Session 3037

The Continuous Regeneration of Body Consciousness


“The Continuous Regeneration of Body Consciousness”
“The Influences of Senses and How We Pay Attention to Them”
“Sparking Potential for Growth in Communities and Individuals”
“The Importance of Recognizing Attachments”

20110114 (3037)
“The Continuous Regeneration of Body Consciousness”
“The Influences of Senses and How We Pay Attention to Them”
“Sparking Potential for Growth in Communities and Individuals”
“The Importance of Recognizing Attachments”

Friday, January 14, 2011 (Private/Phone)

Participants: Mary (Michael) and Linda (Ruthanna)

ELIAS: Good morning!

LINDA: Good morning, it’s good to talk to you.

ELIAS: (Laughs) And you also. And what—

LINDA: [Inaudible], I don’t know why. You’d think after talking to you this many times, and as much as I chatter to you throughout the week, you’d think I wouldn’t get these flutters, but I still do. I don’t know if it’s just a rush of energy when we interact objectively?

ELIAS: (Laughs) I would express it is a combination of factors. One is excitement, another is anticipation, another is authority and a type of apprehension in relation to that factor. And when you combine these different expressions, it generates a type of anxiousness, but not necessarily bad.

LINDA: Okay. That sounds right, especially the authority. (Both laugh) I’m pretty sure that’s my god influence, despite calling myself an atheist. (Both laugh)

Well, I’m relaxed now. I think I’ll start with a relatively simple question in relation to Brenda and me both and the new wave concerning senses and creation. I’m wondering if she and I are going to be exploring healing as a part of that wave and maybe beyond that wave as well?

ELIAS: In what capacity?

LINDA: I think maybe more in personal experimentation. We’ve both had some success in playing around with our eyes, although that seems to stop. But we both have an interest in playing with energy. She’s been working some with Derek O’Neill and Stephanie Azaria, who do healing energies, and Brenda’s done it with me as well. And so I wonder if that was something we had the potential to play with, expanding abilities to heal ourselves—or change our bodies in the way it heals itself, I guess, is what I’m saying.

ELIAS: Yes. Quite definitely.

LINDA: Okay. So, pursuing it through this path with Derek O’Neill and Stephanie Azaria, would you suggest that would be a beneficial path to pursue?


LINDA: Okay. I had a… Scientifically, there are new developments. Scientists have discovered how to… I can’t remember if it’s triggering or working with this enzyme that apparently gets turned off or atrophies when we age, and it affects people’s hair greying and men balding and so forth. So I was wondering if we had the potential to play with that enzyme ourselves rather than waiting for scientists to get through experimenting on that, to do something with it?

ELIAS: Yes, you could.

LINDA: Okay. Do you have any suggestions beyond the energy games and the things we might be doing with Derek and Stephanie’s modalities?

ELIAS: I would express that in this time framework you can use this wave, in a manner of speaking, to your advantage. For you can use the energy of this wave and playing with your senses to aid you in different expressions in relation to the body consciousness, for your senses, in many capacities, are very tapped into the body consciousness.

And in that, you can also play with the non-absolute factor in relation to your senses, in relaxing them so to speak. Remember, as I expressed: your senses are one avenue of communication that are designed to input information in an absolute manner, and you, being accustomed to the input of your senses, accept the absoluteness of the input of them. But what they input is not absolute; it is merely that you do not question it as being anything other than absolute.

In this, remembering that your body consciousness is continuously regenerating—which it is—it can allow you to override some of the absoluteness of your senses, such as your sense of sight. As you age, your body consciousness is continuously reforming itself, which is also a physical indicator that your body consciousness is continuously changing, and it IS regenerating.

You do not express that association of regeneration necessarily, for what you do is you generate an assessment that within the first fifteen to twenty years of your existence in physical focus, you associate with regenerating and growth, that the changes that your body consciousness expresses are good and are regenerating and are growing, therefore enhancing. But—from approximately the age of twenty and for the rest of your existence within physical focus, which may be another seventy or eighty years, all of those years you express an association that now your body consciousness is not growing any longer and it is not REgenerating, it is DEgenerating. And you generate this association that your body consciousness is degenerating every moment, every year, for the entirety of the rest of your existence—which is actually not correct and is not true.

Your body consciousness is continuously changing, and it is continuously regenerating. In actuality, in a cellular manner, your body consciousness replaces and regenerates every cell in your physical body and generates cycles with every cell—INCLUDING YOUR BRAIN, contrary to your sciences that express that certain brain cells and functions die and do not regenerate. In actuality, your brain DOES regenerate, and in that, it is generating the same action as the rest of your body consciousness.

Now; what is a significant factor is tied to your senses and what you are taught. Therefore, as you approach a time in your existence at approximately twenty years of age, you generate this assessment that you are no longer growing.

Now; growth, in that association, is related to functions and appearance and size. And in that, you evaluate a certain process of growing. You do not include regenerating in relation to growth. Therefore, once you generate the assessment that you have stopped growing, you also generate an association that you stop regenerating and you start DEgenerating.

In this, it is very incorrect as to the actual functioning, but it does generate a very strong significance in the reality that your perception creates. Therefore, it creates more of your attention being directed to influences of your beliefs that support DEgenerating. You begin to see your body consciousness differently. You FEEL it differently. You even hear it differently. You can even smell it differently. In this, your senses are a definite influencing input in relation to your perception of DEgenerating rather than REgenerating.

Regardless that you ARE regenerating, it matters not. It matters not that you physically can see that your hair continues to grow. That growth process is not included in the growth process of the body consciousness; therefore, that is irrelevant and insignificant. What you pay attention to is the evidence of the association of degeneration; therefore, you pay attention if you notice that your hair is falling out. Your hair is replaced from the moment that you begin generating it as an infant. You are continuously losing hair and regenerating hair, but you do not pay attention to that process of regeneration within the growth years.

You begin to pay attention to that within the years that are NOT considered growth years as evidence of DEgeneration. Now you are losing hair, and you are paying attention to that, and you are reinforcing that association and those influences of beliefs of degenerating. And the more you pay attention to it and the more you concentrate upon it, the more it occurs.

Just as other aspects of your senses, as you age you generate an association from what you have learned and what your own senses input in relation to how you interact with other individuals that are older than you. Therefore, you designate that there will be a certain time framework in which your senses begin to input less effectively, that they will function less effectively in like manner to ALL of your body consciousness: your eyesight will become less functioning, your hearing will become less functioning, your sense of smell and taste will become duller.

Conversely, your sense of touch will become more sensitive. But you view that in a negative association also, that if your sense of touch becomes more sensitive, you will be more sensitive to pain, and that also is very much associated with degeneration.

Therefore, in this wave you incorporate what could be viewed as somewhat of an advantage, for you can use the energy of this wave and you can actively play with your own senses in inputting different information or questioning the information that IS being inputted; therefore, paying more attention to what your senses are communicating to you and questioning how absolute that actually is.

One of your most active senses, but one that you would not necessarily view as a primary sense, is your sense of touch. You view your primary senses to be that of sight and hearing; those are the senses that you pay the most attention to. But in actuality, your sense of touch actually inputs more information than either of those other two senses, for your sense of touch is constantly engaged. It is not only engaged when you physically generate contact with an object; your sense of touch is being stimulated and inputting information in relation to temperature, in relation to energy of all types.

In this, your actual skin is inputting information in relation to energy continuously. When you enter a room and another individual is present in that room, your skin inputs information to you in relation to what energy the other individual is expressing. Even without an individual in the room when you enter a room, or ANY area, your skin is inputting data in relation to what energy is surrounding you, and that influences your perception, which influences how you feel.

LINDA: It’s interesting that you go in that direction because Brenda has been having a really serious problem in regard to her work and sensitivity to flour, which is not very convenient when you’re a baker, and she’s developed what they are telling is baker’s asthma. She has rashes and blisters and sores in her eyes and then has traditional asthma symptoms. Is this like a temporary thing that’s she’s experiencing in relation to the wave, or is it…? I mean, I know in part it’s her creation, but she’s trying to figure out what she is doing and what’s she’s signaling to herself.

ELIAS: Is it temporary? This is dependent upon her and what she does with it. This is an example of outside influences that are very affecting and how easily you as individuals accept those outside influences as absolute and reinforce them and concentrate upon them. And I will express to you that, in relation to any of your senses and any affectingness with any of your senses, you do pay attention. This is one expression in your existence that is very strong, and difficult not to pay attention to. Your senses are designed in a manner to be constantly inputting information to you in relation to your environment, what you are doing and what is around you, and therefore offering you a reference point, in a manner of speaking, of how to engage your own choices.

What is a difficulty with your senses is the extreme time factor of conditioning, so to speak, that you have been taught in HOW to pay attention to your senses and how to be alerted by your senses—which is one of their functions, to alert you, but that has been generated in excess and extreme. And what you do with that is allow yourself to incorporate the input of your senses in a manner that triggers fear. Whether it be with physical manifestations or loss of function, it matters not—or even an enhanced function that you may view as negative: an acute or oversensitivity to sound, or light, or oversensitivity of touch. Even enhancements of senses are viewed in a negative manner.

Now; in this, what she is experiencing and allowing is a presentment of what she is inputting to herself. And in this time framework, that can be somewhat more so expressed, for in this time framework in general, individuals en masse express more fear in relation to more subjects. She is engaging a subject in baking, which is in mass expression presently being perceived as incorporating negative elements, that grains are no longer neutral or even good but now grains incorporate negative properties.

Now, let me express to you, regardless of what you do and regardless of what you believe, this is not to say that mass expressions are not affecting in some capacity. The more aware you are, the more you can choose how much you allow mass expressions to be affecting of you.

Now; in this, the properties that are used to generate bread are the very components that mass expressions are defining as harmful.

Now; whether you are a baker that actually believes that it is harmful to be ingesting wheat flour or not does not negate that there is an influence of that mass expression.

Now; couple that with the development of fears of individuals that engage that environment, and it creates an enhancement of that situation and of what you can possibly develop and express, and how you can actually affect the body consciousness.

Let me express to you, my friend, how does this develop? It develops by one individual in one time framework that is dissatisfied with what they are doing in baking bread, and in that dissatisfaction and in their discomfort in doing what they are doing, they perhaps create some physical manifestation.

Now; once that one individual creates a physical manifestation in relation to what they are physically doing, other individuals notice. They pay attention. What do they do? They input through their senses. They see. They hear. They feel through their sense of touch that energy, and it is being inputted in an absolute manner. Therefore, they react.

And what they do is they begin to question. If this individual developed this, and is expressing that this environment and these properties are the cause, it is possible that I may be affected also. And through time, that develops more and more. Initially, it develops mostly with individuals that are dissatisfied with what they are doing, therefore they are more inclined and more likely to develop similar manifestations and symptoms. Eventually, with the interplay of your senses, it is no longer necessary for that to be a factor, for eventually it becomes a situation in which it is absolutely accepted that if you engage a certain environment with certain properties, it is very likely—if not almost absolute—that you will develop certain physical manifestations in conjunction with that environment.

LINDA: So Brenda probably then shouldn’t interpret developing that condition as an indicator that she is dissatisfied with what she’s doing?

ELIAS: No, not necessarily, but that it is a very strongly expressed mass association, and it is being reinforced by her senses. And once you begin to develop some physical manifestation yourself, your own senses reinforce that association even more. For now you are engaging the experience, and your own senses are inputting that absolute information in a more concentrated manner.

LINDA: Okay. Those two questions are very interrelated, and I’m going to give it… A lot to think about.

I think what’s been confusing, especially for Brenda, we’re both still in this moment in which we’re still considering moving somewhere different, me to a different political science job and her to opening a bakery, and we haven’t made, what’s at least to us, very concrete progress. I’ve applied to several different jobs, and she’s applied to one and is still playing with the idea of her own bakery, but nothing concrete has materialized yet. And so I guess we’re both looking for signals from the sky, lightning bolts (both laugh) or information that’s pointing us in ways, maybe being oversensitive to information we’re receiving.

So, maybe that would be the next question I ask. In terms of this place or movement we’re wanting to create, are we making progress and we’re just anticipating too much, looking for concrete indicators too much?

ELIAS: Yes. And I would also express to both of you in different imagery, but you also can benefit from the more physical imagery that she engages, incorporating herself as an example and with this physical manifestation, in generating her own environment, her own bakery, she can develop and create the environment that SHE wants and that is flowing with her own energy, and not necessarily being influenced by outside sources that include much of these negative associations and negative influences. She can design and develop her own environment in a capacity that flows with her much more so, and therefore buffer out these outside influences.

You also can generate the same in relation to your direction and your participation. Whether it be in teaching or in another capacity in relation to that environment, it is a matter of you creating the environment that is conducive to you and allows a free flow of your own, rather than you fitting yourself into an established environment and fitting yourself to that mold. Regardless that you may engage an establishment, that is not to say that you cannot create your own environment that is conducive to your own flow within it.

LINDA: I feel like in the position I currently have that, to a large extent, I’ve been rather successful in doing that, in creating the flexibility and the priorities that are important to me, and drawing people to me that do the component of the work that I’m not as interested in that’s not as fun to me, and creating partnerships in my current position and looking out and wanting to move to a different location.

I think I’ve identified another place in which there would be that potential, which is somewhat unusual in this profession, just looking at it as an external environment. And I’m wondering if my perception of the Wilder School in Richmond, at the Virginia Commonwealth University, is one of those potential places in which there would be a structure that I would have the flexibility to do what I want to do?


LINDA: Okay. And also, Brenda and I have sort of… I can’t concretely say how it evolved, but we’ve sort of identified this area, I guess it would be mid-Atlantic, that would include D.C., Maryland, the Virginia area, the Appalachian Mountains and North Carolina as an area we’ve been drawn to and that resonates with us. Is that just wishful thinking, or…?


LINDA: Is our sentiment correct in that?

ELIAS: Yes. I would agree.

LINDA: Okay.

ELIAS: And I would agree that there is, in some capacity, significant potential for growth.

LINDA: Okay.

ELIAS: Which would be an outward expression of reflecting what you are also addressing to inwardly, in turning your attention from degenerating to regenerating, and from a lack of growth into a continuation of growth.

LINDA: Oh, that’s very interesting. Okay.

ELIAS: For I would express that in some of these areas, the physical environment reflects that perception of a lack of growth and an expression of degeneration, and there is a tremendous potential for infusing a new inspiration for growth and for regenerating in many areas in that general location that you are expressing about.

LINDA: Okay. Do you have any specific advice for us in terms of the next steps we take?

ELIAS: I would suggest that in paying attention to yourselves and paying attention to that revitalizing, regenerating growth energy, that you pay attention to physical areas and environments that you can match to that, that you pay attention to physical areas that may initially seem somewhat more depressed but that would greatly benefit from the same movement that you are inwardly generating.

LINDA: So if they’re in that… even if it’s a depressed environment, there would be that sense or that energy as potential?


LINDA: Like I’ve been to places like Binghamton, New York, and it was so depressed that I didn’t have a sense that there was that vitality or energy potential underlying it. I don’t know if that makes sense?

ELIAS: Yes. I am understanding. What I am expressing is that you may notice in some locations in physical environments that surfacely it may appear somewhat depressed and expressing a lack of growth, but that you will also notice that you will sense that potential and somewhat of a hunger for inspiration; that in like manner to yourselves or to individuals, communities can also move in directions in which they become somewhat stuck, for they express difficulty in generating an inspiration to allow them to discover how to grow or to move forward or to change. But in like manner to yourselves, at times it is merely a matter of introducing a new element which can inspire and therefore spark that potential for growth and for new movement and development.

The willingness is present, but the inspiration may be lacking, therefore [it may have] the potential but the surface appearance of a lack of growth, or the surface appearance of being somewhat depressed.

LINDA: Okay. That will be interesting to consider. I’m making notes. I have to pass all this on to Brenda. (Elias laughs)

Okay. Let me move into a selfish mode while we have a few minutes remaining. I’ve realized I’ve been exploring the structure of relationships probably for a long time, maybe a lifetime. And I’m wondering, it seems like I’m discovering right now, certainly being alone is comfortable for me, and most of my life I’ve been in a committed, monogamous relationship. And I’m wondering if I’m presenting to myself information that a traditional relationship is no longer what’s most comfortable or natural to me, and maybe that part-time relationships or maybe multiple part-time relationships are more natural to me?

ELIAS: I would agree.

LINDA: Okay. So, has it always been that way and I’ve just ignored this information, or is this a transition for me?

ELIAS: It is not necessarily a matter of ignoring. I would express yes, this has always been a natural expression for you. And it is not necessarily a matter of ignoring; it is a matter of attachments. It is a matter of what you have been taught, what you have learned, and therefore what is within your experience and what is not within your experience.

And in this, what is not within an individual’s experience is generally foreign to them and does not necessarily spark questioning until the individual includes some part, or some aspect of an experience, that can lead them into a different direction. Therefore, such as yourself, you have moved throughout your lifetime in the experiences that are influenced by your own attachments, which are what you have been taught and what you have learned in association with relationships.

In that, the concept of NOT incorporating a particular type of relationship has not been within your repertoire. It has not been a part of your portfolio. It is not part of your experience, until the point when you chose to disengage a relationship, which generated you being in a different position and you, in that position, experiencing yourself and actions outside of relationships, which offered you a new glimpse of a different type of experience.

It is not that that experience in potential was not always a part of your natural expression, but that you have not allowed yourself to discover that part of your natural expression—which I would also express to you is not unusual.

There are many aspects of attachments that individuals express that are so familiar to them throughout their experiences in their lifetime that in different capacities they incorporate no objective concept of any other type of experience other than what they have always engaged. And that can be expressed in many, many different capacities, not merely relationships or types of relationships. This can apply to any subject. But it is very strongly related to how you engage attachments.

This is the reason that it is so significantly important that individuals generate that ability to identify what attachments are—not that they will always change them. Individuals in many situations may recognize when they do identify what their attachments are that they like them and that they want them in play, but that they are also recognizing that they incorporate more freedom of choices in recognizing what their attachments are. But there are also many situations in which an individual may recognize an attachment and subsequently also recognize that it is not a natural flow for them, and that they are not actually genuinely comfortable or satisfied, and therefore not genuinely happy in expressing that attachment.

LINDA: That sounds like what I’ve definitely been going through for the last eight years.

ELIAS: I would agree.

LINDA: Is there anyone out there like me?

[The timer for the end of the session rings]

ELIAS: Yes, there are MANY, many, many individuals, and there are more and more individuals that are recognizing this now, for they are recognizing these attachments rather than merely, in a manner of speaking, accepting their lot in life.

LINDA: That’s encouraging to hear. And speaking of hearing, my sense of… I was trying to see if I could make time bend itself and the timer not go off (Elias laughs), and here it is. There was second when I didn’t hear it, but I heard it faintly in the background. I suppose we should end it (Elias laughs) and save questions for the next time.

ELIAS: Very well. I shall greatly be anticipating of that, my friend. (Chuckles)

LINDA: I shall as well, and I’m sure we’ll be interacting in the meantime.

ELIAS: As always, yes.

LINDA: Well, great, I appreciate talking to you. It’s always incredibly inspiring.

ELIAS: And to you also, my friend, I express tremendous affection as always and a tremendous encouragement to you. Offer my greetings to your sibling.

LINDA: I will, and she sends her love as well.

ELIAS: Until our next meeting, my dear friend, au revoir.

LINDA: Thank you. ‘Bye.

(Elias departs after 1 hour 1 minute)

©2011 Mary Ennis. All Rights Reserved.

Copyright 2011 Mary Ennis, All Rights Reserved.