Wednesday, May 17, 2006 (Private/Phone)
Participants: Mary (Michael) and Bobbi (Jale)
(Elias’ arrival time is 23 seconds.)
ELIAS: Good morning!
BOBBI: Hi, Elias! Nice to speak to you.
ELIAS: And you also. And how have you been creating your adventure?
BOBBI: Well, a little bit more calmly in the last few weeks.
ELIAS: Congratulations!
BOBBI: Yeah! Right! (Both laugh) So, I have a few things to talk with you about today. I would like to start out by going in the direction of core truths.
ELIAS: Very well.
BOBBI: I’ve identified a whole bunch of them, but I think there’s probably a few that are the most affecting, and those are the ones I’d like to talk about.
ELIAS: Very well.
BOBBI: Actually, I’d like your feedback on what you think are my most affecting core beliefs, too, if I haven’t identified them correctly.
ELIAS: Very well.
BOBBI: Can I give you my top three?
BOBBI: I think my top three are that what I produce is equal to my value; cause and effect; and responsibility, which includes personal responsibility.
ELIAS: I would express that the expression of production is an element of the cause and effect; it is an influence of the cause and effect. Therefore, yes, you are correct: one is cause and effect, another is responsibility. Those would be two very strong core truths that you incorporate. I would also express another core truth that you incorporate is roles.
BOBBI: Okay, I see that. I think I was lumping that in with personal responsibility.
ELIAS: No. This would be another core truth, of roles.
Now; as I have expressed with other individuals, any of these core truths may include influences that can be identified with another individual as a core truth, but in relation to you as an individual, what may be a core truth of another individual may be an influence of one of your core truths. Such as, consideration or respect or image are all influences of your core truth of roles.
BOBBI: Interesting. I didn’t even think of it in those terms. Maybe a lot of these other ones that I’ve listed are aspects of these other main core truths.
ELIAS: That is quite likely. And what have you identified?
BOBBI: I have consideration, respect, and simple and less complicated is better, which is probably cause and effect.
BOBBI: Also fairness, and to a certain extent, protection.
ELIAS: That would also be associated with roles and responsibility: protection with responsibility, and fairness with roles.
BOBBI: “Simple and less complicated” is cause and effect?
BOBBI: And “consideration” and “respect” are roles?
BOBBI: There we go! I didn’t even get that one. How many core truths do I hold, would you say? Is it those three, or are there more that I haven’t identified?
ELIAS: I would express basically those three. Other expressions can be linked to one of those core three.
BOBBI: I can see clearly the influences of some of these more easily. Cause and effect has been a really difficult one for me because I see this is cause and effect but it’s true! (Laughs) I can’t seem to get beyond the fact that it seems so completely true.
ELIAS: (Laughs) Yes, but this is the point, in that your core truths have been set into absolute, and they are your guidelines. Therefore, it is unnecessary to alter them or to discount yourself or generate frustration with yourself that they are so absolute. They are your guidelines. What is significant in recognizing that they are your guidelines is that they are not necessarily another individual’s guidelines.
As you may recall in association with our most recent group interaction, one individual expressed cause and effect as a core truth, and another individual expressed that they would view this as a universal core truth, but it is not. For although you all may express to some degree some alignment with cause and effect, that may not necessarily be a core truth with another individual. Their perception of cause and effect may be significantly less and different, and it may be less rigid and not as absolute as another individual.
Therefore, this is the point, that when you are identifying and discovering what your core truth is, the significance of that is to recognize how very absolute it is to you, and how challenging it is to understand that another individual may not perceive in that manner at all.
BOBBI: Cause and effect has been the most challenging.
ELIAS: There is an automatic assumption that every other individual upon your planet perceives in the same manner, just as there is an absolute, automatic assumption with terms as simple as “yes” and “no.” “Yes” means yes. “No” means no. You cannot interpret that in any other manner; it is absolute. Not necessarily!
BOBBI: I know a lot of people who don’t agree with those. (Laughs)
ELIAS: Correct. There are many differences in which the expression of “no” with one individual may not necessarily mean no, or in the reverse with “yes,” which may not necessarily mean yes. In this, that is a simple example of how a term can be perceived in an absolute manner, in which it creates confusion if it is not defined the same by another individual.
This holds with your core truths also. It is difficult to understand or to see that another individual may not be perceiving in the same manner as yourself at all, and their definition or their meaning of some expression may be quite different. You may express in one direction in very absolute terms, but in the presentment of that to another individual, it may be quite different, and it may be quite gray.
How you define your truths is also a significant factor, for you may incorporate the term of “responsibility” or of “laws” or of “cause and effect,” and you may define it in one manner and another individual may define it in a very different manner. Therefore, how you express it shall be different.
BOBBI: So what comes next?
ELIAS: Now begins your treasure hunt. For now that you have identified them, the next step is to be paying attention to every action that you do and what association is generated with that core truth. For, every action that you do, every association that you incorporate is linked and motivated by those core truths. The manner in which you perform an action, the manner in which you associate with situations and interactions, the manner in which you associate with yourself – every action that you do – the manner in which you open and close a door or a cabinet, the manner in which you generate the action of what you term to be making your bed, the manner in which you walk across your floor, the manner in which you read a book, whatever it is that you do in any moment is being motivated by one of your core truths, and there is an association.
Generally speaking, you shall not be aware of it objectively, for they are automatic. The moment in which you become aware, but not entirely, is in moments in which it becomes challenged, and it becomes challenged when another individual expresses differently – but it is not necessarily recognized, for your automatic response is not to question yourself but to question the other individual and to express, “Why?” Why would the other individual generate this action? Why would the other individual express in this manner? Why would the other individual do this? And it creates confusion.
But once you have identified what the core truth is, you begin to pay attention to every action that you are doing, and in paying attention to the action, you can question yourself: What am I doing in this moment? How can this be associated with my core truth? What is the motivating factor that is associated with my core truth?
This actually can be the fun element of discovering and investigating your core truth. The not-fun element is the actions that lead you to the discovery, generally speaking. For most individuals, leading themselves to the discovery of their core truth generally incorporates many experiences that are less than comfortable. But once you have generated that discovery, it changes, and it moves into, figuratively speaking, a type of reward to yourself, for you are, in a manner of speaking, rewarding yourself in discovering that truth by also discovering how it motivates you in all that you do.
In that action, the action of being present and paying attention in the now is no longer a chore. It becomes a curiosity, and that can generate a fun element, for you are no longer viewing your core truth as an enemy or an expression that should be eliminated, but you are recognizing how it is your guideline and how it does serve you and how it is good for you, for it provides a comfort. It can, if not paid attention to, create obstacles and difficulties. But if you are aware of it and aware of it as your guideline, you can begin to recognize that you have many more choices than you were previously aware of.
In that, you can begin to generate choices intentionally that, in your terms, honor your direction and your guidelines, but also create a cooperation with yourself and with your truth, which allows you to generate choices that do not incorporate expectations of other individuals, for you begin to genuinely recognize that you are actually generating the choices. It is not that other individuals are doing to you; it is that you are generating choices that trigger your own truth, that oppose your own truth.
In this, as you become more aware, you begin to see choices that will avoid opposing your own guidelines. You begin to see how, at times, you oppose your own guidelines in acquiescing with another individual, or compromising or generating judgments concerning your own guidelines and expressing to yourself – although you continue to follow those guidelines – you express to yourself that they are bad or that you should not be generating these directions or choices. Not necessarily so! It is merely a matter of recognizing, yes, these are my guidelines; they are good in association with my directions and my preferences. In the acknowledgment of them, it allows you to manipulate in different manners, which therein lies your freedom.
BOBBI: I’m thinking of a scenario from a few weeks ago, from last month, where I know I had a whole bunch of truths that were triggered. We finally asked my son to move out. He’d been living with us for over a year, and had a lot of… He likes drama, which is fine for him, but being in the same house, for me it was too much. We finally told him it was time to move out.
So he moved out, but ever since then, it’s been very conflicting. I look at him and I see someone who seems to be floundering, and I feel personal responsibility that I should be doing something. But I think he’s an adult; he can figure this out; he likes what he’s creating because he keeps doing it, all his various conflicts and stuff. So, I guess that would probably be in the area of roles, the core truth of roles as a parent.
ELIAS: Yes, and also opposing your own guidelines in association with your preference.
You incorporate your truth of roles – and your roles are always changing. They are not static. Even in the identification of any particular role, such as parent, the implementation of that changes, and it changes in association with your preferences. Remember, I have expressed, your preferences are associated with your core truths; they are associated with your guidelines. But they are also not static. They change.
In this, you are generating an interplay of two of these core truths: one in responsibility and one in roles. In that, you are opposing each of them. For in relation to the other individual, you are opposing your preference of being responsible for you and recognizing that it is not necessary for you to be responsible for him, but you are opposing that and expressing the shoulds: I should be.
In association with roles, you are recognizing that your role as parent is once again changing, but you are opposing that also. This is your preference, but you are opposing your preference: that you should not be expressing in this manner, you should be expressing in the manner of being the guidance individual or the role model and the instructor. But this is not your preference. But the “should” is expressed, and that is what creates confusion or conflict or challenge. This is the element that many individuals generate struggle with, for they are not actually recognizing that they are opposing their own guideline.
BOBBI: I pretty much recognized that I had battling preferences. I saw that I had strong associations… Well, I wasn’t taking it as a role; I was thinking it was feelings of responsibility, that I should be helping and supportive, because my interpretation or translation of his actions many times is that he needs help. But on the other hand, my preference is to not have all of that drama and conflict going on in my house.
ELIAS: I am understanding.
Now; how do you reconcile your own preferences? By acknowledging that they are preferences and recognizing that those preferences are not black and white, either, and that they can be expressed in many different manners.
You incorporate a preference to be helpful, in association with your core truth of responsibility. This is not wrong; it is not bad. It is a matter of generating choices that are consistent with your preferences and allow you to continue in your direction uninterrupted.
Therefore, you can be supportive in many different manners, not necessarily only in financial expressions or in physical expressions. You can be supportive and helpful in being accepting, and not generating expectations of the other individual of what they should do or should not do, but merely offering yourself in sharing with the other individual, if you so choose, and being accepting, and therefore being supportive without generating some physical action that is an expression of proof.
Generating the expressions of being helpful in physical manners in association with the perception that another individual needs is actually an expression that you generate to prove to the other individual that you care and that you are supportive. It is not necessary to prove. Your very being is the proof of your caring and your desire and your willingness to be supportive.
The acceptance of your guideline of responsibility is how it guides you, how it influences how you generate and you behave and you express. The other individual is creating their experiences in conjunction with their truths, and does not need fixing.
BOBBI: That is a challenging one for me, particularly with my son.
ELIAS: I am understanding, and this also is associated with the roles. But in the acknowledgment of these truths, you begin to dissipate the shoulds and the should nots. Those are the expectations, and those are the expressions of opposing energy.
Remember, I have expressed, your preferences are associated with your core truths; they are associated with your guidelines. But, they are also not static; they change. You may not necessarily agree with the expressions or the behaviors of another individual. You may not necessarily agree with their choices. You may not necessarily even like their choices or their behaviors; but it will not generate conflict with you and it will not be expressed or drawn to you in a manner of opposition or reflecting opposition if you are not opposing yourself. Are you understanding?
BOBBI: Yes, I think so.
ELIAS: I may express to you, Jale, this is the manner in which reality is expressed and created: ANY expression that you draw to yourself. This is the preciseness of your reality. For, you shall precisely draw every expression, every action, every presentment to yourself as a reflection of some expression that you are generating, which, in actuality, is highly efficient.
In that, the wondrousness of it is that you incorporate the ability and the choice to direct that, for they are your choices, and it is effective. That effectiveness, in association with your preference of simplicity and easy, emphasizes how easy and how simple these actions can be affecting, and how quickly.
BOBBI: I can see that in certain places, and then in other areas it’s almost like a big roadblock.
ELIAS: I am understanding.
BOBBI: I implement that in a lot of areas, and avoid conflict purposely by changing my energy or perception. Just in some darn areas, it’s… I guess those are my most strongly held truths then, those areas.
ELIAS: Yes, and in that, it is not merely a matter of altering your perception but altering your choices, implementing different choices, recognizing what triggers you, how that is associated with your core truths, and allowing yourself to engage different choices that honor your guidelines but also do not set into motion directions that you shall trigger yourself with, which is the most significant element.
Individuals generate a very strong tendency to continue to view the choices of other individuals and wish they would change, or continue to view the actions, behaviors and choices of another individual and express that they could do better or that they should be generating different choices and behaviors. This creates the stuck point, for it is not a matter of the other individual. The other individual is not triggering your truths. You trigger your truths, and you oppose them first, and subsequently, the other individual reflects that.
Therefore, it is a matter of paying attention to what you are doing, and identify how your core truths are associated and motivating what you are doing, and in that recognition, generating different choices that shall not set you in a direction of opposing your own guidelines and shall not set you in the direction of creating the conflict or the concern or the judgments, for the judgments are much less in association with the other individual than they are with yourself. They are much stronger in association with yourself, that you are not doing enough or that you should be doing more. It is not that the other individual should stop doing what they are doing – although that is an element, but it is much less strongly expressed – what overrides it is your judgment with yourself, that you should be doing more to correct the situation, but you cannot correct the situation.
BOBBI: See, and I realize that. But it’s very frustrating.
ELIAS: That is not the problem, in your terms. The problem is you opposing your own guidelines, and recognizing yes, you incorporate this role and you incorporate responsibility with yourself, but that is not necessarily translated into actions of correction.
BOBBI: I pretty much proved to myself that that’s impossible, anyway.
ELIAS: It is a matter of acknowledging to yourself, yes, you incorporate concern and caring, and these are associated with your guidelines, and it is quite acceptable for you to express that. It is not necessary for you to incorporate an action with it, a physical action, but it is also not necessary to discount that this is your guideline and that is acceptable. Caring is an element associated with roles, and that is acceptable. This is the point, my friend.
In recognizing the factors of the expressions that you are opposing, you view yourself to be expressing caring but you oppose yourself, and you generate frustration with yourself and express, “I want to be caring, but I should not. I cannot fix the other individual.” Therefore, what you do is you justify what you are expressing that you should not be doing: “I want to be helpful, but I do not create the other individual’s reality and they are creating perfectly in whatever they are exploring. Therefore, I should not want to be helpful. I should leave this situation alone.” Do you see how you are opposing your own guidelines?
BOBBI: Yes, and that’s why it’s been so difficult.
ELIAS: [But] in the acknowledgment of your guidelines: “Yes, I am a caring individual. This is how I express. I shall continue to express in this manner, for this is my preference. It is not necessary for the other individual to accept or to assimilate my caring. What is significant is that I do not deny myself the expression of it, for it is my guideline, and it is not necessary for me to oppose my own expression, and it is also not necessary for me to prove my expression.”
BOBBI: Wow. That’s great. I hadn’t even gone in that direction at all. I was thinking he’s creating the way he wants to create and he’s okay and I should not worry about that; he’s doing what he wants to do. And that has been really difficult.
ELIAS: I am understanding, for you incorporate the oppositions of the shoulds and the should nots. Not for him, for you.
BOBBI: Right, yes. That’s the part that I was missing, too. I was denying my preferences in that area.
ELIAS: Correct.
BOBBI: Whew!
ELIAS: Ah, but this is the wonder of discovering your truths, for they can be tremendously liberating, for with their discovery comes new understanding and new enlightenment of yourself.
BOBBI: This is buried treasure, too. (Laughs) This isn’t just a treasure hunt…
ELIAS: Correct.
BOBBI: …this is buried treasure.
ELIAS: Yes, you are correct. (Playfully) But I would suggest that you invoke that pirate within you that is tremendously motivated to discover that buried treasure.
BOBBI: (Both laugh) I’ll get on my eye patch and hat.
ELIAS: And perhaps even a parrot! (Laughs)
BOBBI: Yes! That would be good. (Both laugh) That’s really given me a lot to think about with this situation. Maybe you can verify for me, I think my son’s intent has to do with creating in extremes.
ELIAS: Partially, yes, and a fascination with intensity.
BOBBI: Absolutely, and the intensity is very difficult for me to live with.
ELIAS: I am understanding, for this is not your preference.
BOBBI: My direction goes in a whole other way. Smooth sailing is what I like.
ELIAS: Yes, and this individual prefers turbulence, and enjoys choppy water and large waves.
BOBBI: Yes, and the drama, the drama of it all.
ELIAS: Yes, for it is excitement. Some individuals genuinely prefer excitement in intensity, and that is their spice.
BOBBI: I suppose so. He complains about it quite a bit, but he’s doing it.
ELIAS: Correct.
BOBBI: On to another topic!
ELIAS: Very well.
BOBBI: I was talking to Sheri, Milde, yesterday, and we were comparing what’s been going on. We noticed that several of us in the forum are out of work or looking for work, which is also my husband’s situation and her situation currently, too. We were wondering, is the shift related at all? We recognize that each individual would have their own personal reasons for creating this, but is this also a kind of shift-related trend?
ELIAS: Yes. You are correct, in association with self-direction and moving more into an expression of that – not merely moving in the direction of the acceptance of the conventional and what is familiar, but more of a self-discovery and more of a movement into self-directing.
BOBBI: That’s what I thought, too. Self-directing. I don’t necessarily think that this will be enormously ongoing. I think that it might just be more of a periodic thing.
BOBBI: For us, for my husband and me personally, that’s what it seems like.
ELIAS: Yes, you are correct.
BOBBI: None of us are in dire financial straits. We’re all able to support ourselves through whatever means, even though it might make us uncomfortable that we’re using our savings or whatever, but we’re able to maintain it.
ELIAS: I am understanding. Also in that self-directing, generating an avenue that encourages you to be appreciating of now and appreciating of what you have and what you have accomplished, rather than the familiar of discounting for what you have not accomplished yet or what you must do or what you do not have. That is a shift in perception, which is being encouraged by this movement more into self-directing. It encourages you to pay attention to the now more, and it also encourages you to be appreciating and acknowledging of yourselves.
BOBBI: Transcribing question: I started out and thought I could turn out a transcript a day. Well, that works for a little while, and then stuff happens and I don’t get to transcripts, and they don’t come out for a long period of time. Sometimes the information seems, like, wearying. My impression of why this is, why I can’t just keep knocking them out day after day, is that I might be forcing my energy in attempting to assimilate all this information too fast. But I was also wondering, is there a component also of, since they’re coming out to the entire forum, is there also a component of the group energy as well?
ELIAS: Yes. Both of these are factors, and another factor is associated with, once again, roles and productivity and pushing your energy, and somewhat also in opposition to your preferences in not always acknowledging that there are other actions that you want to engage. There are other projects, and not necessarily even projects, but merely other expressions that you also prefer and that you also want to engage, and that it is not necessary to be consumed in one direction.
BOBBI: Right, which I figure is part of why I sometimes take these long breaks. People will write, “Were you out of town? What happened? The flow has stopped!” (Elias laughs) It pretty much is just I’ve gotten involved with other stuff, or I just feel like I need to take a break from transcripts.
ELIAS: Which is acceptable, and in this, you discover your balance and your center.
BOBBI: I mean, I have to say honestly, the lag time between when the session occurs and the transcript coming out does bother me. As I’m sure you’re aware, it’s a long lag time.
ELIAS: (Laughs) But it matters not, for the information that is presented in the transcriptions when they become available is pertinent to many, many, many individuals in that time framework. They correlate together.
BOBBI: In that vein, there are some transcripts, we won’t mention names, that are just lists of focus validations. (Elias laughs) “Skip this and get onto the meaty stuff!” I’ve been tempted to do that, but I’ve thought, “No, this is probably important to more people than just the person that’s asking.” (Elias laughs) You know what I’m saying.
ELIAS: I am understanding. Which is another example of differences. In this, what may be significant to you and to some other individuals may not necessarily be significant to other individuals, and what is insignificant to you or uninteresting to you may be validating and inspiring to other individuals.
BOBBI: I try to keep that in mind. I know that what appeals to me is quite different than other people, because I get feedback from people and they’re often quite taken with what I would consider minor things.
ELIAS: Yes, I am understanding. In this, it is merely an acknowledgment of your own preferences and of your own center and your own balance, and allowing yourself to express in relation to your own guidelines in a free flow, not in forcing.
BOBBI: Can forcing be a preference? (Both laugh) I’m just joking.
ELIAS: In actuality, with some individuals it can be a preference.
BOBBI: I’m going to attempt not to move into that preference! (Both laugh)
ELIAS: That would be contrary to the easy and simple preference.
BOBBI: Well, I know. More battling preferences for me! (Elias laughs) I have a few minor things, if that’s all right?
ELIAS: Very well.
BOBBI: I have a question here for Carmen, Tirza, who had, she tells me, a very vivid dream about being the actress, Lucille Ball. She is wondering if this is a focus of her essence or maybe an observing essence.
ELIAS: Observing.
BOBBI: Does she have any other focuses that are in conjunction with Lucille Ball?
ELIAS: An overlapping focus of an individual involved in production.
BOBBI: A couple weeks ago, two nights in a row, I dreamt of my grandmother, who was not able to die but wanting to, and was very close. No one was helping her. She seemed very miserable, and I did my best to comfort her, make her physically comfortable. My grandmother died three years ago, and I don’t have an impression as to what this dream means. Any clues?
ELIAS: It is associated with your automatic responses in relation to your truths, the automatic responses that you generate and the automatic associations of judgments that you generate in relation to that, in association with other individual’s choices.
BOBBI: Not being helpful.
ELIAS: Correct.
BOBBI: Coming back to transcripts, when I’m sitting at my computer working on transcripts, very often, almost all the time, I have this tickling on the upper left side of my back. Is that you?
ELIAS: Yes. (Laughs)
BOBBI: I finally went out and bought a back-scratcher so I could reach it! Are you peeking over my shoulder?
ELIAS: (Laughs) Merely reminding you that I am present.
BOBBI: I had another dream about a woman I used to work with ten years ago. I was at a big party at her house. Her name is [deleted], by the way. I don’t know if that matters. She was very confused and walking around in her robe, and she seemed to be a little ill. Now, what was that all about? This reminds me of the dreams I occasionally have about dis-engaged people moving into transition or something. I haven’t spoken to her, to this woman, in over ten years. So I’m wondering, did I just kind of click into that? Has she disengaged or is considering it?
ELIAS: Moving in that direction, yes.
BOBBI: Okay. I’m wondering if my daughter is emotional focus.
BOBBI: And I think that we are soul mates, she and I.
BOBBI: I think that we may have started a counterpart action in regard to my father’s illness.
BOBBI: When I’m with her, I often feel her extreme tension and agitation. I feel it physically, and it’s like I’m taking on that.
ELIAS: I am understanding.
BOBBI: And that would be part of that counterpart action?
BOBBI: Here’s one I’m going to ask you about myself. Do my probable selves and different aspects and alternate selves have different intents? I think they would have the same intent.
ELIAS: As yourself?
ELIAS: Not necessarily.
BOBBI: Really! Oh, that’s interesting. So you could generate a probable self or an alternate self, and it would have a different intent?
BOBBI: That’s a big thing to think about, then. (Both laugh) I’m going to have to think more about that before I go any further. (Elias laughs) Interesting!
I have another question about changing aspects. I remember a specific time where I’m pretty sure I changed aspects for a fairly temporary time, for just part of the day. It was very enjoyable. (Elias laughs) I would love to go back there, to that aspect. Is there any way to do that, just switch again?
ELIAS: Yes, you can. In that, you can encourage that action in allowing yourself time frameworks of relaxation and even visualization that allows you to de-focus somewhat and allows you to express the other aspect more easily.
BOBBI: It was a much more relaxed aspect, more outgoing. It was just very nice. In fact, this was years ago at Vicki’s house. There was the group of us meeting, and people there even commented that I looked different. (Elias laughs) It would be nice to go back to that one.
My husband had a dream where the previous owner of this house, who was wearing blue pajamas, helped him check the roof after a big storm. I think that was you in his dream.
ELIAS: You are correct.
BOBBI: (Laughs) As soon as he said “blue pajamas,” I thought, ah-ha! (Elias chuckles) I didn’t mention this though, because I was pretty sure it would freak him out, but I didn’t figure that it would matter one way or another if he was aware of that.
ELIAS: You are correct. I generate interactions with individuals, generally speaking, in your terms, long before they actually physically interact with myself, and some choose not to physically interact with myself at all.
BOBBI: That would be also my daughter’s love affair with the color blue all of a sudden?
BOBBI: She completely changed all of her favorite colors. It’s now blue everything. (Elias laughs)
I have a few focus questions. Oh! I’d better wrap up here. We’re almost at an hour. I had a future focus, I think, check in on me, which I kind of noticed. His name is Braden, a male future focus, and he’s an engineer. He’s somewhat younger than I am right now, maybe his early thirties. I think he’s from the year 2254, and I got the feeling it was mostly just curiosity, in the way that I would check out other focuses.
BOBBI: So that year is correct, 2254?
BOBBI: Neat-o! Yeah, it was kind of neat. I was working around, and he was kind of there.
I think that my daughter has a focus – well, I know she has a focus – when we were both Sioux Indians. I was in the Black Elk focus, and I think her name was either Standing Bear or One Side. The Sioux had this kind of clown ceremony that Black Elk and a friend participated in, and I thought it sounded like my daughter and me now.
BOBBI: Which of those names was she? Standing Bear or One Side?
ELIAS: The latter.
BOBBI: For some reason, we bring out the goofiness in each other. (Elias chuckles)
Oh! Okay, last one. I was looking into that South American, currently-more-shifted focus that we talked about last time.
BOBBI: Tell me if I’ve gone off base with this, because I might be confusing this with another one. Anyway, I think her name was, is... It’s a woman, younger than me; Tipi is her name, T-I-P-I, or something.
ELIAS: Correct.
BOBBI: She belongs to a tribe, I got the word Malonga. I’m not quite sure if that’s real, but it means “the world.” She has straight black hair with bangs, dressed very minimally. She was topless. She has shoes that were woven of straw. She has no partner or child at this point. They eat some kind of baked root, insects and fish, like food is not a big thing with them. What was interesting is they seem to do a group kind of a low, deep hum to accomplish things, like building and healing and projecting.
BOBBI: They showed me, or I was shown, how they would get fish. They kind of hummed away this water from a shallow pond to harvest the fish. She did have a certain awareness of me. She just called me “The Other.” And they also used sticks to make a rhythmic, tapping kind of music.
BOBBI: So that is the shifted focus, the South American focus?
BOBBI: Oh! That is so cool! (Elias laughs) Did I get the names correct?
BOBBI: Oh, that’s neat! The thing that I cannot figure out is what country in South America that is in. (Elias chuckles) Any clues there?
ELIAS: And that would be the continuation of your investigation!
BOBBI: Okay, you! (Both laugh) I guess that’s it for today. I would love to find out how to keep my house and desk un-dusty without actually having to clean it so often. I’d like the instructions for that, so maybe we should save that for next time.
ELIAS: Very well. (Both laugh)
BOBBI: Maybe we’ll get down to the more practical things, like keeping house and stuff. (Both laugh)
ELIAS: Very well, my friend. As always, I offer to you tremendous affection and dear friendship. To you in great appreciation and lovingness, au revoir.
BOBBI: Au revoir, Elias. Thank you.
(Elias departs after 1 hour 12 minutes.)
Copyright 2006 Mary Ennis, All Rights Reserved.