Session 201703031

Swiss Cheese People


“Swiss Cheese People”
“The Difference between Openness and Empathy”
“Action without Time and Space”
“Freedom From Fearing Consequences”
“The Benefits of Humming”

Friday, March 3, 2017 (Private/Phone)

Participants: Mary (Michael) and Ann (Vivette)

ELIAS: Good morning!

ANN: Good morning, Elias!

ELIAS: (Laughs) And how are you proceeding?

ANN: I am proceeding marvelously. And actually –

ELIAS: Marvelously.

ANN: Marvelously!

ELIAS: Excellent! (Chuckles)

ANN: Oh my goodness! I had some notes that I wanted to write down for you, and now I can’t find them. (Elias laughs) I guess I’ll have to just go from memory.

ELIAS: And be spontaneous.

ANN: Oh, actually I found them. But I’ll be spontaneous – eventually . (Laughs)

Okay, so first I have a couple stat questions for two friends that John and I have recently met. And one, named David, I believe he is intermediate, Tumold, Ilda, political.

ELIAS: Correct.

ANN: Oh, good! And then his wife, Kelly. I went back and forth between common and soft, but I think she’s common, and I went back and forth between either Ilda and Gramada, but I think Gramada/Sumari? And then I had trouble with her focus type, but maybe thought focus?

ELIAS: Correct.

ANN: Oh my goodness! So, common, Gramada, Sumari, thought. Oh, that’s cool! (Both laugh)

Okay. All right, so then there’s just like these more curiosity things. I have a coworker, and when I wanted to go part time they hired her, just to kind of take some of my stuff and replace me, eventually; she’s going to be my replacement. And you know, I like her. There’s nothing not to like about her. It kind of reminds me of when I was talking about my niece’s boyfriend who turned out to be a Swiss cheese person. I don’t know if she’s a Swiss cheese person or not, but it’s weird because I do like her. There is nothing not to like about her. Everybody likes her.

But I get some kind of a feeling from her, or my assessment or something. There’s something there that I feel like either I don’t like her, or I’m feeling her maybe closed off or something. And I even had a dream one night where she stabbed me in a dream. So, I’m wondering… Two things I thought: One, maybe jealousy because I perceive her as being such this perfect little replacement for me. But another one that I’m thinking is I might be picking up on how she feels about me, and feeling that and that’s why I don’t like her. So, can you talk about that? (Both chuckle)

ELIAS: Now; all of that, what would your assessment be about the strongest feeling that you have?

ANN: Well, the strongest feeling is I don’t think she… It’s weird, because the feeling I have is like she doesn’t necessarily care for me, but she doesn’t ever show any indication of that. I just feel like she’s holding something; she’s closed in to something – that’s my strongest feeling. But you know, the jealousy part – although I don’t feel THAT jealous of her. She just kind of evidences things where she holds herself in a manner where I’m like, “Yeah, that’s a pretty successful way to navigate in this company,” where I wasn’t like that, I was more emotional or more something, so… But the strongest is I think she’s withholding something. It feels like she’s withholding something. I don’t know.

ELIAS: I would express she is. That is your indicator of a Swiss cheese person.

ANN: Oh my god! So, she is a Swiss cheese person?

ELIAS: For in that, what I would express to you is what I identified previously. Generally speaking, the reason that these individuals are confusing is that they generally are likable.

ANN: Yeah.

ELIAS: They don’t express in manners that are aggravating or obnoxious. And in that, you feel something off, but you can’t quite define or identify what it is because their behavior does not indicate anything that would warrant you not liking them.

ANN: So, that is pretty cool! Now I think I’ve got a pretty good feel for this feeling for that Swiss cheese person. Just like yesterday, I was thinking I was going to talk to you about it. I thought, hm. Wow!

ELIAS: It is that you recognize that. Generally, what you will feel is either what you did, in there is something that this individual is withholding or is not being entirely up front, in a manner of speaking, about or that you distrust them. And generally, it will be both, because when you recognize that there is something that you can’t quite define but you sense that the individual is hiding something or is not being entirely genuine about something, that generally will lead you in a direction of not trusting them.

ANN: Yeah.

ELIAS: And those are generally the most obvious indicators when you encounter one of these individuals.

ANN: So, why…? Or what happens that…? Now, is she aware? I’m sure she doesn’t use the terminology “Swiss cheese,” but… Would you say a Swiss cheese person is similar to like someone who camouflages?


ANN: Okay. So, is she aware that she is camouflaging and not showing her true feelings?

ELIAS: Yes. That is the difference, is that there are many individuals that camouflage because of fear.

ANN: Yeah.

ELIAS: And they may not be aware that they are camouflaging. There are many individuals that shield and are not aware of when they are shielding, but THESE individuals are aware of what they are doing.

Now, when they encounter an individual such as yourself that notices that oddity about their energy, that their energy isn’t quite matching what they are expressing or how they are behaving, and that you may not be identifying it as energy, you may only be identifying it by what you feel, but that is what you are tapping into, that their energy doesn’t match what they are presenting as themself.

Now, in that, when they encounter an individual such as yourself that notices that difference, this is an interesting factor with these individuals. For, they won’t generally change their behavior, for they must maintain that facade, and they do, and they do it very well.

ANN: Oh yeah.

ELIAS: But – but – generally they move in one of two directions with an individual such as yourself. Either they will project that facade more, and they will be nicer and more compliant and more pleasing, and their behavior will be more accommodating to you than it is even with other individuals, or they will somewhat retreat. They will maintain the facade, and therefore they will not generate any behavior that you can definitely define or point to that supports what you feel, but they will express in a manner that combines that with some slight piece of aloofness.

ANN: Yeah.

ELIAS: Therefore, they will either pull away from an individual such as yourself, or they will become more overt in how they are expressing that camouflage. In this, they are either trying to convince you in a different direction from what you feel, and therefore distract you away from your own communications, or they notice that that is not successful, then they will move in the other direction, in which they step back somewhat – but they maintain the facade.

ANN: Yeah. Yeah, I know what you’re saying, because I felt her stepping back from me. So, does she consciously or just intuitively know that I am picking up on something? Or is it unconscious and intuitive?

ELIAS: Oh, she is aware objectively, and the reason is you. Because when an individual DOES recognize that difference, such as yourself, when you do notice that difference between what you feel because of the energy and what you are observing and they don’t match, the other individual notices that immediately because you, without intending to and likely in manners that YOU are not even aware of, will interact with them differently.

There is an element of your energy that is skeptical or that is not automatically blindly trusting, and they are accustomed to other individuals expressing in the manner that they automatically trust them and that they automatically like them, and they don’t question them. When an individual such as that encounters an individual such as yourself, they notice that energy immediately, and that is what influences them very quickly to alter how they are expressing when they are in a situation with you, because they ARE aware.

They are aware of what they are doing. They are aware of their facade. They are aware of maintaining it. And in that, it is all very objective, for in that maintaining of the facade, it must change at times to accommodate the situation and the individuals that are participating in it, to accomplish successfully that projection in which other individuals believe them and don’t question them.

ANN: Very fascinating. All this is so fascinating to me. (Both laugh)

ELIAS: On YOUR part, without even noticing, you will automatically express very slight hesitations in your behavior and how you interact. For that individual, that is a tremendously obvious signal.

ANN: So, I’ve also felt like maybe she thought I was threatening to her somehow, and is this is why? Because…

ELIAS: But you are! But you are.

ANN: Yeah.

ELIAS: They don’t objectively recognize or, in your terms, reason that the individual that they have encountered is not quite clear in relation to what seems inconsistent to them. They automatically feel exposed.

ANN: Yeah.

ELIAS: Therefore, even though you are not actually a threat to the individual, because generally speaking, you won’t immediately define what it is that is inconsistent, and even when you do, you don’t know what they are covering.

ANN: Right.

ELIAS: Therefore, you don’t have actual information about them or what they are covering or why they are doing that, but they automatically feel exposed, as if you can see through the facade and know what is beyond it. You don’t, but that is their immediate reaction, and therefore you ARE a threat and they will treat you as such, but in an amiable and polite and nice manner.

ANN: Ah! That all makes so much sense. That’s exactly what I felt, just what you described. So, interesting! (Elias laughs) I mean, even if I knew what was behind… There would be no reason to, like, EXPOSE it. You know, I could see no reason to do that. It’s just…

ELIAS: And generally, it would likely not matter.

ANN: Yeah.

ELIAS: And likely not be important to you, and therefore you would not devote much attention to it anyway. But in their perception, whatever they are covering is of such importance to them to be covering, that because it is so important to them, they cannot conceive that it would not be tremendously important to you also.

ANN: Yeah, that makes sense.

ELIAS: And therefore, you would pose a significant threat to them.

ANN: There was another woman that I was picking up that didn’t like me and you said because I’m very open, my energy is very open. Is my energy being open different than being… what’s the word? Emphatic? No, not that word. What’s the word I’m looking for?

ELIAS: Empathic.

ANN: Yeah. Thank you. So, is being open and being empathic, are those similar or different?

ELIAS: They can be similar at times, but they are actually significantly different, and the reason that they are different is because one is an action that you engage intentionally. The empathic expression is an expression and an action that you engage intentionally and that you may have a natural inclination in that direction anyway, but that is an inner sense that, in a manner of speaking, requires you to practice with it to polish it.

I would say to you that in expressing openness, that is a natural action, and it does not require practice to polish it. And in that, you express it continuously. You either are open and are developing that and becoming more and more open, or you are not. And as you expand and you are expressing that openness, it is a natural expression and flow. You don’t necessarily do that intentionally.

ANN: So to polish my empathic sense, is that just merging with things? That’s how you polish it?

ELIAS: Yes, and practice.

ANN: And practice. Yeah. So, any other way? I remember the exercises that you gave, and I have practiced a little bit with merging with things. Any others? Or is that the best one or the only one really needed?

ELIAS: I would express that that is the most effective. That is another point that is a significant difference between engaging your empathic sense and being open, for being open, you are not actually merging with the other being or other manifestation, for you can merge with anything. But being open, you are aware of other energies. You are aware of [inaudible]. You are aware of what is being expressed, or what exists. Empathic action is you are aware of yourself, but you are also simultaneously experiencing what the other individual or thing is experiencing.

ANN: In the same form as experiencing their feelings? And what about experiencing their thoughts?


ANN: Both?

ELIAS: All of it, yes.

ANN: So, if I were to empathically merge with Amanda, I would — not that I necessarily would want to do this other than to see if I could do it. If I were to empathically merge with her, I would be able to find out the camouflage reason?

ELIAS: Not necessarily.

ANN: Okay. I would just experience what she’s feeling and thinking?

ELIAS: Partially. For there is a difference with these individuals. They are not only maintaining that facade. They also are maintaining a considerable shield, and they know how to maintain that shield in a manner that would block you and that would not allow you to merge your energy in that capacity.

Remember that every individual has choice, and you have the choice to block out other energies. And in this, most of you don’t, and therefore with most individuals, you could use your empathic sense and you could merge with them and you could experience what they are experiencing – feeling, thinking – temporarily. But with these individuals, that would be very unlikely, for they are masters at shielding, and they are masters at recognizing when anyone can identify or in simple terms see beyond the facade. And therefore, that shield is held in place very strongly in relation to those specific individuals. They don’t have to maintain that shield in tremendous strength most of the time with most individuals, for most individuals believe them and therefore are not a threat. But when they encounter an individual that they recognize is skeptical, or that they recognize notices something, they immediately erect that shield.

Therefore, you could attempt as much as you choose to be engaging your empathic sense with that individual and it would be likely that you would not necessarily be successful.

ANN: Now, if I did it remotely, would she still be as aware?


ANN: Wow! This is so fascinating.

ELIAS: It matters not whether you are in physical proximity. I would express that in physical proximity it is more OBVIOUS, but it matters not whether you are in physical proximity or not because she already is on alert. Therefore, that shield has already been erected whenever your energy is present, whether you are physically in proximity of her or not. When your energy is projected, she will recognize it.

ANN: (Laughs) That’s so fascinating. So, is there…? Obviously, I know that you had said before that it takes a tremendous amount of energy for them to maintain this. Besides that, is there any other detriment to doing this, or is it an effective way to go through life? Because to look at it, she seems to have got things figured out.

ELIAS: I would express that most of them do. Most of them are masters at presenting themselves in successful capacities, in different manners. That does not necessarily mean that they would be automatically successful in business, but they can be.

And in this, let me express to you in this manner: Their entire focus (chuckles) is based in BEING successful, for that is what they are doing every moment of every day with that facade. And in that, they are reinforcing that success and that accomplishment every day in relation to every individual that they convince to believe them and to trust them. And there are tremendously more individuals that do believe them and that do trust them than there are of individuals that question them.

Therefore, in that, every time they engage another individual and are successful in projecting that facade, that adds to their confidence, for they have accomplished. Their entire life is based in success and accomplishment; and therefore, in most situations with most of them – it is very rare that this would be different or that one would deviate from this – most of them are successful in whatever direction they choose to engage, and they generally express a considerable confidence.

Now, they express that confidence in a different manner than another individual would, because they must express it in conjunction with maintaining that amiable, polite, accommodating and nice facade. Therefore, they don’t generally appear to be pushy. They express that confidence but in a manner that is not necessarily assuming.

ANN: Hm! So interesting!

ELIAS: I would express that these individuals are, in a manner of speaking, quite interesting because they are significantly masters at what they do – and they are very consistent. And in that, they generally are confident and successful. Therefore, what is the drawback, so to speak, or the pitfall of generating that type of focus? The pitfall or the drawback is their inner communication and their signals to themselves, that they generally express a considerable uncomfortableness with their natural expression. YOU won’t ever see that (both laugh), but within themselves they are continuously attempting to prove to themself, because they are uncomfortable. And in that, they also generate a considerable factor of fear. They are also masters at camouflaging that fear, and most individuals would observe them and would never suspect that they incorporate fear in relation to anything, but that is one of the driving forces behind what motivates them to maintain that facade.

Therefore, I would express that although they are considerably successful, and although they do generate significant confidence, and outwardly they seem to generate relatively comfortable lives in a physical capacity, inwardly they generate a considerable turmoil. Therefore, that would be the pitfall and the drawback.

ANN: Okay. Well, enough talking about Swiss Cheese People. That’s so fascinating, and now (Elias laughs), at least for the moment I have one that I can just observe a little bit! (Both laugh) Very interesting.

Okay. So, I think I may have asked you this question before, but I’m going to ask it again with my new awareness in this moment. (Pause)

Are you there?


ANN: Okay. All right. So, (laughs) I’m not sure how much more aware I am on this subject, but I want to ask this question anyway. So, being that consciousness, or energy, is movement – that has been defined by you as such, correct?


ANN: Okay, being that the case, I’m trying to figure out how you can have movement without space or time. Because to me, to have movement would require time because it’s at one time in this place and then it moves to this place, and the movement requires time. So how can you have movement without time? I’m not sure if you can explain that to me in a way I can understand, but…

ELIAS: In actuality, it is not movement, it is action. But I am understanding that you may incorporate the words interchangeably, but I would express to you that you are correct, that in one capacity movement does carry that connotation that it is including space and time. But this is also the reason that I use the word “action” rather than “movement.”

But, even if you are interchanging these terms, I recognize what your confusion would be. In this, action does not necessarily incorporate the necessity for space arrangement. In this, that would be one factor that you could eliminate from that equation, for even if you are evaluating within your physical reality, you can identify expressions such as emotions or thoughts as an action, but it does not require any space arrangement because it is not a physical manifestation; it is an expression. In that, the space arrangement is not necessary.

Now, in relation to time, that also is not necessary in relation to action or even, if you will, the idea of movement, for you don’t have to move from one place to another, and that does not necessarily incorporate a time factor. Movement can occur simultaneously, with no time.

ANN: Yeah, like when you get an idea that pops in your head.

ELIAS: Mm, somewhat.

ANN: No?

ELIAS: That would be closer, for in your reality everything incorporates time, for time is an integral factor in relation to physical reality, physical manifestation. You must incorporate time to generate physical manifestation. Without time, there is no physical manifestation.

Therefore, in that, your idea is closer but not entirely correct. I am expressing that you associate “think” and “perceive” in relation to time and space. Therefore, the concept of “without time or space” is somewhat almost incomprehensible.

ANN: Yeah.

ELIAS: Not entirely, for I would express that you can incorporate a knowing that you may not necessarily translate into language or even images, but in that capacity, you could generate some comprehension of that factor of not needing time or space to incorporate action, but it would be considerably difficult to explain in language.

ANN: Okay. So then I will just sit back and allow that knowing to come to me as it will. (Elias laughs)

So anyhow, we have about fifteen minutes left, and I want to talk about… You know, I’ve read something about these emotions coming up, integrating all – you know, you’ve said this, too. I mean like when your emotions come up, integrate them, let them go, let them flow. So, I’ve been paying attention to that the last few days, and I’ve noticed this thing that I’m ready to let go of, but I will not let it flow or whatever, so perhaps you can help me move through it a bit.

There are some times I can just be doing what I want to do and enjoy it, and we all know that is, like, the pinnacle – at least that’s MY pinnacle, to be enjoying what I am in the moment and doing it and feel that satisfaction – but I’ve noticed there’s many times in my life when I’m doing one thing and I have anxiety about it because I feel like “Oh, I should be doing this other thing,” or “Maybe I should be doing this other thing.” And then even if I were doing that other thing, I would think, “Well, maybe I should be doing THIS other thing.” It’s just this anxiety. And it’s not huge anymore. I’m realizing it, I’m becoming aware of it, but I really just want to move through that and just really be sinking into fully whatever I’m doing in this moment it’s like the perfect thing for me to be doing in this moment. I just want to let go of that anxiety. So, I don’t know if –

ELIAS: And what would you express creates the anxiety when you incorporate a thought that you should be doing something else other than what you are doing?

ANN: It comes back from that I feel like what I want to do is different than what I should do. I mean, it’s just like in school: I didn’t want to read the books but I had to read the books to get my… You know, to do your homework. You had to read what you didn’t want to do. Or, I had to clean all my plate before I could have dessert, or I wanted to… There is this certain belief or association or something that I have to do all this stuff that I don’t want to do to get to the stuff that I do want to do. I mean, I can see the undercurrents of that, and I’m very happy it’s getting less and less, and it’s coming up and I’m being more conscious of it, but I see the undercurrents of that everywhere.

ELIAS: And what is the piece that you are missing, that you have not identified in that explanation?

ANN: It must be worth! It’s got to be worth. I mean, it’s got to be like I don’t feel worthy enough, or I don’t have the confidence in myself to believe in myself or to trust myself. It’s got to be worth and trust. I mean, everything is fricking worth with me, but…


ANN: No? Oh, good! (Laughs) Well, the reason I’m happy about that is because I’m hoping you’re going to help me identify it.

ELIAS: I will! And in that, it is not about worth, it is not about deserving, it is not about confidence. I would express that no, I would say to you that you have incorporated significant movement in those directions. It is none of those. It is one powerful factor: consequences.

ANN: Aaaaah!

ELIAS: “If you don’t do this, then there will be consequences.” “You have to do this before you can do that, because otherwise there is consequence.”

ANN: Yeah. Oh, that is.. I’ve been working on, like with the whole tax thing, so obviously that’s something that’s coming up for me to… Wow.

ELIAS: Yes. And I would express that that piece is simple to address to but is considerably elusive, in which it is so automatic. You have been being taught consequences since infancy.

ANN: Yeah!

ELIAS: Therefore, that is such an automatic expression that it seems much more elusive. It is more difficult to identify.

ANN: Mm.

ELIAS: Therefore, what I would express to you is acknowledge yourself. It is not that you are not valuing yourself enough or that you are not worth engaging what you want to engage, or that you are not confident to express what you want to engage. I would say that you have moved considerably in all of those directions.

ANN: Yeah.

ELIAS: What remains is that undercurrent of consequence: “If I don’t do this, then I will have to deal with the consequence.”

ANN: Yeah!

ELIAS: And consequences are expressions to avoid at all costs: “Better to be uncomfortable than to engage consequences.”

ANN: (Laughs) Oh my god. Wow, that certainly would be a whole new world way for me to live, without consequences.

ELIAS: Yes. And YOU the one that creates the consequences –

ANN: Yeah. That’s huge.

ELIAS: — and invents them. Therefore, when you KNOW that, then you incorporate tremendous liberation because you know that this is ludicrous, that you won’t create those consequences. What is the consequence if you eat your dessert before you eat your dinner? (Ann chuckles) There is none.

ANN: Oh, my goodness, Elias. To live like this does feel like such freedom and like the ultimate in freedom to create what I want, you know?

ELIAS: Precisely.

ANN: Oh gosh. So, I really want this, but it seems so foreign to me (both laugh) and like such a fricking jump. “Let me just jump off this cliff, ha ha ha.” (Both laugh) But I have taken leaps of faith before and they’ve turned out rather nicely, so… but that would be a consequence again. Everything is a consequence! (Elias laughs) I can’t even imagine living life without –

ELIAS: I would agree. I would definitely express congratulations to you that you actually realized that.

ANN: Yeah!

ELIAS: Consequences are not always terrible and bad.

ANN: Yeah! Oh, believe me, yeah! (Elias laughs) I mean, just to live life like that, knowing that I actually am doing the consequences, which I know is like I’m creating my reality thing. I mean, it just brings it one step closer to really understanding that concept and feeling and living that concept.

Oh my god! Elias, I want to do that! (Elias laughs) I really want to do that.

ELIAS: And I would express [inaudible].

ANN: Okay! (Laughs) Oh my god! I am so giddy with the thought of doing this. I cannot even comprehend it. (Elias laughs) Oh my god. Elias, Elias, Elias. To do that feels like the pinnacle of this life thus far. (Elias laughs) Wow. I just have… Wow. Consequences.

ELIAS: Congratulations!

ANN: All right. So, any little nudgings or pointing me in directions of how to proceed in this direction?

ELIAS: I would express that it is very simple. It is as simple as the identification of that word of consequence. That whenever you feel that uncomfortableness, or whenever you feel that push that you have to do something, or whenever you feel that anxiety that you have to do this and you don’t want to, or it is uncomfortable – whenever you feel any of those, all that is required for you to do is to express that one word to yourself: “consequence.”

ANN: Hm. All right!

ELIAS: You don’t even have to ask the question, “What is the consequence if I don’t do this?” You don’t even have to ask that question, for the question is already expressed, and therefore all that is required is that one word as a trigger point. And in that, as soon as you express that one word to yourself, you are immediately evaluating, within a fraction of a second, whether there is a consequence or not, and that immediately frees you.

ANN: Wow. I already feel the relief coming off of myself, out of my body right now. (Elias laughs) Wow. Or the release or something. I feel something. SUMP’N feels good! (Both laugh) Oh my goodness.

And then one quick thing: I don’t do meditation a lot, but I’ve been playing around with it a little bit and I notice it’s easier to have my thoughts be out of the way if I make my tonal sounds, hum or whatever. Speaking of energy being released or relaxing, I notice like a release of energy in some places in my body. Is it my body humming, or is it the tones that I’m hearing? What is it that’s making that release happen?

ELIAS: What I would say to you is, this is an excellent method, and this is the reason that monks use this method so frequently.

[The timer for the end of the session rings]

For humming, in actuality, is an action that generates more functions than you realize – not singing, not speaking, but the action of humming. That action, what it does first, in a physical capacity, is it engages your vocal cords and your air passageways in an entirely different capacity than any other action that you do in relation to sound.

In this, with that action, it begins to resonate with the body. You are generating a soothing action to your vocal cords. And when you generate that action with your vocal cords, it automatically generates a signal to your nervous system.

Understand: Your nervous system is very connected with your vocal cords. Therefore, when you generate this soothing action to your vocal cords, it creates a signal to your nervous system to quiet and to calm. And when you do THAT, you automatically… Remember: You are engaging your nervous system. Therefore, you automatically are generating relaxing your physical brain. When you relax your physical brain, you are less likely to be engaging your thought mechanism, which will engage your physical brain.

Therefore, in that, what you are doing is generating this message, through the action and through your nervous system, that is instructing your body consciousness to relax, to be soothed. And in doing so, you are also instructing your awareness, in a manner of speaking, to slow down or to stop engaging certain functions such as emotional communication, feelings and thinking.

ANN: Okay!

ELIAS: All of which are very interconnected with your nervous system. In that, I would say to you that yes, the tones are a factor in how you are affecting in that manner, but any action of humming will produce some capacity of this relaxing and this calming effect in varying degrees.

Now, if you were moving in that direction considerably and exploring it, you will discover that certain tones enhance that and certain tones lend themselves to a type of concentration in which they encourage that, in a manner of speaking, turning off the thought function. Other tones turn off the feeling function. Other tones turn off the emotional communication function. Different tones can be used to turn off different functions – or to turn them on!

ANN: Oh my god. So, that is all fascinating, and maybe I’ll play around with that so next time we can talk about it, but now our time is up. I have to go. Thank you, though. Oh, Elias, this is fabulous, fabulous, fabulous information you are sharing with me, and I so appreciate it.

Oh! One last quick thing: I was in my dining room. I can’t remember what was going on, but I was in my dining room, and the light flickered and I thought it was you. Was it you?


ANN: Yeah. I was like, wow! Because whatever I said, it was almost like we were communicating and you were validating whatever I was thinking or saying at the moment.

ELIAS: (Laughs) You are correct. Congratulations in paying attention.

ANN: All right. Okay, Elias. Well, until next time. I enjoyed talking with you so much!

ELIAS: I express tremendous lovingness to you, my dear friend. I shall greatly be anticipating our next meeting in great fun.

ANN: Me too.

ELIAS: In wondrous encouragement to you as always, and great acknowledgment in what you are accomplishing, au revoir.

ANN: Au revoir.

(Elias departs after 1 hour 5 minutes)

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