Session 1929
Translations: ES

Balancing the Old with the New


“Balancing the Old with the New”
“Practice Interrupting Doubt and Worry with Appreciation”

Tuesday, February 14, 2006

Participants: Mary (Michael) and Joanne (Saraan)

ELIAS: Good morning!

JOANNE: Good morning, how are you?

ELIAS: As always, and yourself?

JOANNE: I’m doing well. I thought this morning I’d start out with a couple of impressions that I had. I was getting impressions of other focuses of mine, or interacting focuses, and one is I feel a connection to Mozart. Can you give me some information on that?

ELIAS: Observing.

JOANNE: Hildegard Von Bingen?

ELIAS: Counterpart.

JOANNE: And Einstein?

ELIAS: Also counterpart.

JOANNE: I had an experience about a month ago or so that I was dealing with some issues; it was very religious, and then I felt as if I was another person, a fellow who was leading a very Puritan town. I kind of had this feeling of his whole life and how that progressed, and I got the name Thomas. Is that another focus of mine?


JOANNE: Did I actually assist in helping him heal some of his stuff? Like, was there a back-and-forth there, where I was working with my issues and at the same time he was assisting me and vice versa?


JOANNE: Some of the things that have been coming up, I’ve actually been making my life very small, let’s say, kind of becoming very self-focused. I’ve been doing a lot of readings with other people, trying to connect, I guess, with differing ideas. What I’m seeing a lot, or what I’m drawing to me a lot, are these concepts of thought and ego and things like that. Other than your material, I can’t see any one else, any support about thought not creating our reality. Everyone believes that thought creates our reality, it seems.


JOANNE: And that emotions follow thought. I just want to clarify that what you’re saying to us is that thought is just a translation mechanism, and that emotions are not reactions...

ELIAS: Correct.

JOANNE: our beliefs. I’m going to tell you this just from the feeling tone that I have, not my mind saying this: we choose to be manifest in this physical dimension, and part of this physical dimension is belief systems that we all have, except that we all choose to engage different aspects of those belief systems.

ELIAS: Correct.

JOANNE: Now, those aspects that we choose to engage influence our perception of the reality that we create.

ELIAS: Correct.

JOANNE: It’s not all of our perception, though. It just influences it, correct?

ELIAS: Correct.

JOANNE: What is the other... Before I ask that question, this is in my mind: I’ve got my belief systems, and I see the world, and whatever I believe is coloring those perceptions. Then, I’ve got my subjective reality, and the emotion happens or I’ve got an emotion that is occurring. If I say “what is that communication?” and I allow my mind to interact with that emotion, then it translates that emotion. But that’s also going to be influenced by beliefs.

ELIAS: All that you do, all that you create and all that you engage is influenced by beliefs. All that you create and all that you engage is filtered through beliefs.

JOANNE: I was just at a session where there was a spiritual leader, and she’s so clear that she’s enlightened and everything. I was having a hard time, because what she was saying was not what I believe, and certainly not what your sessions were talking about. I found myself almost going to argue with her and then realized she’s entitled to her stuff, and that doesn’t mean that I have to change my beliefs.

ELIAS: Correct.

JOANNE: I noticed the interaction, how I got caught in being right, how I wanted to have the right way of doing this.

ELIAS: Correct, for this is associated with your truths. What the other individual expresses is associated with her truths. Your truths are beliefs that have been generated into absolutes.

Now; your truths are not bad. They are, as I have expressed, your guidelines, and that is the function of them. They guide you in how you shall express, how you shall behave and what you shall create. But this is also the snare, for if another individual is expressing differently from your truths or your guidelines, generally speaking that automatically triggers a threat and a defense within you, for you automatically move in the direction of opposing the other individual’s truths, and this creates conflict.

This is the point in shifting: not that you are eliminating your truths, not that they shall be any less strongly expressed, not that they shall be any less in being your guidelines, but in recognition that they are actually not absolute, although they may be to you in recognizing that they are your truths, your guidelines, but they are not true. They are not absolutely true.

In that recognition, what occurs is not that you express that any less, but that you relax within your perception in association with differences. You relax your perception in its rigidity, and that allows you to accept another individual’s truths, and it allows you to not automatically express or experience defense and opposition, but rather allows you to move into an acknowledgment of yourself, an acknowledgment of your own directing of self, and an acknowledgment of your guidelines, that they are right for you.

JOANNE: What I was doing was, “Elias said that this is it, and because he’s beyond belief systems, this has to be true.” It makes sense to me, anyway.

ELIAS: I am understanding, but each individual’s truths are different, and each individual shall offer themselves information in shifting in whatever manner resonates with them the most efficiently.

JOANNE: Yes, exactly. I observed that many, many people in that forum were giving their power over to this woman’s beliefs. It bothered me, but then I thought that this is their stepping-stone; this is their bridge for their ability to shift, for their shifting.

ELIAS: Correct.

JOANNE: We don’t move from always giving our power over, to never giving it over, to taking it back; we do it in increments. So, it was fascinating. I was actually very aware of what was going on. I still have a bit to process in that.

ELIAS: Let me also express to you, it is not necessarily an expression of an individual offering their power to another individual. Many times it may be a method in which the individual can effectively empower themself if they resonate with a particular example.

If one individual presents themself as an example and presents methods of how they accomplish, other individuals may be drawn to that individual to be engaging a method to discover their own empowerment. It is not necessarily a situation in which other individuals, in your terms, are blindly following one individual and accepting all that the other individual is presenting; you all do this. You all draw yourselves to examples that meet your own ideals.

JOANNE: So in this example, every time this one woman kept saying something, the leader of the group kept saying she was doing it wrong and that she was making up a story and she had to re-examine. The one woman wasn’t giving over her power; she truly believed that she was wrong somewhere. This is what she was drawing to her?

ELIAS: Yes, and presenting herself with information to be assimilated to generate a clearer understanding of her own direction and her own expression.

JOANNE: It was really none of my business, then. I just looked at it, and I was judging it. I knew that I was, and I backed off of it later on. That’s probably what I drew, to how much I was judging other people’s methods.


JOANNE: I learned a lot. I felt like I was paying attention a lot more to my energy.


JOANNE: It was tough, though.

ELIAS: But beneficial.

JOANNE: Yes, very beneficial, very beneficial. So, thought is energy, isn’t it?


JOANNE: Energy, thought waves. How does it interact? It doesn’t create our reality at all. It’s just energy waves that do nothing?

ELIAS: Thought interprets. It translates.

You offer yourself input continuously through your senses, through your emotions, through your physical body consciousness, through impressions, through impulses, through imagination, intuition. There are many, many, many avenues in which you offer yourself information and you offer yourself communications. The function of thought is to translate that. It translates what you input, but it only translates what you input that you are paying attention to.

JOANNE: I have an example here, because I’ve been doing that. I’ve been actually shifting my mind to saying “what am I creating?” and I’m not concentrating so much on my head to figure it out. I’m just allowing the information to come, and it kind of comes magically.

I’ll give you an example. I was working with lines of probability. I think I’m shifting tracks here, but I was kind of feeling that I was at a crossroads and that I was inserting a probability of choosing freedom. It may not be as black and white as I’m making it here, but I really felt like the old paradigm of shoulds and have-tos was one path that I could continue on or that I could explore a new probability line, which was to allow myself to explore freedom openly. Is that what I did? Was I doing something with probabilities there, or no?


JOANNE: In that, I’ve changed my life so much in the past month and a half, like I broke down relationships; I let go of lots of things; I left home. I literally went and was living in hotels and things, and really getting to know myself. All of a sudden, I felt like I was writing a book, and I didn’t know where the book was coming from. Then I started doubting myself, because the book is all about this consciousness stuff, like living and consciously how we create our reality, basically my interpretation of your material, in fact, or my experiences.

So first of all, about the book. Can I ask you about that? Is that something that’s in a probability for me, or was it just something to allow myself to explore potential creativity, a creative part of me?

ELIAS: It is a potential.

JOANNE: I don’t want to waste my time, I guess is what I’m saying. Right now I feel a little bit at sea.

ELIAS: Waste your time in what capacity?

JOANNE: Well, I was working so hard on creating a company with my brother, and no one could understand my vision. I kind of said, ”Look, I can’t do this,” like, I’m not going to do this because I’m not at the place yet. It’s almost like I have impressions of the future, and they don’t make sense in this present now. I’m not able to understand what I’m seeing and make it reality in this present. What’s ending up happening is I’m on sabbatical right now, where I’m just focusing on myself. I have the impression of writing this book, and it kind of stopped when I had expectations that I was going to write a book.

ELIAS: But that is a factor also that you are presenting to yourself: how you shall change directions in accordance with certain associations. If you are merely engaging the action as a creative outlet and as a fun expression, you move in a different direction and allow yourself more freedom. But if you generate the automatic associations of “ah, this entails work and discipline and plan and specific time frameworks and research,” it becomes a chore, and the focus moves from the fun to the goal. It moves from the process to the product and what that can provide. Therefore, the energy shifts. In generating those associations, the motivation dissipates. Whereas, if you are focusing your attention upon the process and merely allowing yourself to engage a creative expression in a fun manner without generating the expectations, you create a very different energy, and you encourage yourself with motivation.

JOANNE: I knew I was doing that. I knew I went into the old, and then when I softened my energy, things started to flow again. I’m really committed right now to paying attention to myself, to really becoming intimately aware of me. And it seems really slow!

One of the things that I experienced when I was working was I was having these clear images of this probability, me inserting this probability. I felt like I was moving my house, like I was going to a new home. I don’t know if it was just imagery that I’m moving to a new home inside of myself or physically moving, but I had this image of this home. I bought a ticket to win this home, and somehow it came up in my imagination, or I remembered it, and I was connecting so strongly with it. It was almost like I was moving into it. I was living in that reality, that I had manifested that that was my home. Even on the day, for three hours I was in what felt like this altered state of reality, where I was notified that this was my home, and I was moving in and so on. It was so real to me. It felt so real, even though I was sitting in my chair, I guess, at the time. Of course, I didn’t manifest winning this home, someone else did, and I felt devastated afterwards. I felt totally like I was living in two different worlds or something. I’m not sure what I was creating with that. Did I create another probable self or something? I don’t know.

ELIAS: No. You are presenting yourself imagery and experiences metaphorically. In this, what you want is to generate a genuine intimacy with you and a genuine understanding of how you create your reality. Therefore, you are presenting different elements to yourself in that direction, to become more familiar with your energy, to become more familiar with you, and that many of these outside expressions of imagery are a metaphor for what you generate within self: a genuine experience of being comfortable and being home with yourself, regardless of what your environment is; being comfortable enough with yourself that whatever your physical location is, even a hotel, you generate the presence with yourself that allows you that comfort of home within you.

JOANNE: So, if I’m living in that comfort of home within me regardless of where I am, that’s my reality.

ELIAS: Correct.

JOANNE: Where does creating what you want physically come into play, then?

ELIAS: That is expressed in genuinely knowing yourself, genuinely knowing your preferences, genuinely paying attention to what you are doing and to your energy continuously to the extent that you are aware in every moment that you incorporate choices, [and that] regardless of how mundane they are, it matters not. Every action that you incorporate choice, every action that you incorporate is influenced by some association within yourself. In knowing what your associations are and paying attention to what you are doing and what energy you are expressing, this allows you the freedom to engage choices intentionally, and it allows you the awareness of knowing how those choices shall move in different directions.

In recognizing your own associations with what you do and genuinely identifying your preferences, even in mundane actions, in those recognitions it allows you a greater objective awareness in association with your choices and your ability to evaluate: If I generate in this manner, I shall move in this direction; if I engage this choice, I shall move in another direction. This is the point that it is so important to be aware of what you are doing in every moment and what energy is associated with that.

Even generating a bowl of soup is influenced by some association that you generate, and all of these associations are in some manner attached to your truths and to your preferences. In your time framework now, generally speaking, in your culture generating a bowl of soup would most likely involve opening a can. For in your culture, most individuals do not incorporate the time and the effort to create soup from their own ingredients. In creating a bowl of soup, you open a can, you incorporate a particular can opener – which is associated with a preference that it creates opening the can efficiently. In this, if you choose a soup that is concentrated, you may precisely follow the directions and combine precisely the amount of water with the concentrated soup that is being directed, or you may deviate and you may choose to incorporate more or less water in that soup. You also shall heat the soup in certain manners. Every action associated with preparing yourself a bowl of soup to consume is being influenced by some association. Perhaps you do not choose to be incorporating a condensed soup. In that, you are also generating an association. Perhaps the association is that if the soup is not condensed, it is healthier.

JOANNE: Is the association a belief? I’m not understanding what an association is.

ELIAS: Yes, for all that you do is filtered through beliefs.

JOANNE: Just to be clear, though, an association is attached to a belief?

ELIAS: Attached to a belief, yes, for there are many associations with each belief.

JOANNE: When you say “doing,” is it physically doing, or is it energetically what you’re projecting?

ELIAS: Both, for what you are physically doing is an outward reflection of what your energy is doing. But if you are unaware of what you are doing in the associations, you shall also be unaware or unclear of how your energy is being expressed.

JOANNE: Well, for example with that new home experience, I was feeling like I was creating it, although I wasn’t physically doing anything except being in that energy.

ELIAS: That is a doing.

JOANNE: It is a doing.


JOANNE: This is where I’m getting caught up, because right now I don’t feel like I’m doing much of anything. I’m not working. My life has changed so much from working endless hours to more being than doing.

ELIAS: But that is doing. You are continuously doing. You may not be producing in the manner that is familiar to you, but that is not to say that you are not doing. Your very existence is a doing.

JOANNE: (Emotionally) I guess I feel really vulnerable right now, because I can’t go back to the old way of doing, working the way I used to do. It’s not my preference. I’m choosing not to, because it just feels torturous to me. At the same time, I’m not sure how to physically manifest in the new way of doing, because I have certain preferences that I say I want, but there’s a discrepancy between... I don’t quite know how to manifest, so when I’m experiencing these places where I’m living somewhere else, it’s very joyous, it’s wonderful, but that’s not actually... I don’t feel like I’m engaging in reality, in real physical life, when I’m doing that. I’m by myself. Do you understand what I’m saying?

ELIAS: Yes. Let me also express to you, my friend, it is important that you genuinely allow yourself the recognition that beliefs are not being eliminated. Therefore, it is a matter of genuinely accepting and acknowledging the old and the new, for in that, you create a balance. It is not a matter of changing beliefs; it is not a matter of trading beliefs. It is a matter of recognizing that you have generated experiences through your focus, and throughout your focus you have been consistently offering yourself new information. Some new information appears more dramatic or appears to be significantly different than others, and this is what you associate with growth and movement. But you are continuously offering yourself new information; it may merely not be as exaggerated or obvious as some elements of information.

In this, it is significant to be acknowledging what you view to be the old. For although you may be choosing to move into new expressions, it is not a matter of eliminating what is known, but more in the acknowledgment of your preferences, recognizing that there are some preferences associated with old methods, also. There are some expressions of old methods or actions or expressions that are natural flows of energy. Therefore, it is more a matter of generating a balance between what is known in old familiar expressions, identifying and acknowledging different elements of old expressions that actually perhaps are preferences, and balancing that with new explorations and new expressions of freedom.

But in not acknowledging the old directions, the old expressions, you generate an energy of opposition, and that creates confusion. It clouds clarity, for your attention becomes unbalanced, concentrating upon what was and opposing that, and that opposition creates tremendous obstacles in association with inspiration.

JOANNE: Is there something of the old that I’m not honoring and that is really a preference and that I’m thinking isn’t a preference?

ELIAS: Production. You are viewing the old producing as pushing and miserable. You are viewing in a generalization that the old directions of producing were bad, exhausting, and are now repulsive to you. These are all opposing energies.

In this, you are not acknowledging that there is a natural expression of your energy that enjoys and expresses satisfaction with production. You may be choosing different methods of producing, but in opposing the old directions, you are creating a generalization that discounts the production, also.

JOANNE: I am producing. I’m just producing in a very different way right now, which is very new to me.

ELIAS: I am understanding. In this, this is what I am expressing, the balance of the acknowledgment: the acknowledgment of the production of the new or the new manners in which you are producing, but also the acknowledgment of the old manners of producing, and therefore generating a balance and a cooperation within yourself and an acknowledgment within yourself, rather than generating an opposing energy with yourself.

JOANNE: And that was my choice then, and this is my choice now. I’m just not clear. I think what gets caught up in the middle is that the old form of producing is very much connected to “this is what you need to do to earn money and be successful,” and the new form... I’m worried that I’m going to be worthless, and I won’t have any money anymore. You know? That’s it. I’m struggling a little bit with that, because I’ve made a choice to actually travel and explore, and getting to know myself and becoming intimate, and see how things kind of develop from that, that different perspective inside of myself, not engaging the shoulds and have-tos, but more engaging and understanding what I enjoy and what I prefer. But I’m worried that I’m going to spend all of the money that I have, and I’m not going to create anything, because I’m not showing myself that I’m... well, sometimes I do, that I’m able to manifest abundance. Or am I not seeing something there?

ELIAS: You are concentrating upon fear and the potential of lack, rather than acknowledging and appreciating what you accomplish. You do acknowledge momentarily, just as you have expressed now – sometimes you do – but that becomes overridden, and it becomes quite secondary, for your attention moves much more strongly to the fear of lack.

JOANNE: I’ll give you an example. Yesterday, I had the impression that I needed to sell a certain mutual fund. I have these impressions that our whole economic system is going to collapse, and I can’t see right now how that’s going to... I just have these feelings, and they may be fear based or whatever. Anyway, regardless, I sold it, and it was down a little bit. I’m not trusting that instinct in myself, because I’ve had all these other experiences, like this whole new home thing. I feel like I’m partly living in a fantasy world. I don’t understand what my motivation was behind it. Was it fear, or was I following an impression that I needed to follow?

ELIAS: That was following an impression. The other experience was not associated with an impression. It was a different experience.

JOANNE: It was interesting, because the person who actually manifested that was T and the last name was Hua, H-U-A, and I had a whole bunch of things around that name. I actually worked with prejudices about certain cultures, and it was fascinating how I was paying attention to that. Then I went on the web, and I was reading something – I can’t even remember what I was looking at – but there was some channeled thing for Yeshua, Y-E-S-H-U-A, which is this person’s last name, and Yeshua is actually another name for Jesus. Then I go on this trip, and there’s this other guy that has a very similar last name. I’m thinking there’s a connection here. There’re all these coincidences that were coming up, and I couldn’t understand what... That really seemed bizarre to me. Were there coincidences, or was I creating very weird things going on?

ELIAS: And what is your impression?

JOANNE: Well, I don’t know. I felt very connected to this person, whoever manifested this home, and then, I don’t know. As soon as I noticed H-U-A, I thought it was funny, actually, like, oh my gosh, this is so coincidental that the next day I’m noticing that. I think I’m trying to make associations where there aren’t any.

ELIAS: Or perhaps being somewhat black and white. In this, what were you doing in the experience with the house? What have we discussed? What were you creating?

JOANNE: I was creating a metaphor for what I prefer inside myself...

ELIAS: Correct.

JOANNE: ...where I prefer to live all the time, regardless of my physical reality.

ELIAS: Correct, and in this, you offer yourself two other expressions associated with the experience of the house. You offer yourself the imagery of a channeled expression, correct?


ELIAS: What is your association with that? (Pause)

The metaphor is the intimacy with you and generating the genuine comfort within yourself, that you express that confidence and comfort continuously, regardless of your physical environment. The association with the channeled expression is that this is the avenue of communication, presentment of information to yourself, allowing you to generate that home within yourself. The association with the individual Jesus, which represents what? Serenity, calm, love and connectedness.

Therefore, I say to you no, they are not coincidences, and yes, they are interconnected but not necessarily in a physical manner. The point was to pay attention to what you were generating with the subject matter of the house to begin with, and that allows you to understand what these non-coincidental expressions of imagery are in association with that, remembering that what you were generating was a metaphor for yourself that allows you not to be moving your attention to physical associations but with inner associations.

JOANNE: That makes sense to me. As I’m doing this, am I actually pulling away my focus, using the physical as some type of translation, and that I don’t care what I manifest physically?

ELIAS: (Strongly) No.

JOANNE: What I thought my preference was is to fully engage my life and (emotionally) to be able to walk through my life or participate with my life in a way that I am completely connected to my information and to manifest effortlessly what I choose to manifest, whether it’s a new home or whether it’s creating a business, whatever.

ELIAS: Correct.

JOANNE: But I’m not doing the physical manifestation yet, and this example, it was confusing to me, because I didn’t understand it as a metaphor. I do now, it kind of makes sense, and when it didn’t manifest, I kind of went there. Am I just learning how to do that before I start learning how to physically manifest things, or am I just not seeing that I am already physically manifesting?

ELIAS: Partially both. You are not acknowledging your accomplishments. You do occasionally, but not consistently enough to override the continuous attention in fear and worrying. You feed that energy much more. In feeding the energy of acknowledgment – acknowledging your accomplishments, regardless of what they are – you move your attention in a different direction, and you create a very different energy. Which, in a manner of speaking, as you expressed previously, you view yourself to be at a crossroads.

In a manner of speaking, you stand before two doors in continuing to express an opposing energy and an energy of worry and a concentration upon lack or the potential lack. But it is not merely the potential lack, for you are concentrating upon lack to the point in which you are not acknowledging what you have now. For what you have now, in your perception, is dwindling; therefore, that is also concentrating upon lack. You stand before this door, opening this door to create lack through opposition and doubt and worry, which are also opposing energies. But also before you is another door, and you may place your hand upon that door also, and at times, you do.

It is a matter of whether you shall engage the other door more fully and create naturally and easily the manifestations of abundance through the acknowledgment of what you have and the acknowledgment of what you accomplish, therefore generating more of a genuine appreciation of yourself and your abilities, and also reinforcing your trust. How can you be appreciating of yourself, if you are doubting and worrying?

JOANNE: This is the pendulum that I’m on right now. These past couple of months, I go into these periods of time where everything is just perfect, and I do see the abundance to the point where it’s like, look, I can take the next year and I can completely explore the world and allow, and I will still have enough.

ELIAS: And in that, offering yourself new explorations and new inspirations. But what do you do? You stop, and you move into that worry again, and you allow that to override.

JOANNE: Yes, and then I go back again. I keep going back and forth.

ELIAS: I am understanding. One foot moving into one door, and one foot moving into the other door.

JOANNE: I guess I was setting myself up, trying to physically manifest this new home, for example. I’m trying to show myself in a big way that I do manifest, I guess, and in a way to get my attention. I do.

ELIAS: Perhaps it may be more efficient to show yourself, in your terms, that you do manifest and that you do accomplish by acknowledging the smaller, mundane expressions that you accomplish. In generating your sights, in your terms, in the direction of attempting to prove to yourself that you do incorporate the ability to accomplish by setting an enormous expression before yourself, what you are actually doing is generating a reinforcement of that doubt, and setting into motion a strong potential for disappointment.

JOANNE: The next question becomes how do I expand trusting self? I’ve read over and over ”you will not betray you.” I guess that’s where the worry is, that I will get to the point of destitution in my life. It’s just an obscure worry. It’s automatic.

ELIAS: Each time you engage that worry, each time you notice yourself generating that tension, each time you notice your energy is moving in that direction of opposition, distract yourself and interrupt that with an acknowledgment of an accomplishment, some accomplishment in that day – not a previous accomplishment, but one that is present.

JOANNE: And that’s how I will expand my trust of self?

ELIAS: Yes, for in this, you are allowing yourself more and more to practice moving your attention to the acknowledgment of accomplishment and appreciation, rather than continuing to allow the distrust, the doubt and the worry.

The point is to stop that action, to stop that attention. The manner in which you stop that is to interrupt it with a different direction, one that incorporates the potential to be as strong or stronger than the fear. Presently the fear is stronger, but the acknowledgment of accomplishment – that action generates appreciation – and appreciation is an expression that is strong enough to override fear, and it incorporates the potential to be stronger than fear. The strongest expression of fear that can possibly be experienced cannot match the strength of genuine appreciation. This is one of your most powerful expressions.

JOANNE: And it’s just a matter of practicing it.

ELIAS: Correct, for it is somewhat unfamiliar, for you are not accustomed to paying attention to every action that you generate within your day. You are not accustomed to paying attention to every movement, every expression of energy every moment within your day. You are not accustomed to being aware of every association with each action that you incorporate.

JOANNE: So, we may look at that as cause and effect, but it really isn’t cause and effect.

ELIAS: Correct.

JOANNE: There is no such thing as cause and effect...

ELIAS: Correct.

JOANNE: ...except how we engage our beliefs.

ELIAS: Correct, and your choices.

JOANNE: I will acknowledge that I have been making significant movement in this. I’ve been experiencing a lot of different things, like time, for example. I’ve been playing with it. I do this stuff when I sleep, actually. I woke up, and it was five in the morning, and then, all of a sudden, I went back to sleep and had a few dreams, and I woke up and only a minute had passed. The discrepancy between my dream experience and the amount of physical time that passed, having experienced all those dreams, was fascinating. I did this for a whole hour. I think what I was trying to show myself was that time is relative to my perception of it.

ELIAS: Correct, and flexible. It is bendable.

JOANNE: So, when I worry about not having enough time to accomplish what I want to accomplish, I’m showing myself that I actually do.

ELIAS: Correct.

JOANNE: It was really important to me that I see this shift through or something. Anyway, I don’t even know if there’s a question in there. Is it probable that I will see this through? (Laughs) I guess that’s the question.

ELIAS: That is dependent upon you. In your movement…

JOANNE: Also, are there any other limiting beliefs that I have? It seems that I have been shifting hugely with my body, my perception of food and exercise and all that stuff. I’m getting to know my beliefs. Are there limitations that I am placing on myself that you would recommend me looking at?

ELIAS: I may express to you, in this present time framework I have offered enough in what you may be addressing to, and this is enough for you to be assimilating. This is a considerable amount of information and shall engage considerable practice.

JOANNE: Practicing the interruption and the genuine appreciation?

ELIAS: Correct, and also balancing the old with the new, and acknowledging your preferences in association with producing.

JOANNE: I still don’t get that part, though. Am I being lazy?

ELIAS: No. You are producing in a different manner. It is not that you are not producing; you are merely producing in a different manner but acknowledging your natural flow to be producing and not to be opposing the manners in which you have produced previously. For, that discounts what you are producing now and generates the perception that you are not being productive, which reinforces the fear and the doubt and the worry. It discounts what you accomplish now, for you are accomplishing in a different manner.

JOANNE: So, it’s to acknowledge and appreciate that I did accomplish in that manner previously...

ELIAS: Correct.

JOANNE: ...and that I do value production. It’s part of who I am; I like it...

ELIAS: Correct.

JOANNE: ...and the old form is not the only way to be producing…

ELIAS: Correct.

JOANNE: ...and just because I’m producing in a new way, to also acknowledge that I am producing and that it is in a new way. I don’t have to do it the old way, but I don’t have to discount the old way of doing it, either.

ELIAS: Yes, precisely, for in discounting and generating an opposition energy to the old manners, what you automatically engage is comparison, and that discounts the new manners, for they are different. But that generates a perception that they are less significant, for they are not production in the manner that was expressed previously. Therefore, what is being created is different.

JOANNE: And not the norm, like not necessarily the way things get created in our world right now.

ELIAS: Correct.

JOANNE: When I think about going back to doing the old way, I don’t have any motivation to do it that way anymore.

ELIAS: I am understanding. And that is not necessary, but it is also what you would term to be somewhat detrimental to be opposing the old methods.

JOANNE: Or trashing it.

ELIAS: Correct.

JOANNE: Acknowledging certainly served me at that time. I really do appreciate all that I learned through it. What I was worrying about was that I had to go back to it in order to be productive, in order to earn money, in order to be present in the world.

ELIAS: And do you see how that discounts and invalidates and minimizes what you accomplish and produce now?

JOANNE: Yes. I’m not manifesting, let’s say money, I’m not earning a living doing it this way, and at the same time, I feel committed. But I feel afraid, because I’m not valuing it enough as if I could manifest in living out of it.

ELIAS: Correct.

JOANNE: I don’t even know what I’m doing yet, like I’m still discovering that.

ELIAS: And I am understanding, and in this, it is enough presently to be discovering and to be acknowledging.

JOANNE: And creating that home that I want to, like within myself.


JOANNE: That’s where this new stuff is going to come from...


JOANNE: in the creation of that.


JOANNE: I have one other question. I’m really getting that I create all of my reality, and I have found that even when I go to places of perhaps blaming someone initially, if I just allow myself room and say “what am I creating here?” I get the information. It’s never what the physical fight is about; it’s always about some other belief deep down. I found that to be very helpful.

At the same time, I’m trying to understand when we create things with other people. For example, a friend of my son’s, he’s this young fellow, and we hugged for some reason. There was such an exchange of love and energy within this hug. Now I’m kind of playing with this young man, where he projects this energy to me. I’m just wondering if I’m creating that to allow myself to open up more to love, not necessarily to create a relationship with him intimately, but to somehow create that energy in myself all the time.

ELIAS: Yes. I am quite understanding, and I am acknowledging of you. For, this is an allowance of yourself to generate an openness and also to explore your own expressions and your own preferences, and to explore allowing yourself to express without hesitation, without shields and without expressing to yourself what you should and should not be engaging. It is an avenue in which you are allowing yourself to explore your own expressions and your own freedom with it.

JOANNE: At first I thought he was creating this for me, like somehow I couldn’t generate this without him. But then I thought, he’s opening up a projection of energy for you to learn how to create this in yourself.

ELIAS: Correct, and with other individuals. In this, do not credit the other individual with what you yourself are doing.

JOANNE: He set the stage, so to speak, he projected the energy, is that what happened?

ELIAS: No. YOU set the stage. You drew the individual to you, and in association with the energy that you project, the other individual has chosen to participate. But you are crediting the other individual with initiating and allowing you to generate – no, you initiated by drawing the individual to you quite specifically to generate this exploration.

JOANNE: This is not an individual that I’ve drawn to me to have a romantic relationship with though, is it?

ELIAS: No. It is a practice. It is a practice in allowing yourself your own freedom, without hesitation, without restriction, and becoming more comfortable and confident within your own expressions.

JOANNE: It’s very interesting, because what was going on energetically with him and me is very different than words.


JOANNE: It’s just very fascinating. I love being in his energy, but what you’re saying is that’s my energy? He’s cooperating somehow, though.

ELIAS: Yes, but you are mingling.

JOANNE: So, when I want to go and hug him, I should just do that?

ELIAS: Yes, for this is the point. This is the reason that you have drawn this individual. For as I have expressed to you previously, every individual that you interact with in any moment, you have drawn specifically that particular individual, for that particular individual shall reflect what you are engaging.

You want to be exploring allowing yourself that genuine freedom and openness to yourself, an exploration of your own expressions, and one in which you do not generate hesitation or shielding. In that, you have drawn an individual that shall reflect that and shall participate with you. He is not allowing you; YOU are allowing you.

JOANNE: Also, when I’m talking or developing business ideas or something and he’s in the room, it just flows a lot smoother, somehow. I’m not sure if he’s lending energy to that, or can I create this even if he’s not in the room?

ELIAS: You can, but you are incorporating this individual presently as a type of facilitating point, a focal point. You are incorporating this individual to allow yourself more openness. The individual is participating and is generating a reflective energy, which you interpret as an allowing energy, and it is, but not allowing in the sense that you credit the other individual with what you yourself are doing and your own movement and your own expressions.

You are allowing yourself and have drawn a specific individual that shall reflect that. The reflection is allowance, which allows you to experience more openness and more confidence, and it allows you to dissipate barriers or hesitations or doubt concerning yourself. You therefore allow yourself freely to express and not question yourself.

JOANNE: It’s very amplified. When I don’t follow through, when I feel like I should hug him, and I want to hug him and it’s very strong, and I don’t because it could be received wrong, I really feel bad about it afterwards. Then I recognize that the feeling bad is because I didn’t follow through on what I really wanted to do.

ELIAS: Correct. You hesitated.

JOANNE: This is really about me opening my heart, opening up my being completely.


JOANNE: It’s baby steps, but I’m getting it. (Elias laughs) I had a dream that I understood everything, but I didn’t understand everything. It was just really cool. (Elias laughs) Poor Mary, she’s been under for a while!

When I’m interacting with other people, is asking the question “what am I creating?” still a very effective question to ask?

ELIAS: Or “what am I doing?”

JOANNE: Doing is energetic, and it’s also physical.

ELIAS: Correct.

JOANNE: Any other words of advice?

ELIAS: I would express to you, this is quite enough. (Elias laughs)

JOANNE: I’m sure I will be assimilating for quite a while. (Elias laughs) I will be calling on your energy, if that works for you.

ELIAS: Very well, I am always available and offer it freely to you.

JOANNE: Thank you, I really appreciate it.

ELIAS: I express great encouragement to you, my friend, and I shall say to you I express great appreciation of you. In tremendous lovingness, au revoir.

JOANNE: Goodbye, Elias.

Elias departs after 1 hour, 30 minutes.

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Copyright 2006 Mary Ennis, All Rights Reserved.