Session 201204063

An Abundance Exercise: Creating New Combinations of Actions and Feelings


“An Abundance Exercise: Creating New Combinations of Actions and Feelings”
“Religious Stories”
“Reluctant Leaders”
“It Takes Time to Develop Self-Awareness”

Friday, April 6, 2012 (Private/Phone)

Participants: Participants: Mary (Michael), Dan (Zynn), Natasha (Nicole) and Inna (Beatrice)

ELIAS: Good morning!

GROUP: Good morning, Elias!

ELIAS: (Laughs) And what shall we discuss NOW?

INNA: A lot of topics!


DAN: Okay. I’ll start with a small one, a quick one.

NATASHA: Small one? I don’t think it’s a small one or a quick one! (All laugh)

DAN: There was an individual, his name was Serge Koussevitzky. He was a teacher of my focus of Leonard Bernstein and her Natasha’s focus of Sarah Caldwell. I thought it might be a focus of Inna.



INNA: Wow! A point for you! (All laugh)

NATASHA: That’s a quick one, really.

DAN: Yes.

Okay. In terms of abundance, you gave an excellent example for somebody, where if one is a painter and likes to paint, and one also likes to play with a dog and has a dog, one could take the dog for a walk and paint the dog. What I get from that example is you can kind of combine several of your passions into one and amplify that.

Now; I want to discover something like that for myself, and I know that you gave me a lot of hints. I know that you pointed out I like to assemble things, and I like people to appreciate what I assemble. But can you give me a little further in how can I combine more? Because I'm looking for, okay, yeah, I like to assemble things, like software development even, or playing with magnets. But I don't see yet the combination of several different ones that I can really choose a direction more specifically, you know.

ELIAS: This is the formula of the exercise that I have offered previously.

Now; with the exercise, what I expressed was that you generate four lists. The first list is all of the actions that you enjoy or you like to do. It matters not what it is. It could be sipping a cup of coffee. It does not matter what the action is, but to genuinely allow yourself a time framework to evaluate, what do you genuinely like to do and enjoy doing? That is the first list.

The second list is, in conjunction with the first list, what do you FEEL in relation to each of those actions on the first list? Therefore, next to the first list, you list the feelings that you express with each action. And it is important to be specific: define your feelings.

Now; once you have generated those two lists, you create a third list. The third list is any action that –

DAN: That matches the same feeling.

ELIAS: Mm, not necessarily. Any action that you would LIKE to do but you have NOT done – actions that you IMAGINE yourself doing. And those actions are not necessary to be what you would term to be real. It could be ANYTHING that you imagine: “I would like to fly.” Therefore they may be some actions that are real that you have not engaged yet, or they may be imagined actions.

The fourth list is to combine the first three lists as a puzzle, to randomly combine different actions together, whether they seem that they actually fit together or not. Do not attempt to fit them together; but in your terms, allow yourself to be playful and randomly mix the actions.

DAN: Does it have to be one of each list? Or can be several of each list?

ELIAS: It can be several of each list. It can be one and one; it can be several and one; it can be several and several, but it is the point of combining the different actions that you have noted on your lists.

DAN: With the feelings.


NATASHA: No. Combine all three lists, but –

DAN: But one of the lists is the feelings, right?

ELIAS: One of the lists IS the feelings, therefore… We are not at that point yet.

DAN: Ah, okay.

ELIAS: We are at the point of combining the actions. Combine the actions first, together, supposedly randomly. Once you've combined the actions together, THEN you view your feelings list and attach all the feelings that apply to all of those actions that you have combined together.

DAN: That apply to each one? Or it's enough that if one of them is applicable, that's enough. Or it has to be applicable to all of them in a group?

ELIAS: No, neither. That each… Whatever that feeling is in conjunction with whichever action – and some actions may have the same feeling, but whatever the feelings are that matches the actions, you list those together with the combined action.

Now you have the list of the combined actions and the feelings together. Once you have THAT list, you evaluate… This is a tremendous exercise in creativity and imagination. Imagination is key in this: thinking outside of the box; thinking outside of what is structured and familiar to you. You view the actions that you have randomly combined and the feelings that are associated with those actions, and you imagine two aspects: “What other actions can I do that create the same feeling as I have listed?” and “How can I generate these actions together, and what feeling will THAT create?” For when you combine them together, it may create a different feeling rather than several feelings.

It is a matter of allowing yourself to engage your imagination and therefore to invent new actions that all move in the direction of what you like, what you enjoy, what is satisfying to you.

Now in this, allow yourself to be very free in your lists.

DAN: So she gets “I like triking and I like having a nice, good breakfast,” then she should freely mention triking and having breakfast somehow at the same time or in the same sequence or something like that.

ELIAS: Which may seem paradoxical and may also seem impossible to place together. It may be easier, initially, if you are placing these random expressions or actions together and allowing yourselves to contemplate, “How could I mesh these actions together for someone else? How could I set in motion an environment that would allow the encompassing of both of these actions, or several actions, that someone else could participate in?”

DAN: Like you make a gym and a diner at the same time, so people exercise and then stop and go and have another part of their breakfast and exercise again, right? Something like that.

ELIAS: Although that is…

DAN: A rudimentary solution.

ELIAS: That remains thinking somewhat still in the box, for you are thinking of already established expressions; you are not inventing a new one.

DAN: Okay. Agree.

ELIAS: As I have expressed or incorporated as an example, that actually was expressed by an individual that I have interacted with in similar manner to the walking-the-dog example: an example of an individual that genuinely appreciated and very much enjoyed – or does continue to – photography, also genuinely enjoys interacting with horses, and also expresses their creativity in painting. These are three very different expressions. This individual, using their imagination, expressed the ability to combine those three actions and create a business which involved rehabilitation of horses and included a type of therapy for people WITH the horses, and the rehabilitation with the horses included encouraging the HORSES to paint.

DAN: Oh my god.

ELIAS: The people would interact with the horses in a calm manner and present the canvas, the brushes, the paint, and set it in order for the horse, therefore the people were participating with the horse. But remember, the horses are being rehabilitated; therefore they have been previously abused. Therefore the energy of the people is important and how they project themselves to not frighten the horses, therefore they are moving together and encouraging each other and instructing and being helpful to the horse to encourage the horse to paint – which they do – and the individual that invented it photographs it, generates photography and sells the photographs to support the horses. Therefore, three very different actions were combined to create one scenario that allowed the individual to engage the actions that they genuinely enjoy doing, but all together, and also benefits other individuals and animals.

This is a matter of using your imagination to look at the actions that you enjoy doing and to fit them together in manners that appear to not be related and that they would NOT fit together, but to exercise your imagination and allow you to create or invent a new action.

The reason the FEELINGS are important is, as in this scenario that I presented to you with this individual, the aspect of the individual painting and that expression of creativity, the feeling that accompanied that action was the enjoyment of sharing; that it was important for this individual not merely to paint for themselves, but that in painting they would share these paintings and it would be beneficial to other individuals. Therefore, that was a factor in imagining and creating this new invention.

For in relation to the horses, the feeling that this individual derived by interacting – not necessarily rehabilitating, but interacting with horses – was calm at times, exciting at times, and fulfilling; therefore, incorporating those feelings into the new invention: How could sharing and calm and exciting and fulfilling be moved together with those imageries by involving other individuals, not merely the one individual, and sharing the experience together? But also incorporating this individual's own aspect of it with the photography, and creating photographs of all of the interactions, which also lent to a creative expression.

This exercise can be VERY instrumental and successful if you actually allow yourself to think outside of the box and to engage your imagination in very free, unusual manners. An individual may express that they enjoy sipping coffee and it is relaxing and it's an enjoyable action. The individual may express also that they enjoy going to the park and watching children on the swings. This individual may incorporate these different actions together, and perhaps it may inspire that individual to develop some type of area or center in which individuals – adults – can participate and enjoy a relaxing atmosphere and also bring their children and allow them to play, or to swing, but incorporate both actions. In this, the individual may design a very creative manner to express that: not necessarily a school, not necessarily a babysitting service, but an area that many individuals can share and participate in these different types of expressions.

When you are thinking of what you want to do – and especially if you are entertaining that type of idea and want to generate money with it, for it is easy to think of actions that you like to engage that do not involve money. It is more challenging to put them together and invent how you can create money and do that also, for you are conditioned and accustomed to thinking of money in a particular manner, and that it must be generated in a particular manner, which is not actually correct. It can be generated with ANY action. An individual may enjoy wielding a chainsaw, and they also enjoy creating figurines. And perhaps the individual could actually create figurines WITH a chainsaw – which would not necessarily automatically be a tool that you would assume would create such a manifestation, but it is possible. It is merely a matter of what you can imagine.

DAN: And then he could film it and put it on YouTube, and he would develop a following. (Laughs)

ELIAS: And sell the figurines.

In this, combining what you feel and that last list of imagining, “What other actions could I do and feel this, what other directions could I engage and continue to feel this same feeling?”, that is an important factor. For when you combine actions, in many situations you do change the feeling. Therefore, it is important for you to create and allow yourself that ability to combine actions but maintain those positive motivating feelings that are associated with those actions.

And as I expressed, it is generally, for most individuals, more difficult to initially think of yourself, what YOU would do, or how YOU would generate a particular combination of actions. In many situations, with most individuals, initially it is easier to imagine how it could be presented to other individuals for them to do. And from that, you can build upon that imaginative invention and invent it for YOU. That may incorporate other individuals also.

But this can be a very constructive exercise to engage, which will be helpful for you to define not only what you like to do, but what you CAN do and what you can invent to also create a monetary gain or abundance with. And the significant key factor in that is that whatever you choose, the more you enjoy it, the more successful you will be. The more you enjoy doing what you do, the more motivated you are to do it, and the more you do it, the more money you will generate. (Group chuckles)

DAN: Okay. But the significance of starting with others is also that if she likes to eat breakfast or someone likes to sip coffee, it’s a little harder to imagine sipping coffee and making money from it, but if you do it for others then serving breakfast and serving coffee is much easier to imagine making money from coffee.

ELIAS: Correct.

DAN: But then you can [inaudible].

ELIAS: Correct.

DAN: What is the role of the second list, or the one that will contain flying or some less probable action?

ELIAS: That encourages you to be imaginative.

DAN: Think outside the box, yeah.

ELIAS: And in that, you may surprise yourself, for some of those actions that are imagined that are not necessarily rational or real actions, in your terms, can be translated into other actions that may be similar or that may produce a similar feeling.

DAN: Like you can serve coffee on the plane and be flying or whatever.

ELIAS: Or, if you are moving in the direction of an establishment, using your example, perhaps you invent an establishment in which you promote relaxing and serving coffee but that you also perhaps incorporate a room in which you alter the air pressure and simulate the action of flying.


DAN: Or show the movies of flying or that will manipulate the remote-control flying devices.

NATASHA: [Inaudible] (Laughter)

ELIAS: In which you generate that simulation of the sensation of flying, not necessarily in a plane. And in that, you are presenting an activity for other individuals based upon what you like to do.

DAN: Yeah. So you are basically inviting [inaudible] to your playground.

ELIAS: Yes! Yes, precisely. You create the playground, and you invite others to participate in it, and you generate money in the process.

DAN: Okay.

Now; Inna is fascinated with the Moses story. I guess what is written down is the historical aspect of that, which is what really happened that, and the symbolism of that, which is freedom, to be free and all that, and then where some of the things came from.

So the history – Jews getting out of slavery, Moses parting the sea, the manna dropping or whatever appearing – is that what more or less happened? Or not really? (Elias chuckles, followed by group laughter)

INNA: Is it the real story, or is it made up?

ELIAS: I have engaged these subjects previously, and I will express to you again: In relation to your religious philosophies and texts – it matters not which religion it is; Western, Eastern, Southern, Northern, it matters not. For the most part, a tremendous percentage of these texts and the philosophy are stories. They are stories to emphasize a point. They are stories to create a moral, a guideline, for individuals. They are metaphors, very similar to metaphors that I offer that I may express information to you, and it is designed to encourage you to think, to evaluate, to feel, to be aware, and to define your own guidelines with yourselves.

In any religious philosophy – in ALL religious philosophies – there are many, many, many stories. And each religious philosophy will, and does, express that these stories are absolutely literal and real and true, and for the most part they are not. They are stories that have been generated by individuals in different time frameworks to emphasize a point.

Now, certain aspects of those stories may be actual, such as the aspect of slavery and the aspect of “exodusing” slavery -- not EXACTLY in the manner that it is expressed, but a mass movement to move away from an oppressive situation, yes. There are some aspects of the stories that are correct.

NATASHA: Let me ask you: So Moses, was he a historical figure, or was he also a made-up…?

ELIAS: Generally speaking, most of – MOST, not all – most of the figures in these religious stories were actual individuals. They did not actually do all that they are credited for doing, but generally speaking, each of the individuals that are cited in significant stories actually did exist as an individual and expressed an energy, a connection, and an awareness in their time framework, in their situations, that somewhat set them apart from other individuals – just as you have in your time framework now. You have individuals that you look to that are inspiring. Are those individuals necessarily performing miracles on a daily basis? No, but they are instrumental, and they do express differently from the masses, which sets them apart. And they choose to express themselves in manners that allow them to be a focal point or to be an example.

Generally, that is not their intention when they begin, but they generally move into that position. I will not express that other individuals PLACE them in that position, for they do choose it, but they choose it in relation to masses wanting it.

NATASHA: It is like a collective…

ELIAS: It is a collective movement, and the chosen individual in that collective chooses to comply and chooses to assume that mantle or that position. And therefore, yes, generally speaking, most of your characters in these stories were actual individuals. They did not necessarily do all of the actions that they are credited for, or they may have generated some actions that are significantly exaggerated to be created into a very different scenario, such as parting the Red Sea.

INNA: Like he didn’t?

ELIAS: No. They did cross, but in what you would express rationally as a natural phenomenon.

In actuality, the principle of the story is correct, for the collective energy created that natural phenomenon of the water receding to a very low level – not that it parted, but that the water receded to a very low level to which it was crossable. Now, that has been exaggerated and developed into a story of Moses with his staff and parting the waters in immense walls of water and the slaves crossed. No, that is not what actually occurred.

INNA: Did he know what time the water was going to recede? Did he have this knowledge, or it just happened by collective energy? Or he was aware there was going to be receding of water at such time?

ELIAS: No. No.

NATASHA: He was not.


DAN: But he had enough trust to let them [inaudible].


ELIAS: Yes. Yes. And following that example of that trust, the masses, the collective, created that powerful energy to generate what you would term a natural phenomenon in relation to the water, and therefore it was a collective expression. This one individual did not do that.

DAN: Yeah. There are some people like that, right? You mentioned [inaudible]; if he wanted to cross, he would have found a way to cross. (Group laughs) One way or another, he would have figured it out.

INNA: But it doesn't seem he was that type. It doesn't seem that Moses was that type of a person [inaudible].

ELIAS: Generally speaking – and you will notice throughout your history – generally speaking, individuals that move into these types of roles in which they are, in a manner of speaking, reluctant leaders, –

INNA: He was very reluctant, then?

ELIAS: Throughout your history, the individuals that you admire greatly – individuals, even in stories, that you view as spiritual, as you view as significantly influencing within your history – generally speaking, those individuals do not express the personality of politicians. They do not express the personality of an individual that is naturally comfortable in large groups of individuals or that would be assertive and expressive in an overt extroverted manner in which they would be naturally in the forefront.

Generally speaking, most of these figures, even in this present time framework, are individuals that assume the role, for they recognize the significance of it; they recognize the importance, they recognize the need, if you will, and they express a willingness to place themself in that position, but not that they would have SOUGHT that position, but that they are presented with the position and the choice. And generally speaking, those individuals incorporate a strong sense of what you would term to be humanitarianism – which is essentially a strong sense of interconnectedness and how important that is, and therefore they choose to accept the role, but generally they are not the types of individuals that would be SEEKING that role.

And those individuals that DO seek that role, generally speaking you do not view as fondly!

GROUP: Yeah, that’s for sure.

ELIAS: An individual such as Hitler, who actively sought that role very strongly – and accomplished – you do not view him very fondly. Caesar; there are many other examples throughout your history of individuals that are very well known and also incorporate their own stories, but you do not view them as fondly as you will these other figures.

INNA: Also given intentions, different intentions.

But in the Moses story, it seems like somebody led him, that he knew information. He knew where to go and how to go. How did he know it?

ELIAS: He did not know necessarily precisely where to go. He incorporated a knowing and a trust in a direction, not necessarily precisely knowing where it would lead, but trusting that wherever it was leading was the correct direction. In that, he generated choices based upon intuition and trusting that, and knowing that the direction that he was moving in was correct. And in that, it is more so a matter of choice and trust than it is of being led.

Now, of course, these are religious stories, and therefore they also incorporate the factor of God, which is the leading factor – which in actuality is the self leading and trusting that. But, even to this day, many individuals in relation to the collective energy and the strength of that cannot quite allow themselves to, in their perception, elevate themselves that far. Therefore, they attribute what they experience to an outside source – a higher self, a god, a guide, an angel. They attribute what they themselves experience and what they themselves present to themselves as being a presentment from an outside source, but it is the same.

DAN: Yeah, what I’ve noticed was that when I read or think about someone who was a religious figure that accomplished a lot in the matter of trust, I have a tendency or automatic response to discount someone because “Yeah, yeah, we know there is no god” or whatever. But it doesn't matter, because their accomplishments are tremendous. And so, if I could accomplish that merely by outsourcing it to God, okay, so be it, right? And then I can figure it out later.

ELIAS: Correct. Precisely. It matters not. The words are not important, whether it is God leading or essence leading. And I will express to you in this time framework presently now, with all of the information that I have expressed to all of you for an ongoing time framework, most individuals continue to generate that separation: they themselves are one entity and their essence is another entity, and their essence guides them as a separate entity from themself in physical focus. It is the same as an expression of God, or an angel, or a guide, or your higher self. Whatever you choose to image that, the actual action that is occurring is that you yourself are presenting information to yourself, you yourself are either trusting yourself or not, and you yourself are either listening to your own communications such as intuition, impressions, impulses, or you are not.

And the manner in which you present them is different for different individuals! One individual may actually present VISIONS to themself, for that may be the manner in which they translate an impression. I have expressed many times: Impressions are not thoughts or feelings, but they are translated in that manner for most individuals. Most individuals generate a feeling or a thought. Impressions are neither; that is how they are translated. Some individuals may translate an impression as a voice or an image, or their intuition may be expressed in an image or a voice. That is not to say that they are experiencing lunacy. (Group chuckles) They are merely interpreting their own information in the manner that is most effective for them. Therefore, Moses moving into the wilderness with the burning bush or with God speaking to him, he may very well have generated visions and audible sounds.

NATASHA: Okay, how about the 40 years that they supposedly were wandering in the desert? Was it a real fact, or were those 40 years needed to transit to be thrust into another level of existence of consciousness?

ELIAS: Now, this I have also expressed previously. Let me express to you: In not all, but many stories that include accounts of time, such as years or ages, they are more accurate, that the factors of time were expressed differently. A wandering of 40 years is more accurate and not necessarily an embellishment of the story. Accounts of certain individuals that lived to be incredible ages are not necessarily entire distortions. Therefore, those aspects in relation to time are not as embellished or distorted.

INNA: Why did we need 40 years?

NATASHA: Yeah, the question is why…? We didn’t need that much time to cross the desert.


NATASHA: We needed it for something else.

ELIAS: And what would your impression be?

NATASHA: No, there is a common knowledge and –

DAN: The common explanation is that several generations had to die out in order for a generation to come that doesn’t know slavery and cannot be slaves. But another impression is that in human life, it’s the equivalent of some period of time where you struggle to establish your ego, your personality and ordinary events, or is it you can start looking beyond that into your genuine self, or…?

ELIAS: I would express that your latter explanation is closer. As humans, in your natural development, you move through stages of development.

NATASHA: Yes, we need the time to adjust.

ELIAS: Yes. And in that, 40 years is not actually a tremendous amount of time. It is enough time to generate through stages and processes and allow the individual to become self-aware, to begin to focus attention inwardly rather than being entirely focused outwardly. It is enough time to experience reality in a physical realm and engage reality with all of its outside sources and be enough to motivate you to want to explore more. Exploring the outside sources can be limiting.

NATASHA: So basically that's what we are going through now.

ELIAS: Yes. Yes. Very much so. This is also the reason that you may notice, if you are paying attention, that the majority of individuals that interact with myself are of a particular age group. Not all of them, but the majority of them are individuals that are close to that age of 40 and very much beyond.

INNA: Most of them beyond! (Laughs)

ELIAS: But that is the time framework in which individuals generally begin becoming more self-aware, for they are not as distracted with outside sources and outside influences.

[The timer for the session rings]

Therefore, their stimulation is calmer. They can allow themselves to begin an inward journey and exploring the mechanics of their reality – answering the why’s and the what’s of their reality.

To that point, most individuals are not as concerned with the why’s and the what’s of their reality; they are very busy ENGAGING their reality and are not concerned with why or what or how. But once you are familiar with engaging your reality, then you begin to question why and what and how, and that begins a new journey. Therefore, that time framework is also significant. It symbolizes a crossing over, so to speak: the beginning of a new journey. Which the story symbolizes also: the beginning of a new journey.

NATASHA: Okay, thank you so much, Elias. We will come back. Thank you.

ELIAS: Very well. Very well. I shall engage you shortly.

(Elias departs after 59 minutes)

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