Session 201207031

A Year of Expansion


“A Year of Expansion”
“Dream Imagery of Considering New Positions and Continuing Connectedness”
“Animals’ Transition Is Different from Humans”
“The Connecting Energy of Specific Actions”
“A Preference for Inclusive Energy”

Tuesday, July 3, 2012 (Private/Phone)

Participants: Mary (Michael) and Terri (Uliva)

(Elias' arrival time is 17 seconds)

ELIAS: Good afternoon!

TERRI: Good afternoon.

ELIAS: And how are you?

TERRI: Good! I think I'm good.

ELIAS: Excellent!

TERRI: Yeah. So, light stuff to talk about today. My roommate has had a couple of experiences. She opened the door to her room, and her clock just had the number 4 on it. It's a digital clock, and I thought that was interesting; I was with her, but I didn't say anything. And then she was telling me that the wind chimes kept ringing and there was no wind. So, the impression that I have is that it’s either Patel or somebody new, but I'm leaning more toward somebody new – you know, Patel is Patel. (Elias chuckles) So he’s just playing around with her.


TERRI: Yeah. So she must be open to it, to be ...


TERRI: … attracting it.


TERRI: Okay. So that's interesting.

I wanted to ask you about a dream that I had a few nights ago. It was so vivid. We were driving in a car and somebody else was driving, and there was a big storm and the bridge washed away and we were driving up to the bridge. And I knew that it was gone, but I knew that we couldn't stop, so I closed my eyes and felt us leave the ground, but we never hit. My eyes were still closed, and I was thinking, “We should have landed by now.” So I opened my eyes and we were in the water, and I was in the water and I got helped out. I was standing below with the other people that had gotten out, and we were looking up watching each car just fly off and fall and land, and the next one would land on top of it and they just kept falling. But I wasn't hurt, and so then I was thinking, “Well, maybe this is what Elias means, that when you’re dead you don't remember dying,” but I was still in that same event that I left in. So I was wondering what that was about.

ELIAS: And your impression?

TERRI: Well, maybe… Because Hunter was in like an earlier part of the dream, (pause, then emotionally) so maybe about how easy transition is?

ELIAS: Breathe. Breathe. You are not breathing.

That is one layer. (Pause) Which, let me express to you that the transition, so to speak, with animals is different than with humans. For remember: When you die, you engage, in a manner of speaking, a type of in-between, and the reason for that is that you incorporate within physical focus two important factors. One is that you incorporate belief systems, and the other is that when you as humans – which, this also extends to cetaceans, but not animals –

TERRI: What are cetaceans?

ELIAS: Whales, dolphins and the like. The other factor is that you as humans incorporate a very strong objective awareness. It is your main awareness, so to speak, within physical focus. It is your main operating system, in a manner of speaking. When you die, you move into this in-between, so to speak, state in which you continue to express that objective awareness, and you continue to express your beliefs for a time framework. Eventually, you generate what we have termed to be transition in which you shed your beliefs and that objective awareness; therefore, there is a transition from objective to subjective.

Animals are different. They do not incorporate belief systems, and their main operating system in physical focus is subjective, not objective. This is the reason that animals incorporate so much time sleeping. They incorporate much more time than you in sleep state, or in what you would term to be a twilight state, in which they are not entirely asleep but they are not engaging their objective awareness as you do when you are awake. Therefore, when they die, it is not necessary to shed beliefs, and it is also not a significant action to shed the objective awareness, for that is their secondary awareness even within physical focus. Therefore, their transition is very different. It is much quicker, it is almost immediate, and in that, the brief aspect of their transition that is not necessarily immediate is that they incorporate an expanded subjective awareness briefly [in] which they are aware of every manifestation that they have ever been in a physical focus. In that, they choose whether to wait, in a manner of speaking, or whether to reconfigure immediately. Therefore, they either are expressed as consciousness, in a manner of speaking as an extension of the essences that they have been manifest with, or they choose to reconfigure and remanifest very quickly. Therefore, their choices are very different from your choices as a human.

TERRI: Do you know what Hunter chose?

ELIAS: Presently, the choice is not remanifesting immediately. Therefore, what that means is that that aspect of consciousness, what the experience is for that aspect of consciousness is being a part of the consciousness configuration of each essence that it has been physically manifest with.

TERRI: So was it him in my dream?


TERRI: He was like back in a pound and I was having to save him again, but I knew that it was my Hunter that I had just lost and I was trying to figure out why he was back in the pound.

ELIAS: The imagery of that is an illustration of your connection, your connectiveness, and in that, illustrating your commitment to that connection – not illustrating distress or even confinement, but more an illustration of your commitment to that connection.

TERRI: That I would save him again?

ELIAS: In a manner of speaking, yes, that you are, and remain, committed to him, and his awareness of that.

That choice of imagery? Remember, the animal does not generate the good or bad; therefore, that choice of imagery is an accurate illustration of that commitment.

TERRI: That I would always be there for him.

ELIAS: Yes, precisely, and in acknowledgment of that.

TERRI: So the other dream that was right behind it with the cars going off the cliff, was that the in-between?

ELIAS: That is one layer – a rather thin layer. I would express that it is more connected with that consciousness, in a manner of speaking, helping you to be more aware. The imagery was of you moving into a position of – in a manner of speaking, metaphorically – flying, but not quite, for there are aspects that are piling up that are tethering you.

TERRI: Regarding concerns?

ELIAS: You could express as concerns, not precisely concerns, but merely expressions and actions that are piling up that are familiar that frustrate you, or that you are… or that you feel stifled by, expressions around you that you allow to, in a manner of speaking, hold you back.

TERRI: That I am aware of...


TERRI: ... and working on.

ELIAS: Yes. Yes. Yes.

TERRI: So, as I remind myself to pause and trust myself, and I remind myself that I don't need to be concerned about these other things and step back and look at the bigger picture of where it could be, all of these …


TERRI: that I’ve been watching new inventions and just other things that show me how much money is in the world and realizing that I’m keeping my own self stuck and I just can't quite see how to get around it yet.

ELIAS: I would express that this is a part of the imagery that he is helping with you. In this, also why the imagery is entirely different: cars, not dogs; water, not cement; you being safe and uninjured but also somewhat stuck.

In this, I would express to you, in furthering what you and I have been discussing to this point, it is perhaps a time framework for you to be somewhat reevaluating, evaluating the positions that you are currently occupying and perhaps entertaining and considering possible new positions that you may engage that may be more in keeping with your direction, less frustrating and also generating less of the piling up of the vehicles. For this is interesting imagery. In the position that you presently occupy, there are, in a manner of speaking, many vehicles and avenues that can be engaged but they are all being stifled – therefore, the piling up.

TERRI: So the avenues I recognize that I feel are being stifled by Sharon.

I made a comment the other day that what I would like was to leave there and the everyday trappings of there and have more flexibility and make more money on my own but still offer writing services. And I’ve been really imagining my lake house and my desire to create that and imagining approaching a business out of there, helping the rescue but more on my terms and having more freedom to construct my day in the way that I want, incorporating my art, and I believe that by moving my attention more in this direction and imagining me in it that I am attracting those opportunities even though I can't see it yet.

ELIAS: That is correct, but – now let me inquire of you, what actions can you imagine that you could begin to engage now in the direction of what you want?

TERRI: Well, I haven't given up on my idea of an internet business, and one suggestion [inaudible] had was to check with the college and their web development master's program that maybe one of the students would take on the project as like their thesis.

ELIAS: Excellent suggestion. What of your art?

TERRI: We did get into Art in the Park, which would give me an opportunity to display some of my art and get feedback and still help Fast Friends, so I thought that that was good.

ELIAS: What other avenues are you exploring with that?

TERRI: It's kind of slowed down right now because I feel so… When I start feeling stuck in other places, that slows down to a crawl too.

ELIAS: I am understanding.

TERRI: So I'm working on ways...

ELIAS: But this may be an opportunity and a time framework to begin to kindle new directions; and in that, I am not necessarily inquiring what you HAVE done but what can you imagine that you COULD do.

TERRI: We went on a [inaudible] cruise yesterday, and I took some pretty good pictures so I was thinking of starting a Flickr account where other people that may be looking for subject pictures could purchase and use them. Along those lines?

ELIAS: That is another creative avenue; yes, I would be encouraging of that. Now, I would also express, you reside in an area that in the surrounding area encourages and promotes art, correct?


ELIAS: Therefore, there is perhaps in that area more opportunity to engage with your art, correct?


ELIAS: That may be another avenue to explore – remembering that all that you do is interconnected.

TERRI: Right.

ELIAS: Therefore, becoming more involved in one direction enhances the other directions. You may, in a manner of speaking, feel stuck in one area or one direction, and you can refocus yourself in a different direction and be involving yourself and expressing yourself and be imaginative, and that will spill into the stuck area and loosen that also. It offers you more opportunities, more avenues to engage to accomplish what you want, for they all are interconnected, and the energy of it all is what interconnects all the actions.

In this, perhaps engaging more avenues in relation to your art will generate more positive energy and therefore rebuild an aspect of your confidence in what you are doing rather than reinforcing frustration; and in that, it can be helpful in those areas that you are expressing frustration and being stifled or being stuck. For, the more you engage in what you enjoy and express your talents, the more inspired you become.

TERRI: Well, I did take a lot of pictures in an art project downtown last weekend, and I purchased a new lens for my camera and took some pretty cool pictures on the boat, so I am keeping my attention in that area and moving forward with it.

ELIAS: Excellent.

TERRI: So it's good. It's very good, I think.

ELIAS: I would agree.

TERRI: And I’m happy with… you know, the results I’ve been getting have been surprising me and keeping me interested in it.

So, are you talking about finding more ways to be engaged in the art community but not necessarily like taking classes?


TERRI: Or maybe finding other ways that I could take pictures of art events, or....

ELIAS: And engaging your creativity also in your drawings and moving in that direction, expanding that.

TERRI: Like different places to exhibit them?

ELIAS: That is an avenue, yes.

TERRI: You mean participating in the art walk?

ELIAS: Excellent.

TERRI: Okay.

ELIAS: Yes. In that, you are generating several actions simultaneously. You are extending yourself. You are participating, which creates an interactive connection with other individuals, even if you are not physically engaging them. You are sharing your creativity, which creates that interaction and that connection with other individuals. It also offers you an avenue of encouragement, and that in turn reinforces your confidence, and that in turn reinforces your abilities to do what you want to do and not be subject to other individuals and what THEY are doing – therefore not being stuck and stifled by other individuals and their direction. And all the while, while you are engaging in these directions, it automatically stimulates your imagination. Therefore, the more you do, the more you are inspired, and it creates a circle in which the more you engage, the more you are inspired, the more you are motivated and the more you do.

TERRI: Okay, so look more in that direction. And I have been, but look more. (Chuckles)

ELIAS: Expand. This is our theme! (Terri chuckles) You are so very fond of themes in a year, and in this year....

TERRI: It's almost Labor Day. (Chuckles)

ELIAS: And in this year your theme is “Expanding.”

TERRI: Yeah, right.

ELIAS: Therefore, I would be greatly encouraging you in every avenue. This is your year of expansion.

TERRI: Awesome.

ELIAS: Whatever you are engaging, expand it! (Terri chuckles) Move bigger. Move more!

In this, I would express that this is definitely a direction that will enhance your abilities and move you in the direction of what you want to create in specifics. And, you are engaging specifics by engaging your art, which also moves in that reinforcing direction of specifically creating in other manners, such as the home.

TERRI: Right.

ELIAS: And the area. You are specific in what you want in that direction, and as I have expressed many times, it is important not only that you recognize that all that you do is interconnected, but when you are engaging a direction be specific, and be specific in what you are doing in the process.

TERRI: We did draw up the layout of the house.

ELIAS: Excellent. (Terri laughs) Excellent. And being more specific in relation to your art also contributes to that. The energy is what connects it all; therefore, if you are specific in your art, you are also contributing that energy in relation to the specifics of the home.

TERRI: And as far as being specific in my art, are you saying by taking it more seriously?

ELIAS: Yes! And expanding it. Being more focused, engaging specific actions.

Let me express to you, my friend, an illustration. Some individuals may engage a form of art for they enjoy it, and they do it for their own reasons for that is what they enjoy doing. In that, they may or may not expand their creativity in those particular actions, but they are not encouraging within themselves a productivity in relation to a development in the manner of the expressions that YOU want. You want to create specific manifestations – just as with yourself also but with other individuals. Perhaps they want to create more money, or more possessions, for individuals that are genuinely moving in those types of directions, generating an activity of their creativity, such as an art, for themself as their own occupation of time, will not lend to those types of outcomes, for it is a different type of energy.

When you are generating a direction such as yourself, and you specifically want to be creating an expansion of your environment – which is what you are doing; you want to create the lake house with your own workshops, your own guidelines, your own interactions, your own business perhaps. That is an expansion of your environment, your personal environment, and expanding it outward to be more interconnected.

Therefore, when you move into a subject such as art, or your creativity, it is important that that also is being expressed in the same manner. An individual that is content with expressing their art for themself and not engaging it in a manner of productivity, so to speak… Or, to not be confused, for they ARE being productive, but not in the same capacity. This individual likely is not interested in expanding their environment; they may be content with their environment.

TERRI: Like Mary with her knitting?

ELIAS: Yes. Yes. Michael is content with the environment that he possesses and is not generating an interest in expanding that; that Michael is inspired to enhance it, but not necessarily expand it. That is a very different energy. Therefore, it is not important that Michael's creativity is expressed in an engaging manner. It is not important that it be displayed in a manner that will create more avenues of connection.

You, in difference to that, are interested in expanding, and it is important to you to be expanding. Therefore, in a subject such as art, what you do with your creativity and your art will be very different. It will be shared differently. Michael is content with sharing his creativity or his art with individuals that are already contained in his environment, not expanding it. Your art is, in a manner of speaking, to be expressed and shared with individuals that are not yet in your environment, to expand it. Therefore you are expanding your connections, not merely generating more connection with the individuals that you are ALREADY connected with but that you are expanding that, for that is the direction that you are moving in in what is important to you. Eventually, you may also express a direction that you no longer WANT to be expanding, or that you are content with what you have created and that it is enough and that you will discover other outlets for your creativity or other manners in which you want to express it. But at this point in your journey, expansion is important to you.

TERRI: So this is a different conversation in specifics than we’ve had over time. Has my direction become more clear and therefore you are able to have this conversation with me?


TERRI: That's good. (Laughs)

ELIAS: Yes. I would very much agree. Yes.

TERRI: So I’m becoming more clear in what I want?


TERRI: And I wanted to ask why Calvin attacked Addy last night?

ELIAS: (Pause) This is twofold in aspect but they are very interconnected, once again: territory and belonging-to, both of which very much also relate to you in relation to what belongs to you and YOUR territory. Your territory is not as defined or limited, and that is expanding also; therefore, you are generating more of a perception that includes more AS your territory – unlike an animal, but beginning to… very MUCH beginning, but nonetheless beginning, to claim it. Your territory is more ethereal than physical, although it encompasses the physical. It is not necessarily a matter of physical boundaries, but you are beginning to claim more that any physical area that surrounds you for quite a distance, if it can be used to your benefit or anything in it can be used to your benefit you are beginning to claim it as your territory.

TERRI: Which is a big step for me.

ELIAS: I would agree. It is a very significant step. And in that, in claiming the territory there is the factor of belonging-to.

Now; this is slightly different, for in the one respect, claiming your territory and viewing it as much more expansive, that “this entire area – this town and this town and this town and this entire area – is a part of my territory. There are aspects in every area of it that I can engage directly, and that will be an extension of me.” The belonging-to aspect is somewhat of the sticky component, for… (pause) that claims ownership in a different capacity. That claims ownership exclusively.

TERRI: It's like my dogs belong to me.

ELIAS: Yes. It claims exclusive ownership, which creates a very different energy which excludes rather than includes. Therefore, what you are presenting to yourself is a type of metaphor to be aware of, not to exclude. Your direction in expanding is to INclude more and more, not to generate the belonging-to ownership, which EXcludes. Even in your vision of your lake house, in this expansion, it is a direction to include. You want to include more and more; therefore, the aspect of the belonging-to ownership somewhat moves in opposition to that energy, and it is significant to be aware of that, to notice and to practice not expressing that type of energy. Not that that energy is bad, but it merely is not complementary to the energy that you want to create in expanding …

TERRI: Right.

ELIAS: ...and being inclusive.

TERRI: And what was the term, the “belonging-to” and what was the other piece of it, not generating the belonging-to, but the direction I’m generating is ...

ELIAS: Claiming – claiming the territory. Not belonging-to, not the ownership, but the claiming of the territory. That moves very much in the direction of your expansion and your inclusion.

TERRI: Including everything and how I can use it to my advantage.

ELIAS: Correct.

TERRI: Whereas like yesterday when Sharon sent me a text and said that her and Cathy were taking [inaudible] to his new home, I noticed that I had a feeling of I wanted to exclude Cathy from that, because that belonged to me. That's a good example?


TERRI: Okay.

ELIAS: And you do not want to engage excluding energies.

TERRI: Right. So becoming aware of that, was that enough to...?

ELIAS: Yes. It is merely a matter of practicing being aware.

TERRI: Right.

ELIAS: And noticing.

TERRI: I think I'm doing a very good job of that.

ELIAS: I would very much agree, or we would not be engaging this conversation. (Terri laughs)

TERRI: And how am I doing with concerns, as is there a next step?

ELIAS: I would express that this is all a part of that.

TERRI: Okay.

ELIAS: For the concerns are the piling up of the vehicles, and the concerns are the frustration elements that create obstacles or stifle you, which you are already aware of. And in moving in this direction of being aware, of expanding, of engaging your creativity, of expanding your art, these are all directions that contribute to inspiring you and offer you the opportunity to open new doors to move away from the concerns.

TERRI: And that will be another step in letting the weight go.


TERRI: And my eyes: I feel better about the way they look, so is there a next step in releasing that tension behind my right eye so my vision will correct?

ELIAS: (Pause) Are you presently engaging any exercises with your eyes?


ELIAS: I would suggest that you can incorporate some eye exercise in which you begin relaxing, intentionally focusing upon your eyes muscles and relaxing them. Subsequent to that action – which you may engage that for approximately five of your minutes – subsequent to that, you can generate an exercise in which you in a pattern, not with tension, open and close one eye at a time, not both simultaneously, in a pattern. Develop a pattern: three open, three closed; two open, two closed; five open, five closed – a pattern. In that, following the open-close, open-close, allow yourself to concentrate your vision with one eye at a time. Engage your eye, look at your ceiling, look at your floor, look at each wall. Do not move your head; only engage your eye, one eye at a time; up, down and around. You can engage that perhaps three times and finish with the relaxation of the muscles again.

[The timer for the end of the session rings]

TERRI: Okay. When you say develop a pattern, three open, three closed ...

ELIAS: Such as: open, close, open, close, open, close. Change to a different sequence: open, close, open close. Change to a different sequence: open, close, open, close, open, close, open, close. Move to the first sequence; therefore, develop whatever pattern you choose – three, two, four, one, three.

TERRI: Okay.

ELIAS: End with the same number that you began.

TERRI: Okay, great.

Well, this was a very expanded conversation. (Both laugh) I enjoyed it very much and I felt how different it is from previous ones, and I look forward to expanding more.

ELIAS: Excellent! (Laughs) And so shall I.

TERRI: Thank you.

ELIAS: In tremendous affection to you, and in great acknowledgment and encouragement in your success, until our next meeting my friend, au revoir.

TERRI: Au revoir.

(Elias departs after 59 minutes, 30 seconds)

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