Saturday, June 2, 2007 (Group/Vienna)
Participants: Mary (Michael), Angelika (Lysteel), Anne (Monique), Balbina (Joline), Bridgy (Thelma), Christoph (Fiodra), Donna (Luera), Elisabeth F (Sebastia), Elisabeth P (Maura), Elizabeth B (Trina), Eric J (Valerian), Eric L (Yuki), Eric M, Gerhard (Doro), Gina, Gottlieb (Gottlieb), Hans (Franz), Ingeborg (Idina), Jean-Baptiste (Araili), Jens (Samira), John, Katrin (Duncan), Kaustubh (Vynule), Linda (Carmenn), Marguerite (Metra), Marina (Minian), Mark M (Sarano), Mark R (Pinzu), Martin, and Peer (Tulien)
Elias arrives at 12:54 PM. (Arrival time is 20 seconds.)
ELIAS: Good afternoon!
GROUP: Good afternoon!
ELIAS: This discussion will be concerning perception. But in this discussion we shall be interacting together to identify what your individual perceptions are of yourselves, for your perception of yourself influences all that you do. It influences your energy and all that you draw to you.
In this discussion, we shall be examining how your perception of yourself influences your individual bubble. Each of you incorporates energy that surrounds you. You are the source, and from you extends an energy. That energy can be likened to a bubble. Therefore, each of you presently is sitting in a bubble. But what does your bubble look like and how is your bubble being expressed? For this bubble is a magnetic bubble; therefore, it pulls to it in every direction whatever matches it in any form. This is the reason that objective imagery is very abstract, for one subject of energy can pull to it hundreds and hundreds of experiences and actions that match it. One stream can create thousands of actions and manifestations.
You being the source of this bubble is very important, for how you perceive yourself is what type of energy you will be projecting. Therefore, if you are distressed with yourself, if you are uncomfortable with yourself, if you generate issues with certain aspects of yourself, that influences your bubble and that influences what you present in your experiences.
In our previous group interaction, I expressed information concerning energy and how powerful it is and that you generate a continuous, every moment, stream of energy. In many, many, many moments you are not aware of what you are doing, and for that reason you become confused and you ask questions: “Why does this occur to me? Why is this happening to me?” Why it is happening to you is concerning your bubble and what it is pulling to it, and you are the source of that.
Now; we shall begin, and each individual shall be interactive with myself in identifying each of your bubbles. (To Elizabeth) We shall begin with you.
ELIZABETH: I am Elizabeth/Trina. My perception is that I combine creativity with several ways of transfers. What I exactly perceive is that the main part is still before me.
ELIAS: Do you perceive yourself to be intelligent?
ELIAS: Do you perceive yourself to be attractive?
ELIAS: Do you perceive yourself to be a nice individual?
ELIZABETH: Most of the time.
ELIAS: Do you perceive yourself to be considerate?
ELIAS: Do you perceive yourself to be interactive?
ELIAS: And do you perceive yourself to be good?
ELIAS: And are you comfortable with yourself?
ELIZABETH: Most of the time.
ELIAS: Are you comfortable with your body?
ELIAS: Very well. Are you satisfied?
ELIZABETH: Three-quarters.
ELIAS: (Grins) Very well! (To Peer) Same questions.
PEER: There is so much that I perceive at the moment!
ELIAS: (Laughs) As you all do!
PEER: I perceive myself very interested at the moment, in one kind very relaxed and in the other way very excited. I perceive myself very curious at the moment.
ELIAS: But in general, do you perceive yourself to be a nice individual?
PEER: Yes.
ELIAS: A good individual?
PEER: Yes.
ELIAS: Are you satisfied?
PEER: Most of the time.
ELIAS: Are you comfortable?
PEER: Yes.
ELIAS: Do you perceive yourself to be easily interactive with other individuals?
PEER: Yes.
ELIAS: Therefore, generally you would perceive yourself to be a good individual, and happy.
PEER: Yes.
ELIAS: Very well. (To Katrin) Same questions.
KATRIN: My bubble expresses at the moment quite comfort and satisfaction about myself. But this bubble is shrinking because I feel this is a sinful manner to express, having comfort and satisfaction.
ELIAS: Ah, that is quite exposing — thank you. (To Eric L) And you?
ERIC L: I’m Eric L. I perceive myself as outwardly quiet in energy but inwardly somewhat questioning, curious, and not liking to be on the spot! (Laughing, and Elias laughs) So I guess it has to do with preferences, perhaps to interact with smaller groups rather than big groups.
ELIAS: Yes. And do you perceive that to be acceptable?
ERIC L: Yes. At the moment, yes.
ELIAS: And are you comfortable?
ERIC L: Right now, I will be more comfortable... (Group laughter)
ELIAS: (Laughs) move to the next individual! Are you satisfied with yourself?
ERIC L: I see being satisfied as not being in movement, so I do not consider myself to be entirely satisfied.
ELIAS: Very well. (Looks at Donna)
DONNA: I’ll say I am mostly satisfied. I think I’m aware of the areas in which I’m not satisfied or less than satisfied. I don’t always know what to do about them, other than accept them and that I don’t have to like them. So, I’m not opposing myself as much as I used to.
ELIAS: Very well. And are you comfortable?
DONNA: Mostly. I would guess and say that the comfortableness has to do with how satisfied I am in the moment.
ELIAS: Yes, you are quite correct. (To Hans) And you?
HANS: My name is Hans. At the moment I am a little bit nervous to speak English with you. I thought about me and my English as not so good to talk with you.
ELIAS: It is quite acceptable, my friend.
HANS: Thank you. I don’t have much impressions at the moment.
ELIAS: But in general, in YOUR terms, in your life, when you view yourself, are you satisfied as yourself and are you comfortable with yourself?
HANS: Sometimes; not so very often.
ELIAS: Very well. (To Jens) And you? (Chuckles)
JENS: This is Jens. I must be a nice person. Mary said I am a teddy bear and a schnucki-putzi!(1) (Elias laughs with group) This is not my perception. But attractiveness, for example, is a big issue for me because my weight has bloated several years ago in a very short period, and I’m still not happy with it. I wouldn’t say that I am really satisfied with myself and comfortable. In some aspects, yes, but in many aspects, no.
ELIAS: (To Christoph) And you?
CHRISTOPH: My name is Christoph. I am not always satisfied with myself. Sometimes I am happy, but sometimes I think I make mistakes and then I beat myself up, and that can be quite hard sometimes. I think I’m a bit of an outsider. I can relate to people. I can relate maybe easy to people, but it needs for me an effort to do it. I’m pretty happy with myself most of the time. Earlier in my life, I had the feeling that I have to relate to people, and your information helped me much to be more on my own and alone. My life changed in that respect that I can be alone, and that is quite good for me.
ELIAS: Very well. (To Angelika) And you?
ANGELIKA: My name is Angelika. I like to see or admire those things about the bubble. I just feel great, so...
ELIAS: Are you satisfied?
ANGELIKA: Yes, and I feel good.
ELIAS: And you are comfortable. (To Mark R) And you?
MARK R: My name is Mark. I am quite satisfied and happy with what I create outside or what is showing in reality from what I create. But I really do not know how I do it, and I would like to learn how to do it consciously and know I really can use it as using a hammer. That’s what I cannot do today and that’s why I am not satisfied with that part.
ELIAS: Ah, and that is what we are discussing — this bubble. (Laughs) (To Balbina) And you?
BALBINA: I am Balbina. I am happy only when I am alone most of the time or with my family, not so much with people — for a short time, but this is not the most satisfaction. Aging is a problem. I cannot see how one can take aging as positive.
BALBINA: I think I am not satisfied quite with my knowing. I am aware that I don’t know enough.
ELIAS: Very well. (To Marguerite) And you?
MARGUERITE: I am Marguerite, from France. I am feeling happy most of the time, but I am changing often my way of thinking. I like opposites, so if I say I’m happy, in two seconds I will be unhappy! (Elias laughs) But I am comfortable.
ELIAS: Very well! (To Elisabeth P) And you?
ELISABETH P: I am Elisabeth. I think I’m pretty satisfied with my life and with myself, but I think I have some difficulty to pay attention to what I want and what I create and to my interaction with the other people (inaudible) oppositions, and that I don’t pay enough attention (inaudible).
ELIAS: Very well. (To Jean-Baptiste) And you?
JEAN-BAPTISTE: My name is Jean-Baptiste, from France. I am satisfied most of the time and also with what I create. But satisfied doesn’t mean that I am always comfortable with what I create, because I incorporate a curiosity toward every aspect of consciousness. At times it’s aspects that I consider to be bad or to be incorrect or stuff like that, but I will nonetheless go on and explore them because I find it interesting.
ELIAS: Very well. (To Eric J) And you?
ERIC J: I’m Eric, from France. I perceive myself as a good person, a happy person most of the time. I’m really, really curious about the functioning of the bubble, how it works, so it explains the scientific perception about (inaudible), relativity, physics, to really understand how this bubble contracts, expands, how it works.
ELIAS: Very well. And are you satisfied with yourself?
ERIC J: About myself?
ERIC J: Honestly, not at the beginning, but years after years I feel a kind of expansion in relation with my consciousness that is linked with my studies about physics. In fact, if I don’t work physics to understand the functioning of the bubble, I will (inaudible).
ELIAS: Ah, very well. (To Marina) And you?
MARINA: My name is Marina, from Germany. I’m very nervous to speak English and very uncomfortable. The thing I notice is that my happiness and my comfortableness depends very, very strongly upon the situation, upon the people, upon how I perceive it. I’m very curious about perception because I’m very, very often surprised why I am a match to such situations, to such people, to such a response. My happiness depends on what I perceive and what I observe, and so I’m really curious about this.
ELIAS: Ah, very well. (To Gina) And you?
GINA: I’m Gina. I’m German, or rather Bavarian. I partially live in the States and in Germany. I know that I’m a spirit-being in a physical body. When I look at my life on the outer, I’m quite satisfied. I think I’m okay, and I’m generally speaking a happy camper. But when I truly look at my life, it has been out of balance in two ways: one is there’s no love life, and the other is I put on sixty or seventy pounds since my husband died.
Just recently I discovered through one of your teachings about emotion being a communication and to identify a feeling and then go beyond the feeling. What came out of that was that I wasn’t worthy of being loved and I wasn’t good enough. So if you can tell me how I can get rid of those two things, I’m going to be a more happy camper! (Laughter)
ELIAS: (To Bridgy) And you?
BRIDGY: My name is Bridgy. I try to translate all things, differences, and so many informations. What I want to say is I’m really happy to be me, myself, and be here, and I’m satisfied with myself. It’s all good. I have one question for a long time, to get a knowing about what creativity is really and to be creator. I’m Sumari, and they’re a lot like... I’m a painter, not a painter from outside with paint. If we are talking about energy, I want to know how to do it.
ELIAS: Very well. (To Linda) And you?
LINDA: My name is Linda. I don’t feel very comfortable because I don’t like to speak in front of other people, and I don’t feel comfortable because I’m creating things I can’t imagine I’m creating myself.
ELIAS: Very well. (To John) And you?
JOHN: My name is John. I live in France. I don’t consider myself to be a good person because those terms, good and bad, have lost a lot of meaning for me. I try not to do harm, and I try to treat others the way I would want to be treated. In general, I’m becoming more and more satisfied, thanks to teachings of you and other spirits. I’m analytical. I see my bubble as being playful, analytical. My emotional intelligence is not as developed as my mental intelligence, and I’m still exploring and making progress there.
I would say I’m very pleased, very satisfied, very happy, delighted with some of the miraculous things I’ve created in my reality, and I’m impatient and puzzled why I can’t use that creativity and that success in other areas. I’ve been nearsighted since I was 15, and if I can create miracles in my job and in my relationships, how come I haven’t been able to solve my nearsightedness? I also have some issues with aging. I don’t like having a playful, lively spirit in a body that is 57 years old with less energy and less flexibility than I had when I was 20, so that’s something I would like to explore and have more creativity in.
But thanks to you and others, I have lots of hope, lots of excitement, and look forward to learning more things and experimenting, learning, experimenting, etcetera.
ELIAS: Very well. (To Gerhard) And you?
GERHARD: My name is Gerhard. When my bubble is not in automatic mode, I like change and I hate change, and this is somehow interesting. (Laughter)
ELIAS: (Chuckles) And you are satisfied and you are not satisfied! (To Martin) And you?
MARTIN: My name is Martin, from Germany. My bubble is quite... There’s a big change in the last few years, but I don’t know the direction. I am questioning all of my life and what I have generated.
ELIAS: And are you satisfied?
MARTIN: half-and-half.
ELIAS: And are you comfortable?
MARTIN: No, not really.
ELIAS: Very well. (To Eric M) And you?
ERIC M: My name is Eric. I am the third Eric, from Germany. (Elias laughs) I think I am satisfied three-quarters. Very seldom unhappy, there are only very seldom moments that I feel really unhappy. I’m comfortable in myself. My self-perception is that I have very much of life in myself and only very few get out. If I show it, sometimes people recognize it, sometimes people don’t. That’s my self-perception. Isolation is a theme for me, even in this philosophy of Elias.
I don’t know exactly what “bubble” means. I’m unclear what it is exactly.
ELIAS: A bubble would be if you blow into a hoop, a circle, with soap, and you blow a bubble. (Elias demonstrates by blowing through his fingers forming a circle) You can see through the bubble. This is...
ERIC M: It’s something like...?
ELIAS: Yes. This is your bubble that surrounds you, which is your energy. (To Gottlieb) And you?
GOTTLIEB: My name is Gottlieb. I’m very satisfied with my bubble and with the movement I am doing with my bubble, and the excitement exploring the reality. At the moment I’m enjoying my bronchitis because it’s not necessary to communicate so much, and I’m enjoying to be quiet. (Elias chuckles)
ELIAS: (To Ingeborg) And you?
INGEBORG: My name is Ingeborg/Idina. About two years ago I blew up my bubble. I’m very satisfied with my strong connection with my inner voice. I like my exercises to create things that I like to have, too. I have also learned many things about that I sometimes create things I don’t like to have, and to know things about me to change things.
ELIAS: Very well. (To Kaustubh) And you?
KAUSTUBH: My name is Kaustubh. You messed up my recording equipment at the last minute! (Elias laughs) It was fine when Mary was there, and now it’s gone!
In general, I’m satisfied with what I’ve created. Now I think my awareness is somewhat broadening and things are becoming, at least with objective awareness, a bit confusing. Apart from that, I perceive myself as quite different.
ELIAS: Very well. (To Mark M.) And you?
MARK M: My name is Mark. I live in Stockholm now. My bubble would be somewhat shielding but also curious and adventurous at times, somewhat comfortable but also accepting not being comfortable. I’m hopeful that that will neutralize the uncomfortableness and maybe soften the bubble somewhat.
ELIAS: Very well. (To Elisabeth F) And you?
ELISABETH F: My name is Elisabeth. I don’t feel very comfortable if I must speak in front of so many people! (Elias laughs) Most of the time I feel comfortable with myself.
ELIAS: And satisfied?
ELIAS: Very well. (To Anne) And you?
ANNE: (Sighs) Well, up until about ten days ago I was just perfect, and then I went somewhere, Florida, and it just did a job on me. I just shut right down like a clam, and ever since then I’ve been trying to open back up again, because that’s what I prefer and it feels much more comfortable. But I’m finding that the... I don’t even know if I’m answering the question, actually. Am I?
ELIAS: The question is “how do you perceive yourself.”
ANNE: Naturally very open and quite fun, funny and playful definitely, and intuitive. That’s how it is naturally.
ELIAS: And are you satisfied with yourself?
ANNE: Yes.
ELIAS: And are you comfortable with yourself?
ANNE: At the moment, no, but I’m sure it will pass.
ELIAS: (Chuckles) Now; you have all engaged the opportunity to share and to listen to each individual’s perception of themselves. One aspect that most of you express in common with each other is your discomfort in being what you perceive to be exposed, that if you must express yourself in the company of many other individuals, you feel exposed, and therefore your energy changes. Were you to be speaking merely with myself with no other individual within this room, you would likely be expressing a different energy, and it would be easier for you to answer my question, for you would not feel as exposed.
But when you are in the company of many other individuals, you concern yourselves with how all the other individuals will perceive you. That creates nervousness, and you immediately shield. In that, your energy is not open. Your bubble shrinks, it closes around you, and what it draws to it is any expression that matches that — more uncomfortableness and more nervousness, and more reasons to be uncomfortable and to be nervous.
I would also express that many of you expressed that you are satisfied, that you are comfortable, and if you are, why do you create experiences that you do not like, that you do not want? For if you are genuinely satisfied and comfortable with yourself, you will also be confident. In that confidence, you will not question yourself, you will create precisely what you want, and you will do it easily, for conflict requires MUCH more energy than success. Creating what you want is much easier than creating obstacles. It requires much more energy to create conflict or to create obstacles than it does to create what you want.
Now; a key element is importance. The key element of perception and of your bubble is what is important. You each view many, many, many expressions within yourselves, about yourselves, that are important. But some of the elements that you offer importance to are expressions that you do not like. The not liking becomes important, and in that, you concentrate upon it. I have expressed from the onset of this forum you create what you concentrate upon.
Now; concentration is not necessarily attention. But attention adds to concentration. In this, the more you pay attention to a certain expression and the more you concentrate upon it, the more you reinforce it and the more you create it. If you are dissatisfied with weight, the disliking of that expression becomes important. Therefore, you continue to create it, for you are concentrating upon it and how much you dislike it.
In this, it is significant to genuinely pay attention to what you are actually doing, what you are feeling — what you are feeling, thinking and doing, for those are the three components that allow you to create what you want, such as the hammer. It is also significant that you recognize what is being expressed in importance, and that you recognize that the word “important” does not always allude to positive.
In this, remember: you are projecting energy in every moment of your existence. Therefore, if you incorporate a general perception of yourself that you may not be quite good enough yet, that you are continuing to try to be good enough or attractive enough or smart enough or interactive enough or contributing enough, when you engage those types of expressions it is not necessary to be thinking of that continuously; but if that is an element of your perception, it will be constant. Therefore, you may not be continuously thinking “I am not good enough; I am not smart enough,” but that may be your perception, and in that, that may be the energy that you are continuously outputting.
Therefore, you may be creating some elements or some expressions that you want and that you like, but you continuously also generate dissatisfaction. It is not a constant that you are creating comfort and satisfaction; it moves up and down and up and down. In some moments you are happy, and in some moments you are not; in some moments you are frustrated, and in some moments you are satisfied. But it is inconstant. What you all incorporate in common is that you want to be satisfied and comfortable in a constant and that you do not want to be generating experiences that you dislike or that generate discomfort.
One important element in how you perceive yourself is to actually recognize who you are and what your natural expression is, and to be accepting of that. Some individuals naturally create intensity, but they may be dissatisfied with that for they compare themselves to other individuals that do not generate intensity, and they express to themselves that it is bad. Some individuals create dramas naturally. This may be the manner in which they offer themselves information, but they perceive themselves to be bad, for they compare themselves to other individuals that do not create drama.
This is what we are speaking of, not necessarily any particular experience but this general perception that each individual holds of themself, to become aware of those aspects of your perception that you are not comfortable with. For that is the first step, to identify it, to recognize what creates this expression in myself that I am not satisfied with, that I am not happy with, and to genuinely allow yourself to examine that.
In the subject of physical appearance, one of the most significant obstacles for most individuals is concerning themselves with what other individuals’ perceptions are, that it is not enough that you be satisfied with yourself and that you incorporate your own knowing but (that) it must be validated by other individuals. There must be an approval from other individuals to validate your own perception. THIS IS INCORRECT.
Every individual incorporates a different perception. No other individual within your entire planet will perceive you the way you perceive you, and you are all right, for the perception of each individual, regardless of what it is, is correct, for that is real. It is THEIR reality; it is YOUR reality.
Now; in that, if your perception of yourself is somewhat tainted or not quite comfortable, you project outwardly that type of energy, and that magnetic bubble will find anything and everything that will match it! Therefore, if you are generating being worried perhaps concerning money, that you perceive yourself to not incorporate enough, you will draw to you bills, you will draw to you losing money, you will draw to you giving away money, you will draw to you instances in which you will be paying money, and you will continue to never incorporate enough, for this is the energy that you are expressing outward. If you are not in a relationship and you are perceiving that this is not good and that you are lacking for you are not generating a relationship, you push away other individuals.
For when individuals physically interact and they converse, what occurs is you generally are within physical proximity of each other, such as presently. In this room there are many individuals, and you are all sitting beside each other. In this moment, although you may not be aware of it objectively, all of your energies are touching; they are all mixing. (Slight pause, and Elias grins) Now they are not! For as I speak this to you, many of you recede: “No, no, do not touch my energy! No, no, I will contract now!” (Laughs with the group)
But without myself expressing that to you and identifying it to you, you naturally mix your energies. You naturally allow yourselves to blend your energies. You are not concerned with this action, you are not threatened by this action, and it is very easy. But when it is identified to you, you are aware and you are (draws back in the chair, looks alarmed and gasps). Now you are expressing much more energy, for you are tensing and you are thinking and you are evaluating. This requires much more energy than merely being and listening and being comfortable.
These are examples of what I am expressing. When you can genuinely be aware of what you are doing, what you are feeling, you can also identify what is changing in your energy when you begin to generate an expression that you do not like. You know what the feeling is when you are comfortable; you know what the feeling is when you are not comfortable.
When you are not comfortable, you can evaluate your own energy and discover what is creating this discomfort. Are you actually uncomfortable in your body? Is your body consciousness actually painful in relation to weight, or are you merely dissatisfied for you incorporate criteria for what is an acceptable appearance and what is not an acceptable appearance? Many times individuals are not actually physically uncomfortable, but their perception expresses that they are for they dislike their appearance.
In association with aging, this subject is actually quite funny, for you choose to be within a physical reality with linear time. You CHOSE to be in this reality. In the blueprint of this reality, you create linear time; therefore, you create age, which is a natural expression. Therefore, as you progress, you age. That is not to say that this must be a hindrance to you, but you perceive it to be, and therefore, it becomes that. You perceive it to be bad, and the bad becomes important. The more important it is, the more energy you offer to it, and the bubble gets bigger and bigger and bigger and bigger. You perceive yourself to becoming more and more of a hideous monster, for you are aging and becoming older and older, and now you shall turn to dust! (Laughs)
Conversely, you do not necessarily FEEL so much older. Within yourself, you may not feel older at all. You may choose an age, which most of you do, that is your ideal age, and most of you within yourselves remain that age regardless of what your physical age is. But you convolute yourselves, and you begin projecting that energy of dislike, and what do you perceive? Older, older, older — now I am so old I can’t move very well anymore, and I cannot run, and I cannot do what I want to do. And yes, you can, if you are recognizing that this is your perception and that can change.
When you change your perception, you change your physical reality. But when you dislike elements of your reality, you continue to create them.
ANNE: How do you not dislike something when you naturally dislike it?
ELIAS: It is not a matter of changing that into a like; it is a matter of recognizing that you may not like some expression but it is not necessary for that to be important. It is the element of importance that creates the perpetuation of what you do not like. When you remove energy from what you do not like and it is not important, it is not necessary to create it.
MARK R: That means if you try to ignore it and forget it, then it’s the best case you can do.
ELIAS: Not necessarily. It would more be recognizing that you incorporate a dislike and acknowledging that — “yes, this is an expression that I do not like.” You acknowledge that it is present but it is not important, and you can turn your attention to a different direction that can be important in what you DO like.
MARK R: That’s consciously ignoring, or isn’t it?
ANNE: There must be something driving that importance feeling, that it’s important.
ELIAS: Yes. Let me express to all of you, you have all incorporated experiences in which you want some manifestation and you generate successfully creating it. And it is easy, and you are satisfied with yourself that you have successfully created some manifestation, regardless of what it is. You may want a new vehicle. You go, you buy one, and you are happy with yourself. You incorporate your new vehicle, and that occurs very easy. The reason it occurs very easy is that you do not doubt yourself, you are not questioning yourself. You merely set your sight upon what you want and you do it, and you are satisfied. In the same manner, when you concentrate upon some element that you do not like and you make that important, the same occurs. You do it and you make difficulties.
KATRIN: For example with aging, if you notice that some elements of aging could be very disturbing to you and you dislike it, you just concentrate on people who show you a different way not to age. It would be easy for me to switch from the dislike by not putting importance on it and having an example, in myself or in somebody else, to concentrate upon how you can behave when you are older.
KATRIN: This is not ignoring; it’s just having a choice.
ELIAS: Yes, and recognizing that it is your perception. Quite genuinely, even with an element such as aging, if you are comfortable and satisfied with yourself as you age, your perception will not be concerned with that aging, which will reflect in your actual physical appearance.
JOHN: Could you say that again?
ELIAS: It will reflect in your physical appearance, for your perception is not concerned with that aging. Therefore, you allow yourself to be you at your ideal age of what you feel.
I would express to any individual that incorporates forty years or more, you most likely continue to feel that you are thirty. You think as if you were thirty; you act as if you are thirty. You may be sixty of your years, but you stay in that feeling of that one age. But you concern yourself with your outward appearance and that it is becoming older and older and more feeble and less effective; therefore, you create that outwardly. If you are not concerning yourself with those elements, you can actually be that ideal age. That will be your perception, and your age physically will not appear to be what it is, for that is what you are projecting and that is what you create in real reality, in physical, solid reality.
We shall break. (Chuckles)
(Break at 1:56 PM)
(Resume at 2:45 PM)
ELIAS: Continuing!
Now; what do you view in your energy that creates what you do not want? What do you notice that you are doing when you are creating some experience that you dislike?
DONNA: I’m usually opposing in some way, either opposing myself or opposing situations or conditions, or opposing other people.
KATRIN: Not giving allowance to yourself to receive information or communication of what it’s all about, but you feel uncomfortable.
ELIAS: And when you are uncomfortable, what do you do?
ANNE: Push and force.
DONNA: Try to eliminate.
KATRIN: Being frustrated.
KAUSTUBH: We are not allowing ourselves to (inaudible), not pushing (inaudible).
ELIAS: Yes, and this is the reason that it is important to be allowing yourself to pause, evaluate what you are doing and pay attention to your energy and how it is being projected, and genuinely pay attention.
For at times, individuals think they are generating a positive energy, especially in relation to other individuals. Many times individuals think they are being helpful with another individual, and in actuality they are forcing. You think you are being helpful by offering information to another individual, but the other individual may not have requested the information. You think you are being helpful when you are offering or what you term to be giving, but many times that giving is not well received for it was not requested. In that, although your intention may be in your terms good, your energy is opposing.
This is the reason that it is important to genuinely pay attention to what you are actually doing, what is your motivation, what is your payoff in whatever you are doing, for this offers you more information to engage different choices. It is also important to pay attention to what you are paying attention to.
When you are concentrating upon a subject or you are attempting to relax and small ones begin yelling and being very noisy and become irritating, what are you doing? What is motivating that irritation? You can easily identify what you do not like, but what is motivating your energy in those moments?
Generally, if it involves other individuals, your first direction is the association that you want the other individual to engage some action different. You want them to stop, you want them to continue, you want them to change some expression — and that will satisfy you, but not precisely. For it is not what the other individual is doing, it is what YOU are doing and what you are presenting to yourself, what situation you are placing yourself within, what choices YOU are generating. If you are engaging an irritation in relation to another individual, it is not the other individual that is the matter or the subject. It is your irritation that is the subject, what is motivating that and why you are placing yourself in that situation.
Many times your responses will be, “I have to be in this situation. I have no choice. I have small ones in my home. I cannot leave them, and they irritate me.” This is your perception, and this is the energy that you are projecting. You project the irritation and your bubble pulls it to you.
“I do not like noise” — very well, your bubble will pull noise, for this is the energy that you are already projecting prior to any occurrence. Any occurrence in your experiences is not random; they are not accidents. They are all very precise. In this, just as I expressed previously in relation to the leprechaun, it does not concern itself with good or bad or comfortable or uncomfortable; it merely answers you.
“I cannot do this yet” — very well, I will hold this in front of you for however long you continue to express “I cannot do it yet.”
“I cannot have this yet; I do not have this yet” — very well, it will always be in front of you and you will not hold it, for this is your energy.
“I cannot, I do not, I will not; it is impossible” — if your perception is that you cannot, you will not. Even if some element in your reality seems entirely impossible, it is not; it is your perception that is creating it to be impossible. You can. (Chuckles) This is what you want to hear! (Laughs)
BALBINA: Me, I want to hear it again.
ELIAS: And you can!
BALBINA: I can and I shall.
ELIAS: (Laughs) No, not “I can and I shall,” not “I can and I will.” “I can and I AM.”
BALBINA: Don’t try; do.
ELIAS: It is a matter of creating a perception that you already have, you already have accomplished, you already are. Once you can generate that perception, you do create with the hammer precisely when you want and what you want. For you are not doubting, you are not questioning, you are not concerning yourself with your subject; you are merely doing, and you accomplish.
What interrupts the doing many, many, many times is thinking, which incorporates much more time. You can incorporate a tremendous amount of time thinking about what you want to do, and you do not do it — you merely think of it. The actual doing may incorporate perhaps several minutes, but the thinking can be generated for hours and hours and hours and days and years and so forth, and that interrupts your doing.
This is the element of the balance, paying attention to, yes, what you are thinking, but also balancing that with what you are feeling and what you are doing. For in paying attention to what you are feeling, you can discern if it is in harmony with what you are thinking. That allows you to understand when your thinking is distorted or is not offering you a clear picture, or when it is not translating entirely accurately.
In that, you can move your attention to your feeling and your doing, for the thinking only incorporates information in relation to what you are paying attention to. Therefore, that is all the information that it can translate. Therefore, if you are not paying attention to what you are doing, it is not translating that information, and therefore you are not reflecting in your thinking an accurate picture.
You can be thinking that you want to incorporate a relationship, and you can think and think and think and wonder why you are not creating a relationship. You are not paying attention to what you are doing; therefore, the thinking is merely translating the want. But it is not translating your energy, for you are not paying attention to that. You are paying attention to the thinking.
Without that balance, you become confused and you feel as though you do not incorporate control: you are not actually creating, experiences happen to you or you happen upon them, but you are not actually creating them and you are not actually in control of what is occurring to you. This is how you slip into being a victim. But if you very simply incorporate moving your attention to these three elements of yourself, you offer yourself more accurate information that your thinking can translate.
Even when I express to individuals that they may be thinking excessively, I am not expressing to any of you NOT to think; this is a natural action that you all incorporate, and it is highly effective and efficient. It is a matter of balancing that with the other elements and not moving your attention solely to the thinking to the exclusion of the other elements. That would be automatic pilot, in which you are doing but you are unaware of what you are doing, and you are very unaware of what your energy is doing.
Who may offer an example of some experience that they do not like, that we can examine what you are doing that creates that experience that you do not like and offer other choices that may change that experience that you do not like?
ANNE: I have a perfect example.
ELIAS: Very well!
ANNE: I just came back from Florida. It was a ten-day trip, and instantly I didn’t like it. It was Fort Lauderdale. It was just a city I didn’t like. So I continued, but it just didn’t jive with me at all. I didn’t like it. It got really bad, and my back got really affected by this strong dislike, to the point where I ended up unable to walk it was so painful, and I just ended up not going anywhere. I did try to make myself like it, try to find something in it to like, but every time I went out it just didn’t sit right.
ELIAS: And what motivated you to continue to be there?
ANNE: My plane ticket. (Laughter) It’s very expensive, immediate... If you have an overnight flight immediately the next day, it’s quite expensive, so you’ve just got to sit it out and wait.
ELIAS: This is a perception of “have to; I cannot; I have to continue.” That’s your first opposing energy. Another opposing energy is attempting to force yourself to like where you are when you do not. Therefore, you deny your preference. The more you concentrate upon this dislike, the more intense it becomes, and it grows and grows and grows, and you become miserable.
In this, by expressing to yourself initially once you were aware that you were uncomfortable and that this was not your preference and that you dislike this location, you immediately denied yourself and expressed, “No, I cannot leave.” You limited yourself in relation to money. You expressed lack: “It is too much money.” That is an expression of lack. You denied your own preferences, you denied yourself, and you opposed yourself.
This is the energy that you project, and your bubble is pulling very many experiences to it to match that energy of how much you disliked being in that area. Therefore, you create manifestations to match that, and you create an intensity.
Thank you for your example! You may view that in trusting yourself, listening to yourself, you could have easily altered that and avoided all of that discomfort by trusting that you are not lacking, that you can change your ticket, and you will be much more satisfied.
ERIC M: I have another example, which is not a special situation, but it’s a situation that occurs to me several times, and I feel very uncomfortable in it. When talking to people, like casual talk, I sometimes don’t know what to say; conversation doesn’t flow. What hinders me is what does the other think, what is he interested in, or do I want to talk to him. It’s very uncomfortable for me.
ELIAS: Very well. In this, there is also an opposing energy. You are denying yourself. You are concerning yourself with the perception of the other individual rather than acknowledging yourself, your contribution, and that it is worthy of sharing. Therefore, you also hesitate.
In this, you are generating a forcing of energy, for you generate an expectation of yourself that you MUST interact: if another individual is generating conversation, you SHOULD respond, you SHOULD BE participating in the conversation. Many times in a conversation an individual may not necessarily incorporate a response. It is quite acceptable to not respond, to allow yourself to respond when you are prompted to within yourself, and also to allow yourself to relax. If you do not incorporate a response, accept that. The other individual will know that you are continuing to participate and pay attention — you are listening. It is not necessary to continuously be responding if you are not prompted to respond.
Also, this can be a situation in the reverse. In the same energy where an individual feels they should be responding and therefore they force themselves to be responding immediately, subsequently they discount themselves for they did not want to say what they said or they feel foolish. In this, it is the same energy. It is a pushing of energy, a lack of allowance of your own natural flow of energy. You are opposing yourself, for you are moving in opposition to your own natural expression and forcing yourself to engage in a manner that may not necessarily be natural for you. In this, that perpetuates you projecting your attention outside of yourself in concern with what the other individual may perceive you as, and that creates anxiety and it is uncomfortable.
Whereas, if you are interacting with another individual in conversation and you allow yourself to relax and be comfortable within yourself, participating, paying attention to the conversation with the other individual but also paying attention to you and what you are feeling, in that allow yourself the freedom to respond when you want to, not that you have to.
KAUSTUBH: Connecting to this, there is another scenario in which somebody says something and you don’t like it. You want to respond, but then you remember that Elias says it’s not your responsibility to change the other person, or you know that what you’re going to say is going to be intrusive, for example, or it’s your perception that it might be intrusive — it may or may not be — and then you do not allow yourself to say stuff.
ELIAS: You are correct, and that is a denial, which would be another form of opposing energy.
In that type of scenario, it is helpful to examine your motivation for your response. It is not unacceptable for you to respond if you dislike what another individual is expressing, and it is not necessarily intrusive for you to disagree with another individual and what they are expressing.
But the manner in which you do it is what is important, for it is the motivation. If you are responding in reaction, you are generating a defensive energy, which is opposing. If you are prompted to respond to be correcting another individual, that is another opposing energy. If you are merely expressing your disagreement but genuinely are acknowledging the other individual’s perception, that it is equally as real as yours and their opinion is equally as valid as yours, it is not necessary that you agree and it is not necessary that you deny your opinion and not express yourself, knowing that your perception is right for you but not necessarily for other individuals, for their perception is right for them also.
KAUSTUBH: So basically, express yourself.
ELIAS: Yes, but recognize your motivation. For many times you may feel a prompting to express yourself in a conversation with another individual that you disagree with, and once you recognize that that response would actually be borne out of a defense or an attempt to correct or instruct the other individual, that prompting will dissipate, and you will feel no necessity to actually express what you may have expressed in reaction, for it becomes less important.
KAUSTUBH: So you feel an initial twinge, then you recognize it, and then you may or may not express yourself any further.
KAUSTUBH: And the twinge tells you what?
ELIAS: When you question what your motivation for your response is, if it is merely a genuine disagreement but you are not discounting the other individual and you are not DEFENDING you — therefore you are not actually projecting an opposing energy — you may choose to offer your response. The energy with that will be very different, and it will not be threatening to the other individual and they will know that. Or you may choose not to express at all, for you recognize that there is no necessity to defend your opinion or your position, and that it is entirely acceptable that it is different from the other individual. You will feel neutral.
KAUSTUBH: Neutral sounds like boring.
ELIAS: Not necessarily. It would depend upon the situation. Neutral may be preferred to conflict. (Chuckles)
KATRIN: Can I ask you something? You said at the beginning of this discussion that we should pay attention to what we are thinking and then what we are doing. You didn’t say that much about the feeling part. What is it that you’re feeling? How do you feel? I can’t grab it.
ELIAS: That would be dependent upon the situation.
KATRIN: For example, I take care of a little child who starts to cry; of course, no one likes to listen to his voice or her voice. I’m a considerate person, and I’d like her or him to stop crying because I think the neighbors will be disturbed. So I will have a feeling and...?
ELIAS: Yes. In that, it is important to evaluate what is this feeling and what is motivating it. In that scenario, what is motivating it more strongly than a preference is that you are concerned of how other individuals will perceive it, and that is more of the motivation than your lack of a preference.
But this is a fine example, for this is an example of how you can cover an actual motivation by expressing that it is a preference. You can excuse certain energies and actions, for you express that it is a preference when in actuality the preference is much smaller than the expectation and the concern that other individuals will perceive in a negative manner and that will reflect upon you.
KATRIN: You got me. (Laughter)
ELIAS: (Laughs loudly) Yes?
JOHN: My example is there’s a meeting next month on a South Pacific island, a business meeting. When I heard about it last year, I wanted to go. I was concentrating, focusing on “I’m the one who’s going to be chosen; I’m going to be sent there,” because I thought it would be fun and it sounded good. I am now the one to be chosen, and I discovered that it’s winter down there, the climate is horrible, the place is not as interesting as I thought, and I want to undo all this energy I put into it for eight or nine months within a couple of weeks so that I’m not the one to go, somebody else goes. (Laughter) I don’t want to go.
ELIAS: First of all, let me express to you, it matters not how long in time frameworks that you concentrate upon any particular subject. That does not set the experience in stone. You can change that energy in any moment. Therefore, regardless (that) you may have been incorporating a concentration upon a particular trip for many years and accomplished being successful, of your example, in a moment you can alter that energy.
In generating the confidence that you did and expressing no doubt — “I WILL go; I WILL be chosen” — in that, you were already allowing yourself to be in the experience, and in that, you lacked doubt and you accomplished. Now apply the same in the other direction.
JOHN: Practically, on Monday I’m supposed to give my preferences for travel dates for leaving and coming back. Do I refuse to do that? Do I ignore or do I give them, still being confident that somehow I won’t go?
ELIAS: It would be your choice, but if you genuinely do not want to incorporate this trip, do not do it.
JOHN: Well, having been designated, I cannot officially back out. (Laughter)
ELIAS: Ah, and “I cannot change my ticket.” (Laughter)
JOHN: No, there’s a difference. I have committed myself in an agreement, and I cannot break my agreement...
ANNE: I had an agreement with my husband that I would be there with him. It was an agreement with him as well, which was a very strong motivation for me staying, but I didn’t want to.
JOHN: But you wouldn’t lose your job if you quit.
ANNE: No, but I could potentially dent my marriage.
ELIAS: But you will not lose your job, either.
JOHN: I think that even if I give the dates and just have the confidence, as you say, but...
ELIAS: You can generate in that direction, or you can express what you want, that you do not want to go. This is your choice. This once again is concerning yourself with outside expressions, concerning yourself with other individuals. You will not lose your job, and you know that. You DO know that.
JOHN: I don’t believe that saying I don’t want to go would be the most effective way of producing that result. I don’t believe that my boss would take that into consideration. Whereas, if I don’t worry too much about how it happens, as I’ve done with other situations, mysteriously some circumstances will cause the cancellation — I think. My main concern is...
ELIAS: Express in the same manner that you did when you created the success: no doubt.
JOHN: What’s good to know is that you say that I don’t have this accumulated credit of nine months’ of energy...
JOHN: ...that I have to cancel.
ELIAS: Correct. No, that is not necessary. The energy is being expressed in the moment. If you continue to express the same energy in consecutive moments, it will continue. But in the moment that you stop expressing that, you are not undoing. You did not generate the action of tying a knot and now you must untie it. Once you move your attention in a different direction and are responding to a different want, the knot disappears.
JOHN: But that doesn’t work with physical weight, does it? Someone who accumulates an excess 15 or 20 pounds over three years cannot make it disappear overnight.
ELIAS: In actuality, yes, they can. Will they? Most likely not. But can they? Yes. Will they? There are less probabilities or potentials for that, given individuals’ beliefs. Therefore, in association with their beliefs, they may not allow themselves to generate that type of action. But is that possible, can they actually do that? Yes.
JOHN: So it’s not the timeframe, it’s just the belief systems.
KAUSTUBH: Back to the concept of importance, does it only depend on the person’s belief systems as to what he considers important? Is there anything within essence that would be considered important?
ELIAS: That would be very different. I can respond “yes,” but it would be very different from what you know and understand in your reality. For you incorporate a physical reality with things, and consciousness is not a thing. Therefore, the manner in which you associate with importance is different from how it would be expressed nonphysically. But yes.
KAUSTUBH: Seth said something like — I forget the exact words — but consciousness consists of points of significance. Significance and importance are related?
ELIAS: Yes, it would be a factor, but it would be expressed very differently.
KAUSTUBH: So for us it’s only belief systems as to what we identify ourselves as, and that decision is what we would consider to be important?
ELIAS: That is very influencing, yes. It is not ONLY beliefs, for beliefs ARE your reality! Ha ha! Therefore, yes, all of your reality IS influenced by your beliefs, and that would also be influencing what you generate in importance and what you do not.
But you also incorporate many choices in relation to importance. It is not an expression that you cannot change. If you recognize what you are generating in importance, you can also question whether you want that to be important or not.
BALBINA: In a case like mentioned before when you think you cannot change because of business or importance, would sickness be a good means?
ELIAS: Yes, that would be another alternative.
BALBINA: You can justify, I think... It is justified for oneself and the others, if you know I create it for this purpose.
ELIAS: If you choose that, that could be another option that you could incorporate. There are many, many, many choices.
I will express to you in response to this suggestion that many individuals create illnesses for a purpose. Many individuals create illnesses to accomplish some action that they want to accomplish, and they are successful. Although most individuals generate an association that illness is bad or that being healthy is good and that you should always want to be healthy, many times individuals create dysfunctions within their body consciousness for a specific purpose, and it allows them to accomplish it. And they are aware that they are doing it.
KAUSTUBH: What’s up with our perception wave? Is it continuing, receding? It seems rather long.
ELIAS: It is continuing, and this is the reason that we are speaking of perception! (Laughs) Length would be relative. Your previous wave, in your perceptions, was very long. I express that the potential for this wave would be much less, but you have not been engaging it for a lengthy time framework yet. (Chuckles)
I understand — you are wanting to create a wave that generates for one week! (Laughs with group) I will be expressing to you when the next wave is approaching, as I do always. (Laughs)
MARTIN: You have told us there are no absolutes. What about the blueprints of this dimension? Could they be absolutes, an absolute reality for objective reality?
ELIAS: No, although you create them to be very real, but they are not absolutes. Just as you create gravity to be very real, it appears to be very absolute but it is not. It is your perceptions that generate that absoluteness. Yes, your reality incorporates a blueprint, which, in a manner of speaking, could be viewed as the suggestion of how to create this particular reality in this particular dimension.
Now; with that suggestion, you generate perceptions that create absolutes or you create absolute associations, but they are not actually absolute, for they can change. You CAN alter gravity. If you could not alter gravity, you would not incorporate the ability to tip a table. But you do! (Laughs)
JOHN: I believe it is possible to go from nearsightedness to perfect eyesight, but I don’t know the methodology or practical procedures of doing so, and I have never met anyone who has done that.
ELIAS: And it is not necessary to objectively know the methodology. What is important to know is precisely what we have been discussing: the importance of your not wanting the sight that you have created. When that becomes less important, you will generate much more success in altering your sight. As it continues to be very important, you continue to create it.
JOHN: So I have to keep looking for the motive, the reason why I supposedly don’t want good eyesight?
ELIAS: Or you can simplify and merely begin to lessen the importance of what you do not like.
ANNE: How do you do that? It’s not easy.
ELIAS: It is not easy, for you create it to be complicated. (Laughter) But in actuality, it is quite simple and it is quite easy. But you incorporate fascinations with complicating and generating much more energy than is necessary. If it is easy, it is not valued; if it is easy, there is no challenge. But if it is complicated, you can unravel it, and that is an action that you are all quite fascinated with.
It may be likened to a present: if an individual hands you a gift and it is unwrapped, you may accept it and you may thank them; if an individual hands you a gift and it is wrapped in paper and in strings and you must unwrap it, you will generate more excitement, for you have presented yourself a surprise. You may receive the same gift, but the one that is wrapped will be more exciting, for it is more complicated. (Chuckles)
JOHN: Is it possible that bad eyesight has nothing to do with not wanting to see but is a side effect of muscular tension, because of some other problem or some other conflict?
ELIAS: Yes, that would depend upon the individual. Yes.
JOHN: So looking for the motivation for bad eyesight may be a waste of time. There may be some other conflict that’s causing it.
ELIAS: That is quite possible.
KAUSTUBH: Elias, if you lessen the importance of something to achieve something, and then you achieve it and it is no longer important, you don’t really attain satisfaction.
ELIAS: Not so, no. For if you lessen the importance of some expression that you do not like and you are successful in creating what you want, it is more satisfying, for you will acknowledge yourself, and it is empowering. Therefore, there is an element of excitement, for empowering yourself is exciting, and it is quite satisfying. Therefore, do not concern yourself that you will be neutral! (Laughs with group)
ANNE: I have a question about the conceptualization sense that we have. I know it’s a bit off the subject, but maybe it isn’t. It’s a very difficult sense to focus on or tap into or something like this, I find. But when I was trying to do it the other night, I started hearing a couple of voices. I don’t know if that’s necessarily a conceptualization thing that I was doing with that inner sense or where those voices were coming from. It’s strange. I’ve had it before.
ELIAS: And what was your subject?
ANNE: The voices were so strong, they kind of jolted me out of what I was focusing on. They were so loud. Not loud, but they came from within, obviously.
ELIAS: What was your initial subject?
ANNE: I don’t remember. That would have been the reason?
ANNE: Is that the conceptualization sense?
ELIAS: It depends upon what your intention was, for in association with conceptualization, that is an action of moving into the action of the subject, therefore experiencing the action of the subject. Therefore, it is possible that dependent upon the subject and the intention, you could incorporate hearing voices, for that may be being in the action of the subject. But if the subject was not associated with some element that would create that particular action, you may have been tapping into your empathic sense and confusing it with the conceptualization.
ERIC J: Could you elaborate on speed of light as a perception, please?
ELIAS: In what capacity?
ERIC J: What is the relation between speed of light and perception?
ELIAS: You create it. Whatever the speed of light is is created by your perception. It is not a set speed that is an absolute outside of your perception; it is what you create it to be.
ERIC J: If I want the speed of light to be variable, I create variable?
ELIAS: You can, for it is a matter of perception. For light is an objective creation, therefore it is a matter of perception. What I am expressing to you is that outside of physical realities, light does not exist, for it is once again, in your terms, a thing. In that, it is an objective creation, and being an objective creation, it is a matter of perception and therefore also is not an absolute.
You can generate it to appear to be an absolute, if you collectively generate the same perception in relation to it. In that, it would appear to be an absolute and the same. But just as I have expressed previously, within your history you have collectively generated perceptions in many directions that you perceived to be absolute and changed them. They were real when they were being expressed en masse, but they changed.
ERIC J: So we have to wait that the collective perception changes to make the speed of light variable?
ELIAS: No. You can engage that action yourself. It is not necessary that you incorporate the collective to change the speed of light. You can change it yourself with your perception, and your reality will be very different.
ERIC J: It will be also justified that I change perception?
ELIAS: Yes. (Chuckles)
BALBINA: How is perception related to vibration?
ELIAS: In what capacity?
BALBINA: What are vibrations? Are these basic elements of consciousness?
BALBINA: If I accelerate my perception, is this because I accelerated my vibrations?
ELIAS: In this reality, it would be the reverse. If you accelerate your perception, you will accelerate your vibration.
JOHN: Further to your example about history, perception is individual. My reality is my reality.
JOHN: If I researched the assassination of President Kennedy, I may find convincing proof for myself that Oswald acted alone, and another person can find convincing proof that there was a conspiracy and several conspirators. In fact, there is no one absolute truth about who killed Kennedy.
ELIAS: Correct, for that would be also a matter of perception. Perception IS what creates your actual reality, and every individual incorporates a different perception. You may incorporate similarities, but every individual generates a different perception, just as you generate a different fingerprint.
In that, you may incorporate similarities, and you do incorporate similarities. You may all view one wall as being blue, but you will all see that blue differently. There is no official separate reality outside of all of you that you are attempting to move into. Your reality is your perception.
MARTIN: Does this mean that I interpret objective reality (inaudible) means that I generate my own physical reality?
ERIC M: I don’t understand this concept, for example how communication is possible. For example, if I decide we both experience this session and we can have a common experience to talk about later and so on, he himself might generate the reality that he is not here. In his world, he would not be here. We would not have this common experience; our lives would be completely isolated. In my life, we would talk about it and reflect it, but in his life he has never heard of it.
ELIAS: And that can very well occur.
You are not alone: Yes, you create all of your reality; you create every moment of it, every aspect of it, every manifestation of it, but you are not alone. You are participating with other energies. Each of you express an energy.
Now; in that, at times you may be receiving a particular energy of a particular individual, and you may be configuring that in a manner that creates your scenario. But that energy may not necessarily contain the attention of the other individual. Therefore, you are drawing to yourself specifically this individual’s energy, but you may not be drawing to you this individual’s energy WITH that individual’s attention. Therefore, you can configure that energy and create your scenario in which you are physically interacting with the individual, incorporating a conversation, and the other individual may incorporate a very different reality in which they did not participate with you at all, for their attention was not contained in that energy that you drew.
This does not occur often but it does occur, and it does occur semi-often in small experiences that you automatically override, that you engage another individual and subsequently you may be recalling the experience and the other individual will recall the experience quite differently. You will override that automatically. You will either question yourself of whether you actually engaged what you thought you had engaged, or you will discount the other individual and you will express, “They are wrong. This is not what occurred,” and you will settle it with yourself.
This is what occurs many times in those situations. You are interacting with another individual’s energy, which allows you to configure that and create the physical manifestation of the other individual, and you are participating in a conversation or an interaction. But the other individual’s experience will be very different, for they are not...
ERIC M: What would happen if one year later we talk about this session, and in my world we talk about the session and in his world he is sleeping?
ELIAS: In that scenario, you would have each altered the past, for how you recall in the present changes the past. Each time you recall an event, an experience, a scenario, you are changing it into what you recall. (Chuckles)
KATRIN: When you change the scenario, you change relations as well when it is about an interaction with somebody?
ELIAS: At times, yes.
KATRIN: You change family sometimes?
JOHN: In one of the Seth books, he says that Christ was not crucified. Since there is no absolute historical truth as to whether Christ was crucified or not, why would Seth use language that made it sound as if he’s teaching that the absolute truth was that Christ was not crucified?
ELIAS: I will express to you, as I have previously with other individuals, the agenda of that essence was different from this agenda. In this, I have expressed that in my interaction with all of you, I incorporate the least amount of distortion as would be possible in relation to what you understand, offering information in personal situations in relation to your widening of awareness and shifting. That essence was offering information in association with this shift also, but in a different manner. In that, there was less concern with distortion in association with your beliefs.
In offering what you would view as new concepts — which, in actuality, they are not new, but being presented in a new manner — that was the point of that essence’s interactions, to begin an objective movement, to begin the movement of preparation for the objective element of this shift, which that essence accomplished quite successfully. But there are elements that are presented that may have been offered in conjunction with your beliefs, but also presenting information as a beginning point of introducing the concept of no absolutes. Therefore, the manner in which that essence presented information was different from myself, but was creating an introduction to the same concepts.
In expressing that this individual was not crucified, it prompts you to question, for your religions express that he absolutely was. Therefore, it prompts you to question those absolutes by introducing a different absolute. Therefore, the method may be different, but it accomplished the introduction quite successfully.
ANGELIKA: The nine little ones from the essence of Rose, they are all male?
ANGELIKA: There must be a reason, as we just talked about absolutes (inaudible).
ELIAS: There is a reason, which I have discussed previously. It was purposefully chosen to be an illustration of the alteration of the energy. Throughout your history to this point of the Shift, the dominant energy has been male. In this shift, that is shifting to the female energy, and therefore was purposefully chosen to be males as the example of shifting to a female energy in association with male gender.(2)
ANGELIKA: Thank you.
ELIAS: You are quite welcome. I will incorporate two questions.
ANNE: On the Rose question, Jo H. is channeling Rose, from what I understand from the forums, the chat things. Is that the case?
ELIAS: (Pause) Not yet. It is a potential, but no, not yet.
ERIC J: Is Planck’s constant the smallest part of our earthly reality?
ERIC J: Then what is it? Or you create whatever you want?
ELIAS: (Laughs loudly) Very well, one more.
ANGELIKA: My name is Angelika, and I would like to know my essence name.
ELIAS: Very well. Essence name, Lysteel, L-Y-S-T-E-E-L (lis STEEL).
ANGELIKA: Thank you.
ELIAS: You are very welcome.
I express my tremendous appreciation to each and all of you this day. I shall be anticipating our next interaction, and I will be offering my energy to each of you in tremendous encouragement in all of your bubbles! (Chuckles) To you all, in great lovingness and dear friendship, au revoir.
Elias departs at 4:02 PM.
(1) “Schnucki-putzi” can be translated as “sweetheart little one”.
(2) From session #298, 7/16/98:
ELIAS: ...The essence of Rose has manifest purposefully as all males. This action is to be helpful within the action of this shift, and also to be providing an example, as we have stated within our analogy of the little saplings. The essence of Rose manifests as males, and as these males continue through their focuses they shall be displaying qualities that shall more be aligned with those qualities that you identify as female, but shall hold the orientation sexually as male. They shall continue through their focuses being identified and recognized the same as yourselves as male, but shall hold the ability of accessing intuition and emotion in the manner that you assign naturally to females. This shall offer examples of the lack of separation within all expressions within physical focus. It is unnecessary for you to be separating any longer so intensely. You move into the area of more of an awareness, an expanded awareness, and more of a knowing and a remembrance of essence. Therefore, you also drop many of the veils that you hold within physical focus that provide you not only with your singularity, but with your divisions and your separations. In dropping the veils of your separations, you offer yourselves more freedom and more of an ability to access your own creativity.
These manifestations of Rose are now quite small little individuals. They are — all nine — little ones, all in what you may term to be three years or less. Already they begin to display abilities and awarenesses that are uncommon to your physical focus. Their intuitive senses are very highly developed and they already are expressive of this intuitive sense, which is already being recognized, not only by those individuals that are designated as their parents, but also by all individuals that physically encounter them presently. They are already beginning to be affecting within consciousness.
©2007 Mary Ennis, All Rights Reserved
Copyright 2007 Mary Ennis, All Rights Reserved.