Saturday, June 5, 2004 (Group/Vienna, Austria)
Participants: Mary (Michael), Alex (Padwan), Andrea (Jamie), Anjuli (Myranda), Anne (Elenore), Astrid (Bistah), Balbina (Joline), Ben (Albert), Benjamin (Calow), Christine (Lurine), Donna (Luera), Eddy, Elisabeth (Sebastia), Gerhard (Doro), Gillian (Ari), Gottlieb (Gottlieb), Hartmut (Martina), Howard (Bosht), Jens (Samira), Jürgen (Carrdyth), Liam (Benny), Linda (Carmenn), Margot (Giselle), Martina (Tanyas)
Elias arrives at 1:56 PM. (Arrival time is 23 seconds.)
ELIAS: Good afternoon!
GROUP: Good afternoon, Elias.
ELIAS: (Chuckles) I am not incorporating any agenda this day. Therefore, I shall open this session for all of you to be offering your questions. (Slight pause)
DONNA: We know everything already, so we have no questions.
ELIAS: Ah, very well, then we may end! And I may bid you all a fond au revoir! (Laughs, and group laughter)
GILLIAN: Elias, yesterday we created a fantastic experience. We already had a session with Myranda, and then we went to this palace. They had a brass band, and right at the end we created them playing "Ode to Joy" especially for us. Can you say a little more what we were doing in that creation? It was very exciting and a very emotional experience.
ELIAS: And what is YOUR impression of what you were doing? (Chuckles)
GILLIAN: I would say we were just happy and we recognized that it was a reinforcement of no separation.
ELIAS: And your camaraderie.
LIAM: I have a question.
LIAM: Last night I forgot how to sleep. (Group laughter) It was very confusing and I would really like to know what happened.
ELIAS: And have you re-taught yourself now how to sleep?
LIAM: It seemed like there were lots of rules.
BEN: He doesn’t know how to sleep in German. (Group laughter)
ELIAS: Interesting imagery! And what is your assessment of this imagery?
LIAM: Well, someone said it was maybe that I had a focus here previously that was very picky with rules and stuff, and things had to be a certain way before things could happen, and that my normal conditions weren’t satisfying me for sleeping.
ELIAS: Not necessarily. (Chuckles)
LIAM: What was it? I’d like to know.
ELIAS: Perhaps your own rules concerning sleep and concerning comfort and familiarity and the lack of comfort initially in unfamiliar expressions. (Chuckles)
JÜRGEN: This is Jürgen. In the recent month, I’ve just experienced that people obviously express in kind of lying to me. I was wondering, just considering, is there a mirror action possibly happening? But on the other hand, maybe people are just expressing themselves to me.
I just couldn’t make heads or tails of it actually, and it was concentrating. For example, my employer is kind of lying to me about my payment. My girlfriend - my ex-girlfriend - lied to me, just made points to cut off the relationship. I was thinking, "Okay, now what’s happening to me? I guess I’m part of it." But I have problems telling what do they express in themselves - is it just to make me accepting, or maybe just telling me why I’m actually lying to myself, perhaps?
ELIAS: Not necessarily a mirror, but a reflection to experience some of your truths.
As I have expressed previously, this wave addressing to truths is not being addressed intellectually; it is being experienced. Therefore, you present to yourself experiences of your truths, incorporating one of your truths that lying is unacceptable and is an unacceptable behavior and is dishonest, and participating in experiences to reflect the truths that you incorporate.
Remember, your truths are not bad; they are merely beliefs that you have generated into an absolute. What is significant to be examining with your truths is how those truths influence you and how you express outwardly in association with other individuals in relation to your truths.
Your truths are your guidelines for your behavior, but they are not necessarily applicable to another individual. What is significant with truths is that you view them quite literally to be absolutes - honesty is honesty. What is honesty?
JÜRGEN: You ask me? That was actually the question that was arising. If honesty and let’s say truth - I’m not speaking of the absolute truth, but the truth - for example, communicating something that happens in the same space/time with a person and the same focus I have, and tells me something different that happened just to kind of confuse me in myself. So the question is, is honesty actually relevant?
ELIAS: Quite!
JÜRGEN: And the next question for me was - well, of course it’s relative - but if everybody’s just expressing the relative situation maybe to just kind of make something that is uncomfortable for them more advantageous for them, it would kind of confuse the communication, at least an objective communication, if people were just expressing what they wanted but it has no relation anymore to what actually is happening.
ELIAS: But remember, each of you creates your reality in its entirety through perception, and your perceptions are different.
JÜRGEN: That was the next irritating thing, because if I’m considering I create my reality through my perception, what I’m perceiving was the question, maybe. Do I really perceive objectively something else, and maybe this person is just telling me what she or he is experiencing?
ELIAS: You are generating your reality through your perception, which is the mechanism that creates your reality, and you present this scenario to yourself to offer yourself information and to present a reflection to yourself - not a mirror, but a reflection - that you may view or experience some element of yourself or your beliefs that is significant for you to evaluate.
JÜRGEN: Does this mean that this scenario is not necessarily happening to the other person, but to me?
ELIAS: It is possible that the other individual may be expressing, and in their perception they are expressing, in what you would term to be a truthful manner and they are not lying. But perhaps they ARE, and it matters not to the other individual. They may incorporate their reasons within their reality, but that does not concern you.
What concerns you is what YOU are creating and what you are presenting to yourself, and if you are presenting to yourself this interaction in which you are perceiving that the other individual is lying and not being truthful, therefore not being honest with you, this is an opportunity for you to examine how you define truthfulness and honesty and what your beliefs concerning lying are.
These are YOUR truths, which are your guidelines. These are the guidelines that you set for yourself to guide your own behavior. You view lying as an unacceptable behavior; therefore you do not incorporate the action. It is your guideline. Another individual may not incorporate the same guideline, and may not view lying to be unacceptable.
JÜRGEN: The funny thing is I’m recognizing that in this context the lies expressed to me or perceived by me actually show some kind of dependency, that I think I’m depending on this relationship or I think I’m depending on the salary of my employer, that he is responsible for giving me a salary, which shall not be the case.
ELIAS: Correct.
JÜRGEN: Actually, I’m responsible for my salary.
ELIAS: Correct, and you are responsible for generating it and creating it, not for acquiring it. You are responsible for your projections of energy and what you create, and in these scenarios what you create is being victim.
JÜRGEN: Is it possible... I’m just evaluating this idea that maybe letting people lie to me ... let’s put it this way: I’m just giving myself an objective excuse why I’m not creating what I actually want to.
ELIAS: And therefore you have offered yourself a considerable volume of information, have you not, in this scenario and in these experiences? It is merely a matter of whether you pay attention and allow yourself to evaluate what you are actually doing, rather than merely moving into the role of a victim and not receiving any of the messages that you are offering to yourself.
JÜRGEN: So I’m starting to begin picking up the receiver?
ELIAS: Congratulations! (Laughs)
MARGOT: Hi, Elias! I, too, did not sleep the night before last.
ELIAS: It must be an epidemic! (Group laughter)
MARGOT: I doubted since then what I decided was wrong that night, and that was that I felt like I had absorbed the energy of my focus here, Sophie, and that she was either talking to me all night long or else I felt that I was her and I thought like her all night long. Since then I have told myself, no, that was my imagination. Can you tell me what was going on?
ELIAS: I may express to you, it is not your imagination. (Chuckles)
MARGOT: It was very different. I had never felt energy like that before.
ELIAS: This is a situation of merging with another focus and allowing yourself that openness, which I may also express to many of you that these types of experiences may be somewhat overwhelming.
I am understanding that most of you generate considerable excitement in investigating other focuses and offering yourself that information, and I am always encouraging of individuals to be investigating other focuses, if they are so choosing. But in your excitement, you may also overwhelm yourself. Therefore be aware, not in a cautious manner per se, but be aware that it is possible to be generating such an openness that you may merge with other focuses, and you shall be quite aware that your presence of yourself is different, and this may create confusion also in association with identity.
At times individuals may be generating this type of action and confuse their own identity temporarily, which may be quite unnerving also, to lose your individuality, in a manner of speaking temporarily. These actions do occur, which is the reason that I have expressed to other individuals to be aware of what you are actually doing, rather than merely plunging into your excitement and thusly generating some type of overwhelming or even conflicting experience. It is not harmful, but it may at times even be frightening, for it is unfamiliar.
JENS: Elias, this is Jens. I want to know why I create such strong problems to find out what I really want. It is quite easy for me to find out what I do not want in many directions; I think it becomes more and more clear to me. But for example, your hint with sailing. I’m at the point that I can’t go any further. Any suggestions?
ELIAS: What ARE you creating?
JENS: Disappointment.
ELIAS: And what is that disappointment associated with?
JENS: Responsibility?
ELIAS: You are disappointed with your own responsibility?
JENS: I suppose.
ELIAS: And what do you perceive, other than incorporating winning the lottery...
JENS: Which I have done many times!
ELIAS: (Chuckles) Which we have discussed many times! What do you perceive would be an expression that would incorporate happiness with you?
JENS: When I was on vacation a few months ago, I recognized some preferences.
JENS: I had these preferences in my head for a long time. I forgot.
ELIAS: And what preferences did you recognize?
JENS: For example, to live at the ocean, not at sea or by sweet water. I have a clear preference for beaches and for salt water, probably even for the Indian Ocean, because I’ve noticed that my vacations very often have been at the Indian Ocean. The problem is I can’t imagine how to create it. I know imagination is a little bit...
ELIAS: Ah! And that...
JENS: I tried to remember how I have used this sense when I was a child, and using triggers in childhood, but it’s not that easy.
ELIAS: And that would be a key.
JENS: Imagination?
ELIAS: Yes, to allow yourself to incorporate this communication. Regardless of what you generate in images or senses, it matters not, for merely allowing yourself to engage this communication allows an openness in energy. Many different actions occur as you allow yourself to engage this communication. Daydreaming is a form of this communication, in which you allow yourself an openness to drift. The challenge is that most individuals as adults discount imagination quite strongly. They do not allow themselves to engage it, they do not allow themselves to listen and they do not allow themselves to be playful, and that generates a thick energy and it also is restrictive.
In engaging imagination, you automatically dissipate that thickness in energy, and you automatically generate more of an openness and you begin to generate an allowance, which we have discussed many times, which I am aware is a difficult challenge with yourself. In this, it also automatically stimulates other communications. It automatically stimulates impressions. It generates inspiration, which automatically triggers motivation. And although what you may imagine may appear to be entirely unrelated in imagery to what you think you want, you may be quite surprised how much information is expressed in these images that you view to be fantasy. There is much information.
In this, it is a useful expression to be practicing, for that generates in an effortless manner many different openings within your energy in which you need not think or analyze or evaluate or attempt to concentrate in thought processes of how to do, how to accomplish. It automatically generates an openness of your energy, and in that opening it allows a freer flow of impressions, which shall be translated in thought. Therefore, to you it shall appear that suddenly you are offering yourself all of these new thoughts and ideas of how to accomplish what you want, and you begin to recognize more clearly what you want and what your preferences are in much more detail than merely "the sea."
JENS: Yesterday evening there was a movie on TV and it was something similar. People from Germany moved to Spain or something like that. In my case, it’s for me quite clear that I will move outside of Germany. There is much fear related to differences.
ELIAS: Yes, and unfamiliarities, and this is significant to be also examining. For as you continue to restrict yourself in association with the fear, you do not allow yourself to accomplish what you want. It may be useful to practice with imagination in association with that fear also.
JENS: How can I distinguish between wishful thinking and hopes and the sense of imagination?
ELIAS: Do not attempt to direct imagination. Allow it to flow. Do not generate an image and subsequently attempt to be imagining around the image. That is a thought process.
Allow yourself to merely imagine, and subsequently you may incorporate a thought process concerning what you are imagining. You are not directing a daydream. You do not incorporate a preconceived idea in a daydream; it merely occurs. You allow for that communication. You may evaluate it subsequently through thought as a memory, but within the actual action of the daydream you are allowing a free-flow of energy and you are allowing whatever images appear to be.
Regardless of how whimsical or how fanciful they may appear, it matters not. In actuality, the more colorful that you allow your imagination to be expressed and the more unreal, in your terms, you allow it to flow, the more you open your energy and the more you inspire yourself, for the more magic you incorporate - which offers you a reinforcement that anything IS actually possible.
JENS: I see much dream imagery for years.
ELIAS: I am aware, and perhaps I shall offer my energy to you in encouragement in this practicing with imagining.
JENS: Thank you.
ELIAS: You are very welcome, my friend.
BALBINA: Suppose somebody knows what he wants. Can we use imagination then as constructing already this reality?
ELIAS: It may be helpful; it is a communication. Therefore, imagination does not construct. Perception constructs. But it may be helpful in the construction of what you want as allowing that communication to influence the perception.
BALBINA: And then to influence even more, as Mary told in an example before, if I behave how I think I want to be, just behaving going overboard, would this be helpful? No matter what exists, I behave as if I had already the knowledge how to do?
For example, age - I don’t think aging is fantastic. (Elias chuckles) So I could say thirty-five years the whole life and then make the transition deliberately? If I behave as if I was thirty-five, would the physics follow?
ELIAS: It is possible.
BALBINA: If I change my perception, the behavior should help me for that.
ELIAS: Yes, it is possible, but this would also be the situation in which it would be advisable to be examining what your expressed beliefs are concerning age and whether you are forcing energy against yourself, so to speak, for you are expressing a strong dislike. If the dislike is being expressed, the belief of age is not being accepted. Therefore, it continues to be strongly influencing.
BALBINA: Couldn’t I say it is a preference of myself not to age? So I could say, "Okay, I believe everybody’s aging," and then I pass on the side of this belief.
ELIAS: You may express to yourself that you think that it is a preference, and it may be a preference. But remember, any of your truths incorporate many different influences, and your preferences are merely preferred beliefs. But every preferred belief incorporates many influences also, not merely one.
Therefore, the evaluation is of what the influences are, and to choose the preferred influences but not to judge the not-preferred influences - to acknowledge that they exist and that there is a potential that they may be influencing if you move in different manners - but to choose the influences that you prefer. It is not enough merely to think it.
BALBINA: This is a slight difficulty. (Laughs)
ELIAS: (Chuckles) I am aware!
DONNA: Elias, you said that if a strong dislike is expressed then that means there is a belief that is still influencing and you’re not neutralizing it. Is the dislike a communication of the judgment?
ELIAS: At times. It is dependent upon the situation. It is a judgment, but it is dependent upon the scenario, the situation and what is occurring, and whether what is occurring is with you, yourself, or in association with a situation or other individuals in interaction - to distinguish whether your dislike is an indication of a belief that you are not accepting and are continuing to incorporate some conflict with, or it may be an indication of what you do not prefer and your evaluation of what you choose to engage and what you choose not to engage.
As we have discussed previously in association with intrusiveness, you may dislike an action or a behavior or an expression that another individual generates, but you may not necessarily be generating a lack of acceptance. You are incorporating a type of judgment, for we are not eliminating duplicity. But you are generating a type of judgment in association with yourself, your opinions and your preferences or the lack of your preferences, but you are not necessarily incorporating a judgment concerning the other individual or their choices, which is different. Therefore, a dislike is not always an indication of an unaccepted belief.
DONNA: If I dislike certain types of interactions that I’m creating and I choose not to engage those, or I feel that I’m starting to move into them and then I pull back, I don’t feel like I’m creating any judgments in that. Those are just my preferences.
ELIAS: Correct, and you are generating choices in association with your preferences, but you are not incorporating judgment of the scenario or the interaction.
You are acknowledging your guidelines of what you choose or do not choose to express, which is different from a judgment of the previous scenario of another individual lying and viewing that as a wrong action of that individual, and judging the individual as being wrong also. You may choose not to be incorporating that expression and acknowledging your guidelines, and you may choose not to participate in that type of an expression or behavior with another individual but not necessarily be incorporating a judgment of them or their choices, and be accepting of their choices but acknowledging your own choices and your own preferences.
DONNA: And then also accepting their response to my choices.
ELIAS: Yes. (Pause)
We shall break and you may gather your questions - or find your questions! (Laughs loudly)
GOTTLIEB: Elias, if nobody has a question, I want to ask you, we spoke a few days ago about a magic action, if you remember. My essence was inserting a new focus in this physical dimension. I want to ask you if this essence is belonging to Sumafi and alignment Milumet.
GOTTLIEB: Thank you.
ELIAS: You are welcome. We shall break.
(Break at 2:38 PM. Resume at 3:04 PM; arrival time is 17 seconds.)
ELIAS: Continuing! Have you found your questions? (Chuckles)
DONNA: Elias, Lurine and I were up at Oxford... Oh, we were in London and we visited Oscar Wilde’s home. There was a man there in a blue jacket walking around, and we got the feeling that he was just there for us to talk to him. We were wondering if that was your energy, if you were being playful with us.
ELIAS: Super-imposed. (Chuckles)
DONNA: That was very fun! We’ve been feeling your energy around us a lot, all over the place, blue energy, just you and Patel both being very playful, and we appreciate that very much.
ELIAS: You are welcome. (Chuckles) I acknowledge your noticing!
DONNA: Thank you.
MARGOT: Elias, I felt the energy of Vicki/Lawrence. I think it was in the airport at Heathrow, a little blue-eyed girl with brown curls kept smiling at me and looking at me, and I felt it was Vicki/Lawrence. Is that so?
ELIAS: Not the child, but the energy, yes. (Chuckles)
CHRISTINE: I have a question. I am wondering if there are a group of lives of other focuses that are within this forum, that are participating in this forum now, that are centered around the Arts and Crafts and the Aesthetic Movement in the London, England area in the era of the 1880s to the turn of the century, 1900.
CHRISTINE: Am I participating in this?
CHRISTINE: Is it William Morris?
CHRISTINE: But I am in there.
DONNA: I got an impression that she was William Morris.
ELIAS: No. But in that time framework and participating in that group, yes.
CHRISTINE: Also, we went through the Salvador Dali museum and I felt there was a similarity to the energy that I have felt from Patel in dreams to the type of energy I feel from Salvador Dali himself as I was looking at his artwork. I was wondering if Salvador Dali is a focus of Patel.
ELIAS: No, observing.
LIAM: I was looking at the famous-focus list just a few minutes ago, the Austria part. I was wondering if I was someone involved in that too, and that’s why I’m beat. That might explain it. Am I some royal?
ELIAS: (Chuckles) Yes, you do incorporate a focus in that time framework in this area. Not of the royalty, but you do incorporate a focus in that time framework and in this location.
LIAM: Sort of...
MARGOT: A peasant. (Elias laughs loudly)
LIAM: Would there be anywhere I could go to connect with that?
ELIAS: That would be dependent upon your choices and your openness and your allowance of yourself to be paying attention to your impressions.
LIAM: Who do I know in that focus in this room?
ELIAS: Many of these individuals participated in that particular time framework within this location. (Chuckles)
(To Balbina) Yes?
BALBINA: I had this experience when I was in Brazil. A little dog joined me and considered me as his friend from the first moment on. This dog died three days later; probably he was hit by a car. So in the morning, after a night of nightmares from my anxieties I think, I was not quite asleep. I heard a big whistling coming to me and then something fell on the bed near my head. So this was odd. I thought, was it the dog dying in this moment? Because he must have died in this time framework, in the morning.
BALBINA: He came to say goodbye, something like this.
ELIAS: In energy, yes.
BALBINA: Great. It was a little bit scary, but I thought it was him, probably.
BALBINA: Thank you.
ELIAS: You are welcome. (Chuckles)
ANNE: Can I ask you a question? You said for two days that my friend, Karl, is an incarnation of the Bavarian king, Ludwig the second. I had no time to ask, was I at this time near him?
ANNE: And you can tell me?
ELIAS: A family member, and I shall express to you to investigate! (Chuckles)
GOTTLIEB: (Translates into German for her: "You shall find out for yourself.")
ANNE: Oh! (Group laughter and Elias laughs loudly)
ANJULI: Elias, we were also wondering because I think you said to Bobbi that her son had a focus as Ludwig II, and Margot and Howard, we were discussing how that can be. We had various choices. It could be a fragmentation action, and Howard, what did you say?
HOWARD: A temporary vacation of the directing essence could change the energy of the focus consciousness itself.
ELIAS: In a manner of speaking, that is actually somewhat accurate. (Group applause) Not "vacation," for it is the choice of the focus of which essence it shall align with in any time framework as the directing essence.
The focus may choose. If there are observing essences, the focus may choose to change essences for it is the choice of the focus, which is also significant. For many individuals within this forum that participate with this information continue to devalue somewhat focuses as not being essence, or that essence is the greater expression, or essence is the whole and the focus is the part. They also devalue the choices and the significance of the focuses of attention and the power of each attention, and view the focus of attention as being somewhat subject to the whole of essence, which is quite incorrect.
This is the reason that I express to all of you repeatedly the significance and the importance of you as individuals, and that you are actually directing yourselves and you are engaging all of the choices that occur within your experiences, even to the choice of which essence you shall align with or be.
Therefore, in a manner of speaking, there is little difference between an observing essence and a directing essence, for that is not an absolute either, and it may change.
HOWARD: So is this what happened to me recently? Did my essence tone change? I believe you said that early on in our association.
ELIAS: No, but that also is another action that may occur, which is also the choice of the focus to be expressing more of a certain tone of essence and certain qualities of essence, and that may change. The focus may choose to be expressing a different tone of the same essence and different qualities, which would alter your experiences and would also in some manners alter some of your behaviors and in some manner your identity. You would perceive yourself differently.
MARGOT: Then continuing on in that line, when such a choice is made during, let’s say, a life experience that is very changing, you change the life experiences that you’re having, you’re saying that that would be the same thing, when you make a major change in direction.
ELIAS: It is dependent upon the individual and what is actually occurring. For that may occur also in altering primary aspects of the focus itself, which would not necessarily be an alteration of the tone and the qualities of the essence. It would be an alteration of primary aspects of the individual.
MARGOT: Can I ask a personal type of a question? As an example, when I decided to leave my background behind - my church, my family - and I left, was that a change in the focus tone or the essence tone?
ELIAS: Focus.
MARGOT: Both - is that what you said, both?
ELIAS: Focus. Yes, and that would also be a mark-point of generating other probable realities, yes.
MARGOT: Thank you.
ANNE: I think I was a sister of Sissi. I was engaged to the king as a child?
ANNE: Oh, that’s not. (Elias chuckles)
ANJULI: He doesn’t tell us. We still have to investigate.
ANNE: Okay, I must look inside.
DONNA: What was I picking up on in my impression of Lurine as William Morris?
ELIAS: That time framework and associations.
DONNA: I guess I got it confused or...?
ELIAS: You are tapping into that time framework, but targeting a specific individual rather than noticing the energy and recognizing that what your impression was concerning was a group and a time framework and a location, rather than that specific individual. But that is a type of marker, a beacon.
BALBINA: When you say a marker, in the computer there is a tool, "system recovery." So if you make a lot of things that you don’t like on your computer, you go back and say, "Okay, system recovery," and everything you did so far is erased.
I thought about it, and could there be something like this in my life, for example, and say, "Okay, I make now a system recovery"? The last year, for example, I created a sickness. Can I go back and say, "I make a system recovery"?
ELIAS: And change?
BALBINA: It’s like changing a belief of...
ELIAS: Changing the past.
ELIAS: Yes. It is possible to be altering the past and generating an entirely different past. Although I may express to all of you as I have previously, you are continuously changing the past in every moment. Each time you generate a memory, you change.
BALBINA: But not consciously often. So if I say to myself, "I make a system recovery," which is like a tool, it would make it easier for me.
ELIAS: Yes, and that may be your method.
BALBINA: Yes, my method. I like the methods with computers.
ELIAS: Very well! Most individuals like methods. (Chuckles)
JENS: Elias, we were also talking about appreciation and acceptance. What is a realistic timeframe for this action? I know I expressed appreciation without knowing in the past, in ’92 and ’99, if I’m correct. But I want to do this again, and this time I want to know what would be a realistic time framework for this action.
ELIAS: In which you may allow yourself to generate that expression of genuine love?
JENS: Yes.
ELIAS: First of all I shall express to you, as you are aware, it is dependent upon your choices and your openness and your allowance. But in association with your energy that you express now, I may say to you that what you are creating now generates a potential to be expressing in that manner within approximately two years, to generate a genuine expression of love and recognize that and incorporate an objective awareness and experience of that.
Recognize that this is a potential, and it is associated with what you are generating now and the direction that you are engaging now. Therefore, there is also the possibility that you may change that direction, for there is always the possibility that you may change or choose differently. But in the energy that you have been expressing recently and what you are expressing now in your direction, in your inner landscape, so to speak, and what you allow yourself in familiarity and intimacy with yourself, it may be a strong potential within two of your years or sooner.
JENS: That’s quite a long time for my (inaudible) adventure.
ELIAS: (Chuckles) But as I have expressed, that may alter also, and you may generate that action sooner than what I have expressed - or you may choose not to express it at all! (Laughs)
JENS: Thank you.
ELIAS: You are welcome.
MARGOT: Elias, the other night I expressed to Mary, "Age brings acceptance." She didn’t accept that.
ELIAS: (Laughs loudly) Perhaps Michael does not incorporate enough age to be accepting of "age brings acceptance"! (Laughs loudly with group)
BEN: I have a question about the Beethoven focus. What was he trying to do with his music? What was his motivation? What was he trying to do with his music?
ELIAS: Communicate.
BEN: What was he trying to communicate?
ELIAS: Emotional communications that the individual did not believe he incorporated the ability to express in any other manner than through his creativity and the compositions of the music. It was what he believed to be the only manner in which there would be an adequate expression of communication, for the individual viewed and perceived himself to be quite inadequate in expression of communication of many types: with other individuals, with himself, with his world. Therefore, recognizing his passion and his ability to generate creatively with music, that became the manner in which he generated communication of most types, through that one expression.
MARGOT: Elias, I’m trying to get Gillian to ask this question because she’s so curious; she won’t open her mouth. We went to see the tomb of Beethoven the other day, and every time we saw the name Beethoven there was a bumblebee, a golden one at the top of the tomb, especially. What did that bee stand for, just the beginning of his name? What was the bumblebee connected with?
ELIAS: It is partially associated with the name. It is also partially associated with the personality and the sting of the personality.
MARGOT: Just the sting, not the busyness?
ELIAS: In some associations, some individuals generate that. But it is more associated with a personality that was appreciated for the creativity, but not appreciated for the personality.
BALBINA: About music, this music, do composers catch the vibrations of, I don’t know, of matter or of spirit? Is it an interpretation of vibrations?
BALBINA: Like the voice of a person.
BALBINA: Is it of matter or rather of consciousness?
ELIAS: It is a translation into your reality of an expression of consciousness.
BALBINA: So the so-called classical music, which seems for me sometimes outdated, no more adequate interpretation of how maybe I perceive vibrations or consciousness, or is this something more objective? Classical music is considered as being music of no time, but valuable in itself. I think, for my impression, it is also a kind of fashion, a different interpretation than today.
ELIAS: It is a reflection of the societies and of the energy of the individuals collectively within different time frameworks. It reflects, in a manner of speaking, the mood of the time of the collective expression of energy. But I may express to you that any expression of music that you generate may be considered timeless, for it is merely a matter of preferences and what an individual resonates with in association with different vibrational expressions.
BALBINA: I thought only because in this shift there is much more energy coming in. It’s different for our time framework, so maybe the music changes with the translation.
ELIAS: As I have stated, it is a reflection of the energy that is expressed by the individuals in any particular time framework. It is a translation of vibrational qualities that reflect the collective within any time framework.
BALBINA: Thank you.
ELIAS: You are welcome.
GOTTLIEB: Elias, I have a question. We discussed previously if Beethoven was married, and Margot and Howard told me that he had some girlfriends. Is one of his girlfriends maybe here in this room? (Elias nods in agreement) Who is it?
ELIAS: Michael.
HOWARD: In the impressions that I’ve had during the week, is Elisabeth a focus of my friend Kathy?
ELIAS: Which Elisabeth?
BEN: Sebastia. (Pause)
HOWARD: Thank you.
JÜRGEN: On this occasion I would just like to ask for my essence name.
ELIAS: Essence name, Carrdyth, C-A-R-R-D-Y-T-H (CAR dith).
JÜRGEN: And for the essence family, I was just reading the explanations. I just come up with, quite nicely, Sumari.
JÜRGEN: Alignment, I wasn’t really sure. I thought if there was any alignment it could be perhaps Zuli.
ELIAS: Sumafi.
JÜRGEN: Really? To be terribly honest, I was kind of rejecting that, maybe because of the teacher aspect. (Elias chuckles)
We were just speaking about the orientations with Mary, and as well with Donna, and Mary said that she immediately kind of recognized me as soft. That was one thing I became quite sure of in the recent weeks considering all this, that I might not necessarily be common, because I have, let’s call it, experienced conflict with people, as it was explained like speaking a different language and not being understood, or just kind of perceiving or expressing differently. But I can’t really tell the difference between the orientations. So am I soft or intermediate?
ELIAS: Soft.
JÜRGEN: This kind of carries on to a question Donna had, because she wasn’t sure if she might have changed orientations.
DONNA: I had a feeling I was soft when I was younger, and then at some point I changed to common, and now I sort of have an understanding of both, or maybe I have like a soft ... I don’t know, like I’m switching back to soft. (Pause)
ELIAS: Quite perceptive!
DONNA: Oh! That explains a lot of things!
HOWARD: Make up your mind!
ELIAS: It is not an action that is incorporated very frequently. In actuality, it would be an action that is quite rare. Most focuses do not change orientation throughout the entirety of the focus. Even if there is a fragmentation or alteration of some other type with the focus, generally speaking the focus maintains one orientation throughout.
But as I have expressed previously, it is not a rule and it does occur occasionally, dependent upon the exploration of the individual and the direction of their experiences and also in association with the intent. It may be an action that one focus may choose to incorporate.
DONNA: So I feel like I’m moving in the direction of switching back to soft, or I’m kind of on the cusp.
ELIAS: Have already.
DONNA: Thank you.
ELIAS: You are quite welcome.
GILLIAN: Elias, I have a curiosity question. In terms of the Middle East and what’s happening there, would some of that shift with the possible change in regime of the USA? I mean, would it shift the energy a little bit?
ELIAS: It is possible.
GILLIAN: But you’re not saying it’s probable.
MARGOT: A crystal-ball question.
ELIAS: It is dependent upon the energy that is expressed collectively by the individuals that occupy that country, and it is dependent upon whether the individuals that are aware of how they are expressing energy choose to be projecting that energy in somewhat more of a strength in pooling together.
This is the reason that I have been expressing to all of you to pay attention to what type of energy you are projecting within your mundane days, for the type of energy that you are projecting offers energy to these elements of polarization or it offers energy to dissipating that polarization, and that is reflected in what you actually do within your experiences within each of your days, within all of your moments.
The energy that you are projecting, if you are generating your own polarizations in association with your truths, you lend energy to the polarizations that occur en masse. But if you are aware of the type of energy that you are projecting and you are projecting more of an energy of allowance and acceptance to difference, you shall be lending energy to dissipating that polarization.
As I have expressed many times previously, this is a powerful wave that you are experiencing and it is generating STRONG polarization, for individuals are addressing to their truths through experience. Therefore, they are generating the experiences of their truths, and that is what generates this polarization and such opposition.
And many individuals continue to be unaware that their truths are not true. I may express to you within this room - individuals that incorporate significant information - YOU continue to express some truths that you do not recognize as truths, and you view them to be true absolutely without question.
JENS: Some examples? Which truths?
ELIAS: Ah. You have incorporated your weather in this group, have you not? And you have been incorporating rainy weather within your experience in this area, correct?
ELIAS: And is it not your truth that the rain always falls down? (Group laughter) And therefore it does. And that in a day in which the rain is falling, there shall be clouds and your day shall be darker? This is not an absolute. I may express to you, rain appears without clouds and [with] bright sun. But your truth is that it falls down, and that it is a spring from clouds, and that it is darker when it rains.
There is an example of one of your truths that you do not question, you do not offer any evaluation to. It merely is and it is absolute.
LIAM: So are you saying that basically rain doesn’t necessarily come from clouds?
ELIAS: It can, but that is not true. It can be a product of clouds, but it is not necessary. There are areas within your world and individuals that have created rain with sun with no clouds.
BALBINA: But it happens. It happens...
ELIAS: Correct, therefore the truth of rain springing from clouds and generating dark days is not actually true. It is your truth.
BALBINA: If I accept now, this is my belief that it is like this, I accept it. This is easy for me to accept because it’s not existential. So how do I change my perception then?
ELIAS: If you accept the belief, it is merely a matter of choice what you choose to create.
JÜRGEN: Does that mean if it rains, everybody’s just standing outside seeing clouds and rain, and I just would perceive rain and no clouds and the sun is out?
ELIAS: That is quite possible.
HOWARD: Well, we had snow on a clear day in April at that Sedna celebration about 12 weeks ago.
ELIAS: Therefore, snow does not absolutely spring from clouds either!
JÜRGEN: And it doesn’t necessarily fall down, either!
ELIAS: This is correct also. (Chuckles)
Your truths are such absolutes that they are unquestioned, and this is the reason that they may be somewhat elusive to you, for you do not question them; they merely are. Therefore, they are somewhat more challenging to identify, for why shall you question an absolute?
GILLIAN: So gravity is an absolute truth for us.
ELIAS: Yes. It is not true, but it is a strong truth that you incorporate.
JENS: All scientific laws.
JÜRGEN: Speaking about truths in this kind of direction, considering my question before, are there actually differences between a truth that people express to me in what they are doing and what I am not perceiving and what we call the laws of physics? Truth is just one word for actually both of them, so actually both just like this...?
ELIAS: They are your truths, and therefore they are quite real. I am not discounting the reality of what your truths generate. But they are not true; they are not an absolute. No, your physics are not absolute either, and they change. Your facts change.
JÜRGEN: So if, let’s say for example, I do something, it’s something that I created, and somebody perceived this and I expressed differently. So this person accuses me of lying to him. This is actually something you would say that is fact, that is something that cannot be changed. But as you just said before, I am aware that I can change my past. Also, as the situation just kind of explodes into probabilities, this means that the situation is not absolute and can for that reason not be a truth?
ELIAS: Correct. It is a truth in your perception, but in actuality, as I have expressed previously, it is your guideline in association with what you create and how you behave and what you express. But it is not an absolute.
JÜRGEN: A guideline, in a manner of speaking, of ethics.
ELIAS: That also would be a belief, which you may or may not incorporate.
JÜRGEN: I’m just kind of trying to understand the word "guideline" in this context. Maybe a guideline is a kind of preference?
ELIAS: Those would be some of your guidelines. Some are not your preferences, and therefore you do not incorporate certain expressions or certain actions or behaviors. (Pause)
BALBINA: Would vibrations be a truth, a real truth, like color?
ELIAS: Vibrational qualities, yes.
BALBINA: I’ll ask you, but maybe you don’t like it. Another essence, Abraham - I was intrigued by this - said if you concentrate 17 seconds upon a desire, for example, then you put a probability in function. If you concentrate 17 seconds on anything that you want or that you don’t want, you create the probability. I wonder, why 17 seconds?
ELIAS: You create a probability in the moment. It does not require any designation of seconds or minutes. Probabilities are created in each moment.
BALBINA: What then makes them realize? Is it the intensity of beliefs?
ELIAS: Your beliefs, which influence your perception, and your choices.
BALBINA: Oh, those choices, yes. Thank you. (Elias chuckles)
ANNE: I have a question, Elias, for Alex. I think he is focused intermediate. Is that right? (Pause)
ANNE: Thank you.
ELIAS: You are welcome.
ANNE: I have a question. I wanted to know, I think I am the mother of King Ludwig II.
ELIAS: Yes! (Laughs)
ANNE: Oh! I am the mother of him! Sometimes I feel he is my son. (Laughs, and Elias chuckles) Thank you very much.
ELIAS: You are quite welcome.
GOTTLIEB: Elias, when we engaged two days ago the energy exchange, it was a very good feeling. Thanks again.
ELIAS: You are quite welcome.
GOTTLIEB: And yesterday I was feeling something special. It seems to me that it was two days ago underlying, but it raised up and I think you showed me something. It was like a journey. Could it be something, please?
ELIAS: A journey.
GOTTLIEB: A journey to your dimension?
ELIAS: Into energy, to offer you the recognition of the possibility of moving in other areas, not merely this area.
GOTTLIEB: Thanks a lot. (Elias chuckles) It was amazing!
ELIAS: You are quite welcome.
GILLIAN: Elias, I just want to remind you, when we had our last private session last Saturday, you asked me at that time about what my preference for playfulness for us to engage in would be. I was absolutely stumped on it and couldn’t get a hair of it. But I just want to get your loud acknowledgment that you have received my message that I will meet someone who I will feel your energy super-imposed, and this person will offer me a new challenge.
ELIAS: (Shouting) VERY WELL! I SHALL ENGAGE YOUR GAME! (Then more quietly) Is this loud enough?
GILLIAN: Yes! (Group laughter and Elias chuckles) Just for the record!
ELIAS: Very well. (Chuckles)
Very well, my friends. I shall be offering my encouragement to each and all of you. I shall be offering my energy in supportiveness, and I shall offer to you each my great affection and my acknowledgment of your friendship and my friendship with you. Know that I am always available, and I am also always with you. To each of you this afternoon, be playful with yourselves and each other, and in my great fondness, I bid you au revoir.
GROUP: Au revoir, Elias.
Elias departs at 3:58 PM.
Transcriber Donna’s note: I wish to acknowledge Alex (Padwan) for his generosity in sharing his MP3 recording, and Jürgen (Carrdyth) for his patience and help in the transcription of this session. This transcript would have been quite incomplete without the assistance of you both. Danke schön, guys!
©2004 Mary Ennis, All Rights Reserved
Copyright 2004 Mary Ennis, All Rights Reserved.