Session 201809011
Translations: ES

A Different View of Goals


Session 201809011
“A Different View of Goals"
“Listen to Your Body”
“The Brain, and Body Consciousness Memory”
"Beyond the Third Dimension"

Saturday, September 1, 2018 (Private/Phone)

Participants: Mary (Michael) and Ann (Vivette)

ELIAS: Good afternoon!

ANN: Well, good afternoon, Elias. How are you?

ELIAS: As always. And yourself?

ANN: Gee, it’s been so long since I talked to you, I forgot not to ask you that. (Both laugh) Better yet, I forgot I already knew the answer. (Both laugh)

ELIAS: And how are YOU proceeding?

ANN: I'm proceeding—you know, I really can’t complain. I COULD complain, but life is pretty good, so I’m not going to complain.

ELIAS: (Laughs) And what have you been engaging?

ANN: Well, you know what? I want to actually ask you about that. I told you last time that I became a brand partner for a company selling their product.


ANN: And now I’m kind of out of… I was very, very excited at first, and now I’m kind of at a place where I’m like, do I want to continue it, or do I not? And I was trying to get down to what is it that I’m thinking about that I don’t… like why I might not want to continue it. I think that the part that I don’t like about it the most is… My sponsor who brought me in, she’s really good. If anyone has an objection, she is excellent at coming up with a way around the objection. I admire her, I think she’s a great person, I learn a lot from her, but it’s this what I feel like the convincing part, like you’re trying to convince the person they want this product. At least in my head I’ve got that associated with if you’re going to do well in this business, you’re going to have to know this.

Whereas when I first started, how it happened with me—and I’m pretty sure it might have been orchestrated on her part a bit, but it felt so natural to me. I had wanted to have better skin, and all of a sudden I’m talking to this woman and she sells, she’s telling me about this product and I’m like all right, and I just try this product and I’m liking it. And then I learned about their business model, and I’m like this could be a new way of doing it – even though it’s been around for a while, but it just seemed like it might be a nice way to make money at this point in time. And then I started doing it, and then people object and… I don’t know. I just don’t feel like going out and saying, “Oh!” I can tell people about it and if they like it, great, but I don’t like the whole convincing part. And I’ve got it in my head, if you’re really going to make it work you have to do this convincing part. So…

ELIAS: Which is the selling.

ANN: Yes. I don’t want to sell. I don’t want to convince. I feel like saying, “If you like it, you like it; if you don’t, you don’t.” And I don’t want to be responsible for other people, either. Like she’s really good with – or really good or really bad – but she’s like checking up because there’s an automatic delivery in thirty days and so she checks up. She keeps track of all these people and she keeps track of the best way to make a commission, and she keeps track of all this stuff for so many people. I’m like, I don’t want to keep track of all that stuff. It’s not that it’s a bad thing to do, and I think she actually really likes it. But I’m like “Meh!” Yeah, so there’s… I just feel like I want to live my life: “Okay! Hey, I’m going to tell you about this cool thing. If you like it, you like it; if you don’t, you don’t.” And I also don’t want to be responsible for you remembering to do this or that. And so…

ELIAS: Which, in its basis, what you are expressing is that you enjoy sharing, but you don’t necessarily want to be engaging a business.

ANN: Yeah. (Laughs) Yeah, kinda.

ELIAS: And in that, you can be excited about a particular product, or you can be excited about a particular direction, but that doesn’t necessarily mean that you want to create a business.

ANN: Yeah. So, then that circles me back around to the “What the heck do I do?” Maybe I just don’t do anything. (Both laugh) See, so this is interesting.

And I was reading Daniel Scranton, who does this channeling with the Arcturian Council, the Ninth Dimensional Arcturian Council, and as I pay attention to synchronicities and such, one of their recent channelings they were saying well, as we shift, we’re going to want to learn new ways of doing things. I mean, it’s not always about doing, doing, doing and accomplishing, it’s about… I don’t know. I can’t remember what they said it was about. I still feel like yeah, you’ve got to get stuff done. You have to have goals, even though I can see… the value in the goal to me is it gets you moving on a journey, and then the journey would transform the goal, meaning the goal may be what it originally was or it may NOT be what it originally was, so that seems to be the value in the goal.

ELIAS: I would express also that that in itself somewhat is changing. Not that you would be necessarily eliminating goals, but that how you view them or how you engage them is different, that it isn’t as black and white as it was previously. And in that, that would include meaning that you might not necessarily set intentionally a goal in a particular direction, but you might notice yourself moving in a direction WITH a goal. Are you understanding?

ANN: Moving in my direction… like I didn’t set the goal, but I’m moving towards something…?

ELIAS: Not intentionally.

ANN: Right. Yeah, yeah. I think that’s how I move—

ELIAS: Instead, you set a goal, but you didn’t necessarily INTENTIONALLY set a goal. You were thinking about it, but in your natural movement forward and your natural expansion, you are actually creating goals that you aren’t necessarily intentionally setting as you would have pastly.

ANN: Well, I think that’s more my natural flow, actually.

ELIAS: I would agree. I would definitely agree.

ANN: Like I like to just… I really just want to live my life, but sometimes I feel like maybe I’m too scattered or not focused enough. But I kind of just want to live my life. And I don’t know why I got this, because my life has been working out pretty darn well. I mean…

ELIAS: (Laughs) I would agree. (Ann laughs) And that is the irony—

ANN: Yeah.

ELIAS: — is that you doubt, you question—

ANN: Why do I do that?

ELIAS: — you feel uneasy, when the evidence of what you are actually doing and accomplishing is so obvious and directly in front of you, and you are frequently attempting to look around it or look behind it to discover where it isn’t actually moving in that accomplishing direction. But it is.

ANN: It really is.

ELIAS: You ARE being successful. You ARE being comfortable. You ARE allowing yourself the life that you want, but you are suspicious of that.

ANN: Yeah. But less and less so. I mean, there have been more and more times I do stop and pause, and it’s like I’ve kind of got… I mean, it’s good. (Elias laughs) I’ve gotten things I want. And it just happens, you know. Yeah.

ELIAS: Yes. And that, my friend, is a matter of being aware of perception and how you are engaging your life and your perception of that, and that in actuality you are moving in the direction that you want, and you are engaging goals and you are accomplishing them without having to intentionally set them and map them out.

ANN: Yeah. Yeah. (Elias laughs)

So, I want to ask you a little cheat (laughs). A while back, I was taking this Emergen-C supplement which had a lot of vitamin C in it, and I had been having pains in my joints and my knees. And I’d had this inkling that well, maybe it’s this Emergen-C, and you had agreed that it was, and I stopped taking it and then those pains went away. Well now, my ankles, I’ve been having troubles with my ankles. When I started doing the treadmill after I heard you say running is so good for your bone marrow, so…

ELIAS: AHHHH! Continue.

ANN: So, I started running on the treadmill, and I’m having troubles with my ankles, pains in my ankle now. So there’s two things I thought about. One, last summer we went on a long hiking trip in Yosemite, and I was carrying a thirty-pound backpack, and when we were done my feet were swollen. And I think maybe some muscles down there might have been sprained or whatever. And it did take a long time for walking not to be painful again after that trip. So now the two thoughts I have is one, are my feet still weakened from that experience, and when I started running again it was just putting too much pressure? Or the other thought is that company that I’m working with, they have this vitamin called Youth Factor and it doesn’t have vitamin C in it, but I’m just wondering if I’m not a good person, my body is not a… you know, it doesn’t receive vitamins and stuff that well, and if that is doing what the vitamin C was doing in inflaming my tendons or something? I don’t know. So…

ELIAS: What I would say to you is that that is a small factor. Yes, it is contributing, and I would agree with you that your body doesn’t require it.

ANN: Okay.

ELIAS: Therefore, it is a slight factor. But what I would say to you is that more so, what it is, is you, in a manner of speaking, jumping into a direction that you automatically think would be beneficial to you – which it would – but not paying attention to your individual body consciousness and moving with it. You merely decide, “I will begin jogging, and I will do it in this matter for this amount of time.”

ANN: Hm. Yeah. (Laughs)

ELIAS: “And this consistently on this schedule.”

ANN: That’s a control thing.

ELIAS: That isn’t actually listening to YOUR individual body consciousness. Yes, would walking or jogging or running benefit you also? Yes, it would. But to do it in a manner in which YOU are listening to your body and you are moving in a direction of building your muscle tone and your endurance. What I would say to you is, immediately moving in the direction of merely jogging for one-half of an hour – and are you doing that on a daily basis?

ANN: I am not now. I probably did it maybe four or five times in a row was the longest stretch I ever did, but I have been stopping just because either my ankles hurt or I was travelling or something—

ELIAS: Correct.

ANN: Yeah.

ELIAS: And in that… but you WOULD have—

ANN: Yeah.

ELIAS: — if you didn’t have a reason to stop.

ANN: Well, yeah, if my ankles didn’t hurt, yeah.

ELIAS: Precisely. And that is merely moving in the direction of an idea, not actually listening to your body consciousness. Your body consciousness has already given you information in relation to what you expressed previously about the hiking trip and what you experienced in that. That gave you information.

Therefore, if you wanted to move in the direction of jogging or running, it would be a matter of incorporating that information about your body, researching what shoes are compatible with YOUR body consciousness and are comfortable for you to do that activity in, then beginning slowly and perhaps walking quickly initially or perhaps walking and jogging for five minutes during the walk, or ten minutes during the walk, and have the walk be one-half of an hour, and in that, allowing yourself to move your body in a direction to acclimate it to a new activity.

Many, many, many individuals move in this same type of direction. They incorporate an idea of what would be healthy or what they think is good for them – and it may be, but they don’t pay attention to their own body consciousness and allow the body to acclimate to the action. An individual that merely immediately begins running that has not incorporated that action previously is very likely to injure themself. And I am not expressing injury in merely the manner of injuring themself by falling or injuring themself by twisting their leg or their ankle, or injuring themself in some manner such as that. I am also including in that injury in developing certain types of conditions in the body consciousness, fasciitis or shin splints.

ANN: Yeah. Okay. Yeah.

ELIAS: Or difficulty with circulation. Or difficulty with breathing.

ANN: Yeah. Yeah.

ELIAS: These are all injuries that an individual can generate with themselves because they aren’t paying attention to the body consciousness. Would it be beneficial for you to engage an action NOW, before it is necessary, so to speak? Would it be beneficial for you to engage briskly walking or jogging at this point in your life? Yes, definitely, it would. But I would suggest that you do that in a manner that is consistent with your body consciousness, and allow yourself to build your body consciousness in that direction and nurture it while you are doing that, not push. For when you push, you hurt yourself.

ANN: I get it. I get it. And I know myself a lot, that I’m like, “Okay, so this is what I want to do. Everybody fall in line!” whether it be my body or whether… and that is a pushing, versus “This is what I want to do. Let’s kind of fall back, pay attention. Let’s see what I need to do to make…” I mean, I know that’s part of the way I go about life, so it’s better to stop. No. I get it. I got it.

ELIAS: And this would be you presenting to yourself balance.

ANN: Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. And it’s also about not… I think that there’s a control piece in there, too, where I’m just trying to control things versus go with things or allow things or…

ELIAS: Ah, yes. I agree.

ANN: So, okay, I’m getting that more and more. (Elias laughs) Now it’s a matter of living with it. Or being it, living it. (Elias laughs)

So, also last time we had talked, we left it off about… let me see. Okay. We left off that we were going to talk about self-hypnosis, because I was thinking what a nice, easy way to do things is just hypnotize ourselves in what we want to do. (Laughs) Would that be control, or would that be…?

ELIAS: Not necessarily. I would express that that would be a matter of another or a different method in which you could engage generating different types of suggestions to yourself, or tapping into different energies to aid you in certain directions, because it is a matter of remember: what is hypnosis?

ANN: The suggestion.


ANN: No? (Laughs) I don’t know then.

ELIAS: You can incorporate a suggestion WITH hypnosis, but what is hypnosis itself?

ANN: Well, it depends. If you’re letting yourself be hypnotized it’s an allowing, or if you’re hypnotizing someone it’s a directing of someone, right?


ANN: I guess I don’t know what it is. (Laughs)

ELIAS: If you are the individual that is hypnotizing, then you are the facilitator. You are merely aiding another individual to move into that state of hypnosis. Hypnosis is merely and simply the action of moving yourself into a tremendously or an extreme state of relaxation.

ANN: Wow!

ELIAS: Now, this extreme state of relaxation places the body consciousness in a type of suspended state. Your objective awareness is no longer engaging your body consciousness; you are allowing the subjective entirely to be instructing and maintaining the body consciousness. The objective awareness has removed entirely from the involvement with the body consciousness. Therefore, the body consciousness is in an entire state of relaxation and is not being interfered with by the objective awareness.

Now; the objective awareness is also relaxed tremendously. It is in an extreme state of relaxation, but not absolute. Therefore, you are continuing to engage the objective awareness and in the waking state, but in that type of extreme relaxation in which the objective awareness allows – yes, you are correct in that piece – allows for a much greater expanse of experience, very similar but not the same as dreaming, because dreaming is the objective interpretation or translation of subjective activity. Hypnosis is the objective awareness being relaxed in an extreme state and allowing it to move unbounded in any direction.

Therefore, this is the reason that suggestions can also be very powerful in that state. Because you are in such an extreme relaxed state, you are much more open to suggestions, whether they be your own suggestions or suggestions that are expressed by an outside source.

ANN: It’s kind of like meditating.

ELIAS: In a manner of speaking, but the difference is that with hypnosis, generally you have a specific direction that you are engaging, a particular goal, if you wish – and we were speaking about goals – or a particular action that you want to engage, or a particular expression to want to accomplish. You are specifically directing objectively with meditation, or—

ANN: You aren’t. You aren’t specifically directing with meditation.

ELIAS: You ARE. You are. You are.

ANN: You are.

ELIAS: But with hypnosis, you generally can move more freely, in a broader spectrum. Generally, with meditation you move in one direction. You can change that direction with different meditations or meditating at different time frameworks, but generally speaking, with each time framework or action of meditation you are moving in one direction.

With hypnosis, you have a particular goal, in a manner of speaking, and that can lead you in many directions.

ANN: Oh, interesting.

ELIAS: Therefore, you might express that you want to give yourself the suggestion that you enjoy eating in a more healthy manner. Let us use that as an example. Now, you may have that as a goal, let us say, in the hypnosis. That may move you in many different directions, exploring many different experiences and even many different time frameworks or areas of consciousness. You might tap into other focuses that consume very unhealthily or that consume food in very healthy manners. You might move into other areas of consciousness and other dimensions, and explore different actions with the body consciousness and what moves consistently with the body consciousness or easily with the body consciousness. You might move in many different directions, but they all will be associated with some aspect of what that goal was.

ANN: When you move in those directions, is that during like while you’re hypnotized?

ELIAS: Yes. Yes. And in that, because this is an objective movement, unless you give yourself the suggestion not to remember, you will recall everything you do automatically. You will recall everything you experience, everything you see, everything you do while you are engaging that hypnotic state.

ANN: So, how do I hypnotize myself?

ELIAS: THAT is merely a matter of practice. You can do that with a number of methods. You can do it with engaging recordings. There are, in your present time framework, recordings that are designed to aid you in self-hypnosis. You don’t HAVE to engage recordings. You can do it yourself in a method of moving yourself slowly deeper and deeper and deeper into a relaxation. I have given several different exercises that move in that direction.

You can visualize yourself at the top of a staircase. Whatever the visualization is, it is important that it is detailed, because you don’t want to put yourself to sleep. You want to remain awake. Therefore, details are important, because they hold your attention. If you choose a staircase, you visualize that staircase in tremendous detail. You are paying attention to every step of those stairs, and you are descending them one by one, slowly moving yourself deeper and deeper and deeper into a state of relaxation on each step as you descend. When you reach the bottom of the staircase, you should be in an entirely deep, relaxed state. And at that point, at the bottom of the staircase, it is significant to visualize a door that you can open and step through. Once you open and step through the door, that allows you to lead yourself into the hypnotic state of visualizing anything or tapping into anything: other focuses, other dimensions, other areas of consciousness. It could be here and now and within your body consciousness, or within some other area that exists now in your reality. It doesn’t have to be some other aspect of consciousness.

And in that, you merely allow yourself to present whatever presents itself to you. Which is somewhat of an interesting journey, because it WILL present. You will automatically, once you open that door, generate experiences and visuals. It won’t be similar to watching a film. It will be similar to actually experiencing something else.

ANN: Now, when do you plant the suggestion? Before you start down the stairs, or when you get in the door, or…?

ELIAS: Before you even engage the stairs. And you don’t think about it. You don’t have to think about it. You merely, before you even engage the action of the hypnosis, you have an idea of what you want to accomplish. Now it isn’t necessary to think about that any longer. Now all that is important is that you concentrate on that staircase and all the details of it and descending step by step by step slowly until you reach the bottom of the stairs and you face the door.

Or you can use an elevator, and you can be moving in an elevator down many, many, many, many floors. The concept is the same, therefore you can choose what type of method you want to engage. Generally, something that is descending is usually the most effective, because you are already generating an automatic association with that action. Moving down automatically associates with moving deeper. It could be a tunnel. It could be a hole. It could be anything, but generally speaking, moving downward is usually the most successful and easiest manner to engage self-hypnosis.

ANN: So, I kind of do… I didn’t realize. I don’t know. I wasn’t doing it for hypnosis, or I didn’t think I was, but I did it when I thought I needed comfort or I wanted to comfort myself sometimes. I would walk down this hall and go into this bedroom and lift up the rug in the bedroom and then go down these stairs. In the hall sometimes I’d pay attention to details. I wasn’t too into the details. I’d go down the stairs, and then I would go into… there would be a steel elevator or steel room, and then I would go into the elevator and I would go down into this other land. And there was always a bear there waiting for me. And he was like… I would cuddle with him, and he was my protector or whatever when I was feeling bad.

But I never used anything like that to plant a suggestion, unless it was for comfort, but…

ELIAS: And that IS a form of hypnosis, what you were doing.

ANN: Yeah. Yeah. Yeah.

ELIAS: What I am expressing to you is merely moving it several steps further.

ANN: Yeah. Maybe more purposeful. (Laughs)

ELIAS: But what you were doing was a form of self-hypnosis, therefore you already have experience with it. You already have practice with it.

ANN: Yeah. Yeah.

ELIAS: Which is excellent, because that will allow you to facilitate it more easily.

ANN: And then the hypnosis will allow you easier access to information where we might not think we have information to?

ELIAS: Most definitely. Yes.

ANN: Like I was talking or I was listening to someone who was supposedly channeling Tesla, and he was saying Tesla wants to give people this information that they’re ready to tap into, so… I mean, that’s not my area of… I’m curious about it, but I don’t know if I have the brain to figure all that stuff out. But let’s say like if John or whatever wanted to tap into Tesla’s information, he could do something like that as well?

ELIAS: Yes. Yes. It is all available. That actually is the action, I would say to you, of recognition of interconnectedness. That you aren’t necessarily thinking about interconnectedness, but all information is available to you because it is all a part of you, because everything is interconnected. Therefore, if you wanted to access information in relation to Tesla, you could set that intention or incorporate that thought before the descending into the self-hypnosis. And what would occur is once you open the door, then you move in a direction not necessarily to meet this individual Tesla, but to experience the information yourself, because you have it.

ANN: Okay. And you could even use it like if I am confused or indecisive, for whatever reason, and I can use it as a way to get clarity.

ELIAS: Yes, definitely. It is a very useful tool, very useful.

ANN: Yeah. It sounds like it could be really useful, because it’s also a way to let go of the control and you having to figure it out, so… yeah.

ELIAS: Yes. Correct. I agree.

ANN: All right. Well, that was all really good. I’m excited about that. I feel like I can do that.

ELIAS: And you can. And it also encourages and promotes trust.

ANN: Trust. Oh my god!

ELIAS: Without questioning yourself, because you are allowing yourself objectively to descend into that extremely relaxed state, which creates that vulnerability. And what is vulnerability?

ANN: It’s strength.

ELIAS: Allowing.

ANN: Oh, allowing. Ah! Yeah. Trust and allowing. Okay. That all feels good. All right. I like all that, Elias. (Elias laughs)

Okay, now I have just like this curiosity thing. I was watching this movie which was like they took the brain of a human and they put it in a robot because they wanted this robot to be able to go into pressures or places in space that the human body couldn’t sustain. So anyhow, so they were saying that all the consciousness of the person is in the brain.

And I’m thinking I’m not so sure if that’s the… Anyhow, so the premise of the movie was going… they take the brain out and then they put it in the machine, and then that brain would have all the memories of the person and have the person’s consciousness.

But then I was kind of curious, and I couldn’t remember. I know you said the body consciousness—oh! I’m remembering something, because I got confused. When you say body consciousness, I was always thinking it was my physical body that holds either the remembrance or the memories, but then later I remember you saying, oh it’s not necessarily your physical body, it is the body consciousness. And then I got confused.

But, so anyhow I just started thinking about all this stuff, like what if they took the brain and put it in this machine…like what is the brain? And how is the brain different from thoughts? Is the brain…? I know thoughts are a translating mechanism, but is…? So, is the brain the one that’s thinking? Is this body consciousness, whatever that is, is that thinking? So, I was, just to try to understand all this, which I don’t understand, I was thinking maybe if I knew what would happen if we took the brain out and put it into a robot, that might help me understand the functions of everything better. Maybe not.

But is…? I’m just curious about it. So, what would happen if you took a brain, someone’s brain, and put it in a robot? And let’s say technology was developed enough that you could hook the brain up to live inside of a machine.

ELIAS: Very well.

Now; in that, if you remove a brain from the body, the brain would retain the consciousness of that particular body consciousness. Let me express to you that any part of your body that you remove incorporates the memory of that body consciousness. Therefore, when you, as an example, transfer or transplant an aspect of one body into another body, that piece that was transplanted or transferred into another body consciousness holds the memory of the original body consciousness. Therefore, it adds to the second body all of the body consciousness of the first body.

Therefore, if you remove a piece of the body such as the brain and place it in a machine, it would retain all of the memory of the body consciousness that it was removed from.

Now; in that, the tricky piece is unlocking that, because your thinking, your awareness is not housed in your brain.

ANN: Yeah.

ELIAS: Or in your body consciousness.

ANN: Okay. Yeah.

ELIAS: It doesn’t have a house, in a manner of speaking. It is energy that is directing and interacting with the different aspects of your body consciousness. Therefore, yes, any piece, including your brain, holds all that memory, holds all of that body consciousness. But then it is a matter of ACCESSING that memory, that information and that action. Therefore, the machine would require some function that mimics your consciousness. Therefore, the scientists would require defining and understanding consciousness and perception to include that in the machine and to incorporate some mechanism in the machine that could interface with that body part and access all of its information.

Now; in that, the brain would be the most likely part of the body that would be the easiest to be accessed, because the brain is accustomed to those functions. It is accustomed to directly interfacing with your thought mechanism and with your objective consciousness and being responsive to that, and in its responsiveness directing the rest of your body consciousness through your nervous system.

Therefore, yes, the brain would be the most likely aspect of the body and the easiest part of the body to remove and incorporate in a machine to access all of that information.

ANN: Okay. So, that’s probably enough for now. (Elias laughs)

I want to ask you another question before we run out of time, too. Because Neil deGrasse Tyson, I was listening to him on a podcast, and he was talking about… when the guy was saying he wants flying cars or whatever, and he was like you don’t need flying cars because we have the third dimension. And he’s talking about freeways and cars go over top of each other, that you have that space that you can use. (I still want flying cars.) And then he said something about like if there was a fourth dimension, there would be even better ways to travel, and Joe says, “Well, what’s the fourth dimension?” and Neil says, “I don’t know.” And I was thinking well, isn’t the fourth dimension time? Is the fourth dimension time?

ELIAS: What I would say to you is that numbering dimensions is a very metaphysical idea. And in that, what I would say to you is it is a method in which individuals create definitions for actions beyond what you think you can do in your reality, and they label other actions as being numbered dimensions: the third, the fourth, the fifth. You already occupy a third dimension. You ARE three-dimensional.

ANN: Yeah.

ELIAS: The fourth, the fifth, the sixth: what I would say to you is this isn’t a matter of accessing a different dimension. Different dimensions are different realities. This isn’t a matter of accessing different dimensions; it is a matter of accessing MORE OF YOUR OWN—therefore, more of your own abilities.

And in that, you take steps, such as you create airplanes and rockets that fly, that will transport you in flying, as a stepping stone to flying without a rocket. Or you create spacecraft that you can transport yourselves in as a stepping stone before you teleport—most of you. Some of you teleport before that, but most of you don’t. You create methods and objects before you take another step and move in another direction.

I would express that that is the piece that I have expressed in relation to your science fiction becoming more science fact, and you do that more and more and more every day.

ANN: Oh yeah. Yeah, you see it everywhere.


ANN: It’s like if we want to know what’s going to happen, just watch science fiction movies. (Laughs)

ELIAS: I would agree. And I would express that one of those actions of your science fiction that has become science fact is your science fiction of replicators. And now it is science fact, with your three-dimensioned printer.

ANN: Printing. Yeah. Oh yeah. Yeah.

ELIAS: That is what they are, replicators.

ANN: Yeah. Replicators. Yeah! Pretty soon they’ll start reprinting meat.

ELIAS: They don’t print; they create.

ANN: Oh. Create.

ELIAS: They create objects.

ANN: Okay. I hear the bell. Oh, Elias! (Elias laughs) Well, it’s great to talk to you again. And I feel… I’ve read something on, again from the Arcturian Council. They were saying when you read their words you’ll get energetic transmission from them, but when you hear it you’ll get MORE energetic transmission from them. And I feel like when I talk to you, I definitely feel like infused or more relaxed or more. Or like I understand more, even if next week I won’t, but when I’m talking to you… So when I’m talking to you, that’s probably, I’m receiving more energy than when I would read your words?


ANN: Yeah. I feel it. I feel it, baby! I feel it! (Elias laughs) Oh, I was so glad to talk to you again today.

ELIAS: I am tremendously encouraging of you, my friend, tremendously. And I express such an extreme lovingness to you. In that, also a reminder: I am always present, and I am never leaving. (Laughs)

ANN: I like that. I definitely like that. Okay. Well, we’ll let Mary get back to her regular self, whatever that may be. (Both laugh)

ELIAS: Very well. I express tremendous lovingness to you, my dear friend, and anticipate our next meeting greatly.

ANN: Me too.

ELIAS: In dear friendship, as always, au revoir.

ANN: Au revoir.

(Elias departs after 1 hour 1 minute)

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