Topics: "Orientations and Attention" “Relationships Are Developed In How You Pay Attention to Yourself and How You Interact” "Anxiety: Identifying Sense Triggers and Environment"
Session Title: More on Orientations and How They Interact
Type: Private
Ann (Vivette)
Topics: ”More on Orientations and How They Interact” ”Your Associations are Always Triggered by Your Senses” ”Defining What a Feeling Means in the Moment”
Topics: “Exploring the Uncomfortable” “Differences Between Beliefs and Attachments” “Reflections and Projections” “Intermediates Have to Work at Adjusting Themselves to Others”
Topics: “An Abundance Exercise: Creating New Combinations of Actions and Feelings” “Religious Stories” “Reluctant Leaders” “It Takes Time to Develop Self-Awareness”
Topics: “Definitions of Aliens, Extraterrestrials and Other-Dimensional Bleed-Throughs” “Evolution, De-Evolution and Stop Points” “Out-Of-Body Projections and Robert Monroe’s Explanations” “Believing Is Trusting” “Healing Others: An Expression of Confidence”
Topics: “A Year of Expansion” “Dream Imagery of Considering New Positions and Continuing Connectedness” “Animals’ Transition Is Different from Humans” “The Connecting Energy of Specific Actions” “A Preference for Inclusive Energy”
Session Title: Benefits of the ‘Open Focus’ Type of Meditation
Type: Private
Jason (Spensar)
Topics: “Benefits of the ‘Open Focus’ Type of Meditation” “Definitions of Relaxing, Being Focused and Being Centered” “Interacting With Future Focuses” “Reading Other Individuals’ Thoughts” ”How We Can Fly” “A Previous Focus With Current Partner” “ETs, Their Nature and Limitations”
Topics: ”The State of the Shift” ”Sharing YCYR Information with Others” “Is There Distortion in Bashar’s Information?” “Body Consciousness Signals” “Mayans, Dreams and Extraterrestrials”
Topics: “Changing What You Believe” “Mass Belief in a Vaccine” “Engaging and Enacting Your Imagination” “Energy Vortex in Berlin” “Hope as the Main Source of Disappointment”
Session Title: Paying Attention to Messages from Feelings
Type: Group
Mary (Michael)
Aaron (Todd)
Abby S ()
Ann (Vivette)
Axel (Ricarro)
Ben (Sumarian)
Bill (Zit)
Bonnie (Lyla)
Brian S ()
Brigitt S ()
Carole J ()
Diane M ()
Ester (Ashule)
Gail (William)
George (Bethette)
Jean François G ()
Jen C ()
Patricia (Liva)
Jenna C ()
John (Rrussell)
John (Lonn)
Kathleen (Florencia)
Ken (Oba)
Lorraine (Kayia)
Mark (Ogean)
Melissa (Leah)
Pat (Fryolla)
Pat (Treice)
Peter S ()
Roberto (Francine)
Rodney (Zacharie)
Sandra (Atafah)
Terri (Uliva)
Wynn (Zai)
Topics: “Paying Attention to Messages from Feelings”
“Turn Your Unsafe into a Spotlight”
Session Title: How Not to Feel Overwhelmed: Address the Components
Type: Private
Eric (Yuki)
Jean-Baptiste (Araili)
Topics: “How Not to Feel Overwhelmed: Address the Components” “Allergies May Be Symbolic Reactions” “The Unique Property of Malachite” “Stop Trying, and Merely Be”