Communication Imagery
“Communication Imagery”
“Express Your Preferences and Do Not Concentrate On Other Individuals”
“How Do I Genuinely Pay Attention?”
Saturday, February 18, 2006
Participants: Mary (Michael) and Yinka (Adrianna)
ELIAS: Good afternoon!
YINKA: Hello, Elias. Hello?
ELIAS: Welcome.
YINKA: Can you hear me?
YINKA: Great! I’m happy to speak to you, Elias.
ELIAS: Ha ha! And what shall we discuss?
YINKA: Can we talk about why I have completely barred all my communication systems? I’ve been having some problems with my phone number, my phone calls, and now my house phone won’t connect anymore, so I can’t actually call you from my house and speak to you. I think maybe for my session (inaudible) is possible, as well. Why have I decided to bar all calls? I need help, please.
ELIAS: And what is your assessment of what you are doing?
YINKA: I think it would have to be not listening to communications, and that I’m trying to keep to myself. I don’t know what else.
ELIAS: Projecting an energy of blocking interactions with other individuals.
YINKA: It’s not simply you that I am blocking interactions with?
ELIAS: Ah, but I am the one you did not block!
YINKA: Why am I doing that?
ELIAS: For you are engaging conversation with myself, but with physical individuals you are blocking your interactions with them.
YINKA: Elias, can you tell me what I’m dealing with that’s making me want to block interactions? I don’t understand it. Is it my protection issues?
ELIAS: Partially, but also partially associated with an underlying frustration, which is associated with the other individuals that you have been experiencing difficulty with.
YINKA: Oh, right, at work.
ELIAS: Yes. That frustration has triggered a shielding that you are generating, and therefore is affecting your interactions with other individuals.
YINKA: You know what I’ve done, and this is the first time, I’ve refused to go to work. I’ve not gone to work for one week. All that I want to do is things that I might enjoy. I told them I wasn’t feeling well and that I fell off my bike, but I didn’t fall off my bike, you know, and I’ve not gone into work at all.
ELIAS: I am understanding.
YINKA: I just got fed up with everything. One of the things was there was this class of children I used to work with (inaudible), and now I am to go into a different class. I miss those classes that I used to be in. I don’t like the other work I’m doing, because I am surrounding myself with not really supportive people, or maybe I don’t like them that much. I think that is actually why all these problems have come about.
YINKA: So, what can I do to open it up again? What can I do, Elias?
ELIAS: Engage what we discussed in our previous conversation.
YINKA: My preferences?
ELIAS: Allow yourself to express your preferences and not to be concentrating upon the other individuals. As you continue to concentrate upon the other individuals, what you are doing is projecting an opposing energy, and you continue to place that energy in that container and match it with other occurrences within your environment. Therefore, it merely increases, in which you begin to shield and block your interactions with other individuals as well.
YINKA: I think I’m aware of what we’ve just been discussing. I woke up this morning, for example, and I was trying to look at myself. I was noticing that most of the things that I’ve done, making up, normal things that we do, are professionally-sided. So much so that, for example, I was supposed to go and have a massage, a Reiki massage. I completely confused the time, and so I got there and she wasn’t there, no more bookings. I didn’t want to go all that way because I was tired. So I’m thinking, are you going to cry? And I said, I’m not going to cry, because I didn’t want to see myself crying and all that stuff because I’m a professional woman with an income and all that. Now, some of those things are preferences. Some of them I prefer, issues I’m wanting to deal with, for example. Now, how do I know the ones that are preferences and the ones that are not preferences, as well?
ELIAS: And what would you define as the preferences?
YINKA: For example, I wake up in the morning, and I brush my teeth.
YINKA: I wake up in the morning, and I’m cleaning and cleaning my room. I’m picking up things from the floor. I think in my head I don’t want my clothes to get dirty, and all those kinds of things. I’m going into the bathroom, and I’m having a bath, just so I can be clean, a normal bath. Those things I feel I must do every day, or I prefer to do, sometimes.
ELIAS: Very well, but in this let me express to you, the point of noticing is to be recognizing what associations you generate with all of these different actions and what type of energy is associated with the associations that you generate with the action. For, every action that you do within your day is in some manner associated with your truths, your guidelines, which guides your behavior and what you do.
In this, these actions that you incorporate each day repeatedly may or may not in some manner be an action that is placing that energy into the container that you are not noticing. As you expressed, you awaken, you brush your teeth, you pick up your garments within your room, you incorporate a bath, and you generate a routine, so to speak, of cleanliness and tidiness, which is not bad. It is a preference. But what is the association with that?
YINKA: It’s what I want to do. It makes me feel good to do that.
ELIAS: I am understanding; I am understanding. What I am inquiring is to move slightly further and to recognize what the association with this type of routine is.
YINKA: For example, if my professional fear is in one of those actions, I would then explore that.
ELIAS: Correct. But it may not be an association of fear. It may be what you view as a good association, as you have expressed. But in that good association, there is also what may be termed as a counterpart association, not that you generate with yourself, but if presenting it to yourself, you may respond or react in a manner which may generate judgment or conflict.
If you are generating these actions repeatedly, and you are recognizing that these are your preferences, and you are generating them each day, and you express a positive association with them but have not quite defined what that association is, if you encounter or present to yourself an individual that does not incorporate these actions, what shall your response be? It may be repulsion. If another individual is not incorporating a bath, if another individual is not generating the action of brushing their teeth each day, that guideline of yours becomes triggered, and you generate an automatic response in judgment in association with the other individual.
The reason this is important, my friend, is that it associates with what you are engaging with these other individuals, your co-workers, for this is the principle. This is what I am expressing to you. In paying attention to what you do, those actions that you incorporate throughout your day, the energy associated with them, the energy projected with them, is the same energy expressed in a different manner but related to the associations that you generate in conjunction with your guidelines. Therefore, you continue to fall back upon you would not generate the choices that these individuals have created; you would not engage the actions that these individuals have engaged. In that, what occurs is your guidelines have been triggered and threatened, and therefore, you express an opposing and judgmental energy outwardly.
Now; this is the reason that it is important and significant to be paying attention to all of these mundane actions that you generate within the day, for they may incorporate an energy that can be formed into an opposing energy, that incorporates the potential for an opposing energy. If you are generating a particular routine that is your guideline and your preference within your day, that is entirely acceptable for you. But in not recognizing the associations with that – that perhaps you generate certain actions for you appreciate order, and you appreciate a particular presentment of yourself, a particular projection of persona of yourself – in this, actions that other individuals engage may trigger that association with order, and you may view the choices of other individuals as not orderly. Or you may generate the association, and this is more to the point, that in the incorporation of these actions you are being responsible to you. You are being responsible to your health and to yourself.
The association of responsible to self can be triggered by other individual’s actions that may be quite different. It may not necessarily be associated with brushing their teeth or incorporating a bath, but those associations are strong within you, and when another individual generates an action and choices that trigger your guidelines, you may be matching the energy of what you define as responsible. In that, you generate actions each day, repeatedly throughout the day, that reinforce that association with being a responsible individual, and that if another individual generates certain choices that may be deemed as hurtful, they are generating an irresponsible action.
This is what I am saying to you, that within each day you all generate countless actions that you incorporate little or no thought with, and you do not recognize that those actions all incorporate an association with some guideline that you incorporate. Your guidelines are not bad. They are…
YINKA: Let me tell you something. See, I am an intelligent person.
YINKA: Sometimes I’m confused about some things, sometimes my beliefs and things. This preferences thing, sometimes I’m confused about it. I ask myself, what does it mean “something I prefer,” something I’m liking, and all that?
YINKA: I want these basic, very small (inaudible) relations. I think I incorporate a belief that there’s no gain without pain, or that sometimes it has to be hard.
YINKA: Sometimes I think that belief makes me actually see a straighter view of reality.
YINKA: Maybe I am not understanding, to an extent.
ELIAS: I am understanding.
YINKA: It is probably very, very simple and easy.
ELIAS: I am understanding. It may be confusing at times, also, for at times you may incorporate a preference, and you may express that, and you may actually engage action in association with it but also express a judgment concerning it, in a manner of opposing yourself. As an example, you may actually incorporate a preference for tidiness, and therefore you engage it, but you also may express an opposing energy with yourself, in expressing that you should be generating tidiness and another opposing energy with yourself that you dislike engaging the action. Therefore, it becomes a chore, but you like the result.
YINKA: That’s exactly me.
ELIAS: But you oppose the preference itself, for you generate the association that you must engage this action, you should engage this action, you have to engage this action, and that generates the association that it is a chore, and there is resistance to chores, but the actual preference is expressed.
YINKA: Do you mind, let me just ask you a question. It was actually my dream, which I think my husband told me something about, to an extent. I had a dream, right? Are you listening to me?
YINKA: I had a dream which started off with me talking to my sister mainly about a shoe of mine, a black shoe. Anyway, she was saying something like she didn’t really have that kind of shoe. The dream went on to where I met two women. One was 70 years old and her daughter was 50 years old. The looked very familiar to me. I was looking at them, and they were looking at me, and I got all swimmy when I was looking at them and thinking that the older one was mixed race and the other one was not. Anyway, I (inaudible), and then the dream became more interesting.
I went into a house; I think maybe my house. I’m not sure. After I was there, I looked back and there was something like a (inaudible) on my stomach area, on my body. It was small, and I said my mother has the same thing as well. The movement of my body caused it to burst, so I used a tissue to clean it off.
After I dreamed that, I go back (inaudible). I get invited into the house, and then I find a little girl, and she was shitting, I think she had diarrhea or whatever it is. Because she kept going from one room to the other, all the mess kept getting on my body. At some point she said (Inaudible), and I said it’s okay, I understand, and I was understanding of that. But what is happening with that?
Then, I’m not exactly (inaudible). I’ve got these lumps on my right arm and elbow. I shook my hand to get it all off, and I noticed my right arm had grown two eyes, very different eyes. One was orange and was on my wrist, and the second one was on my elbow, the back of my right elbow. Now these two eyes, coming out from my body, I felt were not of me. (Inaudible) take care of me, just watching me.
Anyway, in the course of looking at these two eyes, I noticed that two flies were walking towards my armpits and were biting there, and I was worried that I should do something about that. I wanted to get some drugs to put on this wound from these two flies biting me. The people in the place gave me some drugs, tablets, about 10 of them. One of them had something black on it. I wasn’t seeing properly, so they gave me a plastic bottle which had been cut open.
Now I had a talk with my own hands, holding these drugs. Something told me that that wasn’t what I needed and what I’ve done wouldn’t help. So I found these men and asked them, what can I do? I told him, tell me what to do. I was thinking, what can I do? My hands started to talk to me, and I told them I can hear you but I don’t hear you properly. It talked and I put it up to my ear. It told me I should look at the two things in my hand. One of them had the word “M-E” on it, and that’s the one I should take. Then I left that dream. Can you help me with this dream, please?
ELIAS: This is significant imagery associated with irritation.
Now; also there is an association with being watched and the perception of other individuals and concerning yourself with that, and with each scenario there is an association with irritation. It continues to build, and each irritation becomes stronger.
YINKA: What do the two eyes mean? Are they real?
ELIAS: That is symbolism that you have presented to yourself in association with being watched.
YINKA: And the “ME,” the M-E?
ELIAS: That is imagery expressing to yourself that throughout all of these scenarios, what you were consistently doing was looking outside of yourself for a solution.
YINKA: In other words, these things, it’s more about the thinking than the talking about.
ELIAS: Yes, precisely. For the medication that was marked M-E is the communication to yourself to be paying attention to you. That is what is necessary to alleviate all of these irritations and to allow you to relax in regard to other individuals and not concerning yourself with other individual’s perceptions but allowing yourself to be directing of yourself.
YINKA: You know, Elias, when I had this dream it was a time when I was feeling like I just wanted to die, (inaudible). I said I don’t know why I’m alive and all those kinds of things. I found no pleasure doing the things I do. What am I looking for? All this trouble all the time. So, if I’m often asking these questions to myself, will all these things change? Will it be different or what?
YINKA: How do I pay attention? What is it I have to look for in myself?
ELIAS: To genuinely be noticing, my friend, especially in association with automatic responses. You may actually quite surprise yourself with how much information is associated with every action that you incorporate. For you do not generate any action without a reason, so to speak, and the reason is the association. That is what motivates you to incorporate any action. Even not generating physical actions is an action. Even not doing is a form of doing. In that, as you begin to genuinely pay attention to every action that you are doing, regardless of how mundane or small, how you open a cupboard…
YINKA: So, for example, I don’t even need to do anything sometimes. I don’t need to analyze it, do I?
ELIAS: No. It is not a matter of analyzing. It is a matter of noticing and allowing yourself to recognize what the association is attached to the action. For every action that individuals incorporate may generate different meanings or different associations with each individual. One individual may choose not to lock a door but may choose to lock a cabinet. An individual may choose to be generating what you term to be simple actions, perhaps in their kitchen. One individual may place eggs in refrigeration; another may place them on the table. Each individual does not necessarily incorporate any thought with regard to what they are doing, but every action that is incorporated is being motivated by some association, and those associations are attached to your truths. They are attached to your guidelines, and each action expresses a specific and particular energy.
In recognizing the type of energy that is being expressed in relation to the association, you become more familiar with what type of energy you generally project. You begin to generate much more clarity in which you are aware. If you are interacting with another individual or another individual generates different choices or different expressions, you can much more readily and clearly understand and view what is being triggered or threatened within you if you react, and that reaction time framework shall shorten to the point where it is literally only momentary.
Also, in being aware, you begin to recognize that whatever action you are incorporating in any moment actually is a choice. As you begin to genuinely realize that every action is a choice, you begin to recognize that there are other choices that you could engage. Not that you necessarily shall, but the mere information and knowledge that you can engage other choices in any action that you engage allows you much more of an awareness. For in situations that you view as larger occurrences that may be conflicting or uncomfortable, you shall also recognize that you incorporate other choices and that you can engage the situation in different manners.
One of the most difficult expressions for most individuals is to allow themselves to generate different choices in a moment in which they are experiencing discomfort in some manner or frustration. In the moment that they generate those experiences, it becomes very difficult to think, in your terms, of another action to do that would change the situation immediately. But if you are genuinely paying attention consistently and continuously to all that you are doing and recognizing that every action incorporates choices, you are familiarizing yourself with that action in a constant manner. Therefore, in the moment in which you present yourself with a situation that you perceive to be difficult, you can much more quickly offer yourself an inspiring solution, so to speak, and a different choice, for you have become accustomed to that action continuously.
It also allows you more clarity in how to maintain a steadiness in ease and in comfort. For if you are paying attention, you are also paying attention to the moments in which you are generating ease, and you shall be paying attention to the moments in which you are generating satisfaction and accomplishment. In paying attention to that, it allows you more clarity in how to maintain that, for you begin to recognize the choices that you are generating that create that. Therefore, yes, if you are genuinely paying attention, it does dramatically alter your reality.
YINKA: Can I ask, are there some things I am doing well? I know we should appreciate ourselves, and I have to say I am doing some things well, actually. I just wonder if there are some things I am doing quite well in?
ELIAS: I would express that you are paying much more attention. I would also express that I am recognizing in your energy that you are evaluating and engaging your preferences somewhat more. I may also acknowledge you that you are somewhat responding to listening to yourself also. For in the choice to not engage your employ for that week, that actually was listening to yourself, although you were also opposing yourself in expressing that you should not be generating that action and that you should not be expressing dishonesty. Therefore, you were also generating judgment of yourself for engaging listening to yourself. But regardless, you did allow yourself to listen. You allowed yourself to temporarily stop and allowed yourself to not overwhelm yourself.
YINKA: Yes. I learned some things about myself. I shouldn’t judge myself about those things.
ELIAS: Correct. Acknowledge yourself. Merely recognize and acknowledge yourself. This is…
YINKA: Because I have noticed it.
YINKA: Great. Thank you, Elias.
ELIAS: You are very welcome.
YINKA: I was going to ask you, do you interact with people or can you talk with me in the daytime?
YINKA: You really do that?
ELIAS: Yes, continuously. Individuals are not always noticing, but I am always present, and I am always offering energy.
YINKA: You know this twinge in my muscles, I have a feeling that is you sometimes.
YINKA: Oh, I thought so. I felt you (inaudible). Let me actually tell you why I am asking this question. You see, sometimes, I’m not sure if it’s lack of separation at all. It’s just the situation that I’ve always had. But there are some times I know (inaudible) not as much. In the night, I can dream. I can see all these places in a dream; I can interact in a dream with you and all those people, sometimes. But in the daytime, everything seems so straightforward, normal. I never see anything out of the ordinary.
ELIAS: (Chuckles) That is a matter of how you are directing your attention and whether you are generating an openness or not. I may express to you, allowing yourself to be paying more attention to you and generating an openness rather than a shielding and a disconnecting, you may be noticing more of my energy within your waking time framework.
YINKA: You mean I don’t have to sleep to notice this?
ELIAS: Correct.
YINKA: For example, I’m going to go to Geneva tomorrow. I’m always (inaudible). Can I feel you there?
YINKA: If I go to Nigeria now, can I still feel you there?
ELIAS: Yes. It matters not where you place yourself in any physical location, for energy is not bound by space.
YINKA: Good. Sometimes in the middle of the night when everybody has gone to sleep, I’m awake, and sometimes I’m just listening to noise in my room. No phones, no radio, anything, it’s just a noise coming from the room. I notice that everywhere I go, I hear this noise as well. Sometimes I listen to this noise, and I imagine that all the things, in fact, (inaudible). I’m just wondering, what is that noise?
ELIAS: That also is a manner in which you can generate an openness to myself and other essences, for those are the sounds of what is present within your environment, your atmosphere, that is not seen.
YINKA: Yes, that’s exactly what I’m talking about. You know what I’m talking about.
ELIAS: Yes. There is more that occupies your dimension than is seen.
YINKA: (Inaudible) in my head for about three years now. It’s a weird feeling (inaudible) on top of me. I just wonder, does this (inaudible) exist, really?
ELIAS: It exists, for you have created it.
YINKA: Oh. So that means you can… I have an idea of what it is going to do. It is going to become an experience, the basic element, and it’s going to go back, and I’m going to be knowing his stories and writing about it and all that. And it’s good stuff, his message, reteaching what we know and all that. So I can actually explore it more, this?
YINKA: Okay, good. (Elias chuckles) I was just wondering, do I have a Dream Walker aspect?
YINKA: I do? What does it mean to have a Dream Walker aspect?
ELIAS: It merely is associated with the action of fragmentation, for each fragmentation that occurs, the fragmented essence incorporates all of the expressions, so to speak, of all of the essences that have been associated with it. In a manner of speaking, although it is not entirely accurate, it would be similar to heritage, but not entirely, for…
YINKA: I am confused, because I think of a place where I go in my dreams sometimes. I go and peep in on some people, and they don’t look like anything I’ve seen before.
ELIAS: That would more be associated with opening yourself to other dimensions, other-dimensional focuses.
YINKA: (Inaudible) You know what I did, I was peeping on them, and I wake up when it gets too much.
Anyway, I think I’m all finished now. I was just going to ask something personal. I hope you don’t mind if I ask you if I have any questions that are too personal.
ELIAS: Very well.
YINKA: I was just going to ask, who do I make love to in my dreams? And what role does this sexual image play in my dreams, when it gets close to my period?
ELIAS: It is a release of energy. As I have expressed, the objective and the subjective awarenesses move in harmony with each other. Therefore, you may be generating subjective actions that you may not necessarily be allowing yourself to engage in waking objective action, or that you may be allowing yourself to experience subjectively certain actions or events that you would choose not to engage within waking objective experience. Therefore, there is a complement in generating an objective want to engage certain actions but not necessarily physically engaging them, and therefore somewhat satisfying of that in generating a subjective action.
YINKA: Elias, can I quickly ask you, when I have seen you in my dreams, sometimes I feel a kind of wooziness. It’s not dizzy; my head goes swimmy, and my body goes like that.
YINKA: Which happened at the beginning. Now I’m having a new problem with that part. I don’t think it’s completely normal. I’m not sure what it is. You do it to me, and I’m (inaudible).
ELIAS: No, you are not.
YINKA: Oh, for example, do you know the time when you showed yourself to me, when we both talked and you then showed yourself to me?
YINKA: At the beginning I saw you. I was looking at you, and you were looking at me. I don’t think that you knew that I was looking at you.
ELIAS: It is a…
YINKA: You weren’t sure I was ready for you.
ELIAS: It is a strong energy presence, and in that, your initial response to it is somewhat physical. You can buffer that out and not generate that experience if it is uncomfortable to you.
YINKA: It was the part when I became a bit woozy. I want to understand that part.
ELIAS: It is an unfamiliar energy. It is not your energy, and therefore, you incorporate the response, for it is another energy and it is being expressed in a strong manner. Therefore, you respond, for your body consciousness recognizes that this is not your energy.
YINKA: Yes. But I am always safe with it.
YINKA: I know that. You have been very nice and all that. It’s just the other, in my head, I’m thinking if I just saw him... Well, like you said, it’s not my energy so I can’t recognize that aspect.
ELIAS: Correct. Many individuals find that experience validating and comforting, but if you do not, you can allow yourself to buffer that and you shall not engage that experience.
YINKA: Oh (inaudible) these things. I’m just curious about that.
YINKA: Anyway, thank you very much for your time, Elias.
ELIAS: You are very welcome, my friend. I offer you great encouragement, and I shall continue to be expressing my energy with you, in supportiveness in your movement in paying attention and perhaps even offering some energy at times to remind you of playfulness. (Laughs)
YINKA: Yes. I do enjoy playing with you.
ELIAS: Ha ha! I may…
YINKA: Thank you very much, Elias.
ELIAS: You are very welcome. Until our next meeting, my friend, in great appreciation of you, au revoir.
(Elias departs after 59 minutes.)
Copyright 2006 Mary Ennis, All Rights Reserved.