Session 375

Creating Your Reality Outside of Mass Beliefs


"Creating Your Reality Outside of Mass Beliefs"
"Creating Your Reality with No Conflict"
"Your Perception Creates Your Reality"

Saturday, March 20, 1999 © 1999 (Private/Phone)
Participants: Mary (Michael), Tom (Thomas), and Monica (Bridget).
Elias arrives at 1:35 PM. (Arrival time is 18 seconds)

ELIAS: Greetings!

TOM: Good afternoon!

ELIAS: We meet again!

TOM: Yes, we do. It’s Thomas and Bridget.

ELIAS: Very well. You may proceed with your inquiry.

TOM: One thing I’d really like to learn about today - and I know you’ve spoken on this matter many times - is the whole concept of creating our reality, and understanding the difference between creating things that we believe we must create because of some belief system and creating what we truly want to create. Does that question make sense?

ELIAS: You are inquiring as to the difference of these two elements?

TOM: Right.

ELIAS: First of all, let me express to you that you are aware that you hold belief systems and that these belief systems are very influencing of your perception, and your perception is that element which is creating of your reality in its entirety.

Now; in movement outside of the mass belief systems in the creation of your reality, initially you must be noticing the mass belief system and identifying this belief and noticing that you may hold a difference in your belief.

Now; in addressing to deliberately or intentionally creating your reality outside of the mass belief systems, you may notice and identify the mass belief. In this, you may also choose not to be compliant with this mass belief, but in your movement within your choice to be creating outside of the mass belief systems, there is required your own trust and acceptance of self, that you may be creating of your own reality regardless of the dictates of the mass beliefs.

Now; this presents the pitfall, so to speak, for many individuals may be identifying of mass belief systems, and subsequently may also identify that they wish to be choosing a different type of creation and situation. They also may not necessarily be actualizing their want in their creation, for they continue to hold alignments with these mass belief systems, and underlyingly they do not trust themselves to be actually creating their want.

Also in this process, in a manner of speaking, there is another element which involves intent, for this may be creating of a conflicting situation also. Your wants do not always follow your desire. Your desire is that movement which follows your intent, and many times your desire is a subjective element. Your want is always an objective element. Your want may not necessarily follow your desire, and therefore you may not necessarily be creating of your want. But if you are creating within your intent, following your desire and not creating a conflict in this area, you may be actualizing any of your wants within your objective awareness.

The only key in this situation is that you be accepting and trusting of yourself, knowing your own ability and knowing that you may be creating of any element in your reality that you want.

This be the reason that it is important to identify not merely the mass belief system, but also to identify your own beliefs in these areas, therefore identifying how you may be aligning and lending energy to the mass belief systems and therefore also creating your reality within the mass expressions. Are you understanding?

TOM: Could you help me with the difference in definition between desire and want?

ELIAS: Your desire is your direction which is created in conjunction with your intent. Your want is an objective thought process of elements that you wish to be drawing to yourself or creating.

Now; let us express that an individual may hold an intent in aligning with the Tumold family. Their intent moves in the direction of healing. Now; they may be creating a myriad of expressions that are in alignment with their desire, for their desire is the action of movement that shall be directing the creation or the actualization of their intent. Their intent is their direction - their focus of attention, so to speak - within a particular manifestation. Their desire follows the intent by creating a specific direction of energy in movement to be actualizing the expression of the intent.

Now; you may also, within your objective want, be holding thought processes of certain wants that are also in compliance with your desire.

Example: You may want what you may consider to be a large object objectively within your focus. You may want to be creating the actualization of a vehicle.

This creation, in objective terms, may seem contradictory to the intent of healing, but if you are moving efficiently in harmony with your subjective desire and your objective want, and you are creating - or wanting to be creating - this vehicle as an expression of your ability to be creating whatever you so choose to be creating, this may be an expression of lending energy to other individuals to view the possibilities of your own ability to be creating within your physical focus. Therefore, your motivation is moving in harmony with your desire, and you may be actualizing your creation of your objective want and therefore materialize this vehicle.

Now; if you are not moving in harmony with your desire, which is movement of your intent, and you are holding the thought process that you wish to be creating of this vehicle merely to be creating of this vehicle - in a manner of speaking - as a parlor trick to yourself, you may not necessarily be creating of this vehicle, this objective want, for it may not be following your desire within your intent. It may not necessarily be beneficial to you, and also within the whole of consciousness.

Also what is entering into involvement in this in your objective creation, as I have stated, is your alignment with beliefs and your trust and acceptance of self.

Now; let us return to the individual aligning with the Tumold and the intent of healing and the objective creation of this vehicle.

In this want of the vehicle, the individual may be creating of this vehicle in their expression of trust and acceptance of self, knowing that they hold the ability to be creating in this manner. Therefore, they shall be actualizing their want and also their desire, for they are trusting in their ability and not doubting their own creation. In this, they are actualizing not merely their objective expectation, but their subjective or underlying expectation.

Conversely, another individual may want to be actualizing this vehicle, but may not be trusting of their own ability to be creating this vehicle. Therefore, they concentrate their thought process upon their want and their expectation objectively, but underlyingly they also hold the expectation that they shall not be creating of this actualization, for they do not trust their own ability in their creative expression. THIS is what shall be created - not necessarily the objective expectation, but the underlying expectation, for this expectation is stronger than the objective expectation.

TOM: Can you speak a little bit about - I’m trying to create a business that involves two partners right now - what it takes to essentially make a joint creation? I am the primary driver and leader, but how does that work with more of a joint creation as opposed to creating it yourself?

ELIAS: Correct. In these types of situations, be remembering that you may only be creating your expression and your reality. You may not be creating for other individuals.

Now; in your joint creation together, the most affecting element is your participation in acceptance of the contribution of other individuals and your own recognition within self of your opposition.

In this, many conflicts may be addressed to and also avoided in joint ventures as the individual concentrates their attention and their energy upon their own expression and is not concerning themselves with the expression of the other individuals, for there is much to be learned within your own expression.

Let us look to a situation that you may be suggesting of a certain direction as to any particular course of action that you may wish to be engaging in this joint venture. Another individual that is creating this joint venture with you may be in disagreement and may be expressing a different direction.

Now; you may be responding within yourself in a reaction of disagreement to their expression, and this shall be creating of certain twinges, so to speak, that shall arise within you. It may be triggering of certain emotional expressions; it may be triggering of certain thought processes. In this, you present yourself with the opportunity to examine your own response.

Now; be remembering that what I am expressing to you is unfamiliar. The familiar is to move into the direction of NOT looking to self and examining your own responses and your own beliefs which are triggering these responses, but to be looking to the other individual outside of yourself and automatically placing judgment upon their expression and justifying your own expression, expressing to yourself within yourself - regardless of whether you may be outwardly expressing this, but inwardly expressing to yourself - in your justification that you are right, and therefore it is unnecessary for you to be incorporating the idea of another individual.

Now; I am not suggesting to you that you may be continuously denying self and moving in the direction of being compliant with another individual. What I AM expressing to you is to be evaluating what is triggering and what is creating your responsiveness when you are in disagreement to another individual.

In this expression, as you evaluate what your expression is in your response and where it stems from, you may also be expressive of this to another individual, and in THIS expression, together you may allow yourselves to explore more of your choices than merely the ones that have been expressed between you to that point, for there is always more than two choices to every situation.

But you do not necessarily view all of the choices available to you if you are not allowing yourself to explore beyond your immediate responsiveness to each situation, for it is automatic to you all to be evaluating your situations in either/or terms, black and white terms, and cause and effect terms.

Therefore, for the most part, you move into areas that you allow yourselves to view only two choices in each situation, but there are many more than two choices with each situation. Therefore, as you look to yourself and offer yourself the identification of your own triggers, your own responses, and your own reactions to any given situation, you also open yourself to more of your choices and you allow an opening in your interaction with other individuals to incorporate more choices jointly. Are you understanding?

TOM: Not entirely. I get the basic part of it. I’m seeing what you’re saying, but....

ELIAS: Present any scenario of your own experience to me, and we shall incorporate that as an example.

TOM: It’s not that I can come up with one specific example. It’s a matter of, there’s often conflict when we’re trying to develop one creation jointly, and how you kind of try to channel these different creations of different individuals into one joint creation.

ELIAS: Correct. But I express to you that the difficulty arises in the interaction with more than one individual, as each individual is expressing themselves from the perception of their own issues and beliefs. Therefore, they are each being influenced in this same manner, and in that, they each are not assessing the wider picture of the entirety of the reality, but merely moving within their own sphere of their own perception and justifying their own perception as being the correct perception. This is, as I have stated, the pitfall, and this is the most difficult area to be addressing to.

This is the situation - as I have expressed previously - of you pushing your ball with your stick, and another individual entering the playing field and hitting their ball into your ball. Now how shall you be moving your ball? You hold the choice to be continuing to be interactive with another individual. You also hold the choice to be continuing in conflict or to not be continuing in conflict.

Let me also express to you that you may be approaching certain situations - in the expression of acceptance of yourself - in evaluating your least conflict scenario. In this, if you are experiencing conflict in conjunction with another individual, you may evaluate what is creating your conflict and what shall be creating no conflict or the least amount of conflict in that situation. In that, you hold the ability to choose objectively what shall present the least amount of conflict for you, and move in that direction.

TOM: But if you do that, is that being ... do you do that by being compliant?

ELIAS: Not necessarily! Many times individuals are not compliant with the wants or the expression of another individual, but are creating of the situation which allows themselves the least amount of conflict.

You may be engaged with another individual, and you may be in disagreement with another individual. You may view no viable area of what you term to be compromise. In this, you are focusing your attention outside of yourself. You are attempting to be compromising with another individual to be appeasing or compliant with them, but this may not necessarily eliminate your conflict, and in your compliance, you may be in actuality reinforcing your own expressions of discounting yourself within your own aspects of duplicity.

Therefore, you may approach this situation differently, and you may question yourself. You may express to yourself, "This situation is creating conflict within me." You may then ask yourself, "What shall create no conflict for myself in this situation?" and you may identify that element also.

As you move and choose your own no conflict scenario, this may not necessarily be creating no conflict for the other individual, but it is creating no conflict for you, and it is the responsibility of the other individual to be creating no conflict for themselves. It is not your responsibility to be creating another individual’s reality!

This also is unfamiliar to you, for within your thought process and your beliefs, this appears harsh, for you then express to yourselves, "But this may be creating of much conflict for another individual." I express to you, this is not your concern. This is not your responsibility. Your responsibility is to yourself and to be creating YOUR least conflict scenario, for in your expression of your least conflict scenario, you are also accepting self and trusting self, and THIS is the direction of your attention and the most efficient expression. It may be presenting difficulties with other individuals temporarily, but this is THEIR expression, which they are creating, and this is their responsibility in their expression.

TOM: How do we work towards, you know, really trying to accept and trust ourselves?

ELIAS: This small exercise of conflict and no conflict is a very efficient method, so to speak, to begin moving in this direction, for each time you are moving in the direction of no conflict with yourself, what you are creating is your own acceptance and trust of self, and in that action, there is also a byproduct of the acceptance of the other individual.

You may continue to not be in agreement, but as you are creating no conflict within yourself, you automatically move into more of an acceptance of the other individual also, recognizing that their expression is their expression - is their reality - and that this is acceptable. It is not necessary for it to be the same as your expression. They may continue, and it is also not necessary for you to be in agreement with them and with their expression or their behavior or their thought process.

This is your practicing in your own acceptance of self, that it is not a matter of right or wrong. It is merely an expression of conflict and no conflict, and in your expression of no conflict, you may reinforce yourself that you are trusting of yourself.

Let me express to you that I am also aware and understanding that in this expression, you are also creating a judgment. You are expressing to yourself that you are good in this situation and you are acknowledging of yourself in this accomplishment, and this temporarily is acceptable, for the expression of duplicity is extremely strong, and temporarily allowing yourself acknowledgment and validation shall be reinforcing of your own acceptance and trust of self.

Eventually you shall hold no need to be acknowledging and reinforcing of your own expression, for your trust and your acceptance of self shall be automatic. Therefore, it shall be unnecessary to express to yourself that you are accomplishing well or good or acceptable ... or that you are "okay," in your vernacular! (Grinning)

In the meanwhile, you may be reinforcing of yourself by practicing, in identifying each moment that you are experiencing conflict and allowing yourself to choose no conflict REGARDLESS OF THE INTERACTION OF OTHER INDIVIDUALS, remembering that other individuals are creating their reality the same as you are creating your reality. It is not your responsibility to be assuming responsibility for their reality, but merely to be concerning yourself with self and what offers you the least amount of conflict.

TOM: Sounds like a good course, if I could stay to it!

ELIAS: And you may!

You may begin with what you identify as small areas. You present yourself with the expression of conflicts continuously! Some of your conflicts you identify as very small; others you identify as much larger. They are all the same, essentially. They are conflict or no conflict. Therefore, you may begin in practicing each day with your smaller expressions of conflict.

The reason this particular exercise is easily accomplished is that it is an objective expression. You need not be evaluating. You need not be moving in the direction of identifying your belief systems. You may not move yourself into psychological areas or expressions or analysis. You merely need be identifying any element that is creating conflict - which objectively is quite easy for you all - and in this, offer yourself what creates no conflict for you. This also is quite easy for you to be identifying! You may not always choose to be moving in that direction, for you are assuming personal responsibility for other individuals or you are placing judgment upon yourself, but if you are moving outside of these expressions, it matters not, and you may be creating quite efficiently.

Let me express to you one small example: An individual experiences fatigue within their day. They express within their thoughts, "I shall engage a nap." Subsequently they are experiencing conflict, for within them, they are also expressing a battle. "Shall I engage a nap? No! This is irresponsible and non-productive, and I must be continuing within my day and being productive." Now; in identifying that they are experiencing conflict - they wish to be engaging a nap, they are not engaging a nap - what shall be eliminating of their conflict? To be engaging a nap!

You need not move in the direction of in-depth evaluations. It is quite simple and it is very objective, and in this, there are no hidden traps! It is merely your objective identification of what offers you conflict and what does not offer you conflict, and as you practice in this, as I have stated, you shall be reinforcing your own acceptance of self. (15-second pause)

TOM: Can you tell me if I’m in a final focus?

ELIAS: Yes. This would be an expression or chosen focus, to be the final focus presently. This also, let me express to you, at times may be creating of certain elements of what you identify as conflict, for it is many times creating a restlessness within the individual - an impatience, so to speak - for there is an underlying knowing that you have chosen the expression of final focus, and there is an anticipation of movement into other areas once you have chosen to be disengaging of physical focus.

In this, this particular knowing many times couples itself with many different expressions of beliefs, which subsequently may be expressed objectively in the form, so to speak, of restlessness - or at times, lack of motivation, or at other times, an impatience - which may express itself in many different directions. (18-second pause)

TOM: Is there time for more questions?

ELIAS: You may continue.

TOM: In connecting - this is a question for my mom - with our larger or complete self, the avenues being raised create a reality that more constitutes less mass belief system involvement?

ELIAS: Let me remind you that you shall always be creating with the element of belief systems, but you may be creating in what we term to be movement outside of mass belief systems as you address to the aspects of these belief systems that you individually hold and neutralize those particular aspects. Therefore, they subsequently shall not be influencing of you any longer. In this, I express yes, it shall be efficient in your addressment to your own belief systems to be moving outside of the direction of mass belief systems and not allowing yourself the influence and affectingness of mass belief systems.

TOM: Then one of the elements that you change by doing that is time?

ELIAS: In widening your awareness and in recognizing that time is a relative creation and expression and is not absolute and is bendable and flexible, yes, you may be creating a wider perception in your understanding of the element of time and how it interplays, so to speak, with your creations within your belief systems, remembering that time, although being a mass expression, is also highly individualized in the same manner as perception. Therefore, in this you have presented a very good question, for in looking to the element of your creation of time within this dimension, you may equate it very similarly to perception.

Now; en masse you hold perceptions that you also hold individually, but you may alter your individual perception, and this may be influencing in the mass perception also. En masse you may create through the thickness of time certain elements of matter. You have created an accepted perception of time collectively, and in that, you also create a collective perception of certain elements within your reality. But you may also recognize that although you create a mass perception, you also create individual perception, and the individual perception may be different from the mass perception, and as you alter your individual perception, it shall also move you outside of the participation within the mass perception. (Pause)

TOM: A different topic: Has my brother Rick recently chosen a different probability for this focus?

ELIAS: He is choosing to be moving into different directions within his expression, and therefore, yes, choosing a different line of probabilities to be creating presently.

TOM: Do you have any specifics on that? You had mentioned that he had chosen to be cared for, for his entire focus. Is he moving away from that?

ELIAS: This individual has been moving in the direction of creating probabilities to be offering himself more information with regard to mass belief systems and his own alignment with these mass belief systems, and is presently beginning to be moving in the direction of a different line of probabilities as an example to himself and to other individuals of moving outside of aligning with the mass belief systems. In this, there is more of an acceptance of self and therefore an allowance of self to be creating efficiently outside of the mass beliefs.

Now; this individual has been creating outside of the officially accepted reality from the onset of this particular focus, but although creating outside of your officially accepted reality within your society, he has also been creating within the accepted beliefs and judgments concerning his choice to be creating outside of the societal expression.

Now he has chosen to be creating a new line of probabilities in which he incorporates some continued elements of desiring interaction in the area of caretaking, but is allowing his own acceptance of his own creation and not placing as much of an intensity in judgment upon his creations, therefore allowing more creativity and more of a wider movement within this focus. (Pause)

TOM: Do you have anything, Bridget? (No audible response) Elias, is my problem with reality that I don’t have any kind of wealth in this focus?

ELIAS: Let me express to you that this is a choice. You are leaning in a direction presently of creating this situation within your probabilities, but as always, I express to you and to all individuals that probabilities are not solid, that there is always the element for change and for different choices within any creation of any probabilities. Therefore, it is not absolute. But I shall express to you that you are creating a line of probabilities presently that moves you into a position of creating what YOU term to be much comfort for yourself and your choice for family in the area of financial expression.

TOM: As a spring-off to that, do you have a sense of why that would be significant for me, or why I’ve always felt so motivated in that direction?

ELIAS: This partially is a challenge that you have presented to yourself in your own acknowledgment of your ability to be creating.

Now; you hinder this partially - or in another manner of speaking, you create this situation with more difficulty than is necessary - by aligning yourself with the belief that you need be creating this in the manner of much effort, but I shall also express to you that your motivation in this area moves in a direction of validating to yourself that you do hold the ability to be creating of this type of situation regardless of your circumstances.

In this, you also equate an element of your worth with your productivity and with your outward expression. Therefore, if you are creating efficiently in objective terms, and you are creating in the direction that you may view objectively yourself - and others may also view - as successful, you may also equate yourself as worthy.

I express to you that this may at times present itself as a pitfall to you also, for if you are moving yourself in the direction too extensively of equating your worth with what you create, you may turn some of your issues and be reinforcing your own expression of duplicity, which may create other conflicts in other areas futurely.

TOM: Okay....

ELIAS: I am not expressing that you are wrong in your direction! I am encouraging you in your direction and expressing to you that there is no wrong element in the line of probabilities that you are choosing presently.

I am merely cautioning you for future expressions, that you be following with your desires - which are creating of your motivation - and not allowing yourself to be moving in the direction of your pitfalls of equating yourself and your worth with your creations, for your creations are merely your creations. They are choices and they are experiences. They are not the same as you.

TOM: Right. I think what you say is true. I associate the two together, and that makes me drive harder.

ELIAS: And in certain situations, this also may thwart your very efforts.

TOM: Right. I guess I feel like sometimes I push so hard that it seems like I’m getting diminished returns and making it not happen.

ELIAS: Quite! This is for the reason that you are moving yourself into your expression of equating yourself and your identification of yourself with what you produce, and they are not the same.

TOM: That definitely is a mass belief system.

ELIAS: You are correct, and this offers you another opportunity to view a mass belief system and to view your alignment with the mass belief system and to move outside of the mass belief system, recognizing that your worth is not dictated by your productivity and your creation within objective terms.

What you create within your physical focus is merely what you create. It is your experience within your physical focus, which follows your intent and your desire, but it is not the measurement of your worth or your identification.

TOM: Yeah, that’s definitely a strong belief system. A lot of our success is identified by who we are and where we sit in our status in society and so forth.

ELIAS: Quite. Be acknowledging of yourself in your accomplishments, and also be recognizing that your accomplishments are merely an expression ... and that you are perfect in yourself regardless!

TOM: Yeah, that’s the ideal.

ELIAS: (Chuckling) Aspire to this ideal! It may be also your reality! (Grinning, and a pause)

TOM: We want to know about that essence that’s waiting to come in.

ELIAS: (Chuckling, and Tom laughs) It continues to be awaiting your alignment with it, and has not chosen a different probability within this now! (Chuckling again)

TOM: Elias, is Bridget in her final focus? (Pause)

ELIAS: No. (Pause)

TOM: Can you expound on that?

ELIAS: This particular focus has not been chosen as a final focus and has not been designated as a final focus.

(To Tom) Now; let me express to you, this is not to say that as this individual chooses to be disengaging, (to Bridget) that you shall be reincarnating, for this is a belief system, and you yourself shall not be moving in the area of remanifesting, as you term this.

But you as this focus have not been designated as the final focus. Therefore, at your disengagement - at the choice of your disengagement - the other focuses of your essence shall not be moved into the position of creating the choice of either discontinuing their participation within this dimension or fragmenting. This is the designation of a final focus, that all of your focuses of essence which occupy this dimension shall also disengage or fragment at the time framework of your choice of disengagement.

TOM: Do you have anything else, Bridget? (No audible response) Well, that’s all the questions I have for today.

ELIAS: Very well. I shall be encouraging you in your new adventure with your partners, and I shall be reminding you to be examining self and the responses of self and engaging your no conflict scenario, and I shall be continuing to lend energy to you in encouragement.

I offer to you both this day great affection, and anticipate our next meeting. To you each, I bid you a very loving au revoir.

TOM: Au revoir.

Elias departs at 2:49 PM.

© 1999 Vicki Pendley/Mary Ennis, All Rights Reserved

Copyright 1999 Mary Ennis, All Rights Reserved.