Session 1985
Translations: ES

Movement of Energy Centers


“Movement of Energy Centers”
“Comparing Yourself to Another Individual Opposes Both You and the Other Individual”
“Subjective and Objective Mind”
“YOU Are Doing the Doing”
“You Do Not View Your Choices as Choices”
“Energy Container”

Tuesday, April 25, 2006

Participants: Mary (Michael) and Jeff B (Galina)

Arrival Time: 26 seconds

ELIAS: Good morning!

JEFF: Good morning. Hello Elias, it’s very good to speak with you.

ELIAS: And you also.

JEFF: Thank you. This is my first time talking with you, as I’m sure you’re aware. And I do have some basic questions. My name is Jeff and my first question is what is my essence name?

ELIAS: Essence name: Galina. G-A-L-I-N-A

JEFF: Galina?


JEFF: Very good, Thank you. How many current focuses do I have?

ELIAS: In this present time framework?

JEFF: Correct.

ELIAS: Five.

JEFF: Five?


JEFF: Wow! Am I a final focus?

ELIAS: And your impression?

JEFF: Yes.


JEFF: Hmm. My family and my alignment, my impression is that I am Sumari/Sumafi.

ELIAS: Correct.

JEFF: And my orientation is intermediate?

ELIAS: Correct.

JEFF: And I am thought focused?

ELIAS: Correct.

JEFF: And my essence color is gold?

ELIAS: Correct!

JEFF: And my focus color is dark blue?

ELIAS: Yes. I am acknowledging! You are paying attention.

JEFF: (Laughter) I’m… I’m working on it. My father, Albert, recently departed, last February. He had heart trouble and he had lost a leg the year before. I was wondering what his essence name is?

ELIAS: Essence name: Evon, E-V-O-N.

JEFF: Evon. Wonderful. And how many focuses did I share with him?

ELIAS: Three hundred eighteen.

JEFF: Wow! (Laughts). Is there any.. does he have any other focuses in this current time frame?


JEFF: In the United States, or abroad?

ELIAS: Other countries.

JEFF: I will investigate. My mother; her name is Dorothy. What is her essence name?

ELIAS: Essence name: AIDA: A-I-D-A. (pronounced A (long) -EEE-DA)

JEFF: Aida. And how many focuses have I shared with her, oh… I’m gonna guess first. Four hundred five?

ELIAS: Congratulations!

JEFF: This just came to me (Inaudible @ 3:55), it’s amazing. My sister, Cindy, her essence name?

ELIAS: Essence name: Cherkis: C-H-E-R-K-I-S. (pronounced SHER-KEES)

JEFF: And focuses shared with her? I think this is a smaller number, two hundred three?

ELIAS: Two hundred thirty-three.

JEFF: Two hundred thirty-three. Okay. My sister’s orientation. I’m guessing that she might be intermediate as well?


JEFF: And is she politically focused?


JEFF: Okay. My ex-wife, here we go (laughs). My ex-wife Marie, lives in New York. I’d like to know what her essence name is.

ELIAS: Essence name: Kile: K-I-L-E. (pronounced with a long “I” – rhymes with TILE)

JEFF: Kile. Interesting. And the number of focuses shared with her? Three hundred and eighty-eight?

ELIAS: Three hundred forty-eight.

JEFF: At least I got the… I got the three and the eight correct. That’s good!

ELIAS: (Laughs)

JEFF: I have a cousin named Gary. He lives in Wisconsin and we’re not objectively real close but I think that we are fairly close in essence. I was wondering what my cousin Gary’s essence name is.

ELIAS: Essence name, Kerram: K-E-R-R-A-M.

JEFF: Kerram. And how many… Is this his final focus? I say no.

ELIAS: Correct.

JEFF: And how many focuses do I have shared with him? The number is seventy-something; seventy-seven, seventy-six?

ELIAS: Two. Seventy-two.

JEFF: Seventy-two. Ah, here’s one I’m very interested in. For reasons that I was brought up in this church and I find that I, I still have a lot of beliefs I express even though I don’t follow the religion. Ah, the founder of the Christian Science church, a woman by the name of Mary Baker Eddy, who passed in the late eighteen hundreds, ah, I was wondering what her fam… , what her essence name is, first?

ELIAS: And why is this significant?

JEFF: This is significant to me because I feel there is a connection, and I’m wondering what the relationship is. I’m thinking that either I have been an observing essence or she is an observing essence?

ELIAS: YOU ARE an observing essence and also counterpart.

JEFF: Counterpart, wow! I knew there was something there.

ELIAS: And I may express to you that the information that you are requesting is available; it has already been offered.

JEFF: I’m, I’m sorry, could you repeat that?

ELIAS: The information that you have requested is available; it has already been offered.

JEFF: Already been offered?


JEFF B: Really? What um, what is… I’ll, I’ll take a guess on this. Mary Baker Eddy’s family and alignment, I think she would be Sumafi/ Vold.

ELIAS: (Chuckles) This information has also already been offered and is available. (Chuckles again)

JEFF: (Laughs) Okay. All right, this is a, a question that has perplexed me. The energy center movement; I have read that it moves clockwise, similar to how the drains drain, nothing by accident. But, what I was wondering is, is it clockwise for me, you know, from my subjective viewpoint facing out that I would see it clockwise, or, when you look at a diagram showing the different energy centers, is it clockwise from an objective viewpoint? Is that clear?


JEFF: I would say from a subjective viewpoint.


JEFF: Okay. I live in an apartment and I live on the second floor, there is um, a woman who lives above me. Her name is Carolyn. She seems very depressed, she’s crying all the time, she’s I went up to her door yesterday to try to get her to calm down. She doesn’t answer the door. And before she knew I was at the door I heard her say, “I don’t belong here”. Uhm, she causes quite a bit of noise and there’s a couple of times that I have been able to just hold my energy to myself and the noise basically stopped or, or either it got such a minimal point that it wasn’t bothersome. But I’m finding as of late, I am engaging her energy more frequently and I’m trying to nail down exactly what this is about. One of my impressions is, is that this is something I’m bringing to myself so I can learn how NOT to engage energies that I don’t wish to encounter.

ELIAS: Partially, yes, you are correct. And also it is a presentment of differences and an opportunity for you to evaluate how you respond to certain differences, whether they are an irritant to you or whether you generate an automatic response of wanting to or attempting to fix.

JEFF: Yes. Yeah, I’m, I’m all about that! (Laughs). Attempting to fix...

ELIAS: Therefore, this is a presentment that you have drawn to yourself that you may examine that and generate a clearer evaluation of yourself and recognize that when you want to or attempt to FIX, in relation to another individual, you are expressing your own guidelines of yourself and you are pushing that energy in association with other individuals.

JEFF: I see.

ELIAS: For in “wanting to fix” in relation to another individual, what you are automatically expressing in energy is a discounting of them, and also a discounting of yourself. In this, you are generating an energy in association with the other individual that they are not accomplishing well enough. That your methods or your direction is BETTER. (Jeff laughs) BUT, this also discounts YOU for it continues to close your awareness to those guidelines that you incorporate and therefore it limits your choices. In limiting your choices, you deny yourself. Therefore, the action of “fixing” is a discounting action in both directions.

JEFF: So, this “fixing” is pointed towards me first?


JEFF: I’m “fixing”, I am always attempting to “fix” as if I am broken?


JEFF: Huh. So that is, let’s say a, a discounting belief. Is that part of, (sighs) I can’t think of the word, not duality…
ELIAS: Duplicity.

JEFF: Duplicity, is that part of duplicity?

ELIAS: It can be, yes. And in this, let me express to you that the fixing in association with another individual is also limiting for it can generate considerable disappointment and frustration for you if the other individual is not receiving your attempt to be fixing and is not generating a compliance with that, but it also generates an opposing energy for there is an automatic expression of comparison. Comparison is an opposing action. How you compare is you perceive what the other individual is doing and you compare that with YOUR choices in the expression that YOU would NOT DO what the other individual is doing, and you would engage a different action or some method to alter the experience that compares your own experience with the other individual’s experience, and that projects an opposing energy. It opposes you, and it opposes the other individual.

JEFF: I do that a lot. (Sighs) Um, I have questions regarding your explanation of subjective and objective mind. But I know it’s a belief system of mine behind this, well this first question here: Is there one subjective mind which is exclusive to each focus, or is the subjective mind itself, the mind of, of essence?

ELIAS: Both.

JEFF: I’m sorry?

ELIAS: Both.

JEFF: Both?

ELIAS: For you cannot separate the focus from the essence. BUT, the focus, or the individual, incorporates their own individual awarenesses, objective and subjective. And each individual’s expression of those awarenesses are unique to themself. Therefore, as essence incorporating many focuses of attention, many manifestations, although they are you, they are also their own unique expression and manifestation with their own unique perception and awarenesses and choices.

JEFF: Okay, that went a little bit over my head. I’ll have to probably read the transcript on that (Elias laughs) But, and this is probably why . . . my next little, little paragraph question here is, I’ve problems listening to my subjective mind. I’m reading this verbatim… It somehow appears as an authority and I have problems with authorities, so I fight and choose OPPOSITE actions, which usually don’t feel right, causing me to fight even more. Could you comment on that?

ELIAS: Yes. First of all, what you are doing is you are generating an association with “subjective” as “subconscious”, and therefore you are generating an association that this “subjective” or “subconscious” is hidden from you and is directing you, and incorporates the ability to direct you in manners that are contrary to what you want or contrary to your preferences and this is in actuality a common association that many individuals generate. First of all it is an expression of separating, that the objective awareness is you, and the subjective awareness is not you.

JEFF: Right.

ELIAS: It is some other entity.

JEFF: Right.

ELIAS: And it is a POWERFUL entity.

JEFF: Yes.

ELIAS: No! The objective and the subjective awarenesses move in harmony. One does not FOLLOW the other. They move together. They are merely different actions of the same expressions. In this, also, the subjective is NOT hidden. It is NOT unknown and it is not an awareness that is mysterious. It is merely that you are not accustomed to paying attention to the expressions of the subjective awareness. Many individuals generate an association of the subjective awareness as (said playfully) though it were some ghostly, shadowy figure that lurks behind them and pushes them into doing actions that they do not wish to do. This is not the situation. It is a matter of attention. The manner in which you can be aware of what is being expressed subjectively is to pay attention to your communications, AND to pay attention to WHAT YOU ARE DOING, which I am aware appears quite simplistic to most individuals but in actuality as I have expressed many times, MOST individuals THINK they are aware of what they are doing, and for the most part, they are not.

JEFF: I would agree with that.

ELIAS: But were you to enquire of any individual if they are aware of every action that they generate within the day, most individuals would be hard pressed to actually recognize and evaluate what they are doing. You are generating actions in EVERY MOMENT, but, there are many, many, many moments within the day that individuals shall respond “I’m doing nothing”. Not so. But that is their perception, for they are not paying attention. In paying attention to your communications and paying attention to what you are actually DOING, these are the indicators of what the subjective awareness is doing. Which is YOU. YOU are DOING the DOING. But, as I have expressed, if you are not paying attention, you view actions to occur TO you…


ELIAS: Not that YOU are generating the actions, but that occurrences HAPPEN TO YOU, which are out of your control or power.

JEFF: Which goes back to what you stated, the subjective, considering that the subconscious. And basically believing that there is something else outside myself, separate from me which is creating a portion of my reality.

ELIAS: Correct. Which… (Jeff intercepts)

JEFF: I had a dream about that and I think this is the interpretation.


JEFF: I… Okay (Laughs)

ELIAS: Continue.

Jeff: I’m sorry?

ELIAS: Continue.

JEFF: I call it the “skyscraper…”, excuse me, “SKYSCAPER” dream and I was going to work at some official agency - it could have been something like a CIA or FBI, which would be very odd for me - but I remember working at this agency and the people being very friendly there, but there was a danger. And it wasn’t explained what the danger was, but there was definitely a danger somewhere around the corner. I remember leaving the building and seeing, looking up in the sky, and seeing this small dot and it becomes somebody in dark clothes who is basically, not skiing but snowboarding, you might say, er… not surfing, surfing in the sky, coming down with a big trail; and it was intimidating, I… and the other person talking with me and is telling me, “You have to watch for this guy,” and I was terrified and I remember turning the corner and waking up. And I thought that’s what that dream was trying to explain to me because I’m looking at the CIA, or whatever that was, as the official belief system, which tells us that things happen to you and it was showing me how much I really still hold on to that belief system despite what I intellectually view to be my own belief.

ELIAS: I am understanding. Yes, you are correct. And in this, you set yourself in a position of being a victim and not generating or not allowing yourself to generate your own freedom, for you generate the association that your choices are limited, and that some of your choices are dependent upon OTHER individuals’ choices, or mass choices, or some of your choices are dependent upon what your elusive subjective ghost is expressing to you! (Jeff laughs) And how it is manipulating you as its puppet.

JEFF: Hmm.

ELIAS: In actuality, YOU are the puppeteer, and in this, you are generating all of the choices. You are merely not paying attention to what is motivating the choices that you are generating, and not paying attention to the choices you are generating, for you do not view them AS choices.

JEFF: Interesting.

ELIAS: In this, if you walk across your floor, you do not view that as a choice.

JEFF: Could you repeat that please?

ELIAS: If you walk across your floor . . .


ELIAS: That is merely an action that you do. You do not associate it with a choice. If you close your door, that is merely what you do. You do not associate that as a choice. But it is a choice. There are many, many, many actions that you incorporate within the day that you do not pay attention to, that are unquestioned, and that are not viewed as choices but they actually are choices.

JEFF: Interesting.

ELIAS: And, the small mundane actions that you do within your day incorporate tremendous potentials in energy; and the reason that they incorporate tremendous energy potential is that you are NOT paying attention and therefore you are not recognizing when you are placing energy into the invisible container that you carry with you in every moment. And in placing energy into that invisible container, figuratively speaking, you continue to generate that action until the container is full, and once it is full, you shall notice and you shall turn, and you shall blast that container with an equal expression of energy. This is figurative. And what occurs is you generate some event that is uncomfortable, or that is conflicting, or that is distressing. But you have generated that. You have created it. But you shall not see that, and your response shall be “Why did this occur? I did not do this. Why would I do this?”

An example: An individual may engage employment, and may generate the event of being discharged from their employment. Their immediate automatic response would be “I did not create that, my employer created that.” And, if questioned concerning their creation, the response will automatically be, generally speaking, “Why would I create an action of being discharged from my employment? I would not.” Not necessarily. And if you move into an examination of what the individual was actually DOING prior to that action of being discharged, you can trace many actions that were being expressed that were moving in that direction to create that outcome.

JEFF: I’m very good at observing those things when it comes to other people.

ELIAS: (Laughs) And so are other individuals! (Laughs again)

JEFF: I have a question. Uhm, this is something that, that came up when my, my father, Albert, passed. I had mentioned he had lost a leg and his other leg wasn’t doing too good – it had a lot of sores on it. I wasn’t there when he passed but my sister and my mother were both there and they both, well at least my mother – well, they both had seen it - said that his leg had healed before/on the day he died. And my mother made a comment well this is, she’s heard of this happening before in her family that somebody just, just healed. And my impression was that it really shows that once he’d stopped concentrating, he stopped creating that, and it healed.


JEFF: Now, my mother and my sister both said that prior to his death, that mostly the day or day before he passed, he was very childish, saying sexual things, which was outside of, of his comfort zone, and what I was wondering is had most of… of his personality already disengaged, was this possibly a fragment that… is an exchange or occupied his consciousness for the experience for the duration of it, of his existence?

ELIAS: No. It is a matter of moving attention. This is not uncommon. Many individuals engage this action prior to disengagement, in which the attention becomes somewhat diffused in a manner of speaking. It becomes more flexible and is not as singularly focused in this one experience or this one manifestation. In this, the individual allows themself more of a flexibility and to defocus the attention in regard to merely this one focus. And in that action, they can easily engage moments of bleed-through from any other focus, for in a manner of speaking, figuratively, it is an action somewhat similar to your television. In this, you incorporate many channels with your television and generally you engage or watch one channel in one time framework. And you follow one program. In this action, it is similar to an action of continuing to tune to one program but also incorporating other programs simultaneously, and moving the attention to any other program in the same time framework that the initial program is running, so to speak. Are you understanding?

JEFF: Yes.

ELIAS: Therefore, the individual continues to focus some attention with the present manifestation but it also engages this flexibility to engage and tune into other focuses and express them also.

JEFF: Hmm. That clears things up, thank you.

ELIAS: You are welcome.

JEFF: I have a question regarding my niece, Lisa, who disengaged at the age twenty - five last October thirty. Lisa had seizures throughout most of her life, and she had had a seizure during her sleep and she apparently hit her head and died, and my sister - her mother - found her and she’s deeply, obviously deeply distraught about it. I was wondering why Lisa, who by all objective means, aside from a bedroom that was strewn with clothes, why she would decide to depart?

ELIAS: (Gentle laughter) I may express to you, this is quite a simple response. This individual incorporated more of a curiosity in other realities than this reality.

JEFF: Really?

ELIAS: The individual incorporated a curiosity concerning this reality but also incorporated a considerable curiosity in relation to other realities, and generated this action of blinking in and out of this reality, and blinking in and out of other realities, which became increasingly more of an interest and more of a curiosity and, therefore, motivated the disengagement. This individual is not engaging transition.

JEFF: Really?

ELIAS: This individual is engaging exploration.

JEFF: Hmm. That… I can see that; she’s very, very curious and she was very, a pretty creative person. May I ask her, well why don’t I just say, she’s… she’s Sumari?


JEFF: (Emotional) And she was also focused as Sumari, she was?


JEFF: Okay. All right. I want to talk a bit about my intent. And what I’ve come up with so far is a bit general. So I’d like to discuss this with you to see if I could get it down a little more. The generalization that I come up with was that I challenge officially held beliefs. Well, many, many people do that. So specifically, I was thinking that my intent is to beat myself over the head (laughs) because it seems to be what I do so well.

ELIAS: (Chuckles) I would not express that your intent is to beat yourself upon your head! (Both laugh)

JEFF: Feels great when it stops.

ELIAS: I would express that the theme of your focus, or the intent of your focus, is to explore challenges and in that exploration of challenges, the processes and the outcomes, of them.

JEFF: Interesting. I’m writing that down. So it’s processes, and results. Right, that’s what you said?

ELIAS: Yes. Challenge. Not necessarily being a negative, but any type of challenge.

JEFF: Okay. I have a client. His name is Erin and we’ve become pretty good friends. We don’t hang out as friends but we have a very good association. And I feel that I probably have shared quite a few lives with him. I’d like to know what his essence name is, first?

ELIAS: Essence name, Ross: R-O-S-S.

JEFF: Ross. Thank you. And I have no idea what family he comes from, or what his focus is. That one is confusing.

ELIAS: (Elias checkles) Essence family: Gramada. Alignment: Vold.

JEFF: I can see the Vold, definitely. (Elias chuckles) And how many focuses have we shared together, uhm, thirty-six or thirty-seven?

ELIAS: Forty-six.

JEFF: Forty-six. It’s amazing how this is coming to me (Elias chuckles). I mean, I didn’t get it correct of course, but I went from a higher number to a lower number and . .

ELIAS: Yes. It is merely a matter of practice, my friend. (Laughs)

JEFF: Yes. And, and getting a little bit of a validation which is one of the reasons I’m having this discussion with you. I had an experience, sometimes I read the transcripts of your sessions in the evening, and I was lying in bed, one night, and I’ll go on thinking and I’ll get some impressions, and I have some, I have some physical problems that I’d like to clear out of the way, but I’m knowing, I understand that I create them, but I was not understanding exactly HOW I’m creating it and what I did was I just caught myself in the act of, this action of being so familiar that even though it was a distressing thought, it was familiar. And at that moment I realized this isn’t something that happened yesterday or a year ago or two years ago; this is something that is happening exactly right now. And as soon as I thought that, a little blue - it wasn’t an eye - but a bright blue, like a light, appeared and closed as if an eyelid, and I thought that was you.


JEFF: Yes, well thank you for nudging me into that realization. I, I felt connected. (Elias chuckles) Thank you.

ELIAS: Expressing an encouragement in your accomplishment.

JEFF: Well, thank you. I, I need that; I think we all do. My list here is pretty much complete. So, I don’t… is there anything specifically that you could mention to me to help me to stop running away from my subjective mind? (Both laugh)

ELIAS: Pay attention to what you are doing. This is the most significant. In this, as you begin paying attention more and more, you shall lead yourself into the discovery of one of your truths. And once you have discovered ONE truth, you shall be automatically encouraged to be paying attention more easily. It shall no longer be a chore or an effort, it shall be a curiosity, as a treasure hunt. But you can generate that even before you have discovered one of your truths in viewing the action of paying attention to what you are doing AS a treasure hunt, the discovery of all the actions that you do within the day, and what motivates them. For every action that you incorporate is being motivated by some expression.

JEFF: Hmm.

ELIAS: I may also express to you, allow your sensitivity. It is strong, and it is not a weakness.

JEFF: It’s… it’s a bit… I’m a bit fearful of it, I must admit, because it’s very… it’s a very different -especially being a male focus.

ELIAS: (Gently) It is a strength my friend. It is not a weakness. And in this, I would be quite encouraging of you to allow that expression of yourself; it is a natural flow of your energy, and in opposing it or in stifling it, you deny yourself.

JEFF: I understand. Well that’s all I have, so, I really, I really appreciate the session, thank you.

ELIAS: You are very welcome my friend. I shall be anticipating our next meeting, and I shall be offering my energy to you, in encouragement and supportiveness.

JEFF: Thank you, Elias. I appreciate that.

ELIAS: To you in great appreciation, and great affection, Au Revoir.

JEFF: Au Revoir.

Copyright 2006 Mary Ennis, All Rights Reserved.