I didn’t implement anything, I couldn’t.

ELIAS: Precisely, but that was part of the process.

LYNDA: And then it all dove-tailed together.

ELIAS: Yes. And when it did it moved very quickly.

LYNDA: Very quickly. There’s a few pieces and parts that I’m going to talk to you about but I’m going to... and we’ll see if we can clear some cob webs on those, but yeah. Very fast, which is, like you’ve been saying in the group... like you said in the group session about stuff moving fast.


LYNDA: (Laughs) This is very fast.


LYNDA: Good fast but it’s a little scary.

ELIAS: Which is quite understandable for...

LYNDA: I’ve never been this way before.

ELIAS: Even what you identify as good...


ELIAS: ...or what you want...

LYNDA: Right.

ELIAS: It can be somewhat overwhelming and even unnerving...

LYNDA: Yeah.

ELIAS: how you generate that for you generate it in a powerful expression. And what is unnerving and perhaps unsettling is the recognition that that is all your power. That has been...

LYNDA: Maybe that’s the definition.

ELIAS: ...held...


ELIAS: ...for so long.

LYNDA: Oh my god.

ELIAS: And when you allow it to be released, when that flood gate opens, that power is very strong and it moves very quickly.

LTNDA: So that, my evaluation was old school evaluation, that was like afraid, hum... Okay that was the definition I was looking for because it’s very unfamiliar. I almost felt like my... I gave myself a couple of eye migraines, not bad, but I think because my brain is assimilating very quickly, not my brain, you know what I mean. Something was too big for me and I had no name for it except to calm down and stay in the day and direct myself as best I could.

ELIAS: And the other very significant piece...


ELIAS: all of this is that this is another misconception that individuals very frequently have. That if you have been addressing to all of these constructs and associations and you are moving forward, and you are eventually moving into that position of manifesting what you want and MATERIALIZING...

LYNDA: Right.

ELIAS: ... that, YOU remain YOU.

LYNDA: Oh thank god.

ELIAS: Therefore it is not to say that you will not express your personality or your natural flow in a very similar manner to what you always have. You will. You remain you, therefore if you are an emotional individual you will continue to be an emotional individual. If you are an analytical individual you will remain analytical. You do not change your personality or BECOME someone else...

LYNDA: Right! (Laughs)

ELIAS: ...for you have accomplished.

LYNDA: Right.

ELIAS: This is a very common misunderstanding for individuals label this type of action of stepping through that type of threshold, for you do view it as considerably large. Individuals generate labels for that in awakening or that they are so much more aware. Yes you are much more aware but that does not change your personality. And it does not change all of the components that move together that are your individual unique makeup.

LYNDA: Good to know because (Laughs) it’s great to know (Laughs) that’s good so I’m not going to like, you know, be like a Mother Teresa or the Dalai Lama. That’s good, good information, and we always knew that. (Laughs)

ELIAS: And the reason that this is significant, as you yourself have already experienced, in opening those gates to that power expression and allowing yourself to move in a direction of physically manifesting in a powerful way which is very empowering...

LYNDA: Right.

ELIAS: you as an individual, I would suppose that you most likely have incorporated moments in which you were doubting and in which you were afraid, and in which you were expressing this is not real, and this is more than I expected, and it cannot possibly be true, and in that perhaps even expressing moments in which you may have felt almost disempowered in feeling afraid.

LYNDA: Well said!

ELIAS: For that is what you do.

LYNDA: Right. Okay so, we’re not going to be eliminating that any time soon.

ELIAS: You are an emotional individual.

LYNDA: Right.

ELIAS: And you process information through that avenue. Therefore any doubts, any questions, any reservations, any apprehension, is expressed through that emotional processing mechanism.

LYNDA: But that’s how I process.

ELIAS: Precisely.

LYNDA: And that’s how I let it go and move on.

ELIAS: Precisely.

LYNDA: And that’s why yesterday when Katie called me and said... first Katie told me in my hour of need the day before to go talk to Dave, Dave doesn’t have a good feeling about this. Then Dave changed his mind. Then she called me and told me that her mother who’s 5 years older than me said, she really shouldn’t do this, it’s not a good investment, in 5 years she’s just not going to... I know what happens when you get to 70, you don’t want to do anything. And the minute Katie was reflecting her mother’s view and her view I didn’t worry anymore; I knew that wasn’t me. I knew I’m just beginning my life.

ELIAS: Now; your mother is a reflection to you.

LYNDA: Right, my mother. My mother’s generosity, my mother’s spirit and... Yes! That’s true, okay good.

ELIAS: And empowerment...


ELIAS: ... and activity...


ELIAS: ... and energy...


ELIAS: Your mother is an example to you...

LYNDA: Right.

ELIAS: ...and is a reflection to you...

LYNDA: Right, but they were...

ELIAS: ... of you...

LYNDA: And they just came when I was down and I was very aware that I’m down so this is what I’m presenting to myself just because... But that’s okay, I’ll get through it, and I said no. I’m trying to do the yes and the no thing in the middle of everything and I’m like - rrrrrrrrrrrr, Elias, yes and no, no, yes - But I’m doing it, okay so, all right, I’m still going to get scared but that’s okay. I’ve got the rose quartz, I’ve got the chalcedony, I’ve got you. (Sigh) Thank you.

ELIAS: You are welcome.

LYNDA: So this is a great explanation of affirmations versus process.


LYNDA: Okay, so can I just hit a couple of little high points in my next steps? I don’t know how to say this but I suspect I won’t have come this far to bail at this point. But I know what I want; I want to create as much cash as part of the bank loan as I possibly can but I don’t want the... I may need between 6 and 8 thousand dollars. I don’t want that to become an overwhelming thing. I want... And I am moving forward to create that and I think I’m creating it and I don’t think I have to worry. I actually don’t think I have to worry.

ELIAS: I would agree.

LYNDA: Thank you. And also the minutia of taking care of the house and having a tenant upstairs, I love that shit. It’s right up my alley, worrying about light bulbs, worrying about getting a... learning about renter’s leases. I’m going online to look at a sales and purchase contract for Vermont. I mean it’s fascinating to me. I’m putting shit on a credit card. I’ve got a little credit left, I’m going to use it, I’ll pay it down. I’m just doing whatever I can do with the resources I have.

ELIAS: Excellent.

LYNDA: Which is ridiculous and wonderful and crazy and happening.

ELIAS: I would agree with the wonderful and disagree with the ridiculous.

LYNDA: Thank you. (Elias Chuckles) And also I’ve lost I think 10 pounds and I’ve just gotten into that groove. Now I eat every couple of hours just a little bite of this and that, you know. I’m never hungry. It just started happening. I feel pretty... of course I’ve been a nervous wreck too but I feel... it’s all... that’s a big desire too that’s manifesting.

ELIAS: I would agree.

LYNDA: Thank you. Oh I guess that’s it pal. I’m going to go get on an airplane tomorrow morning early and I hate that part but I’m doing it. And I always have dreams about missing my United flights which you once told me was because I was not wanting... it was my dream trigger. Let’s just not go there. Let’s just get on the plane and it’ll be fine. (Elias Chuckles) Anyway this is not to say that I won’t find a man in the midst, I just want to do this first.

ELIAS: They are different subjects.

LYNDA: They are different subjects.

ELIAS: They are not the same subjects.

LYNDA: That was my problem. So let me get settled in my house and see what I draw to me. I’m going to continue on Match even though... So the pieces and the frustration with Match may change as I get more settled, do you think? Okay.

ELIAS: For your perception changes.

LYNDA: And my wants change.

ELIAS: Precisely. And in that I would also express that the more you move in this direction with the house the more confident you will be with your own empowerment...

LYNDA: Right.

ELIAS: ...and not looking for another individual...

LYNDA: Right.

ELIAS: ... to give to you.

LYNDA: Right. Okay.

ELIAS: Therefore the direction will be very different. It will be looking for another individual to SHARE with, which I understand that is what you THINK you were doing.

LYNDA: But it wasn’t.

ELIAS: But that isn’t what you were doing.

LYNDA: I’d like somebody that is exciting as the guy and really look forward to seeing each other. I like to not settle for anything less than that.

ELIAS: Excellent.

LYNDA: All right I’ll see you around. Wait I have one more question, is that okay?

I am interactive with this great guy in the Boston area. He’s a little bit older than me. He writes great letters. He knows all... I very freely talk Mary and Elias and my life and his life and his kids and I like him and he likes me. And we are just writing letters back and forth. I kind of think about him and wonder if he’s... He’s not Sumafi and I don’t think he’s Sumari and think he’s one of those other regular signs, I mean essence families.

ELIAS: Ha ha ha ha ha.

LYNDA: He might be Borledim and Sumari. No. I guess what he is; I think maybe he’s emotionally focused.


LYNDA: He’s common.


LYNDA: We share considerable amount of lives, we always find people like that. He might be... you don’t think... I don’t know I’m getting 3 things. I’m getting Gramada/Borledim... I don’t know, I don’t know... help.

ELIAS: That would be the correct order.

LYNDA: Gramada/Borledim. I hope he’s not cranky. You know how those Gramada types are they get so cranky.

ELIAS: Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha.

LYNDA: I didn’t mean that in a... (Laughs) I meant Gramada/Borledim, emotional, common. And his essence name if you don’t mind. (whispering) Gramada/Borledim, common, emotional. (Pause)

ELIAS: Essence name, Dokka, D-O-K-K-A.

LYNDA: All right! Thanks for all your help.

ELIAS: You are very welcome.

LYNDA: And support.

ELIAS: And congratulations...

LYNDA: Thank you.

ELIAS: your accomplishments.

LYNDA: I could be in... It could be a done deal by the middle of April, before... Mary’s determined that it’s going to be before she goes to Rome so we can celebrate, so that’s my direction.

ELIAS: Excellent!

LYNDA: Thank you for breathing, somehow.

ELIAS: And I express tremendous, continuous, energy with you, my friend, as always in wondrous lovingness to you.

LYNDA: This is great. Thanks.

ELIAS: And in tremendous congratulations.

LYNDA: Thank you.

ELIAS: Au revoir.

LYNDA: Au revoir.

(Elias departs after 40 minutes, 36 seconds.)

©2015 Mary Ennis. All Rights Reserved.

Copyright 2015 Mary Ennis, All Rights Reserved.